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THE BABRE DAILY TIMES JTJXE 12, 1907. if3 7, S3 3 NT n o You arc trying to think what the graduating gift shall be. Allow us just a suggestion: A pretty Fan an artistic affair, a useful article and an appropriate gift. We have a complete assortment of Imported and Domes tic Fans for graduation and class day gatherings. These are new styles, various sizes, in lace spangle decorated arid plain effects, both silk and gauze. The prices range up to $4.00. Exquisite affairs for $1.25 each. PRETTY WAISTS New styles in white lingerie and fancy bar effects, tucked and trimmed with val laces. Tailor-made models and Waists for vacation. A fresh assortment of Wash Silk Waists, Black Silk Dress Waists and Muslin Waists. At 98c you'll be sur prised to find such a pretty Waist.. For $7.98 a copy of a French model. LONG GLOVES IN SILK OR KID. BiOMER fiTTS CO, THE BARRE DAILY TIMES WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1907. : Weather Prediction. Tartly tlomly to cloudy to-night and Thursday slightly variable winds. PRESSED CORNED BEEF We have it and it's nice, too. Try some for your supper tonight. 15c a lb. SMOKED SHOULDERS Plenty of those Boneless Smoked Shoulders now in stock. They are equal to Ham and cost you less. Smith & Comings, Telephone 43S11. 305 North Main St., Barre, Vt. TALK OF THE TOWN. Garment sale at Abbott'. Pansy plant for sals at Emslie's. Nice parasols in white linen at Terry's. Mileage books to rent, Place & Paige, 11-12 Bolster block. ' Mrs. George Reid went to Montreal this morning to visit relatives. Auto shiitj, just the thing for a wet day. Ask the Frank McWhorter Co. to see them. Diamond solitaire engagement and plain wedding rinps a specialty et E. O. Holmes', Gordon block. There will be a regulai meeting of Court (iran ite City, Xo. 3, Thurs day evening at 7:30 o'clock in Foresters' hall. stfrm There will be a regular1 meet W;v &9 tog of Hiawatha 'Lodge, Xo. 20, I. O, O. F., on Thursday evening, June 13th, at 7:30 o'clock. The first degree will be conferred. W. E. Beck, noble grand. BAREFOOT SANDALS Are the Proper Things To wear during the Summer months. We carry the E. C. Scuffer line in sizes for Children, Misses and Ladies, which is the best of the kind made. We can fit you. BARRE SHOE COMPANY TALK OF THE TOWN. O. J. Dodge was la Burlington on busi ness to-day. Varship fn a storm, afternoon and evenings at the Pavilion. Misw Grace Thinney of Lyndonviile called on friends in the city last evening. All clerks bring membership books to meeting Thursday night. See notice else where. Joseph Raymond and Dr. J, V. Clifford of Randolph were in the city on buf-ines yesterday. ' Dr. Burbank of Cabot attended the Washington county physicians' meeting yestartlay. Dr. Ralph Newton, a surgeon In the U. S. army, is visiting at the home ot Dr. W. E. Lazell. Mrs. George Diack and two children left thi morning for a visit at her for mer home in Newfoundland. If you need fire insurance, or it you have a policy expiring, why not place your risk with Barro's mutual company The ' Granite Mutual managed by Barre business men in the interests of the policy holder. Home office, Wood block, 61 No. Main St., Barre. Phone 29-2. The I- A. C. base ball team will play the Goddard seminary team on the sem inary campus at 4.15 to-morrow after noon. This will be the rubber game, each team having won one. Mr. J. W. Jackson and Bon, Edward, went to St. Albans, Me., to-day to relatives and Mrs. Jackaon will attend the commencement exercies of the Maine Central Institute at Pit'-tsflelJ, her neiee being one of the graduates. Tiano and organ tuning notice. ThU is to inform my patrons throughout my rotits that I liave secured the services of W. If. Goodfellow of Barre, Vt., whom I consider a caps hie ami reliable tuner to do my work mi'til further notice. M. H. Eddy, piano tuner, St. Johnsbury, Vt, TALK OF THE TOWN. Local Happenings Tersely TeM for Busy Reader. .;'',..'" Overstocked sale at Abbott's. A. T. Clark went to Burlington on business yesterday. C. C. Farnsworth went to Boston Sun day night for tieatment. ; 4 W. II. dale went to Essex Junction this morning on business. Niagara Falls is one of the many pic tures shown at the pavilion. Clement Howland went to Littleton, N. H., on business this morning. Mils. L. V. Jones left last night for a visit with relatives in Utica, N. Y. ' Eagle buttons and charms at L. P. Austin's, the watch and clock man. Standard patterns, always ' the most stylish. You will find them t Perry". . There will be a meeting of the Knights of Columbus this evening at 7:30 o'clock. Tom D. Dunham is visiting for a time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gordon. Alex. Beid went to Toronto, Ont., yes terday afternoon, where he has accepted a position. . i ." ': John Morrison -of Cambridge, Mass., west mil Mrs. W, L. Wood will serve orangeade at the Homer Fitts store the remainder of tho week. William Geddis and James Wilson went to llardwick yesterday to work for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Cyr left' last night for New Hichwand, P. Q., for a several months stay. A daughter wag bora Sunday, Juno fi, to Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Phillips of 55 Maple avenue. "The Frank McWhorter Co. have one ot the best lines of hammocks in the city. $1.00 to $7.50. F. N. Whitcomb left this morning on a business trio to Burlimrton. Hut and land Bellows Falls. Whittier's orchestra of eight pieces will play for the concert and ball next WednesJay evening. P. A. Perry, A. H. Perry and L. B. Dodge went to Greensboro pond to-day for a few days' fisliing. Childrens', misses' and-'women's white canvas shoes and oxfords in great variety at the Peoples' Shoe store. Gold . beads, necklsces, bracelets, brooches, rinjts arid silver purses for graduating gifts at Miss Walker's. Miss Nellie Stoughton has returned home, after being in Boston the past year attending ft kindergarten school AFTER ELEVEN YEARS. Called at Burlington Clerk's Office For Marriage Certificate. Burlington, June 13. T. A. Williams of Springfield, Mass., called at the office of City Clerk M. C. Graudy yesterday and asked for his marriage. , certificate which he secured 11 years ago in Bur lington. Mr. Wrliams waS united in marriage with Miss Mary Sanborn by Bev. J. II. Metoalf, pastor of the Uni tarian church, September 9, 1896, at Burlington. Both parties, were from Springfield, Mass. Under the law then, the marriage license obtained at the city clerk's office, afterward endorsed by the clergyman or justice who performed the ceremony, was returned to the clerk's office, and from there it was sent to the parties. Mr. and Mrs. Wil liams, however, did not leave their ad dress and the certificate was never sent to them. It has been filed away these eleven years until Sir. William's, who was in town yesterday on business called for it. GODDARD COMMENCEMENT. Programme Begins June 23 With Bac calaureate.; The programme for the commence ment at Goddard seminary, beginning June 23, is as follows: , SUNDAY Sermon before graduation class by Rev. C. C. Conner, Barre. MOXDAYCIbss day exercises at 2:00 p. m. Concert by musical depart ment at 8:00 p. m. TUESDAY Alumni day. Annual meet ing of the trustees at 10:00 a. m. Annual Alumni meeting at 10:00 a. m. Annual literary exercises at 11:00 a. m. Oration, Prof. David L. Maulsby, Tufts college, Mass. Annual Alumni dinner at 12:30. Prize speaking iu opera house at 8:00 p. m. WE WN ESDAY Exercises of graduat ing class at 10 s a. m. Reception by teachers and ealss at 8:00 p. m. Spaulding Alumni Ball, Whittier's orchestra, will give the fol lowing programme at Woodmen's hall. Uiine 12, at 8 o'clock: I Overture (Merry Wives of Windsor Nieolai la Beauties Power. ............ .Bendix Le Secret Polka ....Hazel Mr. Forsell Zug de Frauen, froinLehengrin Wagner Grandma Trio for violin, cello and piano Al Fresco Hirbert (a) Le Priere .. . Schubert (b) Mennelt Mozart Mr. Whittier Selection from the Gingerbread Man Sloane Concert, 25 cents; dance, $1.00. n t ma t ., r mm , , m MmmMtmmmmwmmmKmnmmmmsn 1 Special Sale on Corset Covers! I i WILLIAMST0WN. Eev. L. C. Nichols and Dean Corliss were in Northfield yesterday. H. S. Baker returned from his trip to New York yesterday morning. Mr. and Mr. Charles Wolcott, who have both Wii ill for some weeks are improving a little each day. Typewriting and copying, writing from HrJ" , . The many friends of Thomas Jam!- V vj. '. tIJl .L lull VII 111 block. ECTMC FLA1 Will Ba Delivered Soon to the Customers of the VERMONT POWER & LIGHTING COMPANY AND CONSOLIDATED LIGHTING COMPANY For Thirty Days' FEEE TRIAL- Sold at $3,50. CLEAN, CONVENIENT, CHEAP TO OPERATE, LABOR SAVERS, TIME SAVERS, ALWAYS READY FOR WORK, MAKES IRONING A PLEASURE, ATTACH TO ANY SOCKET, IRON IN YOUR OWN ROOM IF YOU CHOOSE. IRONS CAN BE OBTAINED AT ANY TIE AT OUR OFFICE 135 MAIN STREET, BARRE, VERMONT. PVWfWFW frWff?WWWfJH flffWWSWf 19 1 Don't fail to hear the trio by Mis Kidder and Messrs. Whittier and' Ferry on Wednesday evening at Woodmen' hall. Moving pictures and illustrated songi at tho pavilion every afternoon at 2, every evening at 8. Programme changed weekly. Mrs. George Reed and Mrs. George Diack left lat night for JSt. Johns, New foundland, where they will visit rcla tivei for a few week1. Attorney David T. Montague of Boston was in the city ou business yesterday. Mr. Montague i u graduate of Goddard seminary in the cla of "63. When you go to Mosc Charbonneau you get good work and ood stock; you get your money' worth. IWdt velvet rubber heel. L'ndcr Gordon block. I". L. Gibson, expert piano tuner and oig.m tuner, is in town for the week. Older book and best city references at 205 Xo. Main St., telephone, 406-3. Pegular meeting of lumper and box cr union to be held in carpenters' hall Wednesday evening at 7:30. Ter order corresponding secretary, T. H. llohlcn. Dan of marriage were published Sun day in the Catholic church at Mont pel ier between Walter Donahue of South Barre and Catherine tjtcwart of Mont pelier. As I am to elmc my millinery parlors during tlie suuinier months I will close out the remainder of my summer good.s at cost. Mis. Lillian Watt, itooms 3 and 4. Currier building. The chairman of the Circles of the Guild of the Church of the Good Shep herd are requested to meet at the lmme of Mr. Sherman Parker, No. 7. Highland street, Thursday evening. lluinc9 of importance is to be dicued. A IWre boy is the premier pitcher on the Youkers team in the Hudson river league and nothing is too good for Brown if tho newspaper reports tun In- judged. One paper says: "'In lirown. Manager Lawler has certainly unearthed a pitch inpr find.' This is not Brown's first, ex perience in league boll. He hails from Vermont, where leagues are as thick as llic in 'the good old rtummer time.' Kven thfl Cincinnati's could not hit Brown' cross-Hie. We predict a winning season for this slab artist." "Xo Mother to Guide Iter" Is the most satisfying play that has been written for a number' of years and ranks with all the great human interest produc tions of the past decade. It will be pre. dented nt the opera house next Satur day. Crowded houses have greeted the production in other cities and there will probably be no exception to the rule liere. The play tells a story of a preat wrong which is finally righted and is in termingled with siiflieient comedy to pro voko laughter with tears. The company and production are of the highest class. son will be glad to learn that the grand jurors found no case agaiust him and he waj dismissed. Floor r VERANDA a nt! Made es pecially for the purpose. Dries with a hard, tough, clastic sur face. Best in every way, IT DOES NOT SPOT VHITE This Paint is just what you have been looking for. iSX FOR COLOR CiH. C, W, AVER ILL & CO Telephone 439-3 81 North Main St., Barre, Vt. These Covers are made from good materials, prettily trimmed with lace and ribbon, and are bargains at 25c and 50c. Sizes 32 to 38. NEW PARASOLS. NEW MUSLINS. VEALE & KNIGHT, Now England Telephone. 123-2 Union Telephone Lino. Currier Building;, - North Main St , Barre, Vt, UNION CLOTHING COMPANY. UNION CLOTHING COMPANY. "Clothes Tltat Satis i y Has it ever occurred to you that you have worn Clothes which gave yciu no end of discomfort? That you had no confidence in them as to the quality, fit, style or appearance ? That you had spent your hard earned dollars and received no satisfaction in return ? All such displeasure comes from not spending your money in the right place. Wc have confidence in the Clothes we sell. They are dependable Clothes and they must live up to their reputation. They de serve your confidence, too, and we guarantee you satisfaction or you get your money back. ' Rossman made Clothes" are here for your inspection at from $5.00 up to $20.00. Give them a trial. Everything for Men's and Boys Wear. Union Clothing Store, Telephone 126 2. One Price Clothiers Old Skating Kink Building, Opp. Depot Sqtiare. AHVdKOD 0NIHI013 KOIMfi "AliVdKOD OKIHI013 NOIM -?THE . BEST ICE: CREA hisses The only kind wc make and the only kind you should eat. It is delightfully smooth, rich, easily digested and satisfying and always uni form in quality. Produced from pure cream, granulated sugar and pure fruit flavors by up-to-date and sanitary methods and modern machinery- PERFECT ICE CREAM BARRE CANDY KITCHEN TELEPHONE 424-2. If Fountain Pesis! L. E. Waterman's Ready-to-write and Non-leak Fountain Pens. Just the thing for vacation trips. Let us show them to you. Prices range from $1.00 to $5.00. E. A. DROWN, Prescription Druggist,, 48 No. Main St., Opp. Nat'l Uanlt. GET YOUR BUTTER AND FRESH EGGS From the Granite City Creamery. Also fine !cc Cream by the plate, quart or gallon. Our aim is to always have the best only. Save our Cash Checks and they will save you money. L. B. DODGE, Worthcn Block, Keith Avenue, Just Off Main Street FRESHFRUITS Wc carry the largest and finest line of Fruits in the city PINEAPPLES STRAWBERRIES ORANGES BANANAS Are all desirable at this sea son of the year and we have the best. NEW EieUND FRUIT CO, A. Divcrsi, Prop. Fhone 281 3. Corner Kortb Main and Merchant Streets. TOMATO PLANTO-! Now is the time for setting out Tomato Plants. We have the best to be had in any quantity you like, from one to one hundred. Orders for one dozen or more delivered to any part of the city. Telephone your orders to DIX & COLEMAN, Telephone 216-3. 1 1 5 South Main Street. An Advertisement in the Times will bring sure results. PAINTS "Harrison Bros. & Co's." famous, old reliable "Town & Country'' Paints are like the numerous ordinary makes only in one respect, many makes you never would use again, while if you use the "Town & Country" grade of 'Harrison" Paint you will never need to paint again unless you are a young man. Besides it takes so much oil it costs no more than most so-called "cheap" paints. Call and get our special cash quantity price. "Sanford" & "Longfellow Corn," tested all right. Price, $1.00 and 1.50 per bushel. Man zel Wurtzel Beet, Giant Feeding Sugar Beet, also Table Beet, Seed in bulk, Onion Setts, etc. Superphosphates Bradley's, Cleveland Drier Co.s, Tucker's, for all crops. Potato Fertilizers. Lowest prices for equal quality. L..M. AVERILL, AVERILL BLOCK, UP ONE.-; FLIGHT, OPPOSITE CITY PARK, BARRE, VT.