OCR Interpretation

The Barre daily times. (Barre, Vt.) 1897-1959, April 01, 1920, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Vermont

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn91066782/1920-04-01/ed-1/seq-6/

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EASTER. means starting again new life, flowers, leaves Spring. ,
It is time to put winter-weary clothes into the discard and "blossom
forth" in new attire.
Get in harmony with the physchology of the hour. A new hat, dif
ferent cravat, gloves and a suit and overcoat of different color scheme
and patterning. . ,
Collegian and Culture
are 'fitting companions for the Easter spirit Spring thoughts. They
are the best in new styles they are American style, based on, the
'American figure. They are quality fabric, tailoring, inside mate
rials. And like the Easter spirit, they are sincere.
Collegian and Culture clothes are for the man who knows the value
of good appearance and what real economy is
Why we are proud to sell them and you will be to wear them.
$35.00 to $75.00
" Classic No. 17
t "
"Cmnimtro" : A Rene.r&I temi for a lanra
flat's of woolen cloths, coane and fine, both .
. plain and twill-woven, having the pattern
produced in tha loom, and usually appear- ,
ill in distinct checks, plaids and strinei.
- 11
IMIIIHMIWillllllliyilii In il lil i'I 1 II il III 'II IIWWIiWWII'lilsMWMMWritWWBi BlM1IMrnTIT MU
Every Home In TWs State
Needs "Fruif-a-flves"
To those Buffering with Indigestion,
Torpid Liver, Constipation,Sick or Nervous
Headaches, Neuralgia, Kidney Trouble,
Rheumatism, Pain in the Back, Eczema
and other Skin Affections, 'Fruit-a-tives'
gives prompt relief and assures a
speedy recovery when tho treatment
is faithfully followed. :
'Fruit-a-tives is the only medicine
mtide from fruit containing tho
medicinal principles of apples,
oranges, figs and prunes, combined
with valuable tonics and antiseptics.
0c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c.
At all dealers or sent postpaid,
y FRUIT-A-TIVES Limited,
Name ''Bayer" is on Genuine
Aspirin say Bayer
Insist cn "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"
in a "Bayer paoKage," containing prop
Mrs. James Clcaland of Newport has
been a guest at P. A, Sails'.
Hollis Young is spending It is vara
tion at South Corinth, helping his
uncle, Bert Slack, make sugar.
S. A. George is confined to the. houe
with a severe cold.
Mrs. Jane R. Winchester has re
turned home, after spending the winter
in Barre.
Mrs. Ida Ware of White River Junc
tion is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Car
roll Bragg.
Gladys Young from Springfield and
Bernard from Bradford high school are
at home for their Kaster vacations.
Having sold their farm at West
Fairlee, Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Pierce
have moved in with H. 11. Dearborn.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bonnett re
turned from their wedding trip Sat
urday to their new home here, which
was all ready to receive them. Wc ex
tend to them our congratulations and
a hearty welcome to our neighborhood.
Dr. Howard always recommended ,
Bronchial Asthma
Years ei stadjr and observation convinced
him it would safely, quickly and Mreiy stop
bad cough and live instant relief in Bron
chial Asthma. Guaranteed harmless.
Here is aboslute proof from users.
W'aterbury.CU- No nsthma thanks to Oxidate.
Sulam, W. Vs. We find it all you claim.
Kndiick,Col. Am well pirated with results.
C'ircleville.O. More help than from nnything.
Scmersct.Mass. It Kivts full taliefaction.
Detroit, Mich. It has benefited me greatly.
Worcester. Mass. lit wonJi .thouatds to me.
Keint, N. II.- I speak in hiKhmt irait of it.
rVntrn, Mich.- I Kot nearly instant relief.
Howell, Mich. For asthma, btsit I've found.
Cincinnati. O.It is a wonrterf ul' medicine.
Smithi Basin, N.Y.- DelurhUd with Oxidaze.
Kochdak, Mass. Coukb irone, gained eitrht
fig-ned letters on file. Order to-day I
Monev back if it fails. All Druccista. I
E. A. Drown ran supply ysu. Adv. I
(euy Voting's father is ill. '"
Richmond Camp is working for Will
Hyde. . .
Bernard Brown of Tunbridge was in
town last week, calling on E. Barton
Charles Peavey returned from Brad
ford last week, "Vhcre he had been
spending a short time with his son,
Robert Peavey, and tamily.
Austin Marsh is helping Will Camp
sugar. Harlie Sutton has finished work
for .1. C. Greene and is helping Forrest
Hood sugar. Spencer Clogiton is help
ing Edwin G. Heath and Henry Hardy
is working for J. C. Greene.
Ed. Lovell has finished drawing wood
from the Camp garage for Robinson
Rich and is working for Carl Moxley,
Everett Smith has gone to Nashua,
X. II., for work. 'Archie McPhetres is
working for A. M. Smith.
. The Strickland buby, ho has been
quite ill for some time, is better now.
The nurse, Mrs. Elizabeth Sanders, has
gone to her home.
C. h. McPhetres is moving to the
Stiles farm and Frank Howard is mov
ing to the Hackett farm vacated by
C. L. McPhetres.
The Ilas-tam block machine has been
moved from the Camp garage to the
Stiles farm. The same gang of help
is working, with the addition of three
choppers, Mark Spaulding, Benedict
and Sweeney.
.vlrs. Harold Slack was called to Tun
bridge last week by the illness of her
sister, Hattie Camp.' At last reports
she was more comfortable. She has a
nurse, Mrs. Benedict of Bethel.
Mrs. George Hyde, jr., who has been
so dangerously ill for the pat few
months, is now able- to sit up a few
hours each day.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Preston have re
covered from their recent long illness
with flu, as have John Ferris and family.
i A regular meeting of the O. E. S.
ff . pi t ti i ' w'" De 'le'(' 'r'l'av evening, April 2, at
Hair Grown on Bald Head l- Jd'fJii
After betas; slmoet totallv hsld. a New yrk
bspsilv feund snaiethirte which hrouyht out s new.
losariant pronto of bsirtr whifh t e is so orooq
that as will send tha informal"- fres to actons
who asks, for it. writs- Jana il Rrft's.n
Ststlon f, Nrw York. N. Y. Many wnmea s
ansa bsve erown ir sftee all el CedsA. Cat
ssjs sat. stww otbsrs; this m (sauiaa.
ing of chapter, and sugar on snow will
lie furnished later in the evening.
Bijou Theatre
Entrance on Pearl St.
Three Show Daily, a:i, 6:45, 8:3
(including war tax)
MATINEES: Adults ISe, Ckildrea lc
EVENINGS: Adults 2c Children lie
, To-day -
IHs Official Fiancee"
-Mutt and Jetf - Alxt a romaly: "LOST.
Tharsdsr, April"!
spsriai. Atso rkreen Mitaune.
' Friday, April i
The Web of Chance"
-Black Secret" and "Current Evntsv"
Attend Matinee for Seat
Mrs. E. S. Whiteomb.who came Sat
urday from Bellows Falls to visit Mrs.
S. 8. Whitcomb, was delayed here on
Monday on account, of the trains and
was. obliged to remain over till Wednes
day, when she returned to her home.
Mrs. C. J. Stockwell and her son,
Hubert, went to Rochester Wednesday
to visit friends the rest ofjthe week.
Mrs. E. E. Maxham and daughter
went to Bethel Wednesday for a short
stay with relative in that town.
The singing evangelist, who has been
in Springfield, Mass., reached White
River Junction on Tuesday, 'but could
get no further, so could not meet his
engagement-here litesriny night, trie
following morning he arrived and will
be present at the meetings for the nexi
Mrs. Douglas Barclay and children
and Miss Bryant came on Wednesiy
to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Byron Manchester. Mrs. .Barclay joined
her husband on a xlp to Boston the
same day,' leaving her family with her
parents during - her absence.
The engine which-was wrecked here
on -Tuesday was placed upon the rails
late in the evening of that day, and
after a little the train from the north
passed on its way to White River
Junction. Passengers who went north
on Tuesday morning for business,
reached here about 6 o'clock on a train
made up to come as' far as this sta
tion. Xo serious damage resulted from
the accident, but a delay of travel for
several hours was the result.
Sugar lakers in this vicinity are
having, a good run of sap, making quite
an amount of snutr. One farmer ve
ported one hundred gallons of syrup
made during last week.
"Joe vV ells, son of Mrs. (. ora Wells
Litchfield, who is at the sanatorium
for mastoid abscesses, is thought to
be more comfortable, and making a
slow recovery.
X. C- Buck was in Montpelier on
Tuesday on a business trip, returning
about fi o'clock that night by special
train, made up at Montpelier to come
as far as here.
I er directions for headache, colds, pain,
! neuralgia, - lumbago and rheumatism.
I Name "Bayer" means genuine Aspirin
! prescribed by " physicians for nineteen
years. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets
, cost few cents. Aspirin is trade mark
of Bayer Manufacture of MonoacetiC
acidester or Salicylicacid. Adv.'
Hugh and Myrtie Davis visited rela
tive in Morris'ville Tuesday.
John (Midden left Tuesday for Barre.
Judge Dana was home Saturday and
Sunday from his court duties in Mont
Allen Ainsworth was a business vis
itor in Montpelier the first of the week.
Anna Parker and daughter, Helen,
are ih Cohaet, Mass., called there by
the serious illness of her mother, Mrs.
Frates.' ' "
B. F. Morse visited in Hardwick
Friday. '
Glen Powers was home over the week
end from his homo in. Barre.
Fred Leonard has moved his family
to Hardwick.
Harriet Davenport of Hardwick was
an over-Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Sidney Weeks.
Edmund Kddy visited in Greensboro
the last of the week.
Mrs. Hurley Wheeler and daughter,
Grace, are guoets of relatives in Marsh
field. Cora Thomas and Dorothea Ains
worth visited Christine Morrison in
South Woodbury Saturday.
Nancy Clapp is slowly gaining from
her recent illness.
Mrs. Ma-bel Carr and son left Tues
day for a few days' visit with rela
tives in East Barre.
Fred Clapp has gone to housekeep
ing in the Jennie Hamel tenement.
Wardner Burnham came near losing
three horses one night recently by the
stringer of the barn breaking, letting
them all into the cellar. Fortunately,
they escaped unhirmed.
Schools closed Friday, March 26, for
a three weeks' vacation, the teachers
returning to their homes in Waitsfleld.
Mr. and Mrs. Edson Foss. Mr. and
Mrs. Michael Maloney and Will Malon-
Oej-tmde I.amarr.. six-year-old dauahter cf f .v- all of Wliterbury. visited at the
Mr. and Mrs. Ane-lm Lamarre, 2 Main home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Griffin
street, Ssnford. Maine, was saved from fits ' ,v'undV and enjoyed new sugar on
by the prompt action of her mother, who . gfm.
edministeTed Dr. True'e Elixir. ! it rr i tt i .1
Mrs. Lamarre wrote tha followina- to Dr. ""gh Henry has had another
J. K. True A Co.: "My dauchU". Uertrude. j attack of sciatica and has been con
had diny spells and rouli not even so out. ; fined fn tJ,c JJ the past Week, but is
ill :.?Lrr":lSLT"-.T,V".. somewhat better at this
Family Laxative and Worm Expelleri. She
never had any fits since, 1 feci very grateful
to you."
Symptoms of worms: Constipation, de
ranged stomarh. swollen upper lip. sour
stomach, offensive hraath. hard and full
uelly, with occasional ffripinas and paine horse.
about the navel pale face of leaden tint. Hrold Griffith of Brre
ina of the noae. itch'inr oi the rectum, short i visiting.
Eugene B. Griffin is home from Wa
terhurv and has cone to work for the
i Green Mountain Lumber company.
I. J. elon was in Montpelier one
ilsv last week and returned with a new
is in town.
dry eotwh. grinding of tha teeth, little red
p-inu stH-king out on the tongue, starting
during lrep. slow fever.
Ir. Trues Elixir has been fsitMul in its
duties as a family Laxative and Worm Ex-
Mrs. C. E. MrLam has been quite ill
during the past week with an attack
of gall stonest
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. .Morrison have
moved to the home of C. D. Macdonald,
where they will remain through the
sugar season.
The many friends of linn Stevens
will be sorry to lean) that he has been
obliged to return to. the, hospital at
Maine for another operation on his leg,
which we hope may be successful.
O. E. Taplin has returned to his
work at Groton pond, leaving Mrs.
Taplin somewhat improved.
Mr. Herring was at Montpelier last
week, where lie disposed of a pair of
his work horses at H. M. Farnham's
sales stable.
Will Fox was called to Manchester,
X H., the first oi'.the week by the s
rioi.s illness of his mother.
Sugar makers aretvery busy, but at
the prices mentioned for the sweet
product people can only indulge a a
iufury, not as a necesitv.
J. ('. Lang was at John Williams'
in Corinth last Friday.
Will all who ran. kindly remember
Miss Marion Mel -am with a postcard
at Ear-ter?
Just as we go to press, we learn of
the serious illness with pneumnnia of
Dr. G. W. Darling of South Ryegate.
He has many frit nils here who wish
for him a speedy recovery. j
Miss Dora Bacon wasin Northfleld
Wednesday morning aial ' from there
went to Hardwick for a visit.
Mra. M. 11. Richardson and Mrs.
Mary Wilson were In Montpelier one
day recently. .
Miss Jessie Stanton was with
friends in,' Montpelier Saturday and
Sunday. '
Mrs. George French was a visitor ift
Northfleld one day. the last of the
week. . .
Mrs. E. A. Stimson was a recent
visitor in Randolph.' ,
Ralph Dickinson was a business vis
itor in Northfleld Wednesday. Phil
Flint and son, Lawrence, were also
there the same day.
Mrs! Nancy Denney was out from
Northfleld Tuesday to visit her sister,
Mrs. Warner. - - ; .
Robins made their appearance in this
vicinity the first of the past week, an-1
other sign of spring this year. 'Autos
and motorcycles were out in thevil
lage Sunday.'
Mrs. Brooks was in Northfleld re
cently. Mrs. Dickerman of East Granville
visited her niece, Mrs. B. C. Hall, the
first of the past week.
Mrs. McKenzie was a business vis
itor in Northfleld Friday and also
Mrs.- Roy E. Webster and Mrs. Roy
L Webster were in Northfleld Friday.
H. G. Andrews has been home niost
of the past week because of the illness
of their son. v s
Mr: and Mrs. W. O. Crane were at
Mr. Boardmans in "Little Northfleld"
over night during the week;
Harry Pratt of Proctor was here
Thursday in the interests of the Ver
mont Marble Co.
Dr. GiTord of Randolph, was in tire
jlace Saturday morning, professional
y. He visiteil M. E. Chase, who has
been ill the past two weeks, also called
on Harry Tilden.
.Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Hall made an
attempt to motor to Braintree Sunday
afternoon. The runner path was some
what narrower than ' that of the car
and did not prove very satisfactory
wheeling and they returned home.
Mr4v Dome waa in Northfleld Satur
day. -Miss Vara Mcjntjre, . who is
teaching in the graded school there,
returned home with her.
Mr. B. P. Blanchard and Mra. Leon
Spalding were among those in North
Hem Wednesday.
Allen Kidder of Burlington was with
his father here the last of the week,
coming from Springfield. During the
week he had been with the 1. V. M.
glee club, giving concert .in- Water
bury, Randolph and Springfield.
Dr. Ellis was called here twice dur
ing the week to visit the infant son of
If. G. Andrews, who has pneumonia.
Dr. Green of Bethel was also here the
last of the week on the same case.
The baby , is convalescing.
Miss lit.rothy Slayton and Mis Mar
jorie Orcutt of Montpelier came Mon
day to spend a part of their Easter
vacation at the home of their grand
father, W. A. Averill.
Dr. . Angell was in town Monday
morning from Randolph to visit Dan
Spalding, who is in poor health.
Dr. C. A. Shaw was but of town
from Tuesday till Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. George Cleveland were
out of town a portion of the 'past
week. "
Clarence Webster of Randolph was
in the place Thursday and purchased
cows of Mr. Mclntyre, also of Glenn
Tracy. Mr. Mclntyre sold his entire
herd of cows and took them to Brain
tree Friday.
J. B. Kidder wa at his home in
Burlington ovr Sunday, and Monday
went to Proctor for the Vermont Mar
ble Co.
Thomas Curtis has finished work for
the marble company and plans to go
to Detroit, Mri-h., to work in the auto
mobile shops.
Mrs. F. C. Rich and daughter, Lottie
Rich, were in Northfleld Monday.
Fred Rich is home from his work
in Windsor, entertaining the nfumps.
" plllf
I 13'
SS MlMMv. -
This is only one of the many
models in the complete line
of Andes Ranges. There is
an Andes Range that exactly
fits your kitchen, and your
cooking needs. A Double
Andes burns both gas and
coal, the same oven being
heated by gas or coal sepa
rately or by gai and coal
Baking exquisite cakes
With a birthday cake on the schedule
for little sister's party how important
it is that such a very special cake be
well baked. It will be a shame to
disappoint sister with a poorly baked
cake. And then, too, some of the
mothers of sister's little friends will
probably see it. Another reason why
it should be good.
Of course, the secret of good baking
is the evenness of tire oven's tempera
ture. And the Andes helps you in
this respect because its oven is heated
from all sides at once. Thus it not
only maintains an even heat all morn
ing, but also fs as hot in one corner as
it is in another. This keeps the cake
from baking too fast on one side and
too slow on the other.
Such , a range as the Andes cannot
be perfected in a day. The Andes
today is the result of fifty years of
effort by its manufacturers to build
better and better ranges, that would
do better and better cooking.
Many a woman right here at home
has blessed the day she bought her
Andes. We can show: them u you.
May we? '
"Better Cooking for Less Money
E. A. Prindle & Go.
Barre, Vt.
George West attended the funeral o'f
Mr. Pearsons of Montpelier last Tues
day. Those having perfect attendance dur
ing the winrr-r term were F.velvn
Blancliffrd, Edw in Blanchard, Nina Da
vis and Kuth I ntiedt.
There will be an entertainment at
the sehoolhouse Thursday evening,
April 8, at 8 o'clock. All are welcome.
Miss Sarah Prime spent the week
end in Northfleld.
Mrs. Lewis Wakefield wa in'North
field last Tuesday.
Mrs. (ierry.of Kittery, Me., is spend
ing some tin w ith her daughter, Mrs.
George Wakefield.
(lUadv Bailaf !a
Neuralgia in FACE
and ARMS
Send address and rem wilt,
racenre food aird assaplc
tuba of "jELLfOHM"
FsdST"s Read? Relief
wuhoat any additional mat
to T"ti RsDWAY CO.
2C4 Center Street. New York
sTaasfr Mmlimt
la Battlss
-la Toka
3Sc, 70c
Patrick Burns returned Monday from
Littleton, N. IL, where he has been
employed several months.
Mr. Edward Anderson of Quincy,
Mass., arrived here yesterday for a
short business visit.
A son was born Saturday to Mr. and
Mr. Ed. Duby.
Joseph Littlewood fell 'Monday as
he descended a few steps at the quarry
where he is employed, fracturing a
bone in his riylit arm.
John Mitchell returned to Philadel
phia yesterday, after visiting a week
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Joseph Hallipsn went to Boston yes
terday on a few days' business trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Klmer.Suitor went to
Lenoaville, P. Q., last week to visit
Mrs William Riddel spent a few
days last week in Northfleld with rela
The Baptist Sunday school will give
an Easter concert next Sunday morn
ing at 11 o'clock. Everyone is invited,
especially the parents of the children
who are taking part in the concert.
Remember the hour 11 a. m.
4 YM
o more worry about your over-stoutness. Take
Oil of Korein, follow the simple, .health-improving
Korein e.vstem and it is positively guaranteed you
will lose 10 to 60 pounds whatever amount of fat you
need to be rid of or this self-treatment will eost you
nothing. We offer $100.00 Cash Guarantee! The
shadow pictures give an idea low you look beforo and
after reduction. . .
Measure and Welsh yonrself now; watch the delight
ful steady reduction. Become healthier, younger in
appearance, more active and attractive; gala real
beauty. Don't let heart disease, apoplexy, or other
diseases (due to obesity) ruin you. Awaken now,
change irritability, sluggishness, body burdens, and
your duck-like waddling walk to pleasant agility. ADD)
Oil of Korein
The business meeting of the Home
Study club that was scheduled for thi
week, is indefinitely pos-tponed.
Mrs. Abbie C. Freeman, who has been
housekeeper for J. F. Bailey for some
time pa:, is just now at West Berlin,
helping out in the family of Fred
Bailey, whose daughter is seriously ill.
Mrs. Alma Boyce.and son. Earl A.
Boyce, who have been employed by
(ieorffe W. Lynde for the past winter,
re to return to their farm to-morrow.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Sea"er were
pleasantly surprised at their home last
Saturday evening bv friends and neigh
bors, who iiBir torrmind them that j
it was their 2.th innivcrsary. There!
was music and a poem written by Percy '
I Jeffords. Refre-ibfents of sandwiches 1
I rake and coJTce were served. The party ,
broke up at a late hour, leaving a
siwn of money nd some silverware, lor
which Mr. and Mrs. Seaver extend i
A prominent Ffinadelphian, .
Georjre Keynolds, Walton. Ave-
cue, lost -o lbs. the srst montu
and continued using Oil of Korein, massaging lmse!f
daily, until he reduced 6 lhs, Mrs. J. It. Hansen,
l'luttsrille, reduced 20 lbs. in less than 2 months. Mrs.
lu C Patrick. Niland, wanted to reduce 8 lbs., and did
se in two weeks. An Albany business man, F. O. Drew,
lost CS lbs. in S months. Many Bay "fat seems to melt
away", or "measurements decrease like marie", etc.
Legions of voluntary testimonialsv
Don't earTT the tedious burden or unhealthy fat.
Become slender end attractive by this superior eisy
( Amaze yourself and friends. Increase your efficiency.
' Oil ef Korein Is pleasant to use. Bur small box at
any busy pharmacy; or the druggist will get it for you.
.Or, write us and we will mail you a b.n in plain wrap
per, which you may pay for when it comes to you.
Nw Book Tertafla WIgM 1twVj fives XfifXlT'
fcslptul lofomutloo. Will M sMlh-d frsa on lfIt-
reqwst. Cut Oils a4ertiwroem vji and ksep JvVU
r"? Do lo losa thta cssara af llfrtma to
Improve jwrsoif mimlxi. Adims: yW Wl ST1
a ajd
KOREIN CO Sta. F- New York
their thanks.
Mrs. R. B. Whallev returned to her
home last Fridav. aft-r four weeks'
visiting of friends in Maine.
4'lirence Htitrhins moved his familv
rlhr. sinor Ihil or 8 rr' reputation. Slid poods to Moretown Wednesdav.
r.rm-yona can improv thair health br simply . jjr M1lrt Ha Iloll went to Barrr
looktna artrr th bowals-a pusa herb lasa- S. . . . . , ...
tive. afcirh Dr. Truaa Eli.tr ta. ill prompt- 1 Jueiay for a two weeks slay with
ly nliro all worry and disorders. AT ; her sister.
ALL DEALER-. Av. . r Percy Corliss w as in Moretewn Tuc-
- " 'I Am V .
rrtnt ttuckirv 01 .iiors'town was in i
New Goods
Jiu-t in A lot of Gingham
Dresses, Rompers, Middy
Blouses and Smocks. Come
in and look them over. We
give S.&H. G-een Stamp.
Lcc & Gara B. Shortt
Karihield, Veraoat
Mr. Oyde Shearer. 722 Fat
Seventh treet, .lrocton, N".
V, sarits-a: "I am usine Cisun
mcoe 7 shirts sed they mrr
making me feel fine sin.- tak
ing them. -I have gained tea
pounds in flesh and f-el better
erry day.""
Thmvand f rierotis. thin,
weak, aching, irrpoveri-h'-d men
and women are daily jttin;
iat leneflts from taking lado-nn-ne
TsMet. Tt.ey are nrt a
"fiire all," but jnt a wonder
full? effertive tonic to ' r
pin cf t! bly. Sld by
druit erervwhere. Adv.
to n Tuesday.
F. f Bartlett from Amherst. Ms ,
'made a recent trip here in the interrt
1 I'l (lie . fi. ( iiiif.u xa'mi .
j Mrs. lioae (ifreyf rom Straffed is
I with her daughter," Mrs. Weilinpton
I it us.
Mrs. .fohn Stillrosn from Bridpepurt.
Itonn.. is sisuinjr ner parents, .Mr. ana j
; Sirs, t yrua. Merrill. i
j Dorothy Allen from Boston and Ruth
tlatrb and Robert Alien from Lvndoa
'tenter are spendira the Latr aw
i tin with their jrent.
J Mr. and Mr. t. K. lsmipss made a
j siort visit at the old borne on their
'ritura r.in tliaritcm. la.
I Mra. Arabella Ksyrrtosid ws wi!ed 1
,tn Teterr-f rrt. V. H J lat week hr the
death c.f her daochter, Mia. Robert
Teople Notice It Drive Them
Off with Dr. Edwards'
Olive Tablets
A pimply fare will not embarrass yrw
much kantrrr if you tret a package of
1 . Edwards Ohve Tablets. The ekin
should begin to clear alter you have
taken the tablets s lew rnchts.
Cleanse the blond, bowels and liver .
with Dr. Kd wards' Olive Tablet, the
mccesf ful substitute frr calomel; there's
no sickness or nam after takiruj them.
Ir. tdwards Olive Tablets do that
which calomel does, and rust as effec
tively, but their action is gentle and
safe instead o. severe and irritating.
No one who takes Olive Tablets M
ever cursed with a "dark brown taste,
a bad breath, a dun. listless "no food"
fetbng. cxnsCpaUon, tmrpid Lver, bad
di?pritKTO or punply race.
Oiave Tablets are a purely egetab
ronspound rruxed with ohve oil : you iJ
know thera by tbeir oLve color.
Dr. fcdw-ards per.t jrars aroon? pa
tients ajftcted with lrTr and bowel
complaints, and OUve Tib'rti are Uje
Barnetisr-ly efecuye result. Takeoneor
two niiCtstir tT a week, bee bow rrxtch
Make your land produce more by using fertilizers
that have proven their worth. It is a waste to
spend money for good seed and labor and not get
the utmost in crops.
Burlington Animal Fertilizers
Have proven their worth". Adapted to the soils of
Vermont, these fertilizers will bring much greater
results with no more expense for labor or seed.
A few more bushels of grain or potatoes to the
acre means just that much added profit It Is po-"-sible
to go over the peak and get that added
production by using Burlington High-Grade Ani
mal Fertilizers. If your dealer cannot supply you,
write us direct.
Individual Merits of In
dividual Parts
A machine correctly assembled from
parts of highest quality is bound to be
a good machine. ,
G-E Motors
are built on this principle. The result
is a motor we are proud to sell and you
will be glad to own.
Barre Electric Company
"For your Electrical Wants"
Tel. 98
Burlington, Vermont
Licensed Embalmers
I now have in my employ Roy Swift, a licensed em
balmer of seven years experience. This will insure the
best of SERVICE at all times.
M. J. Whitcomb
nMta director am v. w alms.
better ywi ted and to. IX. aai

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