Newspaper Page Text
TnS BAEUE DAILY TOIES. .TUXE 7, 1007. co E. APriiradte "And get prices on 1 -r-v" White Mountain Re- IjV l'lo fngerators and Ice ?P"y Cream Freezers, Blue R: :; DEPOT SQUARE, BARRE, VT- EUSLNE5S CARDS. L L TAYLOR, DOCTOR OF GPT1CS Ns. S Karse Slsck, aia Si, Barre. Every Monday nd Tuesday. Office Hours: 9 a. in. to 18 m. 1 :30 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. PRICES VERY REASONABLE. ARTHUR H. H. LEWIS, 0. V, S. t , Veterinary Surgeon. , ' Graduate of Western Veterinary College. Of fice: F rarer & Johnston' Stable, ivon., at rami St. Telephone 4aJ-i i DR. GEORGE D. WARREN, Office: Psce Brothers" Livery Stable. Residence: City Hotel TeL 10M. DR. C. H. KENT, Dentist. MILES' BLOCK, Telethon at Offloe and at Eesldene. DR. LEWIS D. MARTIN, C8IEOFATHIO FHTBIOAS. OfPce is Buom IS, Mtlmf Baildlnf. Oflo tiosrt, t . m. to 12 ai. ud I.M to 4 f. a. Moo Aj, Isy, Thursday Friday. Salop son CenaecthMU ; A. J. PARQUET Butcksmiti. Eorscslocr asi Jobber. Two good Hwtaehoers. Shop removed from Seminary treat ta 30 Summer street, Barr. TEACHISS. iCCCmTWl SOLO PUT1M MISS MARY C LEASE, Organist Universalis Charch, Iiirra. Ptodeut l Jtw England Contervatory of Matte, Boston, I'nuer Mr. O. T. Vtuom, Funo, Mr. 11. M. Dunham, Orgsai. 0 Summer Street. - Barre. Vs. SCIENTIFIC KQHSE SHOEING. Fpeedy rutting, knee euttinr, interfering, lorging,"ituBillin: and cro mine feitivelf cured. Ail disease of thekorse feet treated suth good tuccee. Veterinary medicine fur aj. X i KdEBD, Registered Horse Shosr. thep ob Seminary Susit, Karre, Vt I ELECTRIC WIRING U ELECTRIC BEATEUS. K h HECIKIC nXTl'KES. ELECTRIC MJfTUiS. 2 I aa,v, r 9 5 B.0. BttHSBTT, k It Kartfc fala Street. Barrt. Vermont. Spruce Clapboardsand Cedar Shingles. Good' assortment. Prices right. Moscow Mills, k, DWINELL & SON, Props,, East Calais, , - - Vermont. Merchant Tailoring Alio Cleaning, Pre.iinj nd Repairing. MOORE & OWENS, 122 Korta Bala SU - - irr, Veraui'. 0. SICKLE, MERCHA'iT TAILOR Ladles' end Gentlemen' Tur Coat Repaired ad Stored. IJHlie' and Gentlemen's Garment cleaned by team, premcd mid yeo. iiepauing neauy dene. Order by mail will receive nruiupt at Hi. tlun. Depot tiquur. i'erie, Vt THE. NEW iOHTHEPif! HOTEL 327 Isrih Main St., Barre, Newly fitted up throughout, is now open for business. Nice, larc and we!l-lihted rooms and ood table. Term, t2.00 a. Day. , J. B. SANGUINETTI, - - Prop. VINCITIA LODGE. No. 10. K. A P. t'entle HJI lu Bla- j ilJMIU W" t tneetinga' on TttaJ;' ttniax at t.00. and Gasoline Stoves, Lawn Mow ers and Acme Wash ers. SEALED PROPOSALS. Tii Rchool Commissi doer ef the City of Barre desire sealed oiits for tlie two rotua addi tion to the Brook street Hclioui Bui)din!. Vians and Klvwilu-jtiimn nn lw rwfivid oi Uia areliiiect. t A. Walker. Bid to be in the lianas of trie clerk of the scliol board, L. K. Huiianson. by 12 M. of 4uf VUi, Ivin. The Cumwisionr rowrvn tlie tight to re ject any or all bide u bruit ted. !. B. 11 fl VMS SOX, Clerk. Now is the time to have your Furs repaired and remade. . All Furs brought to us for repairing will be stored during the summer free of charge. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. I. STEKOLCHIK (Entrance through 'W'iieatley'i Store.) Corner Slate and Mala Streets, Kciiipelier. j JJ Having- purchased twenty five horses and intending to car on or about April 29, and having some very good horses Fcr Farm and GsniJeman Drivers, would be willing to sell or exchange until that date. Also one heayy grey team weigh ing 2S00 pounds. W. E Bixby, East Barre, Vt Telephone on People's Lin or Hew EnKland Line. Call 41-5 or 4t-4 ATTENTION We beg leave to notifiy the public in general that we have opened a first-class Cleaning; Pressing, Re pairing; and Dyeing Shop. Ladies.' and gents' garments cleaned, pressed, repaired and dyed. Furs repaired, remodeled and stored. Ladies' skirts made to order. All furs broujht to us for rcpairin2 will be stored during the summer free of charge. Trices low. Satisfaction guaranteed- BARRE CLEANING AND DYEifiG CO. Eastman Block, One Flight Up, 182 North Mala Street. Barre, Vt. Telephone . Oar and Fixtures FOR SALE. In First-Glass Gonriif ian. WILL SELL CHEAP. HENRY eiSSON East Barre, Vermont. 3! s Hast Popular Cigar fn Barre GEO. RI, MARRION, CORNER CIGAR STORE. . -Mileage Books on all. Roadi '' ' , - , ,- Fur Repairing! rid TIP TOP CiGAHo HOSPITAL CASE The following reeoverirs in cse of Brifiht'a Ifeoase ami Diabetes are of ape cial itilieMt Ixtt-aune t'.ie pationU it covered afttr loading Hospitals bad fail ed. Tile grnuiuenca of iIjc eas Is tint assured. Mra. C. C. Jtatilicvaon, Ko. 502 rowel! stTeet, San FranHwo; Diabetes. X& in the Woman's Hospital on iSawamento utrert. TliPV told iior that tbor a eleven per cent, of surar and tbat she was insurable. Wie tbt-n hml an exam inaiHin riiavlo at tbn Lane llj-)'il. Sitiuc rlinviiofcib. Went burnt arui tnt.k rullon'b Compound and rPfovcreJ. 5Ir. Win. WTito.'JVpirtv- City Ai,-or of San IVani-inMi. r.wj.'!it"h Di-',a-''. Win in St. I.ukr'ic J Io--,i( ,tl tit tvcfk.. Creiv vc!iL horn?. 1 ben Uicl tlie Nal-d-ck; aflcr three weeks vfnt home mii-p that nothing ronlj hj (Ume. Hcartl of Mrs. Mathewaon'a wowry and took Ful ttin'a Conipound and retovi'rcd. Mr. R. Lrsfpr Hell of Auburn, X. Y., wan in tlie Albany Hospital bo low with Bright' Diswass 'fbat it was expected she would die during the nijlit. She was o swollen vitU dropcy "hat a touih would cause her lo aercam. t'a.e loked no hopeless btT luutmnd ttas jxrmitted to pet and .'iv? her FultonVP.nal , Com pound. Conipk'te rct-overy. Ha tdnet' passed fur iifo insurani-e. Druamt it L. Walley of Auburn thought it so won derful he had affidavits made of all the parties, A. G. Porter of West Haven, Conn. Bright! Disease; was in ' Xew Haven (Jerieial I1o-(-ital nearly blind. They told him lie vrnld r.eier be any belte.i. U pave up ard went home to die., ib-ard bont Knltnn'a Compound ; nt fir it. P't well and u now back to his railioad work. W. A. Whitney f Cheyenne, Supt. of the Union l'aeitic K. K, Co., was m St. .)ihn'n Hospital at Cheyenne. Bright' Disease. Albumen oo heavy tube, solidi fied, dropsy, casis, etc etc. Caie hxked hopeie. tn the adviee of physicians reaifned jtnd went to Honolulu to pro long lifo a lonjt as possible. In lion olulu licaid of IVputy U. S. Marshal Winters' rwvery from Blight's Disease under Fulton's 1,'enal Compound, took it and recovered. Cliao. A. Xewtont yardtnaster South ern Pacific R. R. Co.," Saeramento. The physicians at the So. Pac. llo-pita) diag nosed the case a Diabcte. Continuing to get worse, he took Fulton's. Compound and j-ecovered. Two year later Xew ton's on developed Blight's Di.seaw. When the family doctor aid he could not live he was put on Fulton's Com pound. The boy is now at school, com plete recovery., .Tno. f!y.e!aar, . merchant of Eureka, Cal,, was in the Ln. Hospital. San Francisco. ( loe rpiestion a, to whether it ww Bright' Disease, or Cirrlioia of the I.iver. After conultatiou they treat ed him for the latter. After three month and eij.'ht lapping, the eae look ed hope lea and the familv took him home and put him on Fulton Com pound. Fiwvery complete. T. T. Mulloy t.f So. 2316 Bryant street, San Francisco, was in the U. S. Marine llopital w it li. .-Bright' Disea. (jot st low his sister wa adviwd the end was near and to take hint home. She did so and put hiui on Fu'ton'a Com pound. Recovered. W. B. Hutchinson, mate of one of the Inland Steamers vat in, the Honolulu Hospital nlowly dying with Bi)p!it" Di eae. Bresideut Oti of the Honolulu Drug Co., pot Fulton's Compound iuto the ce. Complete recovery. If anyone having knowlcdfe of a case of BiiKht". Disease or Diabetes will nend ti the name and .addre we will ee that tliey are sent full detail of this important discovery. We sent for the treatment and have it in ftotk, Reprc-erited in Barre by Bii-kert 4 Wellg of the Red .'! Pharmacy. Devoe's Weather Predictions Her ate Weather Prophet Devoo'a prediction for the entire summer. He sa the weather will be cool up to July 10, and then roasting hot till after SeptemU'r IS. The predictions follow: June 2 tf T Moderate warm. Juno 8 Very heavy thuiid r-storma, followed by falling tenijwrature. June 9 to K!- oldest nuramt-r weath er for many yearn in June, but too cloudy for frost, though a!mo?t cold enough for tsuow. June 13 to 15 Pleasant, June lGWarm showcty. June '18 to 'J:.' Pleasant. June 23 Warm and 'showery, June 24 Heavy thuudcr-toi nn. June 25 to ?? Very cold for. sum mer. July will come in cool and tday o for several day. "The Krurthw-CHI'. JulyThuiider-toinis. , July 7 to 10 Very cold for that time of the year. July 11 and then through the um rner -Veiy liot. All cropii will be late. Cor. lltK Sr nrf VJn! vr11y n tOne b'to-'i trom isrody Cn. THE NEW Albert NEW YORK A Modern FIRE PROOF He'- f..r. room ihatin fanio-.w (or i! evelle:it iood Bnd tncierate priren. Snetial C.ul, Brcakiajt, Sc, J5t, 50el.tnrhcj, our 1 aaou touro iJumeiii, 75c ROOMS, $LG0 WITH PRIVATE BATH, $2.00 WITH DETACHED BATH, $I.S0 1 Quiet ami Comfort! Within easy wa'Uin rJiiLiiv-e of the (irt-At I r pa "men! Store. W sn- maker'. two rnioute: Noffl-lw'ltr'i, eiunt'- F.t:y fir rewtoa'1 r-"ii'" intero.1 rh'.o uiu to WHOLESALE The Best Hotel Value in New York City C1 Bwk f B. Tk Ciir et FREE. ! Opposite (irand Central Station HEW YORK CITY. KtiO.v.S ft f)v and opward Kat'cngs to t row (a tln free. OuliiebOfk anil ...un. nf Kr Vnrir Ctilw unioi HOTEL free on receipt of is cent tuiwp. Hotel ABOUT THE STATE. Items of Interest Gleaned Froia Onr Exchatces. The trraditatimr class of the Bennina- tou liigu school I'ouiprisc -ig-btet:n niein- was.- The probate, foes in the district of Chittetidon tor the six rnontha from December, 1, JUOfi, to Juue 1, lQliT, amounted to $1,555.50. s Cast let on, Bristol : and Rutland are represented at the semi-annual conven tion, of the Hoosick A'alley Advent Christian conference: being ' held in Schnectady, N. V, The awnruin of the fpfl.OOO worth ot cily hall bonds in Slontptlier nece-r-i-tut"d City Treasurer T. R. Menill's aiuinr hii name 1,4.15 times to the bonds, und coupons. Duiinfr the firt thunder tdonn of the sea-on in Orwell lt iit.iti riff Rtrtick the two barns of (iconic Alien on the lake shore destroying them with their con tents, ft, quantity of hay, and eight calves. : R. S. Beard, of Hyde Park, recently exhibited a curiosity in the shape of a soft-shelled egg shaped exactly like a motive. It had the-bend, eye, mouth, body and tail, all making it a striking representation of a mouse.- William Adams, Jr., tlx years old, was run over in Bruttleboro Saturday af ternoon by a disk harrow but, although severely injured, it i expected h-will recover, (me leg was badly cut and he vas injured about the head. Wou!d Sequester Property Far Wharf. At I he adjourned meeting of the Bur-" lin'ton city council, t" be held Friday exerting, June J4v steps will be taken toward the wjuestration of the prop erty on the lake front recommended by the special committee on public wharf as the mo-t feasible for the location of the wharf. The property in question U owned by the Central Vermont Rail way Co., and it eittiiited just to the ftouth of the company's wharf at the foot of College ftreot. It will be necessary for the city coun cil first to appoint a day to meet the representative of the Central Vermont company and give them a hearing. Xext, if it in decided to se,pieter the pro perty, the value will be fixed and the amount will le tendered to the com pany. If the company does not accept the proposition,, the award mut be filed in the city clerk's office within six days after it is made and within twelve days of the time the award is field the partie owning the property must notify the council of its appeal, if an appeal i made. If the only question in dis pute is the amount of damages, the city can proceed with work on the wharf but if other question are taised the matter may be held up during their pendency. The Wildness of Mr. Peters, In the June MeClure's there J a so ciety comedy, along tnw line by a new writer, which will pleae you if yon like a light love tory mixed with a deal of fun and a dJh of mischief. "The Wildnes of Mr Hanourt Peters," by Beliecca Lane Hooper, tells how Mr. liar- court Peters, fcexkd an 1 pampered son, felt "the call of the wild,1 and with a parly of young fellow, engaged girls and a chaperoijc, .hired oil to a "wilder ness" some twenty mile from Brook line, Mas. IP liked the unattached young girl. Col lectively or individually, be considered them bttnrhe of crudities, which, like fire cracker, were likely to go otf and bit or maim him who tampered with them. He liked the older women, with whom he wa mildly popular, and Le knew that engaged girl would be con venient on toe present eipedition, be cause llier alway learned tii cook. "There'll be no idiotic love affair on tlii trip.' be sid to himself glefully as he went up-tan to pack.'' lint, on the very first day of their camping Mr. Peter met, without an in troduction, a (harming yumig woman whom he understood wan married. He and she mbrked in his canoe to join bi party at the other end of the lake, coull neither find hi party, nor any familiar plarc they were lost and spent the night within a Hone's throw of the cottage, where were bis party and the i harming girl's brother. When dawn came the finding of themselves and dis illusionment for Mr. Peters, for he found tlie girl wun not a married woman. The The harm was done anil Mr. Peters, who had always avoided girls, found himself in love. He Fired the Stick. "I have Cied the walking-stick I've carried over foity year on account of a tsore that resist e.l every kind of treat ment, until I tiiel lWkb-n's Arnica Salve: that ha healed the sore and msd me a hH'V loan." writes John t.arrett. of North Mills, X. C Cuarnnlced for Pikn, Burns, etc., by the Red Cross Pharmacy. 25c. Lettoringof allKinds Done on monuments in the cemetery. Those desiring inscriptions cut on mon uments in the cemetery will have a chance to have such work done this Snmmer, before the advance in prices next year, by writing or telephone 322-21. Seventeen years' experience. J. t. AHKLEY, Boat 158. EAST EAHRE, VI REFEREE! Foaled .Inly It. t', by Befero. X1'4 S S: be bv Coy w (ikes, IM., 1 4: lie by iimrge V ilk. 2 .'., son of l.v-di k's llanibh'iotiian. I la in, A lilijiupim. i.jn 1-4. bv ( iti;,rd, oti if tieo. V iiki'f. he.-ond dam lv II i1m i t, l' .- 1-4, noil of 1 uliert I iv ltlik s llaiiibb'toiiiaii. " Ibis cult m;ii;lis lion poiindi.. 1-ano e i.Bv in eob'r. aihl H t'.ir as upe,-,) u i onri roeil veiy pionj-u n for one of In Uf e, and bi bieeutng yood enout'li bi suit any one. lie u Ml be at the ruitieoi John Trow, Itarre, Vt., Hie ruining scannu. l ,r a few s'eii- imi mare, li-niw, iflh. i jn, An Advertisement ia The Times Will Bring Sure Results. HEALTHY PLANT3 Require tfae Mt Careful Attention as Weil mm Ovod Soli. P!J you ever ce a rosebush which Jspit til most beneficent environment of soil of sunshine and of atmosphere, seemed never to achieve a healthy growth. .. , A ton of manure will not help a plant that has a canker eating- out ita heart.' You must destroy the cause before yot can remove the efTect- Tou cannot cure BanrJrufr tini BaM-' ness by rubbin on hair lotions, ana rubbing In vaseline, etc. You must look to the t'ause of th trouble It's germ at the roots of your hate which causes It to fait out. Kewbro'g Herpictde destroy the germ, and healthy hair la the sure result. Sola try leading drugrs-lsts. Semi 1r-. In Stamps for Fanipie to The Herpiclde Co. Detroit Mich Two e'zee ii(t cent and 11.00. j E. A. Drown, Special Agent The Best Fertilizer for Seeding Down' Farmer who are looking for a fir-t-das fertiliser for seeding down in the Summer or Fall will find it in the fol lowing formula. This formula was de vised by. the Director of the Vermont Experiment Station at Burlington and published in Bulletin No, 110 of the su tion. The jainounta named ar for one acres ' . Raw firound Bone, 300 to 400 His. Acid Phosphatei ' 100 to 3 5tr lbs. Wood Ashes, 300 to 4U0 ihs, , Muriate of Potash, 50 to 70 lbs. Tlie ingredient of this mixture are all recognised as valuable fertilizing agents but with the exception of Ashes they heretofore have been .difficult to obtain in the markets of Vermont. This condi tion is now changed and all the materi als of the formula except the Ashes, which the farmer can usually furnish himself caa be purchased of Carroll S. Page, llyd Park, Vt., who will be pleased to make quotations on applica tion. , . ,. The Muriate, of PotAsh and Acid Phos phate he sells are the purest that can be bought and his Raw & round Bone is guaranteed to lie absolutely pure and the bert the market affords. The Rone which he offers is simply the finer par ticles that are sifted out of the coarser Granulated Bone that goes into the manufacture of his Page's Perfected Poultry Food. It should not be con founded with the Bone ordinarily offered by the trade as tbat has usually been steamed or treated with acids, 'it will be usually found that practically all the nitrogenous 'elements have been remov ed make glue, thus taking away the most valuable part of the bone, 'if you are interested in the matter of Summer or Fall seeding or of Fertiliors for any purpose, write bim for information and price mentioning this paper. Bamboo Sap. Bamboo sap la still much nsed In In dia as a medicine. It Is believed to b cooling, tonic and strengthening. A Fortunate Yoiiiig Lady ?.fi.-s Jennie Martin, 178 .North Paul St., Rochester, N. VH say: "I mtfferod loni from kidney complaints home phy sician and their medicines failed to af ford me relief. A friend induced me to try Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Rem edy made at Rondout, X. Y. The effect wa" wonderful. By the time I had taken two bottle I was completely cured and hava bad no trouble aince." WARNING. HECTISO OF THK BOARD OF CIVIL AU THORITY TO HEAR AFFEaIH TAKES ON" THE ASSESSORS' A1TBA1HAL, IW. A lnre'uic of tbe board of Civil Antnoiity for tlie purH ( tveanng and UeternomiiK ti e appeal that have lwetj taaen ajfaiiidt me appraisal made by the asemcir for tlie pur poteof taxation, i97, will beheld in tbe i uy ( oort Boom, ( ,'ity Hail, on the evening of Fri iav, inwi 7th, lAiT, at J o'rbwa.. fted at tMiv of Jlarre, Vt, tliis 1st daf of June, A. l. I-.mT. J AMKiJ HACK AY, Oty Clert REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. FOR RA1.B Farm of CO acre, on me Fist Bill. Appiy W Fetcr harclay. 11. 3-5-6. Uti FOR 8AI.E-Snuta Eud hofl. Koqulr at Harr Ki Etkl Ai-nov, In Oranite having Bank blin k, 'lelepboue SS-3. Slf FOR SALE Beet resldenr iu In lb city at bead o( Irencb etieeu A' lew tinotisrciiL-ted tiear to AVaaiitneum atreet. Convemrat t U014 line cf trolley. Good air. ury ,ii. No flltm; rwimrMi. Sc p!au. Aveiiil Oiamt C Averill huulding. City. lbtf TO 8F.LL OR EXCllAXGK. pa yoo want to. I'ay. sell or exchaiiE your house or farm? Call or write the Vermont ;H estate Ajeniv for lisluis blauki. ".Mil orl Main street, ftarr. iTutf HOUSE fOR SAIL There i no p'tre like a home you can call vour own, and the above J mg aiiplies to llu property eMwbiby. ltre i mie of the ntnet (iCiiutiliil plat on Hie Fremb e'te wliiib b b int tn put on the tiuuker. ititonnd on Irin'ikiiti !.rm t, one of the liest residential streets Inthecny, nt a teneinont bonw on il, lH..-t if Gt'ibbois, and a propeily that ciiu tie old at any tune by buyer. On 'tins pr")erty vim can rratiM your caSli for it, wnh a band roioe proiii on wHat it can tx bonht tor. Jta it iimt W mild tliis ntoutb. Tins boose ii silna ted on a laiRCbit ititi clay), pbiity of shrub bery, apple and cherry t"., ciuraiit Ibh.ip, grspe vines, etc., fa full mo tones with np tioliii attlr, the liel of celi.-li. heavy wall, lutge, broasl pira. 12 ft. wide. Iron! hall VJ a 14 it., round prlr, dinhitf-nMiui, kitrlon, pantry and wiMxIMied. 1 'mir large, airy sleep- log riK'nis wun eio,' ana mrp o;4iii-iinn up r ,t.iiiL F.veiv iio,ir in boiie hrav hiri-h veneer. ! i haid wood liifir in every rxim. All hard wood nuii-li done in meinost aitisto: stvte known to nioilrni architeeture. I his hon- n not built alu-r the old stv le of o dry f siils inn, but itie veiy Ir.lcst design, aouii-ihinir that is artfth and attini live. If you buy tbi bouse yon tan lent room for $l'pr ntonth and then iiave eiiiuiijh for vour oan laiuiiy. N'uw do not run away witli the idea that ii'ailirost o iniu b, for you rn buy it 8 iieap a yim coulii a b'-s evpeiiKive boii,e, as tbe owner i IhhioiI Iom-11 now. If yon have a cheafier cottage r tene nient ami you think It ts not ouile eml enouch for you, of a suia.!! iaim or timlw-r lot, would like either in cxclnmci and give plenty of thee for hninuce. J would be pleaM'd to how vu through tlie bouse at any tlio". Himij vmir wife along and look it over. Kenieinber ilii l a new bonne, bul!i lt tail. For further part i o lain cull at 77 franklin street, or tale phone 4W-4. , FoR ftAI.F. Cottage on John street, cin taitthig sin room bf-hides bath, in good eon dition, Iirce garden and bam. I- ivs In!nnt, mill lo mint ceniraliy located sheitu. For lur tlier in! 'irnmuon limulrv of Mra. Kobert Fu sel, John street, t ity. oof Cottase House FOR SALE Ceiifiaily Incated. H'eam Icat, elci It le lights, hot und co d water, set lui.s and nil niiidern convenience. Anyone dudrln a home will hud tills i an opportunity and a Intigain. In quire of VV. 11. ll.iiiley, m Spudding street, from 4 to SF. il., or l abed dining urking hour. . FOUR LINES FOR 25 CENTS Taa Timk wilt' ou'ji'-sa .Want, Lost and Found. or To l,,i, ems. eaort sujvstuss nuem at t raw of iovr isii tor lemif im oeiit for tue Rrc ium. luu DT oonu lor ca taoMiineus taaeiuott. ' . REAL1 ESTATE FDR: SAIL 'WiiyV.PayrlBcnt?': We vi lli eeli you a moi' ij nne in flue 1 cation. iimi you can jus Ir it as you would pay rent, in oU;r oorts, will nt it until aid lor. If nut convenient yw nU not tw obiieii jav unytbiits down, tmt can pay tlie whole m roasnnAle touuUity pavmeuW, '1 lit plcpci xy in mi (itrr'i, hj.ll.41 u nn i.oi;e iotamlri'it moro laari l'ur jsunutes waij to eiecirw car. D. A, Perry Rssl Estate Agency, .iioom S anil i). Gordou Block, Barre. "''-f FOK SALE IX THE V. R. CATE EEAL EKTAIE AOKNCV, BOLSTER ElOCR, BAJiBK, VT. House anil i-arn on the Cfiruer ot Circle and Batiieldr treru. Hints ha at rnome, oarn three toUS. Lot is 83, feet on Circle street and ta feet on Batehvlfter street. Aa extra lot achoininp, 75 Jeet n liatelieliier sireui ly liieu 1'nce lor all,: tl,iiii(j.ou. . Mif Farm in Ma.rstCeld. Cmtaius W0 acres. level and tree from hCodb. Will keen SO m uiii K um. tme tiall MiiiHuo nf aw motwr, hard ami toft. A tin nuance of wood. LocaUni three mile from MrkiiSciil viiiai-e find only ie miie from tlie ner road. lri $a,-.iW. Will exchange tor a cottage or nouw property in tlie tit j, or smalipajuieBt down lot cash. MU Two-taettient linage., barn and girden at corner of Furs anil Treniont screen. 'JTii is a vei y desjraiile j,t:i ce f r home, tin2 a comer lot and' near, t cirrier Fttrk. t;oMms four rmuus ttw stairs, iu-.-iii's- bath, closets, proi trv, eni. t'i -Uiii-s are I've rouui. Jiaru ira foUr.'SSaite., JttKt tZ,BMHt. . Mt A butre two-WBenietit limine, with tarRe lot, laiee eiuiMK-li for another bouse., located at Ho. I L! f !ii-,i. coirter 1 1 Van en ;ii-t. near fitMldard aeminary, five im up and five nsMnt(o-a eulrs, besiiis twtlu The own-, er liven iu boston atxf aavs he will sell it for t2.ttW.aft. f, -f ?roeery tor, diny a rood business. Will ell at tuvuibe. a boat tS.w.i. Kiit is IW.08 per month, tsalce, f "..(rnu oo per roontii, 4SU Hotel on the train road between Montpelier ami St. Juiinrbury, built Bear lastjejir, uinin? room eat SO peioas. thwtric licht ia every runm. All modern iinproveuieo ls. Fourteen sleeptiij room. A good bam for livery. Sev. en H;.li tlnwu su.ri and seven np suo.-s. Ijiicb carriage rotiia. 'iienouee is doing a good bu ioesft. Tlifie is a ciince to tke aumnrer ooortlers. W:!i lie mid inrnitiel or without the turni'nre, as desirM. Frioe is riirht. Fart ran rerun in on ihe piace. Now i a good tun to otep into a good business, Hit Faruis and li-nh t lAud for al. 43if Vt bare ome ' the let M .iti street prop erty in the city at a gi-isat bartam. For pr-tiL-ular tail at the F. 8. taut Kai Eeite Agency, Uolster Block, terre, Vt. We buy or sell Real Estate or Business Property, lend You Money to buy with at ip est rates, Also make short-time loans, pri vately, without security or endorser. Haliotst Real fsiafe aid Inn Ca , 14 Elmore St.. - - Barre. Vermont. FOR SALE." rijbt S'.nble tenement hoae H f aioaU. Three cottage booee. tine loiir-teoeuient bouse. F..ity-rlve boiitiin? lot. ' Ailol me above iwti estata iv desirable prsp ert and well in tbe heart of tbe City of barre. For furuir itiforuiauoa uiijuir of John trow ur il. A. Fheipi. 37 if FOsR sale IOB HALK CHEAFWuick meal frasoiioe tove. tbre bure'i-. witb oten, in good eou diiiou. Apply A. CrnickaiMas., SI Aia,;ic a noe, 7ot." Foil RALK A second-band liby carriuije. nearly new. For sale cheap, latjuire at ;s Kaiiroad street. liSu FOR SALE Estey organ in good condition. Apply so tJiar Oorieo, 40 Meiobant atieel or tto phone Vr-S. ft'tf FOR S AI.K Mf grocery tsistnesa In Retliel, lioinct'AW'n a year, iiltist eU at onca. ail peraonaUy. O. A. AUrah, i'.etbel. . li.'ii FOR SAl.F Or.nd Olenwood anting- room tove. Apply at 34 i'ieawnt utreet, eo. FOR SALF, At a bargain, my driving hore, harn, AniesOurc ' uncord wapuu, aieisrli, bianki-ts, etc., M. A. Xaatwan, Iturre. . . bjtf FOK SALE Tiiree horwt, two c.o, one with calf, three boCRies, eiprss wagons, three tela barue. Apply to A. Tomakt. slf SHERlfrS SALE. Taken bv virtue of au eiecition to me direct ed, and will lie sold at public atif-riuu lo na'.iriy id xei'utnm a tbe iaw iiir-ct. on tbe l!b Oav f Juae, A. I. I'-S7, at two o'tlui k in the af lernnm b tlie bigba.iy ntwir Ouane I.. nod refidem. the toliuwing dtwenbe d imperry, to wit: tine Mi'Oiiuiiik cum bindi-r, ine tiuiega uiilk si-pjcio-ir nd !oor clvtrn. li. .1. sLAVTtiN. lwputv Sberitt Dated at Barre, V t., taw anb day ol May, l)7. FOB SAI.F.--Irfa' and furnishings of good boarding bouse, very rca?Hinat.tie. Al-o lieit reswiuant proposition in Vermont. Ukjo" Ids Kent rotate Compaiiy. litirliiiglou, VU teui fOK 8 A IK Boston buU terrier. Funs breed and mcely msrki'ii, feven Books old. Two taste rrl one leuiale. I rank J. Ntittiitc. l'lttlntil'ld, t. SalO' FOH 8At,K Ketail monumental business in oueof the iarsent tines In New Fu-biml, with in to miles of Losuoi. Fully eiiippea with tnaebiueit, larf slock of bni-.l-'-ii wink., . 7oud rewaoaa lor M-diitg. -lnveatigattui: W-bsOioi'd. Addnk i.., tisU lOSii'C. i' ; UltU FOItKAI.P OH TO I.F.A"F A light Karre quarry, loeaied on I'ohtlo lii!l, known a the liiigefeid (piarry. Apply to Jan. .Ceake, Wi n Sterviile, V l. - FOR SAI.F. -Several new ami second hand t pe riiers.-o.'tice table, drawing tallies, lui eieeti H: I v pe cuia ef Hiomiine.rit uiarkeis and toh'tj. Iettrr pres and niuid and srvervl oflii-e vlians In be eoid cheap lor bane I. ranite Furc.'i.isnug Agew J, Avei id Jbulii nig, llarre, Vt. , , 6Sif FOK RA I.F (i lenwood parlor etuve, in goml onter; rImi one wood I'ook siov. Can i-e ween at 4 Mapl avenn or call at i.'u Hale' him k, NoiUi Nam itreet- Kill SACK OK KK.vr.-One National csil register lii liiat-cJass Condi Hon, uiitde for seeonti .elass iirfiise, rnaikeii quart, pint and one-half pint.. Apply to F. A. tianduinou, Norllitield Hou-e, 'fwunfk ld. Vt. , ml FOK 8 AI.K Fine building lot on Ijm streiit. Frtee reasoaable.. Apply to V. W. Anderson, 44 Merchant mieet. 3i! f FOR SA I K A couple of line bnlblln lota in heart ol iitv, :ll sell at a tuit;.iiii pine r exrhanga for a house.- Imiiine of II am A. Hoget,- at k. J. K-'grel Co, atnr ou I'tepot t-'iu:"' ' -t' FOR SACK Nice, biiwe hay. notn coarse and fine. Otinii may be lult at eowdwn A. I.yon j siore or wiin ui as -i riuiano a yen no. l tatlebm. IJ7tf I HUt SAI.F Corner lot, about lfi !et on Noi Hi .Main atreei and 1 iret on Seiuinatv iieeti fS and Merchant street. 14 loi.'; ulmiit tweii:v ai-ies of ipiaiiy iin-i wood land at Oratiilevlili!' A. K. lUUbeUsei. Kane. Vt, "ji.ol FOR S I.K -I-rami liutldl u-, formerly loin I us It oiMoi io"l lion, A lirts ml. CiJiisotl dated Lighting Co., l'houa i.l-, Moniih-. lei , , , ' 'Jo.ilf 1 (Hi SU i:-A 4IOOI) f-N'OW FLOW. j Ijitci on. iryou need fern, machinery, I bavo J a complete h:i. .. W. ALLEN, Snuiiysiila t'ariak I'elAoboua isa FOR SALE. FOR KA tK-se.vmil hMid bic repair. Apply at ttt: trflK-. i'ie in S--. -1 Tits -n.i. in t ' ;,i . m. ''i ('. 7 l.,t.i'ii-rt condiuoii, ii'9ws c,,o etreck - - FDH fiAl.K A e-'orj cj i-t!tnr, imiImnkk! and Killings a(,ra Llui eUeet. Tit;4 FOB feal.K ooit l.r) :tv mi sell. l,-iv oiiiers with R. 1. Alien, lpo 'iuaie. .lu." Fciit f.Sl.Kisrr!a:l autocrapU regis wr in good cobdiuou. , U. lioner & Co. Ill FOR AT CA8SIK TABa. Hy Dutivereii nrompUy in bulls. anu lou-acre inrui. t irji-cia,j builJiiiM, Will cut 14X1 tone ol li.iy. Low UK) acres m iuu t b or lb teres, to m( eustAiur. ,. , Pasture l(K acrn pasiisie land without builoms (Old Mann iiinul. : aj'l'iy ui lieurtra Cwaeie, iaal tien or Ferry Heiii tkU Agency. t TO RENT. I HOItKXT Keft in tli ci:v tj rem, S, ! 1:rx4 irKiiut. liol inl ji! I w..u-i on tlm-H . Itoor. loinni 1'Jear.u.l ami Hi.iok aiieet. ".l:ii 'I'D UF.M' A oi-Mr.'i,i!ie riiisi.aiis tenement of five roions at aTJ Nm ili 4i:o, "ncrr. Applv M W. li. Kidder, lit Kuinimir iiei i, l...rie, V t."7v:i TO UFjJT FurnirheU iw', PI;y to Mr. dble, So. I, Cablrt etreet,- - -. . swtfi I iu iiivM-uowi t.uit :eo-i.!cm ot tsr i rMms.- - fpruijr w.Mrr and . tsitli.- "1 T'lain j street. Ai.-o a ctuc el nve r.d.nie at W 1'iaiu I street, Hpijiig Mis. l.o-trvia. , . tiin.. TO HI ST Five-room ti neu-cur en Friw.pcrt atreet, tin t-o mrnoteii' walk iioai prt cihce. Inqniro f FUI. That er, 6 k nine? afreet, or tel. ejihose tiny fcutchridei , Slunt.1H lhi U-li, mt TO KF.XT.-Seven-ronin tenement on atatr-h-Mer street..- Apply to 11. V. N ott at citv building. .-; : : . - . 111 KENT A rive-yoin leinonent, cp-!;:ir. All Jiioilern cstiiTeiiu-iices. N aeaiu Jioie 1.".. AKi iurire rcHiins on ground rtoor tuiubis for amatl bnssnessw Apply to A. li, HuzjicIL e,u; TO KKN'T-A tnuineiit. K lngsum, i:7 Berlin atjseet. Apply to L!,mi-i 6U TEXFMKNT TO F.l-.XT At 9 lli'l trwt for amall family. Mas fisrilen and weit vaict and c,t :iii-r. laqatre ou picmiM-t. h:i! TO K EXT Fart of the builUjiir on ti.e lay fartn, ood chance to k-ep Isena, ior&e an,S row. Five nice ruotu in liotiiie, l-iv p.ra.iru.y an na ted. Bens n-aMMiahl. Inqnira at tlie It. A. Ferry UkuI F-sute Afc ucy. fisif TO KENT A tenement lor a small fninilvat once ub and li:li!. liiutrsef Harry a. Stfpel, at jj, J. Js.j;fi i Co. atore, li'pot Sijuare. ijit Filli Kl'.XT Fart of houte, barn nom and aonie land ou I ty taim, 1 1-a miles front city. Will rent low to right pattv.- 1. A-Fi-ry lieal t.uta Agency. . itt TO KENT Large office room in Ui i. M. MiieJi bnililir.jf. lumur at U. M. SUIes' oftics. l'.-i Xoi til Warn Street, or of jannur. Hit TO RKVr Front In !d city bniW n!. Huitaloe lor nice. Apply to IL FH Catlef, cbairuiuB property coiimiiiwa. .-LuJ ! TO HKNTBetirable teneoientti mi West ! Patlerwa atreet, having hot and cold water. ! i.nuuiiiy tubn. Foiiiai and eiectrn; lisbut. J tJiur k. is. l'beips Co., !0s KurUi kiam j 2je't. SMii I AtH ROOM for rant in front office in Cur. j tier Mock. Injuir of Cimt Uoor, Kooiat VUUtCl M.ta. SSiil FOK HEN I Village hiHine, corner Hill aut Ferry trer. K,t, f ,i if). Two dnwn luiri taHMwect. Ferry stteef. Ib'nt, earh, .iM, Onenpsiair tenement. Ferry street. Iimi, .i one down Mam ie uetuent. 1-sster straet Keut. ;, Ou il-riwiu teiiwuent Branca tret. Kent, Sl.'.Oo. One Kmo iaiiit iu. ment. Krancb streeu Kent. tii.oU. t ali at M. A. Fhelps, 2 Auaueiuy Uet, r X. L. Fhelpf Co. Itai a are tore, tmif TO It K.N'f Store, esjiecially Oeslrable i'tt grocery and meat biisine. S biro is 21 a 4, witli room at rear about ii it. Largo retri- ralor. W rald ivni mote and a pari il lurry did not one for ail of iu Kent veiv low. lniiiire at tlie 1. A. 1'rrry Keal Agmev, Kouuis Ssud S Ooidon liiotk, Kane. Vt. JTSif TO IlLN'T Oflires, uncle or OonW. op twit flisUtii. Front of L. M. Arenil a Uuiluing. liaU TO RKN'TOfllce to rent, either odngi at double, in front L. W. iveiill'a building, ji twofiiguta. lioit TO KENT Largs tall week dayn, BnndM ivirrsa aud two eteniug eaasa week. L. .Vt, Aver ui. nail TO KENT Office room tn the Biaochard JRlrxvk. Iiojuireot Albert A, baigent, A vend block. - .... Uia BRP WANTED. WAJtlFU trraughting. correpndenw, etc., for three or bair siuall granite firms by person of etperimoe. Work delivered. Ao iiress !' I'iiuvo office. , tow W AN TLI Hout kcepor at 17 Wasbingb- etreeu 7oif WASTKO A woi ker, nun or woman, to travsl. No bisiks nor canvaaMng; $S. laid wst-kly. expeiuea advauoed. W. U, Drvry llarre, VS. treu. tx-l. 70s;' WAN'TKO A place f or t wo hoys oa a farm. Light work. Apply at s Snutb St.. Karre. TiiUi WANTKD Granite lathe man, none but first clas vortmui need app:y. lrl sjnnld Si Ku cha u. 7o;f WANTF.D A flmt-r.Ias carver. Appiy to Flint l.rantui Company, Albany, X. Y. "tlTtil WANTFh A flrt-cla. but, bet and meat Ciltuir at tbe suite liospnai. at onw. Ft;.-t-class reterenres l-rrpiired. A(idv b Iboi H, Grout, M. !., .sujit., Waurbuty,' V t. Coo? WASTED Iterrfek man. Katir u ranite Coiunany. Apply to North jtl WANTFTA good carnage wa-her to do iiiU'ht wrk at Cutler' at tile, tear of city bote). Wit W aNU"I At once, one letter cutter. John McMiun Hi Sims. Wi WANTKII-A ateady, fli st-els bailier aanti-tt. ear ai-otu.d y 0 aod gomt wages. i. F. Klake, tVooillllc, N'. li. b,;it,s WANfKU Woman lor general housework, three in f.tmilv. No dairy. Addrejn 1 rank ,i, Parker, li. F'. 1).. 1 Art iloiitpeiier. tiliyi WAN ll'li A yoiuii man to grind ttx,!, the l"lor iir.initu Co., at Near . liianrhi A sons' atone shi-il. 48tf WAN! I'l liood man to work on farm, driv ing team mostly. Apply to F. 1. Hayd-n. 4.:f WANTKD At tlie Northern, two experienced, table Kitis who t an fovnl-h goii le'erenrf. Apply loJ. II. .sauguinvlii, 1'rop. . . 4n( Wa:."TKH l ive or sit kits of atone cutter' tools, chains, hloi k. jai-Ks. iii. etc. Wfcn havoi vou got.' Nkiuk ptice..-1. O. lioa, s; It.rre 'it. , , WANTED. . POSITION WANIl l Hy hoy who ,cMra woi k on f ivui. Agvd 14 e.r. Address H ' TtUMiaothVe. " - fte I'iis'lTluN W AN ! -itmotke'-per iT, ftr vours' exuei bone want iMntlttuu.. At pi cert eui)iloi e,( but good reason no cbanvj-. A So. I n li-repces. Address'ej ,-t ' oOuf. , , ",lti DRESSMAKING WANTED. . WAN'TFit lirewinaklng and plain sewing 1 do. Mrs. H. L. Woouooi ib, ts I tu-ewt. ".;( LOST AND FOUHP. losT-.A '" Ke'liook. eoiiiaimn hr.'k and oia- bill". Will finder lemrii : Keiiiiiiik a ill u r t Hit. l,,r,;i " " ' EGGS ICR HATCHING. l,A'IN, III NSt FOK SALE.-.VI Rose C.Hn Pliod Isfsnd Ku at Sl.w eaclt. lazuli a of is. li. i'UJ. '...if itov-nr- fit,TViijjii