Newspaper Page Text
THE BARRE DAIKY TIMES, RARRE, VT. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23, 19 Happenings of Interest from Different Sections. Middlvburr merchants report tlit-ir L Christmas trade larger this fyatvn thsn ever before. Rev. C. E. Beeman, who has been a Grand Isla pastor for a time, begins duty Jan. 1, at the Morgan Memorial in Boston, with a large salary. Supt. VY G. Smith, who since' Au gust, 102), lias been superintendent of schools in the district conifriniiij? the towns of Orwell, Khoreham, .Bridport, Benson and Fair Haven, has resigned this position to become instructor of science at Vermont academy, Sa.vtons Jliver, goiiif? on Thursday to assume his new duties. 1 Mr. and Mrs. D. Wesley Davis celebrated their golden wedding an v niversary at their home in I,udlow Thursday, Most of their married life ias been spent in Guilford. Mr. Davis was 73 years old the day before the anniversary, is a carpenter by trade and able to do a good days work, Mrs. Davis is 69. Mr. Davis announced that on his wedding day, Dec. 21, 1872, the snow was four feet deep on a level. Mr. and Mrs. Noble D. Parjkh ob- served their fiftieth wedding anniver sary Dec. 18 at the Congregational church parlors in Hinesburg. Both were born and have always lived in Hines burg where Mr. Piirtch, has filled most nf the offices of trust and honor in the town. One guest was present at the . anniversary who attended the wedding f0 years before, Henry M. Page, a brother-in-law of Mr Partch.. On a recent evening an Orleans coasting party was in an accident that resulted in serious injuries to some of i , them. The steering rope broke, mak- w fng them lose control of the Bled and they collided with a hydrant. There were Vi persons on the sled. Only four were seriously injured. Fred Brown lias a broken leg, Roy Dawson had o-ie leg badlv bruised and lacerated, . Tbclma Collctte had one knee badly hurt and it was feared at first that it might be permanently stiff, but it seems to be getting along an rignu Alma Bickford was badly shaken up l-and lamed. Broadcasting Station XMAS -i - " ' -' m mwii mil i m win m mart 11 1 111 'WWrn-mmmkmrmmtmiamimmimmmmimn 1 "" " " ' ' 1 " "" mmm 1 1 1 ' ' 11 ""1 AMERICAN HOUSE Hanover Street BOSTON The House of Good Cheer Rooms Rtr 12.00 per day and up. Two new fireproof Garatps one Block in ths mr of the House. RATHSKELLER Bunlneae Men's Lunch from noon to 2:80 p. m. ' - Mnnrr from 6 p. m. to S p. m. Eupoer from i n, rn. to 1 a. m. A Is esrts IS dy. Mile from ( p. m. to 1 p. m. br Seotty Holme On-heatra and tha Imperial Marimba Band Banquet Rooms from 4 to 600 peopl Telephone Harmarket 4740. Three Lines for 25c LELP WANTEl-MALE FOR SALE 0. ' ' i, i4;;;f".iVrrV"T.n irr.trvr Yl !... I tTfttt OAT V r .. ... ...! 4 in Timm will mibliir. wmw, 1-4 . .rt . ..ui.. . .... . ,.(- cruris. '..,- i-.tH .-.- .MsnVi hr.a4 i. e. To Let. etc.hort Pdver- w 'r'ni""'" " V, 7 YZIl ' a "13V-w Z 17" .7 Write Kail way. cr Dan and Iron betis and erit, whit cotton mattroiactt, new quilUv blankrtj, aheU bad Huementu--at the rati, of three line for portion 7. a a . a ,a m a.lM anjl I 1 111 48. en cent, for ch sntooiuant in.ertion. W A.NTED A younk man for ahippina and VS'' J?" i, n?r JX ei?.S cinrind work: must ba brisht in matne- . - . il; matica ; Jonea Bro. Co. i3ntf HOUSES FOR SALE IwAWiir r a nit t?m ir n! a. X . .- PAnn run -c i wv n tj wa wkivcw. land; aom fruit, prins- watw: apply to MAN To aeU and hire aKenta; n Mn. A. Cearln. Box 62. Heckler Mil. ...iOT .j , - Barr. . WW" NflRRRRIKK. Rhator. N. Y. fMU 2Mte lnvit- FOR SALE Fimt claaa drirn aleiirh and ill at , t uiiii 182-J. UM f 3811 1L i wwrwj viwacv, DEStRAPI ' r6TTA.E3IN"EFST"PART 7.xrr.- i - I CALljAT THE BARRE CREAMERY il OPCITV FOR SALE OR RENT For Imt farm work B F Narraaawr. WUI lima- .!i"'-An,Ir r1' lin" v f 1 madUta weupancyi McAUiatar Kent .JyT B F" wrrMM"' WU"2"otf ITf' Prmv"r bocka and beadi: must ba gntf aold at one: a nice picture given awuy , wanted A few food men lor in w caiter; r, n. vtuinian. FOR KALE-Th. E. A. Prtadl. ",o? TbTwIn T eim avenue, tornw '' "".Ij Rieker Milla. Vt . Keith aveni-e. Lakealde; pontoffiea COMMISSIONERS' NOTICE ESTATE OF LAURA E. ANGIER. The underatKned, havinir seen appointed b FARMS FOR SALE lha honorable probata court for the dintrict . EQUIPPED , FARM of Waehinston, eommitonre, to r:eive, ehecka fil FOR SALE Cream 60 a month ; health tha fauna for examine, and adjuat tha -laim end .r-nda a autcW arl fleet write for particular to of all persona atrainet the estate of Laura "Farm." care Timet. Vlltt E. Ane' r. lata district, deceaaed, oi7iei mereco, aereoy five none b--- r-i iol-K will meet for the nurpoee aforesaid, at ,u"'u the McAIIUtcr Kent offices in tha City of Barre In aaid diatrict. on tha 20th Only IS00.00 Is required a firat payini day of Decern her and th day of 3 una on this 0 cre farm In Berlin ' "J1 J1' ?lfb irj in RnsTLEVHl... famu SO aerea. 4 n.llrs ih. Llv. Zi ihaTw. tTam Montpeller; John , F. BauLvmln. hereby lve notice that a Brr( w ,44. 1gtf T7 ANTED GRANITE CUTTERS AND QUARRYMEN - To take nlaeea of tha whose ansa merit with thli Company expired on March Slat, 1K2. and who hara refueed to resume work on tha , AMERICAN PLAN Penmsnent rmpiormant at MTLFORT. MASS.. KFENE, N. R ad STONY CREEK. CONN. 44 honra nor week. Nearly We are Darin high elaea Monumental next, from 10 o'clock a. m.. until o'clock twenty acres of practically level tillaga land rranlte cutters and earrera, IS. SO to $10 and p. m., on each of aaid daya and that aU tn oim mi and about tea " " nt elasa ouarrymen S-0 to 4 0 Pjr dar. months from th 10th day of Daeamber, other i balance pasture and woodland j ae. J.rh man furnished frea IS00.00 LIFb A. D. 1822 Is the time limited by said en room shtnbled side cottase house In good SURANCE so lof aa ha remains In ot court for aaid eredltoni to preaent their ahape; basement barn with leaato for rte.- employ. Worklns conditions at oar plants claims to us for examination and allow. ' : an tie 1J heed J suirar buab ! fruit are the best In the Granite Indnatry. ,nce. trees, etc. On R. F. D. and cream learn APPRENTICES WANTED Dated at City of Barre. VC this 16tn day "ije; oaa wawr. 1 ",,.,Z..,aL 10 "e frranite euttlna; traaa. 1 of December. A. D. 1922. GEO. KENT, morton h.' McAllister, Conimiasiontra. PeclS-28-80 Commerce of AtJantie Ports. Xew York ranks first in imports, 9, WHITE RIVER JUNCTION STATION. ,., e Pres. Hustis of Boston & Maine Talks With Citizens. ( I President Hustis of the Boston' and Maine railroad was in White River Junction Dec. 13 on Lis special train and gave a hearing in his private ear for an hour to a committee from the 1' board of trade and a newspaper rep ' resentative, discussing railroad prob lems in general and the possibilities of a new union station, says the White River Junction Landmark. The special pulled in at about 7:30 p. m., after having made a tour of some of the Boston & Maine lines. It had on board, besides the railroad execu tives, the members of the commission appointed by the New England gover nors to study the transportation prob lem, including James F. Dewey of Hartford. President Hustis and Superintendent Folsom of the Passumpsic division talked frankly with the business men r who met them and asked to have any matters that needed attention brought to their notice. The committee from the board of trade consisted of Senator elect Jsmes A. Staeey, Representative elect P. K. Adams, Selectman O. O. Nichols and G. H. Miller and L. A. Per kins. Mr. Dewey was also present dur ing the conference. Mr. Hustis stated that the railroad situation at White River Junction was one that needed to b remedied at the earliest possible moment, both for the convenience of the public and the ease of operation for the railroadM, but that tie could make no promise of what could tKTdone or when any changes would be made. He commended the pa tience of the people who make use of the railroads entering White River Junction, for both passenger and freight transportation, urging that pa tience be exercised a while longer un til the roads secure more funds to make needed changes and until what is to become of the New England rail roads has been threshed out and set tled. The representatives of the railroad said that ther understood the general sentiment to be opposed to opening the subway leading to the station and stated that to have the added conges tion on the present platforms that would arise from use of the subway would he dangerous and unsatisfac tory. The platforms should be made longer and wider and one or two of the tracks should be moved nearer to Main street if the station is to remain where it is, they said. They spoke of the extra amount of freight now being handled, which rauses delay in the movement of both freight and passen ger trains, declaring their belief that for the improvement of the general service) the first problem to he solved here is that of yards and facilities for the interchange of freight between the roads. and better, He has also done a good deal toward makinir steam navigation Kttth nlnanant ami nrnHrnttlA for Hmall boats, as during his time he invented ' 100.868 flon.) tons, and first in ex some Ereat improvements on small! ports, 9,l.i713! ton', Boston second m boat engines propelled by steam, al (imports. 2 fi.H .21)1 tyns and sixth in ex most all of which have since been re-jnorts, C24.3AO tops (for many years placed by gasoline-driven power boats. , Boston wa second in reswt to both Mr. Ktiekney has done more or less in imports 'and exports); Philadfdphis; that line also, but he has not achieved J third In imports. S.10 0S7 ton, end such a success in this line as he did in J third in exnorts. 2.39(1.705 torts : Balti his earlier inventions pertaining to the mor1 fourth in imports. 480 tons canning industry. It would be hardd fourth in exports. 2.077.84T tons; for anyone- who did not have access to ( Norfolk fifth in imports. B3S.401 tons, Mr. Stickney's books to know just howj,n(1 eond in exports, 2.588,446 tons; many patents he has been granted. In j Portland, Me., sixth in imports, 277.- some caws ne am noi, pmnii u.s "- 774 tons, and seventh Insexports, mccs dui iuois. -ii me ui S07 tonsj Newport News wg copied too remaiy. in rooai cases, i rt 2iUg0. tons. ( and however, he protected the inventions he worked out with the patent office guard and has done well by nearly all of them.- "Through the Periscope," in the Portland Press Herald. 1 807 tons ; Newport News seventh in fifth in exports. 1.J14,23 tons. Of the imports into these ports aTI but 38 per cent eonsisfffd "f bulk oil, or cr?;o hrouoht from the Went Indies and the Caribbean. This fart empha sizes the importance of an extension Automobile Repair and Operation Options: ALTO MECHANIC ALTO FLKCTKICIAN IJ.VITKBY MAINTENANCE Twenty weeks' eourse New Sections formlnc Jan. 2, 12S t A. M. to 4 P. M. Monday to Friday, ineluelve. FEE 1170.00 Payaaents at Intervals dariae, cearee Electric Wireman Tea weeV eourse Sestions forminc Jan. 2, mi. and April 3, 19218 A. at. to 4 P. M. Monday to Friday, In clusive. FEE $80.00 Psyaienla at Intervals daring averse Also Day Course in Indus trial Chemistry and Stationary Engineering (Steam). Clrealare an Application Unexcelled jKeulpanat FRANKLIN UNIOM -Franklin s Gift la Beaten" i.1 Berkeley and Applet on Sta. Boston 18, Mass. Newport News are largely of coal, and from Portland, wheat grown in Cana da. These two commodities make up nearly half of the total exports of the North Atlantic district. During the fiscal year 4,678 foreign vesxela and 3,129 American vessels brought cargo to North Atlantic ports. Of the Amer ican ships, 1,102 were under control of tha bhipping board, and 2,117 were privately owned. Exports were car ried in foreign vessels and 2,070 ! American vessels, ur tne latter .u were controlled by -ipping board, and 2,119 were privately owned. The Nation's Business. COMMISSIONERS' NOTICE ESTATE OP PETER D. THOM. The undersigned, harms been appointed ; Iky the honorable probate court for the die j trtct of Washington, commissioners, to re-1 ceive, examine, an", adjust the claims ana demands of all oereona eesinjit the "state of Peter D. Thorn, late of City of Barre, In said district, deceaaed, and all claims ex hiblted in etTset thereto, hereby nve notice tha we will nvwt for the purr ifnresMd, t at the office of Younat Brothers Co., in tha City of Barre. In aaid district, on the 9th day of January and 8'h day of June, next, front t o'clock, a. m.. until s o'clock p. m.. on each of ssid days and that , sis months from tJw 7tb day of le ember. . A. D. 1922. is the time limited by said court ' for said creditors to present their claims ' ; to us for examination and allowance. 1 " 11 da0'. Ul" uth 'Ut " S. HOLLISTER JACKSON FRANK . SMALL. ALEX J. YOUNG. Commas toners. DeelS-2S-S farm. Price only tS.O00.00i- Will include pi; to ,t,rt ,n( advancement aeeordrear tools and stock at reasonable price. t to Improvement. Full wages when you 45-acre Plainfteld farm. Si milea irtra can produce a standard day's work. . Barre: irood nine room house, two barns j APPLT TO produetive land. Will keep six or eight Milford Pink-Victoria mite Granlts cows and team. Price, with tools, at only r Milford lfaaa IIMIV.VVI 4W WniW. fUVVi.V v v balance easy. " Better let us show these to you while the roads are good. ' i M -H-yP GRANITE COTTR3. OTJARRY WORK CTS. POLISHERS, TOOL SHARPENERS AND LUMPERS. TAKE NOTICE LABOR TROUBLE TN BARRE. VT. AND VICINI TY AT PRESENT. , A NO. 1 RIDING SLEIGH FOR SALE 1 Or will exchange for bay or straw : John f Stalblrd,. Washington, Vt. 28l WOODWORKTNO 8HOP FOB SALE- "now aa the Bus bee or C. H. Rowel I J woodworking shop, consisting of mill, ma- i emnery and lumber abeds 1 all machinery In good running order; good proposition for one or more live young men. reason for Bailing, going into anothor business : esll mill any week day from 7 to 6 : C. H. is wowell. 23t8 DRY HARD W00DRATr6(Fer i run, delivered in Barre: Chas. L. Wood- ; bnry. Berlin, Tel. 94-. 2S4t FOR SALE Quarry of monumental sran-f It and cutting plant. Established Is I rears, supplying state of Oretron, Idaho and J Washington. Quarry one mile from wain line R. t. Liberal terms to practical men. ? Addreaa BAKER LOAN ft TRUST CO., -Baker, Oregon. 2i5t t FOR SALE High grade vlofine; many dif- ferent models old and new; very niod- lerate prices t come early and get first J choice before Christmas : W. R. Cameron store. 161 Washington Street, Barre. tiiti i WE HAVE A VERY USEFUL AND f ?R,ACTICAr' LINE OF CHRISTMAS GIFTS for ladies and children at reason- I sola price; Morris Sales Co., 892 No. Main , f"- .Jmt FOR SALE To settle estate. Tha propyl erty known as the Groton Mfir. Co. A : Johnson vnllt v . . 'Johnson It Hal!) situated In Tonsham. if. miles from Groton railroad station, eon- slsting of water power aawmill. tiweilinir ' house and out buildings, considerable t)l-!i lege and pasture land and atanding bard and soft timber to ooerate tha mil) f or a j number of years. Fine oDoortunlty fori eope one who win live on the property ; w invite insnection; for particulars eaJl on 4 or address Groton Wg. Co., Groton. Vt, s 229tf ; .The Constable's Argument. Constable This wretch is cliargrd with Sabbath breaking. He was seen shaving himself .Saturday and again on tne following Monday. Magistrate But that's not on the Sabbath. Conatiihle. True rmfr it nmnt ni. f our imports in American vessels, tive that he permitted his beard to r.xporr snipmpnm rrom AorioiK anrtiprow on the Sabbath. Houston Post. TkonE-riansPcri with over-size ink capacity and Mo tjeax point- WHAT TO GET? That's your big Christmas question right now. Answer it at Marchetti's. Where you want some remembrance that radiates Christmas cheergive a basket of delicious Fruit or a pretty box of nice Chocolates. It's a gift of solid goodness and pleasure an intimate, personal gift that goes hand-in-hand with the holly and the Christmas wreaths. . FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS DIMVER . Mixed Nuts - Two pounds for 45c California. Soft Shell Walnuts, Almonds. Castanaa, Filberts, per ft. 13c up; Paper Shell fecana, ft. 80c; Xew AValnut Meats, ft. tol - ... .Etr fancy Extra Fancy Blue Goose Indian Riv- CaUfornsa Navels and Florida er Florida Grape Fruit, 3 and 2 Orange for 25c; Star Indian Rivea Grip Dosen 30c up Fruit, 4 for 23c Fancy Malaga Grapes, Amber Tinted, Sweet as Honey, per ft. 23c Fancy Red Emperor Grapes, Swaet and Luscious, per ft . 30c TWO OLD RESIDENTS DIE. Saxtons River People (2 and 15 Years Oil Kaltoni River, Dec. 2.1. Two of the oldeet and life-long residents of this village died at their hornet here Thurs day morning, Marshall A. Wilder, ... and Miss Harriet Foster, S3. Mr. Wilder was for many years the well-knowa proprietor tf the old Sax tons Kiver hotel previous to its demoli tion in 1003 to mske way for the pres ent fWixtons River inn. Ilia father. Abel K. Wilder, was proprietor before j liim. .Marshall Wilder never married and leaves no near relatives. Miss Foster died at the home of a Mts Edith FoMer, where she had made her home many years. She leaves no nearer relatives than the niei.. In this town., thus far this month 13 deaths have occurred. Of three three were over l) years, three over SO, four over TO and one over 60, making a remarkable record of kngev-itr. T ETl he-man get his handa on thle bis, busl- n ess-1 lk Uuolold and bi d rather let o of aeven dol lars than the pen. Press the button and it'a filled. Over-size barrel holds nearly twice th Ink ol the ordinary. Native Iridium point as smooth aa a Jewel od guaranteed 23 years. Step in and see this laequer-rcd elaaale with Jet black tips nod neat, (old pocket clip. n Dnofol Deofctf Jr. C BARRE DRUG CO. 0 Gulden Rip Bananas, per dog 23c up Fancy Eating Apples, dot. 30c, 40c Tangerines,, dos 50c Dstes, per ft. I3c; 3 lbs 40e Figs, per ft. ..... 18c, 23c, 35e, 50c Imported Malaga Cluster Raisins. I'stkage 43c Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries, tjt. lie Italian Chestnuts. 2 lbs. for ... 25c Baldwin, Greenings, Russets and Sweet Apples, per pk. 60c It's different. Pure Sugar Christmas Candy, Five pounds fj Hard Candies, per ft.-.. . .. 29c Cocoanut Pop Corn Brittle, ft. 29c Rock Candy, ft , 2,c Peppermint Patties, ft .. 34c Chocolates, per ft ;.. 25c up Fresh made Peanut Brittle, ft. 23e Kibbe's Peanut Butter, Molsss and Honey Kisses, ft 25c Jordon Almond, per ft. ....... 3)c Neceo Peach Blossoms, ft J5c EXTRA SPECIAL Five-pound box assorted Bostonian Chocolates bperial basket of fruit ... 1.23 A Modest Iaventer. Henry R. Stjr-Vney, the B.a has probably made as muh money out ol his mex ban kail intent cits aa has any ma in this a'ate the jv il l.: esre-ptma of the Mn:m. Mr. Mrt-net- rr intrnled ant thing tlt re t .'ut um red the wo. i, ,.r sTthin; l ie llsst. b::t he has ! r-. a g 4 dal t irsfce ttie i.!i.try caier V Teeth Extracted Without Pain We have new diseotery for Staking false teetS that fit by a new suction method, only fiS P- We do not use poster fr Iskinf lmpreeKBs as the oew etictiost method is more pl suing and eay f r the patient. 22-K t9 crow- aly $5; ethsr dentists ask $10. Fi'.!:nts aal b-licework jr lit new i&Uy metkod. Prices reasoa able. Dr. Meagher's Dental Parlors Prnfir-rsl n'irse atttnlant. FTfrs: Psi'y to S; even.rf J to , : Suu'iaT by spfomtneet Fresh Celery, Lettuce, Tomstocs and Radishes Saturday. FREE DELIVERY MarchettPs Fruit Store . On the Square "Doctor, I think I have an auto heart." "AH right, pecd, take me driving." Have a heart. Take care of your car. Let us look after it for you. It should be overhauled a couple of times a year and be inspected at regular in tervals. We are the folks to do it and to look after your repair work, too. Ordway & Johnson Garage 12 Prospect St, TeL 337-M. ATTORNEY AT LAW Jackson B'ock, 100 N. Main EDNA G. JENNINGS ATTORNEY AT LAW Jackson Block, 100 N. Main ORRIS H. PARKER & CO.. CERTIFIED PUBLIC , ACCOUNTANTS, INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS. Montoelier. VU Tel. M2. ' Office with American Fidelity Co, Until January First. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Stenorrphrir, an who him had wponimDV in Hrawuia uinv. vtvri :" 1 - Jonea Bros. Co. 2aet vruuu FOR SALE Dry tour-foot wood; xiia-wT-M 1'tZ AJZl'nt lit rurar Khools In WashlnrtOT ., Vt. ad- osir Montoell- f.m, and Is of excellent dress M. W. Chamberlin. Washinrton. , V t. mMutT ; K. H. Moody. Tel. 68 aterboryJ vs. C7f 5 WANTEDExperienced waitress ; also cham bermaid for session of lecalature: Pa vilion hotel. Montnelier. Vt. 24t WANTED An asslsUnt to the cook at Heaton hospital. Montpeller. MM WANTED Youns women to enter Barre City hospital training school to train to become nurses t apply to the superintendent at the hospital. lOTti MISCELLANEOUS CASH PAID for furniture, stoves, cloth. write Abram Fine A Son, SOS North Main J street. KI7' THREE 8MGHTLY USED PHONOGRAPHS rtB SALS at a barirsin price; also one! piano, need only ahrmt six weeks; also ones Jleyer riano; Lamorey Clothins Co., Barre. y iw WOOD FOR SALE No. 1 aelected '' eld rtwtli hody Work wood, on tot er de. livered. TeL10-J. ttltt FOR SALE A. preparation for rWnlnf rranlte and marble monuments r hriahtene np the lettering and makea the whola mmv ment look clean and new : ruaranteed ; price on application : Jamsa Sullivan, lis Park j street. Barre. Vi lt Make This a Radiola Christmas Radio is the latest addition to American home life. It is a unique and appealing combination of utility and enter tainments which is intensely interesting to every member of the family. All our receiving sets are easily installed by amateur or novice, and the results obtained will satisfy the most exacting experts. We have a variety of sets ready for your inspection and we would suggest that if you are ready to install one that you do it now. The Ideal 1922 Christmas Gift for the Whole Family. - General Radio Supplies. REYNOLDS & SON RADIO PERMIT required on insurance policies. Please notify this if you use a radio in jour rause. Per mits are FREE. J. W. Dillon Bolster Biwtk. Barre. Vt, These 3-R. Stock anil Tools at Auction I have sold my farm and will dis pose of my stock and tools at public sale on Friday, December 29, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon oa tha premises where I live two miles from hast Orange and four hi lies from Washington.- it tt i e i-1H V. Six grade Holstein eows, jrood pro ducers, 1 yearling, 3 calves, S shoata. Tools Two sleds, 6 H. P. Rasoliiie engine rireular saw and drag saw, etorsge tank, evaporator, 2 gathering lanks. sujrsr-ofT pan, 400 tin nap buckets, De- Laval separator, milk ran. 6 ft. wa ter tub, corn sheller, eneilage cutter and 30-ft. carrier, two lumber wagons, express wagon, bupjry, mowing ma ehine, Iiore rake, plow and harrows, 22-ft. ladder, cultivator, corn planter, portable ruler mill, ox hay rack. Samp son prsin thresher, two wood-turning lathes and belts, pair driving harnesses, ox vol.. a, some blacksmith tools, and all small tools. Also a quantity of household lurnittire, etc. , Terms at time of sale. Lunch at noon. December 29th, at 10 o'clock. CHARLES E. DOW, Owner. D. A. PEKRY, Auctioneer. DR. LEWIS D. MARTIN OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Offir In ftoem IS. Miles fritMlnc Telspbaoe Ceaaectia . OFUCE HOTJRSt a. m. to It ns. as. 1 ;M U ip.m. Moo day. Tuaaaar, Tanradajr and Prldr " DR. HOWARD A. DREW OSTTOr'ATTnC UTTSICIAH BLANC HARD BLXKL 'Pkeacst OIBoa. 'Os-W; JUsldeae 10-t TO., OmCS I2S-M. RBSTOENCB. , COIXKCTIONS EDWARD C. DUFFICY LAWYER . BOLSTM ttAKX BAJUUC. TT. NOTAJIT PUBUO 19 1J 'nvhov.v3 m KHor 'JA-flX n3 irr r Sao qII sl jo jno tuojjoq air a,u o 0a m jeirl exnja te pevg upQ pus uua oty cravoa hxsv n ohyoh tvm H3VJ aTVM. aooo am noX Mt)A HOUSES TO RENT TO RENT At M Washlneton street suite of rooms: also one alnirle room, , rum,tuw4 , . m I . w u u u 1; ,1.1)1. , TeL 718-X or ealL mt TO RENT A .room tenement: also a 4- Toom tenement: In nulr at Mr. J T Callaa-han. 44 Park street. Tel. 1T4-W. Ilfftf TO RENT Upatairs tenement at ST Arere LUMBERING JOB TO LET Jofc to eat. I stree; 4 rooms. Bantry. bath, tas mni aaw and slah 800 to ' dofl cords wtwt : eitccnc ii.Rt; apply ze Spaaldins stnet. ood romp ; for pertieulars Inquire of Ed-' I05tf ward St. Peter. Williams town, Vt. 8Gt8 . gMALL TTMENT TO REVTAlFmon: SAWS FILED All kinds and shapes of rn conveniences: hot water." (as. bath, aawe;!mve at Averill's Hardware srore : ! wood abed and large ssrden j apelr Leon L. Tel. 441-M. 21 Hisbtland Are. S2itf g4 Merchant atreet, Barre. tOXtt WHY W A IT T Have that car painted ntw i TO RENT Two small modem tenements:' and avoid the snrlna s rush : 72 Bouts- me u-iaira ana one oowa. -rooms eacB) Main street: H. Busier. Tel. 15-J. STtS oieniy or lano ror earuim : Inquire of Mrs. --.--r..,1 Vn-e,.. K McDonnell. Tel. 10. lOStf SOUTH MAIN STREET We are opened TO RENT Nov. 1. second stonr tenement tbr business: come and are na in reirard i , fr rooms, bath and pantry, centrally te box makina. roll tamina or mast any- located: Tel. 764-W. ISStf thins In the woodworking line. ?tS ROVSK TO RENT At No. 1 River afe FtfRNTURK AND PIANO MOVING John . Barr Vt: Strona Hardware Co., Borllne- Anderson, 110 Ba. Maio street. Tel. lilt PERRY & NOONAN UNEXCELLED FUNERAL TV R NTS HIN .3 Boaprtat AasbuaBce Barviaa Undertakers and Licensed Embalmers Depot Biuare. Barre. Tel. eeanertlot. -W C. R GALE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 1 EAST ST.. BARRE, THONT5 88 DR. W. FAY MANN. Jr. Dentist Eastman Block TeL Offlre TSS-M. Rouse Tl-M. Office Hours s to IS a. as.. I to I p. a, Mender and Saturday I ll I n, CANCINO LESSONS Private Instroctlon by appointment: call at 172 Mala erreet. pbene t4-W Marie Quiolaa. tSStf TO RENT Vaeuom cleaners : The Bltrs Stare. 14 Elm street I44tt WANTED ton, Vt 1741 POUR ROOM TENEMENT TO RENT All newly repaired ! Tel. 7S4-W. lttf TO RENT Fire mom dowrntsirs tenemenU with electric Ilchts and bath, cellar, barn nrirdeem and a-ood rsrden; situated at 14 riark St.. relenbone 6S-R or inouirs at 11-12 Howland RlHe. Stfltf ClOtf LOST AND FOUND WANTED Work for winter: state wsr ef- , . . . ,.... n a r... ri. 1 Held. Vt ' ' 237t4 FOUND Gent!emas" left hand (time I STOCK" MONUMENTS -Wlll buy .n" kind. . " Time, office by of finished a-ranite work; send sketches iB '"5sdverttsina. Mt9 with lowrnt eaah prieea to "Stoek." rare LOST. STRAYED OR STOLEN A black Rarre Timsa. tJltf Shrr-herd dor, with white strip on fore. HIGHEST" CASHP RJC-SP-idfT raw "s!uf Zr feetbh" JMttm fur. by D. N. Huat, 28 Et SUU str- Uilf regard th."?. IL MrwteJier. Huuse, Pl.infleld. Vt ; - J 2S4t WHITE ASH LOflS WANTEp-Delle.rrf LoSTrTbiack and' teXT."bbiVid,r In on the R. R. W nte or call for spe Mem- vk.inj,y js.nhfleld. n g Johnshury VI '"7' ,'""." "V , mad: Tel. 7S7-W: Paul Restelli. 7 Mania State St.,JIornetler.V,TeI. 0. lS0tl2 .-.-ue: uw N u, OD B.ra. w. WANTED We are ready to 1st ear palp Ward en other. 285tf erood to haul: bia or small amount: tha v. ot- . r e-rnr wxr . . . 11 Ef '!Jr V,.T t t?HH Zrl f"' H..Utein heifer, dehorned, due Strafford - Tin dale. F. H. Ooodrld. man- to trrXm h. Feb: ear taK No. K.S48 : eon- aeer. Plainfleld. Vt XX7tZ ..jvi- kl.rW nn hark and .,.- rail 136: reward offered. S26tf GAGE & GAGE Chiropractors Carrlsr Block Monday, WsBaday, rriday 7 t 8 p. n Ttirsdar, TurslsT, Saturday to 3 p. m. Thnns Offif Wt W.. Beltterto 321-4 WE ALWAYS HAVE Jaet what ywa are loos me" for In tke line at jesmlry. Urerwmrai. cut Sass, ete. Aiaa ttatieaery. Oor watt- ana eiera repair wars aaae. en te4. O. J. DODGE, te Jeweler tt ei m rnutrr HORSES AND JVEHICLES UPSTAIRS AT (ALTON'S Hie Team Rlsnkrta with Heme Leathers ft. S-A Stable Blankets I2.4S Fur ftobe and Fur f oats. ALL ROADS LEAD TO COLTOVS, S Ktate Street MentpeHer. Vermont MILK INSPECTOR WANTED ()-. mttW lri.i.tnr la wantl tnr ttia CH9 ! Rarr Aonlirant shall eiva rafte-anra to the board of Iwelth. ANfiELO CALDERARA. JOHN McLEOD. UStlt BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PLEASANT. PROFITABLE. PERMANENT BUSINESS CHANCB offered reliable rep-! rwientaties by The Knbt r. O. rmi IS, Rutland. Vt -1(H A Few Engines MARKED DOWN ANNUAL MEETING. Everything Must Go By Saturday Evening All brand new stock cf Christmas Novelties. Chinese j Hand Woven Baskets, all kinds; j of Beads, Towel Seta, 'Bag?,! Piitoa T - ?!.- T T -. . I""1"' An,, Mwtln, ,, c.nntf M- I f A f 1 ' -t 1 a l I -. T Bks e Vt e.l . luniainenis, . cuppers, soap, j o r draftsman with t M, np7.u i Pnwdpr and Pprfllm Oimhina i the Cftr of Barea. Vt- ee TWday. J.. aed Jwt,(e. w-ttKm I 1 0tlci nu X eriume tOrnUina- tn 1S at Ten oVIork a. m, foe ratable .rs-lt. Srm ; rarabte ol !tiortS and manV Other hpflllti the partem of elertinc Dtrertor. for h rlerwal work end has mum. n.W if UUI13 ttllU many Oiner OeaUU- '.. ..a .w- ,. .n. eetimntina : brat of nferenrae; V. O. rare fill flifts. Iwther bwfnee. whw-h may uroverly teste l,f Timre. ' bsnra aatd meetimr. I K. O. ROBINSON. rWre4ary. I To make room for a staple Wine, to-day and Saturday ev 1 crj-thing in the store at cost. AUTOMOBILES j FOR-i B ALE ipecond hand Ford tourine rar. ! chmp : for details rail Z04-W. Barre. 3t.f DOWNSTAIRS AT COLTON's ' 114 H. r. Gas, from $43 to S.iO 2 II. P. Gas, from . .$65 to $33 3 II. P. Gas, from $00 to $75 3 H. P. Kerosene, from $100 to $S5 All with magneto. Guaranteed for 5 years. '-Go dosra to Coltoa'e and buy some thins for the car for Cbrisunaa," said be. All Roads Lead to Colton s te State Strwt Mentpetiar. Vermont POULTRY AND EGGS , JOR SALE lbens, 19 rullets and 4 full bloodrd white Wyandotte wtirHi : ba and rmllaw aow lerlne : Mrs. A. D. Morri- aon. Boa Tt. GraoltevUle. Stilt j FOR-SALR buff Wyandott- eerkerels, Tiavts strain, rood birds : A. M. batrhet- : der. 2S Fairriew stet : Tel. 4SU-M. SS.'rf ; POSITIONS WANTED. MARSII ALLEN C. N. C Tel. 14 Oraaae Ca Tsi ANNUAL MEETING. AGENTS WANTED. SoT.K' 1TOR." - Mew and women aell !eneij aktle tre shruiw, rnsee. for eh:pment dl r,r1 t mi rr streer wnrs. i-jii or TS annual neMlnei of the starlheMen tt .tar. uw Ume. We. ' ar. Ouiflt fir--. the Peebles Nsoenal Peek of Berre wi'l Broarn Brothers Nuraenre. RorheitT. N. V . ... be bi at ter haakina rmews fn tke CMy . i.'SU Here IS a gOlden Opportunity of Har-.. V-l. o Tr. eaaaery - -w-t- . .... , is. a IS (- tn tk Iwmeis. for ike , for late shoppers. r,- af am. tor the LIVESTOCK FOR SALE etisi. J ,r an. in inn.,nw . " nwr a Vial a t a t ! raee that may prowertr ceaae ba4on itttie uui ui tne way oui m"t. ; it pays to walk. ses - i f, R tm GrR-r kilL ee ' . . . . r I . , 1 . C "ioHNSON. Jr. Cafbr. ' i ij Don't forget to-day and Sat-'" urday everything at cost. The Quality Shop CLIFFORD JONES, Prop. 20 Pearl St. ANNUAL MEETING. ! Tie GoWea Years sf Life, I the euaaet Tears, or old are. Ther rT;r? .r-" an.J are. ,f f re, ' n, a. i be hmH at he kenkin rmm " 'wre. eape is !r ,ti rrj-r4 to ef a Peek ia the Cty re Pa- t noaie. Aa anooity guarantee a l.fe ' mm- year ar.4 (or tha inrwve M at,. nal Ijfe ne. I x 1 1. (Mutnal.i ar ae teat raf reeawriy eetee S. pis lard. rr-ral aiferit, 4j at ewee. aw-j,,. f ryt. M.atpeUr; U. J. Se?er. kl tm. Vt. e-l-r Is. Xi-it '- BATTERY STORAGE Winter is coming and your battery is a delicate part of your automobile. Let our experts look after it an te pure of a hot park and snappy starter next pring. prices on request. Kelly & Nelson Main Street Garage. Service and Satisfaction