Newspaper Page Text
THE HARRE DAILY TIMES, RARRK, VT.; MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 1018. Closing Out Sale of SECOND HAND RANGES and Heaters, teed to work. Call and get prices. All cuaran Stovc pipe and elbows; Coal Sifters. E. A. PRINDLE'S - - Depot Square A Girl's Wild Midnight Ride. To warn people of a fearful forest fire, in tho C'atskills, a young Kir rode horseback at midnight and caved many lives. Her deed !urlouMt but live are often saved by Dr. King's New I)is cowry, in curing lung trouble, roughs and colds, which might have ended in coiisurnjitkui or pneumonia. "It cured ma of a dreadful cough and lung dis ease," writes W. It. Patterson, Welling ton, Tex., "after four in our family hsd died with consumption, and 1 gained 87 pounds." ' Nothing so sure and safe for sll throat and lung troubles. Price 50c snd l.Wl. Trial bottle free, Guaran teed by tho lied Cross Pharmacy. Advt. BUSINESS CARDS MRS. F. C. TWISS DISTRICT NURSE Trained in Concord, X. H With Special Courses in Obstetrical Work SI JEFFERSON STREET TELEPHONE 6S-J Ernest II. Bancroft. M. D. C. Veterinary Physician and Surgeon Graduate Chicago Veterinary College ' N. E. Telephone, 361-13 I AIM tha People's Unt OFFICE AND HOSPITAL, BOUTH BARRE ABOUT TIIK STATU Happenings of Interest from Dif ferent Sections. ABSOLUTELY SAFE ELECTRIC WIRING We re tiow using New Steel Armored Wires, which are not only cheaper to install, but better for tha following reasons: Inspected, approved and passed by Fire In surance Board. Impossiblity of persona tampering with wires. Nailproof, waterproof, fireproof snd fool proof. . No aplieea under floors, but in boxes and easy of access to authorised persons. Labor In Installation reduced 20 per cent. Will be pleased to tfive estimates on this work CARL C. PERKINS, Electrical Contractor. At Hale's Specialty Store This week you will find on sale at reduced prices Ped estal Tables, Pining Tables, Stands, Dressers, Chiffoniers, Brass Beds, Rugs and Art Squares; also Leather Morris Chairs and Rockers. One Royal Standard Range. DR. LEWIS D. MARTIN OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Office in Room 35, Miles Building Office hours, 9 A. M. to 12 M. and 1 :S0 to 4 P. M., Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Telephone Connection M. J. WHITCOMB Licensed Embalmer . Calls answered promptly day or nipht An up-to-date Ambulance in connection EAST BARRE, VT. TELEPHONE 229-11 MERCHANT TAILORING Also Cleaning, Press- , ing and Repairing MOORE & OWENS 122 North Main Street Barre, Vermont RILEY'S ORCHESTRA Music for all occasions Latest and most popular music TELEPHONE .... - - . . 342-21 Three Generations Have Passed Since the Discovery of DOWNS' ELIXIR for coughs, colds and lung troubles, but thousands remain to tell the story of its wonderful cures. Bold everywhere. NOTICE ' All feed and grain sold from my store .after this date (Dec 9, 1912) CASH. All bills unpaid after Jan, 1st, will be placed in the hands of a collector. , , P. E. BAGLEY. West Topsham, Vt( Dec. 9. A FIRE HOUSE ROMANCE. The Old Horse Did His Part, but the Old Chief Wsakened. Not long ago u fire borse was brought in from the farm, a borse thirty-six years old, that bad not bad a barness on his back for eleven years. Tbla horse used to pull the chief's wagon. Ha had the faculty of getting under the shafts quicker than ever any horse did that stood on four foet. He newr made a mistake, never a false move. By the time the driver was in the wag on the horse was ready to go, and when he went he went on the high speed. So behold the old horse brought in from the country witnessing again the frills and frivols of the city. . The horse was barefooted, his mane, tall and fetlocks grown out long and shaggy. The Are laddies went to work cleaning him up with loving caress. The old red wagon of the chief was brought out. The shafts were lifted in the air with the harness hanging. The horse was standing, loose, 200 feet away. At a signal the gong was sounded, and like a flash of light the old veteran leaped for the shafts. A fireman snap ped the harness Into place. The old fire chief watched the whole perform ance, intending to spring into the wag on, provided the horse had not forgot ten his cue. Th horse knew how to do It; but, alas, the venerable chief, now grown gray, merely stumbled and tumbled for ward, threw his arms around the old horse's neck, burst Into tears and cried like a baby. Blacksmith and YTbeel-wrlght. DO YOUR VERY BEST. YOUR GROCER SELLS Stickney & Poor's Mustard Tell him nothing else will suit you. tmtput now 800,000 weekly. By far the largest selling brand of 10c cigars in the world, Factory, Manchester, N. H. Fire Insurance You may be next. Don't wait and be sorry. Insure now and be safe. . Rates on dwellings and - household furniture in dwellings in residential district:' $500, five years $4.75 $1,000, five years. .'. . 7.50 Insure witn Eallard Strong Companies Mon ' ey sure Payment prompt WEIGH OUR ELECTRIC SERVICE not by its cost, but by the time it saves you and by the greater convenience it affords. J. bough when you come right aown to it THE COST IS VERY MODERATE. No matter whether you call on us to renew the battery in your electric boll or wire your whole house for lights or any other electric contrivances, you will find our charges as moderate as our serv ice is prompt and thorough. Wo couldn't say more than that. Barre Electric Co., 135 North Maia Stria. Wkeeteck Hock. Tflepheae 98-W And Then Be Sure That You Are 8at Isfiod With Yourself. It is not what people sny about you lta what you are thnt counts. The one person in all this world whom you should aim to satisfy is yourself. You alone know yourself. Other people know your outward appearance, your actions, your deeds. You, and you alone, know your motives, your ambi tions, your thoughts. Are you satisfied with yourself? It is your own fault if you are not. Are you satisfied that you ere doing the best you can lu your work, that you ore making the most of your time? Are you confident that your conduct toward your family, your friends, your neighbors, your employer, cannot be Improved ? Look yourself straight in the face this morning in your mind's looking glass. Ask yourself whether it Is what people say about you or what you are that hurts. Analyse your own conduct in all matters. Put yourself In the other fellow'1 place and try to see your actions through his eyes. Imagine that you are your employer Instead of yourself. Answer honestly whether if he knew as much about you as yon know about yourself he would discharge you or would raise your wages. If you do this conscientiously there are many things you will do differently. Remember this, too other people's opinion of you Is based on your own opinion of yourself. Are you self re specting? Other people will respect you. Are you trutnrun me worm will believe you. Are you honest? Ev ery one will trust you. But weigh yourself frequently. Weigh yourself carefully. Be certain that your own opinion of yourself is Jimti fled. Be satisfied with yourself. Wil liam Johnston in American Magazine. A young son of William Lsthrop of BrUtol broke an ankle racently whilo liiliug down hill iu that town. ' Robert t'ain lout control of a handslcd while sliding in West Rutland . fe' days ago and ran into a tre betide the road, injuring ins lieau severely aim bruiting him considerably, IUtrlincton people aliow a decided lik ing for the parcel mst service, and dilf inif the flrat 15 days' busiiieas at the 1 ollioe, the numler 01 packages arm out was 0,04(1 and the number delivered in the city was 3,1-02. In the second week the business was more than 60 per cent, what it was the first week. Because the money was out of the quarter meter in tliir home and they did nt suppose the gas would be How. ing, Frank O. Hammond and family of Burlington neglected to turn off the gas jet in their home when they retired Thursday night, and after gas had es caped all night, the family wan found In a bud condition the next morning, all being unconscious for a time. They will recover. Gov. Allen M. Fletcher and Congress man Frank Pliunlcy are to be the prin cipal guests of the Vermont association of Boston at its annual reception and banquet the evening of Saturday Jan uary 25. It will be at Hotel Somerset with the reception at 6:30 o'clock and dinner will he served at 7 o'clock. After the addresses of the evening there will be dancing in the ballroom. The execu tive committee of the society, of wbi?h Charles II. Bradley is president and El mer K. Silver secretary, is planning for a notable gathering. THE COUNTY FARM AGENT. 61 VERMONT TOWNS WITHOUT LIBRARIES ! JEWELRY CRAB BE, THE NEGLECTED. A Poet Whom Byron Called Nature's Bst and Stsrnsat Painter. Pnnte was a great traveler and the greatest pen impressionist who ever wrote. He doscrilies a landscape in a line so that It stays with you forever. Ho uses the fewest possible number of words, hardly any adjectives, and the picture leaps up before you, immortal and unforgetable. Who can do this among the moderns? Keats could. Tennyson gives you English landscape. If you read "In Memorlam" you have lived a year in the English country and seen the march of the English seasons. Crabbe can do it. Who reads Crabbe? Nobody. And yet he is a wonderful poet, as realistic as Tolstoy and Arnold Bennett Byron called him the best painter of nature "Na ture's sternest painter, yet her best." He writes about the poor as they are, without sentimentality and with out exaggeration, and as a painter of English landscape he still remains the best He may not be read by the mod ern generation, but he is not 'forgotten. A Frenchman wrote a long and excel lent book about blni not long ago. He is safe in the temple of fame, which place yon have entered and can't leave. And this temple is like a wheel. It goes round and round, and some of Its iumntes are In the glare of the sun, and souetlmcs they are In the shade, but they aw there, and they never fall out Maurice Baring in Metropolitan. Some Reasons Why Windham County Should Have One. In addressing a body of grangers and representative of civic organizations at Htattleboro last Friday evening in the interests of a county agent for Windham county, John (ileason, a successful farmer of War.lshoro, said in part: "The securing of an agricultural ex pert to devote his whole time and energy fir the next two years to the promotion of the agricultural interests of Windham county seems assured. A short time ago the average yankee farmer of this sec tion was prone to "look favorably upon scientific farming, but inHtead was in clined to take a pessimistic attitude toward "book farming" as he called it, and think that practical knowledge was all that was needed. The general appre ciation as expressed Friday afternoon by the delegates from the various sections of the country, of the idea of securing an agricultural expert to advise the farm ers of Windham county shows that such an expert will be able to accomplish good results on account of the wuingness of many of the farmers at the present time to farm by up-to-date scientific methods. It is quite generally conceded by observ ers of the situation that an agricultural expert can accomplish double the good throughout the county now as compared with 10 years ago, simply on account of the agitation for scientific and intensive farming instead of keeping on' in the old "nit and the general appreciation of the value of this training by a large number of the leading fanners through out the county. There seems to be no question that the necessary funds m be raised for the project as it is only a slight burden when distributed over the entire county. Each town will have to raise a small amount in order to take advantage of the liberal offer available." Reported By State Library Commission Which Is Making Efforts To Start Libraries in Those Delin quent Towns. The state board of library commis sioners finds there are 04 town in the state without libraries and i urging them to comply with the conditions of the law of .Vermont that gives the state power to grunt f 1X) worth of books for starting a library. it is necessary t but there be inserted in the warning fur the next town meet ing these articles! 1. To see if the town will elect a board of tillve library trustees and in struct such board to intake application to the atate board of library commis sioners for state aid. I. To see what sum, if any, the town will appropriate for the maintenance of a free public library. If the grand list of the town is lea than $'2,500, the sum must not be less than 1.V If the grand list is more than 12,300, yet less than flo.OOO, the sum to be appropriated must not be less than If the grand list is $10,NMI or more, the sum to be raised must not bo less than $(). Many towns show their desire for civic improvement by rais ing much higher sums than the state requires of them. The state of Vermont recognizes that a free public library is necessary to the education of its children and the development of Its people in the an mo manner as the free school. Ilia 04 towns without libraries arei Albany, Baltimore, lliirre Town, Berk shire, Berlin, Bloom livid, Bolton, Brook line, Brownjiigton, Brunswick, Coventry, Dover, iJiunim-rstun, Diixlmrv, Kat Ilu ven, East Montpelier, Eden, Elmore, I anion. lVrrisburL'. (iliihtcnlmrv. (ion li en, Halifax, Hancock, Holland, liubbaid ton, Ira, Irasburg, Jamaica, Jay, Leh-e ter. Lemington, Marlboro, Mendon, Mid dlescx, Monkton, Morgan, Mt. Holly, Mt. Tabor North Hero, Norton, ram ton, l'ownal, Rupert, Rutland Town, St (ieoige, Sandgate, Scaislmrg, Sherburne, Shrewsbury, Somerset, rniuttt Hurling ton, Stunnnrd, Starksboro, Stratton, Sudbury, Tinmoiith, Topsham, Tun bridge, Waltham, Wells, Wlnhall, Wol cott. Worcester. For Information, address any member of the library commission or its secre tary. 'The commission consists of (luy Butter Benton of Burlington, Mr, t . M. Win slow of Brandon, K. M. (Joddard of Montnelier, Mrs. W. B. Smith of St Jolmshury, Miss C. M. Clement of Rut Isnd and Miss Rebecca W. Wright of Montnelier, secretary. ESTATE OF NELLIE A. Bt'SH. Steta of Vermont, District of Washington, ss. Th Honorable Probata Court for the District Aforesaid : To all persons interested in tht estste of Nellie A. Bush, lata of the city of Barre, in said district, deceased. (jKEEUNG: WHEKEAS. said court has assigned tha 10th day of February Mxt for examining snd allowing the acconut of tha executrix of tha estate of ssid deceased and for a decree of the residue of said estate to the lawful claimants ot the same, and ordered that public notice thereof be riven to all persons interested in said estate by publishing this order three weeks successively previous to the day asaig-ned, in tha Barre Daily Times, a newspaper published at the city of Barre, in said district. THEREFORE, you are hereby notified to appear at tha probate office in Montpelier, in said district, on the day assigned, then and there to contest the allowance of said account if you see cause, and to establish your right ss heirs, legatees and lawful claimants to said residua. Given under my hand, this 18th dsy of January. 1913. FRANK J. MARTIN, Judge. Jan. 21-28-Fcb. 4. FOUR LINES FOR 25 CENTS The Times will publish Wants, Lost snd Found, For Sals, To Lei, etc. ahort advor tisementa at tha rata of four lines for twrn-ty-flve cents for the first insertion and Ave rents for each subsequent Insertion. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. YOUR LAST CHANCE to procure 820 acres or fine government land. Will locate you for IfiO.Ou. For particulars address Mrs. C. P. Clifton, Lund, Utah. 26Ht26 FOR BALE A good, modern, six-room house with barn and lta acres of land, with apple and cherry trees, and about Suit strawberry plants. Tha house is finished with hard pine and hardwood floors. This place is lorsted within two miles of the business section of the city. For references inquire of tha LI. A. Ferry Heal Estate Co. zoatr FOR 'SALE An eiaht-roam cottage, all modem conveniences, newly built. Apply to Boyce A Robinson. 259tf FOR SALE A splendid seven-room bouse at 8 School street : bathroom and all modern conveniences, furnace, electric lights, spring water, garden, with fruit trees ; barn and hen house and four lots of Isnd. tall on A.' C. Bianchi, 84 Summer street, Barre. 258 FOR SALE. FOR SALK- tWonrl-hand chamber suite, ln eluding spring and mattress. Apply IS hielsutt street. iilU FOR 8 A I K A Ant-cIsM work horse, prop, arty of Wallace Msyvillei weighs about l.tiuO pounds, with foal. Hale at reasonable price. Call at I'apin Bros, stables. 2ut8 FOR SALE Cilenwood renirs. bureaus, com mode, chairs, baby's crib and elfish, also other articles. Call at t Central streak Xtutl FOR SALE One pair two-horse sleds, one pair one-horse aleus ; one new pung. W. W. Helvtlla, (iranitevilla, VU !6Vtt FOR SALE--One aerond-hand nune. Is. seats i also one practically new slrigh. Jones FOR SALE One farmer's nnua. new. extra long body I psinted and varnished ready for use. One extra light driving pung, senind la none, painted and varnished. One old two aiter, cheap. Two second-hand ilelxlis. one practically good as new. All cheap for rash. J. N. Bartaaux. South Barre. Vt. KMtf FOR SALE 1 good driving horse, good worker, weighs 1.060 to 1.100. ssfe and kind: also 1 sleigh and harness. Call on Thomas Burke, IS Short street. iiSlttlS FOR SALE Seven hravr working horses snd 22 good young cows. A. Tomaai, Berkley Hill. 26ttl FOR SALE A few Rosa Comb H. I. Sad cockerels. 1'rloa .), Apply to Was, Brown. II Orsat Avenue, llsrrs. listt IS VEXtXTA - Un soelto Lot dl Ureno sit. usto distant cinque nilnuti dsils fusts dl Hsrre. I ar liiforinasluoa rivulgetevi alia I'osta, il Uls I'sul Leavlit. Ulit FOB SALE New otllaB caws- also a tea? horses Butchering done. Apply to C. K. Wil ier, South Knd, Hotel Stables. Jimf JUST ONE NEW SLEIGH LEFT A low price to elosa It out. ' One set light two. horse, or heavy one-horse sleds, with body.' One heavy pung. One second-hand sleigh. , A. W. ALLEN, Averill Mills COW FOR SALE FOR SALE OR TO RENT New house on Nelson street with every modern convenience. Steam heat. Apply to H. C. Patterson, No. ITS Washington street, Bsrre. 246tf PROMINENT IN BRATTLEB0R0. Rev. George B. Gow, Aged 81, Died at Glens Falls, N. Y. Brattleboro, Jan. 21. Rev. Dr. John R. Gow, pastor of the First Baptist church, received word parly Saturday morning of the death of his father, Rev, ESTATE OF OLIVER F. CARPENTER. State of Vermont, District of Washington, ss. The Honorable Probata Court for the Dis trict Aforesaid : To the heirs and all persons interested in the estate of Oliver F. Carpenter, late of Marshneld, in said district, deceased, GREET ING : WHEREAS, application hath been made to this court in writing, by tha administrator, Orin H. Smith, praying for license and au thority to sell all of real estate of said de ceased, to wit. situated in the town of Marsh field in said district, including the homestead right and tha interest of the widow therein, representing to said court that it would be beneficial to the heirs and all persons inter ested in tha estate of said deceased, to sell said roal aetata and convert the same into money. And bringing into court the consent and approbation in writing, of all the heirs to said estate residing in this state, and setting lorth the situation oi the real estate. WHEREUPON, the said court appointed and assigned tha 21st day of January, 1913, at the probate office in Montpelier. in said die. trict. to hear and decide upon said applica tion and petition, and ordered public notice thereol to be given to all persons Interested therein; by publishing said order, together with the' time and place of hearing, three weeks successively in the Barre Daily Times. a newspaper which circulates in the neighbor hood of those persons interested in said es tate, all of which publications shall be previous to the dsy assigned ror hearing. THEREFORE, you are hereby notified to ap pear before said court, at the time and place assigned, then and there in said court to make your objections to tha granting of such license, if you see cause. Given under my hand at Montpelier, in said district, this 4th day of January, 1013. FRANK i, MARTI?. Judge. Jan. 6-18-20. FOR SALE OR TO RENT The Kenerson house on Esstern avenue. Will sell for less than has aver been offered before, on easy terms, or will rent for a year or more to desirable party. Inquire of the D. A. Perry Roal Estate Agency. 43tf FOR SALE Nice house and barn ; also four building lots. All joined together would make a splendid hen farm. Situated on Montpelier road. Also one shoat. W. F. Shepard, ad ministrator, Barre, Vt 86tf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-Farm of 180 acres for a bouse in the city of Barre. Also tor sale, top buggy, surrey, hnrness, and a one-cow butter churn. Louis DeBlois, 8 Laurel street. Barre. Vt. 2851 FOR SALE A splendid large, roomy house in the beat residential section of the city, near school, on car line, within 10 minutes walk of postomce. Well built, all modern conven iences, lawn, garden, henhouse. Lot 100 feet sauare. Can be seen any day from 8 to 6 P. M at 80 Patterson street. Telephone 826-11. 174tf WILL FRESHEN BEFORE FEBRUARY I. A GOOD-SIZED ANIMAL AND ALL RIGHT. A. W. ALLEN, Sunnyside Farm TO RENT. TO RENT Two-tenements at 138 and 140 North Seminary street : one 8 rooms and one 4 rooms ; hot water, bath, electric lighta and gas. Inquire at house or of G. A. Huntington, SO First avenue. Montpelier, Vt. Telephone connection. . 2tltf TO RENT Cottage on A hern street, off Blackwell street. Inquire of Mrs. G. B. Dur koe, 860 No. Main street. City. 261t6 TO RENT Eight-room tenement, with ham. henhouse and garden ; electric lights and bath ; at 21 Division street. Inquire of John Collins, 6 Hill street. 260tf FOR SALE My two-tenement house on North Seminary street. Rents for 122.00 per month. Newly painted and in good repair. Dr. C. H. Kent. For Darticulars see Dr. C. W. Steele, Howland buidling. 13tf H. A. PHELPS Real Estate Operator City and farm property. Timber Isnd. Quarry land. Building lots. Tenements for rent. Commissions ressonable. ROOMS 4 AND 5, MILES BLOCK Telephone 314-a Barre, Vermont TO RENT Upstairs tenement at 86 Berlin street : price f 8.00. Inquire of Mrs. F. H. Granger, 6 Short street. - 280tf TO RENT Seven-room tenement at No. 18 Highland avenue. O. L. Cheever. 269tf JANUARY 16. 1913. DESIRABLE TENEMENTS in all parts of the city to rent at very low prices. Four rooms, bath and woodshed, on Mount street, at 111.00. Inquire Boyce & Robinson. SHED ROOM TO RENT Straight shed, traveling derrick, polishing mill in same shed. Will rent to firms with less than a gang. In quire of E. Fernandas, Montpelier, Vt. 'Phone 226-1. 7t6 TO RENT Desirable tenement at 183 Wash, ington street, opposite Elmwood cemetery. Apply to L. K. Averill. Tel. 801-8. 256tf HELP WANTED. WANTED A blacksmith. Will pay good wages. M. Goslant, kanesboro, Vt. Z61t6 ESTATE OF BEMIS PIKE. State of Vermont, District of Washington, ss. The Honorable Probata Court for the Dis trict Aforesaid: To all persons interested In the estate of Bemia Pike, late of Cabot, in said district, ox-ceased. GREETING: WHEREAS, said court has assigned tha 31st day of January next for examining and allowing the account of the administrator of (ieoree B. Cow. 81, at (ilens Vails, X. Y., tha estate of said deceased and for a decree . . ... lnf t Visa (us if llisa lf aatiri akATSttaa (a the laiiarfiil at 12 OClock rrid.IV night. He had been cuimr,ts of the same, and ordered that pub. in poor health for the past six months, lie notice thereof be given to all persons hut hart Keen eonfined to hia herf onlv I interested in said estate, by publishing this three weeks. General debilitv was the WOULD YOU LIKE A GOOD JOB this winter or all the year? If so. write us. C. R. Burr A Co., Nurserymen, Manchester, Conn. , 268t4 MEN WANTED to learn the automobile business ; road driving and repairing. Send stamp for particulars. New England Auto School, 87 Church street, Boston. 258126 When YOU want a piece of ! artistic, guaranteed quality I Jewelry, come in and see our splendid display. j t T T" f T r mi.. . 1 a Ml. Main . ... I a acuE7 jgr e I "Bostos Aaiericaa" ia Barra L J Slow. "The hired flian fell off the fence down In the meadow lot Just now." "Hud be hit the ground wlwn you left?" Louisville Courier-Journal. Stung. "What does the busy bee teach us, Freddie?" "Not to sro too near the hive, uncle." London Tntler. FIRE insurance Rates REDUCED Seventeen old reliable stock companies and five mutual. Talci your choice. Call and investigate. Any competi tion met in companies that have had an experience of from 25 to'iOO years. J. W. DILLON j sad 4 Bolster Block, Barre, Vt THE MONTPELIER & WELLS RIVER RAILROAD WINTER TRAIN SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 30. 1912, BETWEEN BARRE, MONTPELIER AND BOSTON. THROUGH COACH leaves Barre at 7:20 a. m. and Montpelier at 8 a. m. UAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY, arriving ia Boaton at 4:45 p. m. LOCAL TRAIN leaves Barre at 12:2 rt. m. snd Montpelier at 1:10 p. ra. DAILY KXCEIT SUNDAY, srrivinj ta Boston at .8 p. m. PULLMAX SI.EEPrjTG CAR leave Rarr at 9:30 p. m. and Mont ptlier at 19 p. m. DAILY, arriving in Roston at 7:30 a. m. THKOUC.n COACH leaves Boston DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY at 10 a. arriving in Montpelier at S:C p. m. and Barrs at 5:32 p. m. rULLMAN SLEEPING CAR leaves Boston DAILY st 0:30 p. m, arriving in Montpelier at 7:30 a m. and Ban at 8 a. m. cause of hia death. He wss born Jan uary 11. 1832. Dr, John R. Oow left Sat urdsy morning for Glens Falls and will not return until sometime this week. Rev. Gtorjfc B. Gow was pagtor of the same church of which his son is now pastor for about six years, closing his pastorate there in 1883. While there he took an active Interest in the pub lic welfare of the town. He was the foundero f the professional club of Brat tleboro and it was in an address before this club that ho act the' ball rolling for the establishment of the Brattle boro free librsrv. A committee was ap pointed to interview the afockholders of the librarv which was kept bv .E. J. Csrpenter where the Brattleboro news store ia located now, which resulted in tbe stock being given if a free library would be founded. Mr. Gow was elect ed a trustee and was president of the boasil of trustees until ha left town In 1883. He is survived by two sons. Dr. Gow of Brattleboro and Prof. George C. Gow, who ia professor of music at Vas sar college, lie was twice married. order three weeks successively previous to the day assigned, in the Bsrre Daily limes, a newspaper published at city of Barre in said distrirt. t THEREFORE, you are hereby notified to appear at the probate office in Montpelier, in said district, on the day asslirned. then and there to contest the allowance of said account if you see cause, and to establish your. riaht as heirs, lea-sloes and l&wful claimants to said residue. Given under my hand, this 11th day of January, 1913. Frank j. martin, judge, Jan. 18-20-27. The Appls. Scandinavian legends affirm that tbe apple was the favorite food of tbe gods. It was one of the first fruits grown by tbe Romans; It was early Introduced Into England and brought from there to America. It la easily cultivated, bears fruit farther north than almost any other, and by means of grafting almost 2.000 varieties have been produced. Th;e facts sbow In part why the ap ple stands at tbe bead of all fruits. TVotnen's Home Companion. ESTATE OF EMILY M. EMORY. State of Vermont, District of Washing-ton, ss. The Honorable Probate Court for the Dis trict Aforesaid : To all persons interested in the estate of Emily M. Emory, late of the city of Barre. in said district, deceased. GREETING : At a probate court, bplden at Montnelier, within and for said district, on the 4th day of January. A. D. 1913, an instrument pur porting to be the last will and testament of Emily M. Emory, late of the city of Barse in said district, deceased, was presented to the court aforesaid, for probate. And it is ordered by said court that the 21t day of January, A. D. 1913, at the probate office in said Montpelier, be assigned for prov in said instrument : and that notice thereof be given to all persons concerned, by publish ing this order three weeks successively in the Barre Daily Times, a news.naper circulating In that vicinity, in aaid district, previous to the time appointed. THEREFORE, you are hereby notified to appear before ssid court, at the time and place aforessid. and contest the probata OX said will. If you have cause. Given under my hand at Montpelier, in said district, this 4th day cf January. 191S. MARY J. CUTLER. Register. Jan. S-1S-20. WANTED A man to run a trip-hammer; steady job and good pay. . Apply to James A hern. Blackwell street. 26?tf WANTED Two men to work on a farm. Good wages for good help. Must be good milkers. H. H. Martin, Willismstown, Vt. 266tf WANTED To employ an A-l designer and estimstor for the largest quarry plant in the South. A good, permanent position to a com petent person. Give references. Southern Granite Quarry Corporation, Spartanburg, S. C. 264U0 WANTED A good capable woman able to do general housework. Good place. Good wages. References required. Apply to Box 467, Lisbon. N. H. 262tl2 TO RENT Desirable tenement of six rooms at BU, Hale street Three down and three upstairs. Electric lights. . Inquire of A. R, Richards, Montpelier, Vt. Tel. S4-13. 265tf TO RENT Five-room teaemeat at 4 Cleve land Avenue. 8tesm beat In the cellar) all roetlern imorovemsnis. call at tha house. tlgtf TO RENT Tenement of feor reen s; steam heat Apply to C. L. Uugbee, 08 Washington Street, site. 247tf TO RENT Small tenement at 48 East Street, suiiable fer man aad wife. Apply at Bait. mure Luneh Roam. . Mitt TO RKMT Tenement In tbe French Rloek, over Beyea's sum-, suitable tor taking roomers. Also small tenement en Ksllread Street. Apply ta Gcurea a. need at City Knxiaeer's office, or at 94 Orange Street. J41tf TO KENT Tenement at 4 1-3 Peas Street. Reven roams, all up to date. Apply to Ueercs Mann, 64 Wellington Street, oily. 4ltf TO RENT Tenement at St Walllngtan Street. Beat ia the city, sour rooms or more. All medera improvements, sucb ss electric lights and ga. Apply ( George VV. Mana, M Wel lington street, city. - t:tr TO RENT Taemsoc at 30 Merchant Street All the Istest improvements. Apply te George Mann, M Wslliagton Street, city. 341tf WANTED. WANTED To buy a pair of oxen that will weigh between 2. W0 and 3.000 pounds, that are well broken to work on a farm. Address Box 64, Marsnccld. Vt. 260t4 TENEMENT TW RENT At SI East Street: cottage beuas of sevea rooms with ail modern Improvements. Call at 33 Eastern Arsaue. er telephone 245-M. aiotf TO RENT Tenement of fear reems aad shed. Conveniences, gas stove, etc Inquire at No. 1 Hill J3tf WANTED Domestic nurse wishes to go out by the dsy or week. Charges moderate. Miss Sinclair, 24 Webster St. 'Phone 161-1. 26616 WANTED Pojitlon in granite office by young man with experience in draughting, bookkeeping, general office work. Address "H. P., Care Times." 252116 WAN1KD TO SL Y Pool table. Times office. Inquire at 2'.'8tf What Thay stela. To Walter Damrosch at the end of ne of bis concert at Aeolian ball, in New York, an admirer showed a piece f music tbst hsd been palpably plaeia rled from one of the numbers in "Tbe Dove of Teare." But Mr. Dum roach took tbe plagia rism with good humor. "They've only stolen a march on me." be said. Had Hsr Guessing. Landlady (letting room) Of course I expect tbe rent punctually every week New Lodger Just so. madam. My rule Si either punctually or not at all. Boa tm TTaraserirt. ESTATE OF ELIZABETH McKENZIE. State of Vermont, District of Washington, as. The Honorable Probate Court for the District Aforesaid : To all persons interested In the estate of Elisabeth Mrkentie. late of the city of Barre, in said district, deceased, GREETING: WHEREAS, said court has assigned the 24th day of January next for examining and allowing the account of the executor of the c.Ute of said deceased and for a decree of the residue of said estate to the lawful claim ants of the same, and ordered that public nrw tire thereof be given to ail persona interested in said estate by publishing this order three weeks successively previous to the da aa- signed. in the Barre Daily Times, a newspaper published at the city of Barre. in said dis trict, i THEREFORE, you are hereby nottfled to appear at the probate in Montpelier, in said district, on the day assigned, then and there to contest the allowance of aaid account if roo aee eauae. and to establish your right aa i heirs, legatees and lawful claimanta to said residua. Given ander my band thia 4th day of Janu ary. 11S. FRANK J. MARTIN. Judge. Jaa. C-13-I0. WANTED Dssd harses to take awsy ia BarTe, Mo'iipsller. Watervlll. uraitlti-vtile, snd East Bsirs. F. K. KIUy. T'lepana eail, 34-W. 4tme3 BOARD AND ROOMS. TO SENT Heme and kara at SS Merchant Street. Spring aal oily water. Good garden and place to keep poultry. Will be vacant Ievemoer 15 in. C M. Clark, East Montpelier, Vt X.lcsiioae 3SS-3L - Wilt T RENT Catu-re at -ill East Street. Ois, electric ilhts, furnace beat. Keet reasonable for taa winter. Apply to fags Bros. SIStf TO KENT Tenement at I Blackwell Street. Five reems; eloetne lisbts; eitr wster. Ia quire of Coasolldated Ligbting Co., Hewlsnd aiock, Rosa la. Siutf TENEMENT TO KENT At 4 Foss Street; Apply to Qeerge Mean, M Walllngtea Street, Harre. 30St( TENEMENT TO RENT Oa Wllley 8tre; six rooms. HatB, rleclrlo lljhta and all modern imprevameats. New bouse Alsa one at SI Merchant Htreet. Apply ta George Mann, St WelllncloB Street, Bitie. l."tf TO KENT At No. 17 Laurel street, a 3-raena NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT flat. SM floor; Set wstsr. set taos. eieotrle Steam heat, electric lighia. excellent beds: at , lights, eto. Inquire at K. L ami la, 21 West 20 Averill street. Telephone 2u-3. XSltf, street, eity. 174tf TO KltNT Nonms suitable for office er store, inquire ( tt J. Duege. SJU North Mala Stree', Ba re. -JlTtf To KENT Furnlthsd rem; all modern tm provm'nts. Callat 17 Welliagtua Street, sirs. 4cCktll. S46tf TO KENT A goad warm roem wl: a medera improvements eaa aa f-uad at Si aim fctieet. Uvailemva preferree. Mrs. A Smith. Certificate Re-extending Charter T KKNT AT KCABtiNABLKTKKMS A few reeais. well farnlsbed; ail n.eaera impreve-. anents; bet snd eela wster, Beta, Valalen Kiaak, ITj Nertn Mala Street. asotf LOST, AND FOUND. LOST A bankbook in Granitevilte Saturday evening, will finder leave at ue oramievuie restaurant or thai officer zmta LOST Last Friday, a gold Waltham watch with fob. Finder please return te 4S Foster street. City, and receive reward. 2SltS TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Office ef Comptroller ef the Carrenry. W.hmv1nti D. P. Januarv 11. 111 WHEREAS, bv aatisfactory evidence pre- LOST- Between Brook etreet and the Stand- sen led to tfte undersigned. It haa been made I ard Oil headquarters on North Main atreet, to imwar that "Tha Kational Hank f R.rr. ' Inn tilark nocketbook containing SIS and located in the town of Harre. In the counts laome change. Kinder please leave at Timea A CARD. A moment paMeD-e Is ten yeara somfort Crrek FToverb. slaving leased the repair department of the rerrv Automobile Co, in rear of City hotel, 1 reaped. fully solicit any re pair work yon may wish done on your automobile. I make a specialty of win ter overhauling. AH work guaranteed. BEX C HOWARD. of Washington and atate of Vermont, has complied with all the proviaiona of the act of Corzreae to enable National Banaina Aasorta. ttooe U extend their corporate exiatence. aad for other parposea.' approved July 12. ls2, as amended by the act. anp-xwed April 12. 12 : NOW. THEREFORE. L Lawrence O. Mur ray. eesrtpt roller of the currency, do herrhy certify that "The National Bank of Barre." located in the town of Harre. "in tSe county of Washington and atate of Vermont, w authorised to have sneceasMm for the period speriAcd in its amended ertirl of aasoruh uoa: raaraeiy. aatu close ef feusiaeaa vB Jan vary IS. I -I. la testimony wherwnf wrtnene any hand aad seal ot eAcev that eleven l a day of January. it!. lSeaJ.1 LAWRENCE O MfRRaY. C'eaotnalier nf the I u--vrwv Charter Ne. Ilea. Eiteasas New 1148. ofliee and get reward. 24114 ADVERTISE YOUR WAXTS IX THE TIMES AXD GET SURE RESULTS