Newspaper Page Text
THE BARM DAILY TIMES VOL. XVI--NO. 153. 1SARKE. VERMONT. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 13. 1912. PRICE. OXE CENT. ODD RITES : AT FUNERAL And Attended by Marked Splen ' dor and Pomp " FOR JAPANESE EMPEROR piasters Customs Carried Out at Tokio To-day and Hundreds of Thousands of People Looked on In Veneration. , . . . , f. , Tokio, Sept. 13. Tlie second part of the ceremony in the funeral of the late iemperor of Japan took place to-night when the casket containing the body (started on the journey to Aoyama and CMonayama for burial. The passage of St.he funeral car was attended by many Japanese, of high rank through streets fwhere hundreds of thousands of persoru stood lor hours in silence. The streets vera brilliantly lighted with torches and are lights, and between tho lights were sacred tree and cloth- (covered poles surmounted by wreaths of vergreen. i Those who participated in the proces ision were holders of orders, merit offl icials, many ranks of ministers of state, Ikorean members of Parliament and im fcierlol council; presidents of provincial Assemblies, the foreign princes and spe cial embassies, including that of the United States, did not participate. They yent directly to Aoyama after the fu erau Empress Sadako, princess of Takeda, tre presenting tn empress dowager, whose Li : -: V : . 1 - . .. 1. : jmy sicuuio piiiiiuitru iiuiit toeing (part in the ceremony, and the princesses k)f the imperial family left the palace uilone in carriages for Aoyama to receive the casket. i Early Stages of Funeral. ( ! From an early hour in the morning, the palace was tho goal toward whicA virtually everybody in Tokio made his fway on foot. The easkrt containing the Sbody lay in state in the main hall. It had' been decorated according to Shinto Writes by a special corps of ritualists appointed for the obsequies. The cas Sket was enormous, measuring ten feet jby five and weighing one and one-half tons. At 8 o'clock in the morning the offi cial mourners began to arrive. First icame the wearers of imperial decorations, vourt officials, ministers of state and their wives and other specially invited personages. After these came the mem ,ners of the funeral commission in na tive ceremonial costumes, with swords. fThey were followed by the chief and assistant ritualists of the imperial fu neral corps, also in full native costumes. - After a short wait during which the functionaries formed a procession. Em jperor Toshihito arrived. lie was in the uniform of commander-in-chief, with black crepe arm bind and sword knot. iHe was attended by Count Togo, the Krand master of ceremonies, and Count "Wn tan a be, minister of the imperial household, who were followed by court y-hamberlains carrying the imperial srword mrnl seal. After them came 1 Tinea Kst iBurs, the lord chamberlain, with Gen eral Kskamura, the chief aide de camp ' A small procession composed of th princes of the imperial blood in order of (precedence came next. J Tho empress then entered in native K-ourt dress made of ncmp cloth, her im pound hair falling on her shoulders. Her Kipper1 garment was of datk brown and ner skirt of dull orange, The court ladies and maids of honor, as well as as the princesses of the blood were also thus attired. Ihe dowager empresr pro cession was of a similar character. Others in the hall comprised govern ment officials of the first rank, peers of Japan and Korea, members of the House of Representatives and of the impenal cabinet, the presidents of va rious government institutions, the mayor of Tokio and the chairman of the Tokio city council. The members of the dip lomatic corps formed a group apart in a place of honim, As soon as the imperial processions had entered the hall the hanging screen in front of the catafalque was removed bv the ritualists and the Shinto band played a soft dirge on instruments re sembling flutes and drums. The chief ritualist and his assistants proffered the offerings of" sacred food, to the continued accompaniment of Shin to music, after which other offerings of red and white cloth enclosed in wil low bosea were made. Prayers for the dead were recited by the chief ritualist. The most solemn act of all followed. when the emperor, the empress, the dow ager empress and the princes and prin cesses advanced toward the casket and worshipped the spirit of the departed leiuperor. A snort silence ensued. Xhe processions were reformed and the mem bers of the imperial family retired. The other members of the assemblage. however, remained to worship the dead emperor's spirit, after which the Shinto ritualists advanced to the altar and re moved the offerings to the sound of sa le red mimic. The screen in front of the imperial estfcfaloiie was lowered bv the Wiief ritualist, and the first ceremony of the funeral ended. TALK OF THE TOWN Who Will Claim Them? ! Letters uncalled for at the Barre post office for the week ending September 12, were a foIlows Men Martin Bancroft, Antonio Rian 'chl Alfred Bishop. Fred Bishop, H. Wilson "Bradbury, Charles Brunnell, Napoleon' Unseli, aIlo Lalogero, .lames Canton, jZoel Casavent, I), A, Comstock, Cleofe Croci, I)r, Gee. A, Kash, Nelson Fran!!, kfuha Hautala, James Lamont, Alphonse jMeasciola, John Milne, George Moir, Wohn Morgan, Mibert Porgeai, lJr. O. K. Roberts, Thomas Stacy, 2. Women Mrs. Mae Bailey, Mjss Jose jphine Letts m me, Miss P. M. Lindop, Mrs, Alice McDonald, Miss Eve Peterson, Mrs! Fred Rivers, Mrs. Kmily Ssyah. Joseph Calcayii of Boston is visiting fn this city as '.the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zanleoni of Granite street ifor several days, preparatory to sail ing for Porto Cersio, Italy, where he will 'reside permanently. James Bainbridge of Buzzell place is employed as operator at the Bijou thea tre. Mrs. Dora Aid rich of Northfield was , among the business visitors in the city yesterday. Louis DeMarchi returned last night to Boston, after visiting friends in the city for a few days. George Loughheed has returned home, after spending ten days' vacation in Sherbroke, P. Q. The Quarryworkers' Journals are out and shop stewards are requested to call for, them at the office. Don't forget the M. W. of A. dance Saturdav night at Howland hall. Ril ey's orchestra. Gents, 50c; ladies, free. Martin Riley, jr., of East street left this noon for St. Johnsbury, where he will remain over the week-end with rela tives. ' ' Remember the dance Saturday evening in Miles' hall. Bruce s orchestra. I he best floor in Barre. Gents, 50cj ladies, free. All members and friends of the Bar aca class of the First Baptist church are cordially invited to be present Sun day at 12 m. The Orpheus quartet will render sev eral selections at the men's service to be held in the First Baptist church Sun day evening, Sept. 15. The shop stewards will be able to ob tain this month's issue of the Granite Cutters' Journal at the office of the local branch this evening. Miss Eva Brasaw of Prospect street, who has been spending the past week at Northfield, resumed her duties this morn ing at the Woolworth store. Miss Ivis Jones left this morning for Portland, Me., where she will be a guest of her sister before leaving for Wesley an seminary at Kents Hill, Me. Misses Florence and Mabel Hutchin son arrived in this city yesterday from Portsmouth, N. H., where they have been employed during the summer at the hotel Wentworth. A meeting of the Granite City Quoit ing club will be held in the clubhouse to-night at 7:30, Members intending joining cnbbage tournament please at tend. .1. Jrraser, sec Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Kendrick and son Ralph, of Academy street, who have been spending the past few davs at East aionipruer, ai me nome oi mtm. xveno rick a parents, returned to-day. eee tins program that the ittiou is offering An 1. M. P., "A Child's In fluence, with King Baggott in the lead a Power. "Those Were Hannv Days.'' ir. t also a single reel Bison 101, "Snowball and His Pal." George X. Tildcn of South Main street returned to this city last night, after spending the past several davs st the ltoguuver Vallcv fair at Northfield. .Mr Tilden is one of the directors of the fair association. Earl, Hewitt of South Royalton, graduate of Goddard seminary in the clang of 1910, is spending a few days in this city with friends oefore leaving for Medford, Mass., to resume his studies at Tufts college. Leon Titus of Woodsvlille, X. II., ar rived in the city to-day for a brief visit with friends. Air. litus graduated from Goddard seminary in the class of 1910 and will enter Tufts Dental college this fall. While at Goddard Titus made an en viable record in track athletics. The committee of young ladies and boy scouts, appointed to decorate Hel ding Methodist Episcopal church for ral ly dav, will meet at the church !atur- day at 3 p. m. All members and friends of the church who have flowers, whether cultivated or wild, that can be used in decorating the church are asked to de liver them not later than 4 p. ra. Sat urday. A fair-sized sqtfhd answered Captain Langley's call for football material at Spaulding high school yesterday. .The high school boys will temporarily use the grounds near the Lincoln school. The squad is in charge of Mr. Cummins, who is a graduate of Clark college. The work undertaken now is to instill into the players the rudiments of the game. Alto Mariana, the proprietor of the Bijon theatre, who was just recuperating from an injured knee, had the misfor tune to have the same knee wrenched last evening. Several weeks ago while practicing baseball at the Rangers' field lie threw his left knee out of place and was obliged to go about with the aid of crutches for several weeks. I-ast night he. was acting as operator and at the close of a reel alighted from the ma chine box and in doing bo wrenched the injured knee. In order that the public and the al- dermanic lighting committee may have a better opportunity to pass judgment on the present lights installed by the People's Lighting, Heating and Power company for gas street lighting, the large arc light stationed at the entrance to Durkee place was shut off last night and it is understood will be shut off for several days. By this means the three test gas lights will be able to diffuse . their light without the invasion of the electric arc illumination. To-morrow the basehall fandom of Barre will be favored with two of the best baseball games that have been played in this city on the same date this vear. The Barre Athletics will play the St. Johnsbury A. A. on the semin ary campus and the Italian A. ('. will battle with the Hardwick A. C. for the deciding game of its series. Jt is under stood that both the Italians and the Hardwick lads will be strengthened by batteries. Next Sunday at 10:30 a. m., Hedding Methodist Episcopal Sunday school will hold their annual rally day service. All the departments of the school, including the craddle roll and home departments are invited to lie present at 10 o'clock, assembling in the league room to march into the auditorium and he seated by departments. A special program has been prepared, which will ap)ear in print to-morrow. All memWrs of the departments lower than the adult, at tending the service, together with their invited guests, will lie presented with a beautiful souvenir pin. Al Dillard, the famous little Vermo.i, racer that lowered the track record at the Dog River Valley fair yesterday in the free-for-all, has been shipped to White River Junction, where it is en tered in one of the fastest events on the card. The horse was accompanied by Harry Campbell, its trainer, and will lie joined the first part of the week by Ed Sunderlin, who is now at Fair Ha ven in charge of a string of horses. Campliell, who accompanied the horse, has always been in charge of the little racer, and it is in large part, due to his untiring vigilance and careful training methods that Al Dillard has won its laurel - BULLETS HIT TWO AUTOISTS George Banner and Wife Were Riding Through Tonawanda,N.Y. FORMER FATALLY INJURED Mrs. Hanner . Reports That They Were Passing a Lumber Yard When Two Shots Rang Out Chauffeur Corroborates Her Story. TWO PEOPLE DROWNED OFF SAME STEAMER Buffalo, NT. Sept. 13. George Han ner, an automobile dealer, probably was fatally shot and his wife was wounded as they were passing through Tona wanda early this morning. Mrs. Han ner reports that two shots were fired as they were passing a lumber yard, and Cleo Chamliers, the chauffeur, who was driving the automobile, corroborated her statement. BROTHER ARRESTED IN JOHN GRACE CASE William Grace Charged With Murder of the Wrestler. He Is Said to Have Quarreled With John Last Saturday. Newburg, N. Y., Sept. 1.1. William Grace, a painter, and a brother of John Grace, the wrestler, whose body was found concealed under a sofa jn a club room in Walden Wednesday night, walked into the office of Supervisor Hol ert T. Hume at Walden yesterday after noon and was placed . under arrest on the charge of murdering his brother, John. William Grace was married Wednes day afternoon and spent his honeymoon in New York City. The police traced him to various hotels and finally lost track of him. William Grace was last seen on Sat urday night in his brother John's com pany. It is said that they bad a quar rel Saturday night in the clubroom in which John Grace was beaten to death. Charles Sullivan, Aged 17, Fell Off Deck and Mrg. Charles Hulburt, Aged 35, Was Crowded Off Boat As It Landed at St. Albans. St. Albans, Sept. . 13. Death hovered over the steamer Chateaugav on her trip from Plattshurgh to St. Albans Bay last night and claimed two victims, Charles Sullivan, aged 17, of Huntington avenue, St. Albans, fell from the upper deck of the boat and went to the hot torn before aid could reach him. Upon the arrival of the boat at the street railway dock, Mrs. Charles Hulburt of Georgia was crowded off the wharf or gang plunk and drowned. Her husband was also knocked into the lake, but was rescued. The big crowd of excursionists, tired but jolly, who had been attending the fair at Plattshurg and were on their way home, had just passed the "gut' at the Rutland railroad bridge when young Sullivan, who was perched on a rail of the upper deck, lost his balanee and pitched overboard into the water The cry "man overboard" was raised and as soon as possible the engines were reversed and the boat turned about. Every effort was made to find the boy whose cries were heard two or three times. The searchlight swept the water and boats were lowered but after a half hour's futile search,;, the steamer went on its way, As the large crowd swarmed off the boat and up on the. wharf in order to get seats on the four trolley cars which were there to meet them, Mrs. Hulburt was knocked off by the crush and drowned She was seen to rise and boats were manned to go to her rescue, but she hsd sunk before they could reach her. Mr. Hulburt was also swept from the gang plank but grabbed a ropa thrown him and was pulled out. He did not know that his wife ws. drowned until some time afterwards. Mrs. Hulburt is survived bv three chil dren in addition to her husband. She was about 35 years of age. Her body was recovered an hour after the accident. HOLD-UP BY DAYLIGHT. ONE SHORT OF CENTURY. Mrs. Oscar Brown of Rutland Observed 99th Birthday. Rutland, Sept, 13. Mrs. Oscar Brown, the oldest person in Rutland county, ves- terdav observed her i)!th anniversary. Mrs. Brown has failed in health in the last two years so that she is now con fined to the bed most of the time, but she is happy and her mind is still clear. Many ot her old-time acquaintances called at her home on West street yes terday. Mrs. Brown, whose maiden name was;a Littlefield. has lived in Rutland since early childhood. She was one of eight children, all of whom lived to ex treme age. as did both of her parent. About so years ago she was married to Mr. Brown, and since then she has never lived in any other house than the one she now occupies with her stepdaughter, Miss Helen G. Urown. She is the old est living member of the Rutland Con gregational church, which she attended regularly until feebleness prevented. MAN ALSO DIED. Charles W. Coffran Didn't Live Long Aft- ter His Wife Was Killed. St. Johnsbury, Sept. 13. Charles Cof fran of Lyndonville died yesterday at Brightlook hospital, where he was tak en after being struck by a Boston .t Maine tram near St. Johnsbury Center yesterday morning while he and his wife were driving to the fair, his wife being instantly killed. Mr. Coffran seemed conscious for a minute after being removed to Bright- look hospital but never gave any expla nation of how the accident happened. Both of his legs were broken, one knee fractured and he had a bad scalp wound. ilr.coffron wasSl) years old and his wife 4fl. They have- one son who lived with them at' Lvndonville. Robber Seized Burlington Man By Throat and Got $3. Burlington, Sept. 13. In broad daylight yesterday afternoon, while on his way home from Burlington, Benjamin Sut ton, who lives on Dorset street, was held up and robbed by a farm hand who had been in his employ two weeks. The hold-up occurred about five o'clock on a lonely strip of road about half a mile south of the Williston road on Dorset street. The assailant is still at large and is Iielieved to bp in Burlington, as he was last seen coming by Morrill hall and taking the direction toward town. Sutton was returning with an empty hayrack, having disposed of a load of hay. and hail reached the strip of road which is uninhabited for some distance and which is shut in by a dense second growth of timber when the hirod man w hose only known nanie- fw.Tiin, sprang out of the'wood and grappled him about the throat and demanded what money Sutton had. This he obtained, about three dollars in change. As soon as he procured the money he left and was seen to take the direction of Burlington by Frank Brown, who arrived a few minutes later. Sutton ap parently suffered no serious effects fiom his punishment and was able to drive home. "Jim" is not known in this section and Sutton only knows him by his first name. He is about 30 years f age and thick set. He wore a dark suit last night and by some is reported tp have worn a felt hat, similar to a sombrero, while others say he wore a black hat. A search for him was conducted in Bur lington and in the surroundiug country last night. NEW RECORD AT NORTHFIELD Al Dillard Clipped a Second Off . . the Old Record IN THE FREE-FOR-ALL RACE Driven By Will S. Page, the Horse, For merly Owned in Barre, Had No Trouble in Making 2:13 Dog River Valley Fair Closed. Northfield, Sept. 13. The Dog River Valley fair W'as brought to a close last evening, having been set ahead one day because of the rain which interfered with the program on Wednesday. There was fair-sired crowd in attendance yes terday in spite of the handicap of the postponement. The feature of the day was the breaking of the track record by Al Dillard, the horse formerly owned by Page Bros, of Barre and now owned by Stephens of Fulton, N. Y. The record was 2:14. and Al Dillard, under guidance of Will S. Page of Bnrre, clipped a sec ond off, making it stand 2:13. l'ngt had no trouble in taking three straight heats. - The summary of the free-for-all race was as follows: -. Free-For-All, Al Dillard, bs, Sunderlin 1 1 1 Star Wilkes, bg, Sunderlin 2 3 2 Alcy Wilkes, rg. Kittredge 4 2 3 Black TwiHter, hlg. Combs 3 4 4 Time 2:15, 2:13, 2:17. For breaking the track record Al Dil lard won .i0, in addition to his share of the 1250 purse. j In the 2:30 pace and 2:20 trot, Dun bar's l)nger Signal won the second, I third and fourth heats after finishing fifth in the first heat to Combs' Ben Winter. The summary of that race was as fol- ows: 2:30 Pace and 2:2(1 Trot. Danger Signal, bs. Dunbar. ....'. .5 111 Ben Winters, bg, Conibs ...1 3 3 3 The Elder, bg, Dunlap ..4 2 2 2 Josephine, brm, Brown 2 4 5 4 Tavoria Girl, Dunlap 3 5 4dis Time 2:28, 2:27, 2:32, 2:2(!'4. 300 ATTENDED RECEPTION. of In Honor of Representative-Elect Hew itt at Plainfield. Plainfield, Sept. 13. Over three hun dred citizens and friends gathered at the opera house last evening to attend the reception given in honor of Kev. Arthu . Hew itt, rcprescntative-eleet ot tm towrj. i Those in the receiving party- were Rev. and Mrs. Hewitt. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur L. Hewitt of Berlin, Rev. an Mrs. Leon' Morse and Mrs. : Morse Somersworth, N. H. John Ryan, chairman of the Demo cratic town committee, introduced th representative--elect,-and Mr. Hewitt ex pressed his appreciation and surprise in his election and assured the citizens o his determination to fill the office to th best of his ability. His remarks were followed by a vo cal solo bv Miss Caroline - Richardson of Montpelier, and the remainder o the program was carried out as lollows Remarks, A. L. Hewitt of Berlin; guita solo and Bong by Mrs. Leon Morse; re marks, Rev. Leon Morse; vocal solo, Miss Evelvn Bruffee; remarks, E. J. Bart lett; piano duet, Mrs. Cuminings and Sirs. Kellogg; remarks, John H. Senter of Montpelier; vocal solo, -Miss Lula Duval; America, sung by the audi ence. 1 he I lainheld orchestra played several selections during the evening. Among those from out of town to at tend the receptions were: Representative elect Callahan of Montpelier, C. A Jackson, Louis Wood, A. J. Sibley John H. Senter of Montpelier. .0 and TUTHERLY-BACON. ONE DRIVER FINED CALLS IT A SWINDLE. "AUNT DELIA'S' DAY Will Be Sunday When Pres. Taft Cele brates His Birthday. Beverly, Mass., Sept. 13. President Taft, who will be 55 years old Sunday, plans to visit his aunt, Miss Delia lor- rev, at .Milltmry that, dav, and it is ex pected that Aunt Delia will give him a real old-fashioned birthday party. Scores of Tsfts from the surrounding towns are expected to shake hands with their most distinguished relative. The presi dent's birthday will not be marked by any celebration aside from that given by Miss Torrey and his other relatives at Millbury. ONE CENT INCREASE. Rutland Mayor Testified in the Rutland County Court. Rutland, Sept. 13. What Mayor Charles L. Howe terms a swindle against the city was disclosed yesterday in Rut land county court in the trial of the case of John Burton and James E. Creed, local contractors, vs. the city of Rut land to recover $1,125 for building a culvert in '1911. Payment of the bill, which was the contract price, was re fused because a few weeks after the culvert was done a part of the cement siding broke in half and fell away. Mr. Creed testified in the afternoon that in submitting the low figures on which he got the contract, he did no base his price on the quality of cement work called for in the city's specifica tions, but that he had a private arrange ment with City Engineer A. C. Grover whereby, if he got the contract, "he could use stones in filling in for a base for the cement. The city claims that it was this insecure base which caused the cement to crack. Five lawyers are fighting the esse. T. W. Moloney and G. W. I'latt appearing for the plaintiffs and Marvelle C. Webber, Walter S. Fen ton and Mayor ,Howe for the defendant. And Another Displaced in Races at St. Johnsbury Fair. St. Johnsbury, Sept. 13. Fully 10.000 people attended Caledonia county fair vesterdav and were i?iven two excel- hntneroplane exhibitions by George G. Schmidt of Rutland in the afternoou. The stock exhibits were good. One exhibit that attracts much attention is by students of the Vail Agricultural school at Lyndon, which contains many farm tools they have manufactured. The racing was very good. The 2:17 pace, unfinished Wednesday, was won yes terday by Albert R. Snafford. The driv er of Dartmouth in tins race w-as fined $25 for holding his horse back Wednes day. Thsse was some dissatisfaction with the way Monarchial Lady was handled in the 2:22 trot and a change was made in drivers but she could not get better than fourth money. The summaries: 2:17 Pace Purse $250. Albert R.. bm. Picket!.... 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 Dartmouth, brm, Spaf- ford 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 The Builder, hh, Pierce... 4 1 1 2 2 3 3 Russell Grattxm, bs. Lee. .3 4 4 4 4 dr Time 2:19V4. 2 1714, 2:21, 2:20, 2:17, 2:17. 2:40 Trot and Pace-Purse $200. Helen C, chin, Pickell .; 1 1 1 Betty Dean, brm, Slayton .... 2 2 4 J. if. C, blkg. Pierce ......4 3 2 Alaine, chg. Spafford 3 4 3 Time 2:13'a, ':ilj, 2:211. ' 2; 22 Trot Purse $250. Prince Tico, bg, McMahon 1 12 1 Wilkes Dale, bs, Gordon. . . . .. . .4 4 12 Prince Rupert, bg, Falken and Monarchial Lady, bm, Falken and Spafford .3 3 3 3 Time--2:21, 2:20,i, 2:20U, 2:21. Chelsea Young Woman Bride In Pretty Home Wedding. Chelsea, Sept. 13. A quiet wedding took nloce yesterday at the residence ot Mr, and Mrs. Richard H. Bacon and the home of Mr. and Mrs. Erdix N. Bacon on tho Washington stage rond when the lat ter s daughter, Gertrude Jury, was unit ed in marriage to George Cotton Tutlier- y, formerly of tlaremont, . li., by Kcv, John A. Lawrence, pastor of the local Congregational church. The couple were unattended, and the bride was gowned n white crepe de chine over white silk and carried white sweet peas. Mrs; lutherly is a graduate of the Randolph State Normal school, class of UK4, and has since taught, successfully in the schools of this town and of Clare- mont, X. H The groom is the only son of Gen. and Mrs. H. E. Tutherly of Claremont, N. H., and is a graduate of Burlington high school and the Polv technic Institute of Brooklyn, N. Y class of 1004; since which time he has been engaged in civil engineering work in ew- York City and in Labrador. Mr, and Mrs. Tutherly were the recipients of many valuable presents, among which were checks aggregating nearly 1450. Following the ceremony a wedding din ner was served after which they left ty automohiie, which was properly dec orated agreeable to the usual custom up on such occasions, for Barre City where they left by train on a wedding tour, t'pon their return they will reside upon the. place recently purchased by the groom of Noah C. Taylor. HELD BASKET PICNIC. AN UNKNOWN SUICIDE AT BURLINGTON TO-DAY RATHER THAN ASYLUM Pre- Granted to Massachusetts Northeastern Railway Employes. Haverhill. Mass., Sept. 13. Two hun dred and fifty employes of the Massa- ehusetts Northeastern Railway coniuanv . 1 . i 1. .1 : ...I will receive an average wage increase of "e nun one cent, an hour on October 1. An agreement to this effect waa signed by the railway and rlhcials of the union to dsy. The company operates cars in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. IN MEMORY OF FATHER. Sura, Russell Sage Gives $50,000 to Syra cuse University. Syraeure, N. Y., Sept. 13. Chancellor Day announced yesterday, that Mrs. Russell Sage had given Syracuse univer city, through him, 50,0(i(l for its agri cultural school, i memory of her fa ther, the late Joseph Sloeum. Mr. SIo euni was interested in the study of ag ricultural methods both in this country and in Europe. H. J. Woodward arrived in this city this morning from Plymouth, N. H., for a few days', visit with friends. George H. Dane of Nashua,. N. H ferred the Cemetery. Nashua, N. H., Sept. 13. George Her mon Dane, assistant paymaster of the Nashua Manufacturing company, shoi himself in the right ear at the mills yesterday afternoon and is supposed to nstantly. Ill health is the sole cause of the act. He was missed in the counting room, where he had been busy at his duties previously, at 3 o'clock. At 5 o'clock the door, of the toilet, which it had been discovered was loeked. was forced open by Head Clerk McKinley and Mr. Dane's body was found lying n the floor in a pool of blood. Near him was an automatic revolver used by Mr. Dane when going to the bank after the money for the payroll. Medical Referee Benjamin G. Moran, who. by the way, was in the high school at the same time, was summoned and viewed the body. The body was then taken to an undertaker's and thence to his home. 13 Thayer court. . He left a note which said that he was a great sufferer from a nervous mil ady and that it was either the insane asylum or Eflgewood fur him, and he preferred Edgewood. Edgewood is a cemetery. Jumped Off Wharf and Was Drowned in Lake Champlain Body Was . Recovered. Burlington, Sept. 13. An unknown man to-day. committed suicide in Lakj Champlain by jumping off the wharf here to-day. The body ' was recovered but has not been identified. It was that of a man 25 years old, smooth-shaven, of medium height, slight build and blond cmoplexion. TALK OF THE TOWN Henry Murray of East Barre was a visitor in the city yesterday, leaving last night for Boston, where he will visit iildelinitely. The election of class officers for the coming year was held yesterday by the 1043 class at Spaulding high school. The ollicers elected are as follows: Presi dent. Homer Sowlcs; vice-president, Edith Gordon; secretary, Ethel Parks; treasurer, Stanton Burgess. , George Simpson arrived in this city yesteTday from Windsor and began em ployment at the American Express com pany to-day. He will take Mahlor Ken dall's position as night clerk. Mr. Ken dall left yesterday for Newport, where he has secured a similar position with the American Express company. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Carson of Que bec are guests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Loughheed, 14 French street, being on their wedding tour, hav ing been married at St. Matthew's church in Quebec Monday afternoon by Rev. Canon F. G. Scott, rector of the parish. The bride was Miss Mary Minnie Lough heed. daughter of the late Harry Lough heed of Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Carson will reside iu Quebec. Son of Veterans and Their Families at Dewey Park Yesterday. The Sons of Veterans association held its second annual picnic and outing at Dewey park yesterday, the affair being an old-fashioned basket picnic. Dur ing the dsy there gathered about 60 people, including the families of the members. As the outcome of last year's gathering was not financially successful, yesterday's program was not so elabo rate. . The party commenced to gather at the park about 10 o'clock and the forenoon was passed ' enjoyably. At noon the gathering withdrew to the grove above the pavilion, and the basket lunch was served on the rustic tables. In the afternoon sports were indulged in at the athletic field. The baseball game between the married and single men was the chiet attraction of the sports." The single men carried off the honors after a six-inning struggle, which furnished hilarity for the onlookers. The pitching of Davis for the single men was unsolvable, proving to be a big factor in the winning for his aggrega tion. He was assisted behind the bat by Lafiin. The battery for the bene dicts was Brigham and Carey. Quoit hurling and throwing at the rag doll furnished much amusement ' for others. George E. Ford and E. A. Carey were in charge o! the sporting end ot the out ing. Those in charge of the outing and picnic composed: G. h. lord, tarl Rol linS and Charles Gauthier. A SCORE HURT, NONE FATALLY Richmond : W;VV oVjot Se riousl df Essex June. 4 WHEN C. V. TRAINS COLLIDED The New England Statea Limited Train. Crashed Into Burlington Branch Train Last Evening and Much Damage Was Done to the Former Train. FUNERAL OF L. W. R0WELL Was Held To-day and Body Was Taken to West Lebanon, N. H. The funeral of L. W. Rowell, who died Wednesday evening at the City hospital . after a . lingering illness, was held this morning from his late home on Jefferson street, and the remains w ere tnken to West Lebanon, N. H., for in terment. Rev." J. W. Barnett. pastor of the Congregational church, olhoiated at the services. Those who acted as pall bearers were as follows: Elon Barrett, Walter Boutwell, O. H. Hale and Charles Pamper!. Mrs. R. G. Carleton, and Miss Winefred Rowell, daughters of the de ceased, accompanied the remains to West Lebanon, as did Mr. and .Mrs. L. A. Lsta brook of West Lebanon, who were called here bv the death. AGRICULTURAL BETTERMENT. Was Subject Considered By American Bankers To-day. Detroit, Mich., Sept, 13. The prob lem of agricultural development, as viewed by men of finance, promised to almost eclipse the currency question at the closing session of the American Bankers' association. Except for rou tine work and the election of, officers, the convention planned to devote practi cally all the time to listening to an ad dress on agricultural betterment and discussing plans which suggested assist ance to American farmers. . Essex Junction, Sept. 13. A score of persons were injured, but none fatally, when the New England States Limit ed train collided with the Burlington branch train in the local yard of the Central Vermont railroad last evening. The list of the injured includes the fol-lowiiig: MRS. JAMES GANNON, Richmond. broken rib and suffering from shock. D. A. SMITH, Woburn, Mass., w rist sprained. . fnEl) WILLI STON, Fall River. Mass., suffering from shock. ' , W. J. PATTERSON, Boston, Mass.. neck strained. J. S. WILSON, Concord, N. H., leg in jured. , . . . . . : T. J. DENNING, Barre, leg injured. J. A. IIALPIN, Waterburv, Conn., face bruised. ..... JAMES THOMPSON. Waterbury. shoulder injured. MRS. L. J. MORTON, St. Albans. back injured. . I M US. JENNIE KEBBE, 71 High street. Westerly, R. I., head bruised. JLKS. MARY E. SCOTT, Winthron. Mass., injury to head. G. F. BURKE. Chicago, wrist sprained'.'. MRS. W, F. SOMERS, Moretown, neck strained. GEURGE WINN. Toronto, chief cook. burned on arm. CHARLES MAZIQUE. 1031 Siate street. Chicago, cook, .cuts. . " ; SAMLLL DAMS, Toronto, cook, cut on hand. , WILLIAM OVERTON, Boston, wait-; er, cut on nose. JAMES HALL, Boston, rib broken, i The branch train had gone down from Burlington and was moving slowly over the witch onto the main line, prepara tory to backing into the station, when the Limited, consisting of eight cars, In charge of Conductor Maun and Engineer Hrown, came around the curve at the usual rate of about 20 miles an hour and struck the branch train hesdon. Every passenger, except those who hap-' pened to be braced with their feet on the sent- in" front of them;wa thrown. from his sent and the Limited was bad-) ly damaged throughout.. Among thei passengers were 50 Odd rellows from; II over New i-.ngland on their way to ttend a convention in Winnipeg, Mani toba. In the parlor car, chairs wers' torn from their sockets and the dining car interior was practically stripped or its belongings, all the crockery and; glassware being broken to atoms, thiJ range torn jrom its fastenings and thej water tank emptied from leaks. The;, chef, George Winn, was burned with hot coffee and his assistants were cut by the tlving crockery anrl glassware. The forward end of the mail car waal crushed in, the forward ends of both! engines were badly damaged and the! tuing car was temporarily disabled, but ix of the cars were taken out and sent' on to Montreal behind another engine. The engine on the Limited was a nev one of the Pacific type, which was placed on the road for the first time this sum-' iner. . lhe one on the orancn train waa the same which fell into a washout near Waterbury in 1002, with a loss of fouri lives. A new local train, . southbound, was made up. starting about three hours late. None of the cars left the rails and the wrecking train had little work to gee, the tracks clear. . ' Responsibility for the accident has not yet been placed, as it is said the turn at the "Y was being made under pro tection of the semaphore at the tima the Limited rounded the curve. i - SABBATH OBSERVANCE. Workers in Its Behalf Will Visit Barr Shortly. Rev. Martin D. Kneeland, preacher,' author, lecturer and for many years sec retary of the New England Sabbath Pro tective league, iR to speak in this city on Sunday, the 22nd of September. In the morning he w ill occupy the pulpit of, the Presbyterian church and in the eTen-' ing at 7 o'clock will lecture at a mass meeting in the opera house from the sub ject, "Sabbath Observance in European Cities." A few years ago Dr. Kneeland visited Europe for the sole purpose of tudvmg the Sabbath question. Jle vis ited the great cities of Great Britain and the continent and gathered many facts that, will be of interest to a Barre assembly. ' 279 IN HIGH SCHOOL. dipt. J. 2. Culver of Rochester. N. Y., is a guest of Capt. A. F. Dodge of North Seminary street, having arrived last evening from Massachusetts, where he hns been visiting. They served in the Civil war together, the Barre man be ing captain in the same regiment in which the Rochester man was adjutant. That was the 3!lth I'nited States col ored infantry, and of the fifty officers in that regiment, only eight now survive. It was later in the war that Adjutant Culver became a captain. Registration Already Larger Than Dur. ing Last Year's Fall Term. The registration of students in Spauld ing high school at the close of the firet week of school shows a total of 27P, which is one larger than at any time during the fall term last yearj and, in addition, several more students are ex pected to resume their studies next week. The students are divided by classes, as follows: seniors, 54; middlers, 30; juniors. 84; sub-juniors, 102. The rea son for the small size of the middle class is that there are no eommercial students in that class, due to the length ening of the commercial course at the time the class entered the high school. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Dean P. Towne left this morn ing for St. Johnsbury, where they at tended the Caledonia county fair today. Weather Prediction. Saturdav unsettled, probably with showers; light variable winds, a