Newspaper Page Text
TIJE J! .A ERE DAILY TIMES SETT. '21, It. fl t -A 1 El. 11 ilDISlO & 1 lllLlltSa , 39c "a. Yard By a very fortunate purchase we have secured five pieces of Silk Finish Corduroy to sell at about twenty-one cents a yard less than the usual price. It is 21 inches wide, having a beatifully bright and silk like surface almost as handsome as silk velvet. Makes a rich-looking dress fabric and especially desirable for children's wear. Colors are white, navy blue, myrtle, dark brown and garnet. Price Only 39c a Yard v CHILDREN'S COATS ' More real value and style crowded into our Children's Coats than ever before. Let the little one try on some of these and watch the smile of satisfaction creep over her face. IHE BARRE DAILY TIMES SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1007. Weather Prediction. f Fair Saturday mid Sunday. Light wcnterlv. winds. "., . re prices Range from $2.98 Up to 312.50 ITS COMPANY Wot We have fifty-seven pairs of WO MENS1 SHOES that retailed from $2.00 to $3.50 per pair that we will place on QQi sale Saturday and Monday for - - Ct- BARRE SHOE COMPANY KOUS FARLONS FRANCAIS. mm "QUEEN QUALITY" O Slioas For Style and Durability O O o o o o Arc excelled by none and equaled by few. Ladies will find a great variety of styles and leathers in this valuable brand on our shelves at $3.00 to $4.00 Per Pair. 0 o o o g o 0 The People's Shoe Store, ' Hate's Block. Barre, Vt. C. S. ANDREWS, Proprietor. V TALK 0FJTHE TOWN. New dress goods at Abbott's. Long heavy taffeta gloves at The Vaughan Store. The secretary of Court Granite City, No. 3, F. of A., will be at the hall on Saturday evening to receive dues from 7 to 8 o'clock. - GRANITEVILLE. The regular meeting of Viotor lodge, L O. O. ., M. V., will be held at Miles' hall, Monday evening, Sept, 23. All the members are requested to be present. Per order E. Sec. BARRE OPERA HOUSE FOX 6s EATON, Mjrn. J. X. HO BAN, R.ilueut Mjr. Saturday, Sept 21 George W. Kertney presents the Golden-Voiced Comedian ALLEN DOONE In his new play tf life in the Em erald Isle. A ROMANCE IN IRELAND! Supported by an excellent company and a beautiful Scenic Production. An Advertisement in the Times will bring sure results. CCSSOUDATED LI8HTIN3 CO. AND Vermont Power and Lighting Co Thono 246-2 135 ST. Mala Street, Barre. HEAR DOONE SING "FROM COUNTY MAYO" . "LOVE'S LANGUAGE" And Joseph Murphy's Famous "A HANDFUL OF EARTH" Prices, 35c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 Tickets Friday morning. AT THE TREAT ORIlim TALK OF THE TOWN. Local Happening Tersely Told for Eusy Renders. New veil pins at Abbott's. Coat special at Vaujjlmn's.. See Mortimer's auction sale adver tisement, t Curwt cli:am:;jr, vaouuin proress. 1L P. Baldwin.' 25e ponie diapeilea for ISo at Veale & Knight's. Dre--i!iKldnjr, Mrs. N. N. Vasear,' Ci Summer street. A few- erah apples for making jelliei at Granite City creamery. Send your upholstering and picture framing" to. II. I', Baldwin. We. can save you money" on bed spread at Perry 'a on Saturday. Tonight at the opera house, Allen Doono in "A Romance in Ireland." If you are ready for gloves and mit tens go to the, Fran!; MeWhortcr Co. Henry Frcnier went to Burlington this morning for a few days' visit, with friends:. Mrs. Truman Robinson went to St. Albans this morning for a vi-it at the home of her daughter. The Lamson & Hubbard hats are among the best. -See one at the Frank McWhortcr company store. Mrs. F. R. 'Hull of Lynn, Mass., who has been visiting her brother, J. E. Rol lins, returned homo Friday. John Witrht of Boston is vi.-d! in" at I the home of his sister. Mrs. VViiiiain Nicr.l of Wist I';U tir:oii utreet. You have see.i "The Haunted Hotel" at the Pavilion a few weeks apo. I'll i s week you can bee '-Tlio ll.iuiiled Kitch en." ' A small maple leaf pin, with "Can ada" on it, wan lost on Main Hrcct lut night. W ill the Under return to this ofFu'e? - . At the opera house tonight at sweet voiced (driving comedian, Allen Doone, with a stron;.? supporting company, in "A Romance in Ireland." Lewis G. Griffiths, vocal instructor at Goddard seminary, will also give private lessons at his residence, 144 Elm street, Bane, any day or evening execpt Mon days and Thursdays. Clifford Cote leaves Monday for North Dakota to join his .wife, who has been there several months. His business in Bane has been purchased by A. J. Steve art, 'who will continue it at the old stand. Parents please notice. There will be a rehearsal for the children to lie pro moted from the primary of the Congre gHiimial Sunday school, on Saturday at o'clock. It is necessary that all should lie there. Allen Donne, the magnetic young com edian, who will be remembered at Joseph Murphy" successor . in "Kerry Clow," ''Shauii Rhne," etc., etfcj will appear this season in a new scenic comedy -drama entitled. "A Romance in Ireland," in which be is sail to have abundant op portunity for the display of bis special gifts as on actor, singer, dancer, piper and dispenser of "blarney," At the ojiera house tonight. The usual h.rpe number of people at tended the annual snpjier which was piven last evening by the ladies of the Presbyterian church. Over .100 people were served between the hours or 5.-30 mid 7. The Indies served a most de lightful supper, the menu consisting of chicken pie, ninslvt potatoes, salad, rolls, doujdinnfs, enf.'ee, all kinds of pics and cukes. The Indies hud no trouble in handling the crowd and everyone was served quickly and well. To open up tin fill season with the usual rush A. A. Smith & Bro. have td ertied special bargains on fall goods that should attract attention nil over the state. Double breasted wool and camel's hair und'Twear reduced from $1.25 to mc, $2.50 and $3.00 shoes re duced to $1.08; lot 50c. caps to close nt 10c: lot $1.50 and $2.00 hate Doe; lot Indies' 65c. rubbers 4Uc; lot gent's rubbers T0c; lot "Zc. wool hose 19c; lot SXM and $1.00 pants $:J.9S; lot bracelets worth from $0.50 to $7.50 only 3.03: lot $5.50 gold plated docks only $2.93; lot $1.25 alarm clocks IHOe.j lot, "$2.00 fobs and etinins CSe.j lot $1.25 and $1.50 fobs and chains 40c; lot $2.00 and $2.50 ririffj ('sc.; lot solid gold ini tinl rinj.'s, regular pi ice, $0.50 to elose at $3.08. f?ee advertisement on page 5. TALK OF THE TOWN Feather bowies at Abbott's. Dr. A. If. H. Lewis went to Waterbury this Tno:iiiu.: on badness, j - , , . ,. You will want some ' of outing flannel on sal a c. yard at Perry's on Saturday. The Sterling wesdit and sweaters for men ami boys on sale at the McWhorter company store. The largest line of men's and boys' golf jackets in the' city at the Frank McWhortcr company store. There will be an important -meeting of the ladies of the I'niversalist church in the church vestry this afternoon at 3 o'clock. ; . , Th( ladies' annual handicap tourna ment of the 'Barre. Golf club will Ik: held Tuesday, Sept. 24. All the ladies who are members of the club are invited to compete. The Ladies of the Macs toes with hus bands and gentlemen friends will have a coin roast on Tuesday evening, Sept. 4, at D. C. Roben's, East Hill, meeting at tne end ot the ear tine on' washing ton street at 8:15 o'clock. Tastes as it looks at Di.v & Coleman's. Meats always look temptingly good. Prime milk fed veal. Chops, shoulder, loin, veal chops, veal cutlets, veal roasts, veal loaf. Never too busy to serve old customers well, anil always ready to welcome new ones. Mix & Ooleinancash red stamp provision store. V. son israna varus : . - We have just received a large shipment of Lton Brand German Knitting Worsted, which we will ' sell at the old price of $1.25 per pound oHour skeins, full 16-ounce weight, or 35c per single skein. Lion Brand Shcllarsd floss at 10c a skein. Garments mode from these Yarns are uncqualcd for appearance and wear. Direction circulars free. VEALE & KNIGHT. Currier Building, UNION CLOTHING COMPANY. North Main St , Barre, Vt. UNION CLOTHING COMPANY. 'IJABSHFIELD. The ease of A. J. McLean vs. Henry Mnitin, to recover the value of a Jersey t"iw with damages set at $J0, was tried before Justice Sargent, . of Barre, in Marshfield Thursday before a jury com posed of L. 1).- Nute, C. D. Smith, P. D. Cole, Silas Pncker. Mr. ttemig and W. II. H. Mears and resulted -in a disagree ment. M. M. Gordon appeared for the plaintiff and F. L. Laird for the de fendant. The ease will be tried again next Tuesday at Marshlield. NORTH MONTPELIER. A aon Mas Iiorn to Mr. and Mrs. Tho. Clark September 29. H mi 111 I Ms wees- i Wc wish to call your attention to our superb collection of Ken's Fall and Winter Suits! They come in all the latest colorings for the season, especially browns and olives, which are at the present time the very height of fashion. We have them in all "the latest styles, and the prices range from 55.00 to $22.00. Come in and look them over. Union Clothing; Store, Telephone 126 2. One Price Clothiors, Cld Skating Kink Building, Cpp. Depot Square. o o H O O juavarcoo okihxotd Konia "JLMVdWOO OSIHX0T3 K0IHH ; MR. WILLIAM ROBERTSON BARITONE Latest Moving Pictures AND ILLUSTRATED SONGS ! Admission 5 Cents. A SHOW EVERY HALF HOUR Open from 2 to 5:30 and 7 to 10:30 p. m. Barre's Big New Department Store As usual, presents to you some most acceptable Saturday and Monday Price Events Study well the situation, post yourselves thoroughly as to quality and price, then examine well our offerings, and if you are a shrewd buyer you will give us the preference. ft THE ARCADE GL0TH1NG DEPARTMENT Attention, Comrades of the G. A. R.! It. B. Crandall post will have its an nual inspection ut its regular meeting, Saturday afternoon, Sept. 21, at two o'clock, p. m. A. P. Dod;;e, Commander. m ti... ..:ii i.. . ,4 cial weetinx of Court . ' . tirnnite City, No. :, r vj'ti' j Foresters of An: ricn, lj vi- '' Sunday aftrriinoti (it '"''x I'-'W P- i-'i-, sharp, for C ... , c A th" Pri.ose of ai tend ' inif i,;. funeral of wr late brother, Wiiiam Downie. J ' You will find the largest and best se lected line of Clothing for Man or Boy ever exhibited in the state. Clothing-buying and clothing selling are our strong points. We want you to get better, ac quainted with Arcade Clothing. Come for an introduction, You will meet the Suit to fit your" purse. ' No matter what your resources, we can please you. Suits anywhere from $5.00 to $25.00 with the most famous ALFRED BENJAMIN CUSTOM SUITS leading the procession. A Word About Hats. It has come to our ear that there has been a disastrous destruction of Dcrbys at some of the recent corn-roasts in our neighborhood. A Young's Hat at $3.00 for which we are exclusive selling agents here, would have withstood the onslaught. Try one. All the new shapes now in stock. They arc the king-pins of correct Head wear. LADIES' READY-T0-WFA1 GARMENTS As shown at the Arcade arc the embodi ment of good styles, excellent material and perfect fit and workmanship. Wc desire a carrhil inspection of our showings in this " - n to department. A most excellent display- of I Fur-Lined Coats now open. You will find one to suit you at from $15.00 to $60.00 Again we give you an opportunity at an excellent Ladies' 48-inch Coat in tan, black and castor. You cannot duplicate them here at less than $10.00. Monday and Saturday . $5.98 Misses' Long Coats, excellent for school wear, in plaids, stripes and mix tures, a $7.50 value, Saturday and Monday $4.98 Some new Black Washable Taffeta Silk Waists at $3.98 and $3.50 There will la a resnlar meeting of I'livre Arie No. H l"'T:i, I". O. E., Monday even fll inS September :i, at 7 s ;(. ,vW;x''7N ViM'tfr'f ' t sM.mI nt II' I 11 y invited to iittcml. Clan Gordon Diiuimtio elub and rnemliers of the aimr,seinfi!.t eom lnittee Will pie-mi take the 1:13 ear, Schmhiy, for the jiienio . and corn roiot. All who as and the picnic are Some Remarkable Values in Our Basement! A pretty Decorated China Tea Set, f An excellent 112 piece Gold Band Din- 56 pieces in all, worth fully ?6.00 per set. This set is now displayed in our window. (This is a special'! good value) - - 3.98 ncr Set, new and pretty design, Dutch Chi na, serviceable and attractive, usually sold at $15.00, on sale at" the Ar. An v cade at v0i( 0 No matter what you want, get our prices. They are just a little lower. fmmi mnmf maim urn deadi $tdccto onnnr lillUHUL yLUUilj lilllir fulil A LMIIL OII1LLIO, UfillilC f rzzr-i zrStziiSL-- :z.:L.zSZ !l! .' .- flower Pots, both glazed and unglazed. A good line to select from and our prices arc the lowest. Meat Tubs, 25, 50, 60 and 100 pounds, and-empty Lard Tubs, all hard wood, at lower prices than elsewhere. Pork Barrels, recently emp tied, at from 75c to 85c each. Better come at once, as the number is limited. Axle Grease in 1-quart tin pails at 15c. , Shining Light. The same in 25-pound pails at $1.25 each. Vasalinc, best grad of yel low, in quart pils, at 25 cts. Whole Spices ot all kinds at half price. Mops, Malt, Orangeade and Root Beer Extract. Wc can suit you as to prices on these goods. Buy now. ' A Lot of Lawn Grass and White Clover Seed that is all right. Also Oil Cans in all sizes at cut prices. L. Wly AVERILL'S.1 CLOSING? ii OUT, 'SALE, - '- UP DEE: FLIGHT,, AVERILL..: BUILDING.