Newspaper Page Text
TllK. BAKKK DAILY T1MKS, HAJtTtK, VT.. TllUJCSDAV, X jUCHMlfUlt 31, 1U WAGING A NEW FIGHT Vermont Democrats Oppose President Wilson on Patronage THE IiUJK DEVILS OF INDIGESTION r ( ... ,,,m I.v DvH-pcii-lrts, the Him nli' i.iv,.,.mi' dii.""Mve tablets, ovul, i.mi i m-cnurcd by C ! Hoot) (V. I II Mil "B, They e- Hi'" ln"Ht Kr,ltif.Yintf rf,ipf in Hour m.'ihiu'Ii, distress after eating holchin., iHia. Imh it l)iirn. etc. IVr- fcctly si'.f-. perfectly r.liablc, perfectly free from i aunties. One or n" crushed in the mouth Rtnl swallowed slowly- that's all. You'll not think of your Hlomai'li again. Try them. '1'i'M or t' "lv livo rents or a dollar. Advt. OPPOSE BRATTLEBORO P. 0. APPOINTMENT CAKItAXZA GIVES MEXICO LIBERAL DIVORCE LAW "Overriding the Will of the Vermont State Demo cratic Committee" Washington. I'ec. 31. Senator O't'ior man of New York yesterday asked Sen ator Mnrtino of Kew Jersey, who is I member of the Senate postofliee and post roads committee, to hold up the con lirnuition of Major Childs, nominated for postmaster of Brattleboro, Vt. Senator O'Ciorman was asked by Con servation Commissioner John I). Moore, of Albany, X. Y.. to take, this aetion, there being no Demoeratie congressman from Vermont to speak for the voters. Mr. Moore charges Postmaster General Burleson with over-riding the will of the Vermont state Democratic committee. "Burleson recently wrote to State Chairman Kennedy of Vermont, Mr. Moore told Senator O'Gorman, 'that lie would recommend whomever the state ommittee would indorse after all candi dates hail agreed to abide by the com mittee's decision and had appeared be fore the committee. Moran got 11 votes anil Childs three. The committee then indorsed Moran unanimously and sent his name to Washington. Nevertheless, Childs was appointed." Senator Mnrtino will have action on the nomination of Major Childs post poned until the people of Itrattleboro have an opportunity to lie heard. F.wing C. Bland appointed 1'nited j States marshal for the western district ol Missouri, is here to see the president. He has announced that, despite the pro test against his confirmation by Senators Heed and Stone, he will stay in the con test to the finish, lie will ask the presi dent to stand by him. Senator Heed, after a talk with Bland, announced that he would oppose the nomination without delay. The Vera Cruze Populace are Delight ed at the Order. Vera Cru.', Dec. HI. The populace has received with marked signs of pleasure. Carranza's prmmilgation of a divorce law to be ehVlive immediately. It es tablishes niiitrimoniul dissolution after three years it lioth parties so desire or at any time t r causes winch make im possible or nude- ired the realization of matrimonial intentions or on account of grave fault- of cither one which make impossible further combined happiness. The governors of the states are em powered to "l int divorces until constitu tional' government is established. The document pi.-.ntej by the first chief is very argumentative. GIVE UP FIGHT FOR PRZEMYSL Austrian Stronghold Can't Be Relieved Now, Says Vienna ARMIES TO HOLD HUNGARIAN LINE Rout Denied by Foreign Of fice, Admits Russian Success KARRE DRUGGISTS HAVE VALUABLE AGENCY TWO NEW INDOOR RECORDS. In 220-Yard Dash and Standing Broad Jump. New York. I c. ."10. Two records were broken and it third equalled at the Na tional Junior Indoor Amateur Athletic union champion-dup games in Brook lyn last night. K. 1). Muurer, N. Y. A. C, won the 22-;ud dash in 23 l-.ri clipping one-fifth of a eeond from the record made by Tom L tiiiou of this city last year. W. U. Taylor. Illinois A. ('., won the standing hioad jump distance 10 feet 8 inches-, or live inches better than the record of K. V. Uttaucr of Colum bia last year !. S. Trenliolm, Dart mouth, coven d the tin-yard hurdle in K 3-5 seconds, the record time set last year by Ike lovell of the Illinois A. C. The point cliiiirpiunsliip was won by the New York A. ('.. .'!-! Irish American A. C, HeeoniK 1-. I'urtmouth and Bronx Church House fed for third place with 8 points. LABOR LAW WORKS WELL. Connecticut Compensation Statute "in the Main Satisfactory." Hartford, (.tin.. Dec. .'II. Operation Vienna, Pec. 31. The chief cause for regret in the recall of the Austrian forces to southern Galicia in that the movement to relievo l'rzeniysl has been almndoned, was the statement of the war oflice is sued yesterday. Kmphatic denial Mas made that the Austrian armies have been completely routed. It is frankly admitted that the armies have been forced to withdraw, but this action, the statement says, was due to the throwing of enormous num bers of reinforcements into the main army which had been contesting south ern Galicia in company with the Hun garian army which crossed the Carpathians. The official report declare this army has been withdrawn in good order, bring ing back its entire artillery and trans port. The losses have been heavy, but not out of proportion to the men en- aged. 1 lit thp northern sections the Austrian lines are intact, the war office claims There has been a withdrawal at a num ber of points to straighten out the battle line, but at no point has there been any general retreat. The Austrian continue to hold the main line of trenches on the Srornnik-Sorliee-.Jsbliska front, according to the latest reports available here. It is de nied here that the Kussians have re sumed their movement against Cracow. Jn the Balkan theatre of war the offi cial statement says there has been re newed activity, especially on the part of the Montenegrins. They have repeated ly attacked Trebinje, but in every in stance have been repulsed with heavy losses. The Montenegrins are still bom barding the Austrian positions at Krie voxije. but with little real result. London, Dec. 31. Austrian failure in Galieia. the rout of 17"i.0on men, driven A GOOD COMPLEXION ADDS CHARM TO ANY WOMAN - Will Searer't Laxative Tonic Tablets Produce Good Complexions Among the many charms for which women am especially noted, not one of them i so quickly recognized and ad mired as a good complexion. Kvery woman, regardless of the sta tion she muy occupy in society, owes it to herself, as well us her associates, to properly safeguard the beauties with which nature has endowed her. The inactivity of the liver and bowels is the direct cause of pimples, sallow- less, mrdily akin, and the many other blemishes common to a poor complexion. ULMCI.'D'u f AVATIUB- TmlC TAIL i'uti i.jvn trn k I 1 II liliu A tii- I.ETS are largely composed of dan delion, and any physician will tell you mere is noining ix-ucr to create healthy condition of the skin and com. plexion. A 25-eent package of thesi: tablet contains enough of the remedy for a fair trial, and your money will be cheerfully refunded by Red Cross l'harmacv. Frank Roark. or 8. C. Voodrv - ... & Co., if you are not greatly benefited by their use. Do not delay, but give KEAVKK LAXATIVK TONIC TABLETS a fair trial and you will agree that all our claims are absolutely true, Advt, WANTED, A MANAGER A Man to Re-elect Wilson Is! Sought by the Democrats of the workmen's compensation law in i hack through the Carpathians, and the Cummings & Lew is, druggists. 54 No. Main street, have the Barre agency fur the simple mixture of buckthorn bark,' ineapacftnte tl glycerine, etc., known as Adler-i-ka, the jail, the report remedy which became famous by curing appendicitis. This simple remedy has powerful action awl drains such surpris ing amounts of idd mutter from the body that Jl'ST ONK DOSE relieves sour stomach, gas on the stomach ami consti pation almost IMM KDIATF.LY. The yl'K'K action of Adlor-i-ka is astonish ing. Advt. Connecticut diirinu the first ten months of existence has lieeii "in the main satis factory" accordniL' to the report of the compensation i ommissioiicr's made to the governor vest-Hay. During the ten months IS ft.)'.' ai-eidents have been re ported to the commissioners. A great manv of the ae.-nlents. however did not employee from labor at or if at all. for pe- ri'sls of less Cm two weeks. The num 1st of ri.grcetn.-i;ts in the matter of com pensation ree, voluntarily 1s t ween capture of at least 50,0(10 men, has opened the way for another Russian ad vance in accordance with the strategio plan of the Grand Duke Nicholas. Kven Berlin's official statement is a frank ad mission of Russian superiority on the southern battle front and practically amounts to a warning to Germany to ex pcet a new Russian offensive. ' This is the official communication of the German war office; "The Russians have strengthened their forces opposing the Austrian in Galicia, the employer an i employee and approved j and the bitter, it is understood, will be compelled to make new dispositions, which will require some time. Ixcal military experts are making attempts to picture Russia's occupation of the line of Krosno-.laslo as being no real gain for by trie comnn., oners ot flic district in which it occurred was 3.444. while the number of aet iil henrinps where a for mal finding and award was made to talled B'i. QQQB3BBESSSBB3 Russell's Bef ore-Inventory Pack age Sale, Saturday, January 2 at 9 A. M. We Will I'luce on Sale in Our Windows 700 Packages at 25c each Every Package Contain.- ;.t Least a -5c Useful Article Some Special Inducements to Go at 25c Each 1 $4.50 Desk Set 1 $10.00 Parisian hory Toilet Set $5 box Apollo Chn -.dates 2$I.n5 Hot Water littles r,1.00 Hot Water littles 1 $1.00 Mumc Pol' 25 r0c Poxes Stat! r.cry 1 Leather Tourist Writing Cabinet, $3.75 1 leather Tourist ' Writing Cabinet, $1.73 C Children's Hand l:,, retailing at 75c Ladies' Vanity t ks n tailing at $1.00 3 $1.75 Poxes Ch latrs r.icure Set, $3.25 r tailing at $1.00 the Russians, but on the contrary as weakening their position. This view, however, ia considered too optimistic, and the fact must bo faced that the extreme left wing of the Kussians is proving it self superior to its opponents. The pres ent action of the Russians in strengthen ing their forces there is due to their real ization of what an encircling of their flank in Galicia would signify." At the same time the German rush on Warsaw has collapsed, according to tin announcement of the Russian general stuff and the Grand Duk ! Nicholas lias begun an attack all along the line in Po land. This report says tho Germans have been driven from positions west of Warsaw on the Itzura and Rawka rivers. That the Russians are on the offensive in western Galicia is admitted by the Austrian staff. The latest statement is ti the effect that the arrival of Russian reinforcements made it necessary for the Austrian to withdraw. Tetrograd i.iain- tains that the Austrian are in disor dered flight in the Carpathians. I'ttrograd, Dec. ,'fl.--The latest state ment issued by the Russian war office shows that Marshal von Hindenburg's armies in Poland reflect the Austrian disaster in south Poland and Gulicia and that the Russians have been quick to seize the advantages wherever offered. An unofficial report says that the Germans have sacrificed one-eighth of their- army in the second invasion of Poland, which is about to be rolled back. Between the Pilica and the upper reachea of the Vistula an Austrn-German attack has ceased. The Russians arc sweeping back the enemy on both sides of the istula on the front from Opatnw across the Hiala river to ISipez. In eight lavs of fighting in this region the Rus sians took prisoners 200 officers, 13,000 men and 40 Maxim guns. The retreat of the Austnana along the Lisko-Sanok-Dukla-ZmigTod front Is coming more and more disorderly. The forces in flight are numbered unofficially at alswt 17.",tK)0, Owing to the nature of the country, the chances favor the escape of the greater part of these men The columns are retiring through the narrow psases of the (. arpathians, which are inaccessible to the Kussians both on account of the weather and the rugged character of the terrain. Tue Russians are pressing them bard, however, and the large mimlier of prisoners captured dailv indicates that the Austrian rear guards are not offering a very determined re sistance. The Russian official statement follows: "Yesterday there was only inconsider able fighting between the lower Vistula nd the Pilitza. The Germans evacuated their trenche on the right bank of the Rzura. near the village of Misi.evice, and retired to the left bank. "On the Ravka our heavy artillery suc cessfully engaged numerous German bat teries of large calibre. In the region of Piolimow our attaeks alternated with those of the Germans, which were of a partial character. The enemy, who had captured an intrenchment near the vil lage of Suinino, waa dislodged by a counter attack, In the course of which ne captured some machine guns and prisoners. "Ret wren the Pilita and the upper istula there were only artiM"ry engage ments. "We made progress on both wings ;n an attack on a (rfrnun redoubt south of Itiowlod. We captured three machine gun. "Our froop were rcry successful in I crossing the lower Nida and carrying by axmult the village of Starokrrerin and Vetiislaviee. whi.h were strongly forti fied. In this lighting we ptnr 0 Austrian officer and about l.ToO men and three machine guna, "In western Galicia we made pr"gre in apite or the wp mud and drove the !enemy buck on the Sromnik-Srice.,Jb. ! li-ka front, rapturing puna and many ipnrkf rer. ! "Ihiring the first bslf of IVcember we optured .vy! Aii-tnans." MANY PARTY MEN ARE CONSIDERED A Happy New Year To You All None Seems Quite to Meet the Demands of the Occasion Washington, Dec. 31. Wanted, a Democratic campaign manager. Good man can have continuous employment from now until November, lOlti, with prospects of promotion later. This is the nature of the "help want ed" matter which in effect if not in ac tual want-ad. form ia going out from the administration leaders here. For weeks, in fact for the last two or three months, they have been combing the woods for an individual who measures up to the requirements of manager of the coming presidential campaign. Thus far they have not found him. A number of prominent Democrats have been considered. National Chair man MeCombs does not suit a large ele ment of the administration forces. Sec retary McAdoo would satisfy many, but there are obvious objections to using the head of the treasury department and a member of the federal reserve board as a political manager. Postmaster General liurlc.son is open to a kindred objection. Commissioner of Corporations Davies is going to the trade commission, and, after all the Democratic kick in the past about Republican "fat frying" at the expense of the corporations. Davies cannot be considered. Private Secretary "Joe" Tu multy, Judge Wade of Iora and various others are mentioned. The administration lieutenant are not deluding themselves with the notion they will have an easy task to re-elect Presi dent Wilson. They realize that at pres ent the tide is not running in their fa- I hey hope it will later on but they are anxious to get the strongest kind of a manager and if anybody comes for ward who can fill the role he will 1m sure of a hearty reception. TROOP L QUITS COLORADO. First Order Issued for Departure of Fed eral Soldiers in Strike Zone. Washington, Dec, 31. Troop L of the 12th United States cavalry, on patrol duty in the Oak Creek district, Routt county, Colorado, since last May, wa ordered Tuesday to return to its home station at Fort Meade, S. D. Order for the gradual withdrawal of the other fed- I eral troops sent into Colorado to quell the mining disorders are in preparation. 1 he gradual withdrawal of federal troops is in accord with a plan consid ered at recent conferences Is-tween l'resi- nt Wilaon, Secretary Garrison, Gov ernor Amnions of Colorado and Governor-elect Carlson. At that time, Governor Ar.imons aaid be would replace the reg ulars by state troops. I lie main strength of the federal troops is in the Trinidad district, where Colonel Lockett has the 11th ravalrv from i-rt Oglethorpe, '.a., a wall as the second squadron of the ."-til cavalry from Kort Ieavenworth, Kans. Troops K and II of the 12th cavalry are at (an on City, while a machine gun platoon and troops F, G. I, and M of the l.'th cavalry are at louieville. The actual time for the withdrawal of all the or ganizations will be determined at con ference lietween Colonel Loekett and jovernor Amnion, but orders have been issued for all to be ready to leave the state at anv time. This is a good time to extend cordial greetings to everydody. f We greet our friends, of course. We greet our customers, who are our business friends. CJ We greet our business associ ates in other lines in this com munity. i We greet our competitors, and their customers. fl We greet everybody, even our enemies if we have any, or if there are any who think they are. l We wish you all a Happy New Year. Moore & Owens, The Home of Good Clothes, Reasonably-Priced THE PROBLEMS OF FINANCE. Thi? i? our Ke n J 1 Parisian Ivory ' lioxe. Stationer; 1 Shavin? I". 1 ?2..V Shaving : 1 VJ'l Leather Ti..'. 1 .Vj ( Pox Cb ! (- St.'.'.: - IV-kare S; ' !(; arth ! Se Ojr V. if .Iir. Cac 2 rv f r..-4 ful article? :.i U f .TtreJ : w Jsn. 1 No old and u-e- CARBANZA IS HOPEFUL. Nf of Victory Over Zapata ii Sup flemetited. Wahington. 1 v. 31. nV.ial dm- ipablie from Vera Our etrday t the (arran' apeney We. stipplcmenting , Tuesday's ne di.paUbes of the te tory f arranra Inx-i over 7:eta forcV m-T Apinaeo. aay the "victory, jf M biwed ;p. mean, a ift 1ti r.n VIciM-o titt-, and also (i'-ars tlw ay t Ptb; " Four t!ouatd .!lrer of Carrsnra Tiela. ncTtiinjf t C'ffwial frrt A- f.ted neti tjn Vr 1-fM-ral I femto j Mates ard "iiti Anwrea eon-;-. rs Involving the Two Americas Are To Be Takes. Up. Walifngton, lec. .11. Admini.tiation officials were gom ahead jeter-lay with plans for a conference, probably early net spritiir, between treasury depart ment officials and Ameruan financier and the ministers of finance and leading hankers of Central and South American nation on financial and commercial problems facing the to Americas in consequence of the European war. Acceptance of the I nite.l "Mit.-s gov ernment a mutation to all Central and South American countries to participate in the gathering bate already been re ceived from eeral of theae tistior.. The plan for the proposed conference, which it is f lH-ved ill mark an impor tant tep in brii.irinfi al.nit rjcwr com itmti Ial relations between the tan Amer ican continent. oti mated with Vrr tary MrAdno and was inspired br the eir-ericne be bad with ir .eorpe pii : ol the tr-aurv, a a reu't t4 , lich problems wtiHh t ad pnrnied J tig Food Query Department Conducted by Prof. Lewis B. Allyn of Westfield, Mass. "The Pure Food Town" A Question and Answer Department Conducted by Prof. Iwis B. Allyn, the Noted Pure Food Expert of Westfield, Mass. All Queries Should Be Addressed to Food Depart ment, The Daily Times, Barre, Vt. fur presering pickles is a good 4 quarts ot vinegar, ounce ot Tell Them to Reform. Kindly tell me whether the following reci one: ahohol. 1 ounce of salicylic acid, 2 ounces of alt. Many people in this ncij;hlKr hood ue this method.- ( I'nfigned. 1 The mixture contain, approximately 0 n r cnt. of sal ic) lie acid. In our opin ion, the practice ot using tins com- intnnd is relirchensible. We do not be- hete anv housekeeper, to mv nothing of , '. . ..i a regular manufacturer, lias uw un.ii right to ue a non-condimerital preserva tive in foods. Salicylic acid is in disre pute for tih a purjiose. A a reno-dy fur rheumatism and gout, it ha it place, but this is no reason why it should be n-d for prewning pickles or any other product. Seldom. On you I'll w if paprika 'i often adulterated, and bow to detect the adul t era t in I shall l-e ery much wb-Med for the Information A. t. Paprika i not often adulterat-d as e to cat. They seem to taste a little d.f ferent from others, and it was this fad that made me examine the label. K. I. C. Why not examine the label Ix-fore joii open flic can It states, though some what indi-tinctly : 'Colored with sul phate of ioper." Theee eas are illegal, as coppered vegetables are no longer to Is- imported. It i a little duty we owe the cause of pure tcxsls to critically examine the la bels for tine plint. obwine or misleading statement, and, if such be found, to re fue to purchase. Your gnx-er will b glad to oo-oiH-rate if you ill give him the chance. He cannot very well io operate al-oie. Subjoined is list of books and maga line articles arranged by the We.tfiell Athenum, hearing upon the suI-jihI wf -me f .sd n form. More About Exttactf. ill y-'il kindly t-11 me if extract, can co?;tn a different amount .f !.-. Id and v -t remain pure I iiofe some are In U in! 4.i tx-r nut. and other i l r fnd it in this cotintrv. 'I he hemi- al 1 ,ent. Or Is It just the effect of the fla analv of thi i.n-l,ment i diflicnlt. rjuiring pei .al training an-1 apparatus. If -m are tn Ihe eheinnal x arn'mat'ofi. addre the superinteodt.t of I'iiI'Iii ! nn t. M ahmt."ton. I. t. f..r a eoi t of ftuUi'tin on t uimmti-Ti of I'apMka." The Red Cross Pharmacy !ih and American br.ker. er moottwd i . , . . , ... . i . . . i a.ecai vki u u ii Iut in a .bfwi time. I !r.ideTit ilH-n and SeTry Mrvan , I r-i11v f.ir5 a..i a ir of i?n. cd alwi have t-eti act'vty it--eted i put 'on r-d-ft(.- tf.e 1VI i.u! i..t fifd ty toil t e plan for the em'eren, irto , ),.n ttr If w )m it a k-d. e.-utin. i I st t,l' i-! to 'i h -ri At f-iwnt trade ttei, th I ntd ' t..t the fk-r now' V hat ii'-i v. 1 me t e V. I.. arta. t-mtber f I.m liano Zat .ta. M j ti-l- in kTi:irart and attt.rn t.) In ( ' a ti-r or ti,etr , m '. p Anirew Ainiaron. The tijrM-t-f tor f., t Snt .soern rker tin .r- h fo-! t- " -- )' 1" - plane t Tt)-'-, t'frt"et of 1'bua- tual'v no huif- 1 :r-t rlh tWe i-tm" o hm. II ! v t t.t r-ff, ft r. in the tate of f'o. t. a and lft ) otnir 1 rie. fore.rn change tfre l ttg ,. t- et t i! a r. f'-r lr leiijr. 7;'a" fme s s.i.f to dm-A tin t rr ijri I 'I. ". ia rmm t!ier evt 'v '. At--i '.are bt 1"" fen li'ld and t.kea South at la-ntral Aawti kirn ! f-.-il'v 4tn!i-ae it'-rt ' ' ,oiim n4 a tjnart tr -f rm. anj a have oManed f p tertti -r4 I n p.-et-e aotornolele. A"of t (ie J'-t w-r two rr-i. et me h ar. I ii(!iH p xo, t ! i f -tt.njr t'mn i. iif to have h-r c tied at lon . I of 1 t -i r or -" b e 'j t .t i-Tf. m t te of I'k - j It mi fri t-4 nut t Kt a r-.'. i V ' ,r l. j ,. i --! ta. a Ktet !tv f.efte of 7 ejw- U;.,.lr ,. n n-l,4 .. IHI ,,..! . -f f. it " 1 I fwrt-neeoM l oiad- t 1 tng . in 1'e rii rntrt ' n,.,. tatx-g t-M t..; I" rnra b-'l' !trf' br f t O si j th tie tt'i-'i'ti of i'.'.r t"W o f (. t- t t !-i. ttr if -' -. . I nr- lo. f t l f t1- te of OieT. ' is I" ?"" M kd ' ' "! i V. ,; t l.B.-i-MI tiwr:-, , Tb ! - : f"'" ' A J lok t- Mil! !" rm J -" j ..i-imiiH i1-!' ' , mfi. f fit t'' "moitf r- : n-t tn f. ! ri t.'d ni t, ar'l (?-- iMnftrsf Ki ! -- T't it- ' i'-d e'1 l"rkfiff "r-a; . t- '' . ' tlt Hi tie -tKi r a-- It r i tlx ttl ...t fiva-i- of t . !.-- " wsm.i ft ,-n- ;i m tt n e- ; ! of r "n f1 el; t" tj.i ( it-" e ! ,w ' " 'iS ""',t I , hfn . 1 rata, I it ' t i- a JJpe .nna of the aine A. P. lemon extract in order to nutm the r-eH.arr J jr eerit. of lemon oil. must eorila ii approximately jir rent, of 'ah-oh-d -n ord'-r to boll t!ie o.l in ! lion. If this is not done, the ritiact be come, cloudy or ven milky. rtcula'!y m el! Imn extract ront s a ng oiily 4 j-f cef,t. (s.u'.l ri"t dio!e tl. I't"l arn-ief of .,!. and -iH., t-e iii .- r tfnirth, si 'a xt'.-t. n tt.e o! hit land, made by :.ox itg the tr- anan-,,,-r tr- 'ii oe.rte( tan ! a l-e. rf ti -. :.- thaa .: a I- ..fed. and 4. p-i , -9 oiiM a i,H.isl arnonf t. I joii ..'..! ai a tM i I rV al' Ai J rof t-'-t in lemm ai.i) -I . . an! an W-.-ie-! i.rieit 4 t- 1 .vi r '-t.t. ;n .xlrd of van 'la. K Ve'allic Cf Btamjta' ioa. f . o-,r it- --t ' ln o '!! Imd t-n eplv.r- ly t arranw'. j A Smart Tt-uef Vaa. mn i o.i.,!t-4 m h". t' f or rfi-r i r--i t'r Ui? r- i ti p v te rt 4 hi 11 st'tn m n o-if p4 ft. ' it ! I !.' i' !" . i n-m A l."'t t- j- '- A ft. Sm t t -e ff.i-rfi. i 4 erw"i1 V"ni.i . ". fT-l .-"'t. Las.-nbiu lnnxi, ju-f.i-' i:' t. At-1. a ne, t--T. t r k . i a- i at- ,l , ...,,. ,n t'i r.-,'y , - ,i d 1 1ra t or .t,l.- t -4 1 1, fr a. t'-4 aisi- ,.,..,..Tr,... ft, . i r t - -' f'r t. , . t"m t e - ! lt 4 t! l-d f'"m IS f. J vv - 1 t4 t e. ,..-.-. a t'B ' t i-.-l') - n . if: 1 1 e n , lvli f'S--. - t - n 'X' "'r -tt -! i ',u.v . f .-jo" ' p. ..-It, e V-! '- t" -e M 6 ,n n i' I'.-" m'4 11 . tr -4 t -' p.,,. 4 .. . . t- I i t - l.