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o TJIK JJAKKK DAILY TIMES, UAHHK, VT., THURSDAY, DKCKMRKH 31, 1014. t A JOWEY SAVING SALE at Perry's on Saturday This sale on Saturday affords an opportunity to secure reliable merchandise at prices that will please the shrewd est buyer. A 50c Value, 39c Each Petticoats, 39c Each All Colors This is a Sateen Petticoat with Moire finish ; has an accordeon plaited flounce. A well-made and finished Skirt and is our 50c value. We have this in Green, Cerise, Blue and Brown. A Big Saving on Crepe and Flannelette Kimonos on Saturday $2.50 and $2.00 Values Crepe and Flannelette Kimonos, $1.69 To clean up this lot of Long Kimonos, in Crepe and Flannelette, we offer your choice of this lot of handsome Kimonos for only $1.69 each. 15c Value, 10c Yard Kimono Cloth, 10c Yard Five pieces of heavy weight Kimono Cloth in pretty designs; some with bordered effect. This is our regular 15c cloth, to close this lot at only 10c per yard on Saturday. $1.25 Value, 89c Each Cotton Messaline Petticoats, 89c A lot of Dark Red, Navy Blue, Copenhagen, Green and Nigger Brown Cotton Messaline Petticoats, with fancy accordeon-plaited flounce. This is an extremely low price for this quality of Pet ticoat. Here Is a Saving on All Wool Blankets $7.50 11-4 All Wool Blankets, reduced to $6.50 $7.00 11-4 All Wool Blankets, reduced to 6.00 $6.50 11-4 All Wool Blankets, reduced to 5.75 $6.00 11-4 All Wool Blankets, reduced to 5.25 The above are bound with silk, in Gray or White. TALK OF THE TOWN PERRY (EL CAMP j TTlni Rftpf iff Wrw" Tri" ClnrA t lilt JJUOl lO 11CVU X uu uuuu For Public or Official Buildings Did You Know? ; ' The Treasury Department Buildings Post Offices throughout the Country t U. S. Senate Office Building, Washington The Newest and Finest Hotels Public Conveyances X The Pullman Company X and countless other places requiring floor coverings of combined beauty and durability, use j Whittall Rugs If men who invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in rugs and carpets after thorough investigation and repeated trials, consider Whittall Fabrics best for pub lic use, does it not seem reasonable that they are quite as desirable for private homes? Whittall Fabrics are noted for their beauty of de signs and colorings, for their wonderful texture, for the endurance of the dyes used and for their splendid resistance to wear. t "Where the Wear is Hardest Whittall Rugs Wear Best B. W. Hooker & Co. UNDERTAKERS DAY OR FUNERAL LICENSED FMBALMERS HOSPITAL AMI U LANCE SERVICE NIGHT 'PHONE : : 7 - l A..V. Beckley Dealer in Paints Oils, White Lead, Varnishes, Wall Paper, Moulding, etc.; Artists' Supplies a Specialty 46 Main Street Ottr Drown Dm Flfr-e Ttlephon t9-W Harre, Vermont BUY Hub -Mark Rubbers Best Rubbers made Trimiiiiiij; liiimlkereliief now 1 or lo.. it at Vaiijjliiin'a. Our $2.5(1 irtm mid llanneletto kl nionoH for $1.(1!', ut Perry'. Dunce out the old, dunce in the new. llowlmid hull Tliuraday nljjlit. A liitf mtvinjr mi erejie mid flannelette kimono ut I'erry'a on .Saturday. You Hliould Hi'o tliOHu cotton mescaline K'tticoHt for Hllo en rli, all color, ut IVrry'a on Nuturduy. Mr. Mary (i. Nye hu returned to lier home in Montreal, after Hiending a week with friend in the city. Kenifmlier the one o'clock dance Thurs day nicjht, Dec. .'II, "5 cent, ludiea free. Sjieeial car after the dunce. The annual meeting of the I'nivermil it church will be held to-night at 7:3" in the. vestry of the church. Ritaine, election of officer and hearing reportu. Il m hoped that there will be a large at tendance. Them will be ft regular meeting ut the Salvation Armv hull thi evening at 8 o'clock and at 10:,'il, until midnight a watch night Come and bring your friend. Knsign 1'ariwn and Can tain Young. Smith & Dashner, real estate agent, have old for Mrs. Joseph Martin of thi eitv, four building lots to Architect Frank Walker. These Iota are located at Kdgcwood, near Mr. Walker'a resi dence property. The member of It. It. Crandall pot. No. 66, will hold a amoks talk at the (!. A. II. hall on Saturday, Jan. 2, at 2 p. in. All old soldier and son of veterans are cordially invited to meet with them, l'er order commander. If you join onr "Christmas club" and for any reason are unable to keep up your payment you will not lose any thing. Two weeks before Christinas you will receive a check for the amount yon have paid in. Uurre- Saving liank d Trust Co. 'Hill" Stuart of Spaulding street, one of the fast forward of the Shamrock A. ('., ha lieen engaged to day with the Caledonia A. A. Jan. 8, when the Well River team meet the Lowell, Ma., A. A., at Wells River. The game i one of a series which the Caledonian have ar ranged witli team in greater Hoston and pities in that vicinity. The annual rollcall and supper at tro Hedding church Friday afternoon and evening. All families connected with the church are included. Those not solicited for food please bring cake, pies, dough nut, rolls, jelly or pickle. As thi is a free, supper it i expected that most of the people will help to contribute needed supplies or some money. Social hour, including rollcall, from 3 to 5:30; sup- ' per at 5:30. So the friends of the lied-j ding church will start the new vcar to- I gether. the annual meeting of the woman association of the Congregational church wag held veaternnv afternoon in the hurch parlor, when the following offi cer were elected for the ensuing vear: President, Mrs. A. O. Jones; first vice president, Mrs. W. H. fJale; second vice president, Mrs. M. L. Chandler; corre sponding secretary, Mr. W. J. Clapp; reoording secretary, Mr. H. A. Holt; treasurer, Mr. Arthur Tilden; director of missionary work, Mr. J. W. Harnett; director of church work, Mrs. D. W. Mo- I)onnId. l At the II. M. Farnham auction sa! of X horses and other property in Mont pelii r ; to-morrow will be consigned one of the, best brood mares in the country Sd-1 X feriuo, standard bred, with a mark of I 2:23i; trial .2:14; half ill 1:04. the daim of ( loth of Gold, who a a two- year-old trotted in 2:25, and i also the lam of other famous trotter. This mare is 1 1 year old. brown in color, stand 15-3. She i clever ami one of the best of mother, ib-r sire wa Sires 'hampion. An extra chance to pur base a high bred brood mare. C. K. Smith, auctioneer. Ijist evening about 20 friend anil for mer schoolmates of tjeroy XV. Carroll gathered to welcome him home for the j noimay una alio tendered nun a surprise to remind him of his 15th birtiidav an niversary. He came yesterday from hi studies at Saered Heart college lur a 10 day' visit with hi parents on North Main street. During t he eetiirig frinah! Itm lisnan. in belmlf of the eonipany, pre sented the hi.ft a j.(,i watehfoh and ling. Mr. Carroll rather undecided what to sy, but was soon nhlc to re spond and thank them all and bid them enjoy themselves. The evening was passed with singing. and games, with refreshment of ssndwichen, rake and ioe cream. They sll loft ihing their young host many such happy birth day to come. In the east window of the yuarry Sav inps bank an interest ing pieture of the Id lUrte academy and dormitory is l. ing exhibited. Apparently the picture as taken from a Heel enerat ini; made during the hey-dey of the m hoo' io fulness. Th dormitory shown in the plate ws hsatrd between the residence of Mm. toyi and the site of the Pums monument. It wa the fir-t dormitory built in connection with the aradernv and aa lati-r demolished to make way tor a more adequate buildine. -lust how old the pM turf is. An Ioe XV. Taft. the nm n r. be ti'.t ktio. He found it in a ml- ! tat ion of antique at hi home and be- ' i ln-rc-s t'.st it am' originally from a I ; catalogue T fr'pe 1 us of 1 he m, 'probably iii' d in 1 1w da y hra f!e 'aevlemy as attrarlirg MoWi. from isl! nrtier of imrttwrn - r.r g'an t. Wr en it came to 1ip't th jiH-tnr was t rr and yr!nw it li Hg'. hut Mr. lat ia alU to retor mui f et twmf Now tlst iiit'i !,ill,i.g too a b f-ut a iriri ii the frsdh . i,tjr "ii'i V'n ai d U ftoti sfr-ts a a l eg li. r irr aHttalhlM, drn , tt l.r.- !n at.f-f tit 4 the iti'.fr r i?h ! i-'t r i I f"t i iir tn t I'tnw'. itf a 'im .. wi., ft 1 r '-rVr aa a - -'! J.1 , !-,-. j.t . prt . g 'f I 'T tt S'l'-W I ? ii pir f tJir s- nvr-r l tn m. t! a. ae4 w ott -ww-yit iijt f-a trni ln tM I- if- i.' n- ' f K-r t a - t ' ; . -i'-d i'-'Na an - . - 1 ifi--i --. t A. P. AIUJOTT CO. A. P. ABBOTT CO. A. P. ABBOTT CO. A.. P. ABBOTT CO. Only 9 Days More of Our Annual Clearance Sale! This sale comes at a time when everyone is able to get some of the many extra Cw- good values that we offer. This is not a sale where we pick out the merchandise Ofiif; that has not seemed to move, or where the styles have changed, so the real value M yO. nas oeen tosi, out we give you a cnance 10 pick irom our wnoiu mwa uuj you most need. We do this partly to reduce our stock before inventory, and in part to get our stock down on a working basis. In our ever-increasing business, we are a little apt to overbuy on some lines. While this sale means a loss to us, it gets our stock in shape for our spring's business, which is soon upon us. We mention below only a few of the many bargains offered. RENFREW DEVON SHIRE LOTH ii menu two, tL.4. W1 Ladies' House Dresses During ourt Christmas Sale, the de mand for House Dresses seemed to be for the dark colors. This leaves us with a lot of medium and light colors. These we are putting on one table at prices to clean them up at once. These are House Presses that are made from the beat quality Percale and Ginghams, in qualities that sold at from $1.50 to $3.00. We are putting these all in thi ale to clean the stock liefore invoic ing, at just one-half price. In thi sale are a few Park Colored House Presses in qualities that sold at $1.00 each. Now to close at, each 39c ( If you want a good House Press value, you will need to act quickly,; a thi lot will not last long. I Silk Petticoats We are putting into this sale what we have left in Ladies' Silk Mensa line and Jersey Petticoat., that bold at $2.fi0 and $.1.00. To d.-an up the stock before invoicing at only $1.59 each. You hhould see these values. We have a few Crepe Petticoat in light colors that sold at $4.50 and .$5.00. Now to close, only. . $2.51) She il Z : : : : : t Ladies' Tailored Suits Here are some Suii. propositions that will surely interest any who want to save a few dollars. Never did we put out good sea sonable Suits at such prices as now. We must get these Suits into cash before January 15. At $9.98 w! ar(' fitting into this Clean-l'p Hale Suits in all colors and Black, in both the long and short style coat, in qualities that sold at from $18.IH) to $30.00 each. These are Suit that are made up in men' wear Serge, the fine heavy Poplins, Broadcloths and Cheviot,) at only $9.98 M $().98 r'' w,iat w' have Ifft J.adie and Misses' Suits, in colors, that sold at from $12.00 to $16..i0. If interested in a good Suit, here is a chance to save some good money. House Dresses We just received a consignment of ladies' Wool Presses at much under the repular price. These Presses we are putting in with our regular stock at prices that will surely interest any who want a pood Pre to finish out the season. At $4.98 we re putting into this t-ale this lot of Presses, mostly in blue, i a Press that is made in the sea son' best st vie, and from a goods j and quality that have sold at $7..V). Now in thi sale at only $4.98 At $9.98 r'" f''w 0M Presses that are made up in the season' best tvh-s from Serce. (iahariline and t'repe. These are Presses that sold at from $14.00 to $lri..')ti. Now at only $9.98 Ladies' Separate Waists We are putting a lot of odd Waists on one table to close at one-half price. These are mostly White Waists in Voiles, Lace, Lawns, that sold at from $i.5 to $3.98. Now one-half the former prices. Ladies' Separate Skirts In this Pre-Inventory Sale are a lot of odd Skirts that are in a variety of the season's best cloths. Are Skirts where there are only one or two of a kind or cloth, and the prices made are less than what the cloth alone would cost you. At one-half price are a lot of odd Skirts that we have put on one rack to clean them up. These are Skirts that sold at from $5.30 to $12.00. In this lot of odd Skirt are a few Skirt in Voile in a quality that sold at $S.o0 and $10.00. Now $1.9g In thi Clean-l'p Stock Sale are all of our Black Skirts in qualities that sold at ."..ri0 to $5.75. Xow, to re duce stock, only ... $3.98 At $4.98 hat we have left in I-adie' Black, Blue and Brown Skirts, in qualities t tint aolil at 7.50 and $7.75. These are value that will surely go very quickly. If your size is here, you cannot afford to let thi chance pass. At $5 98 r'' f"vv Skirts in quali ties liiat sold at ?H.iM. Are our season's best values, in i-lyle that are the bit, now i.nly $5.98 At $6.98 re '"' W"k Skirt i: Silk Poplins. Mei.liiic and Moire. Are Skirts that sold at $12.00. Now t $6.98 1UB PROOFS SUfi. PROOF Dress Goods This sale gives you a chanc to fine piece of Nigger Brown Wool buy from a good clean stock of l),-s, '"l"'- " d Goods at a very liberal saving. The j n'n(. pjm. 0f Mack 48-inch dollar followine are at advertised prices: , Serge, new goods, tin sale, per One lot of 30c Scotch Flannels. j These were bought by us at afout half price. Now we are to close t!,,. lot at, per yard 17c For waist and children's wear nothing in our store such value an these Flannels. One lot of Imforted All-Wool v-rge in all colors. This sale, yd.... 45c1 vanl All of our Serges at 79c discount. All of our 50-inch Roman Wool Stripes for ladies' and miase' skirts that were $1.65, now at $1.19 (These are great values.) All of our $2.50 Heavy Winter Cloaking to make sport or collego coats, now at $1.65 All of our very best $-1.00 Chinchilla Cloths in colors. These now, per vard, at $1.98 Silks Every piece of Plain and Fancy All of our Fancy Silks will be on This1 our tflDle5- "Oia 01 mot i kb mau cost to close, it's tne oniy way 10 make a clean sale. We have to sell lots of kinds that later we buy over again. Silk in our stock at sale prices gives you a chance to save on the kind you were to buy at regular prices. Royal Worcester Corsets A gTeat opportunity to buy a Royal Worcester Corset at a price less than we usually pay. The manufacturers come forward and ask to have a hand in this January Sale by making you a price on one of their best numbers. One case Hoval Worcester latest mod el Corsets, made of French coutile, low bust, long hip, six hose up jKirters. Best steel and draw string top. Equal to $1.50 Cornets, nil sizes but 27 and 28. This sale, per pair 98c Muslin Underwear We have more Muslin Underwear: All Muslin Underwear will be sold than we need. Yes, we are over- at a liberal discount. Odd lots at less loaded and a part of it must go in than cost to us. this sale. on tables. These will be out Sweaters in 1 All of our new; Sweaters, all grades and1 and style, now in thi sale at a lib half: eral discount. This take in all Chil- One lot of $6.50 Coat Sweat sizes 30 and 3, in White, ir.. Virttaon now to close Mt i' price, each ?-'5.25 : dren's and (ient', a well a Ladies', Outing Flannels All of our Outings at special prices j per jard ...4I,C during this sale. The following at om, jt of Light Outings, same as advertised prices: One lot of Park Outings I forts or other cheap linings, the darV color, per yard 4',c All of onr 10c Heavy Colored Outings, this vale, per yard .......9c Memorandums No goods taken out on memorandum at sale prices. .Memorandums made at repular prices. If paid for before close of sale, Saturday. January 9, sale price will be allowed. In our Saturday's page adv., in addition to the above, were the following: Winter Sweaters, Silk Petticoats, Ladies' Separate Waists, Kid Gloves, Blankets and Suits, Cottons, Scotch Yarn at 29c, Outing Flannels, Worcester Corsets at 98c, Muslin Underwear. Silks and Wool Dress Goods. Trimming Handkercheifs at lc and 2c each. These with many more kinds not advertised. Please notice closing date of sale. The Daylight Stoi TALK OF THK TOWN Only fioie ni'te day of Al.Sott' bi,? e. K'tra ote thu week. '. X. K-nyon Co. S the p-eil ool .lrs value rt At.hottV A sultnt isl ssirg on n. blankets l Petri's on Saturdav. IKn W. llie hsnan i nt to Hr""klield to-day to "Ixnil the ret of the we-k m it h I r i-nd. TALK OF THE TOWN hver; Uly ill daniv New r' eve in the IIoh Und Imll. rrovUe money tor future u.e by join- j ing our thri'l" lub. (Juany SaiDg 1'ank A 1rut t o, ; Onr t'Timno lot it re.iu.eil t l' jar. I at I'eriy's on SsturHa. If von dae never tro-tt the "t hnstiuss club" plan a mean of amg money Hu had letter i-ome in to-day and J"in. Ilarre "aviiikrs ink A Trust o. A. W. Badger & Co. Funils.hinj: I ndertakers and Embalmers t itST Of AMIItMMI ttBU TELtPHONl MI ..v AWi:uTisi:vi;sT ix Tin: it.nuu: times WILL llllWC. SVllV. UESVI.TS Rog ers Barre, Vemwt Walk-0 ver Boot Shop IT0 N. Ma.ii 5L .,-,'t.,f 4f flat m f... 1 ' tr tfi - ' - 1 ut cf Tk 1 t ?t T Jt'lMkt :: i 1 1 i ! 1 1 1 ! HAPPY HEV YEAP 0?DfP 1 Xtys TO-QZY START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT Day your Groceries and Provision here and ac money. Good Things lo Eat SMITH & CUMINGS Telephone 400 For New Year's 1 nen'.cmbcr, wt and all day Fri.l;, Cre am Goodx Li;;ht and Dark : iViund Cake, Custarti and L Cn am Spor.-t Onlcr Id ti5 Cr 10 fvuet H.n 'In Ca iifornia Oran 4 quart cf fh'x Jwttt I-tatfKs. Nut?, z?. V Fancy We? r !-;?tJ., Vcl. : Frc-h Wrfi Frc ' h Vi-h a nr.nan Ha V. m at ' o'clock Thursday night, ! kir.d fur Thursday. !: Cake, jkt H lc fn -!:. yrv I' 15c t rry Slice.-'-. - Orange and Tarpo Cakes. I!rt a 1. for f -r 2.V 4 : ri frr for . 2.V to 40c 2.V 25c I'oji Corn and Apples. v.? r. '.c Koa-t and Steaks. ;in 1 Chickens, tn-dav. 1. THEF. DXADD COMPANY J t ! o i : : 1 ! t : : : i .V