Newspaper Page Text
6 THE BARRE DAILY TIMES, BARRE, VT., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 1919. HARDWICK Johnny McWilliams Injured in a Pe culiar Accident Yesterday. Johnny Mr-Williams, 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander McWilliams of Cherry street, was very painfully in jured Friday shortly after the noon hour. A young man peddling apples with the barrel fastened on the back of a single wagon, was driving into Byron Nunn's yard on Wolcott street and Johnny was standing beside the barrel on the back of the wagon. The driver started up hi horse rather suddenly and the young fel ' low was thrown into the spokes of the wheel and liis leg was drawn up almost double and his yells for the driver to stop were apparently unheard and soon his face began to be drawn in between the wheel and the wagon body. By standers in Johnson's garage yelled to the driver to stop and finally one man had to run across the street and grab the horse by the head before it was stopped. The little fellow's face was badly scratched and cut, and in order to remove the body from the wheel, the wheel had to be removed from the wag on and the boy with it. Dr. (Jeorge was called to dress the boy's wounds, but at the time this was written it had not been ascertained whether any bones were broken in the leg or not. It should be a lesson to boys not to climb on moving vehicles of any kind and the driver, knowing the boy was on the wagon, should take more precaution. ' A. J. Larrabee and wife visited rela tives in Barton and vicinity the latter part of this week. Miss Alice Dutton left Friday for Co hasset, Mass., where she will teach the coming vear. Miss Lura Wheeler left Saturday for, Bellows Falls, where she will teach school the coming year. Miss Margaret Gallagher is teaching school in Greensboro this year. ' The Moxley restaurant on Main street has been sold to Mr. and Mrs. Viet or Gilbett of West Harwich, Mass., and they take possession on Monday. The new owners are experienced in the res taurant business and Mr. Gilbert is a brother of John Gilbert of this place. This restaurant should be a paying prop osition. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Pierce were visitors in Bellows Falls Saturday and Sunday. The hard frost of Thursday night played havoc in all the gardens in this section. Mrs. Fred Xunn of Boston has been -a visitor in town this week. Rev. and Mrs. C. I. Ramsey have been in town this week preparing to ship their household goods to Winter Harbor, Me., where they expect to reside. Since leaving here Mr. Ramsey has seen Service in Y. M. C A. work both on the Mexican border and in France. Misses Agnes Traynor and Helen Co , burn have gone to Plainfleld, where they will tench school the coming year. Robert Shurtletf is buildug a new barn on his premises on Cherry street. Jack Pickford and wife of Montreal, V. Q., are guests at the home of Peter Hearn and wife. Kdward Carey, sr., Fdward Carey, jr., John Carey and Clyde Sawyer have gone to Detroit, 'Mich., where they have em ployment. Carroll Huntington has been home this week on a vacation and will soon re enter the Worchcster, Mass., technical school. Twenty-five boy scouts, drawing their trek cart, hiked to Nichols pond Thurs day evening, stopping at P. A. Pike's at Mackville on their way to get about three bushels of nice sweet corn which he generously donated. Arriving at the pond at 7:40, they immediately set about pitching their 12x15 tent and soon had a roaring fire going,.over which they roasted corn and marslimallows to their hearts' content, hitting the hard dirt floor at 10:30, and it was some cold night at that, but a big fire kept the boys partially comfortable and1 they hiked back home by the Kimball hill route, arriving here about 10:30 Friday morning, none the worse for their hard trip and voting it lots of fun. . A party of young people held a corn roast on Cannon hill Thursday night and had a most enjoyable time. GROWN A daughter was born Monday to Mr. and Mrs. William Carter. Rev. and Mrs. E. W. Puffer and son have been on a motor trip to Lowell and Boston this week. Kelson Stewart of Pasadena, Cal., was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. X. McKay several days this week. James Campbell, state's attorney, and E. C. Potter of St. Johnsbury and A. A. Sargent of Barre were business visitors in town yesterday. Mrs. E. F. Clark, Mrs. Ernest Taisey nd Mrs. W. 11. Carbce were visitors in Woodsville, X. H., Wednesday. Miss Sarah McKay arrived here Tues day from York Beach, Me., where she has had employment through the sum mer. She was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. D. X. McKay, until Thursday when she went to her home in Topsham. Morning service Sunday at the Meth odist church at 10:4.". Topic, "The Light of the World.", The pastor wishes to thank all those who gave flowers or helped to arrange them at the flower service last Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Welch, who' re cently came here from Lowell, Mass., have purchased the I). Smith place of 1. X. Hall and are to reside here. Mr. and Mrs. William Richardson of Bradford were victors at Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dennis' over Sunday and Mon day. Esther Strong, who has been visiting Gladys Heath, returned to her home at Bradford Saturday. Mrs. Emma Taisey of South Ryegate visited friends here Wednesday. News of the death of E. M. Welch was received here Thursday. Mr. Welch re sided here until after his wife's death in April, last, going then to Boston to make his home with his son. Funeral service and burial will be here. Members of the Methodist Sunday school held their annual picnic Thursday. Sixteen automobiles conveyed the party, Which numbered 120, to Lake Morey aiid the day was spent in games for the chil dren, a ride around the lake, and other ways. The day was ideal and was en joyed by old and young. ' Mrs. H. L. Tillotson visited friends in South Ryegate Thursday Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Smith and son, Lieut. Smith, U. S. X., were visitors in Barre Thursday. Friends of Bartlett Rieker of Billerica, Mass., formerly of Groton, and Miss Ha.- el Eastman will be interested to learn of their marriage, which occurred at the bride's home in Topsham Wednesday afternoon. After a brief wedding trip they will reside at Billerica. Mr. and Mrs. James Will and son, George, of Barre, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Will Sunday and Mon day. Her Wish. Wee Bessie on being told that she would have to eat condensed milk on her oatmeal, exclaimed, "I wish that old condensed cow would die." Boston Jraubait. WASHINGTON The following books have been added to the shelves of the. Washington public library in 1919: Adult Fiction. Andrews, Mary R., "Her Country." Atkinson, Eleanor, "Hearts Undaunted." Butler, Ellis P., "Philo Gubb." Boshcr, Kate Langley, "People Like That." Bower, B. M., "Lonesome Land." Bower, B. M., "Jean of the Lay A." Bower, B. M., "Her Prairie Knight." Burroughs, Edgar R., "Tarzan of the Apes." Bryant, Marguerite, "The Shadow on the Stone."" Buchan, John, "Power House." Buchan, John. "Green Mantle." Beach, Rex, "Winds of Chance." Bartlett, F. O., "Wall Street Girl." Birminghan, G. A., "(iossamer." Beach, Rex, "Rainbow's End." Bottome, Phyllis, "Dark Tower, The." Bryant. Marguerite, "Felicity Crofton." Balch, F. H., "Bridge of the Gods." Byrne, Lawrence, "American Ambassa dor, The." Brady, J. E.,'"Case of Mary Sherman." Cooper, James A., "Cap'n Abe, Store Keeper." Churchill, Winston, "Dwelling Tlace of Light." Cantield, Dorothy, "Home Fires in France." Chambers, Robert. "Laughing Girl." Chambers, Robert, "Barbarians." Crowell, Bertha, "Wings of the Cardinal." Cantield, Dorothy, "Bent Twig." Curwood, James O., "Kazan." Curtiss, Philip, "Between Two Worlds." Cable, George W., "Flower of the Chap delaines." Day, Holman, "Where YTour Treasure Is." Dragoumis, Julia, "Man of Athens." Dodge, II. I., "Skinner's Baby." Delano, Edith B., "To-morrow Morning." Deland, Margaret, "Rising Title, The." Dell, Ethel M., "Bars of Oron." Foote, Mary II., "Edith 15)nham." Flvnn, Wm. J., "Eagle's Eye." Farnol, Jeffery, "The Definite Object." Frothingham, E. B., "Finding of Xorah." Graeve, Oscar, "Keys of the City." Grey, Zane, "Short Stop." Grey, Zane', "Border Legion." Gibbs, George, "Golden Bough." Hall, Gertrude, "Miss Ingalls." Hutten, Bettina Von, "Bag of Saffron." Hughes, Rupert, "He Can't Have Every thing." Howells, W. D., "Daughter of the Stor age." ilarris, Credo, "Where the Souls of Men Are Calling." Hudson, Chas.. "The Roval Outlaw." Harben, Will X., "Second Choice." Haggard, H. Rider, "Moon of Israel." Hagedorn, Hermann, "Barbara Picks a Husband." Hewlett, ('Maurice, "Little Illiad." Havward, Laurence, "The Way Hearts Go." Harris, Corra, "Circuit Rider's Widow." Hill, Francis, "Once on the Summer Range." Ibanez, Vicente B., "Four HorsCmen of the Apocalypse." Jerome, Jerome K., "Street of the Blank Wall." Johnson, Owen, "Virtuous Wives." Kendall, Ralph S., "Benton of the. Royal Mounted." " ' King, Basil, "Side of the Angels." Kipling, Rudyard, "Captains Courag eous." Lincoln, Joseph P., "Shavings." Lincoln, Joseph P., "Depot Master." Lutz, Grace, "Voice in the Wilderness." Lutz, Grace, "Man of the Desert." Lewis, Sinclair. "The Job." Lewis, Edwin H., "Those About Trench." Locke, Wm. J., "Rough Road." Lippmann, Julie, "Mannequin, The." Morse, Lt. Vivian, "In the Xight." Moore, Leslie, "Antony Gray, Gardener." Miller, Alice Duer, "Come Out of the Kitchen." tMiller, Alice Duer, "Ladies Must Live." Montgomery, L. M., "Anne's House of Dreams." " McCarter, Margaret n., "Winning the Wilderness." McCarter, Margaret H., "Vanguards of the Plains." Mi-Carter, Margaret II., "Price of the Prairie." MeCtrtcheon, Geo. Barr, "Shot with Crim son." MeCuteheoj, Geo. Barr, "City of Masks." Mac Harg, Wm., "Indian Drum." Mania tes. Belle K., "Amarilly in Love." Mac Laurin, K. L. "Least Resistayn'e." Norton, Roy, "Unknown Mr. Kent." Xyburg, S. L., "Chosen People." Norris, Kathleen, "L'nderton." Xorris, Kathleen. "Josslyn's Wife." Xorris, Kathlee, "Heart of Rachael." Xorris, Kathleen, "Story of Julia Page." Xorris, Kathleen, "Rich Mrs. Burgoyne." Xicholson, Meredith, "Proof of the Pud ding." Oppenheim, E. P., "Cinena Murder." Oppenheim, E. P., "Paron's Count." Olnrstead, Florence, "Father Bernard's Parish." O'brian, Ed. J., "Best Short Stories of 1917." Orczy, Baroness, "Sheaf of Bluebells." Phillips, Page, "Coast of Opportunity." Porter, E. H., "Turn of the Tide." Porter,. E. II., "Cross Currents." Porter, Gene S., "Daughters of the Land." Palmer, B. E., "Single Code Girl." Phillips, E., "Banks of Colne." Parker, Gilbert, "World for Sale." Quick, Herbert, "Brown Mouse." Rinehart, Mary R., "Amazing Interlude," Richards, Laura E., "Pippin." Richards, Laura E., "Daughter of Jehu." Rose, John, "Golden Glory." Roland, John, "Six Pointed Cross in the Dust." Ruck, Berta, "Miss Millian's Maid." Roberts, Morley, "Time and Thomas Waring." Richmond, Grave, "Red Pepper's Pa tients." , Richmond, Grace, "Whistling Mother." Richmond, Grace, "Enlisting Wife." Hives, Hallie K., '"Long Lane's Turning." Bidge, W. Pett., "Kennedy People." Robins, Elizabeth, "Camilla." Snt.on, Ernest S., "Preacher of Cedon Mountain." Smith, Harriet, "Other People's Busi ness." Stringer, Arthur, "Prairie Wife." Sidgwick, Ethel, "Hatchways." Strahan, Kay C., "Something That Be gins with T." Spearman, Frank II., "Xan of Music Mountain." ' Steel, Flora A., "Mistress of Men." Sinclair, May, "Tree of Heaven." Turner, John H., "Simple Souls." Vorse, Mary II.. "The Prertons." Wherry, Edith, "Wanderer on a Thou sand Hills." Wells, H. G., "Soul of a Bishop." West, Rebecca, "Return of the Soldiers." Webster, Henry, "'Real Adventure." Wetmore, Helen Cady, "Last of Great Scouts." . Wister, Owen, "Members of the Family." White, Wm. Allen, "In the Heart of a Fool." Williamson, C. X. and A. M., "Every Man's Land." t Widdeinar, Margaret, "Whv Nott" Wadslev, Olive, "Conquest"" Ward, Mrs. Humphrey, "Missing." V aron, r. J.., ".Joyful iears." Watts, Mary, "The Boardmaa Family." Wello, Carolyn, "Room with the Tas sels." Waller, Mary E., "Out of the Silences." Juvenile F'iction. Brown, Edna A., "At ther Butterfly House." Burgess, T. W., "Mother West Wind's Children." Burgess, T. W., "Mother West WTind's How Stories." Cowle Julia Harrow, "Going to School in Animal Land." Cowles, Julia Dayow, "Robinson Cruso Reader." Collodi, C, "Finocehio." Craik, Georgiana, "Bow-Wow and Mew Mew." Dole, X. II., "White Duckling and Other Tales." , Dyer, Walter A., "Five Babbitts at Bon nyacres." Donahy, Baker, "The Teenie-Weenies." Freeman, Mary Wilkins, "Green Door." Gilchrist, Beth B., "Cinderella's Grand daughter." Gray, Joslyn, "Elsie Morley, Honey." Grover Eulalie, "Sunbonnet Babies in Holland." Ginth, Pemberton, "Miss Tat at School." Ginther, Pemberton, "Miss Pat in the . Old World." ninther, Pemberton, "Miss Pat and Com pany." Ginther, Pemberton, "Miss Pat's Hol idays at Greyeroft." - Ginther, Pemberton, "Miss Tat at Ar temis Lodge." Ginther, Pemberton, "Miss Pat's Prob lem." Ginther, Pemberton, "Miss Pat at Buenos Ayres." Ginther, Pemberton, "Miss Pat's Career." Grimm Bros., "Grimm's Fairy Tales." Hill, Grace Brooks, "Corner House Girls at School." Hill, Grace Brooks, "Corner House Girls Under Canvas." Hope, Laura Lee, "Bobbsey Lions at Home." Hope, Laura Lee, "Bobbsey Lions in a Great City." Hope, Laura Lee, "Bobbsey Lions on Blueberry Island." Hope, Laura Lee, "Bobbsey Lions on Deep Blue Sea." Jacobs, C. E., "A Texas Blue Bonnet." Kipling, Rudyard, "Just So Stories." Kipling, Ru(iyard,v"Captains Courage ous." Xida, William Lewis, "Ab, the Cave Man." Potter, Beatrix, "Tale of the Flopsie Bunnies." Potter, Beatrix, "Tailor of Gloucester." Potter, Beatrix, "Tale of Timmy Tip toes." Potter, Beatrix, "Tale of Pigling Bland." Potter, Beatrix, "Tale of Two Bad Mice." Potter, Beatrix, "Tale of Benjamin Bun ny." Potter. Beatrix, "Tale of Mrs. Tiggy Nimble." . Potter, Beatrix, "Tale of Peter Rabbit." Potter, Beatrix, "Tale of Mrs. Jeremy Fisher." Potter, Beatrix, "Tale of Mr. Todd." Potter, Beatrix, "Ginger and Pickles." Putnam-Jaeobsen, "Esmeralda." Lucia, Rose, "Peter and Polly in Au tumn." Lang, "Blue Fairy Book." Sindelar, Joseph, "Xixie Bunny in Man ners Land." Smith, Laura R., "Snubby Xose and Tip py Toes." Smith, Laura R., "Seventeen Little Bears." Stratemever, Ed., "Dave Porter and His Rivals.,v Stratemeyer, Ed., "Dave Porter on Cave Island." Stratcmeyer, Ed., "Davi Porter and the Runaways." - Stratemeyer, Ed., "Dave Porter in the Gold Fields." Thurston, Mrs. L. T., "The Bishop's Shadow." Winficld, A. M., "Rover Boy's on Land and Sea." Weir, F. Roney, "Merry Andrew." "Adult and Juvenile Non-Fiction. Adult and Juvenile Xon-Fiction. Andrews, Mary R., "Crosses of War." Andrews, Mary R., "Counsel Assigned, The." Aldrich. Mildred, "On the Edge of the War Zone." Brown, Heywood. "A. E. F: with Per shing's Army in France." Brooks, Phillips, "Addresses." Bailcv, Carolyn, "What to Do for Uncle Sam." Bolton, Sarah K., "Famous Leaders Among Women." Bryant, Sara Cone, "Stories to Tell the Littlest Ones." Brvant, Sara Cone, "Stories to Tell the Children." Cravens, Frances, "Story of Lincoln." Coyle, Ed. R., "Ambulancing on the French Front." Dickinson, H. W. and A. D., "Children's Book of Patriotic Stories." Dickinson, H. W. and A. D., "Children's Second Book of Patriotic Stories." Enelow, H. G., "The War and the Bible." Eastman, Charles A., "Indian Heroes and Great Chieftains." Fabre, J. Henri, "Life of the Grass hopper." Hackctt, Francis, "Ireland, Study in Na tionalism." Herzog, S., "Future of German Industrial Exports." Hardy, Mary Earle, "Little Ta-Wish." Hoover, Herbert, "Food Saving and Shar ing." Holland, Rupert S.J "Lafayette, We Come." nagedorn, Hermann, "Boy's Life of Theo dore Roosevelt." Lauder, Harry, "A Minstrel in France." Laughlin, Clara E., "Foch, the Man." Manton, Walter E., "Insects." McDonald and Dalrymple, "Kathleen in Ireland." McDonald and Dalrymple, "Colette in France." McKec, Thomas, "The Gun Book." Xida William Lewis, "Ab, the Cave Man." Pinkerton, Douglas, "Ladies from Hell." Perdue, II. Avis, "Child Life in Other Lands." Perkins, Lucy F., "The Irish Twins." Perkins, Lucy ., "The Belgian Twins." Paulsen, Val'demar, "U. S. Army Facts and Insignia." Parkmsn, Mary, "Heroes of To-day." Rolt-Wheeler, Francis, "Wonder of the War on Land." Robertson-Miller, K., "Butterfly and Moth Book." Roosevelt, Theodore, "Great Adventurer' Stokes, Susan, "Ten Common Trees." Stevens, George, "Shakespeare's Works." Smith, Laura R., "Hawk-Eye." Sterne, Elaine, "Over the Seas for Uncle Sam." Tanner, W. M.,. ''Essays and Essay Writ ing." Tappan, Eva March, "Little Book of the Flag." Williams, A. Dallas, "Praise of Lincoln," Wiggin and Smith, "Posy Ring." Wiggin and Smith, "Pinafore Palace." Wood, Eric Fisher, "Notebook of an In telligence Officer in France." Wright, Harold Bell, "The L'ncrowncd King." WOLCOTT Mr. and Mrs. Walter Foss and sons, Leslie and Clifton, and Mrs. Foss, Wal ter's mother, came home the first of the week from Charlotte, where they had been visiting. W. L. Richardson and George Hough ton were in Woodbury Monday to take in the Morrisvillc-Woodbury ball games. Louis Richardson was in Morrisville Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman McNault and two children were in Morrisvjlle Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wheeler, jr., and son, Alden, came home from Lisbon, X. II., Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Udall, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. ParkeV and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hall were in Hardwick Monday. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Lewis and daughter, Claudia, were in Concord Monday, where the latter is to teach this falL Mr. and Mrs. George Preman and slaughter, Merla, were in Roxbury over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Xrd Guyer of Barre were in town over Sunday and Monday, re turning home Tuesday, B. W. Guyer carrying them in his auto. P. A. Hollenbeck, Mrs. Truman Jones and Miss Bessie Bates are spending a few days in Sutton, P. Q., at the latter's home. Mr. and Mrs. Gilfillan, who have been at C. S. H. Cleveland's, returned to their home in Barton the first of the week. Elian Albee was in Hardwick on busi ness Wednesday. B. W. Guyer was in Lyndonville on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. George Bryant and son, Archie, to make ar rangements for the latter to attend the agricultural school. Misses Maxine and Natalie Richard son, daughters of W. L. Richardson, com menced their first term of school at Peo ples academy, Morrisville, Wednesday. Miss Ethel Taylor of Burlington was at home over the week end, returning to Burlington Monday night. Sylvester Goodwin of Stowe is stop ping with (ieorge Preman, Mrs. Preman's father, for a few days. Robert McDonald, Kenneth Foster and several others attended the ball game at Morrisville Thursday, Morrisville vs. Newport. Johnny Scores. He hated to be washed, boy-like, And raised a fitss, the little tike, When ma his skin would make less sable, So he'd look better at the table. "See, dear, the clock, how clean its face," Said mother, pointing to its place. "Its face may be," quoth little Jack. "But then its hands are always black." Boston Transcript. A Pleasant Reminder. "Bottled waters are having a big sale this summer." "Helps some to drink it out of a bot tle, I suppose." Boston Transcript. SOUTH RYEGATE The Sunday school of the Presbyterian church held their annual picnic in Gil fi I Inn's woods Labor day and weather being very favorable it went off with great success, old and young enjoying a day in the open. Alex. Ferguson, who has been on a visit east for the past two months, ac companied by his daughter, Miss Pearl F'erguson, who has spent the entire sum mer here, left Tuesday for their home in Artesian, S. D. Dr. Dewey S. Darling has again taken up the dental clinic work for the state, going first to Bloomfield. He expects to terminate this work in about three months, when he will begin practice in Lowell, Mass. Mrs. Ernest Keenan and children of St. Johnabury have been spending a week in town calling on old friends. They have bought a farm in Barnet and are soon to move there. Miss Dora Farquharson, who is cm ployed in the telephone exchange at Dover, X. II., is spending her vacation at home. " Rev. J. S. Garvin and family reached South Ryegate Thursday and are estab lished in the manse, although their household goods, shipped from Pennsyl vania two weeks ago, have not yet ar rived. Rev. and Mrs. J. A. McClelland left for Framingham Friday afternoon after having spent the month of August in and around South Ryegate. Their little son, Donald, will remain for another month. Station Agent I. W. Clifford is taking a vacation and a substitute is attending to the duties of the local station. , Mrs. D. M. McKinlay, accompanied by her husband, Rev. D. M. McKinlay, went to the Mary Fletcher hospital, Burling ton, Wednesday for surgical treatment. Mrs. George Brown and her daughter, Mrs. Luther Crowe, went to North Ha verhill, X. II., Friday for a week's visit with relatives. Miss Grace Sage of Boston gave her play-recital, "Daddy Longlegs," at the PresbyAerian church to a large audience last evening. P. D. Bromley of Topsham, the popular baritone, sang several times most acceptably. Mrs. Emmeline Merrill of New York City has been staying for a few days with her nephew, L. E. Whitehill. The village school opened Tuesday with the same teachers as last year. Miss Annie R. Beaton, grammar room. Miss Mamie Rouhan, intermediate, and Miss Gladys Lincoln, primary. Miss Ethel Bailey of Xcwbury has been engaged for the school in the Clark district. Henry Lindsey is moving from his firesent quarters to the Frank Latnphere louse. EAST CALAIS Mrs. H. R. Dailey and son and Mrs. C. A. Wing and son were in Hardwick on business on Tuesday. Rev. W. J. has purchased a Dodge automobile. , Mrs. Lillian Clark has gone to Wood bury, where Bhe is to teach the village school. Mrs. Clara RIayton, widow of the late "Sim" Slayton, died at the home of Her bert Gray in the Pekin neighborhood on Monday. The funeral was held at the house on "Wednesday. Mrs. Slayton is survived by one son. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wilber and daugh ter and the Misses Keniston attended the fair at Barton on Wednesday. Mrs. Alonzo Holt of Plainfleld visited Myrtie Sswtell on Wednesday. "Miss Clara bell Brown is home from Montpelier for a short vacation. Mrs. Ruth Austin has returned from a visit of several weeks in Greensboro. Wareham Wilber and bride from Montpelier are spending part of their honeymoon with relatives in town., Clarence Wilber was in Barre on Mon day to attend the Wilber-Xorin wed ding. Seven layettes, two pairs knitted socks and one scarf were shipped this week by the Red Cross. Four of the women have continued their work during the sum mer. Mrs. R. 0. Goodell was in Xorth Mont pelier the last of the week. Elwin SlayUm of Barre was a busi ness visitor in the village on Wednesday. Fred Horr of Adamant was in the vil lage on business on Thursday. ' Herbert Eastman of Worcester, Mass., In use 60 YEARS COLDS and -aut t COUGHS No Alcohol or Dangerous Drugs t?2ig'K, "... Xr&lJ' - . 3t 1 iff teal .- A Practical Farm Machine That INTERNATIONAL KEROSENE TRACTORS are practical farm machines has been demonstrated beyond doubt by the records of INTERNATIONAL- Tractors on thousands of American farms for the last fourteen years. Not only are they dependable, but as compared with gasoline-driven Tractors of the same rated horse power they show a clear saving of from 50 to GO per cent on cost of fuel used. International 3-16 Kerosene Tractor This strong, light-weight Tractor is especially adapted for the average farm. In the field, on the road or at the belt, it busies itself getting work out of the way in record time. To be sure your farm work is kept up-to-the-minute, and to guard against costly delays, place your order now for an INTERNATIONAL. Think of the scores of jobs it can do for you at a satisfying saving in time and labor how well they will be done, and at what little expense. Your Tractor can be deliv ered when you want it if you place your order soon. J. C. Hood, Barije, Vt. SERIOUS KIDNEY TROUBLE Government Inspector In Rochester N Praiset"FRUlT.-A-TlVES" S JHfc' V V? MR. R. B. O'FLYNN S3 North Union St., Rochester, N.YJ "For five long years, I was afflicted with Stomachy Liver and Kidney Trouble, which developed into serious Bladder Trouble. During that time, I am safe ia saying I tried over CO different remedies without relief. I saw a testimonial of, I think, a Montreal man about 'Fruit-a-tives' and concluded to make one mora trial. By the time the sample box was finished I found quite an im provement ; and when I had finished a 50c. box, there was a grand improve ment far beyond my expectations. To make a long story short, I believe "Fruit-a-tives" or Fruit Liver Tablets the best Stomach, Liver and Bladder Medicine the world has evec produced". R. B. O'FLYNX, Government Concrete Inspector. COc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. At dealers or from FRUIT-A-TIVES VVonderfelt MATTRESSES The Wonderfelt is guaranteed for 1-wtnty-fire years. Come in and Inspect thi Mattress before yon bar. We have a good line to select from. Lee and Clara B. Shortt MARSHFIELD, VT. K06 DRV itU in spending his vacation with W. G. Kant man on pant hill. M. D. Hawkins and family were in Barton Wednesday. Xlarjiarct Sanders has returned from a visit in Barre. O. Kollollihter of Barre was a busi ness visitor in the village Thursday. Poor Substi-toot. Another unsatisfactory suhsttitute is the wry smile you get from the barten der when you want a rye "smile." Bos ton Transcript. BOS TON. MASS. A minute from snrfae or subway cara-faaiad for comfort convenient and eottrtesr. Refurnished. Ail the modem conveniencea in every room prompt eerriee moderate prices. European plan. $1.00 csy ap and the unique restaurant now on of boston's show pieces, where ths choicsst ths msrket affords is served in quaint and beautiful eurro muting to pari act music. TNI FAMOUS if I ,- sHIi ( ,J-X 1 i m MSstwrna 7f r" Pwiit ouisaS Ov J There are two reasons why we'd rath er sell you Columbia Batteries for your doorbell, telephone, auto, engine or ' tractor. f ' First -It'a a lively, full-powered cell. Second It's so well-known that it sella faster, and for that reason we are able to buy fiesh stock ofteaer. . Freshness is Important in dry cells. Don't accept inferior, unknown or dete riorated batteries buy Columbia and buy them here, FRESH. A. M. FLANDERS n if- ' r "APEX" SUCTION CLEANERS are real dirt catchers.Try one and be convinced. Electrically yours, P. M. CARR. 27 Camp Street 'Phone eSi-ftl, Barre, Vt, I -I iryjrejv"- r Week of Sept. 8 CMr'rafjyfriaiifiTifTr . Matinee At 2:15 Evenings At 6:45 and 8:31 Monday. September william 8. hart and anna little in "square deal sanderson" The cowboy hero of the western plains that everyone has found so en joyable and aripealinir, in hi newest play, ably supported by Anna Little. Also Pathe News and a Burton Holmes travel picture, "WITH THE YANKS IN FRANCE." TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER MARGUERITE CLARK IN "GIRLS" Audiences of all classes really should enjoy this delightful little farce adapted from an original play by Clyde Filch, which played the American staire a few years atto. Also Pathe Review, a new news picture witi many interesting novelties, and a Vod-a-VU showing five of the latest vaudeville arti. ' WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 "SAUCE FOR THE GOOSE " is part of an old proverb, but Constance Talmadtre has filled it with brand, new situations of a lauKh-provokinir nature. It scored a hit on the speak Inir staire and ia sure to make a film nnme for itself in the hands of an excellent cast Also a special comedy, " THREE HOURS LATE," and a Kinotrram news picture of the latest world events. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 " THE AVALANCHE " featuring ELsie Ferpuson, is a, society drama that will please the admirers of Miss Fcnruson. It reach srreat dramatic heights and ends in a most pleasing manner. Also a -Pietoarnph news picture and a special Mak Sennett comedy, "WHEN LOVE 18 BLIND." FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 A VERY INTERESTING STORY IS PRESENTED IN '"THE FEAR WOMAN" featuring; Pauline Frederick. It is intensely dramatic and holds tha interest from start to finish. Also a Kinotrram news picture and a Harold Lloyd comedy. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1J ' LILA LEE, ELLIOT DEXTER. CLARENCE GELDART AND JAMES MASON IN " THE DAUGHTER OF THE WOLF " A thrilling play Inid in the snows of northern Canada. It has that dramatic "runrh" that i lacking; in most plays. Also a Sunshine comedy. "A SELF-MADE LADY." 1 Remember only one show every afternoon start ing at 2:15. Two shows every night at 6:45 and 8:30 An Ap propnate Gift A Portable Table Lamp combines usefulness as well as beauty. It is acceptable on any occasion and can be appreciat ed by anybody. We have a shipment just in and will take pleasure in showing them to you,. Tel. 98 Barre Electric Company For Your Electric Wants v IJarre 7