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THE BAUJffl DAILY TIMES AUG." 23, Wft V C!nf aturdayj, Will be : Known Next Saturday you will have the opportunity of saving from 65c to $1.50 a dozen on some of the best values wc show in Hose. The Stockings we advertise are worth -.from ten" 'to fifteen per cent more than our present prices on them today. Some of them arc less than the present cost prices for next Spring's delivery. Wc want you to become better acquainted with the excellent values we show in this department, besides we want to close up a few odd styles and sizes. It's good judgment to buy them by the dozenyour saving is so much the more. The best 15c Hose offered for boys f Q or girls. A good bargain is a walking advertisement in the person of a pleased down customer. The only favor we ask is that you com pare prices and qualities. This is an odd lot of boys and girls f 7 Hose and an advertised 25c Stocking, . and never sold for less. We have $2.00 I dozen them in sizes 7, 7 1-2. 8, 8 1-2 and 9. You save 1.00 a isn't it? dozen on them. Worth investigating, The best 50c lace boot aud aliover AQc Lace Hose for women we have seen ' this season. A beautiful fine lisle and $4.50 a dozen pretty lace effects. You save $L 50 on a dozen of thcm you couldn't invest JR4-. 50 at a saving of 33 1-3 per cent much better, could you. Other small lots with only a fewdozen of a size that go into this sale. You'll do well to buy liberally as these values are really exceptional. THE HOLIES? flTTS COMPANY GRANITEVILLE. Al jnembera-of tho degree staff of Summit lodge, No. 397, N. E. O. P., are requested to meet Friday afternoon in Sliles' hall at one o'clock sharp for prac tice. Per order the Captain. The Best Ever! 4 i.WI'IMfHIKmVl, The N. D, Phelps Co., 136 North Main St., BARRE, ... VERMONT Mix & Hartel Gran ite Steels, Which have been sold in Barre for many years, can now be procured through Joseph D. Ossola who has been appointed agent for Barre and vicinity. Mr. Ossola will call on you and will bo pleased to re ceive your orders. Popular Ice Cream of the City r, r Nearly all picnics, sociables, parties, church V . " affairs and families use .. Mascott's Famous I TRY SOME. THONE 424-2 ' The BARRE CANDY KITCHEN " If ' "" A'Vi V;'..:' . qj lM;s 111! ' 'l'"''' j " ''''fir I 81 S AT TOBACCO at;:;fltts:S This is a woman's Hose. A good f 17c value today; prettily embroidered. tc Our only excuse for selling them at dozen such a price is that we have only a few dozen left. A Woman's Hose in good shade of f tZr grey, prettily embroidered or plain and 3C at excellent value at 25c a pair. Only a few dozen of these. The best 25c Gauze Lisle Hose of fered this ieason. T soff. shpr silko Stocking and a big favorite all this sea- SZ 15 a son. You save 50c on every dozen. A fine Lace Lisle in white, fine yarn, a pretty finish and exquisite pat terns. Really more as pretty. They wear TALK OFJTHE TOWN. New fall coats just received at Perry's. Dressmaking, Mrs. N. N. Vassaf, 64 Summer street. Closing out ladies' white sunshades at Perry's for 75c eaclu New all wool tricot flanels at Ab bott's ta 23c. per yard. P. W. Hooker returned last night from a stay at his cottage at Greensboro pond. For sale immediately, all my house hold goods. Mrs. II. F. Barnes, 13 Maple Grove. Mrs. Hugh Jaznieson and children of Providence, It. I., are visiting friends in this city. The D. A. "Perry Real Estate agency has sold for Mrs. Robert Cook of Mont pelier a wood lot in Moretown to Ernest Longren for $750. If in need of a can of baking powder within a few days, don't forget to re member we give $10.50 worth of stamps Saturday, August 24th, with one pound at $SOc. The Tea Store. The D. A. Perry real estate sgency are advertising an especially good trade in a farm with a large amount of wood land within short distance of Granite ville. See adv. in for sale column. Notice to Polishers. Polishers' regular meeting Thursday evening, August 221, in their hall, Nich ols' block. A good attendance required; some important business, also election of officers for the ensuing six mouths. V. (J. I'irie, secretary. Card of Thanks. I deRire to thank my friends, neigh bors and fraternal societies for anis tanee so freely given during the illness and funeral of my husband, Harlan I. Cheney, and also for the. Ix-autiful floral tributes and many words of sympathy. Klla L. Cheney. REFRIGERATORS! Now is the time to buy a Refrigerator. We give a twenty per cent discount from cash price on all Refrigerators now in stock. C. W. AVERILL & CO., North Main St., Barre, Vt. COST Sun, Monogram, Golden and way below cost. A few well-known makea are "having their run" and nothing clue jjous. In other wordw, many brand that were "all the pro" a few years since arc now "out of tho race, yet are as Rood in quality as th popular mnkea. Wo have many of the present leading brands of Cut Plup, I'lujr, cither smoking or chowinp, which we will soil at coat. Our best trades are, however, on Tobaccos which were popular a few years since-those a little out of atyle which we will sell far below wholesale cost. We enumerate many such, aa follows: Toddy, Lorillard's, Mahogany 5, Every Day Smoke, Something Good, YarborouRh, .Cable Roll, tanner a Solace, Thrasher, Mavo'B Double Thick, four ounces. Old Traveler. New Smoke, liifr W. n.Hin AVERILL'S CLOSING OUT SALE, - - UP . as , . Hosiery 21 c douen 39c desirable than silk and equally nicely and retain their lustre. TALK OFJTHE TOWN. New fall suits at Moore & Owens. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fletcher is very ill. New mercerized plaids for dresses at 25c per yard at Vaughan's. D. A. Terry went to Marshfleld this morning on a business trip. Jessie and Kathline Robertson are vis iting friends in Carre Town. Mrs. Catherine Lavelle of Northfield called on friends in the city today. The Misses Woods of Utica. X. Y, are visitng at the home of John Q'Leary. Mr. and Mrs. Ales. Anderson went to Woodbury today to visit relatives for a week. Miss Emma Wood of Bethel is visit ing at the home of her uncle, Luther P. Wood. F. J. Shoop of Berlin, N. II., is visit ing at the home of his sister,, -Mrs. Knowles. Lewis Gay of Hyde Park. Mass., visit ed recently Ernest and Perley Lafavette of West Hill. Mrs. Emetine St. Armour of St. Al bans is viiting her cousin, Mrs. C- & Barrows of Central street. Allan Smith of GranHeville leaves to morrow for a two weeks' vacation in Maine and at the Sherbrooke fair. The West Hill school house Is being repainted and otherwise repaired. The inhabitants are very much pleased.' Miss Bessie Morrison is visiting friends in the city for a few days, after which she will return to Hartford, Conn. The Kev. Wr. A. Kinzie returned yes terday afternoon to Salt-in, Mais., after being in the city to ship hi household goods. With a purchase of 50c or over Satur day, August 24th, f l.fiO worth of stamps will be given absolutely free. Eastern Estate Tea Store. Make your purchases for tea, coffee, baking powder, extracts, spices, etc., etc., on Saturday, Augtiht 24th. Extra stamps on that date. The Tea Store. Mrs. P.eulien Crooke of Boston, who has been visiting friends in Waxhinpton and East Orange, returned to Mrs. Col by's on Washington street to spend a few weeks before returning to Boston. C. M. Colby and son, Wwiglit, and Mrs. Tillotson, Mr. Colby's mother-in-law, visited Mr. Colby's mother, Mrs. E. E. Colby, on Washington street, Wed nesday, Mrs. Tillotson returning to Mor risville. For Sale. Small plaee of shout six acres with buildings, only one mid a half miles from the city pdst-iifliee on the Eaxt Montpelier road. Prico for a quick sale, only $!!00. Inquire nt the K. It. Cate Heal Estate agency, Bolster block, Barre, Vt. WEBSTERVILLE. Mr. and Mrs. John Cuniniing and fam ily left this morning for Tilton, X. H. Mrs. Bavid Watson left this morning for Lecd. P. Q., called there by the serious illness of her mother. Mis Lizzie Watson hns returned from I Berlin pond after spending a week's va I cation with Dr. and Mrs. McArthtir. , Mr. and Mrs. Pat Crowley, Mr. and j Mrs. John Wilie, Mr. and Mrs. IJeemie j and Mrs. Thotn and son, Willie, spent I Sunday at Berlin pond. I Mrs. A. X. Woodruff, Miss Grace Brooks and Miss Maliel Edwards left this morning for Boxlmry a.i delegates ' Vi tit i t a rtiint nnl Ins , yj wuv nni: vwiim hiivmi There will lie a regular meeting of Barre Aerie, Xo. 1573, F. O. E., Monday even ing, August 2tlth, at 1 :30. Seal and Planter. Buy these out of stylo THE BARRE DAILY TIMES FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1907. ' Weather Prediction, Fair tonight unci Saturday, .showers in western, ..fair, Mowed by showers in afternoon or night in eastern portion. Light easterly to southerly winds. TALK OFJTHE TOWN. Lccal Happmiinr.s Tersely ToU for Busy Readers. New shell goods at Vaughan's. Cut flowers at Youngsons. Telephone 317-6. Fall styles in the new Designer at Perry's. " "The Toymakers," Barre book store, 50 cents. D. A. Perry went to Croton on busi ness today. Silk plaid -waists at half price at Vealo &, Knight's. A barrel of clams just arrived at the City Fish Market. New print and percale wrappers just received at Abbotts. Arthur Frenier went to Fairfield on business yesterday. Extra stamps on Saturday and Mon day. The Tea Store. One lot of shirt waists, 45e. each at Vealo & Knight's. A; Rail! of Richmond was the guest of John McGarghan yesterday. " J. C. Collctt wen "to Waldaboro, Me., today for a visit with relatives. See the post cards for sale at Harris' took store. Eleven views for 10c Mrs. Abbie R. French left this morn ing for Xew York to visit relatives. II. A. Kimball of Bellows Falls is vis iting friends and relatives in the city, Fred Haskett went to Bradford to day, where he will stay until after the fair. C. F. Young went to Burlington yes terday to visit his family for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Elton Taylor returned yesterday from a short visit to Groton pond. C. 8. Cushman returned yesterday from a visit with relatives in Lyndon ville. Arthur S. Martin returned this morn ing from a two weeks' vacation spent in Boston. Frank Morgan and family, who have been at Groton pond for several weeks, returned home yesterday. S. W. Tilton, who has been in the city on business, returned to his home in Woodsville, X. H., today. The Wonderland Moving Picture Co., will show the Cooks Dream and' the Fatal hand every night this week. Mr. and Mrs. William Dunbar of Chi cago arrived in the city ycterday, and are visiting at the home of Ales.. Bu chan. The Wonderland Moving Picture com pany has won the hearts of the people this week, with Distress, the pathetic drama. C. C. Ramsdell and Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Wiley went to Xurthficld this morn ing for a visit of a few days with rt-latives. The Mioses Lucille and Alean Diokey of East Barre were the guests of Mis Velnia Collin on Washington street, Tuesday. The fall and winter stock of Queen Qtuility r1km- for la lies ha? just, arrived at tho People's Slioj 5toi?. The lig gest yet carried. Xew arirvals of fresh halibut, sword fih, haddock, cod, white lish, mackerel, flounders, blue fih, sea trout, lake trout, pike, black bass, horn pout, eels and oth er at the City Fihh market. Telephone your orders early for Friday. Tel. 10-2. A red stamp bargain. Saturday. Aug. 24th. To anyone contemplating starting a stamp book, we will give $'u.r worth of stamps with a purclms-e of only $l.4.. One pound tea, (XV. (any kind") ; one pound baking powder, bilcj'one pound E. E. Spec, coffee, 35c. The Tea Store. Farm For Sale. MS acres, 15 minutes' drive to Plainfickf. The land is nearly level and can all lie plowed; plenty of wind and small sugar place (no tools); trout lirook runs through the pasture, i Farm has kept 35 bend of cattle ami film nr.. , 1 11... .1.1- . .... ........,l(r. ,,; ,U, 4 1 ni,H (tl the place at the present time i ten cows, a pair of oxen, five young stock, bull, about eighty hens and chickens, two brood sovvh, one host ; crops, four acres out., one corn, one potatoes, one-acre garden; fM) cablxign plants; barns full of hay, etc. All gor for $2,(HK) if sold soon. V. Is. Cute Real Estate agency, Biirre, Vt., telephone 135-2. AH Mmimer goods must gn. Is the verdict brought in bv A. A. Smith & j Urn., and now is the time to get bar jrniiu ond high class goods. ladies' snoes anu oxinriu ol all styles nt 0 discount of from 50c. to $1.00 per pah". Gents $:i.r0 and $4.00 slides and ox fords including the high cut hunting shoes, $2.0S; Gents' $.1.00 shoes ni:d ox fords, $t.i)S: I. it outing coats an-1 pants at. half price. One complete line of Walt ham watches t about lmlf price. Iirge lot $2.00 and $-..',o rings, !Ko. Lot $3.50 nolid gold initial rings, $2.0s; Lot $1.50 chains and fobs to close 40c. Lot 25c. hosiery, I'.ie. Lot 15c. hoe, !)c. per pair. See advertisement page 5. - NOTICE! To the Taxpayers of Fire District No. 1, of the Town of Barre: That I have in my hands for collection thq tax bill of 50 cents on the dollar of the Grand List of 1907. This tax must be paid on or before November 18, 1907, to Bave discount and the cost of collec tion. Dated, East Barro, Aug 20, 1907. D. F. DAVIS, Collector. 13(1 brands and gave bunches of money. Try Notice. Users of city water arn. hereby cau tioned not to use liose except between the. hours of 0 and 9 ft. ni. and tt and 7 p. in., as the in the reservoir is getting low. ' ... O. C, Russell,. , Supt. ' water dept. Wonderland loving Picture Go, HALE'S PAVILION. EVERY NIGHT AT 8. 10 O'CLOCK SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2. 10 P, M TWELFTH WEEK. If you have been to one show all you will wish to knov is that we are still here rUOGRAMME: Picture of Canada. Cook's Dream. Runaway Motor Car. Distress. Cap tain Kidd and His Pirates. The Runa way Sleigh Bell. Fatal Hand. Two Youiig Scamps. Wonderful Flames. I Never Forget the Wife. ILLUSTRATED SONGS: "In the Wild Woods Where the Blue Bells Grow," " Love Me and the World is Mine," "Honey Boy." JENNIE LAWS, Soprano. GRACE FRAMPTON, Pianist adults 18c, ' Children under Ten Years 5c D W. t LAGG, Mauagor. " W Startlin)? UTect re not what th cook nek. The good one ithn rattaor for cleaning rrnullil nd UieHe r attained by serTtng Home of our 'ih t alm.nt every meal. There's a great variety of the finny tribe here mid e&cb can be conked in great riety of way. And variety plve epice to human existence. Now in son, Hadduek, Cod, Hahbat, White Hwor4 Fish, Blue t iati. Lke Trout and Fresh balmoa CITY FISH MARKET. They're tmptln(r tnd well mtf!ied. She's tmpUng n k is tfie Kniit. Choice Fniit like shn carrimi on brr tray can always lw had from us. It's unnmiallf jilentifQl now and that's why prt'js are so low. Kur tahle u, canning or jircfcrTing, wa kep the best. KEW ENGLAND FRUIT CO. Fhone 363-3. Comer Kortli Main and Merchant Streets. "Take Ik Back To Old Vermont," Latest song hit. Vermonters every where should own copy. Takes you back to childhood days. Words and melody perfect By mail, oc. The Vermont Music Co, RUTLAND, - VERMONT. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. To close tho estate of the lato B. B. Hawes, theundefsiRned will sell at pub lic auct ion, on the premises, to the high est bidder, on Saturday, August -31, 1!K)7, at two o'clock in the afternoon, the following described real estate, viz.: Six dwelling-houses and two vacant house lots situated on P.lackwell and High Holburn Streets, in the City of Barre, Vermont. Said houses are cen trally located, near school and stone sheds. They are good rentable property; desirable as a small home or as an in vestment. Terms, 5 per cent at time of sale and balance on taking deed. Barre, Aug. 14, 1907. Geo. II. Elmore, Adm'r. BUY THAT PHONOGRAPH Before the advance in price which takes place September 1st. Come and sec us. Our prices on supplies are the low est. Open every afternoon from 1 to 6. AVERILL MUSIC CO., Third Floor Over Times Office. it and then buy a box way below cost. life ONE FLIGHT, AVERILL BUILDING. DON'T FORGET That we only give the discount until September first. You better invest your money during the next two weeks, as ten per cent is worth saving. VEALE & KNIGHT, New Ens-land Telephone. 123-3 Union Telephone Line. Currier Building, - UNION CLOTHING COMPANY. 5 DAYS'. SUIT SALE 5 The greatest Clothing week of the eptire year. We believe we have wisely selected this particular week For this high class, value giving sale. Our motive is to reduce our stock of Clothing and make room for the new Fall goods which will arrive soon. We will sell for the next five days, ending Saturday, August 25th, all our 518. 00 Summer Suits at $14.50 16 50 Summer Suits at 13 50 15.00 Summer Suits at 13.00 13. 50 Summer Suits at 11.00 12. 50 Summer Suits at 10. OO We have confidence in the clothes we sell. They are depend able, and they must live up to their reputation. They deserve your confidence, too, and we guarantee satisfaction or you get your money back. Get in line. Only 5 Days of This Great Suit Sale. Remember the Place. Union Clothing Store, One Price Old Skating Telephone 126-2. We Ate Receiving and putting on our shelves the largest stock for Fail this side of Boston or New York and goods with a quality in them which wc always sell at reasonable prices. We invite inspection. BARRE SHOE COMPANY ! See It In Our Window. Six Cakes (or 25 Cents. E, A. DROWN, Prescription Druggist, 48 No. Main St., Opp. Nat'l BanR. An Advertisement in the Times will bring sure results. IMMWaVaWaMnaWNaMBHa 1 from local contractors on Wiring Your House . FOR O FPTBIP I PUT WLh B Kill UWi Vermont Power - CONSOLIDATED LIGHTING COMPANY PHONE 246-2, 135 MAIN STREET, - - BARRE, VERMONT. Como quick, before best trades aro dossed, North Main St , Barre, Vt. UNION CLOTHING COMPANY. 510.00 Summer Suits at $8.00 8. 50 Summer Suits at 7 OO 7,50 Summer Suit at . . (5 OO 6. 50 Summer Suits at 5. OO 5tS0 Summer Suits at 4.00 Clothiers Rink Euilding, Opp. Depot Square. 'JUIVdKOD 0NIHX0T3 JJOIKa ents and Lighting Co, AND - d 3 o 4 o f o H a n o a o o rt o