Newspaper Page Text
1 J Jt'-zt THE BARRE DAILY TIMES, BARKE, VT., FRIDAY, 2, 1920. BARRE DAILY TIMES FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1920. Published Every Wefk-Dy Aftwnnon by THE BARRE DAILY TIMES, INC. Frank E. Langley. Publisher Entered it the Poetofflce st Bsrra as Second. C1M Mail Matter SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year by mail JJ-JJ Thrw month by mail One month by mail 6 tn' Slnirle copy 2 tents All aubecriptiona caih In advance.. MEMBER OF THE A8S0CIATED PRESS The AaMciat4Preaa la eaclualvely entitled to the m for republication of all newa dia patchea credited to It or not otherwiae ered ited In thia paper, and alw the local newa published therein. The Democrats seem bound to make it a "bitter end" convention whatever th they do. Randolph will have fireworks aplenty for its Fourth of July celebration if it succeeds in inducing the four Republi can candidates for Congress to partici pate in the exercises, Or even three of them. Two might start something.' That third party boom is being held in'abeyance, just as the voters will sus pend it in mid-air if the occasion ever arises during the election next Novem ber. There is no chance for a third par ty this year regardless of what turn the election outlook may take. Every now and then a person with an appetite stronger than discretion goes the way to the Great Beyond by the wood alcohol route. That, too, despite the repeated warnings caused by the death lists published in the newspa pers. The way to safety leads through abstinence from the stuff about which there is not exact knowledge. Vermont's tourists are co-operating with the state highway department in reporting poor stretches of highway in Vermont. Tourists "make no bones" of registering their qomplaints in this matter of highways. It deserves to be Bair?, however, that the complaints are confined to comparatively few stretches of highway. If you've just left the institute of learning and are about to insti tute p r o c e e dings to make yourself indis pensable to the busi ness world, it's well to remember the words of Roger W. Babson: "There is nothing in business, next to integrity and industry, that counts as much as good manners." Here are business suits for young men that grace good manners. Style without f reakish ness. Prices, $18.50 to $65.00. F..H. Rogers & Company The American athletes have been flirowing quite a scare into the ranks of the Britishers during the last few weeks, but they have performed no more meritoriously than did the Eng lish university athletes who recently' participated in the intercollegiate games at the University of Pennsylvania. The two countries are turning out some marvellous specimens of humanity when reckoned from the standpoint of skill, endurance and speed. In fact, the two nations are to advanced in ath letic life that there should be no doubt of their standing well to the top in the Olympic games to be contested later in the summer. SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE Capital Savings Bank And Trust Company JULY 1, 1920 RESOURCES jMM ..12,025.477.30 U. SJ ijbertv and Victory bond 429,089.4 Rate county, city, town and school district bonds 203.R32.38 Bank stock - 'U, 7 Cash on hand and in banks 208,u,d.i7 $2,070,122.40 LIABILITIES Capital . tv. $ 100,000.00 Due depositors 2,fl70,47.88 Undivided profits ' 1''(lj!' '!J Dividends unpaid '""f) Dividend No. 88. July 1. 1020 5.000.00 Treasurer's checks outstanding 2,3.j!U1 Bills payable 73,000.00 $2,070,122.40 Deposits made in the Savings Department on or be fore July 13 draw interest from July 1 at 4 per ct. OFFICERS CEO L. BLAN'CHARD, Fres. EDWARD H. DEAVITT. Vice rres. H. JULIUS VOLHOLM. Vice-I'rea. FRANK N. SMITH, Tmts. EARLK H. SHERBURX, Asst. Treas. TRUSTEES GEO. L. BLANCHARD H. JULIUS VOLHOLM EDWARD H.. DEAVITT FRANK N. SMITH TIMOTHY E. CALLAHAN W. G. NYE of North Montpeleir HARRY DANIELS of Eaat Montpelier L Yon can get more comfort, more style and more wear out of a pair of Walk -Over Shoes When fitted the Walk-Over way, than you have ever had before experienced. The English Shoe is the proper style this season for the particular man or woman. Our stock of this shoe is complete, and we can properly fit you. e Rogers' Walk-Over Boot Shop Semi-Annual Statement O F The Peoples National Bank of Barre Statement, July 1, 1920 RESOURCES Time and demand loans $750,635.74 Overdrafts 3.24 U. S. bonds to secure circulation 100,000.00 Other U. S. bonds . 69,250.00 Other bonds and securities . . . 730,341.40 War savings stamps 128.90 Cash on hand and in banks 154,461.44 5 per cent redemption fund 5,000.00 Interest earned but not collected 25,515.23 $1,835,335.95 LIABILITIES Capital stock Surplus "and profits Discount collected but not earned .... Reserved for interest and taxes accrued Circulating notes Dividend No. 33 Rediscounts with Federal Reserve Bank Bills payable Deposits . . , $100,000.00 52,598.62 2,239.05 4,063.86 100,000.00 3,500.00 33,540.81 30,000.00 1,509,393.61 $1,835,335.95 INCREASE IN SAVINGS DEPARTMENT FOR PAST SIX MONTHS $184,351 NUMBER OF NEW ACCOUNTS JN SAVINGS DEPARTMENT PAST SIX MONTHS. 418 Deposits made in Savings Department on or before Tuesday, July 13, 1920, will draw interest from July 1, 1920, at 4 per cent Foreign Exchange Safe Deposit Boxes Steamship Tickets on All Lines Travelers' Cheques There's always a welcome for you at this bank! OFFICERS F. D. LADD, President W. M. IIOLDEN, Vice-President W. C. JOHNSON, JR., Cashier F. K. BEARD, Assistant Cashier DIRECTORS v n t add A. J. YOUNG C. W. AVERILL . W M HOLDEN W. D. SMITH W. C. JOHNSON, JR. ' F. L. SARGENT ACCUMULATE for a Rainy Day There is no shelter against adversity like a bank book, representing a good interest-bearing account. Start now while the skies are clear. A new interest period starts July 1st. QUARRY SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST CO. BEN A.EASTMAN, Free. H.J.M JONES. V-Frw. C.M.WlLLBT.Ti Ben A. Eastman DIRECTORS: J. H. Boutnell W. G. Remold H. F. Cutlet E. L. Scott i H. J. If. Jones B. W. Hooker H. H. Jaelwoa Granite Savings Bank & Trust Company Barre, Vermont OLDEST BANK IN BARRE ORGANIZED 1885 - ASSETS OVER $2,200,000.00 STATEMENT, JULY 1, 1920 RESOURCES. Loans ' $1,532,134.40 Real estate and banking house Jl.355.78 Bonds afid securities United States Government bonds Accrued interest receivable . 371,100.00 173,050.00 30,726.59 1 A ACIQ OO ntVipr assets iv.uo.-- CASH ON HAND AND IN BANKS 149,138.46 $2,288,003.45 LIABILITIES Capital stock $75,000.00 Surplus and profits 43,792.51 Dividend, semi-annual 3 per cent 2,250.00 Bills payable 40,000.00 DEPOSITS (including interest due depos- itors, July 1, 1920) 2.126.960.94 $2,288,003.45 JOHN TROW, President JOHN TROW THIS BANK PAYS TAXES ON ALL DEPOSITS Deposits made on or before JULY 13, will draw interest from JULY 1. at 4 Per Cent WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT OFFICERS FRANK F. CAVE, Vice-President DIRECTORS WILL A. WHITCOMB FRANK F. CAVE J. WARD CARVER JAMES T. MARRION CHAS. II. WISH ART CHAS. H. WISHART, Treasurer Vermont Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Montpelier, Vt. NINETY-SECOND YEAR Assets $11,653,426.00 Insurance in Force, $112,201,181.00 Number of Policies in Force. 57,750 Policies written under Mutual or Paid-Up Plan at - actual cost no pronr Consider this fact when placing your Automobile Fire Insurance If yq,u are seeking Insurance, see our Local Agent McAllister & Kent Agents for Barre, Berlin and Orange PERMANENCE Every day you continue cordial and intimate rela tions with a bank you are building the permanent structure of your credit. The man that is in busi ness to stay, the man that wants every year to deepen and widen his business efficiency, will find the bank to be his greatest helper. The First National Bank of Montpelier Member Federal Reserve System BBS Blank, Like the Verse. ti.. ,.,,f. .man rolled his ef he entered the editorial sanctum. ..II - :.. . .wn u-liirh vmi miT PUD- lish in vour paper. I dashed it off in an idle 'moment and you will perhaps find its a little rough. You can make anv correction you ihwo. -"Thank you." said the editor. "I will ifive you a check for it at once." 'You are very kind. I shall be de- '"... . ...... vt The editor nannea mm "Many thanks.' 'said the P"t; will bring you some more poems." it. i.xi rched the door, when sud denly he turned. "Kxcuse me. but you ve lorgonen to till up this check." "Vi, that s an ngni, saia imp k. T u . . . nil... vmi m rWk in its Touch state, a it were, ran make anv of.rrwtion vou please." Pittsburgh t hronicle-Teiegraph. Caruso Singing Handel's Largo, a Victor Feature Handel'a "I-argo," as Ming by Caruso on a Victor record, is the chief feature of the Victor offer inps this montk. Yet the popular ity of this record will be seriously rivaled by t.slli Curci's "Les Killes de Cadix" (The Maids of ladirl, another summertime Yittpr rec ord. Orille Han-old, the great American tenor of the Metropoli tan OiH-ra Company, takes the part of Rodnlfo in "Boheme," and makes his firi.t Victor record, "Rac ronto di Rodolfo." Sir Harrr 1-ander returns with new song. '' I ll Think I II Ot Wed in the Summer." John McVormaek, the most conummste of ballad sinpers. strips "The Barefoot Trail" for Victor this month. And Sophie RraoUu unjs "Greatest Miracle f All." a melody built cm the aborijinsl tcri scale. -Oh! Ft Juict!" and -Nobody But Yeu" are new nwlley fox trots. "Ort en'al Stsrs" it a new Victor one step. -Waoll Take the Place of Msry!" is mrtf by the Crrer.t Trw apint a orchestral ac c B'jan ment. Tfce .tniT Victor ro.rd are enw c sat at Bailj's Ms Rri, I'm re. -s The N. D. PhepS CO. Inc. MUTUAL FRIENDSHIP 1 Mutual friendship means friendship that is reciprocated or appreciated. The word "Mutual," which is always applied to the old type savings banks, means recip rocally acting or for the common good. In plain language, it means the depositors have the benefit of all the profits, a part of which is reserved, according to law, for the protection of deposits from possible loss, and the remainder is distributed among the accounts of the depositors at an equal rate of interest. Now. observe how this works out. Xorthfieldfavings Bank has the maximum reserve or surplus fund required by law of all state banks for the protection of deposits from possible loss. Northfield Savings Bank for the NINTH consecutive semi-annual period will pay its DEPOSITORS at a rate of interest more than four per cent interest July 1, 1920. By the way, this is a record in Vermont. Northfield Savings Bank is the only mutual savings bank in Washington County. Deposits made on or before JULY 10TH will begin to draw interest from July 1st. Assets a million and a half. NORTHFIELD SAVINGS BANK Northfield, Vermont Flags! Flags ! Flags ! Observe your nation's birthday and wave Old Glory to the breeze. We can supply your demands if you come earhT. From 2c to $2.20 0n Phone 28 Barre, Vt. rl r TC MAPRAF. No. 10 Miles BIdg 'Phone 165-JJust up 1 flight, where every purchase means a saving WEARABLES for the Fourth at Special Sale Prices Make Your Holiday Purchases Here and Save Money A Few of the Special Values: WHITE GABARDINE SKIRTS-Fine grade material and well made, $4.00 to $1.50 val ues, Saturday, each $3.69 VOILE WAISTS Two odd lots of Waists that are slightly mtjed. $2.00 values $1.43 $3.00 to $3.50 "values at $2.39 WAIST SPECIAL New Voile Waists, tail ored ftOes, 53.00 to $3.25 values Satur day, each 5-25 1 FINE WAISTS All new styles embroid ered and lace trimmed, $3.00 to $3.25 val ues at $2.79 $4.00 to $4.50 values at $3.69 VOILE DRESSES Few pretty models $20 values, Saturday at $14.75 COATS Four Spring Coats c!oe-out price, each $14.75 SI MMER VESTS 36, 38 only; Saturday Sale, each 23c ALL FINE WAISTS at a special discount. "Built notStuftd" sterirtoor TRABE-MANrv 'fctr U.S. PAT. OFF.. Special for this Week A $35.00 Ostermoor for $31.00. Let us show you. A. W. Badger & Co. t-4marr 4 U t-tsfssws: Psrsl Arumtm l.TVi. Wrk-TsL ' A NEW AND UP-TO-D ATE AUTO AMBULANCE