I THE BARRE DAILY TIMES, BARRE, VT., FRIDAY, MAY ay, m. BARRE DAILY TIMES FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1914. FRANK B. LANGLEY. Publish., Let it be a memorable Memorial day In the best sense. Governor Fletcher's solo piece the harmony of an otherwise tuneful week in Montpelier. "Tramp, tramp, tramp, the boys are marching." With their hearts still stout they trudge sturdily along. The French people are probably more reconciled by the feeling that they were beaten by a Franco-American on the golf, links. . It would be very unfortunate if legiti mate business interests in Vermont should suffer as the result of any dispute among officials. We notice that Charles H. Thompson of Montpelier has gone to Oyster Bay "on invitation of Colonel Roosevelt." Those Progressives, who recently deposed Thompson, undoubtedly have noticed the lime item. WMemore's II Shoe Polishes FINEST QUALITY L ARC 1ST VARIETY DRESSING I mmm- PRESERVES 1 LEATHER! toi-pa g LUSTRE 1 far k "GILT EDGE." the only ladies' shoe dreuine that Mitivelycouuiua Oil. Blacks, Pollahea ana Pr- ervea ladies' and children1 aboei, ill In CI without rnbblna.WC FRENCH GLOSS, luc "DANDY" combination for elcaninaaiid southing ail kindtor mauet or tau snoee, hoc ik i,iuc, -ni.'irn WHITEH(inllnuldformwllhBDOlil!;auick Irckam and whitens dirty canvas aboea. )(ic. ac. "ALSO" cleana and whitens BUCK. MIBUCK. SUEDE, and CANVAS SHOES. In round while cukes racked in sine boxes, with sponge, lc In DaucU some, large aiamiuum boxes, with sponge, 5c If Tnr drain1 inn not kep the kind too want, na 01 tl price IBitamp lor luuiiae pacjuir., curjc. iiu. WHITTEMORC BROS, m CO., 20-26 Albany Street, Cambridge, Ma The Oldest and tartest Manufacturer! of Shoe Polishes its the World. The candidate for Congress from a Texas district who resorted to an auto matic pistol in an encounter with anoth er candidate ought to be barred auto matically from all possibility of serving that constituency. The climate of Wash Sngton would not agree with him, we feel sure. Senator Dillingham's faith in Vermont's water resources, as outlined in his ad dress at St. Albans last evening, is shared by those corporations which have gone to unusual lengths in buying up the rights on the larger streams of the state. . These water rights are bound to become very valuable, especially in view of the possible situation, as stated by Senator Dillingham, when industries will seek lo cations in the less populated but well equipped sections like many parts of Ver-ment. WEBStERVIXLE. Florence M. Rock was pleasantly Bur prised Wednesday evening when, upon returning from an auto ride, she found 25 young lady friends awaiting her at her home. L pon entering tne room, which was prettily decorated in green and white, Miss Rock was met by little Misses Rosa Rouleau and Gladys Wat son, who in nehalt of the company, pre sented her a basketful of beautiful linen With a few well-chosen words, Miss Rock thanked the young ladies, who so kindly remembered her. An enjoyable evening was spent in singing and play ing "games. During the evening ice cream, cake, punch and wafers were served by Misses Blanche L. Reason and Kuth h,. AlcLeod. The party broke up shortly after midnight, all wishing aliss Koek much happiness. MONTPELIER. Marshmallow topping on lemon cream sherbet on Saturday at Russell's. Let Us Look After Your Shoe Wants White Shoes, Nubuck , and Canvas. - Tennis Shoes, High and Low Cuts. Rubber-Soled Oxford3 , for men and women. Elk Sole Play Shoes and Sandals for the, chil dren. Mary Janes and Two Strap Slippers for misses and children in Gun Met al, Patent and Tan. In fact, we can supply you with almost any thing you want in the shoe line. Come in and be con vinced. ... Rogers' Walk -Over Boot Shop 170 No. Main St, Barre, Vt The Montpelier seminary baseball team will meet the Montpelier high school team on the seminary campus Saturday, May 30, at 2:30 p m. A ver tmrd struggle is anticipated, as bot teams are in good condition and have met with good success thus far. It will be a game worth seeing, as the schools are naturally rivals and the seminary has a team which is far better than any turned out from the school for several years. The high school also has a snappy little team. , A Regular Reminder from your insurance company helps de velop the saving nauit. it has advan tages over other methods for this as well as other reasons. National Life Ins, Co, of Vt. (Mutual.) S. S. Ballard, general agent, Lawrence building, Mont pelier, Vt. Dance six hours on a fine floor to fine music Friday night in Holland hall. Riley's orchestra. 4 COUGH TWO YEARS OLD Yields to Vinol Read Why Strong vigorous men and women bard ly ever catch cold; it's only when the system is run down and vitality low that colds and coughs get a foothold. Now isn't it reasonable that the right way to cure a cough is to build up your run-down condition again t Mrs. I). A. MeGee of Waycross, Ga, says: "I had a chronic cold and cough which kept me awake nights for two years, and 1 felt tired all the time. Vinol cured my cough and I feel strong er in every way. 1 he reason V inol is so efficacious in such cases is because it contains in a de licious concentrated form all the medi cinal curative elements of cod liver oil, with tonic, blood-building iron added. Chronic coughs and colds yield to Vi nol because it builds up the weakened, run-down system. You can get your money back any time if Vinol does not do all we say. Red Cross Pharmacy, Floyd G. Russell, Barre, Vt. P. S. For itching, burning skin, try our fraxo taive. we guarantee it. Advt. Combinations tfot Save You Money IsftlN IIS GUNN Sectional Bookcases Are just what the word implies-SeetionaL With these Sections you are enabled to make many combinations, eucb a A Bookcase . 1 A Ladies Desk 1 A Window Seat ) SEE ILLUSTRATION SEE ILLUSTlATION A Bookcase A Ladies Desk A Window Seat No matter what the ehape or aiza of your room, or how many books you have, the Sections will fit. You can atari with one Section, at little expense, and add more Sections when required. They are the finest, best Sectional Bookcases made, in every respect. Notbecause we sell them, but we know that "GUNN Guaranteed Con. traction" stands for THE BEST in furniture building. Roller-bearing, removable doors (handy for cleaning), are only a few of their many exclusive features, found in no other make. Call at our store and let us demonstrate the many combinations and show you this beautiful line in many styles and finishes. FREE, to yon, a bandy GUNN Souveaier Bookmark. A. W. BADGER & COMPANY Furnishing Undertaken and Embalmers TX BEST 9f A VIS BLAH CE TELEPHONE 447-1 1 ! SEBTICX We've just made a heavy purchase in trav eling bags so as to be ready for you when you're ready for that little trip. Also that extra suit at $15 that will fit you and the bag. Summer shirts, neckwear and all the other fixings. We Clean, Press and Repair Clothing F. H. Rogers & Co. SOUND BANKING POLICY To encourage thrift, stimulate safe and scrupulous investment and apply courteous and painstaking attention to the interests of our depositors, is an es sential part of the policy of this Bank. Believing that the continued success of any institution depends largely upon , this attitude toward the public, the Di rectors of this Bank have and are shap ing its policy along these lines. We invite your account on the above basis. - . Peoples National Bank U. S. Depository Open Monday Evenings from 7 to 8 SUNDAY SERVICES AT THE CHURCHES TIMES AND PLACES OF WORSHIP AND SUBJECTS OF SERMONS Mission Union Sunday School. South Barre Meets every Sunday. Swedish Mission on Brook Street- Sunday school at 10:30 a. m. Preach ing service at 7 p. m. All Scandinavians are welcome. First Presbyterian Church, Graniteville Preaching service at 10:30; Sunday school at 11:45: evening: service at o'clock. Everyone cordially invited, Rev. Mr. McNeil will preach. First Presbyterian Church Duncan Kalmond, pastor. Morning service at 10:30; subject, "A Runaway Slave." Sunday school at 12 o'clock. Junior meeting at 3 p. m. Preaching service at 7 p. m.; subject, "Three Deadly Sins x nat Are v ery common, i'rayer meet mg Ihursday at 7:30. First Baptist Church George H. Holt pastor. Morning service at 10:30; preaching by Dr. W. A. Davison, secre tary of the Vermont Baptist state con vention. Christian Endeavor meeting at 6 o'clock. There will be no preaching service m the evening. Thursday even mg, teachers' meeting at 6:45; at 7:30, prayer meeting. Universalist Church John B. Reardon. minister. Preaehing service at 10:30; subject, "The New Appreciation of the Bible. .Bible study at 11:45; subject, The Grateful Samaritan." Devotional meeting of the Young People's Christian union at 7; subject, "The Glory of Serv ice. Monthly business meeting oi tne board of trustees Thursday evening at 30. Hedding Methodist Episcopal Church F. Newell, pastor. Morning worship at 10:30: sermon appropriate to Memo rial day, "True Patriotism." Short ser mon to young people on, "Hie Brave lit tle Drummer lioy." Sunday school at II: oU; lesson on. lhe Sin ot jngrati tude," and graded lessons. The pastor's class will take up, "Christian Socialism." hpworth league at 8; Bublect, lhe Builders of Methodism Francis Asbury, the lldernesg Apostle. An interesting program will be followed out. Regular evening service at 7. The third in the series of addresses on, "The Voyage of Life Tiat Pilot T" Thursday evening meetmtr topic, "Has the Tide Really Turned Religiously ? Congregational Church J. W. Barnctt, pastor. 10:30 a. m., worship and ser mon; subject, "lhe Reversals of His tory." 12 m., Sunday school. 5:45 p. m., V. P. S. C. E. 7 p. m., worship and sermon; subject, "we would nee Jesus. Thur8dnv, 7:30 p. in., midweek meeting; topic, "The Joyful Life," II. John 1:13. In the morning the choir will sing "Holy Art Thou" (Handel's "Largo"), "With rateful Hearts" (Mason), and "Behold the Master Passtth By" (Hammond), Ito solo. The evening offerings will be, Lo the Day of Rest Declineth" (Robin son), "Saviour, Like a Shepherd Lead (W.B.B.), "God s Nearness" (Kuten- ber), and "O Lord and Master of Us All" (Wallace). flllll WIJJIIl1. iiui!iUiil U. iiCTW M VI Thim Rt wm ill I W Use tha Coupon! This Book Will l Open Your Eyes II will gin you tha opportunity to t all tb him brr doort, windows, floorinc, mantels, moaldiDa, shingles, roofing -svery thing- yoa nsed to tmikt or rs psir say hooso, bam. rarago or any building and gt It all at half ths regular prtoss.. And overr stick of it twne goods frsab from our own mills insmt quality. Satisfaction absolutely guaranteed. Our rssponsibUlty vowhod for by 4 of New England's biggsst banks. Wo ora giwrantss sa deltvryt Split in Two Cost of Lumber Mill Work for Building or Repairing The Biff VY1 i& anaJIy pick four . . aiM nrl-.t it vnu full ta fi inis doos oerore ymi pay ont a penny mr any DuraiDg or rrpamng. uur onormous tuai- ias saabieo os to sav yon muen prtoro money man yoo ex pert! (jt the book ana aee i mr yoor eir. Man cou pon now this moment. Webber Lumber A Sup ply Co. 30 Be mis Road Fitch burg. Mass. r s fttm . - .sJ Wabbr Lumber & Sapplr Co., 30 BmU Road. Filchbarc. Hut. I - U.il 1 A V DEAVITT CALLED TO COURT Continued from first page. 1 wmut rxr bit Fro. Book. lUilt I cv, ur fv m . v. ...... ..... , Oty tt I to do business in the state of Vermont nor had they become so authorized on the 14th day of January, 1914, nor have they become so authorized since that day to the knowledge of said governor; that suid governor did not know on said 7th day of February, 1913, that said com panies were not authorized to do bus iness in the state of Vermont and that said governor did not know on said day that said American Fidelity company was then in the serious financial condi tion hereinbefore set forth but supposed and believed that said companies were authorized to do business in the state of Vermont and that said American Fi delity company was in a sound financial condition. "The relator further avers that said Deavitt on said 7th day of February, 1913, well knew that said foreign com panies were not authorized to do bus iness in the state of Vermont and that said American Fidelity company was in the serious financial condition hereinbe fore set forth and that the capital of said American Fidelity company had been seriously impaired to the extent that said company was not a safe surety upon said bond when it was re-tendered to said governor for his approval as aforesaid and the relator further avers that said Deavitt wilfully, maliciously and contriving and intending to deceive said governor and to procure bis approv al of said bond and said instruments executed by said Southwestern Surety Insurance company, said International Fidelity Insurance company, said South ern Surety company and said New Eng land Casualty company attached to said bond as aforesaid, did not inform said governor as to the financial condition of said American Fidelity Insurance com pany as hereinbefore set forth and that said Southwestern Surety Insurance company, said International Fidelity In surance company and said Southern Surety company were not authorized to do business in Vermont as hereinbefore set forth but wilfully and maliciously and with intent to deceive said governor as aforesaid withheld and concealed said facts from said governor and said gov ernor then and there believing that said American ridentr company was in a sound financial condition and that all of baid other companies were authorized to do business in the state ot V ermont and not knowing to the contrary, on the 7th day of February, 1913, approved said bond and said instruments attached thereto and on said day delivered to said Deavitt his said commission as treas urer of the state of Vermont executed by said governor and sealed with the seal of the state as aforesaid. The relator further avers that no oath of office has ever been taken by said Deavitt other than said oath of office taken on the 4th day of October, 1!U2, as hereinbefore set forth, a certifi cate of which said oath appears on said bond. "No Authoriied Agents." "The relator further avers that said Southwestern Surety Insurance com pany, said International Fidelity Insur- J ance company and said Southern Sure-' y company have no authorized agents or attorneys or any officers whatsoever the state of Vermont upon whom process can be served nor is there any manner of means known to the relator whereby process could be served upon said companies in case it were neces sary to bring action in the courts of this state to enforce said instruments executed by said companies and that it would be necessary to bring such action in the states of the domicile of said com- ' panies if such action became necessary. "lhe relator fuither avers that said American Fidelity company is at pres ent in the serious financial condition hereinbefore set forth; that said com pany has ceased to do employers' liabil ity and workmen's compensation insur ance business, which said business has hereintofore constituted the larger part of its business, and has since been doing only a small fidelity and surety business with a disproportionate overhead ex pense. "Your petitioner further avers , that on account of the financial condition of said American Fidelity company it re duced its capital stock from seven hun dred and fifty thousand ($750,000) dollars to three hundred and eighty-two thous and seven hundred and fifty ($382,750) dollars by cancelling and retiring three hundred and sixty-seven thousand two hundred and fifty ($307,250) dollars of said capital stock which the holders thereof surrendered to said company without receiving any compensation whatsoever therefor. "The relator avera that said bond and said instruments thereto attached are at present an unsafe, insufficient and in adequate security to the state of Ver mont. "The relator further avers that sub sequent to the first of July, 1913, said governor first became cognizant of the facts concerning the financial condition of the American Fidelity company here inbefore set forth and that said South western Surety Insurance company, said International Fidelity Insurance com pany and said Southern Surety company were not authorized to do business in the state of Vermont and thereupon no tified said Deavitt and Guy W. Bailey, secretary of state of the state of Ver mont, that said governor withdrew his approval of said bond and said instru ments attached thereto and further no tified aaid Deavitt to forthwith cancel and abrogate said bond and said instru ments attached thereto and to procure, present to the governor for approval and file with said secretary of state another bond in the penal sum of one hundred thousand ($100,000) dollars conditioned upon the faithful execution by aaid Deavitt of the office of the treasurer of the state of Vermont, with other and good and sufficient sureties upon said other bond, all of which said Deavitt neglected and refused to do and ha con tinued said neglect and refusal ever since. "The relator further avers that there is no other adequate remedy in the prem ises than that a writ of mandamua is sue from this honorable court directed to said Deavitt as treasurer of the state of Vermont and commanding said Deav itt to cancel and abrogate said bond of the American Fidelity company and aaid instruments attached thereto and to pro cure, present for approval to the govern or and fil with the secretary of state a new bond in the penal sum of one hundred thousand ($100,000) dollars con ditioned that said Deavitt shall faithful ly execute the office of the treasurer of the state of Vermont with good and sufficient sureties upon said new bond." The Petition. The petition for a writ' of mandamus reads as follows: Wherefore the relator prays: 1. That an order may issue from this honorable court or some justice thereof directing the how and when notice of the foregoing complaint shall be served upon said Edward II. Deavitt, treasurer of the state of Vermont as aforesaid, and directing and fixing tha time for aaid Deavitt to answer said complaint, and the time for taking testimony in said cause and the time and place for hear ing said cause and for other matters required to bring said cause to issue, hearing and determination. 2. That a writ of mandamus may is sue from this honorable court directed to said Edwerd H. Deavitt, treasurer of the state of Vermont, and commanding him forthwith to cancel and abrogate said bond of the American Fidelity com- ' pnny and said instruments attached thereto and to procure, present to the FRIDAY. SALE Store open Friday evening until 9 o'clock and closed all day Saturday. Come here Friday for your new Dress, new Waist, Skirt or Coat. Many new things for Decoration Day. Extra Sale of Waists Friday White and Colored Silk Waists at. . .$1.25 and $1.39 SILK GLOVES Long Silk Gloves, special 75c Fownes' Gloves, at 89c $1.00 SEPARATE SKIRTS WASH SILK WAISTS Wash Silk Waists $1.98 Wash Silk Waists 2.23 Wash Silk Waists ..... 2.50 WHITE WAISTS $1.25 value at... ...... 98c $1.50 extra value at ...$1.19 Colored Voile Waist at. 1.25 Serge Skirts at $2.25 up Special Skirt at $1.98 Silk Petticoats at $1.98, $2.25 White Petticoats at 79c, $1.00 HOSIERY You will find it pays to buy your Hosiery here; Gauze Hose. ...... .12c, 25c, 39c Silk Hose at ..............25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 up Ladies' White and Colored Dresses 72 Embroidered Colored Dresses for misses and ladies, to sell Friday at $1.25 Special $2.00 Crepe Dress for $1.25 Black and White Lace-Trimmed Dress 1.25 Other Dresses at ..... .... .$2.98, $3.98, $4.75, $5.75 Ladies' White Dresses at ..... . .$2.50, $2.98, $3.98 up Misses' White Dresses $1.50, $1.98, $2.25 White Dresses up to 14 years $1.50, $1.98 up Corset Values on Second Floor Underwear Bargains on Second Floor Ladies' Coats All Marked Down See the Coats received to-day, all bought under- price, now. . .$5.00, $6.98, $7.50, $7.98, $9.00, $10.00 Raincoats at...... ,.$1.98, $3.98, $4.98 The Best Make Kimonos, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.98 up Summer Underwear One of the best makes and best values in this country at 25c; in all sizes, also extra sizes. Ask to see them. Ladies' and Children's Vests 10c, 122c, 15c Come to this store for the new things in Belts, Neckwear, Beads, Ribbons, etc. Ml' I i ,,l JZ3B. a 1&Mfkan Store j governor of Vermont for his approval and file with the secretary of state a new bond in the penal sum of one hundred thousand ($100,000) dollars with good and sufficient sureties condition that said Deavitt will faithfully execute the office of treasurer of the state of Vermont for the remainder of said term for which said Deavitt was last elected. 3. And for such other and further relief in the premises as to this honor able court shall seem meet. Dated at Rockingham in the county of Windham, this 27th day of May, A. D., 1014. Allen M. Fletcher, Governor of the State of Vermont. Judge Watson's Order. The order signed by Judge Watson is as follows: The foregoing complaint being present ed to me, it is hereby made returnable to the supreme court within and for the county of Washington next to be held in general term at Montpelier in the county of Washington on the first Tues day of October, A. D., 1914. Let the Said complaint and this order be served on said Edward II. Deavitt, treasurer of the state of Vermont in ten (10) days from the date hereof in the same manner that writs of summons are required to be served and let him make and file his answer to said com plaint within twenty (20) . days after RHEUMA NOT A "CURE-ALL" Are you suffering from some form of rheumatism? Then you need a remedy for that disease only not a so-called "cure-all." Rubbing in liniments will only soothe the pain temoprarily. Rhcu- ma (not a patent medicine) stimulates free action of every organ and drives out all unnatural poison. 50 cents of the Red Cross Pharmacy.. It is guar anteed. Advt. We Are Open All Day Saturday Automobile We are at your service. To rent by the day or hour at reasonable rates, a good, new, easy car, with a steady, care ful driver. Please leave or ders at Cutler Bros, or at Cutler's Garage Memorial Day Specials Every lady making a purchase at our soda fountain Memorial Day will be given a guest-room size of Violet Dulce Talcum Powder free. Every gentleman making a purchase at our fountain or cigar counter will be given a baseball score counter free. Specials at Our Soda Fountain Lemon Cream Sherbet Caramel and Vanilla Ice Cream Cherry Melba College Ice Marshmallow Topping on Lemon Cream Sherbet jjr Kodaks for Decoration Day d1 r CtaOCf Fresh films for all sizes. We do developing and printing of your kodak films. We guaran tee to get all there is from them "If it isn't an Eastman, it isn't a kodak." The Red Cross Pharmacy -i 1 Mf Iff such service is made and furnish the re lator with a copy thereof. 1 Let the relator take and file his tes timony within thirty (30) days after the time for answer has expired and the said respondent his testimony within thirty (30) days after the time for tak ing the relator's testimony has expired and let the relator rebut in ten (10) days after the time for taking respond ent's testimony has expired. The testimony on both sides to be tak en on reasonable notice, in the form of depositions, omitting cause of taking, and copies thereof be furnished to the opposite party. Let the cause be heard at the general term of the supreme court commencing on the first Tuesday of October, 1914, at such time in such term as the court may set and sanction. Done at Montpelier in the county of Washington this 27th day of May, 1914.