THE BARRE DAILY TIMES, BARRE,. VT., FRIDAY, MAI' 29, All Honor . to the Heroes of 1864 Decoration Day cannot fail to bring to our minds the terrible hardships endured by the men and women of 50 years ago, while they were fighting for the right. The contrast between their mode of life and ours makes our modern conveniences seem almost lux urious. Especially noteworthy is the vast improvement which has been made in the last half-century in the manufacturing and selling of merchandise.. Nowadays everyone, in every part of this great land, can purchase fashionable, up-to-the-minute' apparel practically as soon as it is shown in the big cities. Particularly is this true in Barre, where Fitts is always on the alert to secure the new ideas in desirable merchandise right when they are newest. Dainty. Waists for warm weather including the latest styles and materials on the market. Prices from 98c to $5.98 each. See our new Figured Crepe Waists. Hosiery Wayne Knit for la dies; all weights. Prices, 25c to $1.98 a pair. Onyx, all colors in cluding Blacks, at 50c a pair. School Hose, 15c, 2 pair for 25c. Cool Dresses Exceptionally pretty are the styles and mate rials for the cool sum mer dresses. Prices from $2.98 to $15.00. Children's Dresses, 50c to $5.00. La France leads them all Newest and best styles in O x f o rds ,nd Pumps $3.50 and $4.00. Tennis Oxfords, 90c and $1.15. Tennis Bals, $1.00 andjl.25. jf' If lnte A Coats Stunning models are always in the lead in our Garment Depart ment. New arrivals in Coats that are so much in vogue. Prices from $5.98 to $22.50. Gloves "Kayser's Silk" Double tip fingers 79c, $1.00, $1.25 pair Lisle Gloves, 25c and 50c pair. Chamoisette Gloves, White, Black and Chamois, 50c pair. Parasols Never was our line so complete of handsome Parasols as right now, ready for the early shoppers. New shapes that will surely attract the eyes, different than the ordinary. Prices from 25c to $5.50 each. The Homer Fitts Company HEADQUARTERS FOR DRESS GOODS AND SILKS TALK OF THE TOWN Special, Rummer underwear, at the 'Vaughan Store. A showing of white hats Thursday and Friday of this week, also a great re duction sale u all colored hats. Miss L. E. Tawnsend, 53 Washington street. To-night the Larry Iioyd Musical Com 'edy Co. will play "The Egyptian Mum my." Saturday they play "The New Bell Bov." They are at the Tavilion. Adv. " ' The management of the Italian A. C. have gone to great expense "to secure the strong St. Johnsbury town team to replace the Vermont team for to-morrow's game. The game will be played at the Berlin street grounds, commenc ing nt 3 o'clock. Adv. TALK OF THE TOWN Buy jour silk and gauze hose at the Vaughan Store. (iuest room size violet dulce talcum with soda, at Russell's, on Saturday. Baseball counters free at Russell's on Saturday to gentlemen making purchases at our fountain or cigar counter. Have you seen the Larry Boyd Musi cal Comedy Co. at the Pavilion? You had better get in before it is too late. Adv. Cal Carey, formerly of the Hardwick A. C, has signed with the Barre A. C. Carey, besides being a fast fielder, is a heavy hitter and daring baserunner. He will make his initial appearance Memo rial day, when the B. A. C. play Han over for two games. Come out and look him over. Adv. TALK OF THE TOWN Absolutely Pure Preferred by Housewives, Physicians and Pastry Chefs. Indispensable In malting finest cake and pastry ' Big sale silk waists at Vaughan's, Guest room size violet dulce talcum with soda, at Russell's, on Saturday. , Entire change of program by the Larry Boyd musical company at the Pa vilion to-day; another entire change to morrow. Adv. In order to afford the public first class baseball the Italian A. C. secured the St. lohnsbury town team for the Memorial day game cancelled by Vermont. The St. .lohnsbury team is stronger than last season's aggregation. Charlie Hoernle, the Goddard coach, will do the catching. Cray, Witts, the Goddard stars, and other reputable players, will lie seen in the line-up of the visitors. Adv. An heirloom of priceless value that forms a part of Hooker 4, Co.'s attrac tive Memorial day window is attracting the attention of nearly every pedestrian who passes in front of the store. Against a background effected by a large United States 11a?, is shown an old fash ioned steel engraving of the sixth Mas sachusetts regiment passing through Bal timore. It was there in 1801 that the first blood of the Rebellion was shed. I.'nder the command of Colonel Robert Shaw of Boston, the sixth regiment of infantry started to en train at Balti more. While marching through the streets of the Maryland eity, the north ern soldiers were attacked by a mob of men armed with pistols, knives, clults, etc. Their aggressive attitude finally burst into sporadic attacks on the in fantry men, who returned the fire from the men with pistols. There were cas ualties on both sides. The, picture is a contemporary representation of the af fair and was loaned for exhibition pur poses by O. T. Robinson. BARRE DAILY TIMES FRIDAY,. MAY 29, 1914. .The Weather Partly cloudy and warmer to-night and Saturday; probably local showers. Moderate variable winds. TALK OF THE TOWN "BP w 1 Dav J e Honor Memoria X by closing our places of business and lending our aid in the proper observance of the occasion. 1 In order to do this in a fitting manner, we should be prop- erly attired. We are continually looking after your wants, in our line, I and this season is no exception. Our store will be open until 9 o'clock this evening for your accommodation. X X WE SHALL BE WAITING FOR YOU. : t The Frank McWhorter Company I ! ! New waists nt Fitts'. Summer corsets at Vaughan's. Special values in serges at Abbott's. See the ladies' thin dresses at Ab bott's. Watch for Laws' new soda fountain opening! Genuine Trot-Moc shoes at the Tilden Shoe Co. A big sale of corsets, 45c a pair, on Friday at Perry's. Long silk gloves, special, at the Vaughan Store. Dance! Everybody will dance Friday night in Howland hall. Marshmallow toouiniz on lemon cream sherbet on Saturday at Russell's. Dance in Miles' hall Saturday niorht: aunussion ou cents; ladies free. Spray your trees and garden with py rox. j-or sale at the Kemnton mill Opening day is cominir at the New England Fruit Store's new soda foun tain. To-morrow, Decoration dav. Drown Drug Store will be closed from 12:30 un til 5 p. m. New sanitary soda fountain at the New England Fruit Store. Watch for opening date. . All union stores will be open until o'clock Friday night and will be closed ail day haturuav. Baseball counters free at Russell's on Saturday to gentlemen making purchases at our fountain or cigar counter. Dr. J. W. Stewart of West street re turned last night from Rutland, where lie was called bv the illness of his broth er. Special sale fancy English stvlc bis euits, assorted box 4"e value for 34c just the thing for the picnic lunch. F. D, Ladd Co. Holiday program at the Bijou to-morrow, "The Heart of the Hills," a two- reel Rex drama; "Poison," a western drama:; also a Crystal comedy. Adv, The dinner to be served on Memorial day at the Congregational church is in charge of the Ladies of the G. A. R. in stead of the Women's Relief corps, as stated yesterday. Mrs. Alexander Rennie, who has been spending several months at her former home in Aberdeen, Scotland, arrived home this morning. She was accompanied from Jioston bv Mr. Rennic, who met her at the pier. Sadlier, 10 Keith avenue, has just re ceived a large shipment of ladies and misses medium-priced midsummer par ments; also of picture and portrait frames. Convex glass a specialty. Give us a call. Adv. Only one game will be played at the Wrlin street grounds to-morrow. The St. .lohnsbury A. A. is the attraction. There will be no forenoon game. The afternoon game starts at 3 o'clock. Make it a point to be on hand for this game. Adv. Alfred Ilntehelder of Los Angeles, Cal a tormer resident of Itarre and Plain- field, called on friends in the city yester day. Mr. Batehelder came east a few weeks ago to accompany the remains of his father. He will make a few weeks' stay in this locality before returning to trie l'acinc coast. Some 30 members of the Vermont Poultry association from ltnrre, Mont nelier and surrounding towns held a ree ular meeting in the city court room last evening. Jn the absence of the. prea ident, E. M. Lyon occupied the chair. Practically the only business of impor tance came when nominations were callerl for a treasurer to fill the vacancy caused by the death of ex-Alderman William Crown. Charles Olliver was elected to serve as treasurer during the remainder of the vear. Mrs. Carl Eisenwinter and two chil dren of 133 Elm street left this morning for Natick, Mass., where they expect to pass several weeks with relatives. Mrs. Daniel Roach and children, who have been making an extended stay with friends in Jtarre and Montpelier, have gone to Syracuse, N. Y., where thev are to join Mr. Roach. M. H. Eldred left this morning at 8:15 o'clock for Burling ton, where he exiteots to remain until after Memorial day. Thomas Roark left this forenoon for Montreal, P. Q., to re main until after the holiday. Rev. Irv ing Towsley, who was in the city last evening to attend the Odd Fellows' an niversary, returned this morning to his home in Washington. Inquiry here by the state officials de velops the fact that Car! Dolly, the Hloomfield man who is being held for the alleged murder of Peter Poulin on the banks of the Connecticut river last week, is well known in lumbering circles hereabouts. Until last year Dolly was employed as a woodsman by the Plain field Lumber Co. He was employed for some time by Hinman Pros, on their big logging job in the mountains of Orange nd frequently came to this city to pur chase supplies for the lumber camp. In the past year he has been working In the woods around Strafford, N. H., and in Essex county, this state. According to the allegation of the state. Dolly shot and killed one Peter Poulin, another woodsman, as the two, with a third man, the camp cookee. were returning home from Hloomfield village. His arrest fol lowed the discovery of the body the day aft the shooting. , Recently the re spondent was admitted to $5,000 bail, which his friends furnished. A large number of his acquaintances have circu lated a subscription paper with which they hope to obtain a defense fund, when the case comes to trial in the fall. Here in this locality Dolly bad a pood reputa tion among the lumbermen. TALK OF THE TOWN New couch covers at Fitts'. See the new belts at Vaughan's. New things in colored drepe cresses at Abbott's. v At 45c a pair, a special value in cor sets, at Perry's on Friday. Drown's Drug Store, will be closed on Saturday from 12:30 to 5 p. m. Mary Janes and Baby Dolls are the proper styles in footwear. Tilden Shoe Company. Regular meeting of the Central Labor union of Barre and vicinity will be held in carpenters' hall May "0, at 7:30 p. m. S. L. Cardi, sec. "The Stepmother," a two-reel Victor drama featuring the ever-popular Flor ence Lawrence, and other good pictures at the Bijou. Adv. Goddard seminary aided another game to its long list of victories this season by defeating the Graniteville A. A. at Gazeley's park in Graniteville late yester day afternoon by the score of 5 to 3. The frame was one of the best played in Graniteville this seson and attracted the largest crowd of the year. The remains of William Marr, the Barre granite manufacturer whose acci dental death occurred in Troy, N. Y., on Wednesday afternoon, arrived in the city this morning at 2 o'clock, accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lyman of Rutland and Matthew Haley, who was with Mr. Marr when he died. The body was taken to the home of the deceased, 21 Franklin street, where a prayer serv ice will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. At 2:30, o'clock funeral services will take place in the Congregational church, Rev. '!. W, Barnett, the pastor, officiating. The bearers have been chos en from St. Aldemar commandery, Gran ite lodge, No. 35, F. and A. M., Granite chapter, No. 25, R. A. M., the Granite Manufacturers' association and Clan Gordon, No. 12, O. S. C. Deputations from these bodies will attend the serv ices. Robert Marr of London, Ont., a brother of the deceased, will arrive in the eity this evening to attend the fu- nerai. WILLIAMSTOWN. I Hot Weather Corsets ! 2 In selecting your Corsets for summer, let us select for you X one of the Warner styles. We know it will fit you with gen- : : t I uine comfort, and no matter how hot the weather, you can not hurt your WARNER'S RUST-PROOF for the Corset is proof against moisture. You can "tub" a X Warner as safely as any muslin. Keep two pairs "going," X removing only the hose supporters from, the Corsets when you put it into the general laundry, and this is only because of the web, as all the metal parts of the hose supporters are I guaranteed rust-proof. We are headquarters for Warner's Rust-Proof Corsets. EVERY PAIR guaranteed. ' LET US SHOW YOU YOU WILL FIND IT PAYS TO TRADE HERE t x t HENRY W. KNIGHT, Barre, Vt. successor to veale & Knignt Lawn mowers repaired and sharpened by W. E. Randall, Grange hall block. Not an Isolated Case Many Similar Cases in Barre and Vicinity This Barre woman's story given here i3 not an isolated case by any means : week after week, year after year, our neighbors are telling similar good news. Mrs. N. M. Nelson, 20 Mer: chant St., Barre, Vt., says: "A severe attack of la grippe left my kidneys weak and instead of getting better, I became worse. The slightest housework tired me, and if I was on my feet for an hour or so, sharp pains across my back made me stop and rest. I paid out over one hundred dol lars for doctors' treatment and medicine, but got no relief and finally became discouraged. Doan's Kidney Pills were then brought to my attention and I used them. They removed the trouble and I have never been without a supply on hand since." For sale by all dealers. Trice, 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Satisfaction The big fact behind every sale at the live store, and we go the limit when we offer you such clothes as The House of Kuppenheimer, William Rosman Union Made, Belloff Bros. Union Made, in the differ ent models that fit you right. Crossett & Beacon Shoes and Oxfords, any last you may want. SPECIAL Summer Underwear in two-piece or union suits, in any color you want, Tan, White and Black, from 25c to $1 per garment. We can also fit the big man. SpecialSee our new straws for men, boys and children. Yours for better clothes and satisfaction. Union Clothing Co. Barre, Vermont Depot Square Phone 343-W WASHINGTON. Baptist church, Washington C. O. Dunham, pastor. Morning worship at 10:30; subject, "Paul's Monogram- 'In Christ.'" Bible school at 11:30. Chris tian Kndeavor at Hp. m.j topic, "Bible Circulation and Christian Conquest." Evening preaching at 7 o'clock. Mid week prayer and praise service Thurs day evening at 7:30. GRANITEVILLE. Baseball, Gazeley's park, Saturday, May 30, two games Graniteville A. A. vs. I. C. Seconds, of Barre. Morning game at 10:30, afternoon game at 3. Admission to both games,. 25c; ladies, 10c. Refreshments will be served on the grounds. Come prepared to spend the day. TOO LATE TO BE CLASSIFIED LOST Great Dune puppy, stands 28 inches at shoulder: pointed turn : name, Chief. Please notify A. L. Knicht, 87 Jefferson street. 65t3" WANTED At once, table girl. Buzzell Hotel. Apply at fstf GOOD HOUSE FOR RENT Bnth and burn room ; hot and eoia epnnn water ; orennra and Harden. W. G. Gumming, Trow Hill, telephone 392-14. 64t3 FOR SALE A wooden bedstead and flpnnjrfl : also an adjustable couch. Inquire at 20 Ayera street. 6Stf TENEMENT TO RENT- III street. -Apply at 20 Aver 65 tl COMMISSIONERS' NOTICE - ESTATE OF ELEANOR MASON The undersigned, havinu been appointed by the honorable probate court for the district of Washington. COMMISSIONERS, to receive. examine, and adjust the claims and demands of all persons ajrain.t the estate of Eleanor Mason, late of FlainfieKl, in said district. deceased, and all claims exhibited in offset thereto, hereby give notice that we will meet for the purpose aforesaid, at the residence of William Treeeott. in the town of Plain- fie d. in said diatrk-t, on the 18th day of July an 1 24th day of October next, from i 11 o clock a. m. until S o clock p. m., on each of said days, and that sir months from i he 8th day of May, A. D. 1914. is the time limited by said court for said cred itors to present their claims to us for exam- nation and allowance. Dated at Plaintirld, this 28th day of May, . D. 1914. HFRMAN E. CUTLER, WILLIAM PRESCOTT. Commissioners. Mar 29 June 6-12 BARRE OPERA HOUSE FOX EATON, Lessees. JOHN E. HOBAN. Resident Mgr. 1-WEEK-l Commencing Monday, May 25 THE FAMOUS Jack Lynn Stock Co. Carload Special Scenery and Electrical Effects HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE PRICES 10, 26 and SO Cents With a Limited Number of Ladles' lie Com plimentary Tickets Good for Monday Night Only Seats an Sale Friday Morning- DREAMLAND THEATRE ALL NEW PICTURES TO-DAY WHO WAS GUILTY A sensational two-reel drama The Story the Gats Told It's a Lubin The Sherlock Holmes Girl A screaming Edison comedy MRS. J. NELSON GLIDDEN, Piaalit Admission Five Cents Sir Knights, Attention! W Special conclave of St. Alde r jj : inar commandery, No. 11, K. InAt! 1'., Saturday morning at 8:.'!0, 'If Vw I all or ',fi purpose of doing- escort BACA! to the G. A. R. Lunch will be Vav served in the dininjr room aft er the exercises. The lines will be re formed at 1 o'clock for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late pat K. C, William Marr. Fir order W. 1'. Scott, E. C. , Few 60-Tooth Smoothing Harrows Left, Going at $10 Arsenate of lead and Pyroz for spraying Hand and barrel aprayers fitted with hlh pressnra pnmpa and orrhard attachments. A. W. ALLEN CO. Sunnysidc Farm, Barre, Vt. Telephone 140 Clean Up and Paint Up! And then you think of the tools and material necessary. We have them. Rakes, Shovels, Hoes, Wheel Barrows, Forks, Rubbish Burners, Garbage Cans, Ash Cans, Lawn Mowers, Lawn Rakes, Grass Shears, Turf Edgers, Goodyear Lawn Hose, Sprinklers. Clean Up B. P. S. Outside Paint; B. P. S. Veranda Floor Paint; B. P. S. Ex terior Varnish; B. P. S. Screen Paint; B. P. S. Chimalac for Porch Furniture. Our prices are reasonable ; quality is right. C. W. AVERILL & COMPANY Tel. 439-W Barre, Vermont Special communication of Granite lodge, No. ;).", F.' & A. M., Saturrday at 1 o'clock for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late broth er, William Marr. V. Hurry, j A special meeting of Clan Gordon. No. 12, will be held on Saturday, May 30, in II of tlf wiiing trie ni- 2n J T neral rif mir IiIh brother. William Marr. Wear regalia and white glove. George ". Corraack, chief; .William Iikd, seu-eUti, P-Nm? Saturday, .May 3( itoitfifjat 1:15 p. in., i Zfyfjan tiordon ha for the purpose c PAVILION THEATRE mm LARRiTBc;?oUSICAL sn In a musical sketch entitled "The Egyptian Mummy" Real fun from start to finish. If you have the blues see this and forget them. One hour and a half of screaming comedy. PICTURES TODAY THE REVELATION A thrilling K-B drama. A WOMAN OF SIN Reliance. HOW IT WORKED AND THE WILD INDIAN Two screaming comedies. Mrs Ben II, Tassie. Pianist Admission 15c; Small Children 10c 4