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The Barre daily times. (Barre, Vt.) 1897-1959, July 16, 1920, Image 1

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: . vnr vvTVKn 101 BARRE VERMONT, FRIDAY, JULY 16,20. , raiCEWO CENTS. '
. ' 1 '" '" 111 "' " ' j" 1 i i "; - 1 f i
JOt Certain Articles in Al-
lied Note on Coal
- Delivery
They Announced Just Be
fore Entering Confer
va ence To-day .
m. Julv 16 fBv the Associated
, ,
iPressLThe German delegates at the
conference here have agreed in princi
tile with the terms submitted to them
by the allies as to Germany's deliveries
of coal, but will ask for the explana
tion of certain articles in the allied
note. They made this announcement
just before entering into conference
. with the allied ministers this After
noon. "' Ppa, Belgium, July 18 (By the As
sociated Press!. The German delega
tion at the conference here sent word
to the Bupreme council this morning
that the German reply to the allied
Ultimatum on coal deliveries would not
b ready before 4 o'clock this after
noon. The Germans are expected to
ask modification of the terms of the
;;The reply was due at 11 o'clock this
" From what could be learned during
the morning the thing that was stand
ing in the way of acceptance by the
Germans of the allied terms was the
clause providing for occupation of the
Ruhr valley unlet) the coal deliveries
reached a total of six million tons by
Oct. 13.
lr. Walter 'Simons, the German for
eign minister, told his colleagues when
they met to confer over the allied con
dition that this, subject had not been
mentioned during his conversation with
Premiers Lloyd George and Millcrand
yesterday, when a verbal agreement
was virtually reached. The Germans, it
appears, were greatly annoyed to find
it in the text of terms handed them in
the note of last night.
The Event Took Place This Morning at
French Foreign Office, Jules
Cambon Presiding.
Paria, 'july lB.-The exchange of
ratifications of the treaty of St. Ger
main, which established peace between
the allies and Austria, took place this
morning in the Clock room at the For
eign Office. Jules Cambnn presided
over the ceremony. '
Afterwards, M. Hertsh, representing
Czecho-Klovakia, signed the agree
ments for the protection of minorities
within the former territory of the
Austro-Hungarian empire.
That la Plan of Candidate Roosevelt
of Democrat Ticket.
-Washington. D. C, July 16. Frank
lin p. Roosevelt, assistant secretary of
the navy and Democratic vice-presidential
nominee, arrived in Washing
ton to-day from his home in Xew York.
He went direct to hie office at the navy
department, relieving Admiral Cooritz,
chief of naval operations, who has been
acting secretary during the absence of
Peerctary Daniels and Mr. Roosevelt.
Mr. Roosevelt will attend the con
ference Sunday between President Wil
' son and Governor Cox at the White
House and will return to Dayton with
the governor Sunday night for the
meeting of the national committee on
Monday and Tuesday. He said plans
would be made at this meeting for
speaking tours of the Democratic can
didate. "In the North and Northwest, about
75 per cent of the newspapers are Re
publican owned and controlled," said
Mr. Roosevelt. 1 feel that the best
way we can overcome this handicap is
1 get out into those states. I alo
feel that -the people are entitled to see
the men they are asked to vote for."
"Will Governor Cox and yourself di
vide the country between you, one co
ing east and the other west!" Mr.
Roosevelt vn asked.
"That has not been decided, but 1
should think it might be a good guess."
the nominee replied.
-Mr.' Roosevelt said he would begin a
speaking tour immediately after the
notification ceremony. The date for
this event has not been set, but Mr.
Roosevelt believes it will take place at
his borne at Hyde Tart, X. Y., cither
Aug. 7 or !.
Durham, X. C, July 16. John
King, a farmer living near this
city, last night found two of
his cows lying on the ground of
, their pasture in a stupor, appar
ently suffering - from gome
strange malady. A veterinarian
called and after examination he
pronounced the animals "beastly
drunk." A search for the cause
led to the discovery of, a, big
"moonshine" still -in a secluded
corner of the pasture. The cows
had eaten a quantity of the
mash used by the illicit whiskey
Attack Was Made Near Lanesborough,
Ireland Survivor-Used . Dead -Comrade's
Body as
London, ; July 15. A police patrol
was ambushed near Laneshorough last
night, one officer being killed instant
ly by the first volley. His companion.
who waa wounded, returned the nre ot
his assailants until his ammunition
was exhausted, using the ''body 'of his
dead comrade as a breastwork.
The West Meath county council has
ordered all courthouses in the county
closed and the government officials
evicted. It has directed the Irish re
publican army to prevent magistrates
and other government officers enter
ing these buildings in the future, as
serting' that the Sinn Fein courts have
superseded these functionaries.
Brownsville, Texas, July 16. Rebels
under General Crineo Villareal, who at
tacked Monterey Wednesday morning,
fought for five hours before they were
repulsed, according to details reach
ing here;
The attacking body numbered about
200 men.
The first fighting occurred at the
Golfe railroad station, where a train-
hoad of federal soldiers, with their
women and children, were caght asleep
and killed.
The rebels then attacked the federal
barracks and the penitentiary, but
were repulsed. Monterey has been com
partively quiet since then, accord
ing to this information.
Bolshevik! Report That Their Advance
On Northern Sector is Con
tinuing Energetically.
London, July 1(1. Continued suc
cesses by the bolsheviki in their opera
tions against the Pules along the north
ern sector of the front is announced in
Tuesday's official statement from Mos
cow received by wireless todny. The
eomninniiue says:
"'South of the river Vilya in the
Vilna rcgin we defeated the resisting
enemy along the entire front. Our ad
vance is continuing energetically."
(A special dispatch from Kevno re
ceived in London Thursday night, re
ported the occupation of Vilna by the
bolsheviki. This has not beon offi
cially confirmed, but Warsaw advices
to-dny say the Poles tyive agreed with
the Lithuanians for occupation of
Vilna by Lithuanian troops. The sign
ing of a peace treaty betweeen Lith
uania and soviet Russsia was reported
on July 15.1
"West of Molodechna (on the rail
way line betweeen Minsk and Vilna)
we are miccewafully continuing our ad
vance and driving back the enemy.
"Southwest of Minsk we occupied the
village of T'zda and a number of other
villages. During the fighting along the
railway from Bobmisk to Minsk we
captured eight guns, several thousand
shells, six locomotives and 142 wagons
loaded with building materials and
"In the Mutsk and Lenin regions our
advance continues energetically.
"In the Sarny and Kovel districts
our advance is developing successfully."
Counter-Orlensive of Ukrainian Forces
T Makicg Progress.
Berne. July !.". The Ru-sian bolshe
rik offensive in the Cknaine has been
... (
chares!, which ilolaie the counter of
fensive of the Ikrain.an force is nuk
ing progre. The fkrainian armies
are heme baiked up by growmj forosi
tiolheviki and aided by the extensive!
Uprising of peasant.
Not te CceSscate Coal Sent to Public
Util-.ties, Etc
Washington. D. C .'u!y !. Pail
roads of the country were warned t
(Jar by the irtrrstaie iflmn-i-ir- com
mission to refrain from (.ph-catin;
(wal consigned to r..i rrntrnt dcixrt
trsefiis ft to n nm arri'-r and to
Olnrr piibl.c iitilt"-. ind'iation of
1st mrttnm !'l be tai.cn in put !
erd to the wa- poen by the
For Tests to Determine American
Team in Olympiad.
Cambridge, Mass., July 16, The first
of the trials which will determine the
complexion of the I'nited States track
and field team at the Olympic games
were held to-day in the Harvard stadi
um. With the junior national cham
pionship meeting of 16 events as a
curtain-raiser, the preliminary heats
of the combined Olympic try-outs and
national senior championships were
advanced by the Olympic committee
from the program of to-morrow to late
afternoon to-day. '
Trials for the big games were held
in all running events short of the mile,
and brought into action the greatest
field of sprinters ever gathered m this
country. Kach section sent to the
games a man with a record of less than
10 seconds for the century dash, with
Paddock and Kirksey of the Pacific
coast, Scholz, of the middle west,
Murchison and Hayes of the east and
Lee Carey of the navy among them.
For the half-mile run also quality
ran high in Kby of the east. I)n Scott
of the armv, Meehan, Campbell and
Joie Ray of the midddle west. Rav has
et himself the task of running both
the half-mile and the mile, with special
efturt incidental to the latter event
t set a new record for 1.500 meters.
It was expected that a new world's
mark would be made for the 400-yard
hurdles event, in which Meanix of the
ea-t, former recurdholder. who bettered
it. were to meet in this afternoon's
trials with Watt, the eastern inter
collegiate star, and Smart and Loomia
of the middle west.
The junior events, ordinarily the ob
ject of close compete ion and inter
est because of the team championship
trophy and the individual titles, were
overshadowed by the Olympic trials
which brought the country'a fleetest
speedsters into action. Nevertheless,
entrants in several of the events were
regarded, as having the qualities of
Olvmpie contenders and it was expect
ed that the junior games would gradu
ate seerl athletes into the senior
events of to-morrow.
1 he stadium track was fast, was in
cxcel'ent condition to-day, after a week
of groenvng without Use. Overhead,
clear skies and a quartering breere
Eiive almost perfect weather eondi-li'-ris.
But Were Repulsed in At
tack on Barracks at
And Annihilated the Sol
diers, Their Wonien and
Their Children
Family Sot Out of Block at Smyrna
Mills, Me, Safely.
SuTtm Mills. Main. July 16. Wil
Barker.'Jns wife and their n
children were forced to fW from their
apartment in the Nes and Lravitt
l.l-w k fc-re at :jO n'cWw-i this morning
when it n juttcl hy flame. T1-"
eMimated st .v -,. :s
j.at'h- .iecd hy insurant.
Alleged Leader of Abortive Revolution
in Mexico Was Captured After
Hiding in Cellar of House.
Mexico City, July 15. General Pablo
Gonzales, former candidate for . the
presidency and alleged leader of the
abortive revolution in the atate of
Xuevo Leon, whose capture waa re
ported to-day, will be placed on trial
immediately, according to official an
nouncement. The government has ap
pointed Generals FraiuCsco Goss of
Sallillo, Enrique Kstradji of Zacatecas
and Joaquin Amaro of Torreort as
members of the court, according to the
newspaper Kxcelsior.
General Gonzales' whereabouts were
discovered last night, but he resisted
arrest, claiming those who sought to
apprehend him did not carry warrants
for their action. The hou-e where he
was lodging was wvtchtd all night, of
ficials in the meantime obtaining a
warrant to take him into custody. One
version of th; incident sla. h.' was
mind hiding ,n the cellar of the lio.ie
this mtrniii'.-
Suspicion of government authorities
vas aroused by General (kiiMle.s re
fusal to denounce publicly the upris
ings led by several military leaders in
Nuevo Leon, the peneral claiming the
rebellion chiefs were his persons!
friends. A dispatch to the Hcraldo
says that supporters of General Goii
r.ales protest against the government
Jjqlding him in solitary confinement
nd claim this is in violation of the
provisions of the constitution of 1007.
Legal action hy which he can be pro
tected is contemplated, it is under
stood. A draft of a plan of revolution pro
viding for the ousting of all govern
mental departments functioning at
present, written by General Carlos
Garcia, chief of staff to General Gon
zales, according to a message from
General M. Perez Trevino, chief of op
erations in Xuevo Leon, to General P.
Klias Calles, secretary of war, savs
the Hcraldo. The project calls for the
appointment of a new provisional
president by Congress when three
fourths of the states and Mexico City
are controlled by the new regime. Fre
quent reference is made to the "su
preme chief of the revolution," 'but no
name was mentioned in the draft, it
is said.
After declaring that there can lie no
recognition of present federal, state
and municipal governments, the al
leged plan savs the supreme chief will
provisionally name governors of the
various states occupied by "the liberal
revolutionarv armv, and that these
governors will name judicial officers
and citv councils, pending legal elec
tions. The text as quoted by the news
paper, continues:
''When the capital is occupied and
at least three-fourths of the states
have been taken over, the supreme
chief will convoke the Mexican people
n elections for the purpose of choos-
iit senators and deputies in a general
Congress, which will appoint a provi
sional president. To him the upr.e
chief will render a detailed account of
his administration.
"All appointments are to be roadr on
the basis of merit, but. other things
being equal, preference will be given ad
herents of the present plan. Lives and
property will be respected and all
seizures and search, i w ill be prohibit
ed without judicial or administrative
orders. Constitutional guarantees will
be observed.
"The provisional president willl call
elections for the purpose of choosing
a permanent president and justices of
the supreme court, according to law
within three months of his appoint
ment. Provisional governora will also
call elections so that permanent gov
ernors and members of legislature may
be placed in office. Municipal laws
are to be revised and city elections are
to be called all over the country."
General Trevino is said to believe
that this plan was to be followed by
sll leaders opposing the present gov
ernment. He is also quoted a saying
that he believes General Jose Santos is
guiltless of rebellion, but is a victim
of personal spite on the part of ene
mies. eral small bridges on the rail
road between Monterey and Xuevo
I j redo were burned during the disor
ders in the state of Nueto I .eon. and
the line probably will not oerate for
some da vs.
Bolters from the 48 Convention Went
into Conference in Chicago
Chicago. Jiilv 16. Formation of an
other new party was considered here
this morning by members ot tne com
mittee of 48 w'ho dissented from the
decision of their convention, which ad
journed last night without naming a
national ticket- Among those disagree
ing with the majority conclusion to
launch no new party at this time
and going into conference on the ques
tion, were Allen McCurdy, secretary of
the committee of 48 and keynote
speaker at the opening of its conven
tion here last week, and Judge Wray
of Xebrsaka. . -.
One of the points of disagreement
between the grolup meeting thia morn
ing and the line of action adopted by
the convention yesterday was the re
fusal of the convention to endorse or
condemn the new favmer-labor party.
Mr. McCurdy had taken a vigorous at
titude in opposition to the platform of
the farmer-labor party.
This morning's conference marks the
thirS bolt c"f the week, non-partisan
league delegates to the committee of 4M
from South Dakota first abandoning it
for the labor party convention, mem
bers of the committee of 48 later quit
ting the farmer-labor party and to
day's group tiniiing itself out of ac
cord with the last action of the forty
eight era.
He Hopes to Complete His Speech by
Saturday Night.
Marion. Ohio, July In. Senator
Harding kept hard at work to-day on
his speech accepting the Republican
nomination for president. Although
the address is not to be delivered until
next Thursday, he. kept his callers' list
at a minimum and devoted virtually
all of his time to the manuscript in
the hope of completing it by tomorrow
As an interpretation of the Chicago
platform, the acceptance speech is ex
pected to be the real kevnote of the
Republican campaign. The candidate,
therefore, is taking great care to make
certain that it touches comprehensively
on all the important issues and lays a
hroad basis for the party's fight for
popular support.
lie expressed confidence yesterday
that the Republican platform would be
found progressive enough to i-oinuititid
the support of Indh the farming and
lalioring classes.
Chicago Market Prices Went Down
Sharply, Tumble Being Attributed
v te Lack of Buying Orders.
Chicago. July 15. Wheat underwent
sensational break in price today. The
market opened all the way from un
changed fimires to 9 cents lower,
and soon was down 10'a a bushel in
some cases for Icvniter. the principal
speculative delivery. 1 He rug tumble
in values was attributed more to lack
of buying orders than to any great
pressure to sell.
American Industrial Mission Went to
Piedmont To-day.
Genoa. Julv 1.). The American in
dustrial mission, headed by John H.
Kahev of Boston, which is touring
Italy", to-day ended its visit to Genoa.
Before their departure, the delegates
were giten a reception at the city
hall. I-ater they visited arious in
dustrial establishments in the Italian
The Americans left for Piedmont,
where they will inspect wine producing
industries" Later thev will vb.it the
motor car factories at Turin. The
mission is expected to reach Paris Sst
urdav, and later will visit London.
And Czar's Children Were
Executed in a Sim
ilar Manner
Story of Cruelty Told by a
Former Courier of Rus
sian Royalty
Paris, July lrt. The Russian , em
press and her children were burned
alive after the execution of Emperor
Nicholas at Kkaterinburg, it is alleged
in statements attributed to Alexis Del
rovitz, formerly courier to the empress,
published here to-day. Dolrovitz Baid
he made vain attempts to save his mis
tress and her children.
The empress and the children, Dol
rovitz declared, were taken to a wood
near i Kkaterinburg. Brusfl wood was
gathered and a huge fire made, into
which the royal victims were forced,
livery time they sought to get out of
the flames. Dolrovitz said, they were
driven back at the point of the bayo
net. Tatiana. the empress second daugh
ter, fled from the pyre three times
and eventually fell pierced through by
a bayonet, the empress and Alexis,
heir "to the throne, clasped in close
embrace, walked almost automatically
into the flames and disappeared in a
whirl of smoke, according to Dolrovitz.
Declares Assistant Superintendent of
Anti-Saloon League Who Tells
About Getting Liquor.
Newark, X. J., July lfi.-Saniuol Wil
son, assistant superintendent of the
Anti-Saloon league of New Jersey, in a
statement forwarded to-day to At
torney General McCram. Supreme
Court Justice Wiese. county judges and
prosecutors, charged that "a tacit agree
ment exists between county authori
ties and saloon and racetrack men to
keep New Jersey "wet."
Mr. Wilson asserted that the Vol
stead act was "openly violated" in
Lsex, Passaic, t'nion. Atlantic and
Hudson counties. where, he declared,
"there is a conspiracy to Vster the liq
uor traffic." They 'said he had fur
nished federal authorities with names
of cafen and saloon keepers from w hom J
he had obtained liquor.
"There is no conscious effort being
made to enforre tlis-A'olstead act." he
added, "due to the desire of politicians
to obtain big campaign funds from liq
uor and gambling interests."
Has High Admiration For Their
Heroic Stand at Chateau Thierry
For the Common Cause.
Indianapolis. July !. Admiration
and gratitude for the American sol
diers who gave their lives in the vic
torious battle of Chateau Thierry
two years ago is expressed by Albert,
King of the Belgians, in a message to
the American Legion Weekly.
"On the eve of the anniversary of
the glorious American victory at Cha
teau Thierry," the message said, "it
is a great pleasure for me to send the
American Ixgion Weekly a token of
the high admiration this heroic stand
kindles in my heart and to renew trib
ute of our "everlasting gratitude for
the heroe who fell on the fifteenth
day of July, 191, for the common
(Signed i "Albert."
Which Ma S. Hayes. Third Party Can
didate for Vice-President, Will
Carry On.
Cleveland. O., July lrt Public own
ership and democratic management as
the chief remedies for the high inst of
living will be the main demands in the
campaign of Max S. Hayes, vice presi
dential candidate of the new farmer
labor party, who has returned from the
Chicago convent ion.
Hayes declared that the new party
wa arranging to conduct an "aggres
sive, fighting campaign."
"The time is ripe for the organiza
tion of a great third parly in this coun
try." he said. "We have a platform
that appeals to labor and agricultur
ists, as well a to the busine-a and pro
fessional men. It's a partv of land and
brain workers.
"I shall make one of the paramount
is-ucs of my campaign the punishment
of profiteers."
A Sailor, Badly Burned, Threw Him
self Overboard.
Mexico City, -I illy 15. A i earner le
lopgmg to the Curtea Oil Corporation
was destrojed by tire at Tampico to
day. A saihr stiKe name is gnen
a Walter, was Salv li!?t(c! iind
threw himself crt':d. nirdrUTj to
a ii(aich to the Lxl.Kr. '
Two Occupants of Former Were
Somewhat Cut and Bruised.
Rutland. July lrt. A Kord car dis
puted the way with a stteet tar at the
corner of We"st and Mam streets last
night, coming out hadly damaged l
though inflicting some injury to the
street car. Cecil Sarfc-cnt. owner of
the machine, was cut on one arm.
and loren Johnson, who was dm inc.
was injured on one leg and bruised.
A small child in the automobile es
caped injury.
American Tennis Star Had t Go Fve
Sets to D It.
V ilmbledon. Kncland. July lrt. -il
Lam M. John -ton ot ulitotnia won
the first rmt h for the Amerman lai
dip team today in its coetct with the
P-ritbh t."im '"C the r;gM t (iillcn;e
.ii-trli tr the n...l.v. Me !'
ttat.d J. t P; rke in fce e(s. 4,
B I, 3-, 62-
In View of International Situation in
Connection with Bolivian Revolution.
Santiago, Chile, July l.V Chile has
called to the colors the military classes
of 1015 to l!'l!l, inclusive of the four
northern provinces. It is understood
that this action was taken in view of
the international situation arising in
connection with the Bolivian revolu
tion. Information received here indicates
the call involves about ln.lXMi men.
This action of the war oflice followed
a day, in which. o far as is publicly
known, little new drifted out of Bo
livia, which has been solated from the
world by the censorship since the es
tablishment of the itetacto goem
ment. headed by Bautista Savedra.
Mount Aeolus Inn, Inc, of East Dorset
Has 6,ooo Capital.
The Mount Aeolus Inn., Inc., of fist
Dorset ha riled article of association
in the secretary of state'a oflice for the
purpose of conducting hotel, cottages
and club at Last Dorset and to do
such other busines as is incident to
the aliove, including buying or selling ot
lat.d. The capital stok is ."..0hi and
the paper are signed by Mrlla and 1
R. Ambrose and Lliiabeth Kendall of
I Vr set.
Died After Beimr Carried
to New York Hospital
in Limousine
There Were Five Holes in
Hat and Five Wounds
in His Body
And Cut a Deep Cash on One Leg
Scythe Lay ia Grass.
St. Jobnsburv. July iti. lxuie
Him k. the e rn ear old daughter of
Vr. and Mr-. II. K. Imhk ff Water -fr.rd.
narrow 'y eaM Irs-ms her r;ht
lea J ej-ter.liiT. fVis enared in haying
let! a withe in the lone crass and the
hi'd. runnics ot to plav. fell on the
sliarp h'aie. dfTp ash cut in
the r sS lr nejr iHe .'f The rhi 4
(.. l.r.Mir,! to Si. ..l.-vhis-J-iiry f-T
Ircwi inept.
New York, July 10. An unidentified
well-dressed man, who was found with
five gun-shot wounds in his body here
early to-day, ,died as he was being
hurried to a hospital. Miss Lotetta Le
roy, who took the man to the hospital
in her limousine, told the polfce she
found him in a dying condition nnd
had him placed in her car by her chauf
feur, Wilson Jackson, and an Italian,
Pasuale Dinare.
After the slain man was taken into
the hospital a revolver was found in
Mis Iroy's automobile and she and
her two companions were held by the
Belief was expressed by the police,
however, that the victim was shot by
a shotgun, because of the size of the
wounds. Two shotguns were later
found by the police in the basement
of the house in front of which the
man was picked up. and one of the
weapons gave evidence of having been
just discharged and reloaded. Five
large holes also were found in the
slain man's straw hat. indicating that
he had tried to shield himsell when
the weapon was discharged.
Search. Revealed They Were Carrying
Large Amount of Contraband
Under Their Clothing.
Burlington, July 16. Because Misses
Aline Remillard, Kva R. Boyer and
Margot Desperes of Montreal had
portlv bodies surmounted by thin faces
thev-'u. ill unesr at the next session of
United States court, to lie held August
1, to be tried on the charge of violating
the Volstead act.
The first two girls were taken into
custody at Newport and the, third at
Richford.' When arrested the Remil
lard and Boyer girl were entering the
I'nited States with tickets for Man
chester. N. 1L. whrre tliey said 1hey
were going to visit relatives for two
The immigrant inspectors looked
them over casually at first, but later
with rl(led interest, for both were very
plump from the neck down. When
placed in ttie hands oi me matron rani
of the girls disgorged two ckiis of a
gallon each of high wines, which they
carried in a special constructed skirt.
Ihnut the waist thev also wore a gar
ment which carried "eight pint bottle
full of the same liquid, the garments
having many pockets.
The t'irls said later thev were to
deliver the liouor to a man who was
to meet them at the railroad station
at Manchester. X. II.. and pay them for
the goods. They had been told that
here was no chance of their hcimj
caught and they were to he paid
The "case of the IVsperes j;irl was
somewhat similar. She had two gal
Ion can of hiah wines and two pints
. . . . , - . . ,o
more concealed under tier Kiri. .-vu
three girl are now out cm bail. It
is the opinion of custom men that
muih liouor is beini broucht into this
country at the present by women.
Want $13,000 Damages from Boston &
Maine Railroad.
Cnited State Deputy Marshal (Jeorge
F. Lackey ha served papers in two
eae of ' A. K. Smith and Alii-e T.
Smith,of Thetford againt the director
general of railroad by serving a pro
cess on K. H. I-wis, station agent of
the Boston A Maine railroad at Wells
River. The first suit i for ,"i.rssi and
the second for $lo.fmo. and they are
the result of an accident which csvurred
t..t fall in l-hanon. X. II.. when an
anto in which the Smiths were riding
ii, hit by a train on a Itoston
Maine railroad crossing. Mr. l-ackey
I.. ! served a mnv on the sccretarv
of state, a process of law necessary to
Officers Re-Elected, Dr. E. J. Foster of
Waterbury Center Being President
and John R. Wilson of
Worcester Secretary.
A very successful , reunion was the
report of John R. Wilson, secretary of
the Washington County Veterans' as
sociation, as well as that of Dr. C. M.
Ferrin, secretary of the 8th Vermont
regiment, the two organizations which
held their reunion jointly'' at Dewey
park Thursday.
In the veteran association Dr. E. J.
Foster of Waterbury Center, who has
been president for some years, was re
elected, while John R. Wilson of
Worcester, vho has been secretary and
treasurer since the institution of the
organization, was re-elected to that po
sition. All of the vice-presidents were re
elected as were the members of the.
executive committee. These are Xapo
leon Montv, Thomas Corrv and George
W. Kidder.
The first number on the program
yesterday afternoon was a song by
.luck Cole. Then followed remarks by
Dr. Foster, who told the members of
the changes that have occurred in the
lust year. Col. F. B. Thomas spoke
irfon his experience in the World war,
telling the veterans some of the im
proved implements that were used in
the last war nnd many interesting hits
of persona! experience from the time
the 1st Vermont regiment went into
service until he was mustered out. in
Michigan, having come home as colonel
of a different regiment.
J. B. Kstoe of Montpejier referred
to the greatness of this Occasion, the
decreasing number of members ami the
work which the relief corps must do to
keep up the spirit of the organization.
He referred to the comradeship be
tween the boys of the Civil war and
told them they were present to look
into the future. He commented per
sonally on dilTerent members of the
assembly and claimed their efforts are
the connecting link between the past
and future of this nation. He told the
audience of the example set Wednes
day, when the French flag was floated
to'the winds with Old Glory in honor
of France, a sign of the friendship be
tween the two nations and that Thurs
day was the second celebration of the
German drive toward Paris, which
failed and resulted in the armistice.
The entertainment ended with sing
ing of 'America," led by Dr. Foster.
There were about ". veterans present
and probably double that numlier of
auxiliary members of the G. A. R.
The reunion of the 8th Vermont reei
ment was attended by a dozen of the
old memliers of the organization.
Stephen Thomas is permanent presi
dent of the organization, but the fol
Inwing vice-presidents were elected:
Theodore Kendall and Jack Cole; exec
utive committee, Aaron Rowell, Mont
lclier. F. B. Morse, Morrisville, W. C.
Dunham Braintree; obituary commit
tee, L. H. Parker, Lancaster, Messrs.
Kendall and Ferrip: secretary and
treasurer, C. 'M. Ferrin. Burlington.
Mu re are alxuit l"0 member, ot the
IfSiMl who were memliers of the regi
ment, now living. There were 11 deaths
durum the vear. Letter were read
from many who could not attend the
reunion, the member who were pres
ent, spoke of the faithfulness which
their comrades have shown in every
walk of life. Dr. Ferrin made a nice
talg upon the G. A. R. and auxiliaray
organizations. He also told the mem
lcrs of the Veterans" association some
experiem-ed which had taken place. He
is surgeon general of the national de
partment of the G. A. R., and he dis
cussed that work for the veterans Jo
some extent.
Those memliers of the 8th Vermont
organization who were present were
Comrades Morrill. Dunham. Kendall,
Getchell, lark. Cole, Goodcll, Ferrin,
l ass. Ormsbee. Parker and Chase. Com
rade Chase recently suffered a paralvt
ic shock, but was' able to attend, al
tlioiigh having to he assisted by
friends. Dr. Ferrin referred to some of
the men who have made themselves
prominent in civic life, including Ben
jamin Bowman, now in California, Col.
F. F.. Smith and Ldward Dewey, late
of Mnntpelicr. and Comrade .Mirarlaml
the lat nienit-er of the regiment band.
Miss Rebecca Wright of Montpeliet
Takes Library Fosuioa.
vi.. P.Wm Wrioht ruitmlijll in
.1.. V'AMU II.atrr.-al SAriet V room t
T I .IT- -tl . ,.--. - -
at the State H.Mise, Montpelier. ba
resigned to accept a position a first
. , t Ik. ..mtttai in Afim n merit
(i 1 the Seattle public library, to which
.. . i . , u -
she will to inf lancr wo
month' M.es Wright wa tor several
vest secretary of the Vermont Free
Public Library assocm'"1". making ber
jw r .1. 1 . I -
the executive cmccr oi me ,.
, e i,n tKal mnrL Soot two Teal
- on account of ill fcealtV and later
en'eted into Lbrary work cwin-c
lion with a etot-tienl in Pr?.tir2.
I . a'ei wri.ll fr look e ci I r.
.l"rl work in M pel'rr.
Lew-is D Coburn of East Montpeliet
Listens to Friend's Argument.
A new candidate for ide judge of
Washington minty ha developed in
the consent of lwi 1) Cohiirn of Fjist
Montpclier to enter the field on the
pressure of hi many friend. Hi can
d'.dacy is presented in the following
cominunicat ion :
"If there i any merit in the direct
primary system it certainly should be
in the jswMile's prerogative toelcct a
candidate for public orlii-e. Thi is ex
actly what is taking pla.-e in Mr. Co
hiirn consenting to lH-ome a candi
date for side jud-:e. It i done on the
earnest nolicitat ion of a hnt of friend
who ee in him. not the politician aeck
ir.g the ofti.-e, but a man eminently fit
ted for a pliu-e of responsibility.
-For over 3 year Mr. Colmrn ha
!Mn clnc!v identified with lown af
fairs of Last Montpclier. boid.pj mary
orb.-e. of tnM. and in l'l wa the
unantmon choice of the Republican
parly f r town represents! ive. and was
i!f-c'ed and sorted in that capacity.
-1 he Bme fobutn" in Ka.t M-vnt-pelier
and Sfinity tand f"r every
tV'no honorable, and they are a!i a
high.y re-pected p "fie. y"-i in b'lsi
ne." and s-juare with every ne gh
h. Ixt's ir.ke the lo-an epie: 'A
mm n fctv - V1 r-1 nomtpaicH an4
(-d hv tbr pei-fie".
-,.-.-c). i
Exciting Chase Through
the Night Exulted in Ar
rest of Ma Vho Gave
Name of F ik Williams '
and Whc id $43,000 in
Securitf .n His Pockets.
Dr. George I. Abbott Re
turned Home at Midnight
Last Night and Found' a
Man Looting His House
Without Waiting for
Help, He Gave Chase.
Bethel, July 16. The timely arrival
home of Dr. George I. Abbott at mid
night last night prevented the robbery
of his residence at the head 6f River
street and resulted in the capture of
the intruder after an exciting chase
and a hard tussle. The man to-day
gave the name of Frank Williams, ni
home, but coming to Bethel from Al
bany, 5.'. Y., by the way of Greenfield,
Mass. On the man's person were found
bonds, securities and papers aggregat
ing the sum of M.1,000.
The home of Dr. Abbott was unoc
cupied during the early part of last
night, Dr. Ahbott's mother being in
Stowe on a visit and the doctor being
out on professional calls. On walk
ing toward the house after putting up
his automobile. Dr. Abbott saw a light
in his house but at first thought it was
a- reflection from a street light. As
he looked, however, the light went out,
arousing suspicion that someone was in
the house.
Hurrying to the house Dr. Abbott
looked in the front door and saw- the
form of a man, the figure disappearing
toward the back, door of the house as
the doctor approached, using a flash
light , Dr. Abbott rushed into the
house arjd looked about for some weap
on with which to attack the burglar.
Meanwhile the burglar fled by a rear
door, which had been opened earlier in
the evening by him.
Although he could not find a weap
on, Dr. Abbott started in pursuit and
the chase led off the rear piazza
through a tangle of brush to the rear
of the residences of Christopher Arnold
and Mrs. C. K. Hepburn. Being more
familiar with the surroundings. Dr.
Abbott gained on the fugitive and in
the garden of Mrs. Hepburn overtook
and seized the fugitive, who did not
show fight but endeavored to get away.
He did succeed in breaking away for
a moment, but Dr. Abliott got a ne'
hold, never once stopping to think that
the fellow miyht be armed. .
The two men wrestled in the dark
ness until they reached the street, the
doctor all the" time calling for assist
ance. His cies were heard by Dr. O.
V. Greene, who had just returned from
a professional call. Dr. Greene came
to the si-ene and partially choked the
intruder, then called upon Dr. Abbott,
to find Constable F. S. Blossom, jr. A
it hapiicned. Constable Blossom was en
tertaining Mr. and Mrs. A. Lee Cady
at cards, and the two men at once
responded, the constable taking char?"
of the prisoner.
Without further delay the prisoner
was searched and the $43,000 in securi
ties were found. There was nothing
to indicate where the securities came
from. The man was not armed. H
wa taken to the jail and will be ar
raigned liefore municipal court this aft
ernoon, after which he probably will
be taken to the county jail at Wood- ,
The man claimed to lie a stone
cutter. He was well dressed and of
good apinarance. He i rather under
medium size and elNiut the same build
as Dr. Abbott, and about middle-aged.
Investication at the home of Dr. Ab
bott disclosed that a screen in a rear
door had lieen cut and the door un
hasped and that a window in thtpool
room had been pried open. The burglar
had gained entrance by means of thi
window. It was found that all the jew
elrv in the house, a camera and small
change had been thrown into one of
Dr. Abbott's bag ready to be carried
away, but had been left there when the
thief wa detected in the act of loot
ing the house. .
Francis Fernandes Leaves Wife and
Three Small Children.
Franci Fernandes of 1" Merchant
street succumbed thi morning at 10:i
in the Barre City hospital to tuber
culosis, the disease which for the past
three year has kept him in poor
heslth." Three months ago he was com
pelled to top work a a stonecutter
at the Young Brothers" granite plant
and has sim-e been confined to his bed.
Arsiul a week ago be 'was taken to the
hospital so that the bet of care might
be given him.
Fernandes' death leave a wife and
three little children in a sad pbcht. the
oldest child hcinc but four and a half
jer old. He wa born in Mexico in
'ivc. and came from Mrxn to the
I nited State when 12 year old- Most
of the in year spent in the atate be
lived a-vl "wol led in BlT. He wa,
married a few years ago to Tilai Isin
n of l.ramte vr-t.
Xo lunerl arrnnremeTit bad I
made to-Cay. U r tr n.- rt at th:
J tr r v X. imjdaa rouiM.

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