Newspaper Page Text
THE BARRE DAILY TIMES. SEPT. 13, 1007. .... Call.'.,on IE. A.' Priiicllel tv tr. -r- r si mrmlmW U Sse-J . iaSMS&iAfcljt uf5CT-v ' I DEPOT SQUARE, BARRE, VTV BUSINESS CARDS. 1 L TAYLOR, DOCTOR OF OPTICS Ko. 8 Morse Block, Main St Barn Every Monday and Tuesday. Office Hours: 9 a. m. to 13 m. 1:30 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. PRICES VERY REASONABLE. ARTHUR ti. H. LEWIS, 0. V, S, Veterluary Sursreon. Graduate of Western Veterinary College. Of , flcetFrater & Johnston' Btabla. Ues., M ' I'earl 8t Telephone 407-3. UK., v,. n. ivniNi, ucntuc MILES' BLOCK, Telephone at Office and at Basldenct. DR. LEWIS D. MARTIN CBlEOrATHIC tmsiaiAs. Office is Boom SB, Miles' Bonding. Offloe tear, t a. m. to 11 m. and l.SO to 4 p m Mon- esy, iossaay, xnursuay ana s naay. lslephoos Connection, A. J. PARQUET. lUdsmlth, Horseshoer ani Jobber. Two Rood Horseshoers. Shop remored from Seminary street to 80 Summer street, Burs. SCIENTIFIC HORSE SHOEING. Fpeedy rutting, knee catting, Interfering, forging, tumbling and cross mini positively tared. All of the bone's feet treated with good success. Veterinary medicine (of .ale. . J. I McLEOD. Registered .Horse Show. (hop on Seminary btreet, - - - Barre. Vt ELECTRIC WIRING ft ELECTRIC HEATERS, h ELECTRIC FIXTURES. ELECTRIC surruEs. I STANDARD ELECTRIC CO.. f .. BKNXSTT, fi . W. mOHOUL ... h lit Keith Rata Street, Bane, Termeat. fa ELECTRIC Wiring and fixtures, Bell wiring and private telephone, Repairing and trouble work, Motor wiring and supplies. Cushman &, Ward, Beeldence Tel., 409-11 OfBon Tel., 433-3 Ccrner Keith kit. and North Main St., Barrt, Vt. SALE! Spruce Clapboardsand Cedar Shingles. Good assortment. Prices right. Moscow Mills, A. OvYINELL & SON, Props., East Calais, - - Vermont. Merchant Tailoring Alio Cleaning, Fretting and Repairing. MOORE & OWENS, 122 forth Mala 5t Brre, Vermaat D. SICKLE, MERCHANT TAILOR Ladies' snd Gentlemen ' Fur Coats Repaired and (stored. ladles' Slid Gentlemen's Garment cleaned hy ileum, pressed Slid dyed. Repairing neatly Cone. Oidors by mail will receive prompt at tention. Depot Square, iiarre. Vt SMOKE THE SPOTTED JACKET CIGAR. 5 Cents Straight. A good Cigar for the money. v r - ' A full line of Pipes and ail Smokers' Articles. P. N. Wfceeie,' 92 North Main St., Barre. FOR ; - v - , I - !?scs '-'.'yimrflrnnn (aBpfsWi(w.i,w(W(, ---'--irvws) usslwr twtejsyiwy,, J-.ak fit'piH-:!Bs4i- &xirW.-mW "T- for Wood and Coal Oak Heaters, House- no,Q KanSes. Stove Pipe, Coal Hods and Stove Boards. THE. NEW NORTHERN HOTEL 327 North Main St., Barre, Newly fitted up throughout, is now open for business. Nice, large and well-lighted rooms and good table. Terms, $2.00 a Day. J. B. SANGUINETTI, - - Prop. CUT FLOWERS And Floral Designs a specialty. Can be had at any time at our store. Btore olosed at noon from July 1ft to Octo ber 1st ; Orders will be received st ths Greenhouse when the store Is closed. EMSLIE, THE FLORIST, Otis Block, Pearl St. Tolr phone Store, 153-12. Greenhouse, 201-11 Green's Bread the Best At all Grocers'. Buy it and save baking in hot weather. Underpinning and Curb Stone Finished or in the rough. Immediate delivery. DUDLEY STERLING, Barre, Vt. Tel. 227-22. P.O. Box 274. GRAND UNION HOTEL Opposite Grand Central Station NBW YORK CITY Iff pry ooennlrnce at moderate expects. Rooms $1.00 a day and upward 8"nd 2-eent .tirap for New Tor City Guidebook and Map. Bar and Fixtures FOR SALE. Id First-Class Condition. WELL SELL CHEAP. HENRY' BISSON, East Barre, Vermont. CIGAR. W Popular Cigar in Barre GEO. M. MARRION, CORNER CIGAR STORE. Mileage Books on all Roads. I j An Advertisement ia The Times Will , Bring Sure Results. AN INTERESTING SAVINGS flAE RECORD Any system or method of do ing business which varies much from that followed by others en gaged in the same line, is al ways watched with eager inter est. . The scheme of banking used so successfully bv the Hyde Park Savings Bank is so different from that of the other Banks in the State, that it is found especially interesting. The Brattleboro Reformer says : "'It is interesting to note the prog ress of this institution because of the fact that all its funds arc invested in Vermont and it has never lost a dol lar by a poor note. " This Bank pays 4 per cent, compounded semi-annually on deposits of $100 or more, SLAIN WOMAN'S BOYS IN THEIR FATHER'S ARMS, Affecting Scene When Lieut. Rorschach Reached Portsmouth and Clasped Hia Motherless Lads. Norfolk, Sept. 13. Lieut. Frank Rorschach of the cruiser Tennessee, now at lloston, whose wife was mur dered by a burglar, has arrived at hw come in rominouth. There was au at- feeting scene when tho bereaved officer mot and! clasped in his arms his two motherless boys, Frank,' eight year old, and lawless, ajjed five. Uoree npjrrws are now under arrest !n connection with the prime. Thomas Archer, Horace Le and William 8hield. The latter is reported to have said that he was with "the white man who killed the lady." Matters look bad for Archer, accord ing to the police, Mrs. Quintin T. Over man declares that he waa looking from her window when a man running1 from tne direction of the Rorschach home, passed her house. She watched the re treating figure until it reached a foot bridge over Scott's creek. An arch light on tne bruige made the mans move, ments plainly, visible, but Mrs. Over man says that, she thought he was white. Archer is a very ligiit mulatto. It was only a few moments later when a policcniaii on the watch in a negro quarter for the murderer saw Archer enter his home, and arrested him. The negro's clothing was found o be wet An expert in leather savs that Archer's shoes had been soaked in salt water. A chemist is' examining two spots' on Archer's hat which may be blood, but wlilch tne prisoner says is paint. Archer vas formerly In the navy, and knew the time of the month when naval men sent, money to their wives. Mrs. Rorschach had just received a remit tance from her husband. Campus Bears. The members of the track team that went to the Jamestown Exposition to represent California were assembled on the front porch cf the Olympic club th other morning preparatory to their Departure, wnen iiornari, one or ifl' sprinters, glancing down over foe bar ren and orassles slopes of Jefferou square, only rcmitly stripped of its refugee cottages, rem'-i: ""That'll be a bare park for a long time now." "Will it, suret asked Andy Glarner, lnnocentlv. men tlievll have to put a high iron fimre around it. llecause when I wa a boy in Paris they had only a wire fence, and the bear got away." "liut; this i a real California bare, Andy, and it'll stav right there till it rains," assured Oerhart. "Is that right. Mr. Christie!" In quired Glarner of the trainer. "Oh, yes," adored- Walter Christie. "That's the kind of bare we have on the hills back i the campus. But a good many of tho professors complain there's a bare living in tterkeley." fian Francisco Chronicle. PARALLELS. Where are the reputations frayed! Where are reputations broken! Where is scandal quickly made? Where are bitter words oft spoken! Where are absent husbands praiswl! Where are other husbands blamed! Where's the voice or envy raised! Where's the shnft of malice aimed! Over the backyard f'lice or gate, Where the women congregate. Where are bonnets lienty trimmed! Where are pretty gowim discussed! Where's the milk of kindness skimmed! Where grows neighborhood distrust! Where is one who stays out lato Censured in a biting style! Whrre does gosnip emanate! Where does scandsl often smile! Over the bai'kyard fence or gate, Where the women congregate. Where do men the hammer wield! Where do knockers congregate! Where to envy do they yield. Argument, and loud debate! Where is malice often shown! Where is jealousy displayed? Well, too well, the place U known, Where much gossip oft fs made. Men gossips almost nightly are Found in session at some bar. Detroit Free Press. Lost and Found. Lost between n.3n p. m. yesterday and noon tody, a bilious attack, with tutu sea and sick headache. This loss was oc casioned by finding at the l!cl Cross Pharmacy a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills, the guaranteed cure fur bilious ness, malaria and jaundice. '25c. - Consolidated Steamship eonds Dominion Copper Bingham Bay State Hassayampa Utah Consolidated Reports regarding the above stock mailed upon application, snd orders to buy or sell solicited. Telephooe 320 Main. Frederick R. Tibbitt Investment Securities Fourth Floor Monks BiiUilInjr, 33 Contrresa Ktreet, Boston, Mass ABOUT THE STATE. Items of Interest Gleaned Fron Onr Exchanges. A feature of the Valley fair at Brat tleboro will be an automobile parade. Cups have been offered for the beat decorated cars, : Tho Montpelier egjf sandwich has taken to itself wings and landed on the ten cent bide of the lunch counter menu. The inactivity of hens and the high price of butter are blamed for the new rate. " , Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Doty of Bradford, expect to celebrate, in a quiet wav, .u.mutty, vt'iui:muui iu, mull UlLieL.l wedding anniversary by entertaining their friends and neighbors informally. Mrs, "Eliza A Brown observed her niuctv-fifth birthday anniversary Au gust 31 at the home of her son, the Rev. Dr. George . Brown, of Burlington. Mrs. Brown is in excellent health al though confined to her room. During the month of August the col lections in the customs district of Ver mont amounted to $99,164.53. During the same period lasr year the collections amounted to $77,158.51. The merchan dise exported through the district dur ing the month of August vjis valued at 5054,972. John L. Basstt of Island Pond is held in Montreal to answer to the charge, of horse stealing. It is alleged that he skipped with a horse and rig belonging to a Sweetsburg, P. Q., liveryman, swapped for another rig at Island' Pond and sold out at Haverhill, X. H. When apprehended he and his wife were stop ping at a Maiden, Mass., boarding houw, The service uniform of blue Laa been discarded at Norwich univeritv for the olive drab, for cadets and facility alike. The dress uniform remains unchanged. Incidentally, all last year's football team is back, with the xeception of one man, and working hard for the ooeninir frame at Hanover September 82. In view of the fact that .Norwich waa beaten by Dart mouth only 5 to 0 last year, a possible victory is looked to tins tall. An unusually capable dog is the one on which rred Gates of Montpelier pays taxes. .Mr. Gates climted a 30 foot per pendlcular ladder to fix an oil tank and when he started to descent saw the dog on the way up. One or two rungs in tho ladiler were niisnnjf but trie beat pulled himself carefully by the long spaces and reached the top in safety. The trip back stumped him and h was lowered to the ground by straps. Real Sons cf Revolution. The recent death of James C. Church of Brookline, aged 88 vears. savs the Ft. Albans Messenger, removes one of the few real Sons of the Revolution in Vermont, Hi father waa Capt. Charles Church, who enlisted at the ago of H j ears arid served three and one-half rars in the War for Tndenendence. Captain Church lived in Westminster and was burled in the Enisonnal eeme tery near Bellows Falls, having died in 136 at the age of SO years. Jame Church was the youngest of a family of ZO- children-ami -was liorn August in 1S19; A few years ag Tie was made an honorary memler of the Vermont so ciety, Sons of the American Revolution. It has been said that James Church was the only real Son of the Revolution it. Vermont'hut this is an error a there nrA at least two others. Dr. Crosbv A. perrv of Readeboro and William Con stant Wheeler of South Woodbury. Both are honorary member of the Ver mont society, S. A. R. Jonathan Bab- cik of Stratton. who died not long tgo at the age of about 95 years, was a veteran of the Civil War and a son of P,olert Babeoek, a Revolutionary soldier who died at South Wsrdsboro August 22, 1863, at the age of 104 years, six months. THROWN FROM WAGON. Plainfield Man Found Dying Alongside Road. riainfield, Sept. 13. Frank Hardy, aged about 45 years, having a wife and several children, was thrown from his team while coming back from Barre to Plainfield Wednesday night, and was found unqonscions, wet and slnioet dead alongside the road Thursday morning. He lay as he fell in a doubled up posi tion, lie was carried to Murray Clark's house by Charles lAvicne who found lit ii. Dr. F. R. Gale was called. He worked over him from 10 o'Vlock until noon and is succeeding in bringing hyn back to consciousness. He is yet in a semi-da7.ed condition and bis mind wanders. When Mr. Lavigne found him all ho ould get out of him waa a moan, and ho thought at. first that he was dead. His team was found a quarter of a mile away standing crosswise of the road. Mr. Hardy has had sinking spells. Just how the accident happened is un known. A Roland For an Oliver. The inamijr of a will animal show was so unfortunate as to lose by death the only lion in his collection. After trying in vain to rrilace the Ihs he finally secured au Irishman to appear in hi. exhibition on all fours in the lion's cape, wrapped in the dead lion's skin. This plan worked well enough for a while, and the public was fooled. Gne niejit, however, it became necessary, In the course of one performance, for the Inn to enter the tiger'. cage. Pat plead ed strenuously behind the scenes against being cent into the other man-eater's presence.; but his employer was un yielding, assuring him repeatedly that the tiger was harmless. Though well-nigh dead with fear, Pat, after a long and vigorous persua sion, crawled into the timer's caire. No sooner was he in the cage tnsn lie lost what little courage lie had left, and lay down, calling in a horse whisper, "Pleas8 don't bite mej I ain't no lion; I'm an Irishman." The tiger appeared thoroughly dis gusted, and in a moment growled back, "shut up, von fool, so am H"dilarper' Weekly. A Fortunate Younf; Lady. Miss: Jennie Martin. 1 T ft North Paul street, Rochester, X. V., says: "f suf fered long from kidney complaints home physicians ayd their medicines hud failed to stlord iil relief. A friend in duced me to trv Dr. David Kenned v'h Favorite Remedy made at Roudout, N. V, The effect was wonderful. By the time J bad taken two homes l was com pletely cured and hava had no trouble since. THE REAL. TEST Of Herplctde la la Giving It 'a Thor ough Trial. There, Is only one test by which to Judge or the efficiency or any artieia and tliat la by its aottity to cio tnaj which It Is Intended to do. Many hair vigors may look nice and smell . nice, but the point Is do they eradicate Dan druff and stop falling hatrT : No, they do not, but Herplclde does, because It roes to tho root of the evil and kills the germ that attacks the papilla from whence the hair gets Us lite. Letters from prominent people every where are dally proving that Newbro'f Ilerplclde stands the "test of use." It Is a dellRhtful dressing-, clear, purr and free from oil or grease. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. it itnmps for sample to Tho Herplclde Co. etrolt. Mich. Two Rises f9 cents and 11.00. E. A. Drown, Special Agent A TRUE BILL FOUND. William FaiAbanku o Be Tried For Murder of Mrs. Mary Grout. Brattleboro, Sept. 13. The grand jury at Windham county court at New fane found a true bill -against William Fairbanks lat night. Fairbanks shot and killed his niece, Mrs. Mary (.rout, at Saxtons River May 25 and then at tempted suicide, and was in the hospital in Brattleboro several weeks. Several other matters were investi gated by the grand jury jesterday. One w-as the disappearance of receipts and papers from E. . J., Fenton's desk in Mr. Fenton's store in Brattleboro. Tne papers arc wanted by the defence in the breach of promise suit of Miss Katherine Dmilevy against Mr, Fen ton. Tho receipts turned up at the taking ot the depositions of Mr. Eon ton in the lilel suit of Fred C. Gale against Gen. John II. Albin, of Concord, in Brattlo ioro recently. General Albin, William II. Sawyer of Concord, General Allan's law partner, and E. W. ISmitli of Wells River, counsel for General Albin, were before the grand jury yesterday to tell what they know about the matter. Wit nesses also were examiued in the case of the stat against Fred C. Gale, for whose arrest on the charge of selling liquor illegally in Vermont a warrant as issued recently. ' YOUNG WIFE DROWNED. Knocked Overboard From Yacht While Eating Dinner. Philadelphia. Sept. 13. John Croft of New York lost his , young bride hut night while the pair were returning on the yacht M. 11. E. E. as guests of C. F. M. Bennett of this city from the Jamestown Exposition. Th yacht was in the Delaware river olf Greenwich Point, Camden, when a squall struck her, tearing Um i hahlairdrt and causing the boom to swing around with great force, so that it struck Mrs. Croft, who w-as eating dinner, seated opposite her husband on the deck. She was swept into the river and did not rise again. Croft at onoe sprang over board and swam about in i vain effort to find his wife. He struck out, first for one point then another, calling for ber. Mr. Bennett had a boat lowered, but the crew had to wait until Croft was helpless in the water, as he refused to leave the river unless he found bis bride. Once back on the yacht, it, was found necessary at times to restrain him bv force to prevent his again jumping into the river. Physicians who were railed to attend him expressed some fear that the grief of the man should result in his losing his mind. Search was kept up all mjiht for Mrs. Croft's bodv, but without avail. $20 CUT IN RATES BY LEYLAND LINE. New Tariff Will Stay m Effect Until January 1 Nest Fare Ia Now $50. Boston, Sept. 13. The. Levland line announced vestcrdav a reduction in pas senger rates from $70 to $30, to take effect immediately and to continue until Jan. 1, HiS. The first ship to sail under the new conditions is the Winifredian. Capt. Pollard of the Mnnitou, arrived yesterday from Antwerp, reports that on Aug." 8 he sighted a large steamer evidently disabled and probably belong ing to the Canadian Pacific line. BALTIMORE HOLIDAY. Marj'land City Observes "Old Defend ers' Day" Baltimore, Md., rpt. 11. Yesterday was a holiday in Baltimore, and tio that account the Baltimore Stock Exchange was closed, together with many stores and house of business. This' is know n as 'Old Dcf. n Icrs' Day" in this city and vicinity. H is observed in memory of the micei'ssful resistance of British inaion in 18 It. ESTATE OF MARY T. HAML, PTATF. OK VERMONT. ( In fourt IMMnct of Washington, ss. i held in Montpel ier, in and for said liistrict, on the 0 til nay of rtepteniber, A. U. lo7. Fivink I'. I laurel. Administrator of the estate of Mary T. Hsiuel, late of the City of Barre. in said lilsirlct, deceased, presents bis administration beconnt for examination and Hllowaucenuitd, makes application for a decree of. distribution and partition of the estate of said deceased. Whereupon it Is ordered by said Court that said account, anil said application Is, referred to a ses sion thereof, to li held St the I'robate Office, in said Montpelier. on theviHd day of Sepiemisr A. D. 1'JO;, for hearing and decision thereon. And It is further ordered that notice hereof lie giv en to all persons interested by publication of the sanis three weeks successively in the Barre lslly Times, a newspaper published at the Citvof Barre, in this State, previous to raid time appointed f,,r bearing, that they limy ap pear at said time and place and show' cause, if any they may have, why paid account thould not be allowed arid such decree made. By the mrt. Attest, 1I1UAM CAHLMON, Judge. Frl Septfl-in-W NOTICE. Tula Is to certify that we, .John II. Moore, William A. Moore and Joseph M. Ilrauli, do. log business under the firm name and stvlo of M'ltire Brist. ,V Brault, In the ( ity ol lliine. In the County of Washington ami State of Ver mont, have this day dissolved partnership and the business will bereafier bo cenduen-d by John H. Moore and William A. Mooiu under the linn name of Moore Bros. It Is agreed (hat Moors Bros, shall colleei all the nuisrniiinng accounts and pav all m ouislanding Indebt edness and oiulg,ittnu against tne firm of Moore Bios. ,t Itiault. listed at Hy of Barre this 9th day of pep. temlier A. 1. Iisi7. JOHN II. MmntK. WILLIAM A. MOdllF., JUM-I'M M. I'.HAU.r. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. FOR BALK Farm of 1'jO aeies, known as the Blxhy faiui, if l-'i relies from hulseai ex tra good bouse nod buildings; land in good si. us or cultivation. Apply to nullum tawing Washington, Vt lU.iZ FOUR LINES FOR 25 CENTS Th Times wilt publish' Wants. Lost and Found. For Sale. To Lor, etc. snon aavertiso. menu at tho rat of f onr lines lor twentf-five oeota or tbe flrat msuruon no BV. cents lor eacn sutweauent insertion- !''' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE, FARM FOR SALE A 75-acre farm, with stock and tools, about 4 1-2 mile, from liurre City and 3 miles from l'lalntlcld. 'tillage land lays nearly level and in very productive. IMcnty of wood and fruit. Good water, lluiwtirics comfortable, l'lice, including about So tons of bay, 8 head of stwa, all tools and most of crops, only JS.CO0. .Enquire- of the D, A. Perry Real' Estate Agency, Kooms 8 and 9, Gordon Block. Barre. SBOtf FOR SALE OR BKNT-Seven-room house, besides pantry and ball, with hardwood floors down staim. Been bu lit bu t a few years. Has small torn and hen house and nearly one acre of land, just outside of city limits, ronkiiiR very low taxes, f pnnir water with this place. This is a good opportunity for anyone wanting a home. Aluo it would be a nice place fur poultry raising. Can be bought on easy terms and lot rent go as payment. Trice, l,m it. J. Slayton. - i5Uf FOR BALE Farm located between Mont pelier and West lierlin. Contains 130 acres. 'Ullage land lavs level and is smooth, liood bouse. Has hot and cold water, bath room and nine rooms, i'rice, including, farm, stock and tools, is 86,i0. Kmtuire of tho It, A.' I'eny Heal Estate Agency. MUlf FOR RAI.K 137-acre farm only one-half note from poet office, Saw mill, stores, etc. Will lie eold with all this year's erops, eight cows and farming tools for $l,7r.tti. Enquire ot UieD. A. l'errv Iteal Estate Agency, llonm Sand 8, Gordon Block, Barre, - Vt. MMf FOR SALF-Beautifiil property and estab lished business on I,ake street, St. Allans. Ciood largain If taken within so days. Owner will give good reasons for clUng to intending; nurcnaser. X. Msescnger Ollice, St. Albans Vt. MStl2 FOR BA1E Mv home farm, two miles from Wiilisnistowu Tillage. 1T0 acres cf land in line condition. Exceptionally good stand of buildings, liunning water St hoth home and burns, Lewis M. Seaver, W'iliiamstown vil lage. (If not at home, see Charles M. Sea ver.) Wtllfi FOR SAI.E-Best residence kt In ths city at head of French street. View unobstructed clear to Washington street Convenient to lotU lines of trolley, (JooU air. ory soil. No filling required. ,He plan. Avenll (jranite Co., Avenll Building, City. lutt ' FOHPAI,K i'oultry farm, about 1-1 mile from Williamstown on road to quarries. About 1!) acres ot land. Buildings in pood condition. Fine running water. lrie. tl.sC0.00. Knquii e of the 11. A. 1'erry Heal rtt Agency, Booms $ and , Gordon Block, liarrs, Vt. M&tf "FOR CALK OR RK.NT A small farm, fix teen acres of good land: good buildings; large barn. Mne rooms In the bouse. Klecirif light and New Fjigland telephone In the bouse. Makes a goou comfoi table bouse, five minutes' walk to depot and postoftke. Inquire of A. Cotti, Wiiliauistown, Vt. Tel. 350-H. ltf FOR SALE Don't look ny further for a home. Here it is. In a good location, good neighborhood, good everything. J"i6W seven roow house, lias been built only two years. All modern Improvements furnace, electric light n1 s""8 bgbts, barb, hot water connec tions from the turnsce, spring water, connect ed with sewer, and wide piaxza in front. This is thoroughly built house. KU'.knc- cause of selling. I'nce J2WJ0. huisll pau. nt down. Inquire at tne F. B. Cat Beal Fjstate agency, Bolster Block, Barre, Vt '4&if FOR SALE One building lot 4 rods by S. flood location. For particulars appl, to hwi M 1 lano, V e 1 terv illo, V t lt FOR SALE. Two of the best located low priced building lots in Uie city, located' next to and above the residence of F,. J. ry.wdeu on Treuiont street, Tho lots are sixty feet on ibe street and one hundred and thirty feet deep. tine building lot located on Parkstreet above Elm street. Tills lot Is four and one-half rods on th street snd about riino rous deep ; inter est in a spring goes w ith the lot. One building lot located on the corner of Ilowlaud ami luvlsion streets, just o fl huuth Main street and nrar cjuarry street. One building lot loratud on the corner ol Pike and oeorge streets, near the Harilson Granite Co. s stone sheds. 'Ibis lot is large citouph for two cottages or one iarge three- tenement house. One house suit loton 21 Foster street. House contains seven rooms with modern conveni ences and la in good repair. Lot contains nearle nee-half acre of land. One Oiavton 8tearn Air Compressor, cylinder 9x V, is capable of currying iltte.-n nand tools to gooti advantage, will be soid cheap for rash; can b seen at the Vermont Oranito Co.'s shed. For prices and terms apply to li. K. lllSli, at the Vermont Uranus Co. a plant FOR "Al.K A cottage house of seven rooms, located on tirange street All the modem Im provements. Apply at 40 Orange street 134tf FAEM FOR PALE-RW acres, 2 1-2 miles from M.inlifielil and '1 1-7 from liwer Caliot The farm will cut 40 tons of hay witn machine. Siugar placo about Sou trees, all equipped. Buildings in good repsir wllb running water at house and barn. Telephone and H. F. 1. route. I'rice for farm, sugar tools, bav and all grow, ing crops. S.'.bKi, part cash. The V, B. iiie Ural Kstftto Agency, llarre, Vt U-'tf FOR PALE On account of owner's death wlilsell farm formerly known as Ibe. Charles l'errin faun in Berlin," Vt Barn is full of hay, is weil stocked snd glowing crops are in pood condition. Farm will keep 40 bead of cattle. Miss Minnie tate, Executrix.- 1. O. Box ss, Berlin, Vt. 1'hone 312-2 Montpelier, Vt. l'iltf FOR SALE--Sntli End hotel. Enquire st Barre Real Estate Agency, oftlee in l.raultc bAVlngs Bank Block. Telephone -S. Stf FOR, HALE Double tenement bouse with barn and Oiree-quarters of an acre of land, WUliln six minutes walk of postotll,;e. (iiKid location. I'aMng better than i per cent on In vestment Yill make terms tv btut purchaser. Inquire of lr. C. 11. Kent, O'df F'OR SALE Two miles from Burrs city, flood home, barn, hen house, with tnree acres of land. Everything in llrsr-class repair. Spring wafer, "Near school. The house has been built eight ear. The place will keep two cows and a horse. We will sell with the real estate one cow, a team throughout, about twelve run of stove wood. This place will go ouiuk, as iner" ts a great demand f"r this kind if property. 1 have sold two similar to It vety recently, so speak quick. For lie Iter descrip tion enquire St ill a F. li. Cave Real Estate Agency, Barre, V t H7tf TO SELL OR EXCHANGE. noTnuwantto bur. sell or exchange your bouse or lurm? Call or Real estate Agency for North Main street, llarre. write the Vermont lialinx blanks. !' FOR PALE A two-tenement bouse in one of the best locations of the city. Eleven living rooms, two pantrys and two Imth rooms, AH finished tho best. Modern conveniences. A Hream of good spring water goes with the place, A large lot, eirhtaiid one half rods hy siiven rods. Will be Sold at a bargain it soul at once. Inquire of W. A. Hall, liU F.lui street, after fio'clock. S"tf FOR SALE. FOR PAI.E I. tisle, Willi -liood woik horse. .Wlistriwri. Cheap. L, l.-'-'l- FOR SACK-Six loom bouse, all modem conveniences. Al'Oplano. Apply at! Bink Ktieet. B:rre. M'.ilii' FOR ISA LI". Ellison phonograph, also Mires doi n records, silk covered hoin and nickel Iilal,-d SI'ind, all in pel fe, t coinlHlon. t ost H'i.OO. Will sell all lor S'Jl.fSI Adillesn V. . Box lid, Barre, Vt. . - Hsu, FOR SAl.K-An oil tank, holds CO gallons. with crunk pump snd tniliia'or. all in poml condition; 1n two-seated surrey for raie. 1-of Information luouiio ol C. L. or J. U. Uiockw ; WilliamstottD, Vt m SALE.. 1-OR bA LF. An opi u piantcbox btae buggv. neany hew, hand mado ilnvluii limimrs. s i seat speed sleigh made of lance tsond, whips, blankets, leather fly net and other borne find ings. Call at 307 iiorth Main street. , Wtl FOR SALE At a bargain, one sewing ma chine and one coal heater. Call at 12 Lnml street , .. ., ........ , . LCtti FOE HALEA good Clean lot of household goods. As good as new. Apply to Mis. Jwnelt Farwell, Buckley street. 152U row. SALE OR 'RENT-One National casn register in condition, suitable for second-class license, marked quarts, pints and one-half pints. Apply to F. A. Sanderson, Jiorthtield House, North Held, Vt Bo'4 FOR BALE, Household furniture, consistlnor of a quartered oak chamber suit, line set of dishes anil other useful household articles. Also an Ellison phonograph with 00 reuorda. Inquire at 'Ji Bummer street . ISHf FOR KALETwo colts, three and four years old. Apply to W. 1", Mortimer, Hecklev Hill. I41tl FOR RALE 100 bushels prime Winter Eve for sale. Morrison Farm. lMif FOR SALE Nice, loose hay. Doth coarse and Sue. Orders may he let! at Sowdeu. Hi Lyou'a store or with me at 21 Highland Avenue. C. Carleton. U7tf FOR BALE. A few tons choice horse hay. A. W. ALLEN, Bumiytiid.9 Farm. Telephone no, ,, . . . - awtf FOR SALE Fine building lot on Lorn? street I'rice reasonable.' Apply to W. W. Anderson, 4S Merchant street. 32tf TO RENT. TO RENT A tenement to rent near Emslle's green house, also dining room set fur rate. B. B. Jackson. I'hone40i 13. . 151ti TO RENT Tenement on Washington street. Apply to W. F. Sihepard. - . 140tf TO KEXT Knrnisliod front room, suitable) for two, G mtlemeu preferred. Mrs. tieo. liutTouc;hs, 17 Churcn , stitet ; 'Xelcpbone 41i-2. ; l3tf TO KEXT Tenement of six rooms on Up land avenue, J'eiTin Hill, To small family S7.M per month. Inquire of 1 . F;. l'errin. Telephone 314-4, . uutf TO KENT Two connected rooms, furnished for light housekeeping : also one largo room, suitable for two. M heith avcuue. l&nl TO RENT Fnrnished front room, beat, hot water and electric light, at 17 Wellington street Alex McCaskill, 1 !i,.C TO RENT Tenement, with or without barn. Inquire of Dr. C 11. Tient liSJtf TO KENT Shed loom for a rang of men. Apply to W. A. Lane, Biirnham's Meadow. li:tt TO KENT Desirable tenements on West Patterson street, having hot and cold water. Laundry tubs. Furnace and electrio lights. Enquiru M. II. l'heips Co., 13U North Stain street IxAitf TO KEN'T-Tcnemf-ntlu i). M. Miles' Gran ite liiiiUlmg. Also furnished room. Inquire at 1). AL Miles' coal ollice, 122 .North Main street " Uttif TO KENT Large furnished front room, cen trally located. Inquire at the Western Colon otllee. self TO KENT, single or double, up ine flight Front of L, M. Avurill's building, lijtf TO KENT ljirge basement, urjr auu lb: lit Inquire of L. M. Avcritl, h-'tf HELP WANTED. WANTED An experienced man to run traveling crane and to lake care of machin ery. Apply 1'rebbrcy-Coiykendall Co. lilti WANTED Two first-class granite carvers. Apply to C 1. Ciilt end Co., Montpelier, t. l:oif WANTED Table rant. girl at liawes' restau- WANTED A carver to raitre and cut oma menial, r-iised round letters, (food pay and stiadvjob. Apply to E. Femandez, (jiaulfe-vllle.Vt- V,:t WASTED A lady to do writing for a few davs. Enquire at B. W, Hooker l. store. l.Wt2 TEAMSTER WASTED For general delivery wagon. Address 1. O. Box IK LViti WANTED A tool boy 'at once, deau. Eas t Barre. J. O. Biilo-14-Hf WANTED A girl to do pen era bouewoiB; steady work and good pay. Apply at 2o North Main street LV.'tf WANTED -ladies' to demonstrate Red Seal or l'otash. ilouie to house work. Address "lied tw-l," Times ollice. l.'2t- WANTED A first-class teamster, ane that can milk. Steady job for the light pany. Ap ply to tho Morrison tariir. Hoi f W ANTED A good, strong girl to U boase work. Apply at Keith avenue. 14 f WANTED A girl for general housework lu family of two. Mrs. D. C. Walts. liltf WANTI ll A lirst-ciass machine polisher; steady work. Apply to A. Anderson & b,,a. Ublt WANTED Competent girl for general housework- Aoply lo 111 E. W. Blshce, No. Eat street. l.J-tt W ANTEls At once, an espoitenced nstii girl at The Otis Kestauiaiit dinine lj-'tf W ANTKD At once, machine polisher. Walker A Fons. fieo. IKotf .lOUBEIlH WANTED To cut and ski 1, or lust cut lumber. A good t iisnee. Apply to sloeum Lumber Co.. Waliinsuii or Bane, Vt Telepeniie coiine, tioii. L'ltf W ANTED A young man to grind tools, by the Excelsior (irniilte o., at, o.ioe. .ear ' . Blanchl At bun stone Shed. , 4Stt WANTI'.D--At tlie Northern, two experience I table girls who can iurnish good lulerenees. Apply lo J B. Saiiguinotli, 1'ii.p. 4ttf WANTED Five or six kl! of turns cutters' tools, chains, blocks, jacks, tars. etc. V hut have you not',' Naiuu puuf. 1'. O. Box, si, Barre.Vt 3' It WANTED. WANTI.D TO RENT A small bouse and Imrii In or outside ol city. Apply "11.," Tlims ottlce. 1..J13 WANTED A furnished room In the vicinity of Camp street school, wher partle wilt bo w illing to care for a little j'irl a tew hours eeli day. Address Mrs. Florence 1'egs, 17 Lorn' Alley. i'ir WANTED A Viluco to lo housework nifclit and ini'roing lor Ismrd by a young lady who Is othelwi-e einplcjed during tho day. J. M., Timi s ollice. ' If UU WANT ED -Shirt w.ibts, guimps and chil dren's clothes to enilmdilei ; also hemstiti-h-Ingorsiiv lancy hand sewing. Mrs, TraVem, V0 Avciill slieet. I("2tl2 WANTED Two table btisrilers. Centrally located. Apply to "C," Times olbee. l,,lu, WANTED A partner with some capital to Invest In opening up a flist-clais qtiany prop ,ltlon. AddiesS -Ijnairy," Tlmea U nice. EsiUuS WANTED Position t" do general hou?woik on farm. Addiess I'. O. Box M.iiast Burro t. I4U t3 WANTI'D -Ten or VI horse power ilectrlo motor. E. I-'i'i'tiandes, Oranltevlllo, Vt lliitf POULTRY LA ' IN'I HltN'M FOR PAI.E-r.O Rose romH Rhode l!and Iteils at f 1.0,1 each, lnquiie f E. M. Lyon, , .- .J . LOST AND FOUND. ' LOST--A coat, Hutuid.y night, between B u le and Cuauitcviile. Vt id i.uuer ictnni to Uib oflica, eju