Newspaper Page Text
THE CAERE DAILY TIMES. MAT 22, 1907. GO TO E. FOH PLUMBING Steam and Hot Air Heating, Lawrence Floor and , House -Paints, Varnish Stains and Japalac, Muresso for Whitewash ing, f Garden Rakes and Wheelbarrows. . DEPOT SQUARE, BARRE, yT BUSINESS CARDS. 1 1 TAYLOR, DOCTOR OF OPTICS ' to. 9 Morse Block, Mala St., Barrt ', Every Monday and Tuesday. Office Hour: a a. m. to 12 m. 1:31) to 4 and T to p. m. PRICES VERY REASONABLE. H. H. LEWIS, 0, Y. S, Veterinary Sureeon. Graduate of Western Veterinary Collegsv Of fice : F rater & Jnhnsbia' Stobl. Be., S4 Fearlst. Telephone J7-a. DR. GEORGE D. WARREN, utewmi.t mm. Office: Page Brothers" Livery Stable. Residence: City Hotel. Tel' 106-4. DR. C. 1$. KENTt Dcntiit. MILES' BLOCK, Ttlepbon at OSIm and at EMldeaca. DR. LEWIS D. MARTIN, CBTEOraTBIC tHt B1CIAS. Off.e Ib Euom H, MIIm' Building. Ofllo toon, 4. m. to 12 m. and IM tu 4 p. uu Uoa tsy, turner, Thursday and Friday. Xelephoot Connection. A. J. PARQUET. Blacksmith, Horscsfioer anJ Jobber. Two good Ho.-eshoeni. Shop removed from Eeminary street to 30 Summer street, Birrs. " .TEACHilGL ASC0MPiHTlH5 .SOLO PUTiHS MISS MARY E. LEASE, Organist I'niveriallsi Church, Barre. tudent la New Fugland Conservatory of Matte, Boston. I'nder Mr. C. F. Ix-unee, fun., Mr. II. M. Dunham, Orga. 30 Summer Street, . - Barre. Vt. SCIENTIFIC HORSE SHOEINS. Fpeedy catting, knee cutting, Interfering, forging.'stumbling and cro nriug positively eured. A U diseases of tliehorse'a feet treatai with good, success. Veterinary medicine iut "1 I KclEDD, Registered Horse Shoer. (bop on Seminary Suset, - - Barra. Vt ELECTRIC WIRING g ELECTRIC HEATERS. y ELECTRIC FIXTUKtS. g g ELECT KIC SUffULJ. 3 I STANDARD ELECTRIC CO., f W. W. fll'IOLt. a U 17 Kertk Ria Strut. ' tint, Vcrmoat. j LIVERY, FEED AND ' TRAINING STABLE Training Colts a spe- t cialty and Satisfactioa , ... guaranteed ! " H. C. YOUNG, Tel. 112-22. WillUmstown, - - Vt. Merchant Tailoring Alio Cetning, Preiiing tod Repiiring. MOORE c OWENS, 122 Rerta Ktla SU Bitrt, Vermnt 0. SICKLE, MERCHANT TAILOR T.adlea' and Gentlemen' Tur Coat Kepalred and btored. d;' nj O nlinrrii'. iruieii fllrnned liy fata, prrooed ,nd iljred. llopali inir n'ii'ly lout. UtUrr lijr mull will recciva iriuipt t irbUvn. Depot Square. Barre. Vt THE NEW NORTHERN HOTEL 327 Rarih Main St., Earre, Newly fitted up throughout, is now open for business. Nice, large and well-lighted rooms and good table. Terms, J2.00 a. Dajr. J. B. SANGUINETTI, - - Prop. .Antizltid Cures RHEUMATISM For Sale by E, A. Prowo. h i 1 i ; f fs lit t- 4'1 t A i ) LiJ J A. PRINDLE YOUR Fur Repairing! Now is the time to have your Furs repaired and remade. . V All Furs brought to us for repairing' will be stored during the summer free of charge. , -SATISFACTION RANTEED; - ' I.- STEKOLCHIK ; (Entninceihrpuga'WhesUWy's Store.) Corner Slate and Malif SfrsrcJs iMoa tp e ! ie r. ill Having purchased twenty five horses and intending to car on or about April 29, and having some very good horses Jor Farm andGsntleman Drivers,- would be willing, to: sell dr exchange until that date: Also one heavy grey team ".weigh- V; E BExby, ..East Barre, Vt. Telephone on People's Line or New England Line. Call 41-5 or l 4. Boxing Boards FORSALE $18.00 a thousand for small lots. Lower price in 50,000 lots. Inquire of W. D. Smith at Smith &c Cumings market ATTENTION We beg leave to notifiy -the public in general that we haye f opened .a fif6t-cTass"CIeanu)2l . Pressing-, Re pairing and Dyeing Shop. Ladies' and gents1 garmenrs citeined, pressed,, repaired and , dyed, Furs repaired, remodeled and stored.-. Ladies' skirts made to order..; ; All furs .brought rto us for repairing will be stored during the summer free of charge.;? Prices lowv Satisfaction guaranteed. . BARRE CLEANING AND DYEING CO. Eastman Block, One Flight Up, . 182 North Mala Street, Barre, Vt. Bar and Fixtures FOR SALE. ; In First-Class Condition! WILL SELL CHEAP. HENRY BISSON East Batrc, Vermont. TIP TOP Most Popular Cigar in Barre GEO. U. MARRION, CORNER CIGAR STORE. Mileage Books on all Road .t CIGAR. TO KEEP BABY WELL Follow Advice As to , Food Given By ' .. Experts on Baby Care. ' ' 1 W'li'ciS ihd baby )o nor tlinrc oft nu tt)oaLiniik r )iw it U nfM'sKiirv fo bVil)-niuiti uitifn:ial iupii for tin motiier' nliik, t lie )hvsiiiau liould ahvHyB Vie tioiwultt'il. - " ' ' 1 Mmlilind inifk U ipconiiiirinlcd liy ex pei'U -on thp f'oiiiii of balmw, ami 'the siiupJest' ami not reliuhle nd inpxiicn sive way jpf inolifyiiij. nii-Jk is with the use of .iusstfoott.: '. " ; , It wqiiiiv no "cooking, nnik( frsali milk jM'ifeetly 5 tiijiCHtihlt', and contains the requiied LVric and tootb-forming ma teriiil. ' ' : Ordinary milk xhould not be ust'd for baby, while fpling with condensed miik often result in gwious disorders, requiring the ue of iime water or some other chfinical, to secure the retention of the food. A baby living upon 'Justfood always holds it down, as it J physically the same as mother's nii'k. Uoe'of this food repilaten the bowel perfectly, pb iatin) the need of medicine. ' i ' At all. drt!g)!ita. Sample pHckage,.86it free. Justfood Co., CO J. Franklin street, Syracuse, N, V. : ; . .,., ';. Unneces8ary Suffering. ' An'i a,pf7. without funds jnanaged jn some way to pet a sectmd class ticket on a line of steanislripsi running from Seattle to San ,Francisco, The voyage consumed the bxtter part of three days, and in view of the fact that his finances were, at low ebb he solved the question in this wayr The. Hrt day out he slept all day to keep from eating and remain ed up all night to keep from sleeping. The second day he took phytic! culture exercise.', . - . , On tli third ady lie could not taud the strain any longer and he, went down in the dining room and ordered the best meal on board' the boat. While eating the meal be could see in 'hi mind's eye a picture of a cell in the baU!e in San Franijsco. After fiinishing bin meal he said to the waiter, "How much do I owe youT" "Nothing " replied the waiter, your meals are included in your ticket. Phil adelphia 1'ublie Ledger.1 Resolution Where - it has been the will of the Divine Master to call to a Higher Order, Our Si-ier flora Oorg, and whereat 1y her death we have been deitrivcd of a highly ftecmed member, therefore bu hv ,r. ; k - "' ' : ;-V " ' Resolved, that we. niemlier of Wa-ih-iiigtou Crange, while' realizing the lo we have ' sustained, feel that our' loss i her gain, and Inw in 'humble, ' sub niksion to. 'the w ill of One w ho 'Joeth all thinjr well. ' Keolved,. that we cvtend to the be (ca'('4 amily' of our deceased Siter Our : heartfelt ' sympathy and commit them to the care of a tie and merciful Clod whoriff love unround u all. Kewlved that a copy of the re olutioni lie preiMitei to the family, and placed upon the records of the grange and ent to the liarre Daily Time lur publitation. A. E. Whittomb Ma M. Whttcomb F, .11. Perkini Committee. Fortunate Father nd Son. I am a- certain a J now live, ay Mr. C. E. lUithohmiew, Kalkaska, Midi., that Vr. David Kennedy's Favorite Kern- edy, of Rondoiit, X. ., paved my life when I was a victim of that terrible dis order liright' litcae. My ?on had a fever oro on hi leg; lie too ued Favor ite Kemedv and it now well. All drug gittt, $1.0(); 6 bottle, $3.00. KSTATK OF ANTHONY IOVANXLt r KTATKOF VKKMONT. ) 111 Vrolxil I'ourt lilMrkt "f W.isliniit on. I belli in MomiH'l-ii-r, In nd fnraii l)luict, on Uio 2a dy if 'Apfil. A. I. tt. ' ' i tniiMtt Matni ifiirrariy K.mmta GiOTtnelll) Auniuu-iiAtni d Ijui,iu non of th rtt of Antlnaiy tiiovanelll. I.itoof tlie' ity i)f llrr,iii Kild itrh't.teeaMNt. prflwau her admtniittr tiunacvimiit for exivoiliittinnsnd hIIowhiko. nil nuitivt anlietin tor a decree of iliMritMiti.Mi sml imrliiiiin til the estate of alit derea.eit. -Wln'tKiil'im it l ur(errt 1y Wtlrt mrt that aid aiM'otuit ami mud MptiliaitKii lie rrf-rrv( tit a iwMilon tliriMif, t b held nt th I'ro liaUi Ortlce, in Hid Montpclirr. uu lhi 'Mth rlav of Mjv, A. 1. 'Mi1. for hearing nt decision tlirnin. And it la fnrlhw ordered that notion hereof lie gien to all pornoiit Intrenteil ty imlilimtion of the naini1 tiire wei-k niii'eewtivc'. IV In the Ham IMilly Time, a newpaipr puh IIrIikiI at Harre 'lty, iu this htute, previu tu nld time appointed for hearing, that the may appear at luitd time and place and how cau-ie II any they may have, why aaiil account nhoulil not tie allowed and audi decree made. Hy Uie Court. Atteat. H1KAM CAKLETON, Judge. WcJ May a-1.V"J Cor. lltK Sir and Unlvaralty rM (One block trom Broadway Cart. ) THE NEW . t NEW YORK .... 'A Modern Flf:; PROOP tloiel a dinin room that ia Unur tee; 0 rxi-eileot tnwt a' J fmxlerate prices. Sperial Club Bruakfaatt, ie, 53t, SOe I.nnches, and our 1'amoua Couma Dtnncra, 75c , ROOMS, $L0O WITH PRIVATE BA7H. $2.00 WITH DETACHED BATH, $l.SO Quin and Comfort! Within easy waiting dittance of the Great lirtment Stvrw. i'.w amaker's. two minutes; Sieel-Gxi'ier's, ei'Tt miimte-i, eto ac cms toa'l Triii'i 'if inU'rc&t. Mto clew to WllOl.Eli.Lli DI-SHUO-. The Best Hotel Value in New York City Caila Bwk af K.w York City wat FREE, aa rMawt G0AF19 union HOTEL Opposite Grand Central Station NEW YORK CITY. ROOMS SI a Day an i apward Pnntirage to and from sta tion free.. Oulilebook and roan of New York citv free on recipt of 2-cent atamp. Antizltia Cures SORE THROAT For Sale by Rickert & Wells. Nurses' Directory. Trained Nurses can bc'hadfcy ap plying to the Knicrgency Hospital, day or niaht. Tel caUl 319-2. Hotel Albert ABOUT THE STATE, Items of Interest Gleaned Fro Our . Exchanjes. " . . ; r Mi-oMntihn Fair, widow' ah tli late 'f'lifiiun.j l'.ur, died S.iliirday evening at iliu home or Iib cla ughter, Mrs. Wcsite in lirauthm.' Imviltjc "Kchod the age of '',' earn. Shi' ii , ,-ui v j cil . by. tivo , koha, Cliarle of I'itlifonim, and t-edigr? r,f fhig town, and one daughter, Mrs. Jannette Kolfn, and a aiater, Alia. Roberts, who alao resides wuli Mis, Kolfe. - The oldest railroad expres rui-it-i'iigcr in.,N'ew England, in point of aervioq, arjd one who ia tiil hale and hearty ut'Mjhe age of BT, ii I?ibcrt J. Irwin of' Bulling ton. Mr. Irwin has been in active and continuum aervice for 4.1 years, running between Burlingtou and Boston, and y tcrday took up bis duties on a new and aomehat hlmrter route, between Bur lington and St. Johns, P. (J. During hi service tn the road he , has traveled about 60,000 miles a year.'.,' . 'A Prof.' fieorgc II.. Perkins, utate oeoto- gis-t, will 'aail from' Boaton on the White Star line teamct Romanic June 8 for an extended trip abroad. He will first visit the Awire and fiibraltar .while en nyite for Xaple. and will then go to Veau viua," where ' he. M ill spend some time at inlying the volcano. Later, l'rofeisior Perkins wilL viit ti Italian lakes, Switzerland, and thane through north ern Europe to Paris, London and nlltcr cities. lie will then (to to Scotland, re turning to America in September. Mr. Perkins will make the trip purely for pleasure. 0. State ' Tennis Tournament August, 13. Tho national tennia association has assigned the Vermont state tennU tournament to the grouud of the Old Pine (Jolf club at St. Jolinabury in the week of Auguit 33. This will lai the seventh consecutive acajou that St. Johnisburv ha had the tournament. - The lOW. tournament had tltirty en tries, the contestant coming from eight college, and aevcral N'ew England preparatory achords. Slout of hint year'n players are phtnuing to onter the next tournament, and f-'emp P,u, who won the championship cup in 1905, will play to win and secure the cup. During the week numerous social function,, both at the club houe and elsewhere, will be held, and the- .tournament promiaea to be the' largest in number of entries and in attendance of vKilms in the his tory of tennis event Sn Vermont. ( ,',, A PLANT THAT, COUGHS. , Its Way of Freeing Itself From Coat- i .? , ing of ..Dtsert Sand. . ' "F heard a congh and looked 'behind me: nervously " said! the huntsman, "for 1 wa 'stalking 'gazelle in that lion- covered waste, the 'Sahara' DeAertv and having 'gotten Tathef' too far south,'! expef'ted at any moment to be a pin cushion for the poHoned uarts of the dread Touareg. Rut there was no one there. The flat desert quivered iu the aunsine, and here and there ft dusty plant stood wear ily. Rut though 1 commanded the land cape for a radiu of fifty mile, not a living creature wua iu aight. Another cough. ' I swung around miicklv. Tho same nlant. vellow with dust, drooped in the dry heat. That waa all. ',, "'Hack!. Track !'.;. "fin mv left tlii time. I nwung around again. A like plant met ray eye. 1 he thing was growing rather ghastly. '"Aa I regarded thi lat plant a cough came front it. Paiiieve, lue, the plant coughed. It shook all "over, and then tightening up a a man doe when he i alxuit to aneeire it gave a violent cough, and a little cloud of dust arose. "I found out afterward that the plant waa the coughing bean, which i com mon in many tropical countries. In the long, . dry . heat, this weird growth' pore, become choked with dust, and it would die of ' MilTocatinn were it not that o powerful ga accumulate inside it, which, wl;n it gains tulticuuit plea sure, explode with a sound precisely like a luiigh. The exi)lnion ishakes the plant pore free of their dot and the coughing bean i in. good health again. From the New Ui leans Time-Democrat. M. D. "Hackman. Raymond Hitchcock. : the comelian, who ia now" on a starring tour through the West, wa recently invited a the guest of honor to the Country Club, about five mile outride of San Fran cisco, after the performance. As Mr. Hitcheix'k knew from previous exper ience that a cabman would a-k a fortune to carry him out to the club, he looked up the address of a physician near the theatre, and after the close of the nhow be- vt'nt , around and, rang the bell. The doctor opened the diior periomilly, and .Hitchcock .'aid : ," ''Dncto'i1, you're wanted. iuitiie.liuUly out near the Country Chl Can you come .right away?" - ' "Certainly. tit'. atep inside a iiioiiicot vliile I 'phone for. my ant. c'll lie there in ft jiffy.- It was a good five mites to the Country club, dust beyond atood a clus ter of suburban homes. ' "The yellow house on the left there." said Hitchcock, aa he got out of the machine. "Ry the way, 1 forgot to ak you the amount of your fee." "Four dollars." said the doctor. . The comedian peeled off four one dollar bill and passed them to the docl or. "That will Ih all, thank you, doctor. None of those pirate hackmen would take me out here for less than fifteen." Harper's Weekly. Don't Pay Alimony to be divorced from your appendix. Thtte will be no occasion tur it if you keep votir bowel regular with- Dr. Kings New l.ifa Pills. Their action is o gen tle that the appendix never has cause to make th" least, complaint. Guaranteed hy Red 'Cros Pharmacy. 25c. Try them. . 1 Notice. Having toekcd the brook known a the Martin in Wiliaitiatoun on that part of the hind I own mid lease, this ia to give notice that hunting, trap ping and lishing will riot be allowed .on an id land or brook. ' , ,. , . .. C. A. Faulger. Willianist'iivn, May 1, RMT. , NOTICE. This is to wain all pe-soin not t trnt or hartmr mv wile. Miry IjBuimiy, en my c Cniintafler this date, liranitevilla, Vt . May 21st. l'.i l". NIP IT IN THE BUD. First Appearance at Dandruff Fore runner of Future BaUneaa. That such fs the case baa been con clusively proven by scientific research. lYof. TJnna, the noted European akin specialist, declares that dandruff Is the "burrowed-up cuticle of the scalp, caused fcy parasites deatroyingr the vitality in the hair bulb. The hafr betftimeg lifeless, and. In tlma, falla out. .Thia can be- pre vented. Newbro's JTerpfclde IcHls this danflruft Kerm, and reatores the hair to Ha natural aoftneas and abundancy. Ilerplcida ta now tiwd by thousands of people-aU aatlsfled that It is the mo.t wonderful hair preparation on the mar ket to-day. . Sold by leadtup dniFfflBts. fiend JOc. In atnmps for sample to The Herplclde Co., petrolt. Mich. Two ttiitet S eenta and $1.00. E. A. Drown, Special Agent HOUSE FOR SALE. There ia bo place like a home you can call your own, and the above saying applies to this "property especially. Hero la one of the most beautiful places ou the F.encli estate which lias just been put on the market. Situated on 1'raiiklin atreet, one of tlifr best lesidential ggeeta in the city, not a tenement house on it, beat ot neigbbora. and a property that can be old at any time by buyer. On this property yen can re1(M your caali for it. with a hand aome proSt on w'uat it can be bought for, aa it In net be sold this month. This house la aitua td on a large lot tno clayj. plenty of shrub bery, apple and clierry tieea, currant busliee, ftrapa vines, etc., la full two stories with spa cious attio, the Iieat of c.ullars. heavy wall, large, broad piazza, 12 ft.- wide, front ball 1'J x 14 ft,, round parlor, (lining-room, kitchen, pantry and woodshed. Four large, airy sleep ing rooms with closets and larjfo batli-nxiin up alalia. Kvery door in house heavy birch veneer, hard wood floors In every room. All hard wood finish done in the most artlstte style known to modern architecture. This bonus is not built after the old alyle. of a dry goods box, but, the vary latest design, something that ia artistic and attractive-. If you buy this honse you can reut rooms for fid per month and then have anoint h for your own family. Now do not run ?ivay with the idea that it will cof t too much, or you can buy it as cheap aa yuu could a less jcpennive house, aa the owner i bound to sell now. If you have a cheaper cnttage or tene ment and you think it is not quite sood enough for yon. or a ainall fatin or tun tier Tot, I would uiko oltlier In exchanga and cl plenty of time for kilanee. 1 would be pluaseit to show yuit tltroufrh the Ihmjso at any time. Bring your wife along and look it ever. Ketnember this ia a new boute, built last fall. For further particulars call at 77 Franklin street, or tele phono 443-4. Cottage House FOR SALE rentntlly located. Pteam best, electric lights, hot and cold water, set tabs and all modern conveniences... . Anyone denning a home il llud this is an opportunity and a bargain, iu quire of W.' It. Had ley, 10 Spsuliliug' atreot, from 1 to 6 T. SL.or at. sited during working bouia. ' . ' ' . ' ,, A FARM FOR SALE The (Jeorje Ruaver Farm In Waahinftton. on the main road from Washington to iraiuicille. Nice Farm and it must be told soon. ' Also A HOUSE AND BARN and a .mail piece of land one-half mile from WaahingUin Village, rlht by tho creamery, t'ome and aee them. Enquire of J. R SEAVER, Washington, Vt VEGETABLE F A R T. FOR SALE A fine Fruit. Vegntahln and Ptiattry Farm of nine acres, two miles fruoi Jones f ios.' shed and tlire miles from Mmitpelier, lirr sale or exchinire. Two-tenement house, barn for four cows and horse and hen-house for 1) bens. Kunnhin water in both tenements, bam and henbuute. Quantity of raspberry, blackberry, f tamulssrrv and c irrant btmbea and a straw rerry pate.h that yielded $ I VMS) worth of straw, berries last year. Twenty-four iruit trees liearing-now. Also one flue cow and farming tool. Farm joins the Fred BeckJey farm on Hesjklay Hill. tlir,--fiiiittfi of a oirte from electric, bold on east tcima. ; IU J. wlayttin, IJarre, Vt. Tel. iji-i or IW-l.. , , . Spruce Ciapboardsand Cedar Shinffles. Good assortment. Prices risht. Moscow Mills, A. 0W1NELL & SON, Props,, East Calais, - - Vermont. Dissolution of Copartnership. The copartnership firm doing a granite qoar rving business under the name of l.ittlejohn ,S Miluets hercbv dlssoivnd by mutual consent, Mr. l.lttleiobit retiring from thn lirtu. Air. ililne, having leased the quarry for a term of years, will luirrv on tho business. All bills jiavalilo by the old firm should lie presented la-tore June 1 and all debts due tho said til in to la) paid tiefore that daw also. Mr. Milne, who tnkes up the business, would be pleased to tea all the firm's obi customers. w li.i.iAM . i.irri.i:.uniN, ALF.XANDKU .MILNK. liarre, Vt., May rl, P.wT. ; 'c buy or sell Real Estate or Business Property, Lend You Money to buy with at low est rates Also rnslte short-time loans, pri vately, without security or endorser. Kational Real Esiaia and Loan Ca ' 14 Elmoro St., - - Barre, Vermont. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. FOU SAI.B--A rottage ltouse, pleasantly lo. cated on Liberty street, at h lieail of (iranga slreet. Contains right room, bailii'sim, con venient panriy and woo,lslieil. Kor further paiilcular impure at boiuc. lr, 1,. , liatulicliler. ;ilt(i TO SKI. I. OR KXCHANUK. fro ynu want 1 1 buy, sail or eacli inje your i (ins., or farm'.' Cad or write the Vermont Ileal e-tata Agency for listing blanks. JM Jioith Jtaln street, li irre. -Tdtf FOU KAI.K--H"st residence iota tu Mis elly at be;,,l of Fieiu'U at t set. View unolntriiutad clear to V:isbtiigtiiti street. ConvenieiH to ImhIi Hues of trolley, liooit air, urv soil. No Idling rcqutisnl. See plan. A vai ill (iruuiia te , Avfiill Ituilillng, t'Uy, !utf FA KM Fflt MAt.K-Tlie '. ('. Camp 1 arm In tl'-ittii-e. Coni.tiii asi iicres of I.iimi, a suirnr pl'-" and tools. inoil liuil, lings ami splcmlid running water. 1 on l(, i'. I. loiit.Miiul tele, phone line, imly lluee minutes' drive Iroiu i re.Mnery. 'Iliern urn scvi-rtl tti-rcs of l.wui plowed readv lor spring plaining. Inquire of I.utlier li. Lord, it. V. !., Marie, Vt. ill!f 1 OK KALI; Won tli Knd hotel. Knquir at Iturro Ileal Kstate Agentv, olllc in UiaUite saving Bank Block.- t'elvpliou 4S-!k uu FOR;$AtE! FOUR LINES FOR 25 CENTS IBS TiMie wut paoiUB nanta. aa. " sou mi, r r niw. j ow,.-um tuenta at the rate of four ham for twaniy-n t,i j w:lllt., will l. vacant ,n or c!oi cesta tor tl.a rirat suawtioB aaa Ova ceuw tori.i,,, st, y (mletua, Jl Itii'hland v. een ubiuut lusftitma. lime. '. ' iuif REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. YOUR OPPORTUNITY To own a very desirable double bouse on a nice street, right in the heart of tho city, near churches, schools, stores, etc.. and practically on the car line. The property re ferred t) ia located on Spaulujng street ainl contains two eight-room tenements, whiclt are entirely scpurtite. 'I he property rents for $30U per year, and we wiii ecll it so 16 will pay over eleven pur cent. Buy tills, live in one side and rent the, other. Price only J'i.tiij. Term easy with monthly pay ments. Enquire at once. 0, A, Perry Baal Estate Agency, KoouiS 8 and 9, Cordon Block. Barre. saotf Qt'ARHV FKOFKUTY FOK SALK Situated in Woodbury, Vt., near Buck lake. frKtven acres of quarrv land, derrick and sweep, quarry and blacksmith tools. Price gtiOO.0". Apply to H. VV. Powers, Hard wick, Vt.,orU, J. Cutler, East Barre. Vt. . -. . , 30U'- FOK SAI.K. Eight double tenement lioaies U tensiaena, Tlnee cottage house. line four-tenement lions. . Eighty-five building lots. All of the above real estate (a desirable prop erty and well situated In the of the City of Barre. Fur further information inqiiir of Jouu Trow or ii. A. l'help,. 37tf FOR SALE IS THE F. B. CATE REAL ESTATE AGKXCY, BOLRTF.R BLOCK, B Alt BE, VT, Two-tenement house, barn' and garden at winter of Park and Tremont street. This ta a very desirable place for a home, being a corner lot and near Currier park. Contains four roonis down stairs, besides bath, closeta, pan tnr, etc- Vp stairs are five -looms. ' Ham has four stalls. Price 2,800.uo. , 4;stf A large twotenement liouse. with large int. large enough for another house, located at No. 1 Long street, corner of Warren street, near loddard seminary, five rooms up stairs and five rooms down stairs, hexidea bath. The own er lives in Boston and says he will sell it for i,60t).eo. " 4tf Grocery store, doing a good busfuessV Will sell at invoice, about t'.'.VW.ou. Kant is $16.(KI per mouth. Sales, $!,OiW.uo per monlb. 43tf Hotel ou the tnaiu road betveen Blontpeller and SU Johnsbury, built new last year, dining room seats 60 persons. F.lectrie light in every room. All modern improvements. Fourb.'eii sleeping rooms. A good barn for livery, twv en stalls down stairs and seven up staiii. Large carriage room, llie House is doing a good bus iness. There Is a good clianc to take summer boarder. VViil be sol. I furnished or wltuout the furniture, as desired. Price is right. Part can remain on the place. Now Is good time to step into a good butinea. . . i.iU Farms and timber land fur sale. ,Jtf , We have some of tlis liest Main suet, prop erty in the eitv at a greitt bargain. For par ticular call a't the P. 1). late Beat F.s;nte Agency ItoUter Block, Barre, Vt. 4Jtf for sale; ' FOR BALK OR TO I.KAK A light Barre cpmri-yj located on Cobble Mill to good party. It haeiood damp grourwf, and had been partly otiened U. For furUiej infounalioii ajipiy to William Jones, W elutervillc, Vt. - r rjin FOft SALE A Star Register eigar machine. Fight music discs. Will sell for cash or in stallments. Price low. Call or address F. J. Lumbar, IM North Mam street. OTW. FOR 8ALF.Heveral new and second hand typewriters, office tublos, drawing tables, UK) electric type cuts of monuments, markers and tablets. Letter press and stand and several nllice chaiis to be sold cheap lor rash, liana Granite Furcbasing Agencv, Averill Building, Barre. Vl. Wtf FOR PALE A first-class livery buinesand barn.en'oyine a tine cash trade, splendid loca tion, owner has other business. 'Address P. O. Bos 4', Bane, t, ' 57tf FOU SALE -A qnantitv of horse manure that pigs have run on. hughes Livery Co.. Merchant and Cummer street. it'.M FOK flALE Edison pbonograph, bought new two niontl s ago, as follows:, latest style machine sjooo. thiec loaen uneord tl-.ii, silk covereil horn fr.r,o, stand II. n, will sell all for $5.01) cash. Adiieea lto.v 101, liarre. fotj. M1W MILCH COWS KOIl BALK Fonrreen. Conre and take your pick. Apply to Paul Kingston, tllchardaon road, Barre. jit'. FOR HALE A second-hand 4x5 camera. When new cost t aKo a camera stand worm $4.tW and other fixtures. Wtil sell cheap. Ad dress "Camera," T imes olti'.e. tWt FOR SALE OK TO KENT New seven-room mttaire. llatd a 1 flisirs. Large garden and ben bun...' Aijer eaio White Wyandotte irns, show, l'.ii.i., Alf.o for sale ;iot jun and stone cuifi'i". SojIs. Itiijuire at 1) Cnnn-li trset, liarm; Vt. " " 1 4Ut IOU SALK-Ono seeontl-band double liar ness.ene dump cart and one bay rack miili rear - wheel. Arthur 8. Martm, 43 Park treb. .. ii , ':(! tf FOR SALE C lenwood parlor tove. in good orilert also one wood cook stove. -Can be seen at m iiaple avenue or call at JUU Hale s block. North ilaiu street. Wtf FOR HALF. OH R ENT--One a'Hmal tasn register in Ilrsf-cUasa condnion, sniinlile lor sM.iU'el.-4s license, matlieil quarts, pinijl'and one-Half pints. ' Apply to F. A.. tami.ron, Nirftiilield House, Koi tafleiii, Vt. 3b if FOR PALE Finn building lot on Long stteer. Price reasonable. Apply to W. W. Anderson, 45 Itet ebaul street. 3'itf FOR f 4.LE Str jight-line derrick with cap son. Iu first-class slnipe. Will sell cheap if taken at once, lniruire at licgl.e.' stone-slied or I'.A. Bashaw at Woodbury, 'Vt. 'Aiif F01ttALE A iltipplod guy horse, age 6 years, wetvbt Hub pounds. Not afraid ol def ine or ale. i in cars. Ainily to A. Jaiuivsnn, KecLley hill. J8il BEEI POTAIOEH FOR SALH-Extva early, yield large, exvcilcnt quajit)', liaticls.oine pota toes, ttauai Ensign J, is try. i'ruea,Ueii lug to piircliiise such will on C!I ft, enqi.ire ol L K. Averill. it. F. 1. 'J. Barre, V t. Miotic ail .a.-iU FOK PAl.E-A coiipl,.. ef tine linibllrig liH in heart oi city, "Will sell at a 4aigaiA piice or exchange f-.f kilioii-u. inquire o! Harry A. Kegel, at H. f- forgei ti . noiu on Uenot piqortre. L'?"tf 1-OR SALE Nice, loose bay. both coarse and fine. Orders may be ieit at jowuon Lyou's siore or Willi mo' at ill 'Highland Aeoue. c. Carletou. l'JTif FOR HA Lf?"Framn tnnidiiig. formerly m-' I as trans form ir house. A hat gain. Consoli dated Lighting -'. ".'luiua S.'4-l. Slum tel ler lOli fAl.F Comer Int. about 140 leet on North M.ilu street and win leet on (ininary street; fs and ui Merclmnt slroi't, 1-1 loti,; alsnil twenty acres of qnarrv tind wood land at Graulteville. A.' K Balcln hier. Barre. Vt, utUi t FOR tAt.E-'-Spia'il autograph register In guoil condition. 1-. II . Rogers ,v i o. 7t( --4V- JOh SAI.K AT eAamie FARM. Hay Delivered promptiy m bulk. jru iua -wis larui, iiirsi-ulaa buililliijt. Will cut inuioiis of bay. Lots WO acre. In Iuls of iior iu acres, to.Jii customer. . . , Pasture P acres pui iaiid without building (old Mann fanoi. Appiy to lieorjtM Cassia, Efct trea" Or Psrrf Ueai Lstate Agenc)'. at' FOR bALE A GOOD KNOW PLOW. Lab r on. If you need farm machinery, 1 have a complete lln'i'. A. W. A 1,1. EN, Siinnysldo Farm. Telephone 1,1. '.' TO RENT. PAKTl tt Ai.E-l have rented the SSIblee pas- j lioe and c'iu accouiluoilHto .1 nuniber of huises mid coiis. rifufy oi t'ond I, ,.'d. Apply to Paul Kingston, Ricli:iruu n,d. Bat re. Win, j TO PENT- Tenement, Iu brick house on hintttl Main stree t. Inrpliie ol W. A, Lane, ,v,tf A p; DiV tU it301-t aii' if I ' TO REST. TO Itl NT-A good teinMliciU on Hlirhtan , u venue vcrv iiie;,',inc. ri v-4, or to a rooms, siu 'il lil-NI , 1 leliCin 'nt at ,Vn. 30 Mircli.uC at reef ol hvo rooms, win barlr. h'ft unit cold water and clccti 10 lli;lits. Ail 'in tirst-tt'isi ; i oiidiJloii. ' l.nquirtj ol (.4. W. Maun, 14 Wel lington street. . aviu TO BEST Fart ot the buildings On the C farm. Good chance to keep hens, liule.atui u Five nice room in house, very pleasantly s nated. lieut reasonalile. Inquire at the I), l'ctry Ileal Estate Agency. . C.,,, TO IIRNT l'astnrage for a few city cows, at head of Hall street, Apply to F U. I'errin ol telephone 3H-4. . . " U Fl KKISilEl) KOfiJt M KBSX at Euatoirr avenue. . ., Ko. 1 61tt TO KKXTSeven-room tenemcnton Batch cbler street. Apply to H. W. Scott at cirv biilttllng. ... ; 4ilf TO RKJfT Six-room tenement.. Inrjuirc' r B. W. Wwker ic Co TO KENT A tenement for a small family at once, with gas and lights, inquire of ltanv A. Hegcl, M B, J. : Kegel tc ' t."o. Store, Depot Square. . .'"' . .'"': 'i Wit TO UENr-Teneiifenfiorf lvo4ooins on Fcarl street. Also ono -large -tenetucnt suitable tor restaurant or boardubl kxise. Both down stairs.'i Atl inodcAii oj uvAUcliccs. luquiie of A. H. BuzseU. , , , i f. , C, SSUt FOU UENT- J'aet of, liam 'room and some land mi clav farm, -l-a miles from city. Will rent fow5tdf&tf party, p. A, Fer ry Ileal Estate Agency; . ; ft-'tt , ," , 'H .. , , TO B EXT Large " voniti,t'r.itahe ' for t,.an and wtfe or two liion; yt) Keitli avenue. Miti TO RENT Down stairs tenement on Smith Seminary street, after May 'i.tli. . Appey to K. K. Parker, &U Wasliingtou Street. " CTtt TO KENT Large office room in the D. M. Wiles building, lnquiia at I). ,M. Miles' ulfice. U'KKorth Main street, or of Janitor. latf TO BEST front room In ohfeity bttilillng. Pnitahle for ollice. Apply to H. F. Cutle.-. t-buirman property eotniuiltee. 13tt TO REXTIlesira'olo, tenement on Wee.r. Patterson street, liaving hot and cold water. Laundry tubs. Furcate ami electric, light. Enquire Jj. 1). l'heips Co., 13ii North Jlum sireeL MMt IJEBK BOOM for rent in front ortlee In Cur. rier block. Inquire of Clint Moore, Room 5-0, Currier Block. iMltt FOR BENT (Vittage house, corner lllil an t Perry streets. Bent, SiO.'S). Two down etur tenements. Ferry street. Kent, each, in.ux One up stairs tenement. Ferry street. Kent, JM.UO. One down stairs tenement, Foster street. Kent, S'.i.ou. One &-tooin tenouient Braiiolt Kueec. Ui nt, $U!.uiA One dowiC atair teun racnt, Branch street. Rent, li.OD. Call at It. A. Phelps, 2 Academy Hue ut, ur M. it. i'help Co. hariiware .tore. - , Lf-ut TO KENT Store, especially desirable lor grocery mid meat business. Store is ii x w, . w nil room at rear alsmt x 21. Large refrlg erairjr." fWonlddlvldestOie and rout a -part it 1 auy did not cat for all iff if ll'iitj very low. Knquire of the Ii.-A. I'emn. Ileal Kstatu Agencv, Uotinw $iud t4 tioinonliiouk, Bune, Vt, l'.Jtt TO ltF.XX Ortlces, ngl or doable, -up tw.i HigiiUl.!. Froiitof L. il. Ave, ill's baliding. l.Wt TO RENT Oflice to lent, either single or double; in front ! M. Averiil's building, up -tveu flights,. . , i'.' c. iactt 4 , . , -,.,, . to HEST Iairge ball week data, Sunday services and two evenings cscu ok. L. M, Averul. i t ' '' ' 1- . ' - i ' ; 1 IQtf TO BKMT Vflica rooms , In the Blanqhard Biork. inquire of Albert A- baagent, Averill Block. UUtC BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR BEST Rtone polishing and cutting along railroad in growing granite town, near other cutting sheds and quarries. W. B. l'eirce, Milford, N.ll. , 3otf HELP WANTED. WANTED Farm teamster, on who can milk; also a general farm band, Morrison larm. Tel. ill-lX 57tf : WANTI-:i Bate laity;-man-to. .handle woman's niihued shoe en commission. Exclu sive territory given. Write Homestead Shoo Co., Burlington, Vt, for. particulars. ibnl WANTEO Good, rapabte, girl fo do general housework. Address Ii. Richard Cojiping, East Montpelier, or telephone Houtpelier ia.ll. 07U WANTEK Twenty-nvc exjicrienced stitch eis on power machine. Good pay and fea(y work. Carter Si Churchill Co., Lebanon, X. H. WASTCIs At once, man or ooytowotkon farm. Apply to J. J. lio;;au. Most Hill, Birre. , dntf WANI'ED-Ten granite cutlets wanted. Good, steady joball year round. Monumental work, - -t nton shop. Wage from t3."i to $3.?j per day. eight Jjotys. Iiiyuire at Fraik,'l'eicli, Llno,,Ti5t,is J 'f k iKtll Experienced lumper to follow traveling crane. Barclay Bros. fciif WANTEIs Firat-claes lumper. Apply to J. F, Corskie A San. . - " CM W ANTKl' Si en of g. mm appeajaucu wllii a desire to fretl goo, is on the loud. Good paying, permanent poit(ons guaranteed bricht par ties. Glen Bios., Rochester, N. V. iKy 11-1 WANTED A gorsl capnblagnl for general housework. Apply at SAi Mouth la in fit. Wif W A VlEl - i'irjt-cl.s let tfi rs and carvers. No one but first-class need npp!y. Apply ' Long A haunden, ijuiacy, Mass. . i fittl'4 WANTED A young man o grind tools, by the Excelsior Granite Co., at oue. Near c. Klanchi A- Skms' stone shed. 4Slf WAMED--A lumper, at Hi.urm & Sons. Apply to 44tt WANTE:I A f.rst-class letter cutter, liarro Grauite coiupani, -.: Jinrth 44 If WASTED--AI once, a liiuifet. steady job to right iii.hi. Apply lo' Gis.irj;e W nlker . hons. ' 4.Mf WANTED A man witU s.iine experience to drive a meat cart In city of Montpelier. Ail dress "Meat Cutter," Times othce. -4.1 tt , WANTED Good man to oi k pu fan in l tug team most!-. Apply to V, L. Ilaydet. t -'tt WANTED At the Northern, two experienced table gills who can. furnish gianT reference. Apply to J. M. .sauguiiic'.U, Prop. . 4;tr W A N TED r ivc or six kits of atone cutters' t.Nil-, c'.i;iiti, blocks, jacks, bais. etc. What have vm; got;' .Name, price, V. O. Box, a. Barre,' t. ;T;t WANTED. W A N TKD strect. Plain sewing t; dont74 Snnmer WANTED -A good Mlieme'ut of five or siv central locaiien by a small fam ily. Address Tenement," time allien. ,',.IUi i ANTED Iin mowers to c!eH, slim pen and thoroughly repair. ill call for them and deliver. 1 . G. Town, II Richardson stieei. telephone lii-i 4V'li. N OTK'E-Ciii tains rcii-onalde prices a; ,ltc lire station csrerully laundered at 'oiith .Mitni street, oppn. Utf LOST AND FOUND. HH'N T Strayed Into my yard, a bl.u k dog with four brown leer." Owner caii liave saimi bv paving for title auvt'Ui.vment and proving property at 1 Pal k Elite. dTt.i 1 OST--A eharm in form of .tniiihonrine, Sat nrdav. Irf-tweln ciiy H.tkeiy and "I Plain alreet. Fiiidet please return to I ity Bakery or 2 Plain street. " fofj l.ol' Black, vtbite and yellow Shopherd dojr. a:iswcrini: to name "Sliep.' Wnn latl seen on List. Moittpeiier road. Einder notify ) It. D. Moxley, P.I South Main street. Mia LOST -I'ocVet book between llecklev Mill limO-r tetiiin to tins uaid, i oniaililng nearly $ln. iiini MjIii Hint. Will ollice and receive re- EGGS I OR HATCHING. HYING HENS FOR SALE-) Kara Ciuib Rhode Island UU at $l.isl sacit. JtiuUpe of fc. M. iioa. iJ1l