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THE BRRE DAILY TIMES, BARRE, VT.. FRIDAY, JULY 12. 1912. si r Good Values for Saturday at Perry's $1.50 Muslin Waists at 98c ! This means you can have your choice of a lot of $1.50 il Muslin Waists for 98c each; a good lot to select from, but ?t you had better come early. White Wash Goods Reduced Far too many White Goods take notice of the reduction. j Three pieces 12jc Mercerized Goods, reduced to 7c yd. i'.Two pieces 20c White Muslins in dots and plaids, reduced ' to 14c yd. Three pieces r. K. and. Dotted Muslins, re duced to 17c yd. 18 -inch Corset Cover Hamburg for 19c yd., was 25c. 15c Glasgow Linene, white and blue, on Saturday 1 0c yd : y -inch Fancy Ribbons, 10c yd., a bargain at this price. PERRY (Q. CAMP. Telephone 258-W. 75 Main Street, Barre, Vermont I They Compromised at Last J Mr. and Mrs. Jones were undecided what automo bile they should buy. Mr. Jones wanted a Buick. But Mrs. Jonei would have nothing but a Maxwell. They kept quarreling for months about it. At last they compromised the matter by going down to B. W. Hooker & Co.'s and selecting a nice Collap sible Go-Cart. It was the Wagner brand. CJ B. W. Hooker & Co., Distributors for Barre. Consider Your Baby's Comfort When you take the little fellow out for a ride in the open air during the hot summer, don't make him ride in a cart that is stuffy and padded on all sides so that he will be hot and uncomfortable. IJ Get one of these cool, leather-lined collapsible carts thatiare handy for you and convenient for him. They don't take up much space they are ball-bearing move about easily are graceful attractive and they work well anywhere. f The prices are remarkably low. On Go-Carts at the present time, we have a nice stock a stock not over forty-eight hours old but on Baby Carriages we are sold out and have been for a month, although we doubled our last season's order. Should you prefer a Carriage to a Go-Cart, come in and see the F. A. Whitney Carriage Co.'s (the leader for fifty years) Photographs, order a Carriage, take thirty per cent off the list, and if the Carriage is not perfectly satisfactory you need not take it. That's fair, isn't it? Hooker & Co. Vermont's Largest House Furnishers. tttittiitttttttSitltStlilllllliiil tUtiiXtlllllllllUltltillUllUt I tliUJJJJIXt buttermilk the best TALK OF THE TOWN Abbott's water sale in this paper.- Get your preserving jaw of C. N. Ken yon 4. Co. Dodge's cold thirst quencher. Come" in and try a glass of cold butter milk. L. B. Dodge. Miss ellie La Pun of Miudlebury is visiting her sister, Mr. L. J. Bruya To Rent Two tenements on Cau'.p street. Garden. W. F. Richardson. Leo Franii of Berlin street went to Xorthfleld this forenoon for a short visit with relatives. George Thompson returned to South Ryegate this noon, after spending a few days with friends in tbia city. A daughter, weighing nine pounds, was born Wednesday evening to Mr. and Mrs. James B. Brown of Orange street. Mr. and MA. B, V. Hooker and chil dren, who are passing a month in camp at Greensboro, were in the city to-day. A regular meeting of Queen of Forest circle will be held this (Friday) even ing at 7s30. Members try and be pres ent. Eat Jellycon, the pure fruit dessert, ami be sure to sava the valuable Hamil ton coupons in each package. F. D, Ladd Co. Call at City Auction Rooms and we will tell you about the prire which we give you at 8:30 o'clock Saturday even ing. Ecedio Rulfo of Short street went this noon to Burlington to witness the base ball game between the Italian Athletics and the Chinese club from Hawaii, Ernest Riddle, who has been visiting at his former home in Graniteville for the past month, was a visitor in this eity yesterday on bis way to Detroit, Mich Automobile for hire, by the day or hour; fine, new Buick car, can carry five passengers j will go anywhere. Jonei & Nye's livery stable, Depot square. Mr. and Mrs. David NT. Farrand of Academy street and James McKenzte left this noon for a short visit with friends in Burlington. Regular meetine of the I. 0. O. L. M. U. will be held to-night in the K. of C. hall, at 7 o'clock, fcvery niemner is requested to be present to decide the question of a physician. Miss Acnes E. JIurd of Bristol, who has been spending a few days with friends in the city, left this noon for Old Orchard, Me., where she will pass the remainder of the summer. Dr. and Mrs. L. L. Leonard of Keith avenue left this noon for Portland, Me,, where they will visit friends for sev eral days. Before returning home, they will make a short stay at um Orchard Beach. Cut Prices on Lawn Mowers Harvard, 16-inch. ....... Price $7.50. Harvard, 18-inch Price Northmower, 16-inch.. Price Northmower, 18-inch.. Price Hustler, 16-inch Price Hustler, 1 8-inch Price Cut Price $6.00 8.00. Cut Price 6.50 6. 25. 4 Cut Price 4.75 6.50. Cut Price 5.00 3.50. r. Cut Price 2.25 3.75. Cut Price 2.50 To take place of our Saturday Sale, we will sell the above Lawn Mowers for this week only at cut prices. REYNOLDS & SON HARDWARE, QUARRT AND MILL SUPPLIES, BARRE, VERMONT. PRESERVING JARS It is Time to Be Lookiig Up Your Supply. We are better prepared to meet your wants in Fruit Jars this year than ever. Why not put up a few cans of strawberries. Berries put in Economy Jars will taste as fresh when opened as newly picked. Why not try them. We also carry in stock Safety Valve Jars-Double Safety Valve Jars. Telephone Us Your Order. C, N. KEN YON & CO.'S CASH BARGAIN STORE Rev. Duncan Solmond, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, will conduct services at the Presbyterian church in Jraniteville Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock In the absence of the resident pastor. Mrs. Edith Lawrence left this fore noon lor .ewiane, wnere sne win re main with friends for a few days. Dur- ng her absence, Station Agent L. O. Morgan is in charge of the ticket office t the central Vermont station. To morrow, Saturday, July 13, will be the last chance to see the Chines baseball team in Barre. The game no doubt will be the hardest fouaht of the series, as it will be the last time thev will face each other. Weafer will be on the mound for the locals. Roy Lermont, son of Mr. and Mra Fred Lermond Of Jvast Harre, was brought vesterdav afternoon in M. J, Whitcomb's ambulance to the City hos pital for an operation for appendicitis. The operation was performed fast night and a quick recovery is anticipated. An interesting and well attended meet ing of the ladies and pastor union of the Hedding Methodist church was held at the home of Mrs. Alfred Boyce of 1 Last street yesterday after noon. Mrs. A. B. Averill and Miss A. T Lanyon were elected to membership 'n the society and other routine business occupied attention. Afterwards the fol lowing program was delightfully carried out: l'iano solo, Miss fcvelyn Matniesonj reading, Mrs. Joseph Hoyti vocal solo, Miss A. T. Lanyon. At the close of the meetine, light refreshments were served by the hostess. ' Mrs. E, C Civs- son has invited the union to meet with her at her home1 on . Perry street at the next regular monthly business meet ing to be held August 8. Shorty DeWitt at the Pavilion scored a big hit last night. This midget come' dian seems to nave a way ot his own that strikes the audience as very funny, With songs, dances and jokes, he com pletely won the audience, which re sponded to hi efforts with several big rounds of applause. His make-up close ly resembles "little Jeff" and it does not require any great stretch of one imag ination to eee the famous cartoon char acter in real life. This act is bound to please all who like good clean com edy. Mae Hendricks has a pleasing per sonality and puts her song over in a pleasing way. An all-new program of pictures comes to-day. One is a fine western drama of the Lubin company. An excellent Vitagraph picture, entitled "The Woman Haters, will also be shown to-day. TALK OF THE TOWN Look for our special offer Saturday. C. N. Kenyon & Co. Chocolate, caramel and vanilla ice cream at Kendrick's to-day. Baseball. Where J On the I. A. C. grounds at 3. Chinese vs. Italian A. C. Alex. Walker of Grant avenue is em ployed as a clerk in E. A. Drown's drug store. Phineas Ladd has returned home, after spending several days with friends in Cabot. The admission to the grandstand at to-morrow's game, Chinese vs. I. A. C, will be 10c. Miss Mabel Hill returned yesterday to her- home in Burlington, after a short visit with relatives on Spaulding street. The final game of fhe Chinese-Italian A. C, series will be played at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon at the Berlin street grounds. The present season is a good time to secure artistic photographs of your resi dence and premises. Consult A. H. Troup at the Trouo studios. J IJ. Cadenaxri cf Short strtt-t, wn recently returnoa to tins city irom ran- fornia, commenced work this morning at the Sector & Co. granite plant. Joseph Lavery left this noon for Man chester, N. H., where he was called by the death of his aunt, Miss Bella Lavery. Before returning home, Mr. Lavery will pass a few days in Boston. Mrs. Lyman A. Scofleld, who has been visiting 'for a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Campbell of North Main street, left this forenoon for Paul Smith's in the Adirondack moun tains, New York for an extended stay. 'H. J. Ennis, the popular south end barber, has leased the store at 3fl South Main street, formerly occupied by the Loughheed pjumbing works. He has the store thoroughly renovated and has installed two modern chairs. The pro prietor opened the parlor! to the public this afternoon. 4 A. P. ABBOTT & CO. A. P. ABBOTT & CO. A. P. ABBOTT & CO. or nsrac $8,000.00 Worth OF J I I I t 100,000 LOSS AT PROVIDENCE. Six-Story BuiMing Badly Damaged Thit Morning. Providence, R. I., July 12. Fire broke out early this morning and did damage estimated at about $100,000 in the six story brick structure occupied by Coop er & Sisson, produce dealers; John F. Greene, Co., printers, and the Palestino band. The blaze was spectacular, stub born and hard to handle, . shooting up an airshaft in the rear to the top floor and strewing sparks over the down town business section. Every Day Is Independenct Day with annuitants. No matter where they live or how long they live, a fixed sum is guaranteed them ihelr lifetime, pay able annually, semi-annually, quarterly, or oftener as desired. National Life Insurance company of Vermont. (Mutu al.) S. S. Ballard, general agent, Law rence building, Montpelier, Vt. Wear Hub Rubbers next winter If Ton emn not read thin orint dlitlncttv at a distance of fourteen Iccfae from the ejree. fom ned glafet Call and hare your eves exam ined and clMsea made at Kinc's Optical ruior. The Campaign "Props. Brtna them out of the attic, where they went four years ago. There will be enoufh of the rood old stuff to put on the ixt big show. Brush the duat from that fin one. "my hearers, the die la east." And I shall not buds 1C I cannot "Judge of the future by the past." Bet the STindrtorie and sharpen the point of "we point with pride." And I've aimply got to have my "cannot successfully be dented." V great care In unpacking "the sinews of labor s arm," And taka the squeak from the joints that creak in the "view! that goes with "alarm." Bring the herolo "saber that Still leaps from out its sheath" And the "campaign W to my hands that I still may "hurl It In his teeth." Put soma gloas on that good on of "our nation great and grand. ' With a file and rasp put a rougher clasp upon "labor's honest hand. Bring me all of the standbys-brtng the "pauper labor's wags" And the "ancient years" and the mar tyr's tears" and the "priceless her-Itaa-e." Bring the "hop of the future" and the "crisis that we race" And the "craven soul" and tha "gleaming goal" and U "motlrea low ana Use." Tea, and get out "Old Glory, tha banner that floats above," And ths "yours and mine" and tha "pa triot's shrine" and tha "country that wa kva" Bring them out of the attic, where they went four years ago. Thar will be enough of tha good old staff to put on the nest big show. -Chicago Post damaged goods on sale at nine o'clock Saturday morning. See large adv. on page 5. , THE DAYLIGHT STORE TALK OF THE TOWN Special "Bison 101 feature," "The De serter," two reels; also two other pic tures at the Bijou. Biggest show In town for the smallest price. ? t-y-w r r iTiintMt! rem ofi jtUfx at the I Department Food Store!! " 8spvad Just Wall. , Ttoey were in Italy together. "If you would let ma curse them black and bloe," gald the groom, "wt wouldn't have to wait so long for the trunk." -But, dearest, pleaae dost It would distress me so," murmured the bride. The groom went off. but quickly re turned with the porter before him trundling the trunks at double quick. "Oh, dearest, how did you do it? Too dldn'f- "Not at all. I thought ot something that did quite as well. I said S-s--sus. qnebanna, B-r-r-rerpabaunockt " Lip-plneott'a. TOO LATE TO BE CLASSIFIED. Lost A blue serge coat Sunday, be tween Barre and Orange Heights. Will Under please leave at The Times office! For Sale Seven acres of hay on Aver- ill terrace. Inquire of L. M. Averill, City. TO RKMT Oettace ea franklin Street, do to date ia every parties tar aevea rooau, all kard wooa Salah. Alee uree er foar furnlthed room far llrbt besaefceepisg. Applj at tio. T4 Hortb eteta bireev sStf Good lot of Chickens, per lb 22c j Lee of Lamb, per lb. 23c "Green Mountain Brand"' Sau-! sate, two pounds for 25c J Good Reist Pork, per pound, at j , from 1 5c to 20c j Cut from Native Fork ! Preised Corn Beef, per lb.. . . 15c ! j Preised Lambs Tongues, boiled, J I per lb ooc Boiled Him cut thin as paper per lb .35c I New Potatoei, nice and mealy, j per peck 35c j SWEET MILK AND SWEET CREAM arc hard to keep this weather. Our facilities and equip ment enable us to give our customers these goods in the best possible condition. Our Ice Cream has the same advantages. Came in and see us or telephone your orders we will try and give you the best service possible. L. B. DODGE No. 300 North Main Street . Barre. Vt. Beet Green, per bunch 5c ..5c J te 7c! i Bunch Oniom, re bunch. . f I L 4 - wucumucn, cat ii. ,tc i j Cantalcpes, each, 10c to 12 1 -2c j I Native Wax Beans, per quart 10c j Na'ive Green Peas, per peck 50c j Watermelons, per lb 3 l-2c Good Values in ear Fish Department ! j Onion Salad 10c Crab Meat, Olive Relish.... 25c j i Sardines, two cans for 25c I lwiwicr i auc, pci 1111- ...... uc 1 SATURDAY SPECIAL ON LADIES' HOSE 10c a pair or three pairs for 25c THE WALK -OVER SHOE STORE 170 North Main Street : : : Barre, Vermont. S4lw i Try our Fruit Bread Berwick Cake. andj I i j SMITH & CUMINGS ! !MK Nnrth Main Krrf I .1 BY TAN BAREFOOTSANDALS 49 cents Barre Shoe Co. BARRE. VERMONT. i I I Poison! Poison! Poison! Now is the time to get stocked up and be ready for the bugs as the hot weather is bringing them here fast. Get our prices on Paris Green, Bug Death, , Arsenate of Lead and Blue Vitrol. All of which is the best quality. Fly Driver Make milking a pleasure instead of a drudge these hot days by using our fly driver. You will also get bet ter results from, your cattle. Haying Tools Our line is complete and we invite you to come in and look them over before purchasing elsewhere. The N. D. Phelps Co. Telephone 29 - Barre, Vermont. GOOD VALUES 2 Packages Puffed Rice for ... 25c 3 Packages Puffed Wheat for - - - 25c 4 Packages Sunshine Corn Flakes for ' - - 25c 6 Packages Shredded Wheat Biscuit for - - 66c 3 Packages of Jellycon, any flavor, for - - 25c Ice Cream Powder, flavored, per package - 10c Baker's or Foss Vanilla Extract, per bottle - 23c Baker's or Foss Lemon Extract, per bottle - 17c Hires' Root Beer extract, per bottle - - 18e Malt and Hops Let us help you with our bakery department this hot weather. The largest and most complete line of pastry in the state; made in a clean and ventilated shop, with modern machinery and handled in a clean and sanitary manner. Our Cream Bread always has real value. F. D. LADD COMPANY