Newspaper Page Text
ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 14, 1890. H. D. CHILD, Business Manager. Till Dailt CtTlIKN will b punli.hed every wwruuua ivscv.pi aunuay ) ai me iwiivwwg On. Year.... 81m Montha S Three Month! 1.S0 One Month BO One Week...... IB Our carrier, will deliver the nan everv afternoon In every part of the city to our aub acrlberm, and partlca wanting It will plcaac call at the Citukn Omce. " Advutiuno Katk Keaeonable, and made kuuwm uo application at inn omce. ah traaaieat aavcrtMcmcnU malt be paid In ad vance. The Citukn U the moat cxtenalvcly clrcu latea ana widely read ncw.papcr in Wcatcrn North Carolina' lta dlacuaalon of public men and mcaaurea a in the intereat or public integrity, honeat tfovcrnment, and pruapcruua induatry, and it no pcraonul ullcKianccia treating pub lic laauea. Specimen coplea of any edition will be acnt itw w any one aenuinjc tneir auilrca.. Rcadtnjr noticea ten cenu tier line. Ohitu- ary, marriaxe and aociety noticea fifty cent, each (not exceeding ten llnea) or ntty centa i i luca. MONDAY. APRIL H, 181)0. TUB DAII.V CITIZKM la on aale at the following placca In Aahcvllle: BATTKKY PARK NKWS STAND. Ot.KN KOCK NliWS STAND. MOllUL C1UAH BTOKH. Pntton Ave. J. CAKSONS NliWS SIOKU, North Court PERTINENT AND PERSONAL. Mewa About AahevllllatiH and of Iranicera) Wlllim our Uatca). Sol Gtillcrt, of Gulden Valley, N. C, is nt the Buttery Turk. G. E. Lewis is registered at the Glen Kock from Baltimore. A. Littlefield nnd wile nix' at the Mat tery Turk from Boston. J. Edwards Hnsell represents Charles ton at the Battery Turk. Samuel B. Kennedy, of Chattanooga, ib registered ut the GlenKoek. Jus. F. Tatum, of Norfolk, Vn., is reg- istereil ut the Swunnanon. A. W. Tost is registered ut the Swun- nation from Newark, N.J. Jus. Sowurds, of Washington, is regis - tcrcd at the Battery I'ark. K. L. Burton and wife arc at the Hat- tery Turk from New York. Wm. Halls, ir.. nnd wife, of New York city, arc nt the Battery I'ark. There were loGurrivals at the principal hotel Saturday and Sunday Miss llattic I'ntton has returned from u visit to friends ut Morgiiutou John A. Hunter und wife, of St. Louis urc registered at the Swaiinnuoa E. C. Thompson and wife, ol Kilin burgh, lud., are at the Swninmnou. Gen. I'. M. It. Yuung arrived this morning nnd is ut the Battery Turk L. Schluther and family, of Cleveland. O., have taken rooms at theSwniinanou A. L. Alexander und J. Cummings, ol Savannah, arc registered at tilt Battcrv I'ark. J. King und wile and C. J. King, ol Cleveland, Ohio, ure quartered nt the Buttery I'ark. inos. jurncruml II. U. Archer are ut the Swnnuniiou. They are from Ymik its. N. V. Miss Alice Cannon, of Sweetwater. Tenn., is visiting Mrs. J. II. Weaver, on Woodfin street. li. T. Games, of New York, and 1, Ebcrmnn, of Baltimore, Seiit Sunday at the Swnniianoa, R. I. Lipscomb, of Baltimore, ami W. T. Kutlcdgc, of Richmond, sjicnt Sunday ut the Grund Central Wm. M. Dickson, formerly in busincssat this place, nnd now living at Hickory wus in the city to-day Misses Ellis and llcull, of Washington city, who huvc lieen nt the Villa for sev crul weeks have returned home Mrs. Green, of Bakcrsvillc, nnd Mrs Moore, of Henderson villc, arc in thecitv They ure nt the Grund Central Col. Frank Coxc nnd family arrived this morning from I'liiladclphia in their private car, and arc ut the Battery I'ark. T. S. Ormiston and wife and the Misses McCormncds, of New York city, are en joying the hospitality of the Battery I'ark, Mrs. W. E. I'cck, of Montcluir, N. J., and Mrs. G. W. Dnvis and Miss Tierce, of New Haven, Conn., urc at the Battcrv Turk, Mr. II. Agncw, of I'liiladclphia, win lias been spending the winter here, re turned to the city yesterday from u trip to the Atlantic coast. He is nt the Swnn- uunoiu J. A. Irvine, a tumlicr denier, died at Sylvn Saturday at 2 o'clock p. in., from the result ol a surgical oicrntinn. His wife was with him and accompanied the remains to Columbus, Tcun., where the Interment took place An altercation occurred at the depot yesterday afternoon between a guest of the Battery I'ark, who was leaving, and . the negro who drives the baggage wa gon from the hotel. The gentleman truck the driver a severe blow on the forehead, boarded the train and left, Messrs. J. C. Brown and Thnd W. Thrash have bought out the stock of the Asheville Hardware company from Mr. C. E. Graham and will ocn for business to-day under the firm name of Brown & Thrash. They will do a plumbing and tinning business una carry n stock ol gen-1 crul house furnishing goods. The ladies and gentlemen of the Buttery I Park gave very pleasant entertainment in the hotel ballroom last Saturday night I for the benefit of the Mission Hospital, The program consisted of musical selcc- Uons and eburades by amateurs, and was well rendered. The songs by Mrs. Cam- peaaand the cornet solos by Mr. Fred Phoenix were received with applause, mm& tbey were encored several times. I his I to Advortlalnsi CREATES mitpr a new bumiKu; ' ENLARGES mny an old bunincst; I ' uXIX. ma,bv buunem; ,' PKBSBKVbS n,nralanebu,ineii: i AL.Vr f i V. i ... I I .A uuu Lnrv r in mil sr uiijirnnu. i " lrEr?'e rf'eioifc'r. ' coA $h.75 was found under the mattress of Ttt:ftZWjZ& U - t- of the axes found near rMdt mdnt then, It, the cheap. n la Urn eounti r. a 1 KILLED WITH AN AXE. BRUTAL MURDER COMMIT TED NEAR THE CITY. THE VICTIM AN INNOCENT OLD COLORED WOMAN. Hhe Fought Bravely for her Life but waa Overpowered Mo Clue to the Murderer. A most brutal murder oeeurrcd three miles west of the eity on Saturday night. Ily it Ilnrriet Williams, an aged colored woman, lost her life. The partieulars are sickening. Early yesterday morning Harry I'ark. a colored man who lived near the scene of the tragedy, went in search of his horse, which had wandered away during the night. His walk took him past the cuhin which was occupied by Harriet Williams. When near the back door he heard groans from the inside and think ing something might have befallen her lie nieued the door. There n terrible sight presented itself to him. On the floor ut the opposite side of the room and lying in a poolol hcrown blood lay the woman, Two bloody axes were at her side. Frightened nearly out of his wits the fel low ran to some houses near by and liiickly summoned the inmates. They hastened to the scene as soon us possible mil entered the house. The surroundings told the story Clad onlv in her night clothes ami bleeding profuselv from seven ghustly wounds the woman was lying on the lloor with her head resting on the hot loin step of the stairs that led to the u 1KT storv. Near bv her lay two axes ovcrcd with blood, and scattered about 1 the room were dilTerent articles of furni lure, wearing apparel and furniture that 'old plainer than words of tlic terrible struggle that had taken place during the "'B1'1 The woman was not yet dead, al though unconscious. She was helped to the bed and every effort made to revive her, but it was vain und an hour later lie died, without having uttered a word. The victim of this brutal murder was i highly rcsicclcd, industrious and sav nig woman, l or three years sue lias lived entirely alone in the little house where she met her death Saturday night It is one of five cabins just oil' of the Hay wood road. The nearest house is eighty yards away and is occupied by 1 lames Henderson. Forty yards farther bv the family of Joseph l.atimore and at a listaucc of 1.10 and 100 yards resjiect ivelv live the families of Barrv Barks and Mr. A verv Alexander. For sonic time past the Williams wo man has worked nt dill'crciil places the city during the week, ic!idiiig only Sunday nt her home. On Saturday she worked at the residence ol Geo. W. l'aek and in the evening left as usual to sciid Sunday at her little cabin. When about a half mile distant she slopicd at the store of Fletcher Reynolds to purchase some groceries und while there talked md joked good naturciHy with the clerk. While paying for her goods a live dollar bill dropH'd to the floor and one of the livstandcrs picked it tip. The clerk no ticed the action and looking up he said: "What would you say Harriett, if I were to tell you that von had lost some money "I should tell vou that you might keep all that vou found," she replied. "1 have- not lost any money." With that the man behind the counter handed the bill to her. She replaced it in her pockethook and carelessly remarking that she had $.1 more ut home to g with it left the store. After she hail arrived ut her home she was seen several times. Twice she was about the yard for wood and water, anil once she went to the l.atimore house to get some milk for her ten. The last time she wus seen was about tight o'clock. No cries were heard from the house luring the night. No suspicious (icrsons were seen about the neighborhood and the whole affair is shrouded in mv- tery. coroner milium summoned a jury comHsed of J. W. Stnrncs, C. F. I'cnni- man, J. M. Cunipbell, K. M. Denver, M II. Moucyhnn, M, M. Ledlijrd, and an iti(ucst wus held. The post mortem re vealed three bloody and deep gashes made in the head, a gush at the shoulder that cut to the bone and one on cither arm. A slight cut had been made on the ankle. The evidence was substan tially ns above, und from the npcarnncc of the room it was evident that the struggle hud been a long and desperate one, The murder was doubtless committed by a would-lic robber who knew that the womna hud some money about her per son and who secreted himself in the house until she had retired. The victim always slept with an axe ut the head of Iter bed and one was standing at the wall near the rear door. When all was quiet in the night it is supioscd that the murderer come from his hiding place, nnd while moving about the room aroused the womahi She jumped to her feet and grasped the wenpon. He took up the other axe and the struggle began. The door at the front was hacked as were the stairs and one of the axe helves showed two fresh cuts that told of a blow that hud fullen short of Its mark. The man was undoubtedly the stronger of the two und the victory was his. Leaving victim on the floor he turned .the dress she bad taken off and looked for the money. He cut the ..!, r. it u i. r " T. J.L.: j n.7 keys and perhaps some money and fled That he did not get all of her money, and pcrhnps none, was discovered late In the - If, ....1...e. 1., I. !...! Hiicruuun. a hi iakhl-l uuiik tuiiuiiiiinu- we vered with Uaod nnd to one hair adhered which upon investigation proved 1 to have come from the head of the mur dered woman. It is the opinion of De tective Denver, however, that the man was wounded in the struggle. Sometime ago she told her friends that she had money in the bank. No bunk book was found yesterday nnd it is thought that it was taken. The murdered woman was about 53 years old and was, in old slavery days, the proicrty of Senator Vance, and later was given to the Kev. K. N. I'rice. She was known to the citizens of Ashe- ville better by the name of Harriet Vance than by the name of Williams. The hit tcr was the name of her husband who deserted her twenty-three years ugo, The coroner's jury adjourned without agreeing upon a verdict nnd will hold an other meeting. The case is in the hand of the sheriff and the officers urc doing their best to run the murderer down, but as yet there is positively no clew. The funeral took place at 3 o'clock this after noon from Wilson's Chiicl, about a mile from the home of the dead woman. GOSSIP OF THE DAY. It has been suggested that the dark tjreeii staudpiK' that looms portentous! into view from Benumoiit would loo much liettcr if it had liecn erected with view to beautv as well as utility. The truth that there is in this suggestion apparent to the dullest intellect. How much belter the water would taste if the slniuliiiiic was to be decorated with snakes of the time of Confucius nnd I .mis of the I'aleooic lwriotl, in a simple blending of ancient arts that would be simply iiTCKistmic: Ami wlmt a grace the whole thing would give to the land scaie if some very iipronis subject like "The Naiad's Bath" or "A Morning Di lioulil lie artistically cmiilazoucd iiKn the present dullness of the tank! The scheme of having artistic standpiH.'8 nnd water towers is by no means new to the world, and sonic philanthropist might isily win name and fume for himself I: presenting to Ashcvdle the services ol loiue skillful fellow who should be cm powered to make the dull unsightliuc if the big water holder change to the doom of the rose. The whole thing :ull of a suggestive interest that has lice resented to the Gossiicr us n thing worthy of comment, and it is here pre scntcd to un anxious world with a fc suggestions tacked on. Now the New York Sun has gone into the business of giving to lovely woman crtain interesting points on how to make herself even more attractive tha he really is. First the Sun culls nttcn lion to the lack of grace und steadiness in carriage which has lx-come ureal alllie ion to i ne iriencis ol tnc many young women who tumble und slide and trii idling the streets while out walking. Next the Sun assails the luck of melodious voices among the American women, and complains of the "discords we hear so frequently ; the flatness, the shrillness, the indistinctness, the nasal quality, the false modulation, the distressing empha sis." The Sun has reasons for asking for re form in these directions, and it would also have excellent arguments in plciit to urge, if it cared to, against the same faults among men. On some of the streets f Ashcvillc it would lie a very hard mat ter for any man to walk with the ease md Bareness ol fooling that ought to characterize the practiced cdcstrian but the argument would still hold that iiK)ii very few roads of any kind wouli the American man walk 'vith astvleth would entitle him to praiscful attention s for the voices of many men, they will easily take ns many demerit marks as the voices of the women. Iiidistiiictncssaui lack of cultivation urc two of the worst of the besetting sins, although the others are nil there with them. (Juitc a rurit. is the mull who can spring gracefully his feet at o dinner or upon n platform and treat the assembled auditors to a neat, compact bundle of arguments nnd remarks uttered in a pleasant, easy, well modulated tone that fulls upon the cur with the smooth pleasing of the mellow lute, or even with the harmonious dis turbance of a buss drum when in the hands of an artist whose soulful, earnest thoughtful thumpings ure full ol careful anxiety to please and hopefulness that each distinct und separate biff shall have its due value in the homogeneous blow ings and bunging of the memlx-rsof a big iirnss bund. Juitc a runty, too, is the fellow who cun give un order in -a store or restaurant without having the clerk or waiter come back to ask him to try it over and tell them once again what some particular thing was that he mumbled over without sufficient clearness to make himself understood. Here s a sensible remark from u book on "Delicate Fcusting" which has re cently come from the Hiiriiers' press Kitchen' wine and 'kitchen' butter are futnl to good cookery." Mr. Theodore Child, who wrote the book, tins arrived ut the foundation of one of the vicious practices of certain housckcciicra who think that it is all right to use any kind of cutublc truck in cooking which they find to Ik too cheap, too rancid -or too tasteless, or too miserable in apiicarancc to place before their guests upon the ta ble. It is probably not necessary to em ploy gilt-edged butter or the most deli cate of wines and liqueurs in the prepa ration of sonic very dainty dishes; but the use of the white, lard-like grease and the ghustly liquids, costly at twenty-five cents a gallon, which the queens of the kitchen often make prominent ingredi ents of an otherwise pleasingly con structed dish, should be discouraged in every proicrly managed household. If man was made to deprive the bogs of their own best dishes turn him at the " i trough with the noble animals nnd give all an equal chance; but don't force them upon him at the table under easily pene trable disguises. The Beat on Karth. What are vou nnvinir for vour FLOUR? K1N0 FLOUR, the best on earth can be bad at mast any grocer's at $0 per barrel. i ne Asnevine Milling t.o. KOLLISK Meteoroloirleal Report For the 2-t hours ending nt i) p. m., April 13, 18U0: l'. 8. RlONAL 8KRVICK STATION. Wlnyah Sanitarium, A.hcvillc, N. CI lat. sn.aa n. lono. w. bi.k. anno ft. TKMI'HKATl'KH. 7 ix mill p ntlO p nil Mnx.l 40.0 L73.3 I US.O I Mill. HI A Duilv Mean nans KBLAT1VB lU'MlUITV 7 n ill 7a 2pm J UP i lUillv Mt-an 11,(17 AMSIILUTH lll'MIMTY. In KraiiiH iK-r cubic fool of air.) 7am I S p m T II p in T liuily Venn B.II33 li.-l.T7 a.i'.i'.M a O-'-i KHCIPItATION. ItAKOM liTliR Ruin nnd melted mow itiehea O Snow depth inclu-a 0 (Cor. fur alt. & U-m I 'ill Iv .Menu :ln.i'7 Stationary WIND. I Wli.xTIIH IHrcctlon N , IPorectaenU-Oto ml 1 !CTily to Clear Oiune Of poasihlc amount, in icr cent. THMPBRATt Kli, April 1 1. 7 u. m. O.B. II p. in KAK1.VON Kt'CK, M. I'-. (lhHi-rvcr. MarketHby Wire. Chicago, April 14. The l.-llnwiiiK is the rniiKC of IcuiIiiik ftttiiri's to-iln : IIIKIICKI. loCKl. IIOMIIK, W II HAT NO. S. May June July Cok.n No. II. Miiy June July AtlKllst OATS No. J. May tunc in msi, ll-Jlj KM, ssia s;.i :i:i--i, na a-j .T.'', :ii' a:i, a i v L'-t- !M, ya-'i till Ml a a aa :u : i as- July MKS .'OHK f' May June July l.AKII ' IIH. Miiy June I, 1:10 1:1 in II. M IJ.-n ia.77 J..S7 II 47 il.'tl II..-.5 n.nn n..-..-i (1.1171 r.'.7o ia' 11 i 11 .-,1 11..-: ... 11.717 ll.l'.O " Kill. ft. 1.7 0.7S a sn July Shout Kin May June n no r. lift July Nkw V.ikk, April 14. Cotton luturcs I iluy ruma'il 111 IoIIowh: IIIKIH-Hl. l.OWCMl. IIOKIM April May June- July AticUNl ScpL-iiilirr.. Mill 1 1 1'.: 1 1 1 1 1 .117 11.07 1 1 .e.s 11 07 11 oil 1 1.112 I lilt I I ii 1 1 n:i 1 1.0:1 1 1 aft 1 1 r.ft 111 1 1 114 1 I. oil lliisiiiCHH Mollcex. Hllver I'lalecl Ware. Ill canters, spoons, forks and knives, special imliiccmeiils nic liemg ullercil now. Kogers tnpplc plateil kmv M. 1 .1 iht set. I orks In match at sun price. Desert knives, SI HO ikt set. A splendid assortment of Need iV It.n lon plated ware, the licst goods made, ollered at lowest prices. Crockery, glass mid cutlery, very large stock and .dwav the lowest prices at Law's, .17. ."'.' ami (il South Main street. Tliv Mountain I'lirk Hotel, Hut HprlnvH, N, c, Is lirstelass 111 every particular, wit the iK-st tame 111 tile South, ruie am abundant water und icrhvl sanitary a rangcnicnts. 1 lie scenery is Dcautitul, climate nine milder man Ashcvillc. there iK-iug in harsh winds and 110 dust toirrit.ite wea throats and lungs. 1 he baths 111 marble pools arc the fin est 111 the world ami the t hernial waters arc un unexcelled Siccitic for rheumatism out, sciatica, nervous exhaustion am all diseases of skill and blood. Excellent physicians reside at the h tel. Trams leave Ashcvillc for Hot Springs nt 1 ..10 n. m., ..n anil 7 p. 1 Excursion tickets, iiicludiiiL' one day board at Mountain Dark hotel, $f..1o. ror rutcs etc., eddrvss Adv. W. G. A Card. Wills Bros., architects. I1.-1 viiii imened an ofhec 111 Asheville for the practice tlicir prolession, would cull the inten tion of parties annul to build to the lac iiiui nicy nave nan it vaneil cxiicriciicc 111 eastern cities ami iiluoatl ami arc pre pared to design 111 the most modern styles till kinds ol liuildiiigsoii the liest and most unproved seieutilie nriiieiulc Having been well educated in the pr.ic ticnl construction of buildings anil alter warns unving a tuoroiigii prolessional truiiiing 111 the artistic and seieutilie braiiehts they can confidently place menisci ves iieiore tlic imlilie as the equal 1 any in tue 0011111, Wills Bros, will lie pleased to see nnv one intending to build, at their office 01 correspond with them, and to show sketches ami pcrsiieclives ol work done ciscwncre uy lliem and to consult alnm buildings ill contemplation, n.i.s linos. Architects, Ashcvillc, N. C and Knoxville. Tenn Office in Barnard building, I'. O. Box ,1.1 Home MiiiiuliivlorlcM. Support Home Manufactories bv lini ng theirgoods. There is un better l-'lnu made lor the price than Electric I.iel rlour. Ask your grocer lor it mid take no otlicr. Ialnt 1 1'uliitl The Averill I'nint is thehest. Out all others. Kenutiliil ami economical. In general use 25 years. Guaranteed. Sum pic card tree. 1'ITZPATKICK llKOS. & Iol-:KTSON, Ashcvillc 5 New AdvertlHviiicntH To-Day VOl'RTII lA;i. Ol'RliA Hai.i. Ovldc Miisln. Notick Wm. M. liiluiirila. K011U ANn Hoahii fta Colk-tfc Htret-t. Inciikimikation Notick I.oiiIh It. ki-h.ete Notick of Incohi'okation . p. Miiu-r.etc. pKlVATB HOARD. Havlns rcntcil the linvhlMon IIik.m n.rnl eue street, 1 will open the mime April Umn liounllnK house, New furniture throuuhnut. nprlll il I. C. IHIK1). OOM WITH 1I1IAKU. NICCIV flimlNhctl llllal.U A.v wn Ih oie or Ki'iuieiiKU. Tame uoiirilcra Umiriil. prlillw Bii CUI.I.KOK HT. JJOTICH Ol' lNCOKPORAfioN. of Norlh Cnrolln, MniliMon County I HuiH-rinr Ciurt Notice is ht-rt-liv irlvrn nt the lni-.,r.w.r...l, of THIt MOUNTAIN PARK IMI'KIIVK. MUNT COMPANY, that the nnn,... ..t incoriinrntora are I. P. Miller. Il w i.... anil John U-nrj itlint the prlnclpnl p'uee of county of Mnilliiun and Hluti- ol North Car olina, nnd lta iicncrul purpoae nnd huainraa ib iu uwn, uuy nnn acn mineraia nnn mlncrnl Innila und lumber, timber nnd timlier Innila, to mine iron, silver. mnnKaneac and other mineraia nnd orra nnd to cut and aaw tltnlter and lumber nnd manufacture the iinm- for 11. uwn une unu lor ninrltet, to buy, ai-ll, own nn oirrutc mllla, machinery. aminrfitiiN. convcyuncea, toola, Impleinenta nnd appli' ancea of every and any kind and character, neccaaary or convenient to he uaetl In ,.r in connection with lta hualneas or any part or " '"!" run ny water, Klcnm, electricity or olhcrwiae, toifetlur with nil animnla, atoc-k, cattle and other iiersonai proiRTty neccsnary or convenient to the con- J,"1 "J unaipcaa, or any part or nrnai h thereof, nnd to Imtirnv. lta ir(i.MWu ...... erect linllillnKB upon the aame or any part of ... ..-"-"-. 1 ui wiorqiraiinriui URC or tile conduct of lta hualneas or the uae or occtipa. tlnn of lta emiiloyea. ollleera, aaenu, aervanta or Kueats, and to aeli or lease au h liultdlnua or any of them j to purehaar, own and opcr. ate houaea nnd lintvla fnr h n,P,..i..... . and nccoinmodntliin of aucata, lionrrirra and travclcra, and auch land and peraonnl prop, erty aa may lie neeeaanry or convenient to Ik uaed in connection I Herewith or with any part of lta hualneaa; to refine and prepare for market auch orce and mineraia and manufac ture the anme, nnd to erect ImlldinKa and HNiiniTimrniH ana contracta lor the ime upon the Innda or oroncrtv of m. ,r. son or perauna dealiinn It ao to do; that the urnuon oi aaia corporation ahall lie thirty eara: the canltal la Klve lliinrirarf Tk 2 Dollara, the nuinher of ahnrea la I'lve Thou- and and the amnim nt ..! -U l- , . Hundred tlollara, Thla April 1 1 . 1 hiio. . n , J. J. VVIIITU, Clerk Buiwrlor Court Madiaun Co,, N, C, MISCULLA.XliOVS. CKOCKKKY AND CLASSWAKU, Cl'TLliKY AND I'LATliD WAKK, LAMl'S OF ALL KINDS, I'KFXCIl CHINA, CUT GLASS, SOLID S1I.YF.R TAIII.IiWAKli AND NOYI-LTHiS. lAPANliSli, CIllNI.SIJ, AND Tl 'KK1SII GOODS IN GKliAT YAKIIiTY. MY GOODS AKH llliST GKADKS, AND 1'KlCliS 11112 I.OWIiST ALWAYS. J. II. LAW, 57t 59 & 61 H. Main St. ASIIIiVII.I.Ii, N. C. FOU JSA LE! THIS A.SH1-VIUI.IJ SULPHUR SPRINGS 1IOT1X. ImluiliiiK I-urtiiHirt' ami I'.xtiiriH. With irttni r.o to 7mi aiTi'H of lml. Tcnni tiwv. Apply t Iw i. CARRIICR. npr'.i il 1 in JAI.!-: til- HI. A I. liSIATIi. 1 vi I ttl'(T for mill- nt (tic court hounc door n tin- fit v of A1m- illt-, N C, on Stitiiriltiy. tht :u any of May, ihmi. at l'J m., the U louniu iliKt-rilrt-tl proKTtv: A lot of Itiml. Willi tlv imprt.vfiiu'iitttiHTf n. Iiim mar the ohl ittpH f W. N. C. K. K 'o., ntltiMtiiiiK tin- IiiihU til Isinlwooil V Mc- I.tlhin't ohl Itnuiilrv lot, iHUitinitiK at AMtakc dt tin- i'iiki khIc ol tin railroad trii.-n, titt- W t-orm-r of aiil futntilrv lot ami run- with (hat line N .'tl ilryrti' H 1hi tVt t to n utiik.-; llutifr S. U-f:m-M iiiiniitr I, lott fevt to 1 Hiakc; thfiuv S loo ft-t-t nt tlimt- w phi ! a taki'; tmiui- N Ui;ri.t-i. 4.1 nun iiti-K v l.tiittft to the iH'L'intunK. coniamiiiK ihoiit oiif-thinl of ail airt- mort- or Ir-. Thiatltii i'initiiint n uikmI frame iMiildinu with liriik ItaHi-imnl, I 4-niotiw. iiikI n mil II of water. Silliatcil near the line ol . C. K. K. ami the C. I. (Irnham citllt.n tae- torv. iimi other Inctoiir near tlie new uepot. duIiI Ik niatle vahialile hh a hitanhiiK or tent tin ut hinie I i inn ime-thinl eafh, htiiaiiev in one nnn Y earn. J. IS. .MART IN. aprl 1 tliiU olm;iaiiali, Tuesday, April 22. H..M11 O'CLOCK. BATTERY PARK MUSIC HALL, Wednesday, April 23. H.4.-. O'CLOCK. THE WORLD-FAMED VIOLINIST, OVIDE MUSIN And Ilia own Company of SuihtIi Arlinta. ANN 1 15 I.OI ISi: TANNI5K, Prima liomia Htpraiio. CIIAKI-OTTi; NICOLAI, Prima lioaau Contralto, CLI5MI5NT15 llOl.oGNA, Uuritonc. LUOLAKl) SCIIAKT, Solo Planiat. I NI. UK Tllll Al'MPICIIMOl' the y. m. c. a. General Admlititloit, a .75 RcHcrvcd SeatM, (i.oo OTICB Ol' INCOKI'UKATION. Notice la hercliy tfiven of the Ineorpnrntion f "Til H WHSTlfllN NORTH CAKOI.INA COMI'MIPM COMPANY"; that the nnmea if the ineorporntora are Liuia K. Rich. 11. W. HiHaell and John W. Phinney. nnd aui-hnthcra 11a they mny aaaociate with tltcm; that the inacipai iraee ui uu.ineaa annn or in the elty ,f Aalicvillc. county of lluncoml nnd m.ii- of North Carolina 1 nnd lta Rt-nerul piirpnae nnn ou.ineiM) i" in pun-nfiac, Icnar or ooici wine ncpurc noiu. nnn minitllt proiertlea, op tiona or intert-ata In nui-Ii oroiK-rlli-a. in wh.tlp or in part, aitiintrd in Hvvnln or Haywood countlo, in the Hlnte of North Carollnn or 111 any inner county in anin clinic, or In nnv county of any olhrr Htnte, when In ain-h iliila anil minlint proierliea may Ir- located ; ml to hold, wora and dcvelon the antit! aaue lionda of the compnny nnd to aeciin- l.hi- amc hv eaeciitinn a murlKUKc or mortMiiura n the Iranrhiara or proiK-rty of tin-coin 1 any r nnv tmrt thereof, and to a.-ll. i,n.r,u.... leaae, or convey in jpholc or In part any property In the liaiiTa of thla,..rHii..H to iiirrv on mlulnx oirratlona, Imluillnu Ihe wiinrntlon, reduction and aale of on-a and mineral, and the .alt- of nnv other product, whlrh may lie aeiiiilred hv ihla cnnipnnv; to I111II1I nnd m-iintniii rotnla. Iirliluea. mlll.'.ri.. neeeaanry to carry un the liu.lncaa for which thla company i. urKntilu-d. The duration of tnc eorporniion riiiiu lie alxty yi-ura. The cntillnl atock la too.lllln. with iriii...M ... HHmiiip.iinMiiiu, , ne numiK-r of loin. 1. 000, 10111 ine vniue in eacn ahnre la Hundred Hollar., Thla April 14. I Mill. One . . W.T. RIIVNOI.HH, nprl- dlt wat C. H. C. Uuncomlie Co, OTICB. Ivv. Mndl.on Co.. N.tV. At.rll 1 n i..., t, Wm. M. Itilwnrila, contractor on ul.,.!. 1 Ml 711, from llurtlavlllc, to Aalirvlllc N will place on .aid line n diAv l.,...k a.. aecommodatlon of pnaarnnrra, IcuvIiik A.he vlllc po.todlce daily e.i-ept HuiMlnv ut I p.m hv way of Weavervllle and Murium lllll, nr'- ' W" win icnve ivy lolly at 7 a. in. I will eonvev iin.. roiiKh to Horn. vlllc when nrei-a.ary to do . Ke.lR-cirullv. U-M M UNui.,,. P ,, ...... .... ...... nni.n. . H rnaai-ltuera can net Ii.,1Im ver nllfltt. Hee Mr. M . T. n. driver, one day prevloua and accure yoliraeat for next day. FOR SALE. Tuola and at oik fur a Plumbing and Tin- nliiK liu.lncaa. inquire of ' C. . COOPHH, llnarmrnt Nn g. . aprll dlw JJWBLLINO WANTBI). With fire or ali lim or it.i.. .i . room., tmfnrnlahed. Apply her, apln Ut ASHEVILLE A EJELLICO COAL, a Mra wa V.w a WW " t AT RETAIL, t For Grate, For Stoves, BEST -1'or Kale nt Vholcnulc and Kctnll by ASHEVILLE COAL COMPANY, Telephone 36. . Hxclualve Aucnta (liomeatic nnd Htcaml for Weatcrn North Carolina. II. T. COLLINS. I'rvsiileiit. E. li. LAGAN, Secretary ASHEVILLE JCE COMPANY. Pure Ico niado from DiHtillod Water. Office: No. 80 I'ntton Avenue. JUST ON THE THRESHOLD" OF A Mti BOOM, STANDS Now is the Time Vou mny think priixa arc liijilil Uut they amply deinoiiatriitcd. Aalicvillc la the la-at known, the moat beautiful, the moat healthful and tllcmoat prot-reaa- ivc eity III thia State. You cannot Invent your in thla Kiirtlen aimt of the niountniiia. Some ehoUv liuritalna In eity lota und auhurlmn iroierllea enn be hnd by calling- ut our illiec. JENKS & JENKS, Real - Estate - and - Insurance, Rooiiim 9 & 10, McAfee Block, l.liWIS MAIilil'X, l'n-a L. P. McLDl'l), Vicc-rrea. IIUBCToHa: Ia-wIb Maddui, M.J. IWnr.lcn. 8. II. Kccd, lico. 8. Powell. C. M, MeLoud. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK, - Organlied May lat, 1HNH, CAPITAL, 850,000. State, Count) ;anri;ca JDepoHitory. ira a (ienernl llnnklnii Buainraa. Ilrpoaita received. BxchanKC bought and aold. Col Icetiona niudc on all aeecaallile pniata. The On nil auma in thia department, depoaited of 4 jier cent. ier annum will lie pnid. Niwcial attention irtven to loan, on real eatute, which will be placed for long time on rial aonnhlc terma. t)ien Ironi U a. m. to 3 p. m. On Saturday, the Suvlnit Uepartmcnt will beoiientlll fl p.m. janldly SKYLAND Only 8 Mile from Anlicvlllc Hcndcmoiiville Pike. The itn-nteat numlirr and variety of mineral aprint;. to lie found In the Bouth. ,48 Springs on Less Than 40 Acres, Chalyliculc, Iron, aulphur, rpaom, alum, and mat are uaeci in curinK inuiui-atloii, liver nnd kidney trouble, chronic dyarntery, chronirdya (cp.ia and chronic aick hendm-lie. One anriiiK rewnlly develoiied ia the tfrruteat tonic water ever found. Many are liu vinx lota to build rcaort cottiiKca near the SprinKa Lola arc .old at minimal pricra to udvertiac the place nnd the mineral water. Hoard can lie had at $20 to $30 Per Month, or $1 Per Day. Ri-fi-n-mva. tealimoniiil.. etc.. can tie hnd bv wrltinir to the owner: or lietter vet. nnvonr tnti-rcftcd la invilcd to come and try the water. Crcat improvementa will lie made next aunt liter. 1 rain, lenve A.hcvlllc at li.n.1 a. in. and return at 7 l. nl. fare aft rent. Porlurthcr Information write to OTIS A. MILLER, uMi. mm Sky land P.O.,. N.C. OAKS HOTEL, ONIi til' Tllll FINI58T HOTELS IS THIt HOI'TII. Slrtrt Can inn the I ior every 1A nilnutr. ft;,!.' i .a 'As'ni !',&m Por term, addrraa GREENAVELL & ASHEVILLE SODA WATER FACTORY, ai7 Haywood Street. All WATliR THOROUGHLY FILTISRF.D on the Prcuilc. Twenty-five year, of practical eiericnce, combined with I'KKaoNAl. alUntlon to all de tail, of the liuaineaa and crfcct arranurment. for ci.K.NLlKKaa and rtmiTT of all Rood manuforturcd, enable the proprietor to prcaeut to hi. numcroua patron. aujierlor clan of Carbonated UcvernKc.. Vichy and Seltzer Water in Siphons. Cliixcr Ale and all the varioua Havora of HOHA WATIIK ready for .hipment and delivered Irce In City limit.. Out of town ordcr.tniu.t ASHEVILLE WOOD COMPANY. ALL KINDS OF WOOD AND KINDLING. OFFICE WITH YARD, 26 NORTH COURT SQUARE, NEXT TO SCOTTS LUMBER YARD. ISIcctric Car Paw Office Door. A. II. & C. E. LYMAN. Owners. Ian IN il.'lm riaun PLUMBING, STEAM TIN AND SLATE ROOFING, Plans and Specification We have thorouith mechanic. In each line liuaineaa. We can aaftlv iruaranUe our patron, BALLARD. RICH & DOYCE. jthlSdlT THE "BONANZA," THE LKADINO ' . WINE AND .. LIQUOR .. STORE IN THE STATE. FINE SAMPLE AND BILLIARDOOM. j. a. MAMtQVAiiDT. -'r. I KO. 43 S, MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, R. C D VEK TISEMENTS. ANTHRACITE COAL THE CITY OF ASHKVILLU. to Buy Real Estate. arc bound to no hixlier, aa paat taiH-ricucc baa capital to better uilvantiiKC thun riKht here a8 Patton Ave., Aaheville, N. C. I. B. RANKIN, Caahler. M.J. FnKK.J. B. Rankin. J. B. Rav. I. U. Heed SURPLUS, 815,000 SavinK I'calurc will receive aicclal attention. for four montha or lonxer, Intereat at the rau SPRINGS oil the A. & 8. Railroad and mnimealn. Several very fine romhlnntlon. ASHKVILLE, N. C. FIVB MINUTBM' WALK FROM COURTS!. SERVICE AND TABLli IMRBT'CLAHe). HARGAN, PROP'RS. have Kuat'oNaiiiLB reference. C. H. CAHPBKLL. ESTABLISHED 1888. AND GAS FITTING, ARCHITECTURAL, IRON WORK. Furnished on Application who have had many year.' tipcrkmc. in their aatlefactlon la our work, a low neural.