Newspaper Page Text
THE I5AKJRE DAILY TIMES, JUNE 12, 1907, CarriagesXarriages We have a larger and more complete line than ever of carriages, consisting of express, grocery, driving and farm wag ons, Also a full line .of harness. See-end-hand carriages and harness on hand to be closed out cheap. H. F. COTXER'SSTABLE. Teijj-houe 131 2 Ftar tf CHy Hotel, . - Barre. Vermont, AT CITY OAKERY LADY'S FINGERS Need never touch the Bread or Cake pan. We remove the necessity of .home baking by supplying Bread, Cake, Pies, etc., which are superior to anything produced elsewhere- Fine ingredients and great skill enable us to please everyone. i & CARON, Telephone 12-11. No. Main St., Barre. WOOD The place to buy Wood. A large stook rf all kinds at these prioes: Week Wow!, por cord.... $2.75 Limb Wood, pr load 2.00 t ,'nalr Wood, per load 2.50 fcolt Wood tilaus..... 1.73 Furnace and Shed Wood. 1 am prepared to do all kinds of moving and jobbing at reasonable rates. Coarse and fine Sand for sale in jny quantity. Coarse Sand for ce menting at my sandbank, Farwcll St L. J. BOLSTER, Telephone 405-a 383 North Main Street, Barre, Vt Coa! and Wood FRICES OF COAL FOR JUKE: Nut, Stove and Egg.. 7.60 Grate 7.35 Smithing Coal '. 7.35 A full line of Hamas at lowed market price. CALDER & RICHARDSON, Telephone 45-4. Depot Square. COAL! COAL! Buy now but before buying talk with lis. Lowest prices of the year. We l.nnrtlc D.L.& W., D.&It., and Scranton free burning eosla, and can quote you on them these price: Nut, Stove and Egg...". $7.60 Grate 7.35 We also handle several grades of I.e. riijil coals and would be pleased to tnlk s' vou about them. All inquiries an swered promptly. D M. MILES, Ctfice 122 No. Main St. Yards Off Blacbeil St. GOAL Buy now and save the advance of 10c per tcvn a month. Price for June: Nut, Stove and Egg S7.60 Grate Coal.. 7.35 These prices are on our D. L. & W. and Scianton Coal. Lehigh Coal 25c per ton extra. Tel. 237-21. MORSE & JACKSON. 31 mmm ".l .- . f .. .. ' wr""V Is what everybody is striving for, no matter in what channel of activity it may be. If you are after satisfactory results in Electrical Work, success will crown your efforts if you entrust your Electrical Contract with us. We do all kinds of Electrical Work and will gladly submit estimates. Union men Employed. EDSON BROTHERS, Hci'Mene Telephone, 112-J. ininfti Telephone, 4:8-3. )J ono i Imsy cull tlie oilier. lrncr North Main St. and Keith An, Barre. 1 i P1CKARD HAND PAINTED CHINA This Beautiful China is pro duced in over one thousand shapes and designs; made for use and ornaments in every port of the home. .. , ' The surest proof of the intrin sic merit and high standard of excellence of the exclusive de signs of Pickard Hand Painted China, is the fact that their ideas are eagerly sought by designers of the best European factories. "Pickard" in hand painted china is pre-eminent. We are exclusive agents, and carry a full display. f.L Burr & Co. C. wY Averill Block. THE HOME DOCTOR. To' cure nose bleeding, tie a stvln Tory tightly around the small part of the thumb below the knuckle. Half a teaspoonful of table salt ills solved in a half glassful of cold water will give Instant relief In case of heart burn. People with poor digestion should drink no water with meals, but take a glassful half on hour before and drink plentifully on hour or so after each meal. To Inhale steam from a bowl of boil ing water ia very good for a soro throat The sufferer shonld lean over the steam, drawing It In both throat and nostrils. Many cases of indigestion, headache, neuralgia, cold bands and feet can be quickly cured by drinking slowly one or two pints of water so hot that It alniot burns the throat. Warts may be entirely removed by washing the hands two or three times a day with the water in which pota toes have been boiled or by bathing the wart several times with potato water. ' ' Where Do the Cents Got Nobody knows what becomes of the millions on millions of cents that are minted annually, the production vary ing from 25,000,000 to 00,000,000 per annum. They simply vanish from sight and are gone forever. The phe nomenon seems strange and is not eas ily accounted for. Feople say, "What becomes of all the pins?" That la easily answered. Pins soon corrode, and thus are transformed into nothing that is recognizable. A copper cent, on the other band, is indestructible, com paratively speaking. But the solution of the problem seems to be that cents are subject to more accidents than any other coins. They change hands ten times as often as dimes, for example, and, being of small value, they are not cared for. Los Angeles Times. A Sight. "Do you know, I saw something re markable Just now," observed a broker to a friend In front of the Stock Ex change In P.road street. "What was tt?" "I saw no fewer than five leading lawyers of the financial district walk past, and every ono of them had his hands In his own pockets." New York Tribune. Obeyed Instructions. Man of the House Verena, I told you to call me at 7 o'clock sharp this morning. Domestlc-I called ye as sharp as I could, sorr, but I couldn't wake ye.-Ch!cago Tribune. Nature Is a mutable cloud which Is always and never the same. Emerson. ynd nKd U klndt of mcatcinis. My Unsm. linn been .'tully gwa u arm. my brnntli hs.inj but odor. 1 no wwkt o t'rlotd rf'"oram,'i.i!.-I C asesrnta ml ft&r unina their. I n willtiicl' k'.l f hcrftiy .ur tli thty Iiot uliri.lf gmot rr.n. 1 Iherf Ion lt yoa knuw thn 1 hii rfrnmm-isid thorn to any one afierlna irnm inph trouble." Chu. 11. lllprn, 114 E. Hit hi.. Now iork, K. T, 6esT Tor Tho 5oweb CANCcTfiA!tr:c m.iM, rltbli, Pnt-nt, TtJ(v,4,rioOrv, KTor bKknii, VVniikdn or rlr". lUo, IBiMOo. Not.i owl la hulk. 1h cenulin ublt is a LI. Ouirmtf.4 to oars or your nionr btuk. Sterling Remedy Co., Chlcsjo or N.V. wb &BKEM.SJ&E.TE3 KilU$8 SCSh UPHOLSTERING AND FURNITURE REPAIRING Hair Mattress Making and Renovating. Picture Fram ing and Mat Cutting;. All work promptly clone. H. P. BALDWIN, Worlhen Block. Telephone 432-21 THE BARRE DAILY TIMES WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1907. Ninety-six Per Cent, of Money t pay on death claim is the only a ttvt of the recipient. Therefore, inves tigate our very low- Jutes. 5tb year. National Life Insurance Co., Montpelier, Vt, : (Mutual). ; 8. 8. Ballard, General Agent, Montpel ier, Vt. X. 1). i3allard,. Local Agent, .Miles block, Barre, Vt. ,- TALK OF THE TOWN. Masonic charms and pins at L. P. Aus tin's "the watch and clock man." Union made stonecutters' glasses . at L. 1 Austin's, the watch and clock man. Old gold and silver wanted at re finers' prices in exchange for goods at F. E. Burr's. L. P. Austin sells stone cutters' glasses, all kinc's and prices. From 20c. to $3.00 each. Stone-cutters" glasses, 20o per pair. Leuies, per pair, 8c. F. E. Burr & Co, 85 North Mum street. ' '-; ;' . .; j A regular convocation of Ruth Chap ter, Xo. 33, O. E. S., Wednesday evening, June 12, at 7:30 o'clock. A good at tendance is desired. ;..',. ' There will be a regular meeting of Bright Star Rebekah Lodge, Xo, 18, on Wednesday evening, June 12, at 8 o'clock. Per order "noble grand. The quarterly convention of the state spiritualist association will meet in Montpeliar June. 15 and 16. The ladies of the . A. E. will funmh supper Saturday-night and dinner and supper Sun day. A concert by Whittier'a orchestra i something that every one enjoys. You will be able to hear this orchestra if you attend the, concert given by the Spauld ing alumni association on Wednesday evening, June 12, at 8 o'clock. The Spaulding alumni concert and ball will be held in Woodman's hall on next Wednesday evening, June 12. There will lie a concert by Whittier'a orchestra from 8 to 9, and 'this will be followed by dancing. Dance $1.00; concert 25c. W. F. Khepard, administrator for the A. C. J)ay estate otTers for sale the en tire harness business, consisting of har ness, robes, blanket, and tools and fix tures. For further particulars call on Mr. Sliepard. Over 13 per cent on $1,150.00. We will be glad to show you where you can invest this amount of money and can receive 13 per cent, or better on same. The real estate is located within two minutes walk of the post oflice, and is all rented to desirable parties. Enquire of the D. A. Perry Real Estate agency, rooms 8 and tf, Gordon block, Barre. Members of the Spauldiug alumni as sociation! You are hereby notified that the annual banquet will be held on Thursday evening, June 13, and your pa tronage is earnestry solicited. Some member of Wie committee will call on you within a few days and a definite answer is desired as to your attendance, since the committee must know the at tendance before June 7. The Magic No. 8. Xumber three is a wonderful mascot for Geo. II. Parris, of Cedar Orove, Me., according to a letter which reads: "After suffering much with liver and kidney trouble, and becoming great lr discour aged by the failure to find relief, I tried Electric Hitters, and as a result I am a well man today. The first bottle re lieved and three bottles completed the cure. Guaranteed best on earth for stomach, liver and kidney trouble, by Red Crog Pliarmacv. 50e. Dyspepsia is America's curse. Bur dock Blood Bitters conquers dyspepsia every time. It drives out impurities, tones the stomach, restores perfect di gestion, normal weight, and good health. Itching, bleeding, protruding or Wind piles yield to Doan's Ointment. ChronTc i cases soon relieved, finally cured. Drug gists all sen it. Doan's Regulets cure constipation without griping, nausea, nor any weak ening effect. Ak your druggist for them. 25 cents per box. For any pain, from top to toe, from any cause, apply Dr. Thomas' Eclectnc Oil. Pain cant stay where it is used. Excursion to Montreal. June 15 and 16 the Central Vermont railroad will run an excursion to Mont real from Barre, Montpelier and Wafer bury. Fare for the round trip, $3.00. Tickets good going on all reguJur trains, June 15 aiid early morning train June 10, and returning until 8:40 p. m. train from Montreal June 16. See hand bills for particulars. INDUSTRIAL ITEMS. There are over 100,000 persons de pendent upon the New England fisher ies for a living. Combined together in this industry on an equal footing is tho Inlior of 40,000 men and a capital of f 20,000,000. Early In the last century about 80 per cent of the male workers of the UnKcd Srntes were employed on farms. Modern machinery now enables 35 per cent of these men to do the agricul tural work. A new Industry has baen started In Australia in connection with rabbits. Nearly half a gallon of till possessing valuable lubricating c,unU(les has been obtained by a rabbit hunter nt Gilgan dra, New South Wales, from seventy three pounds of nklns without lesson ing the commercial value of the pelts. According to the last report of tho comrnhsioner of nnvlpntlon, the mer chant of marine of the United States now numbers 2r.00rt. with a gross ton nage of 0,071,009. If the present rate of construction Is not checked the out put of the shipyards for the current year will be the greatest since 1855. Coooanut Treee. The cocoa nut tree Is the most valua ble of plr.nts. Its wood furnishes Iteoms, rafters nnd planks; lt3 leaves, umbrellas and clothing; Its fruit, food, oil, Intoxicants nnd sugar; Its shells, domestic utensils; Its fibers, ropes, sails and martlnc " ANCIENT ATHENS. Banciueting In the Grecian City In the Time of Plato, In Professor T. G. Tucker's "Life In Ancient Athens" the author gives this ns a picture of a typical banquet In that city in the time of Plato: "When 111 are In place the servants come round with a vessel, from which . they pour water over the hands of the guests. There are brought In small tables, light and " ornamental, one of which Is set down before each couch tor . two persons, and on these are placed tho several dishes as they come In order. Tho tables are lower than the couches, so that the right hand can reach down easily to them. Knives and forks there are none. The food Ss taken up with the fingers. It is trne that in dealing with very soft foods or. gravies or in extracting things from shells spoons were not unknown, but usually tho fingers were assisted by pieces of bread hollowed out for the purpose. It is clear that there was plenty of room for neatness and dainti ness in handling food, and it was no small advantage, to have fingers not too sensitive. . "There were no napkins. Portions of soft bread, often especially prepared for the purpose, wero used for wiping the fingers and were afterward thrown to tho dogs which might be present to catch them; but, apart from the dogs, It may be something of a shock to learn that the floor, which was, of course, without a carpet, was the re ceptacle for shells, bones, peelings and other fragments, which were, however, swept out at a given stage of the proceedings. Conversation meanwhile must be general. The first half of din ner consists of substantial, particu larly fish and birds, eels (if they could be got), comparatively little meat (such as beef. Iamb nnd pork) and vegetables dressed to a degree of which we should hardly approve with oil, vinegar, honey and sauces. "During this part of tho meal wine Is not drunk. The Athenians kept their drinking as separate as possible from their eating. Water is then brought round again, hands are washed, tho tables are carried out, the Coor is swept, a chant Is sung to the accom paniment of the flutes,' a libation of wine is poured out to the words 'to tho good genius' or 'to good health,' and the second part of the banquet begins. Tho tables are brought In again, and what we call dessert was for this rea son called by the Athenians 'the sec ond table.' On theso arc placed fruits, fresh and dried: salted almonds, sweet meats, cheese and salt" White Ants. The termites, or white ants, steal and Itoro grain. As much as five bushels of grain have been taken from a single nest No More F IT formula, i Hair (jrerms1$. mkkk.hkkk.LkkkkHkkkkkk.kkkkkkk.kkkLk.kk.kkli kkkkkkkkkkkkkk Jirvf f t vf ffff f ? vtvfrttf " 4. If 3 tt "! ( t . 4 . tr t" s - 1 3E z tr v ) atchingv Butterflies. To catch butterflies you must reach out after them. As a rule you won't catch many in your hand. You must tise a net. It is the net that scoops them in. A hand reach in catching butterflies ia no better than a handbill in catching business. It is the net that counts. The net is the news paper. This reaches out to ell tho people and Fcoop them in. Experi ence of several genera tions has shown that tho newspaper is the best business bringer. Take, for instance, this paper. (Most peo ple take It.) An an nouncement in this pa per goes Into the homes of the people whom you must reach if you get the business you are after. There h, indeed, a very much larger net that scoops in tho business butterflies. It is stretched out not only over this community, but over every similar community in the land. It is the mail order net, made up of big catalogues and of advertisements in periodicals which are circulated broadcast to catch tho unwary. To prevent that great net which is really an octopus with a thousand tentacles from catching your trade away from you, wisdom suggests that you use your homo net -the local newspaper. Usually a word to tho wise is Bufiicient. If you want to keen your patronage or build it up, you must compete with the butterfly catchers from the outside. The Dollar is tho Butterfly. It has green wings, and is attractive to merchants in the big cities just as it ia attrac tive to you. If you would catch these pretty butterflies that are cir culating around home, you must me tho net that circulates around home. - . Could anything bo plainer? AAAi4AAAAAAAAa4AAAAAMA4AsVAAAAliA4AA.AAAA CHELSEA Eugene .Densmore of Montpelier spent Sunday in town. , J. B. Adams of Randolph was in town Saturday on business. II. X'. Mattison ispent Sunday with friends in West Fairlee. Miss Eva S. Jackson of .'Fisher ille, Mass., came Monday for a short visit to her mother, Mrs. W. II. Sprague. John M. Atwood of Boston spent Sat urday and Sunday in town, the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, B. Atwood. Miss Blanche Tounsend .'returned to Boston last week, after a short vacation spent with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Townsend. Wm. F. Hood and Henry Clark left for Lowell, Mass,, Monday to attend the great annual sale of Jewey cattle and Berkshire hogs at the Hood" farm, Frank Bixby has put a new coach on the Barre stage route and the business of the route is now requiring three horses on the coach between Washing ton and Chelsea, i Capt. ,W.; II. IT. Hall, who has been ill for several weeks, is gradually failing and his recovery seems doubtful. A trained nurse, Mr. Johnson, from Brad ford, is earing for him. The family of AV, W. Arbuekle ar rived in town from Brookfield Monday land have gone to housekeeping in the house on the Strafford road vacated last ' spring by E. D. Abbott. H. D. Corse of Brooksfield was in town Monday and received through the local agent for :tbe Granite Mutual Insurance Co. of Barre $103.81 to cover the los he suffered by fire Memorial day. 'NORTH MONTPELIER Joe Gay of Barre was at E. Fray's over Sunday. ' ' Mr. Shaw of Roxbury.was in town one day last week. Mr. Wheeler and nien arc at work on the roads in town. Iswac Austin visited Mrs, Austin at Mr. Chapin's Sunday. Mrs. Frank Blodah was in Burling ton part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. George L. Tray were in Montpelier Saturday. Miss Eliza Kimball ""-visited at Lee Templeton's over Sunday. E. Pray, JrM was at home from South Woodbury over Sunday. Ed. Hamblett has not been as well as usual for a week past. Mr. Alexander and men have been at work pressing hay for O. K. Hollister a couple of days. The I. O. G. T. will present the play "Down in Maine" at the hall Friday evening, June llth. Charles King, Mi.-s Minnie Lawless Falling hair is caused by germs at the roots of the bair. Dandruff ia caused by germs on the scalp. Your doctor knows why Ayer'a Hair Vigor, new Improved formula, quickly destroys these germs. makes the scalp clean and healthy. the formal f. O. Ajwr Co., Low!!, Mua. rfvty vf f tFtffivtf tvf vt- 4k. tt ( i ' t tt 2j i tt 3- 4 -r 3: it O Aif 6 ajs above .11 mziZk 0$$ and Miss Mary Gillispie visited at her home in Northftfild Falls over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buzzell of White River Junction visited their sister,'-Mrs. Ired Little over Sunday, making the tvip, in their automobile, Mrs. Little and daughter; Edith, went back with thenr. Monday to remain a few days. A Difficulty. Mistress Why don't you boll the eggs? Cook Sure, I've no clock in the kitchen to go by! Mistress Oh, yes; you have! Cook What good Is iti It's ten minutes fast-Philadelphia Inquirer. g3 I COME AND LOOK THEM OVER. -Soiall Expenses! t W. BADGER & CO. Small Prices! Fnneral Directors. Licensed Emfcaluacr. ' Residence Calls: Telephones: 23 Eastern Store, 447 Robber-Tired Ambulance Suit Bargains This Week Buy Now and ? Save Money. We place, on sale this week. 28 Men's and Young Men's Two-piece Suits, consisting of Coat and Trous ers. These come in light and medium color mixtures and are of the latest styles. We purchased them in New York two weeks ago" at a discount and they have just arrived. They are well worth 6.00, $7.00, $8 00 up to $10.00, but while they last they are yours at only $5.00 per Suit, with a good pair of Suspenders thrown in. Wc have them in all sizes. Come early and get a bargain. S. J. iSEGEL a CO., Ladies' and Gents' Clothes Cleaned and Repaired. Phone 424-3. Around the Corner on Depot Square, ADVERTISE IN He Who Is Best Prepared Gets Gesl Results, Spraying Outfits for trees or potatoes. Also Ar senate of Lead and Blue Vitriol for spraying. Culti vators, Horse Hoes, Wceders. How about Haying Tools? I have a complete line. A. W. ALLEN, SUNNY5IDE FARM. Telephone 140-3. INrf - .:' i iP' - j 1 JUV- zfss w inuiKc&uoii oiuivi'" Don't t'kV cheap, unwholesome balung powders, uo n nsic. health to save a few cents in price. That is not Somy. You cannot have good, healthful foci unless you use pure baking powder. r ' -ClEmAKB'S . SUPERIOH nAKrwQPovDZR . Made from a 5frenor grade of Pure Cream of Tartar. BOMB FACTORY DISCOVERED NEAR BODY OF A SLAIN SPY. Young Man Believed to Have Been Ex ; ( ecuted By Terrorists. St. Petersburg, June 12. The finding of the body of a youth today in a wood in the suburbs of St. Petersburg with his throat cut and his face unrecogniz ably mutilated, has led to the discovery of an open , air bomb factory with a large quantity of explosive nearby. It is supposed that tho young man was executed by fellow terrorists as a spy- 1 'THE DINING - ROOM Should be the most comfortable and attractive room in the nouso. It can be made so at very little expense by coming to U3 for the "fixings." Nice Solid Oak Sideboards from $13.00 to $14.1)0. Nice Solid Oak Buffets from $20.00 to $45.00. Nice Solid Oak Tables from $7.50 to $25.00. Nice Solid Oak Chairs to match from $1.00 to $3.50 Avenue and 115 Seminary Street - 11. House, 447-21 and 431-1L at a Moment's Notice. Barre, VI. Old Blue Store Building I 8. a THE DAILY TIMES - J v T'i r-