OCR Interpretation

The Barre daily times. (Barre, Vt.) 1897-1959, August 05, 1914, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Vermont

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn91066782/1914-08-05/ed-1/seq-3/

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" i
Some poople hare a tendency to be
come thin-blooded just as others have an
inherited tendency to rheumatism, or to
nervous disorder. The condition in
which the blood becomes so thin that the
whole body suffers comes on so gradually
and stealthily that anyone with a natural
disposition in that direction should watch
the symptoms carefully. Bloodlossness,
or anemia, as the medical term is, can
be corrected much more easily in the
earlier stages than later. It begins with
a tired feeling that rest does not over
come, the complexion becomes pale, and
breathlessnesa on slight exertion, such as
going upstairs, is noticed. .
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a home
remedy that has been most successful in
the treatment of diseases caused by thin
blood. With pure air and wholesome
food these blood-making pills afford the
correct treatment when the symptoms
described are noticed. A former sufferer
from anaemia says: "I was emaciated
and did not have a particle of color. I
had severe headaches, had no ambition
and could Just drag around." Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills quickly restored appetite,
flesh and health. A full statement of
this case with directions regarding diet
will be found In the booklet, "Building
Vp the Blood," sent free by the Dr. Wil
liams Medicine Co., Schenectady, JT. Y.
Excursion on Lake Champlaln or to Au
sable Chasm Thursday, August 6.
Train loaves Barre 8:15 a. m.; Mont
pelier 8:40 a. m.; arrives Burlington
10:35 a. m.; leave Burlington 10: SO a.
m.; arrive Port Kent 11:40 a. m.; leave
Port Kent 11:55 a, m.; arrive Ausable
Chasm 12:25 p. m.; for those not going
to the chasm the steamer will leave Port
Kent 11:50 a. m. for a five hours' sail
to the Great Back Bay. Returning, leave
Ausable Chasm 4 p. m.; arrive Burling
ton 5:50 p. m.j train leaves Burlington
rt p. m. lor Barre and intermediate sta
tions. Low round trip fares to Ausable
Chasm, Barre and Montpelier $2.00. For
further particulars see flyers.
Philadelphia, Ta., Dee. 5, 1013: "I
had a small pimple on the side of my
face, and it- kept getting larger and
larger. It had spread over one cheek,
and as it' would spread water would
come from jt and every place the wa
ter would touch, another sore would
form. It Itched and burned and my
face was a sight. I used several salves
and ointments that were recommended,
but none helped, until I tried Resinol
Soap and Resinol Ointment, which re
lieved me at once, and after using it
about two weeks, my face was entirely
clear. I cannot praise Resinol enough."
(Signed) Mrs. Rose Muller, 1313 Sny
der Ave. '
Physicians have prescribed Resinol
for nineteen years and every druggist
sells Resinol Soap (25c.), and Re9inol
Ointment (50c. and $1). Don't be de
ceived by the useless "substitutes." For
free trial, write to Dept. KK, Resinol,
Baltimore, Md.
For details, call or write to the Manager.
11 r ' 1 1 . .i
Wonders as to Intentions
of General Car
The Constitutionalist Army
Marching South Towards
Mexico City
Washington, Aug. 5. Provisional
President Carbajal has asked the Amer
ican government informally if it knows
the intentions of General Carranza,
whose forces are said to be marching
steadily southward despite the under
standing that with the beginning of
peace conferences hostilities should be
suspended. Jose Castellot, personal rep
resentative of Carbajul, had a confer
enee with Secretary Bryan, but the lat
ter had no information from Carranza
except that the Carbflial delegates had
arrived at his headquarters. Mr. Castel
lot was at a loss to understand the
announcement from Saltillo that Car
ranza had ordered a general advance on
Mexico City of 70.000 men. Secretary
Bryan, it is understood, telegraphed to
American Consul Silliman for informa
Federal Commander Joins Constitution
alistsRefugees on U. S. War
Mexico City, Aug. 5. The constitu
tionalists' advance southward continued
yesterday without interruption. The
constitutionalists yesterday occupied
Huehuetaca. There is no communica
tion north of that point and Lecheria.
The federal general, Caria Conde, with
his entire command, has gone over to
the constitutionalists.
Otates, Mex., Aug. 5. With the con
stitutionalist lines drawing closer to Ma
zatlan an exodus of foreigners is under
way. Hundreds have taken refuge on
warships in the harbor, (! having hoard
ed the United States ship California.
It is the plan of constitutionalist
loaders to take Ma?.atlan and then join
Obregon in a march on Mexico City.
Peaceful Transfer of Mexico City Fails.
Saltillo, Mex., Aug. 3 (via Laredo,
Tex., Aug. 5). Negotiations for the
peaceful transfer of Mexico City to the
constitutionalists failed last night. The
constitutionalists refused to entertain
conditions imposed by the Carbajal com
missioners. These commissioners did
not even see Carranza.
Requires . that certain conveniences shall
be supplied.
One of the conveniences is a telephone.
It is not a luxury. In many cases it is a
decided convenience.
Perhaps you could do without one, but
would it be economy?
The cost may be as low as 5 cents a day,
depending on where you are and what you
want. Charge this against the steps it will
save you, the convenience with which it
will serve you, and the comfort it will bring
you, and you will find you can't afford to
be without one.
Gee! But
It's Hot !
Makes life worth living
through hot weather for
those who suffer from
heat, exhaustion, insom
nia, poor stomachs or
weak bowels or nerves.
A d'lidoui combination of ginsrer. aromatic,
and Frnrh brandy for th. relief of cr.ropi.
pains, colds, chill., weakawa, nervouanMa and
Insomnia, look for the Owl 1 rada Mark on
the wrapper. I" J" SX ch"p' Tnhl"? Dl
dangerous substitute. Forty years the standard
of purity, flavor and atrength. Bold by alt
druggist, aud grocers.
Young Bride in New York Hospital Is
Now Recovering from Ty
phoid Fever.
xT York. Aua. 5. Mrs. Kermit
Roosevelt, the bride of the second son
of the ev-nreaident. is ill in New York
hospital of typhoid fever. The attack
is said to be a mua one. ;uru. rujowvr.n
;u tu i-lunrrViter nf nf Josenh K. Willard,
ambassador to Spain. Her wedding oc
curred in Madrid on .June w last.
Sour Cream Waffles Beat two eggs
light; add two cupfuls of sour cream in
which one tablespoonful of baking soda
has been dissolved; add half a teapoon
ful of suit and flour to make a thin batter.
Peace For At Least Eighteen
Months in the
Sixty Thousand Engineers
and Firemen are
Washington, Aug. 5. Peace in the
railwav world west of the Mississippi
river for the next 18 months at least,
was assured early yesterday when rep
resentatives of 98 railroads and 60,01)0
engincmen and-fiwanen signed an agree
ment to submit their tliTfewmces to arbi'
tration. It was the culminating act in
efforts of the federal board of media
tion to avert what President Wilson
characterized as a "national disaster,"
and followed the president's appeal to
the railroads to place patriotism above
party interests. They agreed to arbi
tration under a plan already approved
by the mediators and the employes al
though thev realized, and President Wil
son pointed out, that all the merits of
their case could not be considered.
The hearings, which will take olaee in
Chicago, must lie begun within 30 days
after organization of the board and its
award must be made within the next
00 days. It will become effective 10
days later and continue one year.
Steamer Reaches Port of New York in
New York, Aug. 5. The Belgian
steamer Vaterland of the Red Star line
arrived yesterday from Antwerp and
Dover. The steamer sailed before the
war broke out. so that the passengers
knew only what they heard by wireless
from this side.
Captain Prager said the wireless men
reported two days ago tha. the German
cruisers Breslen and Karlsruhe were in
the vicinity talking in code. Their po
lil not be ascertained but it
was thought that they were to the east
ward of the liner.
Criminal Investigation of New Haven
Case Deferred.
v.i. Vnrlt. Ann. 5. Grand jury in
vestigation of the criminal aspects of
the -New Haven management, recom
mended bv President Wilson, will be de
ferred until fall. This became known
vestordav when the regular federal
j .
grand jury was sworn in.
The absence on vacation oi ninj
neaae was assiened as the reason for
postponing the investigation.
The Pacific Launched.
fti,,v Mm. Aiiff. 5. The steamship
Pacific was launched yesterday at the
f fit Knre River Shipbuilding
corporation. The sponsor was Mrs. Anne
Lindsey Blake of Boston. The vessel,
which 'is a sinter ship to the Atlantic,
launched a few weeks ago, was built
for Panama canal trade. She measures
40.J feet over all and will carry general
cargo and lumber.
... Ppoducina It Ar. Victims
Their Own Industry.
Seal 1naMtfl of the srroup coccldae
are responsible for one of India's most
infomtinr ttinorta. lac. the export
value of which amounts to nearly $,
000.000 annnallyi Lac is the rwsmous
exudation of the insect The Insects
live upon the twigs of certain trees.
and soon become covered witn a resi
nram accretion that Increases In thick
ness, protecting the body and the eggs.
When a colony, consisting oi a ie
ini- females and one or two males.
And their way to a new branch, they
attach themselves to tne Dam, ana.
hurl no nlerced it with holes through
which they draw up the resinous Juices
tipon which they reea, tney oecome
fixed or glued by the superfluous excre
tion, and after a time die, the females
forming by their dead bodies little
riome or tents over the myriads of
minute eggs which they have lnld. In
a short tiiue tne eggs burst into we.
and the yoang, which are very minute,
swarm over the twig in such coontleM
numbers as to give It the appearance
of being covered with blood red dust
Generation after generation dwells
upon the same twig until it is envel
oped in a coating of the resinous exu
dation often half an Inch tlck.
In the beginning the Insect was much
collected for the dye it contains. Later
when the use of the resin became
known the demand for the dye began
to diminish, until now it has been al
most completely displaced by coal tar
colors. After sepa rating the resin from
the coloring matter the former consti
tutes the shellac of commerce- Argo
naut Condors In Chit.
The majestic condor Is. air men ex
cluded, the largest fljin creature la
the world. Swift and extraordinarily
strong of wing, it figures in the Chilean
national arms as a symbol of strength.
The following ts one of the native de
vices for klillng ft:
The hunter, baring covered himself
with the skin of a newly slain ox.
would lie on his back on the ground,
while bis companion would bide him
self not far away. Pow would swoop
the condor to feast upon the carcass,
but directly the claws touched the
body they wens Mixed from wttbla
the oxskln by strong gloved hands that
held the bird a prisoBer. Then the
partner would break cover and slay
the captive with what Chsu'r would
bav called "a yerde sroerck" from a
clcb. "Cblie It Land and Teopie."
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tin ii.ii.. ii li .n. in if i a it w asr a. "sw sa
"-;:::"!wijMnii iij..mM" 'JJ lu ff If J a. 111 n
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.11 1
In the'mill towns and the big citiesTdown in the ship-filled
harbors, back in the granite hills, everywhere you'll find thou
sands of sturdy strapping New, Engenders, smoking. famous
old Mayo's Cut Plug tobacco
It's the same rich, sweet, satisfying Mayo's that their fathers
and grandfathers smoked, and they get the same healthful satis
faction out of it all year 'round. Mayo's has plenty of "body"
and taste, yet smokes . cool, and pleasant -it's man's .tobacco.
Mayo's is ripe, mellow Kentucky
Burley, aged up to five years to bring out
the richness and sweetness. It has been
made in the same factory, by the same
people, for over 0 years. That's why
Mayo's quality is always the same
"always good."
Just give Mayo's a week's trial, and
you'll agree with us. u Sold everywhere in
10-cent pouches. '
Topics of the
Home and
Rub silver spoons whieh have been
stained by eggs with a little table salt.
Acid fruits should nerer he prepared
with a steel knife. The best preparing
tools are nickel or silver knives.
To clean brass flower pots or trays,
rub them with a piece of lemon; then
pour boiling water over them, and Anally
polish with a soft, dry cloth.
WKn mnlfincr lpmonade use a little
hot water to dissolve the sugar, thejj
if h nvrnlv mixed throuah the lem
onade, sweetening it murh sooner.
"Tl, matino pirl on her chocolate
drunk." wns described by Dr. .1. C. Miti h
cll of Iouisville, addressing the National
Fxlectic Medical association in session
at Indianapolis recently. Dr. Mitchell
said the matinee girl who eats a pound
of chocolates and goes to a doctor next
day with a severe neaanene w nn-i.-ir
petting over the effects of a dnink."
"Too much-sugar in the stomach will
ferment as surely as in a distiller's vat,"
he said.
t .1... ;u-or without rubbinsr or
Mi;.h Kuw in cents worth of common
sheet xinc, have it cup up by the tin
smith in strips ssv six or seven imiii-s
thr wifle. That is only for
ease in handling. I'se a clean tin pan.
or a galvanized iron one. i iht im
.tri. in hottnm of nan. pour over a
couple of quart of hot water, one ta
blespoon of salt anrt rue Rame u
...la iiikmpim the ailver in this
solutio'n. let it remain until the water
cools, lift out, poor boiling water over
.lean towel. Rub with
chamois" if large pieces have a great
deal of polished surtace.
What to Do with Sour Milk.
milk- in often ued for mixini
griddle cakes and quick dough. because
the acid it contains will oe neuiranen
v.,- ih. .nH. ..Licit and thu. produce the
effervescence which will make the dough
Because of the tendency to ue an ex
re of soda with it. the use of sour
milk n been condemned, says the
diea' Home Journal. Rut thick sour
..il- u nni verv variable in aciilitT. and
the use of one even teapoonful of aod
with each pint of sour milk i Je.
c. u !n.nenive and sour milk is
aluo. while cream of tartar and bakin
powder are roetly. Half S level te
poonful of soda i iiuaI1y enough hea
one cupful of Tnoles i ued, as it is
with one cupful of amir milk.
Sour Milk Tie for one pie am "'
pint of aour milk, half a tcaspoonful of
..It tmn Klepoonfula of motae.
half a cunful of sultana rsim, one t
hlenpoonful of cleaned currant, one ta
Me.nonnfTil of melted butter and half
a tea.pnnriful of ginger extract.
Mix tnjrether. pour into a mm iin
tin and p'ace atripa of the'pastry over
the t.in. Hke i" a moderately hot oven
until reaJv.
cornmeal with uffnet 1"1 water t
n,oitew it well. Whew fo add one
mpful of "ur reilk of Tem. en te-
pnrnful of salt end half s cupful of
m n. v v.m r i ! , a x. 1 1 m i n lit
fi 1 w 1.11 m vs j & m ry ,m .... 1 iisss
1 1 ; 1.. I' iff ja - m a , J 'j at r. m i n i r
11 1 inim h 11 1 ii n e,r- i ir fiii -
wV--SW-f3f J JST-.?-.&.J I .,.1 I ,UI,i..,-rr" -
molasses. Sift one teaspoonful of bak
ing soda with two cupfuls of graham
flour and stir in with one cupful of sul
tana raisins. Steam in a buttered and
covered mold for two and one-half hours.
Chocolate Gingerbread Mix half a
cupful of sour milk with one cupful of
molasses, one teaspoonful of powdered
ginger, half a teaspoonful of powdered
cinnamon, a quarter of a teaspoonful of
salt and one teaspoonful of baking soda
dissolved in two tablespoonfuls of wa
ter. Gradually stir in two cupfuls of
flour, four tablespoonfuls of grated choc
olate and a half a cupful of seeded rais
ins. Put the mixture into a buttered
and floured cake tin, and bake in a
steadv oven for 45 minutes.
Light Doughnuts fine cupful of thick
cream, one cupful and three-quarters of
nnv milk, two euirs. one cupful of sug
ar, one teaspoonful of salt, one teaspoon
ful of baking soda, one teaspoonful of
cream of tartar, -rratefl nutmeg ro msce,
four drops of lemon tube flavor and flour
to make a soft . dough.
Beat up the eggs; add the cream, milk,
sugar, salt, soda, cream of tartar, nut
il flour. Set the douch
(III ft aw... v.. " -
aoiile in a cool place for three hours.
Then roll out and cut with a cutter.
Fry in plenty of smoking-hot fa.
Drain and sprinkle with sugar. The
dough must be a soft one.
Sour Milk Salad Dressing Beat the
volks of three eggs until light; add one
teaspoonful of mustard, two teaspoon
ful of salt, a riash of red pepper and
two tablespoonfuls of sugar. Beat up
the whites of the egg and add two
tablespoonfuls of melted butter ami one
cupful of sour milk.
Pour all into a double boiler ami stir
and cook until creamy; add half a cup
ful of sour vinegar, and best well. If
the mixture begins to curdle remote
from the fire and beat thoroughly.
Graham Fruit Bread Sift two cup
fuls of graham flour into a basin; add
one cupful of white flour, half a tea
spoonful of salt, two tahlcspoonfula of
Why not have a Tele
phone installed today?
The Vermont Tel. &Tel. Company
sugar, two tablespoonfuls of molasseu,
one teaspoonful of baking soda dissolved
in four tablespoonfuls of water, one
cupful of sour milk, half a cupful of
chopped nut meats, half a cupful of
sultana raisins and half a cupful of
stoned and ehopped dates. Mix and turn
into a buttered and floured bread tin.
Bake in a moderate oven for one hour.
Pour into a hot, well-groased waffle
iron, shut the iron when it is filled, turn
it. and in a few minutes turn again.
When the waffles are hrown on both
ai.i t.lce in la vers. Serve very hot,
cutting through the layers to serve. Eat
with plenty ot nutter ami uonev.
Vniit fake Cream two cupfuls of
butter with two cupfuls of brown sugar;
add live well-beaten joiks oi eggs, nan
a r.nnfiil of sour etflani. one cupful of
sultana raisins, one cupful of currants,
one cupful ot scedea raisins, one cu
f,,t f ohnnned candied pineapple, ona
cupful of chopped nut meats, half a cup
ful or candied citron peei, iour cupium
nf eifturl flmir. half a teaspoonful of
bakinjr soda, one teaspoonful of grated
. i i i
nutmeg, two tesspooniuis oi puwurrcu
htlf a teaspoonful of powdered
cloves, one-quarter of a cupful of fruit
juices, two squares ot grarea cnocoiaio
melted in three tablespoonfuls of ho
water, and the whites of eggs beaten to
a stitT froth. Turn into a papered caks
tin and bake in a moderate oven for ono
and one-half hours.
Chocolate Crullers Beat three table
f, i r,f hntfer to a cream with half
a cupful of sugar; add gradually to this
the well-benten voiks ot inree eggs, on
cupful and a hiill more of sugar, one
cupful of sour milk, one teaspoonful of
v.milU extract, two ounces of chocolate
grated and melted over hot water, half
a teaspoonful of lwking soda dissolved
in one tablespoon! ui ot nor, wsier, me
whites of eggs beaten to a stiff froth
and sufficient flour to make a soft
dough. Boll out and cut with a cutter.
Fry in plenty of smoking-hot fat.
Dorothy Dexter.
mm mm
- aaaaaaaaaaaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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