Newspaper Page Text
THE BARM Mil TIMES VOL. XXIV-NO. 120. 1 i POLISH ARMY, FLEEING IN PANIC, DIDN'T WAIT r- TO BLOW UP BRIDGES BARRE, VERMONT, APPEALTOCLASS CALLED MENACE Warsaw's Last Line of De fense, the River Bug, Has Been Lost and War saw Must Be Evacuated -in Two or Three Days, the Military Experts '2:Agree. ' GOVERNMENT PLANS TO OCCUPY CRACOW Polish Forces Are Demor alized on the Whole Northern and Central C Fronts and Russian Cav- airy is Sweeping in Rap - idly No Hope That r Poles Will Make Stand. and are prepared to leave on short no tice. The Y. M. C. A., which has been engaged in the distribution of Ameri can relief supplies here, has also taken precautionary measures and officials state to-day that unless tne DoisneviKi come within a week nearly everything of importance will be saved. Three hundred carloads o! supplies were brought out of Bialystok by the Ked Cross before the bolsheviki cap tured that city, and members of the organization continued treating the wounded until the soviet forces were within four miles of the town. In ad dition to saving all their equipment the Red Cross workers brought out 8(H) war orphans, who had been pupils in a school established by the junior Ameri can Red Cross. These orphans have been installed in a village near War saw. Red Cross officials here declared to-day that they would remain in War saw until the, last. About 7fl"women workers left recently, but their depart ure had been decided upon some time ago, because of a decision to reduce the local staff on August 1. PREMIER HUGHES I!S BITTER-ATTACK Paris, Aug. 4 (By the Associated Tress). Warsaw will have to be evac uated within two or three days, in the opinion of the French and British mil itary experts there and the government is-cxpected to be moved within that pfetiod. probably to Cracow. The renoit of the. members of the militRrv "mission, telegraphed here last irght, declared that the 1'olish army along the River Bug had retreated sc precipitately that it did' not even do-j-t'roy the bridges behind ft. This rivet v as Warsaw's last line of defense. A foecial Russian cavalry corps, th military men reported, was driving southwest alorf the border of the Al- lenstein district and had yesterday reached a point 30 miles from Mlawa, it .;! northwest of Warsaw, on the only district railroad to Dan.ig from the' Polish capital. Thee cavalrymen were said to be headed through Mlawa into the Polish corridor to the Baltic nearhv. and thence to Pomerania. 'The experts reported that the Pol ish forces were demoralized on the whole northern and central fronts, and were falling back. The military men said they had virtually abandoned hope cf the Poles making a stand now. - The Polish armistice delegates re turned to Warsaw Tuesday night, an the Polish government ha little hope of the speedy arranging of an armi stice. The members of the allied mis sion are convinced that the soviet gov ernment does not intend to negotiate ma armistice, they reported and de clared their belief that the Russians had set the next nyetingXif the negoti ators for to-day at Minsk knowing tliat it would be impossible for the Poles to arrive there in time making a pretext for further delay. ,The Polish government, it is learned 5s undecided as to whether it will seno emissaries to Minsk. . The report said their gravest con cern was the. imminent cutting off of Warsaw's direct communications with Danzig, upon which Foland is depend ent for military supplies. T,ord D'Abernon, the British ambas sador to Germany, and head of the British mission to Poland, has returned to Warsaw from Danzig. BRITISH SEND A "SHARP NOTE Demanding Yes or No Answer from Soviet Government AS TO INTENTION ABOUT ARMISTICE Australian Premier Declares Archbish op Mannix Worked During the War to Prevent Recruiting. Melbourne, Aug. 3. W. A. Hughes, premier of Australia, speaking here tc-day attacked Archbishop Daniel J. Mannix. who is now on his way from the United States to the British hies, after having been notified that he would be barred from Ireland by the British government. The premier's speech was virtually a reply to a state ment made public in New, York City iy Archbishop Mannix on .luly 20. in which he vigorously denounced Mr. Hughes. "Demonstrations in America favor able to Archbishop Mannix," said Mr. Hughes, "were carefully stage man aged in a manner similar to that pur sued in those arranged in Australia and the people who acclaimed him there were Sinn Feiners, possibly leav ened with bolsheviki or other wild fan atics. Archbishop Mannix does not rep resent Australia on .the Irish or any other question, and is the aeknowi- dged Sinn Fein leader in this coun- When he arrived in Australia sev . . . : J en years ago, the premier ronunueu. Australia was trecr irom sectarian bitterness than any country in uie world. Spurred by boundless personal ambition and hatred of Great Britain, Archbishop Mannix has fanned'the dy- a embers of religious bigotry into a fierce blaze, gathering around him every fanatic alien and Sinn Fciner in the country. He worked incessant- t during the war to prevent recruit ing and help the enemy defeat the al lies, working great harm to Australia. Referring to an alleged threat hy Archbishop Mannix to "deal with tiiitIim" nnon the prelate's return to Australia, the premier said: "He may, but, first of all, he has to return." y MOBILIZING TROOPS TO MEET CAN TV British Government Said to Be Irritated Over Russia's Equivocation London, Aug. 4. The British govern ment is irritated over what it believes is soviet Russia's equivocation over the British .suggestion that the Rus sians haltr at the armistice line of do markation in Poland and gin peace negotiations. It has dispatched a sharp note to the soviet government demand ing a yes or no answer as to whether that government intends to listen to the suggestions. The note, it is reported, contains no threats and is not in the nature of an ultimatum, simply requesting a quick answer as to what soviet Russia in tends to do. hat was regarded here as the nmin ous silence of Warsaw, so far as offi cial messages were concerned, was broken to-day, but the dispatches con tained little to indicate what was going on. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1920. MONTPEUER Second Only to Surrender of Nationality to Inter-nationality HARDING DENOUNCES LEAGUE OF NATIONS Prefers "Industrial and So cial Peace at Home" to International Peace SUSPENSE OF WARSAW WAS HEIGHTENED B News That Negotiations at Barano vitchi Had Been Without Result Warsaw. Aug. 3 (By the Associated Pfrssl. The suspense under which Warsaw has labored for three days heightened tonight by the news that the negotiations at Raranovitchi Between the Polish and soviet Rus sian armistice commissions had been without result. The report that the Ttuian soviet government insisted that peace conversations begin at once caused a sensation in political circle . Announcement was made that Oen c ral Romers' party waeNauthoriied only to confer with the bolsheviki on the- oue.tion of an arraistH-e. This was in Ime with the understanding thst pre vailed when the Polish emisariea left this citr for the front. CmVials at the American consulate hate parked up their mot importan ie'ifd for prompt shipment from Ihi my in. case the li"in holhciki con twine to adane. The tsk of vising tl passport of the hundred who de oite to lcae arsw will continue un 13 the consulate is for. ed to cloe. 'Ojtffoinia trains for Vienna. Pocn a4 Dsn7;g ate crowded, and seat re eeratioij. are e!iing at a large prem m. reoo'e are ngntmg to gam en trance to the station platform and tush fr t it or tand a the t-I.n ha-k in. A ilo-e guard is main Vffncd hr trrp who m-pevt all pa .r to see that ao'dieri drpart un they bear proper credentials. iTov ii"al twad'narter for the Afservan F.ed fro ha brru etab !.l.ed at C - for e i case it t r esarr fcr tkat organ ,-atit.n to ,Msim Warsaw. Ah-w.t f.ed fro iofkt t l .; in c.s , TURKISH FORCES ATTACK GREEKS Marion, 0., Aug. 4 Decrying appeals tt classes as a menace second only to surrender of nationality to internation ality, Senator Harding, in his second front-porch presidential campaign speech to-day, declared that if he could choose but one, he would "rather have industrial and social peace at home than command the international peace of all the world." He asserted it would be unwise for this country to permit "our activities ir. seeking for peace in the old world to blind us to the essentials of peace at home" and added that "if America can be made to forget the attempted barter of nationality, well and good," but that "when nationality is surren dered to intcrnationality, little else matters and all appeal is vain." The addressTwaa delivered to a dele gation of Wayne county, 0., Republi cans. Taking up the league of nations. Sen ator Harding declared it to be the other extreme to a referendum on a proposed declaration of war. "I em phatically agree," he said, "that no au thority other than Congress may call our boys to battle. Accepting this truth, why make a covenant, which violates the Rood faith of nations?"' "Suppose," he continued, "that ' un der article X a program of armed force is agreed upon, and the Congress of the t'niled States declines to respond. The executives would be called upon to carry on a war without constitutional authority or we should prove our com pact no more than a scrap of paper. We are on the side of both safety and honor to hold for ourselves the decision of our obligations to the world." Mexican Government Doe Nbt Consid er Rebellion in Lower California Very Serious. Mexico City, Aug. 4. Mobilization of only 3,000 men under the command of General Abelardo Roderguez for the campaign against Esteban Cantu, the insurgent governor of Lower Lalitornia, ha; been ordered by the government, according to a statement issued last night by General P. Klias Callcs, sec retary of war. He declared more troops would be sent to lxwer taiuornia f necessary and would be led by Gen eral Angel ! lores. It was indicator that the government does not con sider the rebellion there of great im portance. General Lticfo Hlanco, t.cnerai lanai- do Aguilar, former governor of the state of Vera Cruz, and son-in law of the late President Carranza, and Gus tavo Espinnoea Mirelos, former gov ernor of Couhila, and one of the lead ing Carranza adherents, are believed to have joined Governor Cantu, ways the newspsper Universal, quoting offi cial advices. The Chinese frstcrnal union has re ceived a message from Chinese in Low er California, saying Governor Cantu has demanded a loan of $.VX),000. but that, following a consultation with the Chinese minister at Washington, it ha been decided to refuse to meet the demand, as uch a step might be. con strued aa aiding the rebellion. Chinese and Japanese residents of Lower California have sent' an appeal to the United States asking thst they op given permission to cross the fron tier into California, during the cam paign against Governor ; Cantu. Mi. George Cruickshank and daugh ter. Mabel, of Xew York City are rprnding a abort time with friends in Bet re. Frank Shea, eeeretary f the Ver mont Shoe Retailer' aoriation. and tn-rg V. TiUen, preidi nt of the Mm- rgniztKn. W-ft this morning fr Wtt"rV to make final prepara tion for the f'ft)'-'- to I heH there Offensive Started Along a 60-Mile Front in Asia Minor British Are to Act With Greeks. Constantinople, Aug. 3 (By the As sociated Press). Turkish nationalist forces opened a bitter offensive against the Greeks along a fiO mile front in Asia Minor on Monday. The battle line extends along the Bagdad rail road westward from Kutahia to Si tnav. Greek forces in Anatolia are being reinforced from Thrace and, in con junction with British attachments, have advanced eastward from Ismid to Ada bazar. The impression is growing here that the Greeks and British will counter against the Turkish action in the Smyrna district with movements of their forces through Anatolian and Black sea ports, thus taking railway and occupying all strategic points. Pasha, former grand vizier, has been commissioned by the Sultan's gov ernment to go to Angora and attempt to reconcile the nationalists. Desperate attacks against Greek forces, which had advanced beyond their area of occupation were made on Sunday by the nationalists at Si- mav, about 110 miles northeast of Smyrna. The action lasted 2t hours and the Greeks.were obliged to retreat having loot 50 dead and 100 wounded. They were not pursued. PONZI NOTE HOLDERS NOT SO NUMEROUS TWO NEW CORPORATIONS. Sherman Electric Co. and the Hmirk Montle Co. File. The Sherman"' Electric Co., with a capital stock of $10.li0. has tiled arti cles of association in the oflice of Sec retary of state. The papers are signed by A. X. and M. B. Sherman of Wil liamsville and A. V. D. Piper of Brat tlcboro. The Hcrrick-Mon tic Co. of Richford has filed papers in the same office to conduct business in Richford. with a capital stock of $.",(M0. These are signed by C. M. Month. H. S. Hcrrick and S. H. Boright of Richford. The Caledonia mills at St. .Tohns bury has certified that it intends to is sue fKK) shares of stock. Speculators Were Again in Evidence Seeking to Buy Notes urn plaint Made About Slow Machinery of Pay ment. Boston, Aug. 4. The run on the Securities Exchange company, headed by Charles Tonii. who claims to have made million by dealings in interna tional reply coupon, dwindled notice ably to day. Perhaps a hundred note holders were on hand to present their claims,' but the long line that ha here tofore extended along the street for a Mock or more was absent. Specula tors were again in evidence, seeking to buy notes. Men ho Htixxl in line all day yester day without reaching the windows of the paying teller complained that the mechanism of payment worked so slovtly that not more than 100 claims were disposed of during the day. but assistants in Pond's office insisted that this estimate was far under the mark. It announced that arrangenn-nt bad lecn made to-day to care for women note holders at a special win dow reached by a priate corridor.' so that they need not submit to the dis comfort of waiting interminably. Edwin L. Pride, who is auditing Pon zi's accounts for the federal authori ties, had a private conferetn-e with Assistant Attorney Daniel A. Shea, but neither he nor Mr. Shea would rceal its import. Mr. Pride had with him two bun dles of PonxiV certiorate, which had Iwnn ro,l..,.nip.I vcstcnlav. iieeMiniHi ed that they re About Ji.vm.ntm. the count w progressing, be said. I.ut considerable time would be re quired to complete it. ST. JOIINSBURY BOY HURT IN COLLISION Mirror Lake grange will hold a "neighbors' night" at the regular meet ing August 6. South Barre, East Mont pelier, Shady Rill and Middlesex Val ley granges have been invited. The vis iting granges will furnish the program. A large crowd is hoped for. Mirror Lake sisters please bring two dozen Bandwiches and every member come. Mrs. E. H. Deavitt was taken to Hea ton hospital yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Deavitt returned a little before noon yesterday from a six weks' outing on Cape Cod. She was taken ill while sit ting down to the dinner table at the Kellogg boarding house and was car ried to one of the rooms there and lat er rushed to the hospital, where she is suffering gall stones. J. P. Galleher, local station agent, has received from J. W. Hanley, general passenger agent, what the people of Montpelier should consider as 'good news for night, train service; namely, that the management of the road hopes that the trains, Nos. 17 and 17, which were placed in service with the summer schedule will receive patronage enough so that the trains may be continued the year around. They will be on the winter schedule for a time,, at least. The winter schedule will go into effect October 31, when the daylight saving nlon i-honpeH and then train, No. 17, now leaving at 10:20 o'clock p. m., will hmve about an hour later, while train, vA ttt uhii-h no arrives about 5 o'clock will arrive abut 6 o'clock in the morning, leaving White River June ti.m i 4:J0 o'clock instead of 3:20 o'clock, as it now leaves that termi nal. The board of education held a meet- inu Tuesday afternoon at which the results of the conference" held in the uith the hoard, of control took Dlace. The board haB a hard prob lem to dispose of; namely, the provid ing funds for conducting the Vail school the coming school year. The re- ront rfpedinir bv Mrs. T. X. Vail to the state, the house on the Speedwell farm has changed the situation materially, so that now it will be hard to provide for the beginning of the school year on the Speedwell farms, where, under the provisions of the deed, the school will have to be conducted, but Mrs. Vail rxsnrved the rizht to remain at the home until October lrith. The commit tee and the management of Lyndon in stitute will confer on the matter and the decision relative to the whole mat ter will not take place until the next totir,iT of the board a week or so hence. The north bound afternoon express Tuesday on the Central Vermont rail road was about three hours late in reaching Montpelier, owing to the de- touring by the way of the Montpelier and Wells River-railroad. There was ome ilelav caused by this and the train Vou'ld probably have reached Montpelier about the same time had it come over its own iron for the track at the fair ground in Northfield was cleared about S o'clock. The rest of the passenger trains were about on time but little delay, other than to the south bound cxpres. Two cars were removed from the south-bound express train to help out in the tonnage over the Wells Rirr railroad on the east bound trip. Thomas H. Cave, jr., ha been ap pointed in probate court as the admin i.trator of the estate of Jennie .Moore late of Barre Town. H. C. Stuart of M I twlrtaft fca hrtn unnaintrfi tnitrf of a .( ii fund created from the estate of Kan nil Marsh, late of Montpelier. Edward Conncll of Northfield is as sicting in taking the inventory of the aliit nrooprtv under direction of the ....... slate purchasing agent. Miss Mabel Davis has returned from is outing at Cornish Flats, X. II Miss Esther Halhawav ha resumed her duties in the agricultural office, aft er an outing at Ocean Park. Me. Mrs tFnd Keeifan and son will remain there a little longer. The first Montpelier meeting of th Washington County Home bureau wa held last evening. Mis Boice. the home t. nional rat ion iLTfit. emlaincd to those present the fundamental princi pies of hat making and demonstrated these in the making of a velvet turban EXCITEMENT IN WHEAT PIT General Selling Brought About a Sensational Smash in Prices FOLLOWED BY AN UPWARD SWING Country Holders Were Eager to Turn Hold ings Into Cash , Chicago, Aug. 4. Excited general (selling brought about a sensational smash in wheat prices to-day. The market opened 8 to 13 cents lower with December $2.18 to.. $2.21, and March $2.21. Most of the selling was said to ome from country holders anxious to turn their wheat into casii. After a few minutes, however, the market bounded as much as 11 cent upward. For the first time since trading in futures was resumed the pit was filled wjtli traders. Business was on a lug scale. The rush to sell appeared based largely .on unfavorable financial re ports especially from the southwest. There had been a severe fiesu break in sterling exchange and, contrary to expectations the British royal com mission was said to he still absent from the export market. STERLING EXCHANGE FALLS. Demand Bills Declined Six Per Cent in Opening. Xew York, Aug. 4. Acute weakness continued in sterling exchange at the (set to-day, demand bills declining six cents to 3.56'4. The weakness was due to the unfavorable situation and large offerings of bills.' ' presented psvmenU of j The next meeting w ill be held early in The examination of ; September, afler the new fall hats are in. .t thi lime mose w no crr io, will start their own fall hut. Th home bureau wants reach all th and women of Montpe!i-r. Mi LICENSE SUSPENSIONS PARRY M'LEOD. GIRL'S BODY FOUND , BENEATH A TREE Amy Shonio. 19, Missing at Johnson Since Saturday Night Prob bably Committed Suicide. Johnson, Aug. 4. The body of Miss Amy Shonio, IP, missing since Satur day evening when she left her boarding place, was found yesterday afternoon back of the cemetery by two factory girls crossing through the cemetery hill to get to the river. The cause of the girls death is said by the au thorities to he unknown, but it is be lieved that fhey are proceeding under the asaiimotinn that she committed suicide hy taking some kind of poison Dr. B. H. Stone of the state labora torr of Burlington performed an au topay yesterday afternoon and took the vital organs to the laboratory lor an alysis. Miss Shonio. who had been employed at the factory here for,a year, was said yesterday to have been about to be come a mother and that was the reason for her supposed suicide, the authori ties state. What pilules the autnori ties is the absence of any bottle that mav have contained poison, as noth ing was found by the body. Mi Shonio's body was found under a tree near an old barn. She left her boarding place Satur dav evening and it is believed she died that night. So far a known she went with no young men in the village and bore a good reputation, living nuietlv. That she wa missing wa not reported to the authorities until Monday night. Her father. X. J. Shonio of St owe, wa here yesterday and had barely returned home when notified of the finding of her body. ' CLAIMS SHE WAS DOPED. Barre Young Lady Becomes Bride of Montpelier Man. Last evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth MiLeod on the Montpelier road, her younger daughter, Alice Mary, was united in marriage to Charles Frederick Parry of Montpel ier. The double ring service was used and Rev. F. L. Goodspced, pastor of the Congregational church, officiated. The ceremony, which was performed in the presence of the raltives of the bride and groom, topk place in the par lor beneath a bower of evergreen, yel Icw daisies and hydrangea. The bride, who was given in mar riage by her mother, was attractive ly gowned in white beaded georgette over white silk, wearing a tulle veil caught up with the orauge blossoms worn by her-mother at her wedding neary 40 years ago to the late Donald McLeod. The bride carried a shower bouquet of bridal roses and white car tuitions. Her travelling suit was brown with picture hat-to match. Her brides maid, who was her sister. Miss Elsie McLeod of Springfield, Mass., wore' Copenhagen blue georgette over blue silk and carried pink carnations. The groom was attended by his brother, Lloyd Parry of Barre. The bridal party entered the parlor to the strains of the Lohengrin's wed ding march, played by the brother of the bride. Immediately after the vows were pronounced, congratulations were ex tended and dainty refreshments were served, consisting of neopolitan ice cream, cake and wafers and the bride a cake was cut. In a shower of rice and confetti the happy couple, after experiencing some difficulty in getting away, left in an automobile and were followed by friends in a car as far a the Water- burv inn, where they again snowerea them with confetti and good wishes. leaving them shortly before midnight Mr and Mrs. Parry were the re cipients of several handsome and ue ful presents of cut glass, linen, chest of silver, electrical appliances of dif ference kinds, etc. After a short honeymoon, they will be at home at 6 Baldwin street, Mont pelier. CHARGED WITH ROBBING THEIR DEAD UNCLE PRICE, TWO CENTS. LEGS CUT OFF BUT STILL LIVES Alberta Eldred, Aged 4, Got in Way of Mowing" Machine ONE FOOT SEVERED, OTHER NEARLY SO Sufferer Was Taken to Montpelier Hospital, for Amputation Waterbury, ;. 4. Albert Eldred, four-year-old ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Eldr t, 'f Waterbury Center, had one foe ec tirely severed and the other so ni .o cut off by a mowing machine y j3 day afternoon that it had to be "Jg putsted at Heaton hos pital, Mo' eo ic- Doctors at the hos- pital fes' he girl would not suryrre the operaLioi, but she did, and this morning she was still alive. In some way the little girl got in front of the machine, which was being operated by her grandfather, George Hunter, and was cut down before the machine could be stopped. Dr. H. D. . Hopkins was called and, he, in com pany with Mrs. Will Marshall, took the girl to the hospital, making a very fast run to Montpelier. There are three other children in the family of Mr. and Mrs. Eldred. Motorcycle Ridden by Howard Boyce i Collided with Automobile of Fred A. Walker. Secretary of State Brings the List Up to 8j Secretary of State Bla. k ha sus pended the following automobile oper ators' license: Fred J. Allen of Ben nington, indefinitely, for reckle.e driv ing, including hitting a team: T. A. former of St. .lohnshury. indefinitely, for an accident: Milo Whting. indrlin itely. for alleged im-ompctnwy ; i'd D Mocdie of Orleans, permanent u pension, for mi ue of nnnilr plates; t Boice will be giad to give fmiher in I formation about the bureau t" sny Total ' f,"r h" " ,'" oW' ' rf I Washington County farm and Il.une bureau. Odd Fellow s' hl-wk. Mont pel - Mon M. D. clock. M0T02IST PROMPTLY SUES LEPERS ARE IMPROVING. tt tbj kvite a J Ihnt lf:tt pke tw morrow. 1 Kiank 1. Fellow of White River June Jti-n. for rokless driving in Thctford Thc-e muke a total of S3 suspensions St. Johnsbury. Aug. 4. In an atl- M1T1)mcr. tomobile mishap last night Howard I Bovce, son of Mr. and Mrs. Iheron' Bovce. was seriously injured. The lad , wa riding a motorecycle which he had I Chamulga Oil Treatment at Penikese had but a few weeks. Rounding a had ' Island Prcrei EflectiTe. curve near East St. Johnst.rv. he ran ' n,... . Examination of i into an automobile drien ! Krrd A.!,,,, patient at the lejiei oony n Bovoe. The boy was thrown, j (n.Uee inland who hr l-ecn under-; legs and one wrist being broken. Hep(,,nin2 treatment with chanm';a o:'. ' is at Bright look hospital on the dan- j , fro-ltxt of an Fa-t InHan fig tre-. j gerous list. ! has shown unu-ual progri-s toward re , - iroverv. but the men have "t K-tn, The fir.t match cf the .ra.n be-lwhoiiT cured, to a rejsoit tween the Barre and Burlington g.df j a spe. ial mcdx al comim-.. team will be played Saturday alter When His Ford Is Badly Smashed Up by Chicago Man's Car. Burlington. Aug A suit was brought m city court ycMerday after noon by lema Ald'-rraan of this city again-t W. f. (atle of t hicago for the um of S.ia) f.H- damage to the rdaintiff Ford car whi.h was trmk l.v the defendant Nah touring car! Mis Bessie Raymo, Aged 18. Found Beside Road in Coventry. Xew port. Aug. M '" Ilavmo. IH vear of age. the daughter of Mr. and' Mrs. Bert Raymo, living on the Oilman Dow farm in Co entry. lieftiile the wa lounn iviojs """,,r road near loventry village late Mr. and Mr Frasier of I Means were on their i...-.- rn,m "ew nort about Hoc IMMltt- --- , and when near Coventry village, they s.wr the form of the young woman lying partly in the bushes beide the road. Titer found she was alive and took her in their machine to their home in Orleans. Dr. T. C. W. Templcton of Irsshnrg was summoned, but it was several hour later before she recov ered She was taken to her own home yesterday morning. The girl s story is somewhat imher rnt She claim to have walked t Newport to attend an entertainment - kr war home. When near no v- - - - . the water trou a I -out three mi Elias and Dan Thomas of Bristol Un v der Arrest Action Brought to Recover $9,000. Burlington. Aug. 4. Elias and Dan Ti,,..,n of Bristol are under arrest in this citv charged with emberile merit of funds from their dead uncle Mike Solloman, alias Michael Sullt un. a Svrian peddler who died sud Jnll,- mt hi home in Bristol last March. The charge i made by of this city as admin- . .. ... 1st rat or of Solloman's estate. The action is to recover the sum of $0,000. Solloman had been a peddler in this country for 32 years and was supposed to be worth around $16,000 Xone of this money could be found aft er his death. Three empty pocket book were located on his body and a large cloth bag which Solloman used to wear around his neck and, in which, it is said, he was accustomed to carry large sums of money, was found slit open and thrown behind Uii at his home, l ne two nenhews of Solloman were the only neonie who occupied the house, with him. Although it is said that heart fiiilure was the cause erf his death it had not leen previously know that he had a weak heart. Solloman left a daughter. Mrs. Evs Sl.aloohay, wife of John J. Shaloohay of this citv. It is in her behalf that the suit is being brought. Elias Thomas was arrested in Winooski Monday eve ning. after information had been re ceived that he was planning to return to Syria. He ha a wife in Winooski with" whom he has not lived in recent year. Dan Thomas waa arrested yes terdav afternoon in Bristol. Both men are out on bail of $-'.000 each. At Heaton hospital early this after noon it was stated that the little girl was getting along as well as could be expected considering the serious injury and toe operation. FUNERAL OF MISS BOMBARD. MRS. MARY BERRY of a s gh on the Co entry road lea from Newport. Hie . i. v ;,k . two men ovenooa- " - .... - S tills',. 1 - L -A hnr IS nttr. laoom a nine iiooi , .--... fear. ani carlv vrsler.iav aiteinoon. According ,t fir-t, but finally consented to It., report tb front wheel of the Ford 1 pM nto ,ne car. She mkI they gae iwere badlv smashed, the left front U ,r something to drink and that she 'mud -uard rmr-si". the running rrlT,ember not hing ramr. ! hoard rn the It f 'l" dialed and L.. -. I re ,.l:t ,-lll ol l-i.m i-n- ; ...,l,s-iit tT .-vate .i.i.m I , -. u v . nns- . . . : . . . SW claim, she did not kno- r...... f .1,. two men. A r.ind ime-tigation l. heing Tie ion. If. ! . ,r SaflWd. . h.itinian 't he f M. it :erit llf 1 T he er was p-.i I ; an rvtenl. Tli c w t.e i-ji'lJe in . ,r Alderman and hi-iw ll he forthcoming mother anl !i, at:d Mr-. ..viic C.jhae Sheldon rd th. r small n. ail ol Kur- j men. V liout'r , . i. ar i" t Thompson ann ,-...u ... - the Ford H.ll and it is ripctea ina. .-...-..., . a the omnais rlue as to the Went it y of the d noon oa the latter" course. It is e I , Vied Franee. of r.tu,n aw ,. I . - J i... - l.uli It.rro iJo 1 He r re-en. ol r"1"1 ' e " . : .. . . . .... . . .1.- ...,M.t...If.t l. ,l aifi f - - - -- 1:. . . I . , a. k!. .1 Ihi, I I.., . 1, (-S ' c uure later. wa uai s.-v - - n-i- er will go. The return inai'a will he' i.n'-ton. a . one ''i "--.- , .ti . i. .,.,1 to li,ei J,.'ia Marr aeJ i.i .... n . ... .-rst W a.e t rijni ur I hii . 1 . . . , .i... .-iit ii i , in' Us m ,k l..l..r t-loil -ttl l ! l-n a. l-e,r i n- - . week wi'h rria!i-. iu sie N - U. Died Suddenly, After Complaining Feeling I1L Mrs. .Mary (lnglisl Berry died sud denly at her home at ZZ2 Washington street yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock.' and until an "outop.y was performed this morning by Dr. C, H. Burr, dis trict health officer, and In. E A. Wark, no death certiorate was signed by the attending physician. The autopsy p,oed that death was caued by or ganic heart touble. A fhort time ago, July 1Mb. the deceased was taken to the Barre tity hospital for a gall stone operation, performed the following day. On Julr M'h 'he was allowed to re turn to her home and there resided un til her death, taking meals with Mr. and Mrs. O. H. t ushman. r. Cushman declared Mre 3erry complained of a sleepless nighr. ye-ter-dar morning, when coming don for breakfast, and while taking toast and tea at the breakfast tabse was seized with acute stomach pain. She wa taken to her room and cared for by Mrs. t ushman. but grew weak rapidly all afternoon until the end tame. Mr. Bradley was born in ScMland ahotit i year ago. coming to Barre ,1- vear ag to bcome the bride of .1. S?. Berrr. To them six children were horn, hut ail died in infamy. Hi-r cnlv -urvhing relative are a n.phr. William Jessamine of Detro it. Vt.h.. a'nd three niece. Mrs. T. OrT and Mr-. Jamrs Cruickshank of IV troit. Mirk., and Mr. Alexander Ford of South Hadl.-y. Mas. The ftnieral will he be!d in H'yoke. a .n a arrangemnet ran ne Irted for su. h Mi, iwrry re-.Miei lrt ( he' ;ile n Hal re r.i H 'Toke. Was Held This Morning at St. Monica' Church. The funeral of Genevieve Bombard of Maple avenue, who died at her home Monday from a siege of typhoid fever, was held this morning at 10 o'clock from St. Monica's church. Rev. Father O'Farrar officiated at solemn high mass. The pall bearers were Louis Laramie, Francis Fagga, Ernest Bioux, Arthur Aldrighetti, Maurice White and Howard McKnight. A largo nunfler of friends and relatives from out of town attended the service. Bur ial in the family lot in' the Catholic cemetery on Beckley street followed the service at the church. The numerous floral contributions follow: Pillow. "Our Darling." family; sweet peas. "Minnie Venner, Lucy Ven ner, Madine Scott. Margaret Clark, Helen Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Wood and family, Mrs. Olivia Mc Knight. Mrs. Julia Durett, Mr. and Mrs. Treffley Tanguay; bouquet of asters, Barre Electric Co., Mr. and Mrs. Deep, Fnest Rioux; lilies and roses. Ellie Lomolli. Oeorge L. and Moses A. Bombard: wreath of roses, neighbor; spray of roses, neighbors. Dr. B. 'f. A. Bombard; mixed flowers. Mrs. Moses A. Bombard : reath of asters, Charles, Wilbur and Edward Bombard. Those from out of town to attend the services were Mrs. John Fagga, Francis Fagga. Madelin Fagga, Mr. Emma Laramie. Dr. B. J. A. Bombard, Wilbur Bombard, . Charles Bombard. Edward Bombard and Louis Laramie, all from Burlington; Oeorge L. and Moses A. Bombard and Mrs. Celinda Des Iiuriers from Ausable Fork, X. V Revnoldo Bombard from Water- town, Mass.. and Mrs. Helen Bombard from Montpelier. MRS. BRUSA FINED. After She Had Pleaded Guilty to Keep ing Liquor Illegally. Mrs. Rosa Bntsa of 20 Bolster ae nue, arrested July 29 -on the charge of keeping intoxicating liquors with intent to sell after officers raided her home, appeared in city court again yesterday afternoon at the continua tion of the case. The respondent withdrew the plea of not guilty, en tered at the hearing of .Tuly 20. and entered the pica of guilty. Judge F L. Scott fined the woman $300 and cost which amounted to t.19.07. Mrs. Brua was allowed to go on parole un til the payment of the fine, she baring made arrangements to pay the sum of $330.07. Attorney J. Ward Carver appeared fr the respondent and State's Attorney E. R. Davis for the state. Judge Scott also informed Mr. Bru.a that the five barrels and 2I hottlcs of wine, 12 quarts of gin. one half gallon of grappa, and the two barrels of liquid mash would he emp tied into the river to-day. LARCENY IS CHARGED Against Leonard H. Brown, er Hodgea, Arrested in Montpelier. The Montpelier police department thi morning arrested Leonard H. Brown, alia Hodge, charged with larceny of two ring, two silver dollar and other article from the room of Fred Dower in Montpelier. The man represented himself to be manager of the Grand Inion Tea Co.'s store in Amesbury. Mas. It is said that in Pjrre he represented himself to be a salesman for eleetrKw! supply. The rl.,e of Montpelier are Irving to s ,ure information from Ame.hnry r-r-rd :? r.row n. or Hlge