Newspaper Page Text
.TIIB BARBUDAXtT TIMES. JUNE 13. l!Jl BARRE DAILY TIMES ttibibhci Every Weekday Afternoon. Jutscr;r1ias: On Year. $J: Oos Montn. 25 cts inf! Copy, I cent. n.leicJ nl rlie pottofliee at Kane beoonrt Clatw Matter. Frank L Lastly. Fubiliher. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1907. .The average daily circulation of toe Barre Daily Time for the weefc ending Saturday w 4,605 ropies, the largest paid circulation of any daily paper in this secton. Shh! Don't frigliten the weather. Crafting in orchards is quite common, Graft in Hairy Orchard it alio quite tommoR. WW the nest "naturalist" to take 1 hack at Roosevelt? Jack London is tue last up to date. . It is' said tliat the Jamestown exposi tion is now formally opened. It al ready was formerly opened. TluMe Day breaks at Syracuse uni versity are not a luminous and in spiring as the other daybreak. The saloon in Lewiston, Maine, are temporarily cloned again during a spasm of enforcement of the prohibitory law. The robber who broke into -the Northfleld Tall post office were par ticular what company they kept, for they didn't want to be seen with nix Central Vermont mileages which they found in the post office. The Norwich university cadets who are now making a practice march through central Vermont are getting the benefits of practical military train ing and at the same time are benefit ing physically thereby. The day's marches are not over-long or over rough territory, and by the time the boys get back to Northfleld they should be in fine physical condition. ThU practice of annual- marches i one of the minor virtues of the Xorthficld in stitution but very good at that. rROGREPS ALL ALONG THE LINE. The results of the annual work by the assessors, as shown by our news columns today, indicate a largely in creased grand list for the city, one of the largest gains made in recent years. Then, too, there is included in the re port a gain of 168 polls during the year, making a total of 3,272. The city has, therefore,, been making a Bteady advance in population as represented in part by these 16S additions in the poll list. This growth in property and population bids fair to be continued during the present year. Talk up your town when opportunity falls to you. Never knock. He candid how ever, and do not attempt to cloak things which the outsider should know before coming here or investing his property. We don't care to go under false pretenses. At the same time we feel certain that the things wtyoh on might wish to cloak are small com pared with the advantages. DIRTY JiTLK SOLD IN BARRE. By referring to the quarterly report of the state board of health we find that the samples of milk taken from the supplies of five dealer of milk in Barre, examined dining tV.ti months of March and April and up to the tenth of May this year, were found to be below standard. In four instances re marks Merc made that the milk waa dirty, while in the fifth the milk was low in .solids and fat. Each was normal jiJeroscopically. On the other hand, we barn that the samples of milk taken from five other supplies in Barre, ex amined during the same period, were not only normal microscopically but were above standard, there being no complaint of dirt or other foreign sub stance i a connection with them. The query arises then, why cannot the five milk dealer first mentioned handle as clean and healthy a supply of milk as those five other Barre d-aler,who milk was found to be watisfactory t They certainly are in as good a position to sell clean milk to the consumer as the others. The theory may be advanced that some dealers, doing an extensive business, are neces Green's II I - T 6 fc II I - T 6 V V S-4 . A RUN GN 0UT1N3 SUITS. Our Outing Suits, at the rate they are going, ' have nearly reached the speed limit. Better hurry in and arrest one or two, before the lively patterns and fast colors get away. The price range is $10, $12 and $15 per Suit. WE CLEAN, PRESS AND REPAIR CLOTHING. JINGLES AND JESTS I : . Wide Open. ' Easterner Did ."you say the lid was on in San Francisco? Westerner Sot much ! Why, even the Kucf was olf! Voiikci M.'iU'-miiii. Scylla And Charybids. For a man to' love two girls at the Hume time i possible, of comse, but it is an extremely hazardous piocecd ing. !Som:rvill Journal. Wasted Food. "ileie's-a new invention," remarked the auto dealer, "This mitchine, con tabu a ainall ice chest." ''Doesn't attract nte," leplied KnviUi "J never atop to pick up live, things 1 kill.'-Harper's . Weekly. 1 1 74 North Main St i Barre, Vt. sarily required- to purchase from other dairies and are consequently somewhat at the mercy , of the first sellers. In reply we may say that they have a remedy by refusing to deal with such keepers of dairies who do not exercise the proper degree of tare in the handl ing of the milk. It wouldn't be long before everyone who owned a dairy and was dependent upon the sale of milk from it would revise his methods to conform- to the demand of those selling direct to the consumer. If the consumers desire to tt t'ne milk which they are buying there is a simple method prescribed by the state laboratory as follows; Physically, the milk is examined for dirt and other foreign material which indicate an un clean and unwholesome condition. The standard we have adopted is the sedi ment found at the bottom of the clean jar in which the sample is collected. The jar is allowed to stand about 10 hours in the laboratory, during which time the sediment settles. The jars are then held up to the light, the dirt and other foreign matter being easily detected. STRAY PICKINGS OF LOCAL INTEREST It may be nothing more than barmen- stance, but at any rate it make a laugh when the bae ball attendant runs over the advs. on the score card and sees one Barre saloon advertising that it is holding forth in a "fire proof building." Our good prohibition menus would see an augury of the future in the significance. Well, well! If here isn't ''Dick" Hoar. our "unconstitutional" friend, finding another flaw in the laws by which we abide ourselves. We doubt not that if "Dick" should essay the tak he could knock the law of the Modes and Persians into a cocked hat and then feed the pieces to us for a new kind of a breakfast food. But let it not be said that our unconstitutional friend goes into this llawpieking bus iness blind folded or widly a bull enters a china clowt, "but with due preparation beforehand and with several hrulges behind him if re treat is enjoined by the courts of the land. But as a puneturer of the things which we are wont to look up to as almost more tiian human-made be U a pippin. ' 'Dick" vays that our city charter and ordinances wouldn't hold oat-meal water became of the holes. Prhaps that is because he has been taking so many shots at them. Never theless, we think he gave good advice to the , board of civil authority the o(her evening when he went without his supper to find the proof of the un constitutionality of a certain tax law. In the language of the "East-aider" spring has came. Ppenking of spring, did you ever see anything blossom out as the white dresses did on Tuesday! It looked as if the women had the white tOL's all spread out on the chair, freshly ironed, ana juvt aciiing to get Into 'em. Then Old Sol kindly loosened tip ft bit and Presto! the sombre winter crowns crave way to the imaculute linen of summer. Pretty at any rate. tm Best At all Grocers'. Buy it and save baking in hot weather. There's going to be a horse show, or rather a show of horie speed in Barre very soon. Why not an automobile show! It would make quite an impos ing cortege to see all the Cadillacs, Jlitynes, fonts, j-.lmnres, lute, and what-nots pulled up in a line. There must be fifty or more of the machine in town now and more coming. If need bo we might have a joint debate on the respective virtues or the Hayne.s and the Cadillac cars with John Cordon and "Nelt" Phelps as the chief argufiers. If the people didn't want to listen they could leave. At any rate, the next time we have an exhibition of nnv sort. let's inaugurate an automobile parade. Some unkind persons might proclaim it a parade of folly, but never mind the unkind people. Them we always have with us, hut not always an auto aIiow. The Xorwlib university cadets ought to teol eotnpliitK'iptea when we 1 l t th.-in that Barre mini, not knowing who tlicy were, asked '"What I'niled States troops are theyt" Ti.ey did look a cood deal like regulars and they march ed pretty well for boys, who had ju-,t Chilly Plants. ': v Said the crocus,. '"I've a chill! Hear me wheeze." "Ask for nie," qunlh daffodil, "I shall freeze." All the aspens fairly shook Through the wold, "Mully nee," averred the brook, 'Spring is cold!" - " Pusk.v willow did not kick , With the rest. Pussy willow's quite as slick As the best. Spring is chilly. As to that She concurs. That, is why the crafty cat Fetches furs. Louisville Courier-Journal. ESTATE OF 525,000 INVOLVED. An Important Will Case on- Trial in Windsor County Court. Wood-dock, June 12. Since the pres ent term of the Windsor county court opened here, the time of the court has been taken up by the trial of the Wat kins will case which involves the $25, OOO estate of the late Kdgar S. Wat kuis, aged 72 years, of South Royaltoii, contestants are " 3lr. Betsey .E. Scott, of Plymouth,, and S. W. Wat kins, of Rulland, cousins of the de ceased, who seek to set aside his will en the ground of undue influence and want of 'totimeutary capacity. For nearly 50 years Wat kins had car ried on an.HOo'acr fnnj at Sharon which' hail been in the family for three generation. July 10,'' 1905, he had a stroke of upopleky. His condition im proved somewhat so that on the 23rd ot July a will was made in his bed room which he executed by making bis murk with a crohs with hi i left hand, Lis ritrht side being puralued. This will left all the property to his wife, who is the executrix, and the proponent in this case. 1 Davis and Davis, and St ickney, Ser gent, and Skeils- appear for the con testant", and Tarbell and Whitman and W. H. C. Miekney for the proponent. Rural Route For Fairlee. Washington, June, 32, A rural de livery route, service to commence Aug ust i, bus been established for Fairlee, Vt., to be known as lloute No, 1. Its length will be 10 miles' and it will servo -)." families. FOR Mm. WEDDSWOS Just the little Band of Gold and Diamond Set Rings. STERLING SILVER The largest variety to be found in the city. HAND-PAINTED CHINA We have the very best line ever show in Barre. CLOCKS They are reliable. Gold, Broze and Ebony. CUT GLASS The celebrated Hawkes make. None better. P. E. BURR & CO., JEWELERS, Telephone 10-21. 85 North Main St., Barre, Vt. AN 0L9 PROVERD. Is M 6 Holler. I One a certain Geniua who thought that tha Moon was inhabited proposed that at a certain moment on a certain night every man, woman and child on earth should holler juat aa loud aa possible, so that the Man In the Moon might hear the aound and know that he had neighbor. Everybody eald it waa a Fine Idea. Everybody agreed to Holler with a big H. For month In advance every body practiced lung exer citei, ao aa to cultivate , the Biggest Holler possible. Everybody waa sure that the Moon Man couldn't help but hear the Vast Volume of Vociferation. The Eventful Night ar rived. The Moon Man waa looking down through a cloudless eky. Everybody on earth drew In two large . lungfuta of air and got ready for the Big Holler. The Mighty Moment came at laitlli Silence! Absolute aileneel It waa the ailentest moment aince the morning stare first sang together. When the return came in it waa known that only one man, a negro in Darkest Africa, hollered, and one woman In Oehkosh, Wie., who waa so excited that she just couldn't help it, let eut a faint hyaterioal ahrlek. ' Everybody else had kept Mum in order to hear the Big Holler that all the other were going to make. But nobody made the holler because they all waited for the ether fellows to do it all except the African, who had no curiosity, and the Oshkoth lady, who had hyaterlc. And the Man in the Moon just laughedl It was enough to make a comet splutter, for it revealed a very amusing trait In human nature. You will find lota of people rlht here In thlo community who refuse to Join In the Bis Hoilor t(caUH. they want to -H !h full ben efit of the holler when the other people maae It. Bomellni by maklna a filsr Jolir all at one we mlRlit get a new factory located here, but when 93 men atanit around, each welting for nit the others to l the hollnrlna, and only one man hollers, the man looUlne for h. factory Ha doesn't hear any aound. K) If it takes a Big Holler to get what we want, every fellow must lend a lung. This Is not Just a funny atory. It is Full of Philosophy. It 6t ought to set yeu thinking. "A Penny Saved la a Penny Earned" la Almost Univorsal. Lil.c most of tlieso wise old proverbs, "n penny waved is a penny en mod" Is probably. In some form or other, uni versal. In tiernuiny there ure tbroo forms of it "A penny saved in a penny Gained" "Ersparter Pfennig 1st so gut wie crworbeno"), "A penny fiuved Is twopence got" ("Kin esparter IMVnnls lit zwolmnl veniioi'l : ) nnd "Penny 1:1 penny's brother" ("Pfennig 1st Pfen nig's Ururter").' In .iiini.sli, "A penny spared is a penny saved" ("Qulen (.ome y doxa, doa veces pono In mesa"). Iu Dutch, "A penny spared is better than n florin gained" ("Ben stuiver gespaarrt is betcr dau cen' 'gulden gowonnen"). In Danish, "A penny la time is as good as a dollar" ("En Sklllins er i Tide ana god om en Duler"). In French; "Sim incr is gettinsr" ("Qui cpargne, gague"). Similarly iu German, "Saving is a greater art than paining" ("Sparon 1st grossere kunst als crwerben"). Danish, "Money saved la as good as money gained" ("Den Penge inatt sparer .or aaa god eorn den man avler"). Italian, "Money is money's brother" ("II danaro o frntelio del danaro"). But money Is no pain when It "advances meacocks" ("Doniera arancent los bediers"). Eng lish, "Penny and penny laid tip will bo many," and "Who will not keep a pen ny shall never have many" lie who la prodigal of little can. never have a great deal Loudon Notes and Queries. la Friday Unlucky? -Is Friday nnlucky Gladstone, Bea consfiold, WnBblngton, Bismarck. Fahr enheit and Spargeon were bora on Fri day. Henry VIII. gave Cabot his com mission which led to the discovery of North America, Columbus actually dis covered the continent and the pilgrim fathers landed at Plymouth Rock on Friday. Once more: The first news paper ad. and the first, newspaper printed by steam power (the London Times) appeared both ou a Friday, wblla the stamp act was repealed in England on the same day-of the week. With Charles Dickens Friday was an especial favorite.Chlcago News. The Horseshoe. According to the old superstition, If you find a horseshoe and nail It over a door or on a door of entrance to your houue or flat witches cannot enter. This belief Is universal. The horseshoe as an amulet Is known among Tnrks, Jews, gentiles. Infidels, believers, here tics. The crescent emblem of the Bud dhists is a horseshoe. The safeguard against witchcraft may be found In Tunis, Constantinople, Spain, Sicily. Images of crocodiles made iu Cairo car ry horseshoes on snout and tall. The rich and aristocratic, the poor and low ly, beliera alike In the efficacy of the charm. DEWEY PARK FF.I.IX Bt,ri. - - . l.eee. J I 1.KS U. SVHLOSS, Manager. TONIGHT .and Balance of This Week. COMI BROTHERS' MOVING PICTURES Programme Changed Monday end Thursday Seats in Theatre, - - 10 and ISo Car Tare to Dewey Park. So 3 ft JPK v mm. constitutes a large part of what is earned in this age of prog ress. Why not save a little money on your Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Screen Doors, Window Screens, Fly Wire, Poultry Netting, Gar den Hose and Tools, Plumb ing, Hardware, Quarry and Mill Supplies by buying at our prices? . Think it over. TEE H. 0. PHELPS CO,, 1 36 N. Main Street, Barre, Vt. On Ladies' Short Coats, Separate Skirts and Children's Coats Ladies' Black Mohair Skirts at $2.98, 3.98 up. Ladies' Light Mixture Skirts at $1.75 and 2.75. Just ReceivedBlack and White Checked Wrap pers and Wash Shirt Waist Suits. Special Linen Colored Duck Skirts for $1.00 Also White Duck and Linen Skirts for $1.25, 1.50 up. Special White Silk Waists for $2.25 and 2.98. $5.00 Black Silk Lace Waists for $2,93. 1 1 h 1 1 mm II st Come Lieht That's what the sun has and the weather man says wc are liable to see it for several days in succession. Yes, even feel it. Now if it should shine down good and hot for a change a Parasol from this store would prove extra cool, as well as becoming- and then, to make the outfit complete, a Fan is in order. Wc should be glad to raise a Parasol or spread a Fan for your examination anytime. The Parasols are from 25c in Children's to $6.50 in Women's. A special attractive assortment of White Parasols at $1.25, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00. Fans from 25c to $2.50 each. And just bear in mind that our June Muslin Underwear Sale that is running now full blast is well w6rth attending. The Perley E. Pope Company. Nyais II asr.; restorer. A wonderful Hair Dressing. Keeps the hair from falling out. Prevents and cures dandruff and restores grey hair to its original color. Price 50c. Sold by D. F. DAVIS, "The DRUGGIST" BUG POWDER Sure death to all kinds of bugs and worms. Protect your currant bushes and shrubbery. Comes in 10c, 15c and 25c packages. C. H. KENDRICK- & CO., 54 North Main Street DRUGGISTS An advertisement in the Tunes will bring sure results. mmmm i mi. mm i gw-wwiftW m-i" mwm mer" "K-f t m w i rTrw Ituwvww 1 1 wmjrV'ims' W WW aw f fir u ,' n i in-rTmnn it'.m- " " " 11 MORAL: Now's the time for the Big Holler! ...... (Z 'iUv6eG64oC6b04CCKJO0K Granite Savings Bank & Trust Co. BARRE. VERMONT. Will par Interest on Saving; Dopoalte ($l or more) at tha rmt of roPR per cent. Compounded Semi-annually, besrtnnlmc July i iSn7 SECURITY - The First Consideration I! : n THE LARGESL RESERVE Cash and Bonds to meet demands ot depositors. THE LONGEST EXPERIENCE IN BANKING 22 Years. ' THE LARGEST CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND GUARANTEE (Over $175,000.00) for fhe security of depositors', Of my similar instilulion in Barre. Will It not be to yonp advantage to carry a prt of yonr deposit with tM OLD, STRONG, PROGRESSIVE Bank? JOHN TROW, President. - H. G. WOODRUPP, Treasurer covered six nines in a not sun. U(e Jtfltiif4wt c