Newspaper Page Text
. ,Q - ' " " - Tlllii iiiiiiKK IjAILY TIMES, iiAlu, V i'. ' fcATliilDAV, DECEMBER 23, 1922. ESTABLISH ED 1889. THE HOMER FITTS CO. "THE STORE WHERE QUALITY COUNTS .-,. . ft A: 'Merry Christmas to all our friends and customers. We wish you the happiest of holi day seasons. II After all Nineteen Twenty-two has been good, so let's wind up the year in a grand old Christmas holi day Here's a toast, "Health, Wealth and Happiness be Yours." BARRE DAILY TIMES SATURDAY, DECEItBER 23, 1922 TALK OF THE TOWN ' Local and Vermont views; real pho tographs, 50c at Cummings & Lewis.' adv. Pollranna. the eid who played the! "glad game," at tho cTiiversaliht church Sunday evening. -d y. Joseph RieeiarelH returned to-day from Ntonington, Me., where he ha been employed for the past few months. Nothing could be better for your Christmas-flinner than a brick of our famous ice cream. Barre Drug Co. adv. Wendell Allen arrived in the city yes terday from Tufts jire-dental college to pass the Christina holidays with his father at theif home on I5n" -vt. We will call for your and put it in winter storage. at tention at rensonable price.-. iiy & Nelson, Main street garage. Tel. 770. adv. Emilio Franzi, a student at Burling ton Business college, arrived in the city last evening to pass the Christmas va cation at his home on Washington street. All stores, members of the Barre Re tail Merchants' association, Inc., willam from 6 to 0 at night. remain open on inursuay, jriaay ana ;;atiirday evenings, Dee.. 21, 22 and 23, , nd will lie closed all day Monday, Dee. Christmas day. -adv.' Look and listen! Now is the time to have your painting and paper hang ing done, your windows washed, thoie dirty ceilings whitened and that dirty desk fixed and cleaned up by C. K. Morton, the Boston painter and paper hanger, window washer and house cleaner. All work guaranteed and priees right. N. K. Tel. SUl' H. adv. TALK OF THE TOWN Read Russell's thank you add, page five. adv. Closincr out all footwear at cost price. Call at 1 Pearl street. adv. Kver-sharp penci.s, silver anu goia, $1 to H", at Cummings & Lewi,' adv. Klroy A. Chase of North field was a visit r" in the city yesterday after noon. Learn how to be glad. See Polly anna" at Jthe t'niversalist church Sun day evening. adv. Meerschaums, B. B. B., French and Italian briars, all sizes and prices. Mar rion's Cigar store. adv. Order to-day ice cream bricks for Christmas; the ice cream that Is differ ent. Barre Drug Co. adv. Especially put up for the holidays, Kretuny ice kream bricks. Telephone us your orders, 613. Barre Drug Co. adv. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kellett of Bos ton have been visiting Mr. Ketlett's aunt, Mrs. A, A. Favor of South Main street. Drown's drug store will be open on Sundar, U:30 to 1 and 5:30 to 7 at night. Christmas day, open until noon dv. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Chaples arrived in the city to-day from St. Johnsbury to pas the Christmas holidays at the home of Mrs. Chaples' mother, Mrs. Olivia McKnight. Miss Lessel Hunter of Ilartford, .Conn., arrived in the city to-day to pass the Christmas holidays at the j home of her mother, Mrs. Mary Hunt er, oi rrospect avenue. The Weather. Cloudy, probably local snows to- might and Sunday; little change in temperature; moderate slutting wmas, TALK OF THE TO WN ; Read Russell's thank you dd, page five. adv. Univcrsalist dance Thursday, Dee. 28, Quarry Bank hall. Carrolrs orchestra adv. Louis Prevost of Glen Falls, N. Y., is passing the holidays with . friends the citv. , Mrs.' Leon Webster of this city left wstcrdav for Bristol. Conn., where she kill reside. ' . James Milne arrived in the city this jnoniing from 'North Adams, Mass., to pass a short visit. Order to-dav ice cream bricks - for Christinas ; the ice cream that is differ cut. Barre Drug Co. adv. Lost : A belt for a man's brown over coat. Finder please leave at Park the aire ana receive rewara. uv. Arthur Rousse, who is employed at Readsboro, has arrived in the city to pass the holidays with friends. . Christmas night in Quarry Bank hall the Woman's club ball. Carroll's orchestra Don't miss it. adv. What would be better than a nice briclt of our ice cream for yiur Christ' ma dessert! Order to-day. Barre Drug Co, adv. Merry Christmas. - "Say it vrhile dancing," Woman's club ball in Quarry Bank hall Monday evening. Carroll's orchestra. adv. Candy, the first essential gift for Christmas. Never has gone wrong and couldn't when you buy the quality sold at Drown s Drug store. adv. Riiro Comolli of the Bryant & Strat ton Business college at Boston arrived in tho city yesterday to pass the holi days at his home on Comolli street. : Popular is the name they) give to the Universalist dances. There's a good time for those who attend the dance in Quarry Bank hall Thursday evening. adv. . . Harley W. Kidder of the University of Vermont is spending the Christmas vacation at the home of his mother, Mrs. NeUie L. Kidder, of 61 Summer street. Mr. Kidder is a sophomore in tho college of medicine. Miss Natalie Jameson arrived in the city from Montreal, where she is en rolled as a student at McCill college, and wjll pass the holiday recess at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mra. Frank Jameson, of the Morse block. A Fountain Pen You. Can Lend lyithoutjt'can Card of.Thanks. I wifh to thank all my friends who '.remembered me wliiln I f tiA j Barre City hospital and especially the nurses and Messrs. Kelly and Nelson. Carl OIen. VMS try the Iridium point smooth ta a jewel bearing and guaranteed 25 years Moat peo ple are loath to tend their fountain pern becauae, the other man's atria of wrltinc la apt to foul the point. Not ao with the 25-year over-atia Duofold. Laeqaer-red barrel with mart black tips. Come are It, Uy It and take one oa 10 days' trial. Diiofo BARRE DRUG CO. w What Barre Women Want for Christmas The one gift that every woman wants this year is a Vatti pearl neck lace that adds so much to her beauty by being a perfect match for her skin. Vatti is the latest thing in pearls an American product that comes hi tivj shades to match any skin. Such a gift is an expression of rul ture, art, beauty and usefulness that lasts for years and years. Jt, alw&ys looks like new. If the Vatti you select isn't a per fect match, let the lady come in and exchange for a shade that is. Only $20 to 100 for a necklace that looks and wears lige a necklace of Oriental pearls costing $.V),(XK to $500,000. - 1 Bell A Houston. adv. I Oswegatchle, Feb. 9, 1020. Mr. A. J. Phillips, Norwood, N. Y.: It is twelve years since I became, af flicted with Rheumatism, ajjd have tried a number of Rheumatic medicines and most all remedies I would hear of, but found nothing to help me until I tried the A. J. P. Rheumatic Remedy. It has helped me wondefully and I sin cerely recommend it to all. Mrs. 1L J. Baxter. Your druggist has it. adv. Grandchild Had Croupy Cough. "My grandchild could get no relief whatever from a very bad croupy cough," write Peter Land is, Meyers dale, Pa., "until I gave him Foley's and Honey and Tar. It ia a great help for chest and throat trouble." Couehs. colds, croup, throat, chest and bronchial irritations quickly relieved with Fo ley's Honey and Tar. Contains no op iates ingredients printed on the wrap per, btood the test of time serving tnree generations. Bold everywhere. aav. Oh, Men We Know What Women Want. Every man has on his Christmas shopping list a mother, wife, sweet heart, sister, niece or friends. How most men hate buying gifts for wom en. ' We can make it easy for you. We know what women want. Every day women shopping among our gift pieces exclaim over and over, "Oh, I just wish I could buy that for myself." Dainty pieces of furniture nothing a woman cherishes more than a love ly mahogany sewing box, a choice tea table, a spacious chest, or dozens upon dozens of other gift articles in our displays. Come in, men. B. W. Hook er A Co. adv. A Meirry Christmas to All The Frank McWhorter Co. Christmas comes but once a year Here's the bread to give you cheer. We have added more help to meet the demand for our fancy poods. Give us a trial on Satur day. Always noted for carrying the largest variety in the bakery line. Thanking: you for past patronage. f &t CITYB&KtRY MALI iJKLMU TALK OF THE TOWN Moore and Waterman fountain pens at Cummings 4t Lewis.' adv. For plumbing ai.d heating call James McLeod, 123 Orange street. teL 823-W. adv. . The N. D. Phelps Co. has received those toboggans. Call and look them over. adv. See "Pollyanna," beautifully illus trated, at the Universalist church on Sunday evening. adv. Cigar and cigarette holders, cigarctta and cigar cases, tobacco pouches. Mai rion'g Cigar store.- adv. A large stock of brass and silver ash trays, humidors and smoke stands. Marrion's Cigar store. adv. Buy your Viotrolas now for Christ mas delivery. Littleticld Piano Co., for merly Bailey's Music rooms. adv. Ueorge X'ratt of this . city left last evening for New London, Conn., to pas the Christmas holidays at his home. Window ventilators, fresh air with out drafts, dust, snow.'rain or germs. Sadlier, outfitter, 10 Keith avenue. adv. What -would be better than a nice brick of our ice cream for your Christ mas dessert? Order to-day.. Barre DrTie: Co. adv. Romeo Sironi, a student at the Bur lington Business college, is passing the Christmas, recess at his htme on Scam pini square. , . ' ..- - We have two more Edison machines to be sold at a great discount. Little field Piano Co., "formerly Bailey's Mu sic rooms. adv. S Edwin Keast of St. Johnsbury ar rived in the city to-day to pass the Christmas holidays at his home on Prospect avenue- One big family party the Barre Woman's club -ball in Quarry Bank hall Christmas night, Monday, Dee, 25. Carroll's orchestra. adv. " Louis Bottiggi arrived in the city to day from St. johnsbury, where he has been employed during the past few months, and will pass the Christmas holidays at his home on School street. SamuerSargent of Beckley street and John Craig of Plain street arrived TALK OF THE TOWN Kodaks at Drown's Drug store. adv, Chris) JOa day ,lall Monday evening. adv! t: f ' X- ...- Read RursellV thank you add, page five. adv. Whiting stationery in holiday boxes, 50c to $U, n,t Cummings & ALewis.' adv.-.; "Just what I wanted." That's what he will say if you get his gift at Mar rion's. adv. Kaywoodie briar pipes, the finest quality pipe in America, $.", Marrion's Cigar store. adv. Adolfo Cukagiii of South Ryegate has arrived in, the . city to pass the holi days wjtli relatives. Public dance every Saturday night, in Quarry Bunk hall ; "Carroll's orchestra. Special car after dam:e.-adv. ; Vacuum bottles in both pints and quarts. Prices very low. 'A. few left at Drown's Drug store. adv; While doing your Christinas shop- j ping come in and inspect the new Over-, land. II. F. Cutler &. Son. adv. - Orpheus Bizzozero, a student '"at the TALK OF THE TOWN The N. D. Phelps Co. has received those toboggans. Call and look them over. adv.. , . . .. , "Pollyanna, the Glad Girl," at the L'nivcrsalist- church Sunday, evening. adv. ' , Robert. Hosmer of Groton wns a busi ness visitor in the city yesterday and to-day. Verne E. Lougee of Richford is pass ing a few days in the city on a busi ness visit. ' Peter Walsh of Prince .Edward Is land, Canada, is passing s few days with, friend in the city. - Buy your Victrolas now for Christ mas delivery. Littlefield Piano Co for merly Bailey's Music rooms. adv, i Samoset chocolates in one-hajf, one, two and five pound boxes for Christ mas. at Cummings &' Lewis.'-adv. Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Mznfl left this morning for St. Albans to pass the hol idays with friends and relatives in, that city. Especially put up for the holidays, Kreamy ice kream bricks. ' Telephone 1 Union Dry Goods Co. Service Satisfaction 'MERRY CHRISTMA University of Vermont, is passing the i us your orders, 613. Barre Drug Co. aav. A handv man: Do you need one for odd iobs in carpentering, mending and painting! If so telephone F. E. Skin ner, 206-W, Barre. adv. " , , - Harold Carr and- Herbert McLeod of Graniteville arrived -home this morning j from Hartford, Conn., where they are stationed with the U. S. navy. Harold Waugh and A. B. Lane, who are employed on the Presbrey-Leland i construction job in Brattleboro, ar rived in the city to-day. to pass the Christmas holidays in this city. All the popular brands of cigars iu holiday boxes 5f five, ten, 25 and od cigars. Marrion's Cigar store. adv. Nothing could be better for your Christmas dinner than a brick of our famous ice cream Barre Drug Co. adv. John Emslie arrived this morning from Hartford, Conn., and will visit over the holidays at his home on Highland avenue. Frank Calcagni and I go alii have nrrtvAf! frnm Tin ffaln. V. V.. wlmrfhpv ! Christmas holidays. are employed, to pas the holidays at I M. "7 Mathews and son, Howard, their respective homes In this city. I to-day for their homejn Philadel- Krman L'alcagm, who is emplovea " t' " 1 . at Stowe, arrived in the city yesterday j Wishing You All a Good Old-fashioned .... . i Merry Christmas Union Dry Goods Company in the city to-day from Philadelphia, where they have been employed during the past six months. A western physician discovered Hcm- Roid, a harmless pile remedy. In many cases ol years standing all distress quickly disappeared. " We sell it with money-back guarantee. E. A. A Co. adv. All stores, members of the Barre Re tail Merchants' association. Inc., will remain open on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings, Dec. 21, 22 and 23, and will be closed all day Monday, Dec. 25, Christmas day. adv. and will visit for a short time at the home of his parents on Cambria street. Christmas day, with all the good things t.o eat, the gifts received, the happiness then the Woman's club hall, in Quarry Bank hall. Monday, Dec.' 25; Carroll's orehefctra.: adv. To stay young is to keep dancing. at the home of her mother, Mrs. Cath erine Catto, of Sheridan street. A11 stores, members of the Barre Re tail i Merchants' association, Inc., will remain open on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings, Dec. 21, 22 and 23, and will be closed all day, Monday, Dec. 25, Christmas day. adv. Miss Elena Barberi has arrived home Everyone is young while attending the from New York City, Where she has been attending a music conservatory for the past few months, to pass the Christmas holidays at her home on Brook street. ,. L'niversalist dance. There will be one in Quarry Bank hall Thursday, Dec. 28. Carroll's orchestra. adv,,. v Diego Crivellaro and Charles Cal cagni arrived yesterday, from Clare mont, N. II., where they are emploved. Drown j and will visit over the holiday at their respective home on Berlin street. Batteries should be well taken care of during the winter. We are prepared to give expert attention at reasonable prices. Tel. 770 and we will call for yours. Kelly A Nelson, Main street ga-i his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cal I rage. adr. , ,- . jcagni, of Humbert street. Miss Enid Mathewson arrived in the city this morning from Hartford,; Conn., to pass the Christmas holidays with friends and relatives in this city and on the hill. j Josepti Calcagni, a student at the. Culver Military school at Culver, Ind., is passing the holidays at the home of The Woman's Readyrto-Wear Shop A Special Purchase of 25 Poiret Twill and Tricotine Dresses en ables us to offer them to you at ... . $13.98 Some have vests of Canton Crepe or Duve tyn; others are braid and button trimmed: sizes 16, to 38. In the better Dresses sizes. run 16 to 46. The Mrs. Shepard Co., Inc. i ts mm Greetings - Looking backward over nearly a year of progress, we are naturally grateful to Ihosi whose patronage and good will have enabled us to prosper and grow and we are determined to merit a continuance of your patronage which service and satisfaction demands. In t-in-cerity may this holiday season bring joy to everyone and the New Year be one of unprece dented prosperity and success. WE WISH YOU A tnerrt( Christmas AND HOPE THAT YOUR NEW YEAR STARTS AS WELL AS FRANKLINS DO THESE WINTRY MORNINGS Kelly. &' Nelson Xash Distributors for Washington, Orange, Lamoille, Chittenden and Grand We Counties. Drown Motor. Car Co. Barre and Burlington " ' ,1 A.V.4i I-'- -' 4 i-1 -.4..: We have many ood things left Pyrex Ware, fcarvers, Thermo Bottles, Percolators. Pocket Knives, Razors, Tools, Skates and Shoe:, Snow Shoes, Footballs, Golf Sets, Sleds, etc. ,C. W. Averill & Co. nit TYWCffSSTSR trout Wouldn't she be pleased with a Franklin for Christmas? Drown Motor Car Co., Barre and Burlington 1