Newspaper Page Text
THE B AlUtE DAI LY TIMES, RAltRE, VT. SATURDAY," DECEMBER 23, 192: S3ES STOWE WILLIAMSTOWN ')At the mid-month meeOnjr of tlio (.'onjrregiitiomtl dmri-li Services on II. II. Smith Relief corps Thursday' Sunday at -.10:43. A choir of male eveivnjj, Miss M ilUccnt Kaiser was in- voices under "the leadership of George itinted into the order and a program II. Goodrich will render Christmas mil in honor of Clara Burton wan carried I sic. Sermon topic, "The. Birth Night out. imludiiitf ieadimre by Mr. M. C, ' f 'a New Order." A Christmas sermon. Tinkham ami Mrs. V. L. Rceor and a under the direction of Miss Lena Wal lace. Thursday, Dec, 28, the ladies' union will give the annual family (up per, the union being boat to the fam ilies of il members. . pimio solo by I. A. Foster. .Supper m served' by' the color bearer. It 'was voted to hold the mid-munth 'meetings for the next three months on j the third Thursday afternoon instead 'of evening's as tiKiml. . 'Announcements have been received Sunday school at 12 m. Union service at 7:30..- A brief nermon appropriate to 'the scuson and tlie singing in charge of Mr, Outland will be Christ ina song and enrols. All singers are invited to come and help sing the good ! old t'lirixtiiius conga. Everybody is reminded of ihe-com- Benninjjton are shown in our window. Our prices put these gifts within the reach of all. Our shelves are loaded with usei'ul articles which make the most acceptable gifts. Barre,Vt. The M. 0. Phelps Co., Inc.: of the marriauu on-Nov. 30 at North i "1M ; "co " of Dewev ' Uronson anil " ,-," . " . : ; it ih jre.e. i jiri will meet at the public may bring from,! uuring iiienc nourw, also alter I u ciih k. irme names plain to avoid mistakes. Re- Miss Karah Alice Maon, daughter of i nd -br'n the children. Mr.-and Mini And. aw J. Magoon. of 1 oratiu g comim ttee MorrisvIHe, but formerly of Stowe. ! lltt11 from ;J t0 1 be P amssmsm ESEBISD SOUTH ROY ALTON his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Ladd, Thursday. S M Dearing, who has been ill, is Miss : Elizabeth Coutermarsh, who able to be out and attend to his liv- has been ill with pleurisy, is again sry business again. ablf to take UP her cll0l work- , ,. J. A. Whitney made a business trip Mr. and Mrs. L. R. "ter of t Barnard Thursday. 1 runbndge were- business MMtor. m Mr and FJrnh,m ,)ave town Wednesday. mov(Kj to their ,ac.e wim(tlor Miss Florence McGune of Mnte etTeet River Junction U stopping with her ' wftg n parents for a few days. ' fall on the ice, is a little better, but C. P. Tarbell was in Woodstock to ia gtin confined to her bed. it tend county court Wednesday and Mf and w A Famham 'at Inurstlay. tended the state grange meeting in Wright Hewitt is in town to spend ' i;uriington last week, he holidays with his parents. j Coutermarsll) W,M Miss Louwe -Metealf- has recovered j ,een Tisitinf? relatives in I'nmfret. ami Visit- , i farirlen. K. H.. flrriv-pH linnm at (Saturday. SOUTH WOODBURY lirom her lotijr iljncsij and was a )r at the S. R. II. Thursday. Mrs. Flora' Raymond of the South IRoyalton house- lias been ill since Tuesday. 'Austin Mierman of, the University Ijf Vermont is at home for the holi-lays. Frederick Ladd of Sharon visited CROTON E. J. Rutter, optometrist, will be at J. T. Darling's Tuesday, the 2(ith. Call and have your eyea examined. adv. Mrs. Jennie Strong left last Wednes day morning for Dery, N. H., where she will spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Harvey Goodell. Mrs. Belle Cate and son, Wallace, visited friends and relatives here for a few days before returning to their home in Windsor, Conn. Mrs. Agnes Dickie returned to her home in Rarre last Sunday, after spending several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Neil Daniels. Dorothea Ainsworth, Christine and Frank Morrison of Hardwick academy and Stanley Hall of Montpelier semi nary are spending the holiday vaca tion at their respective homes. Mrs. E. M. Daniels, who recently underwent an operation at the lanny Allen hospital, has returned to her home here. She is making good prog gress toward recovery. Ionnn Sumner was in Montpelier last Sunday. " il Dodge has rented his farm to II. Bill and has moved his family to Montpelier. - Mrs. Bert Parker is ill and Mrs. Ralph Bailey ia caring for her. . George Sumner of Detroit, Mich., is spending a few days' vacation with his family here. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Bruce of Mont pelier visited their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Btil, last Sunday. A daughter was born to Mr, and Mrs. Will Cookson on Dec. 14. Doris Hall came home Wednesday from the University of Vermont for a lew days vacation, E. M. Daniel was a recent visitor in Winooski. CORINTH George and Otia Hastings are spend Ing tlieir l.nnstmas vacation ot one week with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Hustings. They are studying in the bookkeeping department at Bay ruth institute, scliool of business train lug, in Springfield, Mass. 'W3 ' SPECIAL HOLIDAY ATTRACTION rJ&T MONDAY AND TUESDAY ONLY tSOT MATINEE and EVENING J va j Special Added Attraction f4 A r c-s-CUnyWaett Tle CARTER DE HAVEN in JSji M I HEADLESS HORSEMAN NV ' "Entertaining the Boss" iM nvV I Jidantd from - iame ews ueeuiy ffjSO WASHIITON IRVINGS V JWfi ff'4 LEGEND OF SLEEPY HOLLOW 1 KA ?fL WILL ROGERS . 5 i-njpt)). Ichabo d Crane ' j (A iHODXINSONl 'tifflffir l'g . Regular Time and Prices ?J Miss Magoon was graduated j Stowe high 'school in the class of l!tl6, and since then has been teaching in Torrington, Conn., .and this year in Springfield, closing '' her school there this week. Mr, Broncon haa a position in North Bennington and they will live hi South Shaftsbury. i Miss Jessie Southard of the Mont pelier high school faculty has been a visitor in Stowe thia week. ' Mrs. Mary Smalley has as Christ mas visitors at her home her daugh ters, 3if'iga Katherine Smalley, who is attending the New York state normal ebhool at Plattsburg and Miss Hilde garde, who is teaching at Amityville, L. I., and her son, Robert D. Smalley, of Poland, Me. ' Mrs. Flora Cushman has gone this week to Saulte Ste Marie, Mich., where she expects to pass the winter with her daughter, Mr. J. M. Loree and family. Clifton C. Stafford and Catherine Harris of the University of Vermont are passing the Christmas vacation at their homes. - Miss Pauline Franklin , went Satur day to pass the holidays with her par ents at Greenfield, Mass. ' . . . ' IVAITSFIELD Tuesday and Wednesday was the coldest weather of the winter po far. Thursday morning the thermometer registered more than 40 degrees warm er than 24 hours Ix'fore. ; Miss Alice Smith has been quite ill the past few days. Schools in town closed yesterday for the next two weeks, beginning again Jan. 8. Rev. U. A. Remele has returned from his southern trip as far as Nor folk, Va. Mrs. L. A. Livingston has received the news of the illness with pneumonia of her sister, Mrs. Mame Nichols, at the of her son, Hassie Nichols, in Rome, N. V. M. J. Long and grandsons, Gerald, Howard and Franklin Miller, left Wednesday for Hartford, timn David Mils is home for the holi days from Rensselaer school of echnolojry in Troy, N. Y Ornioii Tucker, Melvin . Livingston and Ruth Mehuron came home Wednesday from Middlcburv college, Mrs. Lizzie Livingston was at O. O. Boyce" Tuesday to help rar for Mrs. Caroline Bovce. Her condition is no better. The annual church dinner at the Congregat ional chudch will bo held on f-aturdav, Vec. JO. joe iavanway ana iamuy nave moved from Fayston to the Jerry Kyle place U, J. 1'almer ami Herbert Lorliss were in Waterbury Tuesday, member the expenses, and put a con tribution in one of the boxes to be found in any of the stores. The pro gram will please both children and grown-ups. ' Come early if you want a seat. -, Mrs. Ada Cliamberlin of Grand Isle is here visiting her sister,. Mra. Wal ter Freeman, and family. Lewis Freeman is in Chelsea, Work ing for Joseph Martin. , What Did I Get Last Christmas? -. Dear, me, I should have kept a list. I really meant to do so. "Of course, I Bhall never forget this little tea table that Bister gave me. How mamy, many times I have used it. ", ' ' " "Nor the sandwichtray that Uncle Ned sent. I shall always cherish that And the Windsor rocker from Nell what a charming gift that is. I can use it all my life, ( "Was it candy the cousins out west sent, and who did send those flowers' Seems to me I recoived some station ery too. I just can't for the life of me remember anything but my furni ture. ' "I wonder if that doesn't point t lesson. I think I'll make it a furni ture Christmas. I'm sure then that thelgifts I give will be remembered.' Buy these of B. W. Hooker & Co. ad - WATERBURY ' At the Christian Advent church to morrow, the pastor, Rev. J. F. Long land, has for the subject of his sermon? "The Wise Man's Query." Text, Mat thew 2:1-2, in part. Sunday school at 12. Evening service at 7:30. Sat urday evening there will be a' Christ mas tree at the parsonage. At the Wesley Methodist Kpiscopal church Rev. William R. lleasel, pastor, will have a Christmas sermon, fol lowed by the "white" Christ miyi in the Sunday school. Mrs. D. W. Cool ey and -Miss Stella Griffith have ar ranged an interesting program. Junior league at 3:30. Epworth league at 6 o'clock. Topic, "A Christniiys Carol Service." C.Vngregational Church Rev. John C. Prince, minister. Morning service at 10:30. Sermon topic, "The Star of (ircat Joy." Talk to children, Dean, Hodges story, "The Birth of the King." There will be . special music, j Church school ut noon, with special Christmas exercises. The Christmas pageant, "When the Star Shone," will he given at 7 p. m. The choir will be assisted by -f8 singers and characters iainfield Clmrcli BURLINGTON MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company , Burlington, Vt. A Vermont Company for Vermonters Your fire insurance premiums' are paid purely on faith. Faith that, in the event of loss the indemnity called for will be paid fully and promptly. The record of this home company in dealing with fire losses in Vermont is sufficient guarantee that your insur ance premium buys prompt and full protection. , Amount at risk $11,128,274.00 V Policy holders' protection . ....... 1,350,600.00 Ask for details .from any of these Burlington Mutual agents: r Drew & Lynde, Barre " A. E. Plastridge, Northfield ., Graces & Park, Wterbury B. A. Sumner, Montpelier Tjf. H. Jones, Waitsfield ' , Geo. E. Wilbur, Williamstown. BETHEL Total sales of Christmas seals by pupils of the village schools amounted to fS0.50, which is considered a re markable record, considering industrial conditions here. The grade children of Miss Parsons' and Miss Hassazn's rooms sold worth of the seals and the two days' sale conducted by sever al young ladies of the Blue Triangle club yielded f 28.50. The best in dividual records were those of Stanley Kdmunds, who sold 4"0, Merrick Ever ett .ViJ, Rosie Murretl 213, Bertha. Everett 203, David Cox and Theodore Ripley 200 and in the high school th team consisting of buzalwtn JtVase and Sophia Parrot t sold 1,100, Margaret Wallace and EIrbeth Billings 000. John L. Parrot has gone to his home i:i Riiston, after completing a busy sea son in town, aoing plastering, unca work and cement work. Mi Elizabeth Guodale is home from Middlehury college. Harold Wilson, Miss Betty Wilson. Winston Dunham Hollister Fletcher, Miss Irene Fletcher Perry Nichols and Philip Holway are horns front the i niversitv of errnont. Max W. Barrows is home from teaching in the Vv lllianwtown Jugh school. Mrs. Rolwrt Ashe of Rochester is here with her husband, who is working on the repair job at the Hortonia Pow er compai.y s dam. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sayers f Rox bury were Bascom house guestj Thurs day. GRANITEVILLE t'i 4 iX 51 - lit ' ' 'I .'I 1 bntl I mm TO-DAY ONLY- JESSE L. LASKV , PRESENTS To all the mcmlwrs, attendanta and friends of the church iu Plainfield, and to all the kind people who have be friended us in so many ways and for so many years, we extend our kindest mlics for a .Merry Christmas .and a Happy New Year. Arthur W. Hewitt, Nina B. Hewitt. New Year's hall, pymnasiiim hall. Graniteville, Jan. 1. Watch this ndr. a dr. Notice to Farmers. There will 1h a mwtinj; in Memorial room, city hall building. Montpelier, IVc. 27. at 11 a. m. This meetitifr U r the purpose of discussion of this ttibvf culin test fske and to form an orcani ration to combat some of this nlliai propapsnda. Also to carry the fight to th next general asscmhlj Come aim bring that neighbor. adv. SECRETARIAL, ACCOUNTING AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION COURSES : Start January 2, 1923, at the Albany Business College Other Courses every Monday of the Year. SEND FOR CATALOG . CARNELL & HOIT, Albany, N. Y. ''E Wallace WALLIES' LATEST, SO FULL OF. FUN YOU'LL TALK ABOUT IT FOR DAYS. DON'T MISS IT! ' Also V "SON OF A SHEIK," comedy PATHE NEWS WEEKLY - Park's Christmas present to the children Monda?: Spe cial show for children only, Monday morning: at 10 o'clock. Admission free. We request that each child bring a dis carded toy which will be given to charity. . HOME OF paramount PICTURES ICC Cream- MICKS See Cireamni BMOKS 62 Men in 100 Picked this over-size 25 njear pen. ' from a trmy ot mtartd pnn "tJAKPSOMCa Vhmn oId'" was h , El !! b.rr.l I, ci,,,,,,. '.o tt( wlih mr tlM. 1, tifc Indian fMHnt S!rr. Sttpinan ' yryvr a.rd (h. r a.a.- arnaatioai of h UuofoiS'a baiK. a!ia ktl The lee Cream That Is Different Especially put up for your Christmas Dessert! , COUNTRY CLUB BRICKS Containing MAPLE WALNUT CIIEHRY ' ORANGE, PINEAPPLE Order To-day! " BsFFe Bmq ' Co., line. Park Theatre Bld TeL 613. SJllGfold I BARRE DRUG CO.