Newspaper Page Text
THE DATjVT TIMES. JXJXT! 12. 1907. ORCHARD AS B0AB EXPERT He Tells of One He Alade to Kill Bradley. HIS POISON PLAN FAILED State's Witness in Haywood Trial as Unconcerned as Ever An Enigma to Defence in Trial at 5 Boise. T'ltUe, Idaho, June 18. Harry Or chard yesterday resumed the stand in the triftl of Vi!liaro 1). Haywood for the uiuav of ex-tiovernor fiteutienberg. , Attorney Richardson continued to micstiou Orchard alont the attempt ntj murk upon the lifer of Fred Bradley in Kan Franeisco. Orchard said lie was uble to overlook the Jtradely home, from hi bedroom window. lie de clared he had bought some dynamite for a bomb'beforo the attempt to poison Bradley with strychnine in milk failed. Orchard thought he bought the ex plosive from .'the Judaon Powder com pany, He was requested to give his name, tie could not rmemter wnat hi name was, a Jietitious one. An an ex cuse for buyiuar ten pound of dyna- mit Orchard told the clerk lie wanted to blow out some stump on hi ranch. "Don't you know there are no stumps within 350 miles of San Francisco i" demanded Richardson. "I know that there art I've tieen them on the way to Calient Spring. Orchard described as eloely as nos sible the various idace where he had lived while in , Ban Franeisco before niorinj? to the ' Bradley neighborhood He couki not rennrmber the nstnes of the streets or the number of the houses, Next. Orchard told of a pleasure1 trip tv Caliente Springs while waiting "Bradley's return from Alaska. He ad mitted that he played card but denied bo was a "caret simrp. Orchard was living near the Trend -dio at the time he bought the dynaiuite for the liradley bomb. He did not re luemlier whether lie took a box of giant cap to Fan Franciseo or bought tlieni at the Judftoo company. Orchard kept the drnamit in hi room ana tooic a witu him when he moved to 1.256 Wnxhing ton street, within half a block of the ltrsdlev home. the failure oJ the plot to kill Bradley with poisoned milk, Orchard made the bomb, first buying a nieee of five inch lead pipe, fourteen inches lory Ktrharuson assea it uetective ic rartlanrt had determined to trv the Pen Francisco locations for the witness. He brought me a list of the wales of the .Tudon Vowdcr company and asked me if 1 could pick out th name I hail given. I picked out A. C. Debbs as the one 1 thought I remembered. "IXnn't you know there was but one ten pound" sala of dynamite that whole year!" "Mr. MeTartland showed me several." , Orchard said lie had heard from Me rrtland about the suit of the owner cf the apartments against the San Francisco pas company after the ex plosion of the Bradley bomb. On Orchard's confession, MnPartland and Governor Gooding made affidavits for use by the gs eompanr in moving for a new triul. Orchard did not know about subsequent lenlution. Orchard said the morning he placed the bomb at the front door of the Brad ley house, people were passing on their way to work. The lead bomb was in side a wooden box. Orchard took a car and was out of sr hot before the ex plosion occurred. "From the examination of the place after the eploion, don't you kuow that the wslls were blown out instead of in!" aked Mr. Richardson. "They were, all hattered." Orchard said t hnt a Bradley opened the door he would l sideways to the bomb and the explosion would be mors likely to blow him out than in. WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PILLS. Have you neglected your kidneys I Havt you overworked your nervous sys tem and caused trouble with your kid neya and bladder t Have you pi ins in loins, side, back, proin and bladder! Have you a flabby appearance of the face, especially uudsr the eyeif Too frequent a desire to pass uriuet If so, WilUams' Kidney rifle will cure you. Sample free. Py mail 60e. Williams Mfg. Co., proprietors, Cleveland,, Ohio. Bold by C. 1L Kendrick & Co. Insurance Rates REDUCED Seventeen old reliable Stock Companies and five Mutual Take your choice. - Call and in vestigate. Any competition met, in companies that have had an ex perience of from 2S to 100 years- J. We DILLON, 3 and 4, Bolster Block, Barro, Vt. asm FOR HIGH GRADE AMOS CO TO H. C. INGALLS ic CO. Prices reasonable and terms easy. OKI instruments taken in exchange, 24 tint Street, - Barre, Vt. C. W. INGALLS. Mgr. ijaifltly r1kvft flow iaus(;. uiii othur lif nfWi. t ii 1 i tr-s ton Mini rivftiwrmi.'t. Miffftr- coU'd uiblwU; ItK or lrKgit or by mail. n .r ui-ugpsf ion ! liiwW. Ilk-, or ur.. I Cat njsjjSfe Catarrh -sllsy miien mismhritn. Mwetn brfaih. llf"t. (,-uriile w,r t'mMit. rut.. O 1. I l.itvl i'o IiowdH, iiass. XI Matin o uwu ji uoutu ONE IS DEAD, TWO ; , .. DYING, OF FEVER. Christian Scientists Did Not Cajl Physi cian to. Their III Children. Concord, X. H:, "Juno 12. Five cases of scarlet , fevor 'have- existed without medical attendance. 1 in the family of Herbert -Whitney a farmer and Chris tian Scientist, who live on the Albnn road tt few miles out of this city. tine of the eiHidren, a s-yenr old cirl, died Monday night, and two others are likely to die. Ihis j the, report of the nice by Charles Falmer, the city health ollicer. . He heard incidentally that there was scarlet fever in the family, and upon in- vcsriaTinn; protested against tlie ab sence of physicians, and predicted that one child would die, before ycst-erday, as 1C (till. : - .-'- Yesterday he sent the city physician to the house, whd found ' two mow deaths amonfr th children likely to oc cur from a complication of scarlet fever complicated With other diseases. The dead child was buried yesterday morn- ng. . - ' " JAPANESE BAND PLAYS "THE MIKADO" IN ENGLAND. AH of The Tabooed Opera in Its Rep ertoire All Chatham Laughing. Chatham, England, Jiuio 12.Th order issued by the adtnirality that the, music if Sullivan's "Mikado", should-not be palyed on British warships, in order not to otlenit the, susceptibilities of the Japanese visitors is still in force, but a curious circume-tatice has arisen, and all Chatham js laughing over what ii called "the Japanese insulting them selves." The Japanese cruiser Tsukuba is ly ing in the dockyard here,, and Netocuehl. the bandmaster of the cruiser, has chosen Sullivan music to plav at the after-flinner dances given for the enter tainmcnt of visitors. The band's rcper toire, written and paired by Japanese contains all the music of thc "Mikado." COAL YARD ELEVATOR FALLS. Two Reported Dead; Many Hurt in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, June 12. Two men are reported dead and a dozen injured as the result of the falling of an elevator this afternoon in the Lehigh, loal .Ns vigatinn Co.'a large coal yard at Tort Kichmond, in the northwestern part of this city. SAVED BY CLEAN HANDS. Thrilling Incident of the Days of the Parie Commune. Frederic Vllllero' "Peacefnl Peraon IIta and Warriors Bold" contains a trlklna; and somewhat bloody tale of the terrible days of tho Paris com mune. An unturned Englishman tells the atory ot himself and Archibald Forbes, the great war correspondent: "There was a good deal of fighting In the etreeti at the time, for the Ver allies troops wer pressing hard upon the communists. One afternoon, In a Street not far from where we wer alt- ting, I was rounded up by a party of rebels and made to work erecting a barricade, when I found another Eng lishman pressed for the same business, It was Forbes, tho wt: correspondent. We chummed together at our distaste' fu! work, which we wis compelled to do or risk being for spies. "Presently the barricade wras attack ed by the Veneilloists, and the com munists, after a sharp tight, were drlv en belter skelter down the street Forbes and I ran with theru. Presently he shouted, 'Dive Into that wineshop on the left? I immediately did so, aud Forbes, catching hold of me, pushed me through a shop to a back yard. where we found a pump. 'Now,' said be, 'wash your hands quickly and let me have a turn.' After our ablutions he hurried me back into the street, That simple Incident of washing my hands saved my life, and I always re member It with gratitude. "Wo had hardly gained tho street be fore we were roughly arrested by the victorious troops, who would not listen to any explanation, and were hurried along with many other prisoners tilt we came to a blank wall, where a bait was made. About a dozen of us were made to stsnd lu a Hue with our backs to the walL 'Hands up! cried the of ficer In charge. "The poor devils who hnd soiled hands were told to remain. Forbes and I were tho ouly men who were allowed to fall out, for our hands showed no sign of barricade work or soU ot pow der npon them. Before we realized what had happened tho rest wero rid dled with bullets. It was a ghastly sight" The Art of Skip Rsading. Skip reading Is an accomplishment of our own time. An ordlunry man or woman of today can extract all tho requisite information out of a newspa per lu jess thau five minutes by too exercise of this new sense for it Is little else than ibis. Tho eyes race down a column, pick up Instinctively an essential word here and there, ond the brain fills in the Intervals intelli gently, producing a precis which is eulrk'lont for the purpose.I.oudon Graphic, Longevity of Car Wheels. Has anybody ever stopped to think how many miles the wheels of a rail road csr travel before they wear out? Statistics gathered from various ronds how that perfect car wheels often roll from 300,000 to 4(10,000 miles before they have to be turned down. Wheels with flaws lu them vua only about BO.OW to 00.000 miles. Desf Muta Instruction. The first mention of the Instruction it h deaf mute Is In the writings of rede, about f.So. A Spanish Benedic tine monk, Pedro de Ponce, taught tha daaf and dumb about Dyspeplets' G0DDARD 2 i -CRESCENTS 1 In One of Finest Amateur Games of Season. WAS A PITCHER'S BATTLE Rcid and Heath Both Twirled Splendid Ball and Were Very Steady Errors By Each Team Were Costly Played on Campus. One of the most interesting ball games of the season was played yesterday af ternoon on the Goddard campus, when (loddard crossed bats with tho Crescents, the Goddnrd team winning by a score ot 2 to 1. Allan Reid did the twirling for the Crescents and "Skinny" Heath was in the box for Goddard. Several of the Norwich university' cadets -were present and gave Rcid the Norwich cheer when occasion offered. The Crescents made a brave appear ance in their new uniforms which are of a shade lighter than the 'Goddard colors. The Crescent's only score was made in the first inning by Duncan, who was the first man at but. lie got to fii'8t when Lewis, the Goddard shortstop let a hot grounder through him,- stole second nt went to third on a passed balll, scoring when Smith, who followed him at bat, drove another grounder through the shortstop's territory. Smith whs put out at second br a throw by the catcher. Lewis here redeemed his errors by put ting Xute and Stewart out on (lies. There was nothing more doing until the si.vih. inning, ririch was the ft'st man up for Goddard and fanned. Heath drew a pass, went to second on Harrison' sacrifice, got to third when the third baseman made a wild throw trying -to CHtch him between second and third and srwed when the right fielder made wild throw over the third baseman's head in attempting to catch him there. Harrison was out on a sacrifice and Shin rolletl si grounder into Heid's bauds for a put out by the first hmeman. Goddard reentered agsin in the seventh when lterry made a single to center field, went to third when Stewart made a wild throw to aecond. OIjwhi was out ou short one to the pitcher, but Tilden made a single to left field scor ing Berry. Lewis wa out on a groundor and Walsh fanned. Olsen made two etar catches of balls that would easily have been good for hits. f For a Bang-up Time r ,take five cents 1 vT si.vvrzjx-j sv , ngi -v M Granite Gty JULY.-". 4. and' Horse Races, Base Ball Games and Scotch Games mi Sports, GENTLEMEN'S DRIVING CLUB, BARRE, VT. Mi In Attendance. Horsemen are requested to correspond with the Secretary of the Gentlemen's Driving Club in regard to classes. ADMISSION, FOB BUG MOTHERS . . Juslfood Increases- Flow of Milk and V Makes It Nourishing. It often happens: that the. mother's milk is lacking ia ifjiiant.ity or is5 de lii ienl,; in nourisliuii'iit. ' When iliis oc curs, inUertd of uing'-me'dicine. or drug, if the inotlicr will drink a cup of Just food before each meal, or iie it instead of tea on coffee, its will iucreaise the flow of milk and supply the elements of now Uhincnt that the baby need. J list food will a lso relieve the weakness and exhaustion that often attend the nursing period. It is a true food tonic, supplying nourishment and strength in a much belter way than by. the use of medicine and drugs. , When it is necessary to wean the child use Jus'tfood for. the baby. It is easy to prepare, tastes good to the little one and is so quickly asnimilated that it never comes up. Used in the bet homes for years. .'; A sample package of Juslfood with a weight chart for the baby 'will 'be sent free upon request, , Justfood Co., tSi S. franklin St (Syracuse, K.-.X, The score:- - Goddard. ab r bh po a a Heath, p. .-. . ..... 3 1 0 I 0 Harrison, c&lb. ......3 0 0 5 1 O Shins, 3b. ....3 0 0 0 0 1 Werrv, llt.ic. 3 11 13 0 0, Vf IS 0 12 0 0 Tilden, cf .....3 0 2 3 0 0 Ixwis, sx. 3 O 0 3 S 3 Walsh, If. ........ ...3 0 0 0 0 0 L'lrich, 2b.. ....... .,.3 0 0 3 1, 0 Totals ........... 2T E 4 27 5 3 '' '" Crescents. -' ab r bh po a e Duncan. 2b. ......... .5 1 0 SJ 0 0 Smith,' If. ...........I 0 1 3 0 0 Xute, lb. ...4 0 1 8 0 0 Stewart, e. .,,.......40; 0 11 0 1 Drown, 3b. ..........3 0 0 1 1 1 Murray, s. .........3 0 1 0 5 0 Sheriffs, rf ..3 0 0 0 0 1 Reid, p. ..4 0 0 0 5 0 Dickie, cf. ........... 3 0 0 0 0 1 Totals'.... -,.,...3 1 3 24 11 3 ' Score bv innings 12 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 Goddard .0 8 0 0 0 1 1 0 Crescents 1 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 01 Summary First base ou errors, God dard, Crrxt-ente 3; sacrifice hit, Harrison; iaes on balls, off Rcid, elf Heath 5; bit, Murray; double plav, Reid to Duncan to Nute; struck out, by Reid 11, hy H's'h passed ball, Stewart; timpue, Jtaldwin; time, Ihr. 45m.j at tendance, 123. , SCORE 12 TO 8. Washington Streets Defeated B. A. C. Yesterday Afteraoon. An exciting gauic of ball was played on he Washington street ground yes terday afternoon when the Washington street team defeated the U. A. C. team bv the score of 13 to 6 in seven innings. The batteries were, for ' Washington streets, Ferrin and A tt ridge, for B. A. C Recor and Taylor, ; One of the features tf the game nan running catch by Car penter of the winning team. to the grocery and ask for , , a package of GINGER SNAPS You1!! hit the mark every time. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Trotting Paik. 9 H AIL WMirfci i Kew Management. 25 CENTS. So HOME RUN i rOBY MURPHY Was Big Feature of Barre Montpeiiefs Victory OVER LACONIA YESTERDAY It Waa the First Four-Sacker of the Season, Ball. Sailing Over the Wire in Center Field Score of the Game was 9 to 7. Rarre-Montpelier trimmed the T.aconia presumptive RlaUsburg aggregation at the Intercity park yesterday, afternoon ! to 7 in a game that might be named a vaudeviMe tthow in that there was a mixture of good playing and loose play, insr, good hitting "and punk hitting throughout the nine innings. Brown, the. Laconia spit-ball southpaw, who pitched tht winning game, against the localu Sat urday, was in the box again yesterday and wss let down for thirteen hits, in cluding a homer over the center field fence by Murphy... Many of these thir teen hits off Brown and of the ten made off Wherry of the locals were scratch in -field hits that fast lidding would have covered. .',. .''"' In their warming-up practice the lo cal showed th,w it was not their day for a fast game and in the third inning tlie visitors got two runs after two hand were down through loose work of the locals' infield. ',. After Lovvry had fanned and Dyer had gone out on an assist by die "pitcher Mathieu popped up fly that was fall ing squarely into Rudolph' hands, Har ris made a one-handed dive for' it and dropped it, Shaw then hit a grounder to Ham's who fumbled. A single to cen ter field by Alnott (then scored Mathieu. While Tease was striking out Ball threw wild to second to catch Alcott and Shaw scored. The locaU then settled down and shut the visitors out until the seventh inning, when Wherry got on a wild streak and forced in one run and error let in two more. Brown was first up for Laconia and rapped out s single to center Held. Hartford went out on a fly to Rudolph and Ijowry singled to left, sending Brown to third, Dyer hit a grounder to Rudolph who fumbled and Brown scored. Mathieu fouled out to Ball and Vhe;ry hit Shaw filling the bases. Wherry tlien walked Alcott forcing in Iiwry. Pesse made a ground swat to Kudolph who fumbled and Dyer scored, Caswell, the ninth man up, ended the scoring by fanning out. in the eighth the visitors got in two more tallies through three singles and a passed ball, which tied the scoie 7 to 7. Hartford singled, went to second on Lowry's single, to third on n pass ball and seored on Mathieti's single which also scored Iwry. This ended tlie scor ing for the i.itors. The locals did n"t score until the third inning, when they made tluee and did the same tiling aaiu in the fourth. Murphy was up firt in he third and got life through an error by short. Mon shan beat out a bunt and Harris did he same, fillinj; the bases, (otter went out on a fly to center field and Murphy scored on the throw-in. Ball hit to the pitcher, who threw to third to catch Monahan off the beg, but Monahan turn ed and beat out the third baseman's throw to the plate. Fraser then rapped out. a two-bagucr to sighi and Harris cored. Cleuina singled, but Fraser got onlv to third and Rudolph ended the inning on nn assist by tlie pitcher. 'In the next inning after Wherry lisd fanned, Murphy lauded squarely on the ball and sen: "it Hying high over the center field fence into the river for a home run. Harris and Cotter both scored later on a wild throw to first bv Cas well. Clemns scored for the locals in the fifth after singling, going to second on Rudolph's ground hi: which the second Imseman ht by getting in Clemns wav, .fettling thiid and scoring on a wild pitch. With the score tied by the visitors getting two run, in the firsi half of the eighth the locals went in in tlie last hall and made two tsllie that won the jrauie. Harris got fiit on an error by second, went to second on a pas ball, stole third and sisired on Cotters Ions; fly to renter field. Cotter went to second on a passed ball and scored on eraser's ground hit to Caswell, who fielded "too slowly to tirst. The score: , ab , .3 .5 ,.3 ,.5 r bh po a e 2 1 3 3 0 12 3 0 O 3 2 13 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 1 0 3 7 A. 0 1 2 i 0 0 0 2 3 t 2 0 0 0 4.0 9 13 27 11 5 Murphy, ss. Monahan. cf. Harris, 3b. . Cotter, If. . run. c Kraser, lb. . ; Clemns, if. . jTtudolph, ss. I Wherry, p. . ...3 Laconia. ab r bh po a e I.owrv, rf. ..."i 2 3 2 0 0 Dver'e 3 1 0 7 0 0 Mathieu, ss.&rf. ......3 12 10 1 jMiaw. lb 4 1 t 10 1 0 ! Alcott, L'b 2 0 1 0 3 1 j Pease. If 5,0 0 0 0 o Caswell, 3b. 5 0 t 2 1 1 Brown, p 4 1 1 o 2 Hartford, if. Ass 3 1 1 t 0 1 Totals 3S 7 10 2.1 7 4 Hall nut by Fraser'e interference with, catcher throwing ito second. Score by innings: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 Intercity 0033100 2 0 Laconia" 2 0 0 0 0 o 3 2 tr 7 Summary Lamed runs, B. M. 4; home run. Murphy; two Im-e bit. I'M-er, Cas. well, Mathieu; double plays, ball to Mil!phy, Miaw to Hartford; struck out, by Wherry S, by liiown 5; bases on balls, off Wherry 4. off Brown 5; first base on errors, IS.-M. 4, Laconia 4: hit by pitcher, Shaw; passe . balls, Ball 2, Dyer 1; stolen bases, Hauis 2, ('lemns. Bildolph; Kecrifioe hit, Harris; left ou bases. ff.-M. If), J.acoitia 8; umpire, Cot ter; time, 2hrs; attendance, l'oo. H. H. Lcag.Be Standing. Won. Lost. Lot. . . i h . .:.,'i ..9 .fi2f ..e it an V, rre.fmif pelier Burlington Manchester . . . , Laconia A NOVEL INTRODUCTION The Dr. Howard company, have en tered into an arrangement with D. F. Davii-i, "The DrujigiHt ," .by- which a spe cial introductory offer' will be made of :'A cents on the 50-cent ie of their cele brated spiM'ilic for the cure of .constipa tion and dyspepsia. , , So remarkably successful hn Dr. How ard's "peciflc been In curing conslipal ion, dyspepsia and all forms of liver trouble, tfiat Mr. Davis will return the price paid in every case where ji does not give relief.-. Mr. Davis has been able to secure only a limited supply, so everyone who wishe-i to be cured of dyspepsia or constipation should call upon him at once or send him 25 cents by mail, aud get 00 doses of t he best medicine ever made, on this, special half (nice, introductory offer, with his personal' guarantee to refund the money if the specific does not cure. . Games To-day. n.iire-Monipclier at Platlsburg. Manchester at Burlington. IRISH M. P.'S TO FIGHT LIBERALS EVERYWHERE. Will Oppose Latter in The House and in The Constituencies. London, June, 32. At a meeting of the Irish Parliamentary Party in the House of Commons yesterday afternoon it was decided to fight the government both in the house and in the euj tiUuencies, in order to punish the Liberals for failing to give -Ireland a broader measure of houw rule than thRt, contained in the reject e J Irish council bill. ' PRICE OF A-LIFE. 1 . ,,. , ... ;, v.. --r:i Willing Murderers Plenty In the Slums - of London; . . I am told that a ten pouud note will buy a man's life in London that any tinsuspicious person can fall Into the Thames on a dark night or break bis neck going, round a slippery dark cor ner or fall under a van if a little bit cf crisp paper changes hands, says a Londc-' writer. I k..-w that-R very distinguished playwright, wishing to work out the plot of a melodrama, went into a high class den of thieves, made frleuds with pome of the leaders and unfolded to them as something be wished to put Into execution the plan be bad devised for bis villain's action. Ho told bis listeners that there -was a very important financier be wanted out of the way for forty-eight hours while he played the very dickens on the Stock Exchange with the stocks the financier controlled. lie suggested to his listen ers that an attractive lady and a yacht would lie the simplest means of insur ing this object. Ills henrers concurred. They knew the very yacht for the purpose. A skip per and a crew could easily be pro duced, and concerning the lady there would bo no difficulty whatever. "Then, after the forty-eight hours, we will of course bring biai back," said the dramatist brightly, thinking of bis fourth act. A cloud came over the faces of his udleoce: "Well, guv'ner, of course, If you wish It. but It would save such a lot of questions being asked If he just went quietly overboard," the spokes man suggested. THE WHITE LADY. Warning Death Phantom of the Reign ing House of Prussia. On the night before the battle of "aalfield Trlnce luls of Prussia and bis adjutant. Count Nnstitz, were chat ting in the Schloss Scbwarzburg-Ru-dolfstadt. The prince was anticipat ing victory when he suddenly turned pale ond rushed from the room, pur suing through the hall a shadowy white rotd figure. The sentinel saw it also. Next day "Nostilx and tho prince saw the w hits Indy ou a hill wringing her bands in despair as the Germans fell back. A few minutes later IxjuIs waa killed and Nostlti wounded. Nostltz told the story to his son, and the son to Lnser Trltat. The white lady's first appearance was when she was seen in the palace et Balretith in 148(1, Khe appeared eight or ten times in the next century. When the French officers were quar tered in BnSreuth she frightened them, in particular General d'Kspogne, who, the day after be had seen her, pointed to a portrait on the wall and cried: "It is she! That means my death." no was killed soon afterward. 1 . The superstitious Napoleon wouldn't sleep la tho castle, but the white Indy went to see him elsewhere. She was seen before the death of the beautiful Queen Louise, of Frederick Wllliua III., of Frederick William IV., of Un sor Frit?, himself and of many other members of the reigning bouse of Trussla. Hit Powers. "Don't you think my son has mar velous powers as a mimic?" asked the hostess. "lie has indeed," replied the gentle man who has overheard her son mim icking him, much to bis disadvantage. "He might Imitate a gentleman to the life If be were to practice a little. Chicago Record-Herald. As small letters weary the eye most, so also the smallest affairs disturb us most. Montaigne. Kyanize Spar Finish For Boots and Outside Doors. Kyanlze Fioo. Finish For Hani and Soft W'ootl lloors ml Linoleums. Kyanizc Interior Finish For Furniture nl Insido Woodwork. Etwh tho absolute best for the ptirpo Intended. LMk lor this Trsd-Mrk on Can. Reynolds & Son, Agents. SHUT OUT . FOR BOSTON Aadc Possible By Winter's Fine Pitching. ' ALLOWED BUT TWO HITS Cleveland Was Shut' Out Py the Score of 2 to 0 in a-Weli Played Game Four Double Plays Made During Game. Uoston, dune 12. Splendid pitching by Winter enabled I5'):on to seme a 2 to 0 victory over Cleveland yesterday. The visitors got but, two singles oH the Bos ton twirler, who passed one , man and sti tick., out ;four. Mason, the visiting pitcher, was touched up for six hits. Be sides pitching well Winter played an excellent -fielding game. Boston's two runs came in the fifth inning. Knight stiuck out, but .Bern's let tho third strike get by Wm and Knight was safe. A single-by Ferris put him on third and then Wagner pounded a hot one which Slovall could not hold,, on which Knight scored, and putting Fer ris on third. Crier hit to Turner who threw to Lajoie, forcing Wagner but en abling Ferris to moss the plate. Winter beat out a bunt to .Joss and then he and Criger started a double steal while Hoey struck at thrf ball. Hoey put up a pop to Turner w ho easily doubled Criger. The score. , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R. H. E. Cleveland , .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 Boston ....0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 6 3 Summary Base on balls,' off Winter; struck out, by Winter 4, by Mason 2; sacrifice' hits, " Bradley, Criger; two-basa hit, Wagner; double "play, Winter, Shaw and ' Uuglaub, Flick, 'Lajoie, Stovsll. Turner to Lajoie, Wagner, Ferris, Ung laub. . - Yeiterday's American League Games. At Boston Rostov 2. Cleveland 0. At New York Detroit 10, New York 2. At Philadelphia St. Louis 3, Philadel phia 0. American League Standing. Won, Lost, Pot. Chicago' '..'..,."..'.....30 ' 15 ' .667 Cleveland 30 - 17 - .638 Detroit ..25 .17 .505 Philadelphia ...24 -21 .533 New York ......,,..20 .22 .476 St. Louis i....lf 28 .404 Washington .........14. 27 , .341 Boston '.. ......15 - 30 .333 Yesterday's National League Scores. At Cincinnati (First game) Boston 2, Cincinnati 1 (second game) Cincinnati 7, Boston 5. At Pittsburg Pittsburg 7, Brooklvn 4. At Chicago Philadelphia 6, Chicago 5. ' At St. 1-sMiis New Yo:k Ji, St. Louis National League Standing, ' Won. Lost. ret. Chicago ...35 - 10 ' .773 New York 31 14 .r,v9 Pittsburg 23 18 .3il Philadelphia .... 23 20 Boston ..18 27 ,4'K) Cincinnati ........ . .18 28 .3tlt Brooklvn ...15 no .3?..! St. Louij 13 36 ,2ti5 Cyelopssn Building. The best examples of eyelopean building are at Baalbec. Tbere are stones In the Baalbec walls thirty feet above the level, several of which aw sixty feet long, twenty-four feet thick and sixteen broad, each stone weighing over 2,500 tons, alt cut, dressed and brought from distant quarries. Careful Housewives WHEN PUTTING AWAY STOVES Always filva tham coat of 6-5-4 1 make them rust proof. It shines liMlf. Is applied like paint, is bttttf (baa any nmel fa ttevct, ptpt orwlr terete. H mkts old sttmti took hit mrju. TKINK IT OVER It's thei thlakine man who comes here to buy his , . Think, Jo likewise and save money. H. A. GOULD, 56 Spaulding Street, Barra, Vt SMOKE THE SPOT JACKET "'CIGAR. 5 Cents Straight. A good Cigar for the money, A full line of Pipes and ,1 Smokers' Articles, 92 North Mala St., .-' I !