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3 The 'Finest Green Tea is undoubtedly ALLEGED STOLEN BONDS IN BANK TO STOP GAPS ON INCOME TAX THE - BAIIRE DAILY TIMES, BARRE, VT. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 0, 1922. nnrm m n n THE TKUJE ' Burlington Has It And Will Impart It Discovery Caused Sensa tion in Philadelphia Financial Circles Sec. Mellon Urges the ' Need of That Upon Congress A 3 It is pure fresh and wholesome and the flavor is that of the true green leaf H319 .Topics of the Home and Household. the morning. Bake four hours in slow ovon. This pudding will shrink on cooling. Serve cold with whipped cream. , ; Codfish Cakes Soak one pound of codfish in cold water until fresh , to suit taste. Squeeze dry and put i through food chopper on to a clotw to I dry well. To this about the same ! amount 'of hot mashed potatoes, add a ueaten egg ana season to taste, eeai mixture hard and until light. Drop from spoon'into hot fat and cook un til brown. Beating hard and drying fish well is the secret of light fish cakes. ' Mince Meat For eaeh 'pound of meat use Vi pound of suet, for every bowl full of chopped meat anfl suet, cooked, use three bowls of apples chopped, two tablespoons of Bait, two heaping cups of brown sugar, juice of two lemons (if liked), one cup of mo lasses, one cup vinegar, two pounds of seeded raisins, one pound of currants, three teaspoons of cassia, ' one tea spoon of autnieg, it teaspoon of cloves, A teaspoon of allspice, stir all to cether, add meat stock and cook slow' 10 mars cups or otner enma mat iy; add a cup or conee ana any jcuy are to be loaned tor social occasions, that you have on hand. 1'ack in stone apply small piece of adhesive tape, on crock or jars and put in a cool place. which the name of the owner lias been I A little chopped citron may be added Before putting away ft bathing enp for the season stuff if with waxed paper. This will prevent it sticking and the rubber cracking. I ,' . : : , " Don't blame your grocer . if your j -jar of mayonnaise dressing is found ' in the cold pantry with the oil and other ingmliefits separated. It should ,'not have been left where it was so cold. " . . To preserve the rope in window corda rub them twice a year with a well-oiled cloth. ' This not only in creases the life of your eords, but al.- 1 lows the window to slip up and down more easily. GRAND JURY HAS . BEEN SUMMONED WOULD REDUCE MAXIMUM SURTAX; Bonds Are Alleged To Be (Secretary Outlines Some of Part of $1,300,000 Loot Taken in New York written in indelible ink, to the bottom of the dishes and you have a method of identification whieli will not be noticed by the user, Try These Tarty Tib-bit.'-t" . Hashed Browned Potatoes Cut to this recipe. Quince HoneySeven or eight quinces grated or put through food chopper, four pounds granulated sug ar, one quart water. Boil all together until mixture turns red and is quite thick. Usually takes about two hours nr Tnnro nf irpnflA Hnllinn " AAA rtnttrm liniled potatoes into dice and season wator ; m!rtr a ,. j with salt and pepper. Mr-It one heap liig tablespoon of butter in a pan and when it is hot put in " the potatoes. Stir with a fork. to tslisorb the but i ter, and then cook till a crust is formed, .' Double over and serve. Vv Whole Wheat Biscuits One egg, one pint sweet milk, teaspoon salt, .two teaspoons of sugar, 2 teaspoons f baking powder, four cups of whole 'V wheat flour. : Cracker Plum Pudding Three pints "milk, four eggs cups molasses, 1 cups sugar, 20 common crackers, bound of raisins, pound citron, cut fine, teaspoon each of salt, cinnamon, j fiufmeg. Soak the coarse broken crack ersff in the milk over night, beat the eggs and add with other things in before it thickens. This is delicious served on liakey crackers with cream cheese. Rutland Herald. Dorothy Dexter. Father's Advice. j 11 jw5 sm. Safe Ji.LS XMilk ff IfitLiW For Infant; valid & Children J The Original Food-Drink for All Ages ' riiiirVT.iim-h.fHnmc OfficelkFountaina. RichMil k. Malted Grain Extract In Pow- der&Tabletforms. Nourihing-No cooking. 1ST Arc-id Imitations and Substitutes Daughter Father, vou've often said Mat when your business enemies got you 111 a ti(.:vit nx you never gave in until they started to squeeze you. Is that the right wav to do? Father Certainly, dear, if I gave in too much they wouidn t have any mercy on me. But why do you askt Daughter Oh, nothing much. Only last night George aked me for a kiss and I wouldn't givejt to him until he started to." Rehoboth Sunday Herald. Suited the Subject. "Tin's isn't a very good picture of your baby brother, is it." said the vis itor. 'No," replied 5-year-old Alice. "But, then, he ain't a very good baby." Stray! Stories. - Squatter's Sights. Farmer Waal, young man, what do vou want? Surveyor---We re running a railroad through here. "(join to run it through my barn?" "lep. "Waal, you can't run it through to day, I've got a hen settin'." Life. Philadelphia, Deo". 0. -JViwovery in a national bank in this city of .$280, 000 worth of bonds; alleged to be a part of . the $1,300,0)0' in securities stolen from a, mail truck in New York about a year Ago, .lias led to a spe cial investigation bj'the federal gand jury and the summoning of about a dozen prominent business ; men and bank officials before the jury for an explanation. Government officials de clined to reveal the identity of any of the witnesses, who were ordered to appear before tne grand jury , liiurs day, or the name of the bank. Four Hiien are reported to have ne gotiated loans aggregating $274,0000 from the bank, ottering the Jp-JHIMNMI . alleged stolen . londs and other bonds, which .government agents also believe were stolen, as security. Methods To Escape Taxes BELGIUM INCLINED TO SUPPORT FRANCE In Latter's Energetic Proposals for Di- rect Action in Ruhr Dis trict. ' . Brussels, Dec. B (By the Associated Press ).-The Belgium cabinet, it was learned to-day, is inclined to support France s energetic proposals for uirec action in the Rlmr district if such course is necessary. Belgium, however. Jias hoped tor successful arrangement through Brit ish cancellation of war debts snd French agreement to reduce the repara tions total to an amount justifying an international loan to Orermany. Was BATTERY STORAGE Winter is coming and your battery is a delicate part of your automobile. Let our experts look after it and be sure of a hot spark and snappy starter next spring. Prices on request. Kelly & Nelson Main Street Garage. Service and Satisfaction Thone 770. Ooucihs cads l Largesv selling cough medicine in the World. Jtm from opiates !ngredienta plainly printed on the wrapper. Sold Everywhere. Radium Now $70,000 Per Gram; $120,000. Producers of "commercial" radiunH have recently advertised their product at about $70,000 per gram (about 15.4 grains) of elemental radium, whereas the former price was $120,000. The geb logical survey officials have explained the reason s for this new price as being the discovery in Katanga, in Belgian Congo, of large deposits of rich, easily worked radium ores and to the erection of a plant at Oolen, Belgium, about 40 miles from Antwerp, for producing ra dium from those ores, says the i.ngi neering and Mining Journal-Press of New York. 'V . "' ' These deposit are at Luiwishi and Kasolo, near JUizabethviile, in the ex treme southern part of Belgian Congo, and consist of veins on the property of the L'uiun Miniere du Haut-Katanga, a British-Belgian company operating one of the world's hugest copper-bearing properties in hatanga. The veius carry pitchblende, winch is in large part al tered to uranium minerals. A sub sidiary company has been formed to extract the radium, and a considerable quantity of ore carrying many times as much'radium as the rarnotite ores that have heretofore governed the world's markets has been shipped to Belgium. No data are at hand, how ever, to show that in the aggregate the newly found deposits will event ually yield as much radium aa the de posits in the Rocky mountain region of the Lnited Mates, though a consider able quantity can be produced from the Katanga deposits at a much lower cot-tj and it is that cost that is ruling the rudium market to-day. American companies, closing down their own mines, have undertaken to market the African product, and ra dium is, therefore, now offered at a price lower than any that has pre vailed since it became an object of commerce, and an opportunity is thus given to branches of government, hos pitals, doctors and philanthropists to obtain the precious material at a min imum expenditure, for it seems prob able that the prite will go no lower. Eventually the principal source of ra dium may again be the oarnot.te de posit of Colorado and I'tah, and when that time comes, if not before, the price will again rie. Washington, 1.)., C, Dec. C Reduc tion of the maximum income surtax rate from the present 50 pyr cent to not more than 25-per cent. Snd the closing up so far as possible.of exist ing avenues of escape from federal taxes are urged by Secretary Mellon in his annual report, transmitted to-day to Congress. No general revision of the revenue laws is proposed nor are addi tional taxes suggested, Mr. Mellon ex pressing the hope of meeting any indi cated government ' deficit through col lection of back taxes and income from other sources. . The treasury secretary informs Con gress that to attempt alone to stop the gaps through which there is. an avoid ance of tax payments to the govern ment will not be enough because the existing rates of surtax "put such heavy pressure on the larger taxpay ers to reduce their taxable incomes that new ones would surely be found He adds that the high rates "sound productive," but that the fact remains that they are becoming increasingly m effective and are yielding less and less revenue each year, Then bluntly he tells Congress the time has come to "face the facts squarely", and to correct the artificial conditions Which now prevail and which, he asserts, are not wholesome from the point of view of business or industrial development, and, at the same time, are impairing the revenues of the government. The more important of the methods used by the taxpayer to reduce the amount of income subject to taxation are listed by Mr. Mellon as follows: . Deduction of losses on sales of capi tal assets, with the failure to realize on capital gains. Exchanges of property and secur ities so as to avoid taxable gains. Investment in tax-exempt securities ami Division of property, creation of trusts and the v like. "Not all of these things can lie con trolled by law or by regulation," he continued, "and most of them lead to unnatural and frequently harmful eco nomic results. To reach the evil the thing most necessary is the reduction of the surtax rates themselves, in or der to reduce the pressure for avoid ance and maintain the revenues derived from the surtax.. Until some such readjustment is made the yield of the higher surtaxes will tend, in the ordinary course of events, to drop toward the vanishing point. The wise course is to reform the surtaxes now while the system still functions and at the same time to close, as far as possible;-the gaps which now exist. On this basis the revision can be made without loss of revenue, and, in the long run, with material benefit to the revenues." To support his argument that the high surtaxes gradually are "defeating heir own purpose, tie calls attention that while net incomes of all clusne during the pl-riod from 1916 to 1MJ0 increased from $60877,80 in 1!16 o $2.-1,735,610,183 in 11)20, and the mini ber of returns from 437,030 in 1916 to ,2;M,9J4 in li!0, the number of re turns of . income over . $300,000 de creased during the same period from ,2!)0 in 1016 to 300 in 1020. and the mount of incomes over $300,000 from O)2,D72,BS0 in 1916 to $24,:i54,585 in 1920. In "earnestly urging" prompt adop n of the proposed constitutional To have the true Christmas spirit to feel you are receiving more in the giv ingthan is given with the giftthat is the spirit of Christmas that rings true! ' .. - . - ' To supply the giver with the gifts that impart the spirit of Christmas that's the happy part the merchant plays! v Burlington merchants singly and collectively have entered into the Yule tide spirit as never before stocked their shops with the latest and highest grade merchandise that for quality and quantity is not to be found in many cities three or four times the size of Burlington. ' . 1 ;': yi. " - ' : The entire shopping sections of the Queen City are about to be transformed into a kaleidoscopic picture portraying the true spirit of Christmas, reflect ing the lights and colors of a real Yuletide! -A pre-Christmas atmosphere enlivens the and the spirits of both, shops and shoppers! scene You are thrice welcome! THE UNIVERSAL CAR ORDER NOW FOR CHRISTMAS More Ford cars will be purchased this Christmas than ever before and there is every reason why. The present very low price of the Ford the lowest it has ever been . its usefullness, convenience, economy of upkeep and de pendability is making an overwhelming appeal to every class of Christmas buyer. Note the low prices: Touring .$293 Runabout '.. 269 Sedan 595 Coupe 530 All prices F. O. B. Detroit ' N ORDER NOW FOR TIMELY DELIVERY Perry Automobile Company 323 Yi to 327i North Main Street, Darre 5Si State Street, Montpelier -5T T T 111 A3 U 43X1 They all know the value of Resinol TV toetlunt Ixa'uit miIi nt m tot Ik M si rmy meant of lK lamir bccMMt A tkm trouble. Hit a ideal tot Cw Bo-te CWifi Scxaftdtaa Twimm Sfe meiHimrni aganiHl tlie lurthor mu nee of tsx exempt nwuritien, the reasurj secretary ay thec Winn ie, now reaching the market at the rate of alx.iit f l,MHl,(KH).(MMt annually. urra the "ouUtHnding avenue" of en- ra) from the surtaxes. ith then aeeuritie, available for investment, fully exempt an they are from federal income nurUxen Mr. Mellon ewntinue, "investors who would normally put their surplus fundsT into productive cnterprmea, are automati cally driven under the presure of high surtax rates unto invcxtmcnt in tax exempt securities, with the result that the federal government hmea th reve nue. tmffiea and indiiHtry tones the capital, and lunda badlv needed for productive purposes are divertml into unproductive snd frequently wasteful expenditure. "This ia a situstion which cannot be permitted to continue without grave danger to our economic utructure, as well aa our svrtem of taxation." v ... . i'ointi.ig out .that the present law limit the tax on gain in capital tran tactions to VZ't per cent of auch gain, but puts no limit on the deduction of loasea in such transactions, Mr. Mellon urgea that the amount by which the tax may be reduced on account of louses from the sale of capital aoscts shall not exceed 12V PT rent of the amount of such losa. Burlington Chamber of Commerce An Apoplectic Moment. It was in the busiest time of the day on traffic-blocking Broadway. The traf- To Enjoy Your Walk 'pleasing in its way than a day of Aug- , , , ,.'ust when the bees are on the, heather A certain merry vagabondage should anJ ,h Rod A(lmiraI butterflies run idL-a t.iW unnainit ft that ITl U H U'illl Bit A '. . . i. 4 1. I a 1 . . ""V ,T; - . t ' i 7 T , . 1 '"Y"? 5 j fic olficer signaled the long line of wait forth afoot on holiday bent. Leave the nor the June twilight more j , .utoto prowd. a fair vounp shackles of conventionality at home.,nR l," ?,w'nt" "ft "noon when t..e;fl sUll d ,fer ma(,hine in the' mid. tin tor rsn lit t no iiiiiam m imtb urwi Tiia nd be yourself. ' " -i.i. .a fc...!.t' the wossing. Real holiday is absolute change.; , ln heart, sets a round pH-e for Discard your watch. It doesn't matter home and love and beauty. Halifax to an hour or two what time it h. i Chronicle. - Vftn.'K will vnn whon -"ti ". j - i- - want Tour dinner, and if the sun be "I'm very well, thank you," engine's dead." Judjje. sweetly with "What the H s the matter you!" shouted the officer. replied the calm young lady,- "but my Friends' Tears Understood. " can't understand why women weep at a wedding can youf" "Only partly. It seems that a brirts weeps because the wedding is hers and her friends weep because it isn't theirs." Boston Transcript. What W4 Necessary. 8ix -year-old -Mary Ellen had formed th fialnt of keeping the family - wait ing at mealtimes while site wahed her hands at the kitchen sink. Nor did she br.ak it when her grandfather, who was a minister, tame to her home to tisit. I hi day her mother (ad railed to her to hurry, but Mary M)n utill lingered. And mother spoke with more author ity, saying: "Mary Kllen you huiTy up. hack filiated Mary KHen s answere: "You run tell grani:athcr to go on iN say grace. I rait har trrr word of it in iiere aa well as in there." Indtan- arlis Xewn, ahininng you must use your compass and learn that it will be due south at midday. Tlie farm laborer keeps his time bv the shadows. Never go a-tramping with a crowd; let the limit be one or two, and take care that they axe kindred souls. There will be some, like .Stevenson, who find most enjoyment in walking a lotie. or who, ' like Hazlitt, cannot sec any wit of walking snd talking at the same time. Probably more of us will agree,. saya Max A. Wright, with Sterne's human dictum: "Let me have a companion of my way, were it but to remark how the shadows lengthen as the sun de clines." Never judge another tramper hy his clothes. I once greeted a wreck of a man. in a Wiabby old coat and ft bat tered hat, who taught me more of way side flowers than ever I learned in books. 1 Not the lesst of the virtues of trsmp- ng is the fact thst it is never out of season. .Most sporrs ana pasiimes have their day and cease to le. The glory of a December morning wiien the rime lies on the grass, and the nip of the air makes the ears tingle is not lens a Towmne Tea means as well as coffee- tea, too good W. S. QUIRBY C0.-30ST0. CHICAGO. to tram nmm Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION mm 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief ELLiAMS 25c and 75 Packages trrwhf A Jfsrrew Squeak. Winter Storage We are in a "better position to care for your battery this winter than ever before. We have a baltc y man who devotes all of his time to their care, with the best charg ing and testing instruments that money can buy. Let us call for your battery and'eare for it during the win ter, f The price is right. A muter truck reached th- bahy rtr.f to w,!t iiernrii. mure. -Horror! Wl tke bl V hurt?" "Voo'ne micbtv IikLt, ir,um. He s . m ki4rspd ti!y s- s-inutea bfre-" rfnrVCV IV AOWCI Are You the Man Who 44 Never Reads Advertisements ?' Some men; who are neither bind nor illiterate, claim sincerely that they "never read advertse ments." Yet, if you could, investigate, in each case you would find that the man who "never reads ad vertisements" used an adver tised tooth paste or shaving cream or soap. If he owns an au tomobile it will be an advertised car. If you ask his opinon of any automobile he will reply in words that might have been lifted bod ily from an advertisement of that automobile. ( Advertising has formed his opinions to a great degree. He may have received his informa tion ''through others who ob tained their knowledge from ad vertising. But it is a fact that no man can escape the effects of advertising even if he does say he "never reads advertisements." Not one of us ever reasoned out entirely from his own mind that the earth .is round. If we had not read it or heard it we would never'have. known it In these days of good, truthful, helpful advertising to say "I never read advertisements" is merely your way of saying, "I don't read all advertisements. Published by The Harre Daily Times, in co-operation with l"he Americat. Association of Advertising Agencies. .