Newspaper Page Text
TIIK DAILY TIMKS, 1.A..I.K, VT., THtmSDAV. DECKMriKH 31, 101 1. COTTON IS RELEASED First Direct Cargo to Ger many Npt Long Held by British THE STEAMER . SAILED FROM BOSTON Was Taken into Falmouth, Where She Was Ex-amined Now York, Doc. 31. Owmtr of the steamship Carolyn, which shUim) from Itoston Doc. 14 for Brpmcn with fl.tWO Imles of cotton aboard, received ypatiT dny a cable mpHsajje from thn British ad miralty notifying them that the vessel liad been examined at Falmouth, re leased immediately and had started for Hremen. The. Carolyn's owners said they did not know the circumstances under which the vessel had put into Falmouth, except that she went there for examination. This, they said, was not unusual. The Carolyn carried the first boatload tf cotton shipped direct from the United Ftatos to a German port since the begin, ning of the war. FEARFUL HUMOR COVERED FACE RESINOL CURED Taterson, N. J., Doc. 0, 1913 1 "About year ago my Uca began to crack and get acaly in blotcbcu. It toon got worse and my face was all (potted and rough, and it itched nio very much at night, and caused me no end of discom fort. After a month or so, pimples and blackheads began to show, first in small numbers and then gradually covering my entire face. It was awful. The f lmples were sore and the Tash was tchy and my fuco had a most un sightly appearance. I could cot no relief, Reniwl Soap and Resinol Oint ment caused me intant relief. By the time another jar of Rcsinol Ointment and cake of Revinol Hoap were gone, I can truthfully say that it was a com plete cure. My fnoe had assumed its former color and looks, due to Rcsinol Soap and Resinol Ointment. They are, I think, the best for any skin trouble. (Signed) Robert Troyano, 2fi9 E. 21st Street. Soli by all druggists. Household Economy COPPER CARGOES HELD BY BRITISH 8 8 g tiousenoia Economy g How to Bare tbe Beat Cough S 8 Itemed? and Save $'Jt by o g Making It at Hume S SHIP BILL ON LEE SHORE May Be Wrecked by the In creasing Opposition POUNDS HARD ON CON TRABAND QUESTION Danger of Complications with Warring Nations Fate of the Shipments Is Not Known To the Washington Authori ties. Washington, Dec. 31. Detention by Jlritmh authorities of the Swedish steam er New Sweden, carrying 730 tons of American copper for Stockholm, at New castle, on Dec. 28 and of the, Norwegian steamer Sorland, carrying 600 tons for the same port on. Dec. 28 at Leith, was reported yesterday to the state depart ment by the American Smelting & Re fining Co. The company has advised the Btate department it has been unable to get advices of the disposal of the ship ments. The department had made in quiries of Great Britain. DUMDUMS MADE HERE CAN'T BE USED BY ALLIES Cough medicines, as a rule contain large quantity ot plain syrup. A pint of Kranuiaiea sugar wuu pint or warm water, stirred for 2 minutes, gives you as good syrup as money can buy. Then get from your druggist 21 ounces Pinex (uO cents worth), pour into a pint bottle and lill the bottle with sugar syrup. This gives you, at a cont of onlv 54 cents, a full pint of reallv better cough syrup than you could buy readv made for $2.50 a clear savins of nearly $2. Full directions with Pinex. It keeps perfectly and taHtes good. It takes hold of the usual cough or chest cold at once and conquers it in 24 hours. Splendid for whooping cough, bronchitis and winter coughs. It's truly astonishing how quickly it loosens the dry, hoarse or tight cough and heals and soothes the inllamed mem branes in tiie case of a painful cough. It also stops the formation of phlegm in the throat and bronchial tubes, thus end- i ing the persistent loose cough. Pinex is a highly concentrated com pound of genuine Norway pine extract combined with guaiacol, and has been used for generations to heal inflamed membranes of the throat and chest. JO avoia riififlnnninrmonr. anlr rniii- aruKgiso ior zVi ounces ot J'inex," and don't accent anvtliina' rise. A rtiaranb'n or aosoiute satislactiun, jt mony prompt ly refunded, imp', .t V. n t' uiLriit.ion The Pinex C Ft. YaYie. jd. CAN'T LIVE ON $6 A WEEK. State Department Investigates Report That Von Bernstorff's Samples Won't Fit K.fles of Allies. Washington, Dec. 31. State depart ment officials have practically completed their investigation of charges by t It - flirman ambassador, Count HernstortT. that dumdum bullets Mere being supplied from the United States to the armies of the allies. An answer to Count von Rernstorff will be made within the next few days. The department's investigators have reported that the samples of dumdum bullets submitted by the German am bassador as having been made in the I'nited States would not fit any rifle be ing used by the allies. State department officials have also neen informed by an American diplomat Just back from Kurope that he found no ground for charges that Belgians have Wen mutilated bv German soldiers. Granted Pardons. Boston, Dec. 31. The executive coun cil granted pardons yesterday to Salva tore Uruno and Orlando Antonio, who were serving state prison sentences of from five to seven years for murderous assault during the labor troubles at tawrrnre in l',H2. It was stated at yes terday's council hearing that although the men were carrying revolvers, they never used them. To Cure a Cold in One Day take I.AXATIVK J1ROMO QUNINK Tabli-ta. Druggiots refund money if it fads to cure. K. V. GROVE'S signature in n eai-h box. 2ic. Advt. CARE FOR YOUR HAIR Girls Need $8.71 as a Living Wage, Says Mrs. Glendower tvans. Princeton, X. J., Dec. 31. A girl who earns only ii a wick must go hungry unless she receives some outside help Mrs. Glendower Evans of Bonton de clared to-dav be tore t lie American Eco nomic association. Mrs. Evans has been connected with the work incident to thn establishment of a minimum wage scale in Massachusetts and has made an ex tensive survey of conditions ttiere. 'The vait majority of wage-earning women work !ecause they must," she said. "And the vat majority earn wages far below the requirements of de cent living. "How, then, do they live? I answer, for the most part by endnrim! every form of privation. The majority of them, I believe, are terribly underfed. Everv study of budgets ami living condi tions that I know if shows this. Some times women confess it plainly. '1 don't know how I ever lived.' or, 'I almost starved.' thev will pay in explaining their circumstance. Others are ton proud to confess their privations. 'You see I am dieting.' was the explanation of a girl for her two-cent lunch at a cafe teria." Mrs. Evans then told the story of d girl that made $tf a week whom the nun iniuni wage coinmi-siou of MHsat-liuartt interviewed. The girl admitted that she received money from illicit resource. She declared he was forced to go hungry when she tried to live on $ri a week. "I do not tell j ou this atnrv that an inlerence may lie drawn in regard to low wages which I do not draw." Mrs. Evans said. "I tell it to illustrate the Hnt I have made, that a girl who earn a week, unless she is hclprd out soiiiidiow, must go lmtitrry." Th .MaaelniM-t t -ommision ren-nt ly agreed tion us a lmrur wage for women, but as yet this amount i riot 1n ing paid as a minimum in thst state. A l.'i'j cents an hour rate went into rfT-tt on A iif. I V I'll 4. in thr trub niak mg industry and it is Jwv t-d later to es tablish minimum rates of pay in otlu-r industries. Washington. Dec. 31. The administra tion's plans for the passage of the ship purchase bill, as reluctantly indicated at the White House yesterday morning in volves the passage of the bill lirst through the Senate. After the bill acted upon by that laxly it is believer that the iloiirie will "come to time" more promptly. In a statement made public yesterday Secretaries McAdoo and Ifcd- field advocate the bill as a means of re ducinir ocean freight rates. This state ment is taken here as being the lirst gun in the president's campaign for his pet measure, and tlie administration s open worts will undoubtedly be redoubled The reluctance of the House to take up the bill has been a matter of disap ointment to the president enn lus friends. Ever since late last session tin rules committee has had ready to report to the House at u signal from tiie presi- lent the special gag rule which would, if adopted, mean the virtual passage of Hie bill through the lower chamber. So strong, however, has been the opposition to the measure that the White House coneluded that it was inadvisable to take the bill up in the House and risk almost ertain ignominious defeat there. From political consideration alone, defeat at the hands of the Semite would lie bet ter for the administration than defeat at the hands of the House. In the ship purchase bill the president is endeavor ing to rally to his support- the radical dements of his party, and it is unques tionably the fact that for him to be op posed in a government ownership fight by the Senate would strengthen his hand with the people who still believe the Senate to be a "rich men's club" and a reactionary institution. The administration is not, of course. riving the public any indication of the number of votes for this bill upon which it can count from the Senate. Heads have been counted, however, and the gen eral conclusion Iris Is-en reached that the time is ripe to risk a rolli-all at an earlv dte in the Senate. Pressure upon ad ministration senators is therefore being renewed, and friendly overtures are be inir made to senators of the other party who htc known in anv way to favor the measure. Opponents of the bill Mieve that the serious turn which has been given to the eontrahand question by the American protet to Grest Britain will have an im portant (waring on the enactment of ship purchase legislation. They think it will tend to block passage of a ship purchase measure. They point out that the dan ger ot complications with some of the helliccn nts over contraband would be much increased if government-owned ship were used and such ships were held up and sea relied In unwarranted fash ion. This objection will be strenuously urged on the floor of the House and Sen- te. The present indications are not it all favorable to enactment of the bill. The ooinion is growing that the bill will fail. SHIP BILL REPORTED. Fa ror i Canadian Industrial Disputes Law. Pritxf ton. . I-. 31.- Adoption of a law similar in pine il- t 1 ! tarta dun inJutrial dispute '1 was ad aiii-d l lore the Aiii' lMSfl IVoi.nmie tat ion to day h "ro-if r rank II. Iin -f 1 'art neii1 h, as a mean of dim iih .ing tat'f trill' in fnintr v. His nti- t the ' Pub lic f.' fiiist i.m ot ;.'," "'I be ptlo'tl'ie 1 in ali.n If. Ul t?mi !ipi!s a". I i h !- eh !' eom.iS-i l-ii -t ij. a I . i m It lii, i-oifU t af i r i r s tat t,i r IUiH Uleti-t !i i 1 , t'- itf-t is eofrpW'tml. ii" t i ! ad rt eti isMiMr r I'- sa 1 Secretary Redneld Contributed a Letter Strongly Indorsing the Measure. Washington. Dec. "I. I'rirmg in sironif terms pss-airr of the administra tion ship purchase bill. Senator Eletcli yesterday for th majoiity of the i-om-merce committee presented a report on the measure to the Snste. Incorporated was a letter fiom Secretary Itedtield. hich n ad : "We rannot wait long the process of evolution, the pst nit untangling ot coiii plinting news ot rusl interests, which it tress in the aggregate are iiiMinte- Iv less than the iuisirtani'e of the sub ject to the free flow of American i-otn-metce. We hate pail since Sept. ur whole noatuig in.. alirosd. in I gf.ts. and it hsik aa if Is .-eruts r alone. ! etcn witn cotton muting slowly, would! show a (voi,,l,,. tatlanii- on turn ha mlise i transact ions of m,iaMKi. 'Tin- rHrt niter det i itung and d:fiiculne ot transporting Amtri-i ran i-omiiierie sin.' the war la-gan, ile-! la r : bale l-n eont",t lothi ito to suh- 4rt ir interests ot l.uroj-ar st'sit- i (oMrs and to a m.wi t,sj,t. ,f 4ni-t- 1 vtn I !,.!, )ers in h ps nn r f'ir i4.n' taes: Lot t's l.o It of war has di bated t ' fa. that t'- riaiiiemrrtt w l.iV s- i-; 1i o.i . . '! in .?: t tine. I s it its i ti. 1 1 ,f vcakn.-ss. 1 t-t. t'- s nous Icit i.-ti in up. Ti . -u t) l tsis. I t Willi CUTICURA SOAP Anr. Caticura Ointment. Thry clramc the Ralp. rc tnrre tlanJnif?, srrr t filling , r- .' j i:- t ' C.t! sii I- it i -it i w , 1 .. im-st-jii-a !'i m.l.k t ana- i --' 'I l , ' .l ; I . 1 1 i1 ! - t t f ; it I llpi 1 : ! fraud m- ip :- s ,a 1 1 fitl.l I : is. ti- !) '"t l-l,f ,S i t . ' j t r - , n 1 at f ' 1 ' r i.t i ?s s : t f af r t i"ir .11 and l i ..i, I .1 is I 't h (".st t daiia"-r t kis m ihar't that t r -1 t 1'ie natal irt. -.s.t .f , . t put at any t rr .'! v ' " h -miit i-TfirtH It - .t ,n ei- i t .t t r- i, t s t w . ., V t s .si t r'- i ( - 1 t s. - f-i T-i nv 'e fsnlf ts fs-faTt tt i. i l Lot -s it tt. Is -Hst j.;ft-t itts..'f t- s r I a - a nciictimg calm muraaay inc rooo wianaaras or yTC5mcmi nc rure rooa Town Lr-o-n-fi !-a-s-t-i-n-fi delight the most value for your nickel UnitaJ Profit Sharing Coupona around aach package (va doubts valtia. Two flavors : fraah mint leaf Julca and dalleloua doubla-itrangtli Pepparmlnt. -aVis. Crystal I .... -T I t" - 1 qyottutto SUGAR f - Jr -liuih fl'l Xtf&b jSt , " ' IMPORTED SARDINES You can get them in pure olive oil or in deliciuusly spiced tomato sauce. Each a Royal Creation and f Treat Send far Notmanna Recipe Dao T0KSTAD BURGER COMPANY Stavanger, Norway 100 Hudson Street New York J "Pure at the source perfect at the journey's end." To place it on the table is to compliment the guest. TIIE AMERICAN SUGAR REFINING CO. EVERY MAN, EVERY WOMAN, EVERY CHILD Should tat the easily digested, highly aatritisat beafswortli I I TRsMHMWRcaisnMO aMfon. REAL WHOLE WHEAT BISCUIT A delieioui, dainty cradter which can be servei at all times with all things. At Your Grocer. 10c Tba Packaca. F. H. BENNETT BISCUIT COMPANY New York City "Labelled With the Remit of tha Analyse Were Placed on Exhibition." "Household Chemistry" Arouses West field (Second of a teriet to n).ear on the Food Page of this paper each Thurvlay.) Manv of the Rreat educational new departure. The sample?, Libeled innovations in America have been with the results of the analysts, were hatched out in Massachusetts. It is placed on exhibition in Iarp- glass not so strange, then, that this new cabinets which early assumed i::c pro- Af r.f nrni-tiral rheniistrv the kind nortions of a museum- .'I'M w - " - -- , , you can use in the home would have At that time there was cxnsidrr I r . f i t :.. .... t. i;..i.. ..i-t Lieen uorn in Massacnuscus. i-c i- a(jie sicKness among inu iur urn B. Allyn, a native of the state, was jren of the town, a great deal of the first instructor in it, but the idea stomach trouble, bowel cnmpbimt and of such instruction was first conceived the like. Might not it all be the re by Prof. Clarence A. Urodeur, of tiie sut 0f eating adulterated food? Very Massachusetts State Normal School probable. And so the cons r ihiipss at Westfiehi. It occurred to Principal 0f humane endeavor gave added zest Brodeur that a kind of chemistry to ti,e studies. You might have which would assist in the manage- searched all the schools in ali the nit-nt of the home would be the best domains of the United States and no kind to teach to prospective, girl wjlere would you have found such an teachers, for through them it would enthusiastic chemistry class as this, be imparted to many other schools, ,n(j tne interest is there yet. It has and through them, in turn, to thou- continued unabated from the day sands of homes in ir.any parts of the after the midnight luncheon on down country. For, after all, the final ob- t0 the present time, intensified by the ject of" education is to benefit society, knowledge that the classes are ob and what could be of greater benefit taining information of great value, to society than the tiplitfing or ad- while Westfield and the entire coun vancemenf of the h"me? So the more trv are profiting by these results of Principal Urodeur thought about this f0'o(j chemistry. practicable, home-usame aiemisirt, otner sri,ools in other towns the more he was in ravor oi u. knew of one man teach it, Professo Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum. It OOt. IHI1V1 ..i.'v-.-- ... 1 - K ctt.A.-'.rtrv Ctr:l:i fit fllP . luejioj, Mu,..o.u Mrth ani, ,he s,ars of tht heavens, r Allyn, of Loston, ,Vestflt.,d ha, been studying l e prac- Children Thrive on The Spread for Bread and Griddle Cakes Qifl P2 and lie determined to tret him. He found Professor Allyn as anxious to teach this kind of chemistry as he himself was to have it taught, and it did not take them long to arrive at an agreement. Hut the two teachers builded better than they knew. They merely thought the home-chemistry would be of prac tical help" about the house in putting up preserve, dying cloth, removing sf-ms. detecting impurities in foods. tical subiect of foods and drugs. The girls of the other schools l:-. . e not been able to use their star a:' 1 strata knowledge except to teach st to oth ers. Westfield girls make daily u-e of their pure food knowledge, and in turn they teach it to others who make daily use of it. Well, the result of it ali has been an upheaval, first in We-: : M and then throughout the na' ". The t- Grape-Nuts FOOD "There's a Reason" The whole nutriment of wheat and barley, long baked, quickly digested, delicious. . i t : ..... nracucai ciieniiswv uuvcu i- on- laumicrit:? wooiens. Keeping mc an . . 'i 'u ,K. das i .c . i i.. i t .,,., one weanon bv which tne p.. i nas jure, ana ine hkc. mo imo , ,, . , rj : tt . . dreamed that it v.-culd be a means of wen a me to oe c n n, . making Westfield known the country onslaughts of the ; food .. over, and of preventing the pollution I "' knowledge with o the nation' food supply. thec t, After the girl participants in the package vsa5 a sealed mv-v midnight luncheon had been sickened average consumer. he n C .. ".... ..a ;,o, ,he rhmistrv rer kept the formu.a UV vaults and no one tured p i intricacies. But Professor eeKS ThiLSaf (fiats a(gsar hen you buy Salt, intitt upon Diamond Crytl It't Good Salt Four State Tet have de clared Diamond Crystal Sa!t to beover Wa Pure. Well flavored I ood demanda pure salt. For Cooking, io fire and ten cent nck. Diamond Crystal Salt Co., St Clair, Mich. Makan a tba Itmam abaaai Tiela till WitM as askM-WI I'ssa fs SsM- AaP bv adulterated iam, the chemistry classes started out on a new line of investigation. Instead of removing stains from cloths, and learning the effects of bacteria, yeast, and molds in canning and preserving, they now began to look into the chemical com position of food products. They went to the stores and bought all kinds V food samples, and brought them to the laboratory and examined them. There was no absence of skill or zeal in the his chemistry, anled by Federal investigators, t magical light of chemical the food sample and its s lai1 hire. Little could from the microscope, the and the retort. The fo ator raved, of course, but applauded. nst the era tor. results ', food to the ui'ac'ti- i'l his ir;to its Ml a- d e and ! the i,i"M s were ridden i t.iV' IQo. Perfect r-fVacuum -cleaned ) Or r One reason for PEEK'S TEA being PERFECT is because it is complete in flavor, strength and aroma ail the good in the tea. Sold In 10c, ?5c, SX tn4 75e cinitefi bf all tw4 ifnrft. 40 cup trial r 0c in fmp nd your OriifT'i nirne. Add 'fit PEE S TtA, Buib Terminal, Brooklyn, N. Y. POMPEIAN 05l (To be continued.) Here ia the Food Standard of the Pure Fool Town of UeMtield. Mass. li it mnrt rtarting than tht (immtmrnt food Stand trd or anp Stat f - i li"- "Knts shall not contain ad.lH ALl'M, tOITKK, loRMAIJitHVPf. fSfl.Fl'H HI'S A( il .T in Sails. IIHRIC Ai U or us Sairv HI.S7.oIC A II nr its S-atta. tnKMIl A( 111 ir ita Sslts. HVI"K'H I . iK Ii' ACID or its Salts Sl. H YLIC A( ID or its Salts, mr any otlirr ion coo dimmtll prrarrvallvM. -.,r 'Kocwlt shall not ti eolivad with TO A I. T AR PVl-S, n-r mtih p,n''',", T f H I . I'l.ORS, nor ht rontaminaird uh mrrl fllrra, n'W mall an auhstanrr h llknt IhcrrfT .m or a4ird thcrrlo H) at to nef l i injurioualjr affect their quaiit purttr. "l-oci shall he santtarv cnitiiions Ixar no DISIImSF barinir anv F.XTKAV SI I KK stairmrnta. bar prntrctien to vnursr'f i i!y. ae that you Suy only f traces thit arr ccrtiiie,i tinjr field tan.iarit." You will thrn be huy:nf er h:gh food value wholesome ; r:.: :r:r choi BETTER SALADS loumuKUKvnoici i - ;r kju or your aiaa ii fH ure. PompeianiaP' I I --Mr- :.L enuit.L wuu that ' Fun Hslf Pint.. S v Full Pints, ,V. Croctrt or rat gilt Oliii ran- re and I .A Fruity ft a II i improve IT'S FUN TO MAKE DtriiWotiM, vhnlionv Hmi ijhn lata with ititfh focnl valu bf uaiindj PRISCILIA DOUGH-NUT FLOUR Ajrny tocxk lriswrjlla stay bpeaasrrai AIH KOTMINU lil T T lt f isr rsnk tissuk srrit TVia Aldrn Spearw'a Son Ca. Stlrtltir If) Hi n e s f-t . ( amHrtelaWi. Mass ' l The Laoses' World Professor lewis B.A!Iyn,Food Ed for I J For DESSERT TODAY use the following recipe with a - r v- f ' TAf!TA CAIAVTL CUSTAID C' " r.t! t--k, f I yiwtt mp r ( r mr. 2 nn r- For SU bf AS CooJ Crocmrt The delicious taste of jhk coca lug: mwcaeike stll aid J f yamr woftmrtA mi tba tneLI V finsi fUwaar a wet wKote mm BwtrittosM gaesiaxaa mi& aattaafy f asa. COOD LUCK ) fS -:HNr.jaKECO,aiura 1 lt V ) . f t r" tf f ft 07ED ATftttTt ACCX"!ktD. '"tfl-'( f 1 i"f 4 t -t;'. V W ' fwfi wr1 tTvti f t - .rt.-r - f rfswt - t? " I"" I 'em. r.! Attn 0rr tfc IW 0m i i V"w rani taak l supt m tit ssrt ns sai rsvrs f.a M Or a"'as4 a' ns, M rIHstliHi aa. t f tctat m at. t . Tor V'r A r tnirftt . jrtk- Bot yoa votil ln ' r1inr tt cm ) r talnaT low-tae-v a tw fr Its atlisvttaafst 1oVeY3Cccoa At rm, tha 1 V ' " " a trrt. .tAjii i"i n !ijrru ; . n. 'rofessor AIIn Wi; t'.'l "ii tt at f.ite ',-amni t'trfaiifs i hst those I d ernirnts iVat lui J Vh tissue, red l""wi i.( ti. i It i i 'so tr I n t '! af .Macllcr's Macaroni ( av I r aw rt- t iff rf Mf'FT - f f C r. MVTUXR CO. i f - ft? t'T. , wrY. r I (S'.a L ' f llns'J t - M"i e - s ': -'s 1 1 li 'f . ' a . -r tt.i. f.. C On T?t t . 7 T ' : 7 ' -, ' - n J -- ! ; a t f 4 I - 'H f5 - -. . - a J t -It ''' T - " ' fv I t . J .-a'--'? - If' Je"-t'; ') -, !- S-. S 14 I), f j Ccnslin:: .tor: ; ; .,. a. - . ft r. fa f" ..-if .,; i' m f w -" I t f -1 -,- 5nr!ple Trr by Mall f. 1 t. , ' S I , a f :l II .w s S' as f