THE BARKE DAILY TIMES. VOL. XVII-NO. 11. UAItHE, VEKMONT, I'M DAY, MAHCII 28, 1913. THICK, ONE CENT. FLOODS RECEDING AND HOPE RETURNS TO THE SUFFERERS in Penned-up Thousands Dayton Were Able To-day to Make Their Way to the Suburbs with Assistance RELIEF COMMITTEES CONTROL SITUATION From Other Sections Same Story of Better Conditions Comes The Cold, Clear , Weather Is Putting Check ! on the Rising Waters streams' receded almost at rapidly they rose yesterday. MUCH RELIEF FELT ABOUT INDIANAPOLIS Revised estimates early to-fiay from the flooded districts of Ohio and Indiana showed that the reports of loss of life in many cities and towns were exag gerated. The greatest anxiety still cen tered about Dayton, where an accurate esUmateof the number of flood victims was tiiltinipossible. The deaths promise to be much less in Columbus, Ohio, than the first reports from the western part of the city indicated. , In the parts of Dayton which have been explored by boats, the death list was greatly' reduced, and unless the number of deaths in the north section is found to be larger, the total of the entire city may not exceed aoo. In Piqua, where 500 were reported drowned, less than twenty lost their lives, according to advices received to day. In Chillicothe, where it was first re ported that 500 were drowned, the dead will not exceed 25- Similar results are expected from Zanesville and other Mus kingum valley towns. Indiana towns continue to report im proving conditions, and the estimates Of deaths are shrinking as more accurate reports are made. West Dayton, O., March 28. Backed by the militia and hundreds of special deputies, the citizens' committee "in charge of the relief work have a tight hold on the situation today. A brilliant sun tempered the keenness of the frosty air and the flood has subsided percep tibly. The flood victims who have been penned in the downtown sections of the city were able today .to make their way to the suburbs by thousands, unaided. On Main street in the heart of Dayton, it is possible to pick a dry path over the pavement. The worst condition found near the center of the flood was in the woik house, where 60 prisoners have not had a drop of water nor a bite of food since Tuesday. The men revolted Tuesday night and demanded - their liberty and a chance to fight for their lives. Since then the workhouse has been a mad house, according to Superintendent Johnson. The prisoners repeatedly fought with Johnson and threatened to kill him" and his family. Johnson asked that a detachment of the National Guard be assigned to help him handle the men. He declared that the men would have to be shot if they escaped from their cells. . Frantic Scenes at Morgue. The most pitiful scenes occurred at the temporary morgues. At the West Day ton morgue frantic crowds watched every body brought in, hoping against hope it was not of some lovea one. Women became hysterical at times when search ing for missing members of their fam ilies. In addition to refuge homes, the authorities in each section re maintain ing an identification bureau, where all persons rescued or cared lor are regis tered; . ' The food situation, which threatened to become serious, was relieved tempo rarily by the arrival of a special train from Richmond, Ind., bringing seven cars of provisions. . Last night Quartermaster Logan received word from L nited Mates Army Quartermaster General Ayleshire that 300.000 rations were ordered shipped from Chicago, 100 ranges and one com plete quartermaster depot from Colum bus, Ohio, 3,300 tents, 100 hospital tents and 400 stoves from Philadelphia, and 34)0.000 blankets and 500 bed sacks from St. Louis or Cincinnati. The thing that makes the situation more difficult for concerted rescue work is the peculiar geographical situation of the town, whkh is divided into six sec tions, three of them being now entirely isolated. Pestilence is feared, and sanitary and health officials are mapping out their West Indianapolis Is Under Martial Law Partial Restoration cf Water and Street Car Service Ex pected Todiy. Indianapolis, Ind., March 28. Night brought the flood-devastated Indiana c:t ies great relief through the rapidly tall me waters, but from the southern Biid southwestern portions of the state, where many streams converge into the Wabash river, report ot varying re liability brought talcs of fresh disasters Partial restoration of the water service and the street car service was expected in Indianapolis today. West Indianapo lis is under martial, Ihe water toil tt v en feet last night. Governor Ralston has assumed full charge of the situation in West Indian apolis. Troops already on the scene have been supplied with ball cartridges in case of emergency. Advances in prices of foods made by commission merchants aroused the gov ernor to immediate action and the in formation that he had ordered an in vestigation with a view to establishing martial law in the wholesale districts had the effect of stopping any efforts to advance prices to the consumers. NOT WASHED AWAY, BUT 25 ARE DEAD Miamisburg, 0., Finally Communicates With Outside World Place Still Eight Feet., Under Water. Middletown, 0., March 28. Miamis burg, which haa several times been re ported as swept away, has been reached and reports a death list not to exceed 25. It is still under eight feet of water, but the river is receding rapidly. lowing statement summarizing the flood condition in Ohio through the Associat ed lress : "It is the concensus of opinion that the property loss in Ohio will exceed that siiMtuiiied bv San Francisco. This apparently incredible statement is easily understood when the widespread destruc tion to railroad property is calculated. "We ought to know tomorrow approx imntely what the loss of life has been. The indications tonight are that the lint may nut run as heavy as forecast at Davton but there are grave fears that a tremendous tragedy will be re vealed beyond the Scioto river, where the western part of Columous is com pletely devastated. "I he country Is making splendid re sponse to the apnea! for help. Presi dent Wilson and his secretaries of war and the treasury department are giving splendid assistance. Our great (Jitliculty still remains the lack of railroad transportation. We still need more help." Kelief work for the West Colunihu sufferers continued unabated through out the night, and hundreds were taken from their flooded homes. The entire district whs placed under the control of the militia. The authorities despaired of making 1I11 accurate death list until the waters had entirely subsided. GAVE SEVERAL CHECKS. $4,000,000 PROPERTY LOSS IN FORT WAYNE And Six Deaths City Has the Situation Under Control Today Water Going Down. 'Fort Wayne, Ind., March 28. The flood is receding three inches hourly and the city has the situation controlled. The property loss was $4,000,000 and the number of deaths, six. CONDITIONS STILL FRIGHTFUL. Although Muskingum River at Zanes ville Was Falling Fast. Zanesville, O., March 28. Muskingum river is falling rapidly, but the condi tions still are frightful. It ,is not be lieved the dead will exceed fifty. GOVERNMENT LENDING AID. No Red Tape Allowed to Stand in the Way of Relief. Washington, D. C, March 28. Presi dent Wilson threw open the resources of the federal government to the home less thousands fighting against water, flame and famine in Ohio and Indiana. RELIEF FUND REACHED TOTAL OF $100,000 Several Contributions of Large Size were Received in New York Yesterday for the Flood Sufferers. New York, March 28. Funds for the relief of the flood sufferers in Ohio and ndiana began pouring into the various bureaus established here for the purpose of receiving them and last night the ag gregate had reached generous propor- ions. The local Red Cross announced that with the fund colected by Mayor Jaynor, amounting to $20,130, it had on and tor relief work over $100,000. a nous members had contributed $4.1100 when the ex hange closed for the day. A unique gift was tendered Mavor iaynor by Theodore P. Shouts, presi- ent of the Interborougli Kapid .transit company, who will donate five per cent, of the receipts from the sale of subway nd elevated tickets next Monday. J he verage receipts on Monday are $110,000, hieh would give the fund .,o(H. Several theatrical managers have ten dered the use of tiieir theatres for bene fit performances and actors and singers have volunteered their services. Among the larger donators to the va rious funds yesterday are: Andrew Car negie, J. P. Morgan, Henry L. Dodge & Co., $10,000 each; the First National bank, Mrs. Russell Sage. Kuhn, Loeb & Co., and Alexander Smith Cochrane, $., 000 each; United Cigar Stores company, $3,000. The citizens committee for the infant relief of the tornado and flood victims was organized with Alton B. Parker at it head. But the Bank Declared That. They Were of No Value. ' Itiirlington, March 28. A man who gave his name as h. A. Carpenter and who said that he was A graduate of the medical college in this city, was arrested yesterday by Chief of Police P; J. Kimsell on a charge of pausing worthless checks and is now 11) jail. Carpenter went into Horn's restaurant yesterday and tendered check for ftMl, which was drawn on a llolyoke bank The check didn't secin to have the right ear mark-, and although the proprietor of the restaurant advanced ten dollar on li, .ne invesiigaren the matter and took it to the Merchants bank. From there the institution in Holvuke was communicated with and it was ascer tained that the check was not only of no value but that Carpenter had sent in other worthless pieces for various amounts from different places in Ne England. , Carpenter furnished Mr. IXirn with an other in place of the first cheek which was given but this was also of no value and then the, grand juror was inter viewed, with the result that a' warrant was i-sued for the man's arrest. The college catalogue contains the name of Elbridge Ai Careiiter and his residence is given as Boston. He was a member of the class of 11108. In searching him at the jail another check was discovered and a number of cards which bore the name of K. A. Carpen ter, with the residence given as New York City. LARGE BRIDGE CARRIED OUT Highest Water Ever Known at White River Junction Last Night SCORES OF FAMILIES DRIVEN FROM HOME Part of Water Supply Cut Off and Section Without Electric Lights V. N. G. INSPECTION. Will Start at Rutland With Headquar ters on April 24. Turlington. March 28. The dates for the annual insiiection of the companies of the Vermont National Guard have been fixed , and Major J. S. Wilson of Fort Kthan Allen, Captain L. C. An drews, who has been detailed with the of the stock exchange New York state militia, Captain J. H. Douglass and Lieut. L. J. Mygatt, who has been detailed with 'the Vermont militia, will be the insjiecting officers. The dates have been arranged as fol lows: Headquarter and Company A, Rut land, April 24. Company B, St. Albans, April, 18. .. Company C, Burlington, April 22. Company 1. St. Johnsbury, April 16. Company K, Bellows Falls, April 28. Company F, Northfleld, April 14. Company G, Woodstock, April 3'). Company If, Montpelier, April Company I and band, Brattleboro, April 20. Company K Springfield, April 23. , Company M, Burlington, April 23. tirst eavularv, troops A. audit, jNortn ficld, April 24 'and 25. Signal corps, Company A, Northfleld, April 2,1. i . Hospital corps, Burlington, date an nounced later. The inspection of property - will in clude all field service clothing and equip ment. The personnel of the organiza tions will be inspected in the evening. HIGHEST SINCE 1869. Water Carried Away a Bridge at Gleni . ... ,. . , Falls, N. Y. Glens Falls, N. Y., March 28. The swollen waters of the Hudson river last night washed away the bridge at this city. Two persons are reported drow ned. The river, rising an inch every hour, reached its highest point here since 180!). The flood situation in the Adirondacks was at an acute stage. Pulp and paper companies and barge canal contractors have suffered losses that cannot be esti mated at this time. The village of Luzerne was cut off by water. Many houses are flooded, and it is feared others will be dislodged by floating logs. The pulp mill has been wrecked and the dam is in danger. In Glens Falls trollev traffic is crippled by the flooding of Mechanicsville power house. Washouts are holding up trains on the Delaware 4 Hudson. In South (ilens Falls, the pumping station is flood ed, leaving the village without fire protection. At Fort Edward, many, persons have More than $350,000 already has been ! souuht hieher srround. fearinsr the Inter- expended and the president p is deter mined that no red tape shall stand in the way of instant relief everywhere. Secretary Garrison of the war depart ment-left yesterday on orders from the president to survey the situation in Ohio and direct the government's relief ex pedition, and Mr. Wilson announced that if communication with the flood districts continued imperfect and his presence was required to issue emergen cy executive orders, lie would go to the zone 01 ine disaster himself. Postmaster General Burleson is con templating a quick journey to Ohio if the mail situation is not soon improved. Mail routes across the continent are bad ly affected And the task of disentangling the mail service to points in Ohio and Indiana untouched by floods will be tre mendous. - The navy department issued orders to its recruiting stations in the central West to send its marines, physicians and officers to co-operate with the army medical staffs. Power boats and yawls were despatched from naval stations on the Great Lakes. Secretary McAdoo of the treasury de partment sent Surgeon General Blue of the United States public health service to the flood areas and placed at the disposal of the governors of Ohio and Indiana all I nited States life savin? stations in those states. Secretary Mc Adoo waived customs regulations so that relief supplies could enter free from Canada. Secretary Redfield of the department of commerce ordered all available boats in the lighthouse service near the Ohio river to take part in the relief work. ith Secretary Garrison went Major (Jeneral Wood, chief of staff of the Cnited States army. Quartermaster Gen eral Aleshire and a staff of officers, phy sicians and surgeons. A sipnsl corns national Paper company's dam will go". Ten thousand logs are jammed at the Fort Edward bridge and half the town is inundated. Train communication be tween Albany and Montreal will be cut if the bridge goes. $800 IN HIS ARTIFICIAL LEG. Cripple Killed on His Way to Aid Ohio Flood Sufferers. Philadelphia, March 28. After the po lice and relatives had searched in vain for $800 which John Temkovitz bad drawn just before he was. killed by a United States mail wagon yesterday, a physician at the Hahnemann hospital found the money in a cavity of the man's artificial leg. Temkovitz, who lived at 4511 North Gratz street, was crossing the city hall plaza on his way to take a train for Cleveland when he fell and the wagon wheels passed over his neck. too STATE CASES, MOSTLY LIQUOR. work. fewer 01 the entire city were Idetachment joined the partv at the last burst by the flood, manholes being sim- j moment. ply blown from the earth. It will be x menage from Basic Citr, Ya.. last many days before the water service esnjniKilt. however, said that the train had be restored, and it will be more than ajbeen held up bv a washout west of week before street cars ran be run. .t., ..,. so thst its arrival will 1m. delaved. 1. sioner of education, issued" an appeal It is impossible to learn the names of-the dead so far recovered. Only one body in Riverdale has been identified and those recovered are Being taken to lo lhe teachers and school oflicer temporary morgues in churche and pri- throughout the country to receive con- itrihiition and send them to Dr. William M. Davidson, superintendent of schools st Washington. To Be Settled in County Court, Jurors Excused Till Monday. The jury in Washington county court was excused yesterday afternoon until Monday, when it is expected the state cases will be taken up. More than a score of cases were on the civil docket, but they have been disposed of. and it is not likely there will be any more eases for a crowded audience at the Clan Gor TALK OF THE TOWN Miss Eunice Story and Miss Elizabeth MeF.nany, teachers" in the city schools, went to their home in East Fairfield to day for the spring vacation. John E. Hughes, a former teacher at Spaulding high school, who has been passing several flays in the city as the guest of Principal and Mrs. C. H. White, has returned to his home in .Massachu setts. Miss Blanche F. Cooley will entertain the Daylight store clerks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Kendrick on Fast street this evening at 7 o'clock. Miss Cooley completes her duties at the store to-morrow night, alter a long periou 01 service, Burlington high school's baseball schedule, recently issued, contains sev eral games with Barre school teams. Burlington high will play Spaulding here on May and will fill its first date with Goddard in Barre May 31. Spaul ding plays in Burlington June 3 and Goddard 'plays a game with Burlington in Burlington May 6. The Meadow Brook Golf club held if annual ante-seasui meeting in Nichols hall last evening, with a large attend ance of members and others who in tend joining the organization. Plans were discused for improving the links in the Farwell street meadows, and other business was transacted. A second meeting will be held within a few weeks. Miss Km 111 a Sevegny entertained 25 of her young women friends at a-dinner party at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Beaulac, in the B. Tom asi block last evening. AfUr the din ner hour a program of games and music was carried out. Miss Sevegny will re turn to her home in Claremont, N. H.. this evening, after having passed several days in Barre. ' Lyon A Currier, wild operate large hen neries on the east side of the city, to day shipped a consignment of Rose Comb Red eggs to Golden Glow farm at Mil ford, Mass. The Milford consignment was one of several which the firm has lately shipped to distant parts of New F.ngland. The business of exporting fancy egga is one which is assuming large proportions in Barre. and Messrs. Currier and (.yon are not alone in build ing up a lucrative shipping business in the poultry line. " Mr. and Mrs. J. Shirley Jackson, Rob ert Young. Mary Ogilvie and W. I. Cock burn, who are to furnish entertainment White River Junction, March 28. Aft er having reached the highest point ever known and having carried out the large covered cariage bridge in this village, the waters of the White river began to subside last night, and danger of further damage by the Connecticut river at this point also seemed to be averted, although the detached bridge was resting against the bridge of the Passumpsic division of tht Boston 4 Maine and the Huge jam of 3,000,000 feet of logs, which caused the covered bridge to go out, was resting against the Boston & Maine bridge across the Connecticut river. The logs, which sre owned by the Champlain Realty company, broke away from their moorings in the White river at Sharon last evening and floating down the flooded stream brought up against the covered bridge in this village with tremendous force, lifting the big struc ture off its piers, turning it nearly around and sending it down stream till one end rested against the Passumpsic division bridge and the other end against the south bank of the stream. ' Arrangements were made with the town of Hartford to destroy the bridge and meanwhile a table was attached in order to keep the structure in, place. ; At the present time the bridge is little damaged. It was built in Iftti!) and was repaired a few years ago at a cost! of $8,000. It is 300 feet long. After carrying away the bridge, the log drive passed out of the White river into the Connecticut, and it now rests against the Boston 4 Maine bridge to West Lebanon. This bridge is weighted with freight cars, as is the bridge over the Passumpsic division, against which the bridge rests. It is thought that both these bridges will stand the strain. When the covered bridge went out, it carried out the' pipes of the Hartford Water company, which were strung along it; and as a result the village of West lbanon and part of Whlte Klver Junc tion are without water supply. The elec tric light system was put out of com mission, too, and this village was in darkness last night. Between 50 and 00 families were driven out of their homes I in this village by the flood; but this morning conditions began to improve,' as the water had receded about six leet. Train service out of this junction point is suspended in some directions. The chief trouble seems to be 011 the Central Vermont between this village and Bethel, two washouts being reported, which caused a complete halt in the train schedule in that direction. More trouble on the railroads is reported to the south of White River Junction. The water at St. Albans bay is said to have risen 14 inches in the past two days. SEVERAL BRIDGES GONE. Neshobe River Was Highest in Year at Brandon. Brandon, March 28. Owing to the condition of the roads, can no I by ' severe nun storm, the rural r from the local postoflice oty to mukp only a small nor'.c' ,.,ieir ,..!.. Tl... 1. ... .vv t . nil'". 1 hit 111 iu'-o ill ' . inim Allen's mill In Go-b- .vV in tor estilale, besides 11" . cix er ones, were washed away. N -e river was the highest it has beeh in years, overflow ing through Center street and causing much uainHge In the vicinity of rorest dale. TOUCHED WIRE WITH WETHAND TROUBLE AT BRATTLEB0R0. Last Evening Water Reached the High est Point Ever Known. Brattleboro, March 28. With the Con necticut river at 40 feet and two inches, the highest ever known, and rising si inches an hour, transportation out of thi village was cut off last evening. At both ends of the covered wooden bridge from Hinsdale to the island, water was rush ing over the roadway. At 0 o'clock two or three families who had refused to leave their homes on the island 'were removed by M. J. Moran and a crew in boat. The Brattleboro retreat meadows and the road are entirely under swirling wa ter, which was flush with the floors of the pavilion buildings on the island. The evening train for Newfane backed into the station here after meeting with a 70-foot washout less than two miles out. and train 40 backed in after finding the track over Hunt meadows two feet under water. TWO TO ONE FOR ViNCITIA. Barre Club Defeated Apollo of Mont pelier Last Evening. Victories in duplicate whist and pool gave the third tournament of the winter to incitia club over Apollo club of Montpelier last night, the visiting club winning the billiard match. The score in wliit wJ 110 to 00 and in pool 435 to 378. while Apollo's victory in billiards was ixU to fi3(. Refreshments were served as usual. ' The pool score was as follows: Vincitia. pollo. A. Averill 72 Jones .... 75 Matthews .... 75 Mvrick b'7 Braley ....... 75 Phillip, 70 J. Averill . 75 Moriarty 48 Milne 75 Jayne 43 Ahem (A3 Smith 75 435 378 The billiard score was as follows: Vincitia. Apollo. Matthews .... 91 Long 100 Lundgren 1 00 Wood 05 Braley ....... 02 Huntington . . . 100 Watt 100 Leslie .... 08 Milne ..UK) Milo 83 Ahern ........ 83 Phillips .100 , ',,.,..., . 5.H1 ...,Vi 678 PART OF BARNET VILLAGE WAS UNDERWATER Train Service in Northeastern Part Vermont Was Affected by Very High Water. of There were twelve tables of whist, each side winning at six. The Vincitia victories were: J. Averill and Cole from Howland and Lowe. 0 to S; B. White and E. Smith from Donnelly and Jayne, 8 to 3; Gordon and Sargent from Abbott and Temple, 11 to 7; Jackson and Lvnde from Briggs and Phillip, J7 to 7; Kos cne and Rogers from Hanson and Hull, lfl to 4; Clark and Sector from Laird and Howe, 9 to 8. The six Apollo victories at whist were: Urooks and liariow irom rerry and 1). Smith. 10 to 4-, Bailey and Cal lahan from Abbott and Mackay, 9 to 8; ileineinan and Shields from Randall and White. 8 to 7; Volhom and Stratton from Ballard and C. White. 15 to 5; Whittier and Greene from Phelps, and Austin. 11 to 9; Fitzgerald and Farwell from Hutchinson and Johnson,. 9 to 7. xSdward C. Spinney Electro cuted at St. Johnsbury Yesterday . ' INSTANTLY KILLED WHILE AT HIS WORK He Grasped Wire Where the Insulation Was Broken St. Johnsbury, March 2H. Kdward C. Spinney, a la borer, aged 35, w as instantly killed by electrieity yesterday 111 fho foundry of O. V. Hooker 4 Son. Ha went into the cupola to plaster up , wall preparatory to melting iron for a casting and had an electric light, pass ing through the upper part. While his hands were wet he reuched up to move the light and, touching the wire where the insulation was broken, received a shock that killed him instantly, lit leaves a wife and three children. DIED AT N0RTHFIELD. Two Albert W. Holton Had Been 111 Weeks With Pneumonia. News was received in Barre last night of the death of Albert W. Holton, which occured at his home in Northfleld ywstei day afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, after a. two weeks' illness pf pneumonia. Tid ings of Mr. Hoi ton's death was a distinct shock to many who knew him, because the crisis in bis illness seemed to have panned Monday night, and it was thought; that his recovery was but a matter of time. Besides his wife, he leaves a daughter, Miss Beatrice Holton of Mont pelier, and one eon, George Holton of Northfield. Three sisters and two broth-, ers also survive, as follows: Miss Clara G. Holton and Mrs. George Montague of Aorthneld, and Mrs. H. M. Houston of Maple avenue, this citv, Charles L. Hoi. on and- William H. Holton of North-' field. Albert Wentworth Holton was bom n Northfield July 23, 1808, on the farm where he died and where he had lived the greater part of his life. His mar riage to Clara K. Howard took place June 20, 1891. Mr. Holton was a mem ber of the Congregational church. funeral services will be held at the, house to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. J. B. Sargent, pastor of the Con gregational church at Northfield, will of- " flciate. The interment will be made in the village cemetery. i, MAKES FIRM DENIAL. for trial by jury. There are about 100 state cases to be taken up. and most of them for alleged illegal selling of liquor. Divorce cases and court matters will be attended to to-day. St. Johnsbury, March 28. Traffic over the Passumpsic division of the Boston & Maine railroad has been handicapped or entirely stopped during the past few davs, there being several washouts south of St. Johnsbury through the town of Barnet. Last night there was another landslide near Norwich. A large gang of workmen succeeded in Ailing t large washout near the electric light station, and a train was run over the track last night. The lower part of the village of Barnet was under water last night, and the water was up to the top of the fences on the street leading from the depot into the village, when a dam broke away at West Barnet. The village telephone op erator at Barnet, Mrs. Campbell, spent the night in a house surrounded by water. The Maine Centra! railroad has several washuuts and a landslide on its line be tween here and Lunenburg. In the vil lage of Conocrd two dams have been car ried away and one end of the highway bridge has been undermined. I"he railroad track from St, Johnsbury north is still open and the only way to get trains through to St. Johnshury is to send them over the St. J. & I. C. j road, which was open at last reports Alonzo Chase Tells Jury He Was Not Improper Toward Mrs. Sherman. Burlington, March 28. Alonzo Chase, proponent in the Caroline Sherman con tested will case, took the stand again yesterday in county court and. looking straight at the jury, denied absolutely that he ever left orders with I. W. Hatch that he wanted to be notified at once when Mrs. Sherman "turned up her toes." He also denied the charges made by the contestants that he ever taught Mrs. Sherman to play whist," influenced her against lie r wi'd and conducted himself in any way that was not entirely right and proper. The case, which has occupied the time of county court for the past week, is drawing to a close.' Arguments ' were begun yesterday forenoon and took up the remainder of the day. L. F. Wilbur and M. G. Ieary opened the arguments and the closing arguments were made by R. W. Hulburd and V. A. Billiard. MORE TROUBLE FOR QUARRIES. Lack of Power Came as Handicap After the Long Rain. On top of the check to quarrying op erations because of the rain and high, ater. which had forced a suspension of ork in the Uarre quarries all the week. eame the loss ot power due to the acci dent at the Bolton Fails plant of the Consolidated Lighting company, which, necessitated shutting down that plant. The. water broke through the gate, flooded the lower station and reached the upper station, reaching the wires running to the switchboard and causing a "grounding." The power was turned, off and steps were takeu to start thu auxiliary plant at the Pioneer. The auxiliary plant was put into operation last evening. At the Bolton plant when it became necessary to shut off the power, a crew of men was sent into the pit to sweep the water away from the wheel. This work was- carried on through the night and today the gang was reinforced. Pumps were established at the head of the pit and it is expected that the dam age will be soon repaired. The power was turned off at 7:40 o 'clink last night and within twenty minutes the changu to the company's auxiliary plant had been effected. . BODY WAS RECOVERED. Bert Davenport, Wo Died in Southera Vermont Was Well Known Here. . Mrs. Elmer E. Perry received word this morning that the body of her broth er, Bert Davenport, had been found in the town of Windham following the 1 . . . " 1 RETURN.) THE SWORD. King Ferdinand Also Gave Compliment ary Words to Turkish Commander. Adrianople. March 28. King Ferdi nand of Bulgaria to-day entered the fortress, drove through the long line of Turkish prisoners and proceeded to the military club, where Shukri Pasha. Turk ish commander-in-Wiicf. handd him bis P. P. Claxton. I nited States mmmi- ; sword. Kinc Ferd.nand returned the don com-eft this evening, arrived in the! city to-day from Boston. Seats for the affair have been selling rapidly, and it is expected that the attendant will be even larger than that of last year, when the same company of entertainers gave a concert in the oera house under the auxpH-es of Clan Gordon. In addition to the artists participating from out of the city. Miks Bessie Spear ot Barre will ! but seriously threatened at several points along the line. C. V. SERVICE CRIPPLED. man' ilifta mien m nee hist Mdiirfav. On One witness yesterday was Dr. . that day iie girted out, saying he was E. Flanders, who testified as a medical ... .In some work. He dirf not re. expert on certain phases of senile de-jturn aild BP,roh had failed to solve the a. -eri .a . J AL-a. 1 e I ..... meniia. 1 lie wnnexa naiu mm loss ui ,,.,(., ti l this uiornmir. .No narticii- memory, general debility, eccentric ideas and sometimes hallucinations were symptoms. The witness testified that if Mrs. Sherman thought she could not stand on the ground w ithout feeling pain and if she thought she had been kissed on the lips by a man. these might lie symptoms of senile dementia and hallu cinations. SUED ON CANCELLED CHECK. And Hone Seller Collected From Pur chaser, Who Returned Horse. ... .,t i 1 rv., . t South of Montpelier Junction Trains j L. , j?. " v iv 1 . 11 . . Tt I Frank I-afremere vs. I. I). Longe. apt.. Were Held Up. Nnnumpsit. which has been on trial at St. Albans. March 2.-Train service ! Franklin county court for several days. .....ll of the hMw r.ii. went to the jury at 10:30 yesterday act as 'accompanist, and James Awards and flood damege. The Boston mail, ,' morning and at 1 1 ' the jury re- rill furnish bagpipe selections. George (.enert. who left Barre it the due here at 6:15 p. m.. was held up near I '"rn w ith a verdict tor the plaintiff Braintree on account of a weakened " recover !..... 1 he case was over outbreak of the Balkan strife last fall: bridge. The IWon expre.s has been ; ' Pr '"" ' "f,mr ,"-v "ge irom w ith the intention of joimmr a detach- (abandoned entirely, after getting as f,r j i-airemere .a-i ii ... iieKeu ment of Greek American hound for thelas South Kovalton. The tracks of the that the i.ore was noi as va.uame as brs of the cause of death have been received, but a letter received earlier in the week from Mr. Davenport's employ er said that Mr. Davenport had not been feeling well. The deceased was 02 years of age and was unmarried. He was well known in this vicinity, particularly in Williams town, where he lived for some time. He left six years ago for Weathersfield and three years ago went to Windham. The body will be brought to Barre for bur ial." K. E. Perry will go to Windham to bring the body here. ALLIES ATTACK AT TCHATALJA. vate home, so that an aceurate count: of the bodies is impossible. STREAMS DROP RAPIDLY. Flood Danger ia Wester- New York Is Checked By Cold Weather. Buffalo. X. Y March 2 .-A cold wave and clear weathT checked the floods in GOV. COX' STATEMENT. Believes Property Lass in Ohio Will Ex ceed San Fraadsca Disaster. I'ohimhus, O.. Marco 2. overnor Mlrrs New lork today, and lhiJnics M. I'ox Ut n ght iuei the M- tnaL wesn with complimentary words. PLEADED NOT GUILTY. Charge of Murdering Hatband. Plymouth. !.. March 28. Mr. Jen nie Slay Katon pleaded not guilty whea she was arraigned to-tisv on an indtct- nent rhargtiig the wnrdT of her hus band. Rear Admiral Jovph Giles Ktn. bv potoof.irc. No date was t for a ! front, returned to Barre yesterday 1 morning. Mr. Generis arrived in Lowell. Mass.. the recruiting city, after the rank of the rirt volunteer reriment Central Vermont, north of here, are all represented at the time ot uie purchase and I-onge returned the animal to it At Johns bridge in Swenton. the M is-j '''""er owner and ram-r!!ed payrnent on sisouoi river 1 wo hiSh that it is impow- '"' 'h,,ok- La'ren.ere bronsht suit for K..I h.. fillet II. ... . : I. .1.1. n,n iKe l-tre rara ovr i t amount 01 me rnrfk. I ne ease now t:. -l , ".. . , . t.i. t.L., beinir tried t . H. Hale. ant. va. the tt-. - -. j j )' '" fimm 01 snaring ine a irw i t'",r .... " . , , . ... .... Mra. Eatoa Was Arraigned To-day ea , ' f . ,,rk ,.' , . , . ... ' Kelwa here and Swanton. Ma-ach.iett Accident company. C G. to St. Paul. Minn., where he .. em- and those who do go are transferred by "Y",,B l .iiomeys K.r ine ploved for a a time ,;r4 news-1 team. ' , ?t',nU rvl Klr,"r J"nn" ' h e- !epee whVh furnhrd new from the i The Lamoille river at Fairfa Falls. ,' fn.nt to thoMands of Hellenie people ! w here the lant of the Vermont Power A in the middle W est. Mr iim, k.. f !nufa tnrinr romi-anv is located, ia revnmfd bis dutie. at the I'mhl Kruit.hicher than it ha ever been, and the) Fa r tonight and Saturday; tore and will make his borne in Barrelwater ba tarried away a portxn of temp-rstare Saturday. titrrtrg the summer. Weather Forecast, Desperate Fighting Is Progressing Along the Lines. Sofia. March 28. The great Bulgarian army operating in front of the Turkish line' of defen-e at Tchatalja received orders to take the offensive simiiltane- 011-ly with the advance againt Adrian ople'by the combined Servian and Bulga rian force. I hiring the three days beginning on Sunday constant ault on the Turkish work at var.o'-s points of the Tchatalja lines were carried out. The Turkish de fender operated against the advance of the BulgLriana with five divisions of in fantry and a brigade of cavalry sup ported hr rttman warship at each enl of te line. The result of the fighting wala steady adiaw by the Kulagnan tmop w ,o r-- rine ! onrupird their o po;tior artf the J.n MWate wet-'which they h abandoned at the lgn- ftne of the power company' building. er!y wind, becoming ariabie. airg of winter.