OCR Interpretation

The Barre daily times. (Barre, Vt.) 1897-1959, December 23, 1922, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Vermont

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn91066782/1922-12-23/ed-1/seq-2/

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Outplayed Spanieling Var
sity Last Evening By
33 to 23 Score ; ;,
Good Blood 1
Rich and Pure
Is twspntial to health, happineea,
enr-rgy, willingness to work and good
Lack of it means disease, rheuma
tism, catarrh, humors, headache,
wandering pains, cold hands ana
feft, decline of health-tone. '
Hood's Snrsnparilla is recom
mended for all these and other
symptoms, becaiuse it is 'm ado from
the best ingredients physicians pre
scribfi, combined by pharmacists
who have made a life-long study
of medicines.-
School Boys Put Up Good
Game But Were-Out
of Class
The RpauWinfr alumni quintet, com
posed of seasoned veterans of the baa--Wthall
floor and of atliletii-a in cen-
eral. pinned a pretty little defeat of t
33 to 23 on "the gpauldlng varsity in
the (school gymnasium last evening he
fore' a guod-hi.od audience composed
of alumni and siuuent. v mmui, ui-,
nala and practice, the great jnoiviu
Sial playinpr and five-man defense of
the ex-students proved too Jmuli for
the less experienced, youngster and
although the latter put up a good fight
and showed ome real class they were
never dangerouu to the team made up
of the pick of former basketball
ten ma. . '
. J)oughi who was one time consul-.
cred th faxteht torward on any iiign
school in the state, proved to the boys
that lio years in Dartmouth had not
hurt Ilia -ye for the basket and he
succeeded piling up 17 out of 23
points for the veta in one period, vSix
hnskets. and five free throws were his
quota. 'O'Leary, now a Georgetown
student, "wm all over the floor playing
both forward and guard in turn and
(rettinff two nice baskets. Nicom of
New Hampuliire State college at een
ter usually outjumped Burke, and
Smith of Vale, aided by Carpenter of
U. V. M., blocked a (Treat many at
tempt' of the students to get through
for a basket, "t'y" Gorrltm and AVayne
Terry, whrt alternated fof the alumni,
played a whirlwind panic and Perry
, secured on baBfeet. The.' scene, at the
end of the first half waa 23 to 30 for
the grails; ' ,
In the'second half tlie students came.
Also On Anns. Could Net
Sleep. Cut'cura Heals.
"My face and arms were affected
with large, red pimples that festered
and scaled over. The pimples itched
badly and grew larger and spread.
They were scattered all over my face
and caused disfigurement, and at
eight they burned something terrible
so that I could not sleep.
"I read an advertisement for Cuti
cura Soap and Ointment and sent
for a free sample. I bought more,
and after using one bos of Cuticura
Ointment, together wuh the Cuticura
Soap, I was healed." (Signed) Miss
Thelma Curtis, Box 407, Natick.R.I.
. Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal
cum are ideal for every -day toilet uses.
SuntUIwhrrMbTHiU. A rMrww "OwUcm Lb
or.tortM, Dp. B, lUlu. S, Km " bold .very
gfUfCuticur Sop ilm without mug.
Victory Over Midget Smith Largely a
Triumph for Superior Box
ing Ability. '
New York, Dec. 23. Joe Lvnch of
New York retained his world's bantam
weight championship last night as a
result of victory over Midget Smith,
Harlem challenger, in a la-round con-
back nomewhafc and with Howie, Burke j teat at Madison Square garden. Lack
and Abbiatti ulioulderiiig tire heaviest j ing the thrills . of most championship
of the opposing .team they added 13 .encounters, the bout was largely a tri
points to their .total. Smith -played j umph for superior boxing ability over
isoarK, ruggea aggressiveness.
Lynch, clearly outpointed his rival
but displayed no decisive punching
. . , 1 f t.
a tine game at torwiiru ana rtoara,
who replaced him, showed consider
able class. Ingram. Aimi and Oclla
also played a fine game while little 'prowess, with the exception of ona or
Bobbie White kept up ins usual be- two or me closing rounas..
Wildering floor game, scoring one has
ket. The alumni, however, far ottt-
L'nyielding attitude of Turks
again dims satisfactory hopes of
Near East conference, at Lausanne. ;
Irish government decides to es
tablish system of block houses to
stop persistent train wrecking.
Thousands of Belgian university
students protest against changing
Ghent university into Flemish in
stitution. ,,
Labor makes substantial gains in
Australian general elections.
Cardinal Logue criticises north
ern government for refusal to re
lax curfew , restrictions which
Would permit Catholics to attend
midnight mass in Armagh cathedral
.Christmas eve.
- Premier Poincare "commits
French government to ratification
of Washington naval agreement.
Joe Lynch gets judges' decision
in contest with Midget fcmith for
bantamweight title,
' Railroads report that Christmas
rush, in and out of Pew -xoric is
heaviest in city's history.: ' '.
BriarcliiT Lodge insures golf
ehainpion Gen? Sara.en for $100,-.
000 against accident or death.
Typhoid death rate increase
from 7.8' per 100,000 of population
in 120 to 0 in United States reg
istration area.- , . . "
November business conditions
show increases in production and
distribution, government ' reports
Twelve square miles of .Pacific
ocean's bottom charted by United
States destroyers.
Great photographic plates bear
ing pictures of stars near the sun
reach Lick observatory for test of
Einstein theory.
Timothy J. Coffey, individual tug
of war champion of America for 10
years, died in Boston.
$1,000 reward offered for rinding
of bodies of David Brown and M.
E. Johnson, Maine game wardens,
who disappeared in Maine woods
Nov. 18.
Kid Norfolk f New York,! de
feated Lee Anderson of Berlin, N.
II., in 10-round bout at Boston.
Four hundred Massachusetts
guard officers requested to return
National Guard offirs requested
to return to federal government
overpayment of $11,000 made to
them in sums from $20 to $60. .
For Cold Weather Motoring Confidence
The Buick Seven Passenger Touring 1435
On winter roads, the aDundant power and smooth
riding of the Buick seven passenger touring car
gives a new confidence to cold weather motoring.
Close fitting storm curtains, provided with the
special Buick weather strip to seal the joints, and
that open with the doors, afford a snug comfort
against storm and cold.
The long wheel base and the semi-elliptic springs
with a new suspension, insure easy riding, made
luxuriously comfortable by the wide deeply uphol
stered seats. Every convenience for effortless driv
ing is at the driver s hand. Standard appointments
include such refinements as sun visor, windshield
wiper and rear vision mirror.
The seven passenger touring car maintains, in every
particular, the traditional Buick excellence.
The Famous Buick
A finger's pressure disen
gages the Buick clutch,
yet the clutch is always'
positive in its action. Tbs
clutch in all models has a
drop forged hub with
ground bearing surface.
Th Buick Lint for 1923
Comprises Fourteen Models:
Fours 23 34.
Smith, an easy mark for Lvnch's
rangy left, tried gamely, but meflectu
plared the boys and the tiual score ally, to penetrate the champions a
rested 3.1 to 2.1 in their favor. . fensi
The teams lined up for the fray as
Spsulding Aluinni
Smith,, If. If, Douglas
Howie,' rf, ...rf, rg, O'Leary
Burke, .. c, Nicora
Abbiati, Ig...
Ingram, rg. , .
Ponrk, If
Cella, rf,.,. ..
Aimi, White,
. .Ig, Smith
. .rg, if, Cajpenter
.. . .rf, rg," Gordon
rg,sc, Terry
Baskets scored: Douglas 8, O'Leary,
Barke 4." Howie 2, Perry; White,
Roark;' fouls shots. pouglas 7,' Howie
4, Burke 2, Koark", Timer, Dodge;
scorer, Angwin; . referee, Johnson.
Time. 20.-20. - , ,
Is Sold By St. Paul to the Cincinnati
St.. Paul, Minn., Dec. 23. Confirma
tion of the deal whereby "Kube" Bcn:
ton, left-handed pitcher of the St. Paul
American association champions and
former big leaguer, will go to the Cin
cinnati Nationals for two players and
a cash consideration, has been an
nounced by Manager Mike Kellyof
the Saints. . '
And John Dunham, Negro, Worked
Up to Hia Death.
Paris, Tex., Dec. 23, .John Dunham,
negro, who claimed to be 121 year
old, is dead at his home here. He
worked for his living to the time af
his death. He claimed never to have
known a sick day in his life, until
pneumonia attacked him with fatal
result j.
Mrs,' Nancy Ann Kilton Died at Man
chester, N. H..,
Manchester, N. H., Dec. 23. Mrs.
Nancy Ann Kilton, T7, a native of
Bradford, Vt, died at her home, 1S3
Ash street, Thursday night at 11:30
o clock. She is, survived bv one son
Clarence H. Corliss, BarreVt., and one
daughter, Mrs. Frank ' McWhorter,
Whittier, Caf. S5 was a member of
St. Paul's M. E. church. . ,
Atk about rfc . M.
A.C. Purthaat Plan,
which provide, for
ltfrrtd Pay mint
23-37. -
23-38, .
. $1175
. 1625
. 1675
Barre, Vt.
Russians Paid "as High as 57,000,000
Rubles for One.(
Moscow. Dec. 23 (By the Associated
Press). The. demand for foreign iiir
ency has been to great during the last
few' days that for a time the dollar
on the Black Bourse brought 57,000,
000 rubles.' Tho market closed at 4V
An announcement that the comrnis
ariat of finamw was considering a
decree to prohibit individual retain
ing possession of the czar gold rubles
had much to do with the tumble of the
soviet ruble, according to financial
circles. The project under considera
tion would compel nil persons having
gold rubles to exchange them for guar
anteed state bank notes, just issued.
iww ii
n n cTr3 .
Pitlii 1
A jrif t for a woman
a resplendent electrical
Just a suggestion
The appropriate grift is the pleasing gift.
And nothing is more appropriate for the
mature matron or the recent bride than
serviceable, resplendent, up-to-date electri
cal gifts toasters, grills, percolators, irons,
and scores of others.
Montpelier & Barre Light
Power & Company
Telephone Montpelier 22 1 or Barre 216-R.
This Is. the Place
For the last minute Christmas shoppers to make
a quick decision, especially men who are looking
for something useful.
A Vacuum Cleaner is the most sanitary machine
ever invented for the home. $30.00 buys the best
suction sweeper in the market. $55.00 buys theA
famous Hamilton Beach sweeper with the motor
driven brush which beats and sweeps the carpet
better than any other machine.
We have more Table Lamps which we are clos
ing out at very reasonable prices considering the
quality. ,
Electric Grills, both round and square, make a
nice gift for MOTHER to make a quick meal.
These will look especially well on the gift table
Christmas morning.
A Parlor Fixture or Dome for the dining room
make a beautiful gift that will be used every day
in the vear.
, The young lady will appreciate a Curling Iron
or a Boudoir Lamp. It will make her think of
you every day.
Of course these are only a few of the many at
tractive gifts which we are calling to your attention.
Come in and let us help you make your selection.
oarre jh
lectric Co,
May Your Christmas
Be All You Would
Like It To Be
We take this occasion to thank every
one of our customers for the patronage
given us the past year. We are pleased
' and we, like you, will have a happy
Christmas. .
May you be able to say that "this is
the best Christmas I have ever had."
Again, may the day be just as you
would have it.
Moore &: Owens
Home of Hart' Schaffner & Marx Clothes
Barre's Leading Clothiers,
122 North Main St. Tel. 273-31.
""" '
$1,235 f. o. b.
The remarkable public demand this season for the
Willys-Knight is the sincerest endorsement of the exceed
ingly high quality that has been built into this great car.
Its position as the highest quality motor car at the low
est price on the market is unchallenged. No type of motor
ia so free from care, so free from the factors that cause de
terioration, as the Knight-type motor. In the Willys
Knight both coachwork and chassis have been admirably
designed to match the perfections of the most perfectly
designed of all Knight motors. . j-
Now this great high quajity of the Willys-Knight has
been enhanced by a series of improvements and refine
ments. They add a still greater value to the Willys-
Knight. .
Greater accessiility is provided. It is estimated that
these new features of construction save 20 per cent of the
usual time in making such adjustments as servicing: may
require from time to time in owner's use. This ir a big
factor in the sale of the Willys-Knight and an important
one for greater satisfaction to the owner at the dealer's
service 'station.
Tel. 750. Opposite Fire Station.
"The Day of the Knight is Here"
Christmas Greetings
We take this opportunity of extending to all a Hearty
Christmas Greeting; acknowled'ng our appreciation of the ,
patronage given to us during the past year; we pledge
ourselves to renewed efforts to merit a continuance of the
confidence and patronage of the citizens of Barre and those
who make it their trading centre.
Coal and Wood Dealers. Tel. 133.
We have a new consignment of that fine Second Growth
Wood that gave so much satisfaction.
Merry Christmas
is the wish
of .
Bell & Houston
to you all,
Happy New Year
Tel. 98 "For Your Electric Wants

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