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THE HA1UIK DAILY TIMES, BAUKE, VT. SATU11DAY, DECEMBER 23, ' 1022. Barre Trust Company istmas A little deposited each week will give you a plenty for next Christmas "FRUIT-A-TiVES" CUBE HEADACHES Because it is a Fruit Medi cine made from Fruit Juices Any amount can be deposited' in advance. Two Per Cent allowed on all Christmas deposits if payments are made when due. 25c Clllb ppposit 25c each week in 60 weeks you have $12.50 50C Clllb Deposit 50c each week in 60 week you ha ' 25.C0 $1 Club Deposit $1 each week in 50 weeks you have 50.00 $2 Club Deposit $2 each week in 50 weeks you have 100.00 ' $5 Club Deposit $5 each week in 50 weeks you have 250.00 Plus Your Interest COME IN AND JOIN WHILE YOU HAVE AN OPPORTU NITY. WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU i BarrefTrust Company MERL B. CLARK, Treasurer. CONVIGTEDOF WIFE MURDER r : Abraham Becker, a New York . Chauffeur, the Condemned' v HER'BODY FOUND LIME-ENCASED ft Was Juried in Auto He pair Yard of Becker's . Friend, Reuben Nordkin aeonac H. SCOTT Whitehall, New York. "In 1912, 1 was attacked by Severe Headaches, coming on at intervals 'of two weeks, and lasting two days and two nights. I tried seven different kinds of pills. One day while in Burlington, Ver mont, I found an empty "Fruit-a-tives"box.' I saw it wo a fruit medicine, made from fruit juices, and useful for hirer complaint; and I came to tho conclusion it was my liter that was causing my Headaches. I procured a box of "Fruit-a-tives" or "Fruit Laxo Tablets" and waited results. Tbeheadachesdidnotmate rialiie until the third week ; and hare never had a headache since and that was four years ago". GEORGE n. SCOTT. Kc box, 6 for $2.50, trial size", 25c. At dealers or from FRUIT-A-TIVE3 Limited, OGDENSBTJRG, N.Y. v York, lk', 23: Abraham Becker was declared jrililty of first degree mur der in a verdict early to-dny by a jury in the Bronx country court. The pen alty for the crime in New York state is electrocution. Sentence will be pro nounced Tuesday, He was convicted of killing his wife, Jennie, last April, by striking her over the head with an iron bar and burying ber in an ash pit. Months , later, when neighbors be come suspicious and Becker had been arrested, her lime-encased body was found in the shallow pit in the lot ad ! : . t i x. ii' Xordkin also was indicted for murder in connection with Mrs. Becker's death and is awaiting trial. ANTI-ARBUCBXE PROTEST Order to-day ice cream brick for Christina; the ice cream that is differ ent. Barre Drug Co.--adv. Issued By Church Association of Great- er Boaton. Boston, Dec. 23. "The voice raised in protest ajjaiiibt. the reinstatement of Koscoe Arbuckle as a moving picture star express the overwhelming senti ment of the church people of greater i Boston and Massachusetts," according to a statement issued last night on'be half of the Massachusetts federation of churches and the greater Boston fed eration of churches. , "The demand for state or national regulation of films will rreturn in an irresistible tide unless the motion ture interests themselves fulfill i pjc-tlieir K T- mm m Bb.JL 1 fFitrlffpl Thefirsl choke oj eight generations Baker's Chocolate - (PREMIUM H. t) . For making cakes, pies, pud dings frosting, ice cream, sauces, fudges. drinks. Hot and cold For more than one hundred end forty" years this - chocolate lias been the standard for purity, deli cacy of flavor end uniform quality. . It is thoroughly reliable. Made only by Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. E.l.bli.h.J 170 ' ' - " DORCHESTER. MASS. Booklet of Cholct Recipes gent free BIGGEST GRAIN SEASON Ever Known in the Fort William-Port Arthur Harbor. Fort William, .Ont., Dec. 23. The biggest grain handling season ever known in the Fort William-Port Ar thur harbor has just ended with tho close of navigation. . The board of grain commissioners announced last night that 31,517,127 more bushels were handled since Sept. 1 than in any previous season. 1 promise to give cleaner films," the statement continued. "In this case the personality of the actor is admitted ly associated with drunken orgies in violation of law. He cannot be al lowed to figure on the screen without saying by deeds to the impressionable youth of both sexes who throng the picture houses that morality and law count for nothing in comparison with having a good time." . ( -. Use Pea and Buckwheat. Coal As Auxiliaries to Your Furnace and Stove Coal ; "j. Bank the fire at night with it use it on miid days en tirelymix it one shovel pf fine to -three of coarse ar.y time. You will get good results and save money. We have plenty of wood. v. o ii o n I J Coal and Wood, Caider & iuchardson, phone 450 2S3I Victrolas and Victor Records Make an ideal Christmas Gift Our stocks on both are complete. When giving, give the BEST. V Littlefield Piano Company, Inc Formerly Bailey's Music Rooms THE HOUSE OF MUSIC ' Tel. 399-W. Gifts of ; II GAMS DROWN'S DRUG STORE Imported, Domestic, AH Kinds In Boxes of 10, 25 and 50. A Very Happy Christmas for Everybody A holiday stock that is first in .variety and quali ty, ,and fairest in price. Our beautiful dsplay of gifts meets all requirements from first to last. We have a most complete assortment of presents that everybody appreciates. Pleasing and beautiful at the same time practical and useful. Every de partment is filled with fresh goods and at fair prices. Come where there is' a wide choice, a fine variety and a grand opportunity to get the best and most suitable gifts for young and old. REMEMBER, OUR UP-TO-DATE STOCK IS IN CLOSE TOUCH WITH THE TIMES AND AN TICIPATES YOUR EVERY WANT. The Barre Drug Co., Inc. Barre's Most Modern Pharmacy, : Park Theatre Building, No. Main Street. J Money Deposited Is Money Saved Money Spent Is Money Gone COME IN NOW AND JOIN OUR NEW The Store for Useful Gifts Come ill and Join, DEPOSIT SOME MONEY EVERY WEEK-THAT IS OUR PLAN - , MONEY EARNERS Sure, you are going to need money next Christmas but will you have It? . You will when you come in and join our CHRISTMAS CLUB which gives you a SYSTEMATIC PLAN for deposit ing money regularly. FROM THEIR EARNINGS, men and women are in a position to deposit $1. $2. $3, S3, $10. $20 or more each week without inconvenience to themselves. To HAVE MONEY for NEXT CHRISTMAS or any other purpose, join our Christmas Club. JOIN TO-DAY. Business Men Business men are urged to encourage their employees to join our Christmas Club and to explain to them that it is a weekly method for banking money. Thrifty employees are the most valuable to their business. Join Our Christmas Club Today will start you in OUR will start you an OUR Come in and Join What the different Clubs will amount to in SO weeks INCREASING CLUB PLAN . I EVEN AMOUNT CLUB PLAN , I EVEN AMOUNT CLUB PLAN Why not an Electric Washer. We now have the new 1923 model Edens in stock which have many new features: One being the all Aluminum wringer. We welcome the opportunity to demonstrate. Our 'phone number is 26. Be Electric Store 14 Elm Street 1c Club 2c Club 5c Club 10c Club Deposit lc lit wtek. 2, 2nd week. Increase lc each week in 50 wee Deposit 2c lit week, 4c 2nd week. Increase 2c each week in 50 weeks Deposit 5c 1st week, 10c 2nd week. Inciease 5c each week in 50 weeks Depoiit 10c lit week, 20c 2nd week. Increase 10c each week in 50 weeks 12,75 25,50 63,75 127.50 Deposit 25c each week 4a 50 reeks Deposit 50c each week in 50 weeks Deposit" 11 each week in 50 weeks y Deposit $2 each week in 50 weeks.. $1 club 50.00 $2 Club 100.OO YOU CAN BEGIN WITH THE LARGEST PAYMENT AND DECREASE EACH WEEK How to Join 11 Why We Have Our Christmas Club $5 Club $ 250.00 $10 Club sr. ... 500.00 $20 ciub 1,000.00 $100 Club 5,000.00 Look at the different Clubs in table above and select the one you wish to join, ihe .c, 2c 5c. 10c, 25c, 50c. $1.00. $5.00, $10.0), $20.00 or more; then COME TO Ol IR JANK WITH THE FIRST WEEKLY DEPOSIT. We will make you a member of the Club and cive you a Christmas Club Pass Cook showing the Club you have joined We Pay 2 Interest on Christmas Club Accounts It is part of the business of our Hank to encourage thrift and to teach economj. In no better way can we render service to all o the people of this city and community than by jrivinjr them a DEFINITE PLAN f r sairfr their monej Our Christinas Club is just such a plan. V Granite Savin . .. 3 X I rast