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BARRE DAILY TIMES t tbiJsUd Iter Wttkiaf Afiraoos.. ."'.cci: Cnt r,.ii; Cse Monti. 25'tta , Cat, -l a:. r -urd ( u. l'ottuttl:e.o at isair a amotui i.iit Mutter. frank E. Laurie. Publisher.' SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1907. Th ateraga daily circulation of th Butt Daily Time for the week en-lim; Saturday vu 4550 topics, tlis largest paid circulation J any daily paper in this section. REAL AND NEGATIVE BOOMS. Tiiore can he absolutely no question :of the increasing attention . that Gov ernor Hughes is attracting all over the country as the possible nominee of the Itepublkan party for president of the United f-itact in I!)08, But "attention" tliut is, the fact that a man w being talked about as a "poaaibility," that no body in openly eritkiriing him or con demning his course a a public officer or vigorously opposing his candidacy i a million- miles from an actual nomina tion it is not delegate-getting, the f hi nj; that create majorities and that really count for something in a national convention, 'nor ia it of neeeity a crea tor of popularity, although we must ad mit that the Diore a good, clean, able. h(aet man get into the public eye, the more he gets discussed as a presidential candidate, the greater are tha chances that he will grow in popularity. So the rapidly increasing attention that Gov ernor Jfughet is provoking without, ob viously, any effort or any measureablti denire on Lit part to do o--tunnot le otherwiae than helpful to hi candidacy if indeed it can consistently 1: called "Ma" candidacy at all, up to date. I it far out of the way to denominate tha 'Tlnghea boom" negative boom, the Iloghas popularity a negative popular- it ft The rank and file of the average of good, "straight," honest llepubliean everywhere admire the governor as a man of high character and ability, of unwavering courage, of absolute indepen dence, in no far a a man in public office can be purely independent; and most of them sincerely and heartily approve hist policies and his administration. But when it come to actually taking him lip, indorsing him ftquartiy as their choice for presidential nominee and push ing him vigorously to the front for that honor, how many of them can h.a estly and conadentioiuly wholly disso ciate their preference for Hughes from " a dislike of Rooaeveltt That i what . we mean by a ''negative boom,'' a "neg- rtive popularity." How much of the Hughe movement U merely a political play against Roosevelt a trig to his own wheal or that of hi man Taft? New York Commercial. 7c. yard outing flannel at Perry' on baturday. The Best Ever! MONARCH IKAtO OOFIMG The N. D. Phelps Co, 136 North Main St., BARRE, - - - VERMONT. I1ULDAH SAYS: "The Rocker we got from B. VV. Hooker , 6c Co, is so nice I could sit in it all day, it rocks so easy, too. They have more of them, too, just az good." That Quar tered Oak Leather Scat , and - Back Rocker at $15.00 is a leader. B. W. BOOKER & COMPANY Qy v ,--' . .. mqtm r mm But cloth in the piece looks quite different af ter it is made up, so it is wisdom to experiment to try on ready-made suits of similar patterns beferc you place your order. At our store you can experi ment without expense. Suits ready to wear, $5 to $25. Suits made to order, $18 to $40. V WE CLEAN. PRESS AND REPAIR CLOTHING. 174 North Main St, Barre, Vt. CURRENT COMMENT. Dr. J. Henry Jackson. The death of Dr. .f. Henry .Jack-ion, which occurred at hi home in iiarre on Friday of lust wwk following an opera tion for appendicitis, remove one of the lx't and most widely known physi cian in Vermont, and one whom "the ttate could ili afford to. hue. Vergenm- Enterprise. The tat of Vermont, and particular ly Barre, has Wt a great physician in Dr. .1. Henry Jackson, who died a the result of an attack of appendicitix la-t week. He had a rare personality and a manner of addrcK which win most ooothing to a tik paiient. He i skilled ax a phyi iau, hut the drug he administered furnisheil a na!l part of tlie healing procem. He was of a ym pathetic nature and made a person with whom he came in contact fell that he had struck a friend as well an a physi cian. He u posci.ed of an ideal per sonality for hia profeion. Montpelier Journal. The death of Dr. J. Henry Jackaon of Jtarre remove one of the let known and mot hinhly e-tenned residents of the tate. Doctor .lackson occupied an enviable position in hi profession, wan identified with all progresive. movement, was the possessor of a large-hearted and generou nattire, and was accorded the warmest regard by all who came in contact with him. Montpeiier Argus. MONTPELIER The owners of the Aldrich farm on the liarre road are having it aurveyed into building lot. Considerable inquiry has been made in regard to the property, and the owners, Mesr. Oorry, Deavitt and Frost, decided to plot the property. The land near the railroad tracks will not be offered for the present, and may later be offered for the purpose of build ing stone shells, if there is mick a de mand. The semi final of the golf tournament for the championship of the Montpeiier Country clnh were played off Thursday afternoon. The result of the matches weret E. D. Field won from ('. K. Lowe, while C. F. Iowe won from H. K. Put nam. The final will be played off this afternoon between Mr. Lowe and Mr. Field. On Wednesday afternoon Mis ltose E., daughter of Sir. and Mrs. Ion (Wo, and Ira A. Robinson, both of Marshficld, were married by Itev. .J. J. Cnllion at St. Augustine' parish house. The cere mony wa performed in tlx; presence, of Hubert and Mis Lyilia Croto, brother and sister of the bride. The couple are well known in Plainlleld. the groom hav ing worked for neveral year on the Hollister hill, while the bride ba mndc her home with her parent, out of the village on the Marshlield road. They will make their home in Marshlield. The marriage of Mr. Emma Wood ward to Amos K. Worthen Whitteinoro was performed by Dr. E. O. Thayer, pastor of tho Hcdding Methodist church, Wednesday at the Methodist parsonage in liarre. lioth of the contracting par tie are known in thi city, having lived here for ome time, and were employed at Heaton hospital, where thev finished work a few day ago. The bride wa granted a divorce in the county court the first of this session from Franci B. Woodward n the ground of wilful de sertion by Mr. Woodward. The seeond marriago occurred eight day after a divorce was grunted. DROWNING AT VERNON. George M. Phetteptace Evidently Fell from Boat Into River, Bntttlcboro, Sept. . 21. Ocorgu M. Phetteptace of Vernon was drowned in the Connecticut river yesterday near Hinsdale ferry. Even-It Stock well, who Iim churge of the ferry, went home and when he returned he found one of bis smiill bonis niihiug. lie went. ncris the river and found the body float frig a few feet fnun the shore. It is onpposed that Phetteptace Marled to row across, riot finding the regular frrryimcn. The bout wa not upset. Phetteptace wnn 10 year old and unmarried, lie had lieeit drink ing heavily the ptist week, it i ftuid. , u a i v & ME t wi'm yurni i i "V-""" V, FOR RENT S- .:J. $3 to $1 0 Per Year. The largest Boxes in the city for the money. We have the Proof Vault PEOP LES NATIONAL BANK Worthen Block, Barre, Vt. ' OPEN MONDAY EVENINGS JINGLES AND JESTS THE BUCKEYED VIEW.. Being a free versif.ed paraphrase of the impressions of the "Uiickeye Dai sies," the hatch of "prize girls" from Ohio who lately visited Europe. Vide iJaily Telegraph, Aug. 22. J Fresh returned from ancient Vurorp, The delight nd Buckeye Dstisfes Ifave recordel their itiipt-enioiii in illumiuatiiig phraeH. They have seen, these maids entranc ing, Sight that et their puke dancing, Spires and palme galore. Statues, picture by the score Titian. Michael AngeUi l5ut thev never san. oh, nol Any sight or any how Half at great as Ohio; Anything t" fine aiid fntnk As the manhood of the Yank. Somewhat . bary in their praise Are the lie r.j Buckeye Daisied, They declare, in tones emphatic, Germans are "too autoniatio.' And the chivalrous Parisian. Though he dwells in field Elyian, In their free and easy way They pronounce a "poppitijay." Clumsy to the JWkeye view I the F.iigHsiiwoniau'a ulioe, And, although they have confessed Her complexion is th lM-st, I'nrelentingiy they add That her iyle in dres is had. Unexpected are. the phases Of the gentle Duckeve Daisiea, How a maiden transatlantic Can he so insane and frantii As to wed a titled gent Of European descent---This prodigiously anmcs Patriotic Duckeve laisieit. Vet, though liberal of litany We adure you ail the samej For, delightful to relate. You have heeil al!,-gel to state That "The Englishman is great," And for this, O Huckeyn Daisies, We forgive you ail your phrase. Punch. The Difference. '"Fay, pa, what' the difference be tween an optimist and a pessimist?" "An optimist, Johnnie, think the time are ripe a peasimUt think they're rotten." Harper' Weekly. Gr.;3d. , Tost uln-ays gws to the deutlst's with bla wife." "The Idea! Whnt forT "It's the only time be ever has a chance to speak to ber." Harper's Weekly. Caught a Tartar. "So you want my daughter?" said the Btern parent "Yes, air." nnswered the young unit or modestly. "Huh:" grunted tho old man. "Cot any money?" "Yen, nlr. How high do you quote ber?" Cleveland Leader. A Dangarous Question. "Woulil you ninrry again, Ceorge, If I were to tile?" "No, Indeed:" "You hrnte! You want the world to helievo that I'm inch n had wife you would not waut another;" Houston Post A wise man will desire no more than he can pet Justly, use soberly, distrib ute choerfu'ly and leave contentedly. Baron. TELEGRAPHERS SEE ' PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT Union Officials Have Two Hours' Secret Conference With Him. Oytrr riay. X. V., Srpt. 21. Secre tary !eb tutM yesterday tliat, there would be no statement iue.l regarding the vinit to the, president WediieMlay of Percy Tliomsi. deputy preshleiit (if the ftitumereiHl Telennipher' union, an l Ihuiiel i:ncllf r-liicf of their board of trBte(ry, lH'b at. lirnt denied tliey had ViMlted the preiident. Hujin the Inen who had talked with him on tho porch were work men. Yesterday he snid: "There i nothing to he id about the nintter now." "Axked if !u wished a tlenial niit. out that ItuHHell and Th'inni aw the preni l(!iit, l,oel aid: "No." It. had been u-idelv report etl thut tie gotiutii)tl with I'lemdetit HdoMevciL htid been started lookinj; tnwurd a Mettle ment of the strike, and while knowledge of the fact vft dlereclly denied by rttriku lender und oflieer of the kiiii panie, it i known that Thonm lmd a two liour' talk, with the president here, and that thi eonfefence wa by appointment. .,, THE 1SAEKE DAILY TIMES. SEPT. I Ji E! only Burglar in Barre. FROM 7 TO 8 O'CLOCK. PLAINFIELD. X. Js. Morse was in Montpeiier Fri day. II. (i. Townsend of Marshlield wa in town Friday. ifr. SpanMing i , spending a few wc-ek in Worcester, Mass. L. C. Baldwin is visiting at Corinth and Grot on for a few days. EBKwnber "David Hanim" at the opera houe Saturday evening, Mrs. Theron Perry i spending a few day. in Topsham witii relative. If. O. Worthen and Mis Sarah Xye of Barre were in town Tiiuidiiy. : C layton- Rove of Windsor i t!i jjti-st of Mr. and Mrs. Pliny More, Mr. and Mr. E. W. Page attended the fair at Kortbfiold Wednesday. Mr. RosFtta Wilson of Marahtield i spending a few day at Erwin Xy'. Mr. P. B. Fisk returned from a few days' visit in Waitsffeld Wednesday. Mr, and Mr. Eugene Tainter of liarre were at.E. ,J. Colby's Thursday. Fred Miutin injured one baud quite badly la.t Monday while cutting en-i!g.- ' iliss Mildred Fair of Waitstield is the giest of Mi-is Ethel. Colby for a few days, Ira Robinson and Mis Itose Croto were married in Montpeiier Vedneday tfternoon. . ' Martin Burn bam of Illinois i the guest of hi niece, Mi. E. J. Colby for a few day. ' Alonzo Batchelder of Valley City, N'ortb Dakota w visiting at Ixjvall SpiU'ding'. HerWrt Knapp wa in Marshfield Thursday a witness in the case of Mc Lain vs. Martin. Mrs. Silaa Willis, Mi, Abbie (lark ttihl Mi Clara Patterson were in JumtjMflier Thursday. IVernie Hooker of South Rvegate and I, E. Sargent of Boltonville are working In the station during Mr. Cutting ab s ix-e. Station Agent H. C. Cutting and wif and son, Kud-jlph, arc sjM-uding two week at SU Juhuburv and Concord und Littleton, N. H. Mr. and Mr. Charle Siiloway anl dais!iter Rcina and Sarah, of Minne ajoli, Minn., were at Ezekiel Skinner' the first of the week. Rev. P. B. Fifik went to Wattsfteld Friday to spend Sunday. The usual DKiruing eervice. will' Iw helj at the (.tingregatioiia! chureh Sunday. E. J. Colby anl sister, Mr. Daniel Burn and Mis Flora Itemift left We"J r.eMay nxirning for a few day' visit In Biton, Plvmoutb, Portsmouth and Pawtucket, K.'l. Among those who attended St. Johns bury fair were Mr. and Mr. E. F. (Leavitt, L. L. Knapp, Mr. and Mrs. H. ;K. Park, IUy Bart let t. T. H. Bartlett, lUynmiul Page, Charley Tucker and Arthur iownceuj. MANY AFFLICTED. It i surprising what a lot of people limp about u!Tering from corns. Suf fering from such a cause is really un- neceanary. Corns can be removed in two or three days without the least j pain, injury or inconvenience. We un tdprstand that C. II. Kendritk & Co., j tjriigjrisU, have something that is a j tu-e cure for corns. If you are afflict ed, better Bee them at once. TAXIDERMY Agency for the lareest house in New England. Work guaran teed first-class. Game Head9 and Rug Work made up right. The best quality of Artificial Human Eyes, only SJ. i() ' . EARL S. SHEPARD, . 46 North Main Street, Barre, Vt. Ready- to-Wear AND- College Hats -MRS. DRAPER'S Millinery Rooms 3 and 4, Currier Block, Airs. J. C. Walker Manager Mrs. C. R. Wood. ... .Trimmer Watch for Opening - J. 1KUT VVnrrrlof-lnnr! " hr - ; ; - ", T7. (I 'Moving Picture Go, HALE'S PAVILION. EVERY 'K:3HT AT ' 8.I0-O'CLOCK SATURDAY f.!ATiiEE AT 2.I0P.M PCuiWiA-MME;' Clever Dstectivs , An Icy Day Crayon ?. .. , - On the Brink ' ' .'' Haunted Kitchen ' The Burglar and a Race for Bed V Dolla in Dreamland , Tunneling Under the English Channel UXCSTHATKD SOXGS : '-The "Man With the Ladder and the Hose," "I Long to ce You Once Again," and "Soine where." rv ix. uiws, soprano, : ( ILA BATCEHLDER. ntst. I ! idulit 10c, Children under Tin Yean 5c. D W. fLAGG, Managor. ! PwriniT fh nraeticB of manv deal ers, we please our customers first and then ourselves. , : OUR FISH MARKET : is supplied with the freshest, sweetest nd plumpest Fish. They reach us soon after leaving their native element. The following are now in season: Halibut, Sword Fish, White Fish, Haddock, Cod, Mackerel, Flounders. Leke Trout, Pike, Blue Fish, Sea Trout, Finnan Haddie, Oysters, Clama and others. CITY FISH MARKET. GRAND Fool Ball filch! Last Game of the Season For a Purse of $50 Bonaccord vs. Rang'ers! Berlin Street Grounds SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21st KICKOrF AT 2:30. Admission 25c Beys 10c. Ladles Free, FIRE INSURANCE The JEtsa Fir Insurance Com pany of Hartford, Conn., is repre sented in this Agency. The "Etna" is all we need' to say. Its liberal dealings with its policy, holders dnring its w hole history is all the advertisement it needs. During eighty-eight years it has paid in losses to its policy-holders over One Hundred Eight Millions of Dollars. G. HERBERT PAPE, Resident Agent Tel. 43-4 Office in Granite Savings Bank Blk FIRE Insurance Rates REDUCED Seventeen old reliable Stock Companies and five Mutual Take your choice. Call and in vestigate. Any competition met, in companies that have had an ex perience of from 25 to 100 years-. J.W.DILLON, 3 and 4, Bolster Block, Barre, Vt. BUY THAT PHONOGRAPH Before the advance in price which takes place September 1st. Come and see us. Our prices on supplies arc the low est. - Open every afternoon from 1 to 6. , AVERILL MUSIC CO., J Third Moor; ' Over Time '.Office." M 11 .. I 1 SL . Jl h wriiiiP 1 14 lill. v 1 MM 1 V 1 J t. i Special showing of .fashionable Long Coats for Young, Ladies4 - Gall and .see them. N Coats in Grey Mixture, fancy stripe',, at. . i .$4.25 Stylish Green Mixture, new trimming, at....... 4 SO Brown and Grey Mixture, very stylish, at 4.75 Dark Shadow Plaid, stylishly trimmed, at 4.98 Sixteen Sample Coats, all made of very pretty mixtures. For a-special we will sell this $10-00 Coat for $7.50. DON'T FORGET OUR TEN-DAYS f UR SALE, COMMENCING TODAY. .We make a specialty of Ladies' Shirt Waists. See the new' Fall styles.' '.They are very pretty. i :1 pmam: n!ir Ti?AnF.MARK j EXPENSES 'WM III mess ! 7 I t NyaI's:l1air;ToniC'::" Keeps the hair soft and moist V Cleanses the head from dandruff. Prevents the hair from falling out, , Promotes the growth of new hair. Changes gray hair to its original color. 50c Per Bottle! D. F. DAVIS, 262 NORTH MAIN STREET, Carriages and Wagons Full line of Carnages, Buggies, Top Buggies, Open Buggies, Concord Farm Wagons, Surries with sold at reduced prices. George Wheeler's Carriage Repository, Opposite Montpeiier House, - - Montpeiier. DON'T FORGET THE PLACE. At thci:City THE REASON WHY Our Double Loaf Malt Bread is good : Pills- ! bury's Flour, Fleischmann Yeast, milk from the Morrison farm. Enough saicL G. A. Telephone 12-11. An advertisement in the Times will, bring HY NOT TRADE WITH US ? We have the best lines of Western Beef, Native Pie Pork, Lambs, Veal, Chickens, etc.. that money can buy. Besides, we carry a full stock of fresh, up-to-date Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Tobaccos, Fruit, Vegetables, Butter, Cheese and Kejs. We have a large supply of Fancy Cookies; also the City Bakery Bread, Cakes and Doughnuts. We guarantee prices and cater for cash trade. Besides, we give Red Stamps. These Stamps represent a discount of from five to eight per cent. Telephone orders promptly attended to. Again, ours is the only store this side of the postofTice where one can get everything they need for a good, square meal It i9 also nearer to trade with us for the whole south end of the city, including Hill, Berry, French, Richardson, Orange, Patterson and Washington streets, than at any other place. v We like to have parents feci they can send their children here and get just what they want, and right change back. We are at your service. Telephone 216-3. k i ' ----- X lllI 419 "The Druggist,' if - - BARRE, VERMONT. Wagons, Express Wagons, n rubber and steel tires. All . . . ? BEMIS 66 North Main' St Barre, Vt. sure results. 1 15 South Main Street.