Newspaper Page Text
iJAj' AUKK DAILY TiiUKa, J.AJtilK, Vi, ihUiu.DAY. hv.CM'uiuii ai, lull. Guaranteed Petticoats Saturday Special For 6 months BIG PETTICOAT SALE Saturday morning at 8 o'clock we put on sale 100 Colored Petti coats in green, blue and black, fancy plaited ruffles and good quality sateen tops. These are worth much more money than we asking and we advise you to shop early if you want one of these Petticoats. EVERY SKIRT SOLD WILL BE GIVEN A SIX MONTHS' GUARANTEE .TICKET. Your choice of any color for Qp this one day, only, Saturday, Kjy The Homer Fitts Company See our window display of Petticoats today Store Closed All Day Tomorrow HARRE DAILY TIMES THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1914 The Weather (ii-iHTHily fuir (o-niht ami Friday. iMi imii'Ji iliHiie in tenipeiiitiu-e. Mod WOODBURY School Building as Far as Completed Is Accepted. The school committee hold a meeting Tuesday with W. h. Jackson of Alont pelittr, contractor, Krnnk A. Walker of Jiarre, architect, and Judge K. M. Harvey of Montpelier for the purpose of accept ing work on the erection of the new school building so far as it has pro gressed. The building was accepted by the school committee. Avon Hall was a recent visitor at his home in Marghfield. Fred Buchanan and Mrs. Cora Har wood were married at the Baptist par sonage in Hardwick Thursday evening, Dec. 24. Miss Bessie Drennan of St. Albans arirved in the place Monday for several clays' visit with Mr. and Mxs. E. J. Sweeney. Miss Jean Darling visited at her home in Barre during the week-end. Several people met at the town hall Monday evening to organize a dramatic club, for the purpose of presenting, in the near future, dramas and comedies at the hall in 'the now school building, proceeds to be used towards purchasing , a piano for the hall. Mrs. Henry Hull recently passed sev eral days in Woodsville, X. H., with rela tives. George Abair and Harold Barney, who have been employed in the place, have returned to Montpelier. News was received here Wednesday morning of the death of Mrs. Robert Da vis, which occurred at John S. Holden Memorial hospital in Hardwick, after a short illness. Allen Beattie, a student at Burdett business college, is passing his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Beattie. The following Christmas entertain-j ment was rendered at the M. K. church Thursday evening: Opening chorus, "Je sus Is Born," choir; scripture and prayer. Ansa foster; "Peal Out Keioicing," rhoir; "Christmas Adventure, Cora Thomas; dialogue, "Christmas Joke," Alma Nelson and Dorothy IVity; "A Witch in Time," Maude Webber; song, "A Christmas Good-Night," Cora Thom as, Alma Nelson and Iva Gourher; "When Santa Clans Comes," Anna Ba , shaw; "A Voice for Santa Claus," Henry Bakhaw; "Waiting for Santa," Svlvia Dailey; "The Bailey's First Xmas," Jon Wheeler; "Hail, the King." choir; "Christina Time," Jcttie Romayne Baldwin; "Chrmtma Joy," Theodore Bashaw; "A Christmas Carol." Shirley Ainsworth; "If Santa Claus Were Pa," Clifton l)ixlge; oong. "Constant Christ mas," internieiliiitei; "The Little Girl That Santa Claus Forgot." Myrtle Dun nella; "She Can't Come Home for Christ mas," Kmma Hull; "ChriHtmas Has Come," Phyllis Goucher; "I'raver for Tcace," Alice Hsnnigan; song, Tlie Lit tle Iord .torun," grade four; "The First Christmas." la Carr; "The Week Be fore," Myrle (Vllcy; "t'nder the Star One Night.' Florence Weeks; "Glory to the King!" duet and chorus, Mrs. C. H. J tons, Miaa Foster and choir; dialogue. "Christmas l'romiw,' Minnie Doty and Mildred Ainsworth; Christmas acrostic, tlaude Dailey, Howard Koss, Roscoa Rayrraft, Ieonard Riley, Francis Hanni- gan, Jay Miatnry, Wendell Webber, MvllarJ Thomas and Hugh Davis; "The Cradle Song," Mildred Ainsworth, 11a Carr, Mvrtlo Dunnells, Phyllis Goucher; recitation. Lydia Hull; "What Light Is This?" duet and chorus, Miss Olie Thom as, Mis Mildred Bashaw and choir; drill, (iiorgianna Dodge, Alice Ross, Lydia Hull, Erma Bashaw, Oraa Thom as, Hester Doty, Marion Goucher, Lil lian Bashaw, Myrtle Davis, Alice Hanni gan; "Silent Night," choir; peace an them, schools and choir. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mason have goni to Barre, where Mr. Mason has employ ment. Fred 'lnnr of Cabot was a recent guest of his mother, Mrs. Nancy Clapp. Lewis l lialiroux ana iainny are sit ing relatives in Montgomery. Mrs. Blanche Sweeney spent CTinstmas in St. Albans with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Drennan. Clifford Doty was a week-end visitor in Barre. Morton Atkinson, Ed Raycraft, Robert and Fred Weeks have gone to Cabot to work for Charles I'tley. N. A. Koss was in Barre Monday on business. Miss Mary Van Ornam and John Van Ornam of Calais were visitors at Henry Webber's. Saturday. Albion Miehaud and family of Fast Hardwick were guests Thursday and Friday of Mrs. Midland's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Ross. (.'. A. Heath, who has been employed in town for several weeks, returned Sunday to his home in liarre. Ivan llryant of St. Johnsbury is in town. Walter McLeod left Monday for St. Albans. Ellsworth Pates of Boston was a holi day visitor of his mother, returning home Monday. Miss Mayme Smith spent the latter part of the week in Hardwick with her mother, Mrs. Ktta Smith. Kd Guv was a recent visitor in Barre. Several of the young people gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F.ber Bash aw Saturday evening to participate in a party given in honor of their daughter, Miss Mildred Bashaw. The evening was pleasantly passed in playing games and socially, with several musical selections interspersed. Refreshments were served. Charlie Hull, Charlie Cookson and George Leonard have returned to Reach- am, after a few days' visit in town. Charles Sylvester and Clarence Mur phy of Burlington are employed in town. TALK OF THE TOWN GRANITEVILLE. TOO LATE TO BE CLASSIFIED GIRL WANTED -T lirlp In lumber ramp: tw eunfcltif to do; rial a-tw wanted and arhrtl they rmild com. Ml. LUllaa (.akin. (.rob Pond. VU s5t j, oYlo-k FKF.DER AM BARN MAN f ,ornam-a for hormm wanted; atata- m-mwm and Hn the enald nat-a. M i. ir-A rrra Lumber . .rotHt Fond. Vv. lt,tf Theo. Lasinr is able to lie out again ifter an illness of two weks. Koswell Mile left this mornine for Detroit, Mich., where he will be employed as a macniiimt. Mrs. Anna Cnry is tisiting at the home of her mother. Mr. William Sheri dan. Miss let"urneaii of Burlington it vis iting her grandmother, Mrs. N. Ix-tour-neau. Mis Grrgia Koaauth and Miss Eva Finnegsn have returned from a trip to Washington, where they spent Chriet mas. Michael tsniphcll has returneil f rom ' Boston. h"re n- ent on Kitaini-aa. I Mis Ms ye I tier of Waahincton is' tne pueat Mi M-rtriiJe Ryan during the holidaw. Mia Llo;e I'.ailey returned yesterday from Mon'.i'i. where she "was the guest of M s Helm Turner over ("hriat niss. McneVra nrt Rob f?v. No. . ill Clenranec sale going on at Vaughan'a. Roller skating to-night in Miles' hall. Ladies' night to-night at the Buzzell rink. The weather is right and a smooth surface assures you good skating. Malcolm W'illiums, one of the foremost character delineators of the American stage, in Daniel Frohman's fiimotis piny, lhe Brute, at the J'uvilion Theatre j Monday. The annual banquet of the Barre Golf club will he held at the K. of P. hall Jan. 8. At this time the cups and trophies I G won during the past season will lie pre sented. Members of the club are urged to attend. All the latest fashionable spring goods have arrived at Mrs. Bertha Beattie's Specialty Shop, 50 South Main street, and a large display of embroideries, suit ed for all ages and occasions, are shown. Classes are being formed in basket work. Don't forget the basketball game New Year's afternoon at Church street gym: nasium at 3:30 o'clock Co. F vs. Barre All-Stars. Co. F defeated Graniteville Tuesday night at Graniteville, 2t! to 10. Fast game guaranteed. Seating capacity 4."(l, so come early. The Bane team con sists of OgKton. Brown, Tomasi, Hooker, Olliver, and Smith. Miss Thresa La Page was pleasantly surprised last evening, when about -." friends called to celebrate her birthday anniversary. Music and games were en joyed and refreshments of aandwichea, cuke and coffee were served.. In behalf of the company, Henry LeClair present ed her a purse of money. The party broke up at a late hour, wishing her many more happy birthday. Graduates of the, academic department of Spauliline high school in the class of 1013 held their annual reunion last even ing, the occasion this year being a sleigh- ( ride to Plaiiiflcld. Among the 30 mem- j Uts of the class who participated in the sleighing party were a number of college students visiting at their homes here for the holidays. With a very few "icep tions the class roster in its entirety was present when one of the Joni-a A Nye barges left the citv in the late afternoon. The alumni members were accompanied by Miss Frieda Hooker and Mr. Cutler. At Plsinlleld an appetizing supper was served in the Bancroft inn and after wards there was an impromptu dancing program on the second floor of the inn. The return to Barre by moonlight was made around midnight. In charge of the affair was a committee consisting of Harold Knight, Horace Sowlen, .lames M. Ijtngley, and George Adie. New Year's day in Barre promises to conform pretty well to the observance accorded the hnltdav in times past. There will he the usual suspension of business actititiea, customary family re unions and ncighhoily alls that have a peculiar significance at the beginning of each new year, liranite manufacturers who have Is-en doing buine ninee the end of the ChrMmaa recces, clo'cl down this afternoon for the remainder of the week. Next Monday morning a blnt will I heard from the whistles in the tonexlied Iwlt. Mores will ho clocd (Jo morrow, as well as bank. Barber thor remain open this evening until lOrtVlck and will not reopen until Saturday morn ing. Customary holidav hour will be observed at the poat office. The Time will be loaned at noon. For a number of clmribe in th- citv New Year's will ! marked by annual meetings. ecia! aertieea are to b In Id in St. Monica 'a church to morrow forenoon at H ciVlm-L and atin at in odoil. .At ti e f 'hor. h TALK OF THE TOWN Baby sleighs and robea. Sadlier's. All goods reduced now at ViiucIihu's. Money-saving sale at Perry's on Sut urdiiy. Kd.vnun, "The Artist," Monday at the Pavilion Theatre. Adv. Membership in our thrift club closes Jan. tf, 1U15, Quarry Savings Bank & Trust Co. Mrs. William B. Jones of Central ktreet it spending several days with rela tives in Rutland. Chester Hennett' went this morning to Northlield, whero he will pass the vcar- end with friends. The annual meeting of the Vincitia club will be held in the club rooms this evening at K o'clock. Next to Holt's barber shop American Shoe Shine Parlors. Ladies' and gents' shines. Next to Holt's. Ladiea of Clan fli. rdon, please leave your due card with financial secretary on or before Friday, Jan. I. Edward Jobin of Ileckley Mtrcct went tiiis morning to Colchester, where he will puss the holiday with relatives. Officer John W. Dinccn of Pleasant street has resumed his duties on the po lice force, after a week's vacation. II. F. Cutler of Jelfmson street return ed this morning from a few days' busi ness visit in Boston and environs. Jr. and Mrs. L. J. Carroll went to Brooklleld to-day to siiend New Year's with Mrs. Carroll's brother, Arthur P. White. 1. O. 0. L., M. U.--Membcrs please leave due cards on or before Monday, Jan. 4, for ijc-mi-anmial audit. Mrs. W. Stephens, 10 Warren street. Miss Gertrude llamblcton of Goffs town, X. II., is passing several days in the city as the guest of Miss Christina I Reid of South Main street. I There will bo a meeting of the Ver mont Poultry association in the citv courtroom, Barre, Friday evening at7:3u, Please attend. W. A. Moir, jr., secretary. Miss Christine Tubhs of Summer street left the city last evening for St, Johnsbury, where she will make a year end visit with her sister, Mrs. G. A. Knapp. The Hospital Aid association will meet in Aldrieh hall Saturday afternoon at 3 o clock tor the annual meeting and elec tion of otlicers. The executive commit tee will meet at 2:.'i0. Frederick Kateon, principal of the North Barre kcJiooI, who hits been pass ing a part ot the Christmas recess at his home in North Jay, Me., arrived in the city this morning from Boston. Harley W. !(-ath, an instructor in Pennington. N. J.. seminary, and a, for mer member of the teaching staff at Goddaid seminary, is passing a part of hia Christmas vacation with friends in Bane and PUintield. Remember the dinner in connection with the annual meeting at the Congre gational church on New Year's day. It is hoped there will he a large attendance? and that those who come will bring a gene- -is supply of food. .Mr. and Mr-. Edward P. Carter of Keith avenue left yesterday on an ex tended trip to Philadelphia ami Balti more. During his almenee Mr. Carter will transact business in the interest of the Central Granite Co. Mrs. Leonard S. John of North Main drift returned yesterday from Boston, wncre ivhe has been making a few days' visit with relatives. She was accompa nied to Barre by her sister, Mrs. Wil liam Keefe. who will remain here for a stay of indefinite length. Frederick A. McCuIhui. a menils r of the faculty at GoddurJ seminary, who uas lsn pas-ing a few days in Harre since coming here from a I hnstmas isit in Bniiiilou. left this morning for Boston, when he will remain until the reopening of the school on the hill. Angus II. L. Smith of South Ryegate, graduate of Spaulditig nigh school in TALK OF THE TOWN " " -.-.. rrmay morning at;,,, t)i, ephrM there will be aerv 8 o clock I' ii i,e arrangements for the i : . . n . i . l : funeral of or late brother. Patn.k Iv.n- i,..;., i,i.j;.. i , l,,i Per oA . . r ' :. . . chief ra nirer. Members . a n S.30i will me t FOR SAIX .TWina mcxbinaa ; 1 drwKead New Hmw. neaHr new ' " p-ii ' . , oiwr naaaina. scsrpr r . MWi. I Km at reel. thi .' er or.l-r Igaticmal wocietiea are to bold their an i t i i .. . . i . i" aT mnrnmg at V o ci-a a ,,re.hoM of the new year ,r on the frst "" . maae . nls menu Tor lhe lunerai l 101-, ".el our r"Tii,-r. l'atnck !,nahiie. il. Munsing Union Suits RETIRED JUDGES HAVE CASES. o :r sales in c:ch season. live entire Seem to have the call, as crease in this department They fit, they wear; they Satisfaction. Men Suit. S1.00. S1.50, 52 00, $2.50. and S3.50. BoV Suits. 50c and 51.00. t Thercr Is Some CoRfu'ton About Supreme Court's Work. The iiisk'1 of the Vermont supreme court was taauesl yeaterday and rritaii,a raaea for the January and I' tirnarr the class of It'll, was a visitor in thi rty vesterdav while on hi wav to Phil adelphia, where he will resume his stud ies III Jefferson College of Medicine, aft er passing the Chri'tma taeatiou at his home. Mr. Smith will Is- graduated from the Philadelphia institution in June, Mr. and Mrs, Kline' 1). Tall of Se) Washington street hae gone to Califor nia, white they plan to make an indefi nite afav. Tiny will pass the winter n loa Angel, mid San I In go. On the iourni y the continent they will !e accompanied by Mr. and Mr. Charles l-cpage of lUskhy lull, who plan to p tin- winter on the pacific coast, returning to llere in tlw aonng. ,corge W. rant of 71' W ashington Wert, who I aa l n enil'hued as draughtsman by the l.e-irge Straiton I n, for aeerat years, ha reacgned hi He-i-tion. Roliett Mac k ir, w ho w emphccd in Wat i bury until rew-ntlv. amifi da Mr. ,rant and t!ie latter will leae the citv Saturday on an extended bnim-i tup l-tre bci' acerpt another MMiten. I letne nl.csra of Bright "Mar P.elaW ah lodge. No. I. I. o. o. F, were an nounced to dm. nomination hing be n Mnitlted in the lat two imw-t mg and ilhe cecal I, at at!e,-ted lst tlltl t. Follow- i niff are the i.r, ld l r for I 1 : Nolde I prand. Mia Mau le P. I'k'; t i,-e grand. !ra. .Ie -namrre; a.-. r -. Mr. Albie s,,e; treasurer. Mr. Flora 1rW: trtiafee fr three y-r. Mr. i iiat btle 4 mik. A t point I w ,e ra w ill Se , n I at a latr date n pr-para Ladies' house dressea at one-half price at Ahlaitt's. Come to the clearance sale at the Vaughn ii Store, Zuclora, the detective that could givp Sherlock Holmes lessons. Adv. Mia Ada Patterson of Rockland, Me., 1 4 making a 10 days' visit with relatives in Barre, At ,'l!c. petticoats In green, cerise, bine and brown; a 5Uc value for each; at Perry's on Saturday. Mrs. Harriet Rixhv oi Burlington ar rived in the city last evening for a visit with her son, C. K. Bixby. Napoleon Norma ndeau has returneil home, after spending a few days with relatives in Sherhrooke, P. Q. Mrs. Klir.abctli I'phain of Johnson ar rived in the city this forenoon for a week-end visit with relatives. Among the business visitors in the city to-day were James Mi-Lend of Plainlield, H. T. Walker of Chelsea, and Fred Bar rett of Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Barton of the Miles block returned last evening from 'tttsfleld, where they have la-en spending several days as the guests of Mr. Bar ton's brother. Bvron Smith, a former resident of Ihtrrc, who has not revisited the home of his youth in 14 years, arrived in the city yesterday for a stay at the home of Charles Mills on Fast street. Freeman Walker, who has la-en pass ing the Christinas recess with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Walker, of Fdgewood, has returned to Lyndon, where he is a student in the agricultural school. The young people's society of the Church of the Good .Shepherd will hold it regular meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Brown of Jefferson street on the evening of Wednesday, Jan. fl. Members of the Condor A. C. went this afternoon to Waterbury, where they will meet the Independents on the basketball court this evening. The game is the first of a series of three which the neighbor ing teams will play during the early win ter. The Condors will la' represented on the floor by Batchelder, Mann, Nichols, 'Carroll, Rogers and Gordon. Miss Marjorie L. Morse of Whittier. Cal., who has been passing the Christmas recess at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McWhorter of Richardson street, went this morning to Randolph, where she will be the week-end guest of rela tives, returning later to Northampton, Mass., where she is attending a fitting school for Wellesley college. Misses Murdena and Jocna Smith, who are passing the winter in Boston, enter tained a company of young people at their home on East street Tuesday eening, when nearly .'til of their friends came together. There was an attractive informal program of musical mimliers and a fiOO tournament was an interesting feature of the gathering, Painty re freshments were served before the guests departed. Mrs. .Man- Brisk, who is making an extended stay with her son. Fverett C. Brock, of Washington street, left this morning for .Newburv. where she was culled by the critical illness of her daughter. Mrs. Ralph Bailey, who has la-en confined to the house for a week. Mrs. Bailey's sister. Miss Bessie Brock, who came here to spend the winter with her brother, was called to Newburv on Tuesday. Clerks of Barre local. R. C. I. P. A., held a largely attended meeting at their quarter in Pythian hill last evening, when some of the feature to be incor porated in the local's tentative bill were freely discussed. Open forum on some of the phases of the proposed agreement was the order and the member did not refrain from expressing themselves forc ibly whenever the occasion offered. Much preliminary work remains to be done Vie fore the bill is submitted to the mer chants for consideration, John Clifford, an employe of the P. M. Mile Con I Co., is confined to his home on Smith Mreet as the result of a mishap whicn he experienced at the company's i coal shed Monday. Mr. Clifford had just completed loading one of the dra sleds with coal and was about to seat himself at the head of the load when the horse gave an unexpected start and he wat thrown over backward to the ground. Hi bead struck on the ice with sufficient fon-e to render him unconscious. Em ploye of the company carried him into the office near at hand and Pr. V. C. Goodrich, who was hurriedly summoned to Smith strci t. wa compelled to take four stitches in two painful scalp wound. Vesterday Mr. t lifford com plained of much pain, but hi condition today was reported to be more comfort able. Service over the P.ine branch of the Cintral Vermont railroad was somewhat li.nipti-d by the .h-ra ilinent of thr-e freight car and a locomotive on tlw main line near Middlesex yesterday aft ernoon. The train due to reach the lo cal station at 12: V o'clock cancelled and the ivgular branch passenger serv ice ws a minus quantity until the train came to town shortly before 3 o'clock I and remained down tn the yard toward! Granite street. Pa"M -tiger departing at -Vl'i for Mint north were compelled to l On Rale .ahirJairi x Over 3,000 Yards of Fine Hamburg Edgings and Insertions at 5c per yard. Every one is worth 10c, X and many are worth 15c and more. See them in our t north show window. Each pattern is numbered, and X you can easily make your selections from the window-j and then order by number. If not able to be here Sat- urday, you may 'phone in order with correct number, J and we will lay it aside until you come in. t o LET US .SHOW, YOU YOU WILL FIND IT PAYS TO TRADE HERE HENRY W. KNIGHT, Barre, Vt. I . Successor to Veale & Knight T TALK OF THE TOWN TALKvOF THE TOWN Odd waists at half-price at Vauglian's Special values in fur coats at Abbott's. Roller skating to-night in Miles' hall. Great sale corsets, 7!hy if 1.25, at the Vaughan Store. It will pay you to come to the sale on Saturday at Perry's. m Join our thrift club now. Quarry Sav ing Bank A. Trust Co. The "Christmas club" has been the means of helping many a person in Harre to save money. Come in to-day and join. Barre Savings Bank &. Trust Co. WATERBURY. Mrs. W. L. Wasson, past president of the Federation of Women's Clubs of Ver mont, attended the educational confer ence in Montpelier Monday and the re ceptfon given by Governor Fletcher and Governor-elect Gates. Verne and Lloyd Fogg, who have been w ith their uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. -lames Shipman. returned yesterday to their home in Topstield, Mass, Miss Julia Shipman was the guest of relatives in Montpelier yesterday. Mrs. Clarissa Minard and Miss Mar guerite Minard returned yesterday from Worcester, Mass.. where they remained two weeks on coming from the West. The family supper of Emerald Rebek nli lodge. No. .'it, was well attended Tues day evening. Ladies' night of the Center grange Tuesday evening was a great success, a large number attending. A bounteous supper was served, a large number from the Center attending and visitors from Mt. Mansfield grange of Stowe. Tne program consisted of a piano aolo by Mrs. Homer Freeman, vocal soloa by Miss Kathleen Le Barron, with flute obi i -gatoa by Miss Annie Dorothy Palmer, tlute solos by Miss Palmer, a reading by Mrs. Cora Morrison, the farce, "A Prec ious Pickle." a character solo by Miss I e Barron and a vocal solo by Mrs. Free man, with autoharp accompaniment. See the ladies' tailored suit values at Abbott's. Iast dance for the year 1014 Thurs day night in the Ilowland hall. Pavid Mortimer has returned to Bos ton, after a holiday visit ut his forme?, home in tins city. 1"J Ladies' night to-night at the BuzzelH rink. The weather is right and a smooth, surface assures you good skating. Arthur McDonald lias returned to his work in Boston, after passing a few day with hia parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Me? Donald. The annual parish supper of the Uni versalis society will be held in th church vestry on Friday, New ieara- lav. All memls-rs and friends are invit-' ed to come and bring food. Reports for, the year will be read and officers elected.' The mission circle of the I niversalist church will have an open meeting in the church parlors to-morrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, after which a social hour and parish supper will be held. It is earnestly hoped that a large number of the ladies of the church will be present. EAST BARRE. A son was born this morning to Mr.' and Mrs. Henry Prnneau. Mrs. Pruneau will be remembered as Miss Anna Gavinv Y a. f Regular conclave of St. Al- commandery, No. 11. K. T., Thursday evening at 7 Tf ' i iii'nik r Milk 'Emm i f ntr io. j w I Notice to Cla Hit men: Clansmen will please leave their, a... -a . i.... . cccit- cntcjB aib c.mci f olliee on or before '.ln. I, for six J ,1.-1 Cli f- limning auuii, irr auditors. PAVILION THEATRE Photoplays of the Highest Class Always The Eagle's Refuge Startling adventures of a society rogue, whose double life is a series of thrilling escapades ; in three parts Tennessee A powerful two-part dramatic story of the moonshiners and reve nue men, with sensations galore Love and Salt Water A screaming Keystone comedy ADMISSION, 10c SMALL CHILDREN, 5c COMING MONDAY EDYAUN "THE ARTIST"; European Im portation; a Sensation of Two Continents A I .SO MALCOLM WILLIAMS in "THE HRUTE" A Dynamic Portrayal of the World-Old Conflict of the Sexes take the an..,.' mare route down th We Wish You a New Year of Peace, Plenty and Prosperity At the beginning of this, the New Year, we extend our best wishes to you backed up by tangible service. and an earnest striving to serve you better in all ways. H Your peace of mind will be undisturbed if you place vour confidence in our store. Our merchandise offers M..t.ii you plentiful assortment, and prosperity will be yours n pc.inta north paid if . , . t ' T x' . i . -card, la-fore ti-v c.iil.i In -aid t'.e trail, ill IVople ho were 1 Id up at Mid llec j icy the ch railment reached Mont nchi r to j ; l.-nrn tlcat cotme. t ion lor l.arre were lii-olit i title J for the t ncHi- no !!.. from poin.a nort II liaifl '11 . t tw-is. x m. t. 4 r. o.a ii,,,,!, dia.u..ed when vou make your purchase ot us. lo I5eetit fare in ncalkiiiff the lat aix nicle J, Up on t heir tnp to thia city. t-rn-a f court, rach to op. n on th- filth jtcotl .'I ! atrt.-d at "Ti -e t-T t'e eier of the fnotit .. j ta,-a c.f id1 "a I lti 1 Se i-omtnitW in The ccj.v-l.rt i the firat to be iaau1 1 , 1 arte c.f t ! - iiailat " l-;-a to p. t in the pubetarT haa len re.Ttanir.-1 tt' h -t'l t'"- h ii.-" :"" t m tl" and there la doij'-t in the Honda f aim j t,-ar fut t H et'1 O at cw of their aa ht irit io I rc1" m Tb Frank McWhorter Company D. C TUtzL, ltntme ItaJ;n 1 1. a rae r'"rr'-1 to J iMifva Vftifian It-I ll'nll. fro ret -red fr!C t'.r hrn-h. Jn '.i" M inaofi .J (-a at1 J lit" lUawttnaj fta. 1 to f l 1 a..!.- .t t iea t '-e "lt Icr'o'r t tear a :-t ' "- -r male It 4. ..-!..- t. 'i-r. , tot- li.w rtM t.ei, l ad h-"a r-f.-m"t tn .!!- f V it.a-.ti a A'' 't V. p. il. t a' af latn. I' F (r , a rt t V'tt-'i'fi ei . tt rtioaj 'r rt , M'ytf-a''i. t tr . ...,.,T,...,.rv-r f pur i nr"ti : It-a Win. rf"--t ; f " 1 !-- ' Vrt I.. I"!-frTa'-l :" '.; t -- ; 'tn lfi;ran- , f .. ,..; I fla t ,p-.f .i-t:,-a V-a I . Ijt. rant t-T -. !- i- !' s5 i":trt t M I ... a. I' r'-a fan aa , n i n I'a l--ll t a- i,.. -"a4 tr-'s t "' j- a.-. - ' ' ia t- "-, '" r , ,...,t ,., (.-"': tr. - .aa - t v1 rac! -? t-"' tf.r at' t t r -. netnwr fit- la .iioajit ,-t r'ttrar ft .rrtfrwul I- n t'.ir ti' " -rra ar in- he ted rt, 7 t t.f il x i I ! a1me tl -tafltiaM f ir ('.. frt im- am a t'" twt a f,trit r, a tr-i-p t i I- m -( t.t'ai Jli.--t ' '' I,'-. a t' t .-a- 1' i . -r,t a t ,'- at la-t t t n a lei. i ). .f H' '-. I i ) ' ra l-i a -rm of Jt tn I TV . '- 't -a ) aa V "ia' a ""a the a t "at t r f flM-ir r-f"'r !! a w- f -ot t -,if. Ifcaf t t-a 1i- fat- a aa f-"-- tf ataH t "?t , a. a. 1. t , -T la i l'cf f f,,.w-tjta ' f a . , t n f attM-a f -r '-' . . 1 - 4 I- .. . 4 . t N...t f M (.w.rflsit-a, ,,.o- a - ,,' ..-.a , ,a. T !- 1 tw-f i- f .;-t a -f II, . a - ,at i' . i ft- a-f I 4 '1 . ci V a ' ' -a'la - f . , , a . - t f I V-i If fi "i.r.'y. f ,f t. 1- I. m 5" l-la t",ni t'-a DREAMLAND THEATRE Ol ALITV AIAVAVS AT THIS THEATRE , r. t... t 1. .- .ac 9 f '- -" - t- . An Innocent Delifah S --rfti! t"ta-t f1a-Tah A Geo. Ada Ccmeiy p greatest value for your money is our desire. jDrown's Drug Store u DIU'GS AND KODAKS 4S North Main Mreet Axes Keen Cutter Victor Drn Saws Cross Cut Saws Cant Hooks Arcade Files C W. AVER ILL & COMPANY Til iw''-t tm .dmiHon. Five Cents, j Iict a . a-. 'a I. I'- -t. J I !,... c t , , i . .,. ,