" ' T
Bargains in carriages every day until
our stock is closed out. We will prove
it to you if you will call and get our
Our stock consists of express, grocery,
driving and farm wagons. Also a full
line of harness. Second-hand carriages
and harness cheap.
Tdtphone 131 2
f at f City Hotel. - - - . Barre. Vermont.
The place to buy Wood. A large etook
ef all kinds at these prioas:
Block Wood, per cord $2.75
Iilmb Wood, per load ....... 2.00
Chair Wood, per load 2.50
Soft Wood Slabs 1.75
Furnace and Shed Wood.
1 am prepared to do all kinds ot moving
and jobbing at reasonable rates.
Coarse and fine Sand for sale in
try quantity. Coarse Sand for ce
menting at my sandbank, Farwell St.
Telebhone 4UB-3
383 North Main Street, Barre, Vt.
Coal and Wood
Nut, Stove and Egg .....J7.80
Grate 7.55
Smithing Coal........ 7.55
A full line of Harness at lowest
market prices.
Telephone 45-4. Depot Square.
Buy now but before buying talk with
ti.w Ixwent prices of the year. We
fcandle D.L.4. W., D.&H., and Seranton
fre burning coals, and can quote you on
them these prices:
Nut, Stove and Egg,.... 17.80
Grate 7.55
We also handle several grades of Le
hiprh coals and would be pleased to talk
with you about them. All inquiries an
swered promptly.'
d. mTmiles,
Cffice 122 No. Main Si. Yards Off Biacbell SI.
Buy now and save the advance of 10c
per ton a month. Prices for August
Nut, Stove and Egg ... $7.80
Grate Coal 7.55
These prices are on our D. L. &
V. and Sctantort Coal. Lehigh Coal
25c per ton extra. Tel. 237-21.
Hair Mattress Making and
Renovating. Picture Fram
ing and Mat Cutting. All
ork promptly done.
Worthen Block. Telephone 432-21
The machlno which cuts up wood to
make matches turns out 40,000
"Splints," as they ore called, n a sin
gle minute.
The' Japanese government intends to
Cre 13,000,000 for the Intprnatlonal ex
position to be held at Tokyo hi 1012,
beginning April 1 and ending Oct. 31.
Iu the Smuggler rulnc at TeilurhK
f olo., the rock Is crushed underground.
'Ms Is done to effect an economy In
th cost of the ore handling. There
tr two crushers, anil they are driven
ty motors.
Tfce government of Colombia has Is
sued a decree granting a premium or
tonus ou all exports of coffee, cotton,
rubrtrr and tobacco raided in that coun
try. Over 50 per cent of these products
tome to the United St.Ues.
Carman Canaries.
The breeding and Belling of canary
Mrds In Germany have reached such
proportions that it now controls thd
markets of the world.
firm ft
Torrwr nine yn I nffnrJ with chronic con
evit.'..i.n and miring thia tiro. 1 hmi to take en
Ini-cs'.ir -if w.rin water ooce er.r, 'u honrn before
I (KiMiii li.v-i , rtlcin mi my bowel. Huipllr I
trt-.l ( ,.r.n, M. 'I t.lny 1 m a w,-il n.aa,
urr'ng th imi. yam l"-fore I tmrtj Cciman I
tuff, -a uiuwd lry with Internal ptl.. Thanks
W jr.'u I mn frr (mm nil m-. thin morning. You
tU H tun to b.Ualf til ullrlna humanity."
it. '. lUliot, ttoaauke, 111,
Best For
The Dowels
Pteaseni, Plntilile FnYant.TtqOnn1. TioflonA,
r.e,.r r,i-k,n, v...ui rr urfi's, lixi. 2.. l. N'nTpr
a'4 In t n!k. Th fnnulne tblit tiuped C O 0.
luarntau to cure or your mono lock.
Bferllng Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 603
;wxual sale, Tea tmm BOXES
w tram mm b a
Oscar Cuernsey was in Mdutpclicr on
D. L. Scott and wife were in Mont
pelier Monday.
O. D. C-ole and family of ' Marshflcld '
were in town Friday. ;
Harry Foster of Cabot was in town
on business Tuesday. ,
George Wheeloek bought a new horse
at l'lainfinld Monday!
Ivan Grey was a business visitor In
Marshfiold Wednesday.
Glenn Sulham of South Woodbury is
working for J. O. Lamb. ,
llhey PrevoRt has finished working in
Woodbury aud returned home.
Albert George of ITardwick visited in
town Friday at Asa Button's.
Dr. II. R. Carver and wife of Marsh
field visited in town Wednesday.
George Sumner and wife of South
Woodbury were in town Sunday.
D. D. Lamb and family are camping
at Woodbury pond for a few days.
The Sabbath school held a picnic in
ITermon Bullock's grove Tuesday.
Chester Bugbee and wife visited in
Brattleboro several days last week.
Arthur George and wife visited in
Hardwick Tuesday and Wednesday.
Shirley Tucker of Marshfleld w-as vis
iting at the home of F. Grey Wednes
day. Clarence Ballentine and wife of Hard
wick visited in town tho first of the
week. ..
Oscar Emery and wife of Williams
town are visiting at the home of John
Emery. ,
Alice Guernsey of Montpclier is visit
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. W.
George Wheeler and wife and Lewis
St. John and wife of Marshflcld were
in town Friday.
Mrs. Leon Ladeau of North Mont
pclier visited her mother, Mrs. John Em
ery, Wednesday.
The remains of .Mrs. A. M Foster of
Cabot were brought here Wednesday and
buried in the cemetery.
William Bancroft and 'wife of Taw
tucket, R. I., vinited at the home of Mrs.
Eliza Bancroft Tuesday.
Dr. F. J. Gale of Newtown, Conn., for
merly of this place, is visiting friends in
this place for a few days.
Mrs. George Ballentine and children
visited in Williamstown a part of last
week, returning home Monday.
It is expected that Dr. Merrill of St.
Johnsbury will occupy the pulpit Sun
day at Union church for the Congrega
tional people.
The Ladies' league will meet at the
Good Templars' hall, Thursday. Mrs.
J. O. Lamb and Mrs. Ivan Grey will en
tertain the ladies.
Ada and Bnth Gray held a party at
their homo Wednesday evening, which
was well attended. They expect to go
Monday to Randolph to attend school.
Tho funeral of Mrs. Lavina (Ham
mett) McFarland of East Montpclier was
held at Union church Thursday after
noon, the Rev. J. Edward Wright of
Montpclier officiating. Interment was
in this cemetery.
O. Fay Allen of Vershire was In town
on business Tuesday.
Mrs. Dr. Fish of South Royalton is
in town, the guest of Madam Ann E.
Walter S. Gos returned to his dutie's
Monday as clerk in Holmes & Co.'s store
after a vacation of several weeks.
Dr. J. Euclid Fish of Boston was at
the home of Madam Anne. E. floss over
Sunday as the guest of his family.
Richard George, who has been vistiting
his grandfather, Mows George, on Court
street, returned Tuesday to his home in
Will A. Hood has recently purchased' a
fine driving horse of Bethel parties, and
William Bobbins has also purchased a
nice driver of Fred C. Waldo.
After two weeks spent in town, John
if. Atwood and Sidney Mills returned
to their homes respectively in Boston
and Lynn, Mass., the tirst of the week.
J. ft. Houghton of Stamford is a guest
at the Orange County Hotel. Mr. Hough
ton was at one time a resident of Chel
sea and this is his tirst visit to tho place
since 1805.
Mrs. Edwin I. Hibbard and three chil
dren returned to their home in Mont
pclier the first of the week after a few
davs' visit to her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
ItJbert W. Laird.
While the Rev. Fred Daniels and wife
were riding out Saturday, the horse be
came frightened at an automobile which
came around a curve in tlin road sud
denly and Mrs. Daniels was thrown
out and quite severely injured in one
Among those from out of town who
have been registered at the Orange Coun
ty Hotel this week are E. W. Raymond
and Miss Renin E. Raymond of Post
Mills, Misses M. A. and A. L. Neanlon,
Miss M. A. MeCahe, J. K. Welch and
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Snow of Boston,
Mrs. Calista It. Jones of Bradford, II.
B. Knight of Newlmrv, II. L. Dean of
Montpclier, W. J. Blodgett of White
River Junction, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
E, Stanley and I). E. Stanley of Wash
ington and Rev. 1). T. Stanley of Wis
consin, II.' K. Barrett of Berkshire, N.
V'., Will Ratten of Sharon and Charles
E. Woodurd of South Royalton.
Official News Agency Loses Nearly Half
Its Subscribers.
St. Petersburg, Aug. 23. The restric
tive measures ami frequent heavy tines
imposed ou Russian newspapers during
the last two mouths lmveliad a ruinous
result 011 the provincial press.
Fully a third of the newspapers of the
provinces have stopped publication, and
the ollicial news niicncy has lost almost
half its subscribers.
The Pope Is 111.
RomA, Aug. 2.1. The pope's illness
continues and ho is confined to his room.
AH audiences have been suspended.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1907.
They Are Young.
How woidd you take care of the chil
dren if your wife should die while, they
were young? Reverse the question, i. e.,
what would she do were you to die?
58th year. National Life Insurance com
pany, Montpelicr, Vt. (mutual). S. S.
Ballard, general agent, Montpclier, Vt.;
N. B. Ballard, local agent, Burre, Vt.
Masonic charms and pins at L. P. Aus
tin's, "the watch and clock man."
Old gold and silver wanted at re
finers' prices in exchange for goods at
F. E. Burr's.
Save money by purchasing that tennis
racket now. Big-reduction at Averill
Music Co.
L. P. Austin sells Btone cutters'
glasses, all kinds and prices from 20o to
12.00 per pair.
Good-paying hammer handle business
for sale. Inquire of M. M. Cook, Barre,
Vt. Tel. 427-21. ...
Stone-cutters' glasses, 20e per pair.
Leuoes, per pair, 5c. F. E. Burr 4 Co,
85 North Main street.
If you want to invest In real estate
that will pay 14 per cent, inquire of
A. A. Smith, Barre, Vt.
For Sale. A 70-acre farm situated
one mile and a half from this city. Will
keep 12 cows and team. Good honse,
comfortable barns. Hen house suitable
for 100 hens. An ideal home. Price
low. Inquire at once at the D. A. Perry
Real Estate agency. ; ,
Tho Barre Congregational church
Young People's Society Christian En
deavor will hold a union service with
the Bethany Congregational church C.
E. on Sunday next, August 25th, at
Montpclier, leaving Barre at 4:43, Wash
ington street car. All interested are in
vited to attend.
The ladies of the Universalist church
are requested to meet in the vestry on
Saturday afternoon as early as conveni
ent to polish silver and wash dishes.
The chairman has had the church thor
oughly cleaned and now kindly asks the
ladies to assist in placing things in order
as our convention opens on Monday
Sunday, August 25, 1907.
On Sunday, August 25th, the Central
Vermont railway will run an excursion
to Fort Frederick via Burlington aud
steamer Chateaugay.
Fare for the round trip: Williams
town, South Bnrre, Barre, Montpclier
and Middlesex $1.25 for adults and 65c
for children; Waterbury, North Dux
bury and Bolton, $1.00 for adults aud
50c for children; Jonesville, adults flOc,
children 45c; Richmond, adults H0c, chil
dren 40c,
Special train will leave Williamstown
7:30 a. m., South Barre 7:45, Barre 8:10,
Montpclier 8:30, Middlesex 8:43, Water
bury 8:55, North Duxburv 0:03, Bolton
9:07, Jonesville 0:15, Richmond 9:20.
Leave Burlington (steamer), 10:05 a. m.
Arrive Fort Frederick, 12:50 p. in.; leave
Fort Frederick. 3:00 p. m. ; train leaves
Burlington 0:00 p m. for Barre and in
termediate stations.
See hand bills for full particulars.
Can't look well, eat weii, or feel well
with impure blood feeding your body.
Keep the blood pure with Burdock Bit
ters. Eat si nip! v, take exercise, keep
clean and you will have long life.
Hives, eezema, itch or salt rheum sets
you crazy. Can't bear the touch of your
clothing. Doan's Ointment cures the
most obstinate cases. Why sutler! All
druggists bcII it.
Don't use harsh physics. The reaction
weakens the bowels, leads to chronic
constipation. Get Doan's Rcgulets. They
operate easily, tone the stomach, cure
"My child was burned terribly almut
the face, neck and chest. I applied Dr.
Thomas' Eclectrte Oil, the pain ceased
and the child sank into a restful sleep."
Mrs, Nancy M. Hanson, Hamburg,
N. Y.
, Endorsed by the County.
"The most populnr remedy in Otsego
county and the bcRt friend "of my fam
ily," writes Willium M. Dictz, editor and
publisher if the Ctsego Journal, Gil
bertsville, X. Y., '"is Dr. King's New
Discovery. It has proved to be an in
fallible cure for coughs and colds, mak
ing short work of the worst of tliein.
We always keep a bottle in the house.
I believe it to be the mot valuable
prescription known for lung and throat
diseases." Guaranteed to never disap
point the taker, by Red Cross pharmacy.
Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free.
Brand-New Postal Card. .
Uncle Sam has prepared a new cream
colored postal card, three ami a half
inches wide by five and a half inches
long. The printing on Jie card is in
black ink.
The xtamp design is a vignette profile
fmrtrait of the late President McKin
ey. Underneath are the dates of the
martyred chief executive's birth and as
sassination, 1843-1001. Postmasters are
instructed to sell all their old postal
cards of the 1002 design before passing
out the new ones. .
Four Per CenU Interest on Deposits,
The New England Farmer,
the old agricultural standby of
New England, believes tliat the
policy of keeping Vermont
money at home is a popular and
wise one. It says:
The Larnoil!e County Savings Bank
and Trust Co., Hyde Park, Vt., of
which Ex-Gov. Carrojl S Page is
president, is run upon a wise princi
ple, one which the farmers who pat
ronize it would do well to apply in
their general business transactions.
This ' bank believes in keeping its
money at home That its policy is a
profitable as well as a popular one is
indicated by the fact that it is about to
pay 4 per cent interest on deposits
left with it a year or more.
The famed ' Dr. Loom's of Bellevue
hospital has declared that his autopsies
show that nine-tenths of men and women
over forty have kidney disease, and as
probably one-tenth of the people in
Burre are over forty, thus nine-tenths
of these would mean hundreds. But if
Dr. Loomis' statement is only partly
correct, it would show the astonishing
prevalence of kidney disease. Another
and important fact is that kidney trou
ble is not only curable but commonly
gets well of itself the first few weeks.
Hut if it has been hanging on and be
come chronic it is then considered fatal,
and that, it has been so is shown by
the census deaths from kidney troubles
now over 03,000 annually,. This
frightful annual death list also shows
the futility of the scores of medicines
that claim to cure kidney trouble. While
many of them are possibly helpful dur
ing the first few weeks of the curative
stage, there is only one thing known
that gets recovery in the chronic or sup
posed fatal stage, and we sent for it
Hi the interest of people here. It has
a proven eilicieney in jubt this class in
nearly nine-tenths of all cases, and lim
its tho cases cited solely to the supposed
incurable forms. As it is impossible to
say whether a given case of kidney dis
ease is in the tirst or second stage, the
only sensible" plan if you have kidney
trouble is to start on the only thing
that will reach it in both stages.
If you have kidney trouble, start
right. There is but one successful treat
ment. We will give you full informa
tion. Represented in Barre by Rickert &
George Harvey of Philadelphia, is vis
iting here. . v
Clayton Kellogg has finished work for
William Barr. -
School commences here on Tuesday,
September 3rd. "
Estes Conant has finisher work for
Ilartwcll Stone.
G. V. Eraser has placed three signs
ni front of his store.
Mrs. Pelina Davis of Northfield, 3s
visiting W. H. Barr.
Maud Foster of Well River is visiting
at her home on the Flans.
Marrion Kelly of Catalac, Michigan,
is here visiting relatives.
Otis Graves commences work for John
Barr next Monday for a year.
F. A. Bailey of Providence, R. I., is
visiting at the home of John Barr.
The repairs which' llartwell Stone ba.
been milking on his house are nearly
Wavey Town is here from Massa
chusetts ofr his health, at one time he
run a store here.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hawes went to
their cottage at Joe's pond Tuesday
for a ten days' stay.
Charles Ilowland returned from Lit
tleton, N. H., Tuesday, where he has
been visiting his mother.
The F. & A. M. held its regular meet
ing and worked two 'candidate in the
third degree. Refreshments were served
during the evening.
What You Must Learn if .You Want
to Be a Sailor.
One thins you have to lenrn before
you can write sailor after your name,
and that is to master a sail. Brute
force is of no account. To use brute
force with a sail Is like employing
It to capture an elephant or run down
an untamed steed. Mastering a sail
Is a game of strategy, finesse, di
plomacy, flattery', persuasion and per
severance, with fierce eucrgy flashed
la nt tho right Instant. You must
know your sail. 'Sails arc not all alike.
What will work with a Jib will fall if
applied to n mainsail or topsail.
When once a man has become
skilled at this game be can do more
at It than three lublors. I've seen
three men tnckle a Jib nnd come back
on the head baffled and beaten after
a fifteen minute fight, and then a fel
low not a quarter their combined
weight go out and conquer tho sail,
binding It captive In ten minutes. .
A sail master has five hands two on
bl.s arms, two on his legs, and his
tooth. Besides, he has knees, his el
bown, the grip of his thighs, his neck,
and his whole body. Ho must be an
octopus, n boa constrictor and a
monkey, combining with their quali
ties the patience of an ox, the, quick
ness of a titfer nud the subtlety of a
fox. T. F. Day In the Outing Maga
zine. Lively Mourning.
A. noted English artist once was
standing at tho edge of the road wait
ing for his horse nnd he was dressed
In bla ukuuI peculiar style mustard
colored riding suit, vivid waistcoat
and bright red tie. A man who bad
evidently been reveling hnppened to
lurch round the corner of the street.
He stared at the famous artist fo?
n minute in fdlenee, then he touched
his cap anil usked In a tone of deep
commiseration, "Beg pardon, guv'nor,
was you in monrnin' for anybody?"
The Plaeo For the Repentant.
They bnd eloped and returned for
the parental blessing.
"Father," the beautiful young wo
man said,- "we are sorry for what w
have done. Will you"
"Then," tho Btern old man Interrupt
ed, "why don't .you go to the lawyer
around the corner? I'm no divorce
What he Hydra Was.
There have been many strange
things In English history. One of the
most curious was recently mentioned
by a little schoolgirl.
"The hydra." said this much Inform
ed young person, "was mnrrled to Hen
ry VIII. When he cut her head oft
another one sprang right up." Youth's
Queer Conjuring Feats of the
Seventeenth Century, j"
Little Experiments in Which Boiling the
Heads Off Living Animals Was an In
cident How They Killed a Horse
and Cured Him Again.
Conjurers m ancient times were not
very respectable members of society.
When successful they enjoyed the rep
ntation of having sold their souls to the
evil one, and when of inferior ability
they gained notoriety by being either
drowned or burned. The mediaeval
magicians as well as the Egyptian
magi and the Chaldean sages were only
a strange mixture of chemIst,conjurer
and charlatan, and as these gentlemen
were in the habit of using their sup
posed occult powers to their own ad
vantage they M'ere naturally unpopu
lar. The feats of Jugglery performed
by these craftsmen were intended for
the mystification aud not the amuse
ment of tho public, and for centuries
conjuring had to it only a black side.
The amateur conjurer of today Is not
always a popular Individual, save with
children and the unsophisticated yokels.
To the general .public he is merely a
bore of greater or less magnitude,
whose performance Is so obvious as to
deceive no one. It is hard to realize
that this person Is no mere mushroom
growth of modern society, but in point
of fact his role Is one of a respectable
antiquity, for he 13 to bt- found tread
ing close upon the heels of the magi
cians and in the days when witchcraft
was still rampant This Is significant
of his reputation even In those early
times, for had any one taken his tricks
seriously he would doubtless have been
run to earth and done to death as a
In the middle of the seventeenth
century. In the earliest years pf the
restoration, a numlier of tricks were
published In one of those facetious
books which seem to have occupied
the press to a great extent at this time,
but which owing to their popularity
have for the most part rertshed. The
chief recommendation of the greater
number of these tricks Is that no ap
paratus beyond the utensils of every
day life Is necessary; also it Is sug
gested to the performer that he can
make some small profit out of his en
tertainment by prevailing on his audi
ence to bet with him on the result ot
the trick.
"To set a horse's or tm asse's head
upon a man's head and shoulders"
seems Impossible out of the land of
Faery, but we are informed that by
boiling tho bead cut off a living
animal "the flesh boyl'd may runne
Into oyle," and then by mingling the
hair beaten Into powder with this
oil and anointing the heads of the
standers-by "they shall seem to have
horses' or asses' heads" a costly ex
periment and fearsome If successful.
But, besides this, one can "make peo
ple seem headless," and this without
bloodshed and by the following simple
recipe: "Break arsenide very tine and
boyle It with sulphur In a cover'd pot
and kindle It with a new candle, and
tho standers-by will seem to be head
lesse." Doubtless a strong imagina
tion Is necessary for success.
Some of tho tricks are such as would
nowadays cause the performer to be
disliked, to put it mildly. For Instance,
"have a nut filled with Ink and give
this unto another and bid hlui crack it
and see what ho can find In that,"
which being done "will cause much
"To keep a Tapster from frothing bis
pots" must have been an amusement
to the wags of the period, and for this
"provide in readlnesse the skin of a red
Ilerlng, and when tho Tapster la ab
sent do but rub a little on the inside
of bla pots, and ho will not be able to
froth them, do what he' can, la a
good while after."
"To counterfeit a diamond with a
white saphlr" Is a most useful accom
plishment, but the fraud la likely In
these days to be discovered and Is
more a chemical experiment than a
Several tricks are recommended
which havo animals as their subject
and nre for the most part brutal to
our root! ern Ideas. Perhaps tho least
objectionable is "to seem to kill a
Horse and cure him airnln," which
may lie thus accomplished:
"Take tho seed of henbane and give
it the Iloi-se In his Provender, and 11
will nst him into such a deep sleep
that he will seem dead. If you will
recover him again, rub his Nostrils
with Vinegar, and ho will seem to be
revived." The "seem to bo revival''
sounds rather ominous, and It Is to be
noted that the correct quantity of hen
bnne Is not mentioned, so that It might
bo best to niako this experiment on
some one else's horse.
"To make a shoal of Goslings draw
a Timber loggo" sounds Interesting,
but unfortunately tho directions are
vague. "To make a shoal of Goslings
or a Guggle of CJceso to seem to draw
a Timber logge Is dono by the verle
means that Is us'd when a Cat draws
a fool through a I'otid, but handled
somewhat further off from tho Be
holders. "London Standard.
Wick Blue Flame OU
M1 tor Nnrmnof cooklnK. Cms fuel oup'nM
In two. Hftvrfi liihor, (Uvea rlntn. quick x
ulta. Thrx M. flillr warranted.
STANDAKD Oil. CO. st Nrw York
t inf nrpArnltf i
i"' mi I 111 ...... t ..;
' The largest variety to be found in the city. Sec
our Ladies' Solid Gold Watch for $10.00.
F. E. BURR & CO.,
Telephone 10-21. 85 North Main Street. Barre, Vt.
Save Your Cash Register Receipts
They Arc Worth Ten Per Cent to You.
On and after August 12 we shall 've Cash Register Rebate
Checks to the value of 10 per cent on all CASH purchases, redeem
able in goods from our store. When you get $50.00 in checks bring
them in and get $5 OO in goods FREE Be sure and ask for them.
Small Expenses.
Residence Calls:
Robber -Tired Ambulance
Big Qothlng : Values!
S. J. Segel & Co., the clothiers on Depot Square, say
that they offer the biggest clothing values of the season for
the balance of August, and the opportunity of the year is
open to all buyers of Clothing, Shoes and Men's Furnish
ing Goods. After a good Summer's business we now offer
for clearance sale extraordinary bargains in Summer Suits,
odd Trousers, and odd Vests to close at from 6o to 75c on
the dollar and a tour of inspection to our store will well re
pay you. Here are some good values for economical buyers. .
Large lot of Men's broken up sizes in Two and Three piece
Suits at about half price. ,
Suits that were selling formerly at 15.00 to be had at only. . . . .2 95
S7.00 Suits at a95
8.00 Suits at .... 4,95
10.00 Suits at.... 6.90
12-00 Suits at.... '.. 7.SO
S. J. iSEGEL, a. CO
Ladle' and GenU Clothe Cleaned ,'
and Repaired. Phone 424-3.
Around I'e Corner oa Depot Square, Barre, Vt.
Low, Lower, Lowest!
In the Old Vermont Mutual Fire Insurance
Company. "Investigate.
R. G. ROBINSON, Agent,
Telephone 29-2. Office in Wood Block, Barre, Vt
Start the Bowels
When you suffer with sick headache, biliousness, torpid liver,
tainted breath or stomach ills start the bowels. Health demands
that they move naturally at least once a day; otherwise poisons
are thrown back into the blood and the whole body becomes a
lodging place for disease. Keep the bowels open with
when there is the slightest evidence of irregularity, and you will be
free from the complaints caused by sluggish bowels or an inactive
liver. The action of Beecham's Pills is gentle but thorough. Fifty
six years before the public, their wonderful success as liver and
bowel correctives, has won first place for them as
Nature's Constipation Cure
In boxes with full directions, ioc. and 35c
An advertisement in the Times
will bring sure results.
He Who Is Best Prepared Gets Best Resuiis.
It Is about tlra to plnn for potato dlprKlnjr. Will wn do It hv l,nrj thin ymt of
one of the modern machine? I haro on hand the Hullrick (). K. Il ri-t ami t'n "V ,
ARe." One ooatB $75.00, the other $115.00. A oon hx the potato urn fit 1 am fcr'n"
to have a nlllo trial of th".o dlRiTS on my early, at Kiumjii.le , a.,,1 v,ii
I'tiy and aftTwnrdH keep on aiile the one doing ttie bust worn. I wxni : ,
prowcr In this section to ee this trial and h-lp me decide Pn the imHis vt tho ,.', '
W ill give notice In this space a day or Jwo before the trouble begins,
Telephone 140-2.
GO.V Morse Block
Small Prices.
23 Eastern Avenue and 115 Seminary Street
Store, 447-11. House, 447-21 and 431-1L
at a Moment's Notice.
Old Clae Store Building.
A M. M .