OCR Interpretation

The Barre daily times. (Barre, Vt.) 1897-1959, December 06, 1922, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Vermont

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6, J 922.
"Hammer" Murderess
Believed To Have
Gone to Mexico
Pesrtrv Caffee. Former
Chorus Girl Chum,
Is Missing
Los Angeles, Cal., Dec. C-Th
search for Mrs. Clara, Phillip, convicted
of . beating Mrs. Alberta Tremuin
Meadows to death with a .hammer and
who escaped early yesterday from th
boa Angeles county jail, was in active
progress to-day throughout southern
California and , Lower California, the
Mexican state.
Despite, various other "tips" and
"clews," sheriffs, deputies generally heli
to their original belief that the "ham
mer murderess," had fled across the
Doraer j into .Mexico ana plans were
made to extend t.He search to-day, for
her as far south as Ensenda ,onthe west
coast of Lower California peninsula
about 00 miles south of San Diego
Calif. They were not overlooking
other ; directions, . however, and had
asked San Frandisco authorities ' to
Join In the hunt.
Armour Lee Phillips, the convicted
woman' husband, upon whose story of
his movements the 24, hours preceding
his wife s escape "some doubt" had
been cast according to sheriffs' deputies
still was in technical custody early
to-day. i
The exact whereabouts of Mrs. Peggy
Caffee, former chum of lire. Phillips
when they were members of the chorus
of the same musical comedy company
and later witness for the state at jars,
Phillips" trial, was unknown to the
authorities early to-day. They said
they were, interested in Earning where
the was merely because thy wanted to
be assured of her satety.
Gets Started By Adopting Rules Sim
ilar to Washington Conference.
Washington, D. C. Dec. 6 (By the
Associated Press). Rules similar to
the Washington conference on limita
tion of armaments were approved fct
the nrst business sessions yesterday of
the general committee of the central
American conference and will be draft
ed and presented for adoption to-dav.
Chief interest at to-day's session
expected to center in the question of
inclusion in the conference agenda of
the proposal for a union of central
. American countries. , i
Westphalia Bars Habitual Drunkards
and Minors from Purchase.
Muenster, Germany, Dec. 6. The
provincial Diet of Westphalia has for
bidden tiie sale of alcoholic drinks to
persons under 18 years of age or
habitual drunkards. The presence of
habitual drunkards, as well aa children
under 14 years of age, in places where
intoxicants are sold also is prohibited.
The diet further has ordered that no
ilcoholio drinks mar be sol din moving
picture shows and has . reduced the
hours for the sale of such beverages in
licensed places.
According to Technical Military
riser to Austria.
Coblens, Dec - 6. The American
forces in Germany are the best troops
ever seen, said lieutenant Colonel W.
B, Causey, technical edviner to Austria,
upon his departure for Vienna to-day.
Colonel Causey said that the United
States should be proud of the way in
which' its forces were carrying out the
occupation f German territory.
Timothy Hcaly, new governor
general of Iritih free : slate, auks
the Irihh in United States to avoid
giving money to eneniies of freo
state. ' ,
. Von Moltke, in memoirs, blames
Russia for kindling conflagration
and says England's broken pledge
of neutrality cost Germany vic
tory .
Allied leaders at Lausanne are
declared to have drafted proposal
permitting warships to use Darda
nelles under international control.
Irish free stute assumes ita of
ficial existence - without demon
strations of rejoicing or hostility.
British troops, armed with ma
chine guns, protect embarkations
of Christian refugees from Asia
Db Valersx urges citizens of
Irish "republic" to refuse to pay
income taxes, rents and annuities
to constituted authorities..
Census bureau predicts decline
in nation's birth rate and increase
in death rate for 1922 compared
with 1021.
Clenwnceau avows he had de
lightful viit with President Hard
ing but avoided discussion of
American participation in Euro
pean affairs.
Cold wave grips northwest and
plains states, sweeps east to Ap
palachians and south to Gulf
Los Angeles authorities hold in
technical custody Armour Lee
Phillips, huwband of Mrs. Clara
Phillips, who escaped from jail.
General Bramwell Booth of Sal
vation Army in statement made
public at Chicago, disavows imme
diate removal of Evangeline Booth
from United States is contemplat
ed. William J. Simmons, imperial
wizard of the Ku Klux K'.an, de
nies that his organization is re
sponsible for fires in Catholic in
stitutions in Canada.
, John D. Rockefeller gives caril
lon of forty-two bells to Park
avenue church New York, as me
morial to his wife. '
, National traffic regulations and
a national police bureau advocat
ed by Police Commissioner of New
York in address at Portland, Me.
And Low Temperature, Ex
tends As Far South As
East ' Has Not Suffered
Yet From Severe ,
Chicago, Dec, 8. Still holding the
northwest in a chilling grip of sub-zero
temperatures, winter continued its be
(lated advance to-day, causing marked
drops in temperatures as far south as
Texas and calling forth predictions of
colder weather in the lake region, tlie
great central valleys and the east Gulf
states. y ,'
,In the upper lake region, the zero
and sub-zero weather was accompanied
by a sixty-mile wind, driving before it
a snowstorm that virtually tied up
shipping.! "" " . '
Reports indicated that the cold wave
still centered in North Dakota and
Montana, Havre and Williston, N. D.,
recorded, the coldest temperatures in
the country last night, the mercury go
ing below zero.
The east did not suffer from the un
usual cold prevalent in the northwest,
temperatures there ranging from 26 o
70 degrees above zero, "
Points to His Broken Bones as
Proof. y . -Paris,
Dec. 6 (By the Associated
Press) Georges Carpentier in news
paper interviews to-day added his pro
testations to those of" Francois Des
tamps, his manager, to the assertions
of Battling Siki that the boxer' re
cent meeting was to have been framed.
Carpentier'e chief argument in his
efforts to discredit the statements of
the Senegalese is to show his 'badly
damaged knuckles and to exhibit
X-ray photographs of his hands, tak
en after the tight, which show that all
the metacarpal bones were broken.
"Does that look like a fake fight t"
queried Carpentier. Be also asked
whether it was likely that he would
arrange a frame-up for a bout he was
so sure of winning that he actually lost
by over-eonndenco. The former
champion asserted that since his de
feat Ins one ambition has been to meet
Siki again and re-establish his reputation.
Being Shipped Into New York City to
Avert Suffering.
New York, Dee. 6.Su(Hcient coal
has been distributed throughout great
er New York to prevent any unusual
amount of suffering 'through the cold
wave due to arrive to-day, according to
a statement issued at the office of the
fuel administration. In addition emer
gency shipments are en route to the
; "As sure as I am telling it, I could
not have gone back to work at the
slate mill if it had not been for Tan
lac," said David F. Molenar, of Hvde
ville, Vt.', in an interview recently.
''My stomach had been in an awful
fix for years.' In fact, I was a " con
firmed dyspeptic, I could not cat any
thing except the simplest and plainest
of food and even then I stiff ered.
Many a morning I became so nausea
ted after breakfast, that I could not
retain a bit of what I had eaten, My
stomach pained me, my heart would
palpitate, head ached about : all the
time and I'd get so dizzy I could not
stand up. i
"I also had rheumatism in my arms
and shoulders that pained me continu
ally, and my back hurt terribly, but
this, like my stomach trouble, soon
went away after I got Tanlac. I have
gained 1 ten pounds and , am strong
enough to work at anything and not
plnyout. " Tanlac certainly does make
a follow eat eood and sleep (rood and
that makes him feel good. I think so
much of Tanlac that I am all the .time
telling somebody about it."
Tanlac is sold by all good druggists.
Fresh Eggs tAre Lower,
Cents Per
Chickens 3032cPer Lb.
. and Fowls. Are
Barre Vt., Do 8, 1022.
Fresh egps lower; butter firm but
plentyK wholesale quotations!
Dressed pork -14a
Veal 14(15e.
Lamb 22: 24c.
Fowls 27 ca -'Sc.
Chickens 3032c.
Fresh eggs 65c.
Butter, dairy SSc.
Potatoes POc bu.
Flush your kidneys occasional
; ly if you eat too much
Cowboy Padgett Knocked Out
Guerra Resigned for Second Time in
Four Days.
Madrid, Dec. 6, (By the Associated
Press), Premier Sanchez Ouerra has
presented the resignation of his minis
tery for the second time in four days,
the crisis growing out of the continued
endeavors to place responsibility for
the Spanish reverses in Morocco in July
In the Senate General ' Berengner,
former Spanish high commissioner in
Morocco, made a sensational speech in
whitii he declared that when he took
over the command in Morocco on July
21, 1921, he made himself responsible
for everything that occurred in the
Melilla zone.
He pleaded with the Senate to accede
to the demand for his impeachment,
saying that if anvone was to be ieM
rrponeible and liable to punishment,
he desires to be Uiat one. He concluded
that he was ready to sacrifice, himself;
alone for the nation.
Earl Boyce is Lack from Barre City
hospital, where he went hint week to
have the fracture in his leg reduced
and to have the leg X-rayed to see that
ail was as it should be. -The accident
occurred while he was skidding logs at
home something over a week ago. The
break is doing well and his manv
friends join in wishing him a speeiy
There was a very high wind on Pri
day night of last week and some dam
age was done in broken panes of glass
and the like. ,
Mrs. Fannie Stewart is in Berlin vis
iting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram S. Drury re
turned Sunday from a brief visit to
relatives in Woodstock, S. It. They
made the trip in their car and found
the main roads good.
The Home Study club will meet with
Mrs. Emma E. Warner on Thursday
afternoon, Dec. 7. .
E. H. Couillard lias a new Ford, from
the Perry Auto company of Barre.
Schools in town were closed from
Wednesday night to the following
Monday and many of the teachers who
live near went to their homes for the
Mrs. Laura D. Walker and children,
Alice and George, and Mrs. Martha
Dewey were in Montpelier last week
for Thanksgiving at the home of Frank
A. Walker, and Mrs. Walker stayed
lor a few days
Clilckenpox Is still quite prevalent in
Jobbing Quotations on Butter, Cheese
and Egj.
Boston, Dec. 8. The local jobbing
butter market holds strong, yet prices
are no higher. Boston's jobbing quota
tions on cheese are well out of tine
with outside wholesale markets, being
in favor of the buyer. The local egg
market was again weak, but not sulll-
ciently so to warrant t further reduc
tion in jobbing quotations. -
Local jobbing prices in butter, cheese
and eggs folliwt . '
Butter Northern creamery, in tubs
r4( 54'Jc, in prints 56(5)57c, in boles,
fxiftfO'oj western creamery, in tubs,
flKo 52c, good to choice 4flte.r)0c, fair to
good 46C 4!e.
Cheese 'ew York twins, fancy '
No man or woman who eats lots of
meat regularly can make a mistake by
flushing the kidneys occasionally, snys
a well-known authority. Too much
meat may form uric acid,- n-hifh clogs
the kidney pores so that they sluggish
ly, filter or strain only purl of the.
I wa'ste and poisons from the blood; then
rou get sick. JtheuinatiBm, neauacnes,
liver trouble, nervousness, constipa
tion, , dizziness, sleeplessness, bludder
disorders often come fcom sluggish kid
neys. The moment you fee! a dull ache In
the kidneys or your back hurts, or if
the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of
sediment, irregular of passage or at
tended by a sensation of scalding, g-;t
about four ounces of Jad Halts from
any reliable pharmacy and take a,ta
blespoonful in a glass of water before
breakfast for a few days and your
kidneys may then act fine. This' fa
mous salts is made from the acid of
grapes and lemon juice, combined with
Tithia, and has been used for genera
tions to flush clogged kidneys and stim
ulate them - to activity, also to help
neutralize the acids in nrine so it no
longer causes irritation, thus often end
ing bladder disorders.
Jad Salts is inexpensive and cannot
injure; makes a aciigntiuj enervescent
lithia water drink, which everyone cau
take now and then to help keep the
kidneys clean and the blood pure
thereby often preventing serious kid
ney complications. adv.
2S20o a pound, fair to good WA
27ci Young America, 2fR30e,
Eggs Hennery, 76(76c a doasn;
choice eastern, 7273c; western, extras
70(g71e, prime firsts 646.rK!, firsts C8
(S'60c; storage, extras 40ffi41e, extra
firsts 3839c, firsts 34a7e.
Sisters in Charge of Children's Jlome "Have Used It
With Great Success For Coughs and Colds"
At the Children's Home in Newbury-
port, Mass., there are an average ot
sixty children under the loving care of
the Sisters of Charity.
In a recent signed statement the Sis
ter in charge said; "We cheerfully en
dorse Father John's Medicine because
in our Heme It has become indispensa
ble. We use it, not only for coughs and
colds but also aa a builder. We tell our
friends that we would not be without
it. W have used it with great suc
cess and find it to bare no equal aa a
(Signed) The Homo for Destitute
Children, Sisters of Charity, Kewbury
port, Mass. ?-
In a great many institutions of a
similar character throughout the coun
try, Father John's Medicine is what
the nurses in charge depend upon to
keep the children well and strong.
They know that it is entirely safe be
cause it is free from alcohol and dan
gerous drugs.
Many similar letters of endorsement
have been received from homes, hospi
tals and institutions, and the names
and copies .of the letters will be sent
on request. :
- Father John's Medicine ts doctor's
prescription, and ia pure and whole
some. It has had more than sixty
seven veers' success for colds,' throat !
troubles and as a tonic and body build
er. dv.
Black for
Holiday Wear
Shoes complete the perfect dress. :
New shoes as -well as new clothes are)
needed for the holiday season. .
Regals in black are the shoes of perfection,
just the thing for the Yuletide.
Let's make the holidays perfect by wear
ing the perfect shoe REGALS !
Moore & Owens
Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes
Barre's Leading Clothiers,
122 North Main St. Tel 275-M,
1 fr-1 aT-ai l s
A great crowd filled the Senate when 'town, though there are no eaaes report
the demand for General Berenguer's
impachment was presented, after hav
ing been approved m committee.
Loughlia in Third Hound.
Tulsa, Okla., Dec, 6. Cow bo v Pad
gett of Dolores, Colo, scored a knock
out over v illie (K. O.) Loughlin of Mrs. Susan Kratu of Pomeroy, O,
houth Bethlehem, Pa.,, welterweight,: - tered Foreed Document
th third round nf upheMuiprl 1.rn
round hnnt her lt niirht. Wmeroy, O., Uec. 8. Mrs. Susan
I.- Tl . . I
; rvmu, j'onieruy s oa-yar-viu
Chicago. Dec. 6. Johnny Meyers of . c'al Wlju,rd'
who is alleged to have ob-
: Left an Opening ,
"Opportunity is knocking at your
door' said the Optimist.
"Iiiate the whole tribe of knockers!"
growled the Pessimist.
"That being the case," said the Opti
mist, preparing to duck, "it's quite ob
vious that you hate yourself," Buf
fslo Express,
Household Economics
"Josh," said Farmer Corntossol to
his son. "I wish, if you don't mind,
you'd eat eff to yourself instesd of
with the boarders."
"Isn't mv society good enough for
"Your society is fine. But Tour ap
petite sets a terrible example." New
V'ork American.
Chicago, champion middleweight wrest-. tained more than $300,000 from friends
ler, defeated John Kilonis of Norfolk, ' ftnd neighbors on . get-rich-qukk
Va,, in two out of three falls last night.' chra'- 1t "W WM fn' milty
i i by a Jury of uttering and publishing a
Waino Kctonen of Boston was given ' ""ged document. SHe Is liable to a
a referee's decision over Heinie Kngel sentence of from one to twenty years
of Dubuque, la., after six rounds of . " tne state reiormatory,
fast wrestling.
Melvin E. Fisher of Brockton,
Chosen for Next Year.
Jforthfleld, Dec. 6. -At a meeting of
the Norwich University Athletic as
sociation, Melvin E. Fiher of Brofk
ton, ,Mass was elected - manager of
next year's football eleven. - Fisher is
alo manager of basketball this year.
The following assistants were elect- ;
edi Football, Edwsrd O. Twohey of,
St. Albsns and Charles 11. Nichols, 1
jr., of Bogota, N. J. basketball, Les- ;
ter R. Spsrrell of Worcester. Mass, !
snd Irving C. Schsefer of MWdletown, i
Conn.; baseball, Chester W. Kston of
Needham, Mass., and Claude M. Stev-,
ens of Rochester.
, The Fourragere
"Fo' why dat Frewh aojer done got
lat telephome cord all drape' round his
shoulders ?" inauired one stevedore of
"All's plumb appealed by yo fjrger-
ance, , answered the second pityingly.
"Dat merely syndicate dat his" reci-
ment done got eicited." American Le.
gion v cekly.
Hood's Pills
In small doses
In Larcer Doses
MU by C. t Hood Co., Until. Uu
For Colds, Grip or Influence ,
and as a Preventive, take !xative '
BROMO QUINIXK Tablets. The iti
bears the signature of K. W. Ooe. (Be 1
sure you get BKOMO.l 3(k adv. j
j Christmas Seal f
Tiat Fiftli TsBercmlotis :
:J One Cent Deb
Se 4 CStiSI
Buy an Overland and realize the difference.
' T.
Compare the following features with those
of higher priced cars. Baked enamel finish.
Timken bearings; disc clutch; 130 inch spring
base; removable axles; curtains open with the
doors; costs less to run.
Touring: car $525
Chassis $425
Sedan $875
Coupe $795
ed as serious. Those who lad the dis
ease first have recovered and are back
in school, but new eases are being
heard from frequently.
Principal William H. Adams of Chel
sea went to his home for the holidays
and has not returned, being detained
there by illness.
Substitute Carrier Carl W. Seaver
covered route No. 3 while Regular Car
rier Iiiram 8. Drury was away.
Mrs. Jennie Smith Is housekeeper
for Mr. and Mrs, A. R. Rumney dur
ing their absence.
The Order of Eastern Star will hold
their meeting Thursday ev nir.g, Dec.
H. A good attendance is desired.
Elmer LTpham, who went to Madi
son, iie in Aujnist, where he had em
ployment for a short time, arrived
ion) Thurtday.
There was a verv smell attendance
at the ball Fridav evening at the town
hafL The Randolph orchestra fur
nished the music.
Mrs. Frank W. Patterson coes to
Rutland this week to visit her sister
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Blair had for auests
Thartkgiing day her brother, Lewis
Labonta, and wife of Randolph Cen
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blair of
Braintree and Mr. and Mrs. John Du
mas and daughter ef Randolph.
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Rumney went to
Richmond Monday to vinit their son-
in-law, A. Wortheins, and family. They
will be away several days.
Mrs. Luke Hutchinson was sum
moned to Xorthlield early last week on
aiwMint of the serions illness of her
mother, Mra. Benedict, who died on
The annual meeting of the Woman's
Ref corps will be Saturday after
nK.n, Dec B. A gond attendance is
desired. There will be election of offi
cers. Mr. and Mrs. W. "IL Grout went to
East Braintree Sunday afternoon to
call on her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Kimtal! Mclntyre, who are in feeble
Mrs. Alice Rerd entertained at
ThankssiviBir dinner her danghter,
Mies Fae Besrd. who came from
j Barre, Mr. and Mrs. Aadrew Abbott
and cousins. Miss K4na hwi. con
ty eenator, and her brother of Orange.
f m? m m
For aMerry Musical Christmas
Make your Christmas i meny musical one.'
Round out your Christmas joy and add that festive
note of Yuletide cheer by getting a Columbia
Grafonola. '
Spend only a few minutes in our store. Hear this
beautiful instrument play the latest music, dances,
songs, and Grand Opera selections. Then you will .'
understand why the Columbia Grafonola is the most
wonderful Christmas Gift. '
The latest models to choose fromall equipped
with the Non Set Automatic Stop. Never stops before
it should. Always stops at the very end. Nothing
to move or set or measure.
We'll be looking for you, so be sure to call
and let us demonstrate how you, too, can have
a merry musical Christmas.
Red Cross Pharmacy
Victory Notes
Series A, B, C, D, E and F
Mature December 15
After That Date These Bonds .
Earn No Interest ; . , 1 ,
Place Your Bonds With Us Early for
Collection at Maturity
Interest paid from date of deposit for every
THIRTY-DAY PERIOD money remains here
and all kindred commodities. We pay outside market
prices. We pay spot cash. We pay freight on 200 pounds
or more. Anyone havinpr stock should get our prices be-,
fore selling; elsewhere. Write us to-day 1
CARROLL S. PAGE Hyde Park, Vt.
We Do
We steam
Plush Coats
H. F. Cutler & Son
TcL 750, Opposite Fire Station
I. X. Abhott, his daurfcter. Mine lis
Abbott, and sm, Alfred, and Mr. and
Mrs. Royal P. Abbott and 4in?Y.te
rpmt 1 hBkjr;t to; ds in No'tUMd
itk Mr. and Mrt. Fortis , Ahhott.
Fraek A. riatnkr trs a busier
rsller la too a Sa turds r.
Mr. and Mrs. L ;s H7rd snd
fswtiiy tpnt ThsnkuptTsnV 6r in
W'.lUiMfe with fe: esother, Mrs.
Sst.ra HsTwsrd.
We are prepared to do any kind of remodeling and re
pairing of Furs and Fur Coats. We have a full line of Fur
Trimmings and Linings for Ladies' and Men's Coats in
stock. Work done in a reasonable length of time.
All work guaranteed.
Open evenings.
Walter Krinovitz
Tailor and Furrier.
Eastman Bik, Over Littlefield's Music Store.
1S2 N. Main SU Thone 192-J.
is the Sunlight
of Business ,
To all that is healthy and vital
in business, it means increased
strength and growth; but ad
vertising is a fierce heat which"
withers and consumes that
which is unsound..
A business which is not a
good business should not be
advertised. A business which
would not benefit from wide
spread appreciation of ita
deals had better acquire a new
?t of ideals.
Pttb!ikd hr tie Carre PxPr Ttrum, fn re-ojvrrr)oa
vita Tk Aaaeriraa Ascitioa ef Adisrtisitf Afrstim.
' ns

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