OCR Interpretation

The Barre daily times. (Barre, Vt.) 1897-1959, July 02, 1915, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Vermont

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$1 - Two Days Sale $1
Any Article $1.00 Each
A Grand Clean-up Sale ot Mostly Last Season's Goods
at a Big Reduction.
These are goods that we wish to dispose of at once to make room for
new goods this fall that will give you good serviceable goods as if you
paid us much more money. Ladies, every article going into this sale
is of good quality merchandise and the first to come will be the first
served. Select while your size is here. Remember that this is a two
days' sale shop the first day.
If your size is here you will be well paid for your
early visit to this dollar sale.
V 1 lot of Ladies' Dress
. Skirts, values up to $7.50,
' Sale ........ : $1.00
1 lot of Rain Capes, good
value, our regular $3.98,
' Sale ...... $1.00
1 lot of Children's Colored
Dresses, just the Dress
. for common use. Sale, $1
1 Ladies'
Sale ......
1 Linen Riding Coat,
Sale, ..$1.00
SALE, $1.00 EACH
1 lot of Ladies' Shirt Waists,
handsome materials and trim
mings, values up to $2.50,
Sale $1.00
1 lot Ladies' Sweaters up to '
$5.00, Sale .' $1.00
1 lot Matting Suit Cases, good
weight, well bound, our $1.25
value, Sale $1.00
1 lot 'of Ladies' Black Petti- '
coats," Sale t .$1.00
1 Ladies' Pongee Coat, Sale, $1
FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1915.
The Weather
Trobably showers to-niclit and Ratur
day; moderate variable winds mostly
One lot of Ladies' and Gent's Umbrellas, good quality gloria cover,
steel rod, paragon frame, our regular $1.25 and $1.50 value, sale, $1.00.
The Homer Fitts Company
No goods bought on memorandum during this sale. At these prices each sale
must be final
Two kind of drugs our kind and the
kind you don t want. Karre urug w.
I'ae Pyrox for spraying trws and po
tutor. Vnr Rale at Kempton Mills.
Free Friday and Saturday: Fibre silk
bose with every pair mens glioes. nog
crs' Walk-Over Boot Shop.
Regular meeting of K. C. I. F. A., local
241, to-night in Eagles' hall, Worthen
Mock, at 7:30. Per order recording sec
retary. The auction rale to-morrow at 321
North Main street, of the balance of the
Oscar Uorgh stock and fixtures will posi
tively be the last sale, as everything
goe regardless of cost or value. C. Y.
Smith, auctioneer.
Try a Billy Sundae at Prown's. The
empty glass tells the story.
Satisfying tonsorial service, capable
barbers and sanitary method at Ross'
Depot square barber shop.
A big guarantee was necessary to get
the Standish club to play in this city
Saturday afternoon, so, fans, be sure to
come out and see them perform. Adv.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to thank the friends and
neighbors for their kindnesses to us in
our recent bereavement and for floral
tributes at the funeral of our mother.
Alice V. Itrckley,
Frank K. Hockley.
One lot of vacation sweaters at Ab
Special sale Friday and Saturday a
Take time and read Vaughan's store
Free Friday and Saturday: Fibre silk
nose witn every pair mens shoes. Rog
ers vaiK-uver isoot Sliop.
The members of the exwutive commit
tee of the Meadow Hrook (iolf club are
requested to meet at Depot square Thurs
dav evening at 7:30 promptly. Impor
tent business. Per order president and
Men: Dress Up for the 4th!
You'll be wanting a new Suit for the Fourth
or your vacation trip and we want you to know
what spendid Outfitting we have.
Clothes, Hats and Togery that will place you
right in line with the best dressers you'll meet
Suits at $10, $12, $15 to $25
Beautiful light weight, fast color woolens of
serges, tweeds, cheviots and homespuns. No
exclusive tailor can begin to match these Suits
for less than double our prices.
Then, when it comes to Headwcar and Tog
gen our showing is a selection of correct and ex
clusive styles. We ask your consideration. Sir,
if you appreciate comfortable and good looking
Summer Outfitting at fair and pleasing prices.
The Frank McWhorter Company
See thin waist values at Abbott's.
It's richt or we make it riant. Barre
Drug to.
Salo 81.00 waists at 50c. (J9c, at the
Vaughan Store. '
Try a Billy Sundae nt Prown's. The
empty glass tells the story.
Marshiiiallow that has passed the
Weatllcld pure food board. Uelle Mead
Rev. and Mrs. C. V. Newell left last
night for Centerville, Mass., where they
will spend their vacation.
Mrs. John Smith and daughter, Joena,
left this morning for Groton, where they
will spend a few days in camp.
Albert Bisson of North Jay, Me., ar
rived this morning and is making a brief
visit with relatives in the city.
Mrs. C. R. I'ratt of Randolph and her
brother, Edward Bass of Bethel, were
business visitors in the city to-day.
Mr. and Airs. F. D. Ladd and two
daughters motored to Greensboro to-day
for a stay in camp at Lake Caspian.
Irving Page of White River Junction
arrived in the city this morning and
will remain here with friends over the
week end.
Louis N. Provost of Rutland and M. B.
Littlefield of St. Johnsbury were among
the business visitors in the city yester
day and to-day.
Mrs. R. A. MoLeod left this morning
for Maine, where she will make an ex
tended visit with relatives in Portland
and other cities.
John B. Magnaghi, foreman at the
Presbrey-Covkendall Co. granite shed,
and his family, left this morning for
Boston by automobile.
Neil Cheney of Summer street left
this morning for Bethlehem, N. H., where
he will be employed during the summer
as a bellhop, at the Sinclair bouse.
Mrs. William W. Parrv and two daugl
ters. Misses Grace and Ruth Parry, left
yesterday for Concord, X. If., to make
stav of several days with relatives.
The Sons of Veterans and ladies' ajxil
iary will hold a picnic in Elmer Perry's
woods Monday, July 5. An invitation
extended to the G. A. K. and ladies' cir
The ladies on the committee for th
social hour at the Congregational church
rlors will please hold their oflice unti
after the next weekly band concert. Per
order chairman.
C. W. Averill &. Co. have replaced the
gasoline pump that was put out of com
mission by an automobile last Monday
mcht, the new device being nearly a du
plicate of the original.
Mrs. B. W. Hooker and two dauehters
Misses Frieda and Bertina Hooker, and
son, Neale Hooker, left this mornin," for
Greensboro, to open their camp at Lake
Caspian for the summer.
General Manager H. T. Sands of the
Tenney corporation has returned to hi
home in Boston, after spendinc several
days in Barre inspecting the company
lighting, power and traction utilities.
Congregational. Methodist and Haptist
congregations will join in the morning
worship at the First Baptist church Sun
day, when Rev. J. W, Harnett of the Con
grepational church will be the preacher.
Edward Clark, a teacher in the schools
at Richmond and also a player on the
Richmond baseball team, left last night
for his borne after spending several days
visiting friends in this city and vicinity
Baseball: Saturday afternoon at J
o'clock at tlie Granite City trotting park
Rarre A. C. vs. Standish club of Dor
Chester, Mass. Admission, 2.c; ladies,
10c; grandntanu free.
Barre A. C. vs. Standish club of Dor
chester, Mass., at the Granite, City trot
ting park Saturday afternoon. One of
the big games of the vnn, and a rare
opportunity for bascban'jn to see a
good game. Adv.
Absolutely Pure No Alum
No Lime Phosphate
The Consnt Amusement Co. will make
its second visit at Plaintield nMra house
Saturday evening, July 3, with an entire
hange of program. You will find an
evening's enjoyment at the opera house
at a small price. Watch for big pootirs
and program Saturday. Read this and
tell your friend. pi ires remain the
same. Open at T:.1": piitures at S sharp.
Lemon sherbet and cherries, Barre
Drug Co.
White and colored summer dresses at
Black and colored silk hose 25c and 50e
pair at Vaughan'a.
Mrs. Sarah Huntington is visiting at
trank Richardson's in Brookficld.
Regular meeting of the Modern Wood
men of America this (Friday) evening at
30 o'clock.
B. W. Hooker k Co. entertained their
employes at a dinner in Hotel Barre on
' Free Friday and Saturday: Fibre silk
hose with every pair men's shoes. Rog
ers' Walk-Over Boot Shop.
Paramount day at Pavilion to-day.
Dustin Farnum at his best in "Cameo
Kirby," a five-reel feature. Adv.
First-class two-horse wagon will be
sold at auction at Hale's auction rooms
Saturday afternoon, July 3, at 2 o'clock.
Gilbert, the star U. V. M. pitcher, will
make his first appearance in the box for
the B. A. C. baseball team on Saturday
afternoon when he will twirl against the
Standish club at the Granite City trot
ting park. Adv.
Notice to members of the Burns club
The annual picnic of the Burns club will
be held at Caledonia park Saturday, July
3. A special train will leave Wells River
depot at i : 15 o'clock, returning at 7:30
p. m. All members are requested to at
tend. Per order president.
A chimney fire in the house at 11 First
street owned and occupied by Mrs. Mary
Cook was responsible for a still alarm of
fire at 0:3 o'clock this morning, the
auto truck with a detail of regulars re
sponding. Smoke spread to several rooms
in the upper story, but the damage was
Among the automobile parties regis
tered at Hotel Barre yesterday and to
day were Mrs. C. A. Busiel and chauffeur
of Laconia, N. H., with Mrs. I.-1). Iveson
of Chambersburg, Pa., and Mrs. George
Webb of Concord, N. IT., and Mr. and
Mrs. G. H. Wynne, Miss JL F. Wynne.
Miss Emily Wynne and Miss Helen Hoff
of Montreal.
Frozen pudding at our fountain. Barre
Drug Co.
Buy your neckwear and gloves at
Vaughan Store.
Get the money-saving habit. Trade at
the Barre Drug Co.
Barre golfers were notified to-day of
the annual tournament of the Vermont
Golf association, which is to be held in
Bennington, Aug. 19, 20 and 21, having
been fixed as the dates. A sextet of lo
cal golfers representing the Barre Golf
club will participate in the Bennincton
meet and will compete as a team with
other clubs as well as individually in
some of the single events.
Includes Percales, Ging
hams, Novelty Wash Goods,
Poplins, Madras and Pon
gee Shirtings, Crashes,
Curtainings, Cottons, etc.,
at prices less than cost. In
varying lengths from one
to seven yards.
On the same counter we
have placed soiled numbers,
odd lots, etc., at half price.
Henry W. Knight,
Successor to Veale & Knight
This is to give warning against th
lighting of street fires on the night before
and the night of the Fourth, under pen
alty of the law. Per order, police com
Persons' Stage
Will make a special trip up to Wood
bury pond and Hardwick on Sunday, July
and also July 5. Will leave Uuzell t
hotel at 8 o'clock a. m., via Montpelier;
cave Pavilion hotel there about 8:30 a.
m. Kouna trip, to wooaoury pona,
$,.50; to Hardwick, 3.
Will make i-peeial trip to the pond
Monday evening, leaving Ilarre (Huz.ell
Kiel) at fi:30, returning after the dance.
I'rice, $1.50 round trip.
A regular meeting of
Green Mountain council,
No. 73. R. A., will be held
on Friday, July 2, at 7:30
p. m. in K. of P. hall. Ab
sent members please at
Hurrah for the
at the
' with the largest showing of summer
Suits, Shoes, Oxfords, Negligee Shirts,
Outing Trousers, Straw Hats.
A Holiday Display of the Newest Ties '
Summer Underwear in two-piece, and
twelve different kinds of summer weight
Union Suits, per Suit 50c to $1.23
Children's Wash Suits, Straw Hats,
Caps and summer Footwear.
EXTRA CLERKS to give you attention. '
Union Clothing Co.
Depot Square
Barre, Vermont
WANTED Position br young man of 20 ; s
graduate of Albany Fusineaa l-olley and hnvi
had 2 yra.' experience in ajranil manufactur
ing office at buukkcei'lnt and little dra-ftint.
Send k-tt'-r to Bookkeeper." ere Iimi.
TUTORING CoHeera rraduate: traded
rho4 and ro4lnr preparatory aunjeeta; will
rranae riuwn at homn of twrrta If de.ired
. H. Kin. ball, 48 Warr itreet, Jlontpeiier.
t; t). 447-n. nau;'
LOfiTA milkman account book, either
on corner Brook, or Maple avenue, Summer to
Wahinirtn atreet. Under pleaee leav at
Tunee office : amiable reward. 8t4
fr. I;llen IVnpter. niece of Mr.
ohn Riddle of U illiamtow n. underwent
n operation for tubercular certical ade-
mtie, involving the h It aide of the tin k
on Saturday, .lime I he operation
mi performed br Ir. A. A. tV of
WilliamMown, aited by hia itr.
Mi Bertha F. (Yc, and Mra. John
Riddle. At prwert writing the patient
i rei'overinff nicely.
To night the Conant Amuacmr-nt Co.
ill make it aecond tiit at W illiania
tow n under the auppica of the Williama
ton liand, witn an entire rhartpe of pro.
(Tram. Our prram thin etminjr will
pro to be a interetmjr an that of lat
we' lt. Remember the open .air "fi'rt in
front of t lira t re at J.'. lYicea rrmaia
the hoi'.
LOST -A rrId locket with erewenl and
tar on front, eomewhere on roraytn. ocrm
nanr or Mam tnrei. Will finder pleaae re
turn H to Tinea oflwe. or t Korejrth place?
WANTED- Enerlertoed maa for arantte
office; muet ndertand atimatin. book keep.
Uia and drafuna and be thorounKlr reliable.
Apilr tT letter. ' B. B. B," " l'mee
Repairs for Mowing
We carry Sections, Rivets, Guards, Guard Bolts tot,
Osborne, Deering, McCormick, Wood, Buckeye, and
other machines.
Scythes, Scythe Snaths, Scythe Stones, Grindstones,
Hay Forks, Hay Rakes, Oilers, Machine Oil in fact,
all regular farm supplies for haying.
Special farroll'e orrbeafra ff three
piece will furniah rmt mc fr the mm n;
p-ttt ahow in (.ilhrrt'a ball to night.
Our feature ia poe"fu! three-reel
drama er,t;t1e4. 'rinlfwav of Montana."
v ith Vine Ualcamp and William 1,f
fo'd. Admieainn to Hw, adult l'ar ;
hikf-ep, .V. enn"t fnejmi a e!n,w
I ke thi one etrer dav. o cme mit to
ll fit. Iince after !,,. A'lr.
nulfcr.IK , 2c
Ers. dozen 23c
New Potatoes, peek 21c
3 can Baked Bean iih
pork 2.V
Sailed Salmon, lb 10c
t'(ttfT attltT
Belle Mead Sweells
Marslmnmallow .
One of the many Belle Mead Products that has passed the Westficld
Pure Food Board
Put up in attractive packages, 15c
Prescription Protection
fhould appeal to every careful drug buyer. Your medicines will al
ways be right if you have them put up at our rtore.
Besides using the purest ingredient? in compounding, we use a
double checking fyt tern that makes errors impossible. Every pre
scription and recipe is proved before it reaches the customer's hands.
If the extra protection we offer is worth anything to vou
let us fill jour next prescription
Barre Ophcj Company
7ar,Vni I'.W k
ZZ'.-ZZ'i ctih Main 5trett

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