Newspaper Page Text
TIIK BARRE DAILY TIMKS. HAHRU. VT TIIUUSDAV. DECEMBER 01, 1014. ABOUT THE STATE BArrxxixoa or imtkhkit rou DirTEKBNl BDCTIONi Th PwrrfleM (Um hue Uii oonipU'tmd ' uid thst bltf 0,UOU-lioritwar prujuut wilt bo sUrtud about J ad. 1. Tb largest holiday business vor don x 1f Burllnflton potofllin wm tlie rooord of Christmas wwk. Ths sal of stump. amrrtsd $400 In ruuuil numbers, or bout 91,000 aliwil ol a your ago, Charlo Nile, of Urandon, 18 years old, had bla lnft wrist broken Monday by balnff thrown from Ms amis. ti waa going down a atmp hill whan tba akil truck a stump, throwing him about 80 ftat. ( Tha editor of tha Prison Monitor, which hat resuiuod publication at Wind aor, aftar being temporarily suspended, it Hugh L. Collins, who, while substi tute) station agent at Vernon, shot and dangeroualy wounded H. A. Btaten of 'Vernon. ', Thla will make 44 yeura that Clarence 'J. &arent of Warren lias taught music fin Vermont. Mr. Sargnnt teaohea the piano, organ, violin, cornet, eta, and UBea the eamo mcthoil that i usod in the con servatories of music. He boa over 100 ipupila in Washington county. According to their usual custom, Dr. i and Mrs. W. Be ward Webb entertained ,ht Bhelburne house laut Saturday night ! 226 people from Bhelburne farms, with a Christmas tree, gifts, an entertainment by a vaudeville company from JNew lork -and a aupper. Everybody on the farms waa remembered with gilts. 1ms was 'the 26th annual Christmas entertain inent which Dr. and Mrs. Webb have given their employes and families. RKVAMPINO THE RURAL SCHOOL, I. Famous Cook Who Has Fed 200,000 Peo pie in One Day. In the "Interesting People" department of the December American magazine ap pears a picture and sketch of Gus Jau bert, a famous Kentucky cook. For fifty years he has presided over Kentucky bar becueg and burgoo feasts. He says that the greatest barbecue he ever took part . in was at Louiseville, Kentucky, during the Grand Army meet in September, 1895, when he fed 21)0,000 people in one day. For that Garguatituan feaHt he provided 30,000 gallons of burgoo and roasted 13 whole beeves, 265 sheep and 240 pigs. In the following extract the author of the article quotes what this "king of burgoo makers" has to say about the best way to make the drink t "'Nobody but a crazy man ever put whiskey in burgoo. The kind of burgoo 1 make the kind that has been drunk all over Kentucky, Indiana, and Ohio, is made of vegetables and meat alone. If you want to make, say, a gallon of burgoo, take a gallon of water and put in a whole chicken and a beef shank, cut up into small pieces. Keep this cooking until the meat is well done. Then iput in four ears of green corn, cut off the cob; half a doren tomatoes, a dozen potatoes, and three onions, all cut up very fine. This mixture must be stirred continuously to prevent scorching, and ! water must lie added from time to time, as is necessary. It takes from two to three hours to cook burgoo properly, and when you take it off the stove it should be light brown in color and very thick.' "'What they called burgoo after the war, save Jaubert, 'was as thing as dish , water, and 1 rckon there warn't any more nourishment in it than disliwati either. Why, some of thoe early restau rant fellows would take a rooster that had reached the old-age limit and boil him in bnrgoo, spurs and all! 1 kept no trying to improve in making burgoo and finally hit on the recipe that I just gave you, and have stuck to that ever A Successful Kiperiment In South Carg Una. There has been a lauilabh) desire ou the part of the public of hit year tu improve rural-sciiooi conditions, ana in South Carolina (York county) there Is an experimental rural school, whose work Is an example for thousand of such schools all over the country, The course or study ami the government or the children is based upon the tlieory that the teacher business is not pri marily to "hoar lessons" so much as It Is to organise, uuide, and interpret the ac tlvities which are normal to children as active members of the community. An uublttsed visitor's account of this school may convey to the reader a good Idea of tbo working principles of what can be done. First, however, a word should be said of the building Itself. It is a plain, comfortable residence, handed over to the school authorities for the experi ment, with several plassas on the outside whore scholars sit and study, while in side it is fitted up very much like the simple homes of the children's parents, who are nuurly all farmers. Not a desk is to be seen, only chairs and tables, such as may be found in any house. It should be noted, In passing, that, while good fortune, rather than selection, offered suoh ideal surroundings for the children, yet the Instigators ol this successful ex periment, now a model for rural schools throughout the state, have unconsciously developed a new idea in rural-school con struction, which will be worthy of seri ous consideration. "Approaching the school in the early morning," says the visitor, "you see across the privet hedge surrounding the yard groups of children of all ages, from six to 18, at work in the ample school garden; some of them are laying out seed beds, some are hoeing, some cutting flowers for the schoolroom, and others are gathering lettuce for the midday meal. In an hour, the children have worked off their superfluous energy and fidgetiness, accumulated experience which is to serve them as the basis for the day's indoor work, and they are ready to go inside. First, however, they go to the pump in one of the porches and wash the soil from their hands at this tempo rary substitute for the shower baths and dressingrooms soon to be installed. Hut washing is a doubtful satisfaction with out towels, and, as towels do not grow on trees, thev must be provided; so, un-1 der the guidance of the teacher, the number, size and cost of the towels is discussed. Tane measure in hand, the children consider various lengths, and finally decide on towels two feet long, The older pupils then use their arith metic to find out how much toweling will be needed. The cloth bought, ench child measures off her towels, the size is determined, and the work of basting begins. The teacher explains why the damask hem is best for the purpose in hand, and shows the children how to make it. When the towels are finished, the children find that the hem lias re duced their length to ii inches. Thus, they have had an invaluable lesson in numbers, and understand their meaning, as thev could not have done had thev spent the time in solving book problems unrelated to their mornings experience. Copyright. 1914, by E. R. Psrkinson All rights reserved. IS IT YOUR KIDNEYS? Don't Mistake tbt Cause of Your Trou blesA Barre CUIsen Gives Valuable Hint. Many people nover uuapect their kldnoyH. If nunerinir from a lame, weak or aching back, they think that it Is only a mus cular weuknens; when urinary trouble nets in, they think it will soon correct itself. And bo it is with all the other symptoms of kidney disorders. That is where dancer often lies, rou snouia realize that these troubles often lead to dropsy or Bright'B dis ease. An effective remedy for weak or diseased kidneys is Doan's Kidney Pills. Read the experience of a resident of Barre who has tested Doan's. Frank E. Adams, 47 Elm street, Barre, says: "I have used Dean's Kidney Pills for several months, and they have proved a valuable remedy. For some time I had been troubled by my kidneys. My back ached and I had pains in my aides. Doan's Kidney Pills cured the trouble. I highly recommend them." Price SOo, at all dealers'. Don't sim ply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidnev Pills the same that Mr. Adams had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buf falo, N. Y. AUCTION SALE AT TUf CITY AUCTION MARKET SATURDAY, JAN. 2 Do not miss the flpucial sule of all kinds of groceries from the store of F. A. Nichols & Son, No. Barre. These goods are' in fine condition, aa the fire did not reach them-only a little smoke on some of the canned goods. Come early and get your year s stock while they last. AT THE CITY AUCTION MAIt KET SATURDAY, 2 and 7 P. N 0. H. HALE, 22. EMTATI Or OUAMRI. H. KEI.U BUSINESS CARDS O. W. HODGDON, M. I). PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Tn Year in Ceneral Practice Office at Residence, Sanborn Block PLAINFIELD, VT. Telephone 91-43 EAST BARRE Grand New Year's ball under the aus pices of Court Rob Roy, No. 6, at Oil bcrt's hall Thursday evening, Dec. 31 Music furnished by the Military band of Montpcher. Dancing from 8 until 2, Admission $1 per couple. An oyster sup per will be served in the banquet hall at 2ic per plate. ( ome and dance the old year out and the new year in. A good time assured to all. Dances to suit everybody. SOOTH BARRE. Come to the watch party at the South Iiarre grange hall Thursday, Dec. 31. A short program will be rendered, after which supper will be served. Games for both old and voting have been ar ranged. All you need to bring ii 1,5 cents. $100 Reward, $100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn tint there 1 at lemt ooa dreaded disease that science bas been able to curs In all Ha tapea, and that la Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cur In the onlv poaitlre cure now known to the ml leal fraternity. Catarrh belns a constitutional disease, requires conatltutlonal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Core la taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous aurfacea of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of tne msesse, ana giving tn pattern sireuisiu hr hulldlna- un the constitution and awlsting ture In doing Its work. The proprietors he so mnch faith In Its cnratlee powere tnat tney offer One Hundred Hollars for any caae tbat It falls to cure. Send for Hat of testimonials. Address i J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O. Bold by all Hntggista. 75c. Take Hull's Family Pills for constlpstion. 7-20-4 factory output for nine months of 1914 21,097,000. Increase ef S, 430,000 orer asm period of 1911. largest selling brand of 10c Cigars in tha world. Quality counts. Cured His RUPTURE 1 sines I miT be seventy-sii years old,' savs Jaubert proudly, 'but I can still make the best burgoo in America,. And when 1 pet too old to make burgoo, I reckon I'll bt about ready to rash in my last poker chip."' Th Vojue of Whitt Paint. A clever decorator who remodeled the dining-mom in a New England farm- J liousa bss ern gone so far in her im : tif whits paint as to finish the floors with rlt. The woodwork and furniture were , ,also whit, but plenty of color was in trodirred by bright rhinti pstterned pa per and plain bright preyn nip;. The -hite dining-room table was always r, whih allowed th mistress to use tinny attractively colored doily sets. Her china showed tip to splendid advantage na this white ground, and the flowers 1 mm th (rsrden asemei) unusually bright end pretty in th midst of all this si lute. A country bnu near Cleveland baa all Ita floors palntd white, with bright green. Mti and pnrpl rurs ed t csrry tut certain mlr hemes f fours. tiirur white on floors is prartii-al nl when you are away from the rity's moke or motor dust. The Count rroeie Magarine and r-nrburbsa Life for .laa-wary. I was badly ruptured while lifting a trunk several years ago. Doctors said my only hope of cure waa an operation. Trusses did me no good. Finally 1 got hold of aomething that quickly and completely cured m. Years have passed and the rupture hss never returned, although I am doing hard work aa a carpen ter, rhere waa no ofwration, no loat tima, no trouble. I have nothing to sell, but will give full information about how you may find a complete euro without operation, if you write to me, Eugene M. Pullen, carpenter, "lid A Marcellue avenue. Manaaquan, N. J. Hotter cut out thia notice and ahow it to any others who are ruptured- you may save a life or at ieeet atop th misery of rupture and the worry and danger of an operation. STOP AT REVEREHOUSE BOSTON Hot and rold water, long distance tele phone in every room. SO rooms with aatk. ( uteiite and service aneseeUesl. II. t Pa ly and t'pwarda 1915 Overland $1475 Call and take a demonstration and convince yourself of the val ue of the car. Cutler's Garage 110 No. Main Street, Barre, Vt. DR. A. C. FOSTER Dentist Howland Bid., Room 16 Pbone 371-W HOURS: I to 12: 1 to I Evenings by Appointment EDWIN W. BRUCE VIOLINIST TEACHER AND concert oRCHESTRADANCE IS Nelson Street Telephone 422-12 RILEY'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR ALL OCCA SIONS LATEST AND MOST POPULAR MUSIC TELEPHONE 342-21 BARRE, VT. MERCHANT TAILORING ALSO C LEA KING, PRESS ING AND REPAIRINO MOORE & OWENS 122 North Main Street Barre, Vermont DR. G. L. T. HAYES MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISEASES PECULIAR TO WOMEN OFFICE HOURS: 8 to I P. M. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Aiso by Appointment II ana IS Blanrhard Building Telephone II New Year's Flowers Order at once, so as to get first choice and on time. IM Ml imrt Bl RLINCTON. VT. ratns la ai ana Hips. i ... ,, t 1 - r: 1 ' . lil and sliiiihe; neaj and aomrnMiarKl. i reea. wiaketheen v .,. r.d r,.r , Bll , . B4de. rharjre , (i, westber, .d r.4--a, t.l.nkrta f the rtreat ,d X f au-il. and T"- " "; lnir Mpowr, ,By ,f ,,1 m,y , ,,, ,,, ,,(MM, ,,,, llt , t, Z r,et for Foley kidn-T filla. In and 1 a l4p .lmla lur.g tronMee. Keen'.1. e.-,.r.l.-. ..f .h au- - ! film aire, v.ll in -ur br ail , Ik,wfl.- riil.r ,h.,r -.4 ... ... ,.. ...... H. M. Farnham's 421) BIG COMBINATION Auction I will hold mv next combination auc tion sale of Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Poul- I try, Carriages, Sleighs, Sleds, Harnesses, Robes, Blankets, Whips, Halters, Farm Tools, Household Furniture, -tc, on Friday, Jan. 1, 1915, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at my sta ble at M NorthflHd etrwt. Xont'pelier, "t., 1 minutes' wslk from the Wills River railroad station. I have a few fresh horses and some second -ha ltd horses of my own for thia sale and shall rtpeii 30 TO 10 COMMISSION HORSES : all kind. aires and pricea. Some pood smfle and doiill- tm. Some ilouble teams that sre rtrht for the luinlr j. .h. tsond hstilitiff and the farm. Sinj,-!e horwa fur the eipreea and star" btiai- nes, IieerT and familv. A nutnt-r of DR. LEWIS D. MARTIN OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Office In Roons U, Miles Building Telephone Connection OFFICE HOURS : a. m. to 1? m. and 1 :M to 4 p. ol. Monday, Tuaaday, Thursday and Friday Hiaia ..f V.r.,mnL Illatrlut ct Washington, aa. Hw lluouraWa i'ruuate lHirt for Ilia fistrul Afweild l Tu ttiM krfn and all uaraona InWrseted In tfia eaUta ui Oisuual 1L aUsd. lata vt Ua oily iaT Darra, In aaJ4 dvrinav uaasssi, CUEITTINO I MlKhRAR, sprlleatloa hath keen mads to thla euurt, in writing, by the aaeuuior, gray ing (r lleeuse and authority to lived to hmma H. Dudley, f the town uf Uarra, ouuuly of Waahliigtua and elate at Vermont, eartalo rami eelaus, aitualed in tUe town us llarra, in tlie aiHinty of Washington and state of Ver mont, nanasly, being all and tiie same land and tirenilaia said Kmnia II. Dudley and others ovnveyed to llsJon M. Road by Umlr deed of Auguatt IVut i said land aud pretnUea ara Ituauxl In lh village of HuuUt lierra, aa railed, and Lirund northeely by tba highway leadlna (rum Main alreet to and past tba poe Islung mil la uf HI hit A Gordon, aoutlierly by land of NuUian Harrington, eawterly by land of A. W. Lane and 1. Kdward Ward and wlfu, and waaterly by land of Harr A Cor don, bet lis the aatna land and premises which am now ixeupled by the said mma H. Dud ley and tha same that Oram el H. Itaod aa eimihiUtuwtor of the aetata vt said Helen M. Deed convoyed to said Emma H. Dudley under a llcunae granted by the probata court to eon vy auid read aataW in accordnnna wth thai contra 1 aald Helen H. Hoed made and entered into in her ltutlme and tha aama land and premises that aa.d Emma H. Dudley, on the aama day, conveyed to aald Oramat H. Heed ; rufertnea to aald deeda and license and reeords of the same for further duacription and bound ary of said pnemiaea : ran compliance by the said Emma H. Dudley with tba eonditlone of an orwl contrast by and between the said Orvmel H. Baud la hie lifetime and said Emma H. Dudley, which said oral contract waa sub stantially on the same terms and conditions aa exprneeed in atikl written contract between aafd Hulen M. I teed and aald Emma H. Dudley aa aforesaid, rvu resenting that the said da- OMuied waa in hia lifetime under contract, being the oral contract aforesaid, binding in etjulty to deed said land and premises to aald Emma H. Dudley on compliance by said Emma 11. Dudley with the conditions of aald con tract, and further representing that by deeding aa aforesaid the aaaeta in the hands of aald ex ecu tor will not be so reduced aa to prevent a creditor of aald deceneed from receiving hia whole dent or dimlnteh hia dividend. WHEREUPON, the aald court annotated and assigned the lHth day of January, ISIS, at the probate otMoe In Montpelier, in said district, to hear and decide upon said application and petition, and ordered public notice thereof to be given to all persons interested therein, by publahing aaid order, together with the time and place of hen ring, three weeks sueceaelvety in the Iiarre Daily Times, a newspaper which circulates in the neighborhood of those persons interested In aaid estate, all of which publica tions ahatl be previous to the day aeeigned for hearing. THERE ORE. rou ara hereby notified to appear before aaid court, at the time and place assigned, then and there in anid court to make your objections to the granting of such li cense, if you aee cause. Given under my hand at Montpelier. fn said district, thin SOta day of December, 1914. MAKY J. CUTLER, Register. Dec. 81 Jan. 7-U FOUK LINES FOR 2.c lioasnei.te-at he rat- el four '-J"! ! . , J, five eanta for the Bret iaseruea and 0 ' for aaeb subeauuent laeertioa. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS FOB BALK t)K K good reUngprop.rty (arms "" 'j "f rrvin is w ew cows t s" Htewart, Nurthfteld. Vt, ISV. TO RENT .tea Worrying I IteeeaM yeM ewsil sees and Independent I Get a feres! a.very - I know la doing wen enu. - r. -are the happlaat people on earth. v i,a v. a fanue and can saUafy the loua - be yu era th back to nature i . ... un sisH.r la one IV, miles front City on main road with no bills. 'ln'a,J to contain 160 acres of Undi . ol m is tllWe. most of which lays UW sad Is en timiv free from atone: produced from i W U tone of bay laat aeaeon. A Urge of softwood lumbar enougn to neip -'" the farm I bard wood enough for home ua. Ten-room bouee. I barns wlUi UMK htdi a oool boma. a good Investment . u.ily gL 4 K.rva rite: eaay terms be given. You will want to sea this. NO. S70 104 acres) IS to e ewres ol ull age, which la all machine mowing lj t" Tcim of woodland and one of tba beat sugar orcharda In town: from 700 to DM sugar t. equipped with MS buckets, iron arch. etc. , i year's supply of sugar wood all ready ! an sx. cellent fruit orchard! estimated to he"W ft. of softwood timber i consiuering ' Uon, being only about lfe miles from saw. mill, with no- hill, thla la of consider!,,, value : produced from SO to 40 tons of bar last season and keeps from IS to 20 bead: new r.A .n mi, il ft i an 8-foom bouse in good condiUoni haa recently been palnUl and papered inside; good cellar, beat of running water at bouse and barn: with the farm. tl. owner wishes to sell 1 horee, weighing a tout 1.1SV0 Iba an extra good worker enu ''er 8 grade cows. 4 2-year-old heifers, 1 calf; a, I the hay, aiiage. some potatoes, mowing ma chine, new a year ago: horse rake and weeder, .U n.w within a vear t horse hoe. Si ring- tooth harrow, pung sleigh with sled and body, new pair work harneeaee which cost .-..,. u0; .lc.t. wnw h.Ad. aintrlji driving namees. small tools and all sugar tools i will sell every- thing (or 13.200.00 1 terms, Sl.ouu.vo u..n; balance on time. This property U located only about 1 miles from the famous Nortn Mont- poller creamery and 4 to 4 -j mo irom Fiainfletd; mails delivered: telephone lm pitas ; thia is an exceptionally good propition if you are looking for a medium-priced farm and one worth more money than thia tan be bought for. fin. SSR 120 aerea. located only 1 mile from town : on thia farm is a good trout t.ond. which the owner has stocked wiOh 2u.0(i trout liuHnn the ruut three rears. This place will carry from 20 to 25 head and team; produced 80 tons of hay but year ; sugar orchard of So0 iJ'h "1NT"i "mit Insjulre at " b M',, S44t .f'wIi!MN",!.,U OOM TO RFNT Kltrhea - !?!! deelresl. t French street. 144tf an'd''0 etKNT -Hlg rooms, warn. Noiti r"!" : 1 tvtnmr W!'1 avenue and l a mlnsry streut Apply to F. D. Herk. '. lark street i telephone M-l. 4Ut - -"i)-.M.TO RKNT- 80 AsrUl street, litit Room th ovu-e . ,, . . Cull at i- u. m n" mooero ooDvenienesa. "t 1, Wellington street. ttllf will? "T-Downasaira tenement of 8 rooms water " v ""fto ""J "rtn Mrl-ellan. tiltt'lf FOR r.'n no. RKNT-Houss oa Fraoklla street, 2wtf in 00 HENTCo" boues on Perrr street. vru t.v,- 'ivtt loo lr-"lenement on Foster streelj FOR SALE OB EXCHANCE-8 farms. Itnl Telephon, 314-1 H. A. FBELPS CO. TO RENT Tenement for rent on first floor 1 Pi J"0! Improvements and furnace heat, lies-ant street E. L. Dens more. mti str2 ,ItEniTrA ,m"U t'n'ment at 11 Chureh o 7 ' h'"l U "d" 'nau'' o' "r. M. O. Ntlrknev ,u.j 218tf TO RENT Two front rooms suluble for IV?!?' e?rne.r ot -Nortl Main and Granite Kvvly treamery, 800 Notb Mala 18Mf ,fTLow,.r nemeirt. Quarry fiT u. Wi,' U", n'1 carrlagehouae. let email lamily; 114 mil from Barre City: terms Box 72, K. F. O. 14 a moderate for the winter. ii o. a FOR. SALE is mR..SAI;A n'w 0r"n Mcmnbxln silo, in." M. OHvV tMy tU,wi Osborne mow ing machine; hay rake; dies harrow and smoothing harrow ; these tools have bean used I seasons; a Wetaon farm wagon. 1 bodies and hay rack ; will aeil at a sacrifice. W. 8. 'islsey. Eaet Orange, Vt. 240U2 FOR SALE Gnien blockwood ; also evap orator for small orchard. Apply to F. M. Allen, East Hill, Marre; telephone 16S-2. 246U I OR SALE All kinds of honsehold furnl ture, carnota and linoleum, heating s fovea and ranges ; 1 Corniaji organ, a good one, caa be bought cheap; also a few choice pulleta: 1 ,J22r bftPin. Imiulre St 68 Merchant street, Barre, Vt. 246U J. C. WADLEIGH ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 21 YEARS' EXPERIENCE IS ALL BRANCHES OF PRACTICAL WORK Telephones, 84SJ-I, 18-W Barre, Vt. ESTATE OF M. W1LLARD DIX State of Vermont, District of Washington, ss. The Honorable Probate Court for the District Aforesaid : To the heira and all persons interested in the estate of M. Willani Dix. late of the town of Barre, In said district, deceased, GREETING: WHEREAS, application hath been made to this court in writing, by the administrator, praying for license and authority to sell all of real mate of said deceased, to wit: Situated In the city of Barre. town of Barre. and town of East Montpelier, In aaid district, being two building lots on rrench eetate, so called, in he city of Barre: the home farm, including the widow'a homestead right therein, aituatej in said towns of Barre and East Montpelier; Iso an undivided interest in a cottage in roton, in One county of Caledonia, rep resenting to said court that it would be beneficial to the heirs and all persons inter- rated in the estate of said deceased, to sell said real estate and convert the same into money. And bringing into court the consent and pprobation in writing, of all the heirs to said estate reeidlng in this state, and setting forth the situation of the real estate. WHEREUPON, the said court appointed and aeeigned the 11th day of January, 1015, at the probate omce in Montpelier, in aald district, hear and decide uoon aaid application and petition, and ordered public notice thereof to be given to all peraone interested therein, by publiehing said order, together with the time nd pisre of heanng, three weeks successively the Marre Dally limes, a newspaper which rruiatee In the neighborhood of those persona tcrested tn aaui estate, ail of whioh publi cations shall be previous to the day aaaigned for heanng. THEREFORE, you are hereby notified to pear before said court, at the time and place aaaigned, then and there In said court to make your objections to the granting of such license, if you see cause. Given under my hand at Montpelier, in aaid district, thai . 28d day of nrember. 1914. FRANK J. MARTIN, Judge. Dec. 24-S1 Jaa. 7 AIR COMFRESSORS-We are specialising on second-hand air compressors, steam and power driven, all makes and sixes, guaranteed trees; a good grafted fruit orchard; the main I " "on , "nd I us your inquiries. Geo. S. barn Is 46x72 ft., newly shingled; hi. silo ("'n. 2W Congress street, Boston. and basement; tie-ups for 25 head; .-room ... R house, newly papered and painted; running ,h"" f ,iA, rOUn,? hon,' ! "' I also water at house and barns; tahia farm is pleas- -,"'" rea" ,or selling, leaving town: will antlv situated: with the farm, the owner will " once; also house to rent sell 4 full-blooded Jersey cows. 6 grade Jer seys, 2 2-year-old heifers, 2 small cn, d yearling heifers, 1 pr. 5-year-old Morxan homes, worth from 1400.00 to 1500.00; 9 shoots. 1 brood sow. 60 hens, 2-horsc farm wagon, new expraea wagon, open buggy, pleigh, 2-horee sled, work harness, single driving huimi. sinirla work harness, horse rake. spring-tootli harrow, weeder. cultivator. Sim to 600 sap buckets, storage tank, draw tubs, etc., DeLaval cream separator and other dairy tools, all ready for immediate possesumn ; price for all, 4, 600.00. 23Uf in South Bi iarre. Telephone 421-5. NO. 869 One of the beet farms In Wash ington county . nearly 70 acres of perfectly level tillage land : about 200 acres of pmUure and woodland : 2H miles from Barre City ; without doubt, one of the beet barns in this section: good bouse: this is a money-making proposition, and if looking for a farm which will keep a lot of stock and near Barre City, this will appeal to you. Let us give you fur ther particulars. FOR SALE Second-hand sugaring outfit: Monarch boiling rig, 814 ft., sugaring-off arch and pan. gathering tank. 200 galvanized buckets, 600 painted wood buckets, spouts and !1V H. Carpenter. Marahfield, Vt. 240t8 FOR SALE A small locomotive boiler, 9 ft. long 2 ft. 4 in. diameter, open bottom: in n repair water glass and gauge; esti mated about 15 h. p.; also 4 hangers and 12 ft. shafting. C. H. Gale, 46 Barre street. Montpelier, Vt ; 'phone 221-M. 238H2 FOR SALE 1,500 cords wood of all kinds, green and dry; I sell direct from the woods to your door and can save you money ; he wise and tave your money : also. 100 tons of No. 1 horse hay, good qi.ality. A. Tomaai, 12 Mer. chant street; telephone 177-W. 2.17U" Your real estate wants will receive prompt attention. A large list to choose from ; eight offices, all doinqr business. Auctioneering properly handled St reiwon sble rates. THE D. A. PERRY REAL ESTATE AGEVCY Howland-Cave Building, Barre. Vermont FOR SALE Lumber, dimension 1A special ty : green wood, S2.60 delivered in city, for cash : wanted, men and teams to work woods. F. E. Downing, tel. 208-4 Barre. or 2B.O Washington. UltS'ti TOR SALE A National cash register; S drawers; In first-class condition; will be sold at a bargain. Call at Dodge's creamery. ?'.'Stf FOR SALE -Loose horse and cow hay. K. Carleton, 21 Highland avenue: 'phone 411-11 2171 f FOR SALE Scott's delicious extracted honey at home. Id Richardson street. E. M. Lyon's store, Smith & Cumings, the F. D Ladd Co.; guaranteed pure bees' honey. i'lStf ESTATE OF CHARLES ELIAS SMITH MIDWIFERY Having had many years' experieaea, I am prepared to serve any woo soey need toe serv- kaa of a midwife ar obstetric aunw Address Mrs. Elizabeth La Clair 14 Sassaser St. Telephone 17S-1I, Barra, Vt, Attention, Horse Owners! We carry the largest Una ef Herneeev Blanketa and Hera FamJshings ef any con cern In Waahlngteei ceaaty, and ear a rices are the leweet. (esse and see. Oar tittle factory la eq sipped to asanefectare aaythinf la the Baraeea Una. Plenty ef eeaapetesit werkaseei te give yea presapt sttenkieei and lrst-laas work SHERMAN If. PARKER Kerth Main tltreet Barra, VeraMfit HAY FOR SALE About 20 tons of choice se loctod horp hay and about five ton, jtalk hay; mu.t be sold, rrice, (15.00 ptr ton. Lewis K. Averill F. D. Ne. t. Rare State of Vermont, District of Washington, ss. The Honorable Probate Court for the Dis trict of Washington: To all persona interested In the estate of Charlea Eliaa Smith, late of the city of Barre, in said district, der eased, GREETING : At a probetc court, holden at Montpelier, within and for said d'strict, on the -'id day of December, 1S14, an instrument purporting to be the laet will and testament of Charlea Eiias Smith, late of the city of Barre, in said dis trict, deraaaed, waa presented to the court afonwaid, for probate. And it is ordered by aaid court tbat the Nth day of January, 1U. at the pro bate office in aald Montpelier, be aaaigned for proving aaid ins t ru meat, and that notice thereof be given to all persons con cerned, ty publishing that order three weeks sucesesively in the Barre Daily Tunae. a newspaper circulating in that vicinity, in aaid district, previoiia to the time aptointed. THEREFORE, you are hereby notified to appear before said court, at the time and place aforesaid, and contat the probate of said will, if you have cause. Given under my hand at Montpelier. la said district, this ;d day of IVeember. 1914. FRANK J. MARTIN, Judge Der. 24-81 Jan. Farms and City Property For Sale NO. 280 FOR SALE, 150-acre farm. !H miles from Barre City; 60 acres In tiliairr. balance pasture, timber and woodland, esti mated to be 78 M. of softwood timber and s large amount of bard wood: sugar orchard. grafted fruit orchard ; fields free f rora stone and machine mowed ; will cut SO tens of hay and will keep 86 head of stock and team ; 2 basement bams, 80x40 and 40x62 ; SO stan chions, silo and ehickenhouse ; neariy new l'.i room house ; water at house and bera ; R F. D. and telephone lines ; owner will ,el! farm alone or will sell stock, crops and tot'ls FOR SALE Richly bred Holstein hulls, reedy for service: grand sons of the great Pontiac Thorndyke, from advance register dnm. W. B. Dodds A Sons, North Hero. Vt ai2t8 PL LVERIZED SLATE STONE FOR SALE In any quantity; the proper article for -valks. drives or cellar bottoms: delivered In any quantity. Inquire of N. M. Nelson, 20 Mer chant street I4!itf FOR SALE E. M. F. 80 touring car In perfect condition ; - thoroughly overhauled and repainted. Apply at Capital Oarage (Jo.. Court street, Montpelier, Vt 72tf LOOSE HAY FOR SALE Inquire of Will S. Page. SI South Main atreet sitf Electric Lighting Plants We have installed at Sunnyside Farm s modern electric plant for lighting all our building. We will be glad to show you just lot of the tools are new and nearly m w . nice j how satsifartory thia is, and give you quota- farm team that coat 1600 : owner w in ire Uone on the cost of one to ligttt your own granite business and will give someone s good buildings. Don't pay a big price for a small, trade on tbia. .S.'tf j inferior plant. You will feel better satisfied to buy a good-siaed plant at a low figure. COMMISSIONERS' K0TICE ESTATE OF ARBIE M. EDWARDS The undersigned, having been appointed by the honorable pn-naie court lor the dletrv-t of Weahinrtoa. t OMMIlSIONa,RS. to examine, and a.I;tnt tlie claims and demands of all perron sirainst the eetate of Aboie M Edwards. NO. IS1 FOR SALE, farm of Sf ac-s In a nice country village: 20 acres in tillage. balance pasture aad titaber land: estimated to be 100 M. of co ft wood limber and a e i lot of hardwood ; only 4 miie to a g i stm saw-mill and ScbMa f actor? ; good fruit or chard ; farm wtr. hews 8 rows and ttmrn : base ment bars 0. I stanchions: ct .,r.t." and ahede : hawse ef ' rooms, aeide frttn hal's and pantrv ; water at house and lw Inge all In good condition ; only a to school, church and stores : v. hi ch thia farm with the timber that on : ZKItf COME AND SEE A. W. ALLEN CO. Orange County and New England Telephenaa Comfort Sleiphs With or Without Springs hui-d- I IJ4.0S to fli.CI " I .. - 9 A r,.,n.r S CA sv for One sat heavy I-beam logging sleds In is. is r,rr for tillage .aid a of soil ; 4 or f good condition COME AND SEE A. W. ALLEN CO. Orange Ceanty aad New England Taleptieaee NO. 2J-FOR SALE or mill small city prrperty : I? acres of 1. land, s"H miles from Barre Cit . nearly level, sewaoth, and the be' young fruit orchard; place will ke. -eow, and team; basement Kara 1" ehtnne: ehieketihouee : running eavr h,n 1 ' of I roowts ; bulidinga not ertra I it en j comfortable: nice piece for chirk,-, rardtn I truck aad r en era! farming tn a ew a" a Trvrrrrinff Sleds all readv to hitch etemaratter can make a good Hvlne 1p- end LrB'" irus nil icnu.v to III It II work In the eity : If yew Sara a , , . : place sQ in the chy row wtah to evrhenre. ns show lu' yoa thia pioperty. rt.'tf r;:: HEAVY LOfiGINC SLEDS We have heavy Teaming and late of Barre Town, tn aald district. deceased, and all liaims eahibited la offset " - " " ' " - - - . - teoewiewT aouea. oaiv a rw Ws have several grM barwaine tr erty that owners are anitoua m and that aea be hnarht f-- a low 1- . .. - . . y 1 . of W . J lapp. in the city of Barre. in , aald tH. , f " ,- '.' ,,.,,. ' tt- -n day of May oevt. fmm 2 o eiork 1 p. m until 4 W, , f. A . r v be"f CVerj 'Par. clors p m oa each .''t eewrrtkin. elick and e a, a. krV - ' Led ' - - t. A. D. Ii4. W ihe time limited by eeid ecsu setepwewe svi-e ' . - -.. . . - ..... " - ! Ifrfi ml Harre. t.. thai 14tS day of Decem ber, A. 1. 1 V : irOLTON M STATE STREET "alTTf' MOVTPELIEB Farm and Team Harness more and more harness "A new strap for a our guarantee. V-S!ere. AMX. 1.S ..L. ks-fnee the cr.'.d lleliu 1M..... I.l..-. ...A t.. t'-timon ia, or "iinamit iot bi Oor. .. P. A. Motirsei lad ceai.n abated, hold e-e-j b-re. Adit. re-eTt!T te) tie l-v s mii , T 17 1 1 IT T O V I U Jb If LiJUU A rw i--fi-ti Wles VOTJ SBt a tiers; I ANNUAL 3 e esr rflmdid iuplsr. IHtNK c PANCItorr. i.hAJ. E. C. WhEAlfiN. t oan ies loejera. MEETING swete haaeled at lemis eel a a. aed paeeiaaaJ yen-e f mi) peWie awetviai. .t faction r ,rt tmr deehega. fMTTw m rAsnwrriii r... s. S. IS. ttaeee Oty. t. Tat . se , . a -mis in . -se i-s .,... r"e, ' COLTON STATE STREET MovTrri im The stortKol't. r ,4 trw Dar Fat,, ne tWifik ; Inet 4n.r'V are hereby aw4 irt 1 ,r kmmuaI ma ' i,m ftur thmt elni tn SI, ' - WANTED ef I'.le-t 1 sl a-1.c 7l,!.-: 'H't 1hr,eiigt,y it.-ai,d tnv m and I felt Ike a n.-w etisn I rl t and free "TVer Sre the -A iw-!m ie.e l.a , ever .skew f'W es.fiwt if1 m. 1 r k"fi ti e stofrai-fc seivl, l,er nnr, l...-ia ft nlar.--A.i-t. I iYES 1 t. a e I I 1J' ' Z. . ., . 1 aiiit-ree-e ae f- ir,.sT .. wi..t r.. i -ii ,n ,he O.J. HOIK. E, The Jen eler j ZJ?:. tTlTZ: ,Li rv,t - air f Jnn ?"t-TtT and have it le Me SHr I l.'-h "ay of "JV T ia,.l l and hue wKat t ..i wart that 1 aw. Age! fee Ha Aesevtraa" b eVaeve ! . - ... ,f , , , I ,dW f.!)" .f.rre ,n. Th,e nur Sf! r " j ."!TL- JLZZ. WTN r r fc , , Si ''''''"WS . t -a f ekiae a4 eaw turn , f a ' .: ANNUAL MEETING I j Terms at l:m nf esle. I.tis. Iiroom tvs I ' ee I FXTR ROIJES C.rchl b'.g warm RoIk in Grav -r P.'-.tck. "It pays to take time to ,p Colt on. COLTON STATE STREET stnxrrn it WORK WANTED n svrsiv mm te to LLtCTPICAL surri its : fl I SIR s BARRE ELECTRIC CO. TELEPHONE VOI R WANTS TO THE BARRE TIMES TEL 31 0 Ai Terms at l:m rtf asle the (-onin is. F SIM Vft' AIL A PAFFT rnoart it'i r tr. H n rAS5HAK, The Hors Kt & H FAF5H AM. CVtk C F. EKITH. AsnittiewT, Ban, Vt (rw:u'- return rrl! frjj rc 4i! w I4'- 4 9r- ai, weav $ e ft-r .,'t 1 e "1 mt t0t re f-w lm te ft ft pwewy. m S 1 iiipjipi aw mm wp. a m ! fr M "tmm d. m jr-'-mm tr -- rm r vmm warm thmrm e. r"-Witrv, wwr-waa. asa. m-m mr.m. fv-r. t'- ewr yme ly. J. pas m. J. wiirrcoAin .Liccnrd Embalmer if 'm'a sawwd t-w,4 cat aw t j-Vt 'Ass sratdata lakiasea as seat aw mm. EAST tUtt Tt TeV-,kowe 4 VUXU.XSTOTX. Ttv-TsM4sssM gttm Fire Insurance I repreffnt feven trcn cf the lareft ar. I roft Stnck and Mutual Fire snce CcrparJfs. Ask for rattA. J. W. MLLQN f (PwlwaJ 9 JaWaasaalBsBlsT arsseae1 waasaw','r1 w'Jbi The aareal rwn 'ae yarlf e c-i. w SITr aa- t G-B. hmw fr t T-W lmir T1.T t Smi, l" S l rwd at M w . rne -t Mvi ar.a. If" tWwk Me Z-2. wwrerr e en " f t iwxwt. ew a -. e-w- 7-jaw4ae. 'w-v V T.S. t e't'-a r w . l the ewei r e eweir'ew St a w r T r-m-. t-rnt awf fsssarti'S ? awe eeswr M e -m m e a VTf I A ri- mm a t -!r r s-HI .wetirr fke r. ee-r Sw h-w.- 1 mm 1, mn V., e -r Tle. . , -f at r h arsWTrrs-. I r-tw t 4. a rrf --, iw , r, . I A .- a. i Tfc-4 etewt. rtt,hwe ' . - ttare. lasssitse !. '. 4 ANNl'AL MEETING I " ' " 1. rir)ttt -m WW etw ktik, mmm ?. HELP WANTED IDST AND fT)l M ' mm sV rtfMt It J ! tf tm. . ti- i f - . - IA-J,i ay , -, a 'rV him ELi-an rm -s ' :7jf Fr'iTr J-- ; nw w -ww t,,, m"Z t-Ta', twvwaaa t f -- j ew-- ., I --1 . a -- w f--m f-w mmm SJ r . .i... a. C Lt-m. ; .w-r, S WiJeJ tw A 1 1 trt S a . wi ! t .a-JS Anvrnnn vorn wants in Tin; times and ;i;t rai: uilsults 1