Newspaper Page Text
J ob w ork . DONE Very Cheap AT This Office. SEM1-WEE? Rates For APVEKTISINO Moderate AT This Office. -Jr1 aimer. fish 1 erman lVggSaSS .anaKer. PUBLISHED SYBRY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, ttJSZrd&SSSZ VOL- I- EDENTON. IT. C., Friday, Angust 26. 18877 " No. 102 IS Yes, startling as it may seem - HIVE is foil of people at this very hour who will attest the fact " that R. J. MITCHELL Sc CO., of EDENTON, N. c. Proprietor of the Hive is selling goods at BOSK BOTTOM PRISES, While they make no accounts, selling goods for or, its equivalent, he puts everything down to actual 8w Ye who wish TrIMIP Wf wWm BEE 'IT orV GASH GilLY Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Willow-ware, &c, and be convinced of the truth of what we say. i j Entered at the Post Office at Eden ton as Second-Class Matter. LOCAL. Read L. Levy's notice of removal. Limeades 5c each, at the Bay View. The storm on the coast last Saturday was general in its character. Call View. and examine Stock at the Bay C. M. Murden is still afloat. For har ness and coffins he is the man. Milkshakes, Limeades and all Tem perance drinks at the Bay View. Mr. Spruill is still in the dairy busi ness. Milk delivered at your door up on order Our town continues quiet not a sin gle case before the Mayor's court in two weeks or more. All in need of fall and winter clothing are invited to call and examine W. T. Hall's new line of samples. A revival meeting is in progress at the A. M. Zion church. Several ministers from a distance are present assisting. Dr. C. P. Bogart and Master Cheshire Mitchell, with others, are up from Nag's Head where they have pleasantly so journed this season. Mr. M. H. Dixon is at home from the hill-country of Virginia where he has been to take his family for the remain ing portion of the season. The exercises at the M. E. church Wednesday evening were very interest ing. A full congregation was present and manifested marked appreciation of the service. Mr. L. L. Brinkley announces the connection of his name with the adver tised excursion to Nag's Head, Saturday night, without authority either ex pressed or implied. Kemember we enter no names upon our subscription book unless the money accompanies your order. Subscriptions are positively cash. If you want our paper send the money and get it. Little Johnny Harrell called to see us yesterday and say& he "sellBtwo big red apples for one cent and he wished peo ple would hurry and buy him out 'cause ae wants to go to Nag's Head Satur Jay. The first number of the Baptist P.lot, a newspaper published at Wintou, N. C, oy three well known colored men of that place, is upon our desk. It is devo ted to the religious interest of their race.. It is a well gotton up sheet and, we wi6h it abundant success. Rev. C. S. Brown is Editor. Fresh Beer, on tap, daily. A small keg will be tapped at 10 o'clock every morning, thereby enabling me to fur uish my patrons with a fresh article. I buy in small kegs in order that nonv shall become stale before use. Eight or ten kegs constantly on nana in ice house. R. B. Hayes. t"Beer can also be bought at my place fresh every day at 10c per quart. Kegs furnished if wanted. The excursion to Nag's Head, Str. Hamilton, bids fair to be the most pleas ant of all the excursions had during the season. Steamer leaves Edenton at 11 o'clock P. M. Saturday night, arriving at the Head at 6 o'clock a. ai.. Sunday. Remaining until 6 o'clock a. m., Wednes day. The party will be given three days on the beach. Fare, round trip, from Edenton 2.00. Refreshments will be served by R. B. Hayes at prices moder ate. No liquor allowed to be sold, under orders specially made and agreed to by all parties interested. For f urthei information see posters generally cir culated. STEAMER SUNK. The Steam barge, Mary Louchary, under the command of Captain Gore, running railroad ties for the N. S. Road at this place, sprung a leak at the mouth of Chowan river last Monday evening. The leak being one of danger the captain at once put the craft for shore, where she sunk in a short while. The crew is now in Edenton awaiting for the barge to be lifted. m a -- THE STORM. Reports from various places along the coast make the storm of baturdav the most terrific and distructive witnessed for many years. Parties arriving from Nag's Head give a most exciting account of the spectacle occasioned at that point and recount the scenes along both the Sea and Sound beach in a manner that gives evidence of an experience almost appaulmg. Houses were shaken until they rocked to and fro like a era Hla cAmo Af 4- horn hisino rrro tixr ii q m . I rerain descnSSd" in orrnTs flooding the main avenues and filling the houses so as almost to float the furniture on tne nrst noor or some oil the dwellings. Excitement reigned supreme, ctout nearrs oi strong men were made to quake with fear while the women were heard in shrieks of dreadful apprehension. Quite a number of peo ple, filled, with excitement amounting almost to consternation, have left the Head and many more are expected to leave as soon as means for transportation are furnished them. We are sorry to record this almost unheard of and very nigh tragical oc curence let its publication shall injure Nag's Head as a Summer resort but, the fact that the storm was general an:l disaster not specially confined but was (as indicated by reports coming from every quarter) general in its character we apprehe d that the news w i 1 be r- -garded, in the natural light, as one of those visitations, so to speak, from which no place is entirely exempt and to which Nag's Head is not any more subject than are the rest of the popular resorts along our Southern coast. IN EDENTON. If it was not a tidal-wave, it was something very.much like arise in the waters of Albemarle Sound that struck ; Edenton last Friday. Some of the hous- es near ine oay snore were almost bud merged. Portions of Water street were under cover of water, and a canoe almost was a necessary adjunct to travel. Albemarle Enquirer. False as falsity itself, and only worthy the editor of theEnquirer who delights only in sensation and feeds upon excite ment. TROUBLE IS EXPECTED. Greensboro. N. C . August 24. A negro man, named Horton. assaulted Miss Sapp, a beautiful young lady, at Kennersville, about fifteen miles from this city yesterday. He was arresred and taken to jail at that place, but the tnreats or tne moo made it necessary to remove him to this city, and he is now in jail here. Trouble is expected, SLANDER. The editor of the Enquirer does not profess to be a judjre of horses or co-s or ani nals in general, but a day or two ago he saw the tluCtsi Durham cow that he has laid eyes upon recently. Mr. Andre 'V J. Batewan, our wrunesouled and hospitable fellow citizen h;isa Dur ham cjw, two years old, witli a fine little cult a few weeks old appears to us to be an improvement on luucu of the stock tbat we see iu and around Edenton. The cow is gentle, kind and can furnish in a day as much milk as one preacher in our town can use for his milk punches in a week. Albemarle Enquirer. "As one preacher in our tU U . Now, we have six white ministers, R3vs. Jos. Bond, F. M. Satterwhite, C. P. Bogart, R. B. Drane, R. A. Armstead, J. Wm. Lee, in Edenton, all of them christian gentlemen of standing men tcfo whoa e above reproach, whosechur acters defy the flines of the wicked and whose lives brand as false and slaud rous anything, from any source, reflec t ng upon their habits or personal good c nduct. There are, with these white men. three colored ministers stationed uere, Revs. W. S. Windfield, J. A. Gar ris, II. H. Whedbee, whose exemplary conduct has won for them the respect oi the entire people and whose own self re6p;ct would drive them to pronounce the author of the above article as un vxorthy even to unloose the latchets oi their shoes. Let the man st .. k out Co be indefinite is to reflect upon all. Ve demand, in behalf of an outraged community, that the Enquirer call the name of the ''preacher. When first he came among us, eight .-ears ago, L. Levy considered himself compelled to occupy a store which, from its retired situation, he called country. After, when opportunity offered, he moved to the Rosenthall store when he thought himself in town. Now, con trolled by business interests, he firm moves again, and. this time, to the large and spacious building formerly occupied bv Messrs. bkmner and rar. sons. :uam street, wmcn situation ne ieclares to be in the mmdst of the city md. of all places, most attractive to mrchasers. His life experience as a merchant war ;;nts him in saving that to advertise prices amounts to simple nousense. Call and examine goods, see or your selves their quality and then let the nrice control vcur purchase as he is determaned to close out the remnant of goods on hand in order to make room for a New Fall and Winter Stock which .vill be selected in the great city of New York with which no market can sue-' cessfnlly compete. Thankine mv customers and public generally for past favors and asking aj continuation of the same. I respectfully 8crlbe 6elf for the nrm T ' 2 T rr--r I H I LLJLio J-JO V y s union Dunamg, iormeriy occupieu uy oKinner cv rarsuus. tLook-out for ad when he returns. 2;'?f?n m 'M ts F if A IP W Ml Jai lb ffl a si iaw wmw. Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Cotton Gins and Pi esses, And Machinery of every description 30 per cent, lower than ever before. Ifyouarein need of anything in this line write me for prices before buying. LOWS TIME GIVEN WHEW DESIRED. I am also prepared to furnish Castings of all kinds promptly ana at low prices. . Address: SCHOOL NOTICE. TO TEACHERS OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS. I hereby notify you that the SECOND T, tUh.LAY in S r timber, and FRI DAY au i SaTUKL.-' V thereafter, are P'lhiic i;ivs for examination of appli cants for teachers' cer ificates. Te.ichei. whuBC ce: ificates have ex pired or will before 1 v ember, and those v iio wiisli iu bc-O'iiie le.iohers will apjear r ibe Court Honso i;i Cdenton on either oi the iiayt lueiitlouti. IVv. Mr. U;c.K(!ii;i,rmanof County Load at Edeutoi-, Chowan county, will conduct the examination. Those having passed satisfactory ex amination in part of the branches at the Institute, and failing to pass in others, will be required to be examined only on the studies in whih they failed. J. H. GARRETT, County Supt. Chow ;ii Co. SCHOOL NOTICE. Edenton N. C, July 28, 18S7. To the Public: We are glad to an nounce that Mr. F. P Hall, a graduate f Davidson College, N. C, and a teach - r of successful experience, will on the 1st Monday in October next, open a School in Edenton for boys and girls. The terms will be reasonable and will be published later. Mr. Hall brings with him the ven- highest endorsements, as a gentleman md a teacher. He is employed by a number of citizens, who feel the need of increased educational advantages in Edenton and whose ONLY purpose is to oromote that object. No means will be spared to make the school a success. We have been appointed to make the mnouncement and to ask the jatronare md good will of our people for the: school. W. D. Pruden, T. B. Bland, Jno. C. Rond. J. R. B. Hathaway, Edward Wocd, Committee. $100 TO SSOObmadwolT.OTTTR TT TTT? CIT TTT? furnish their own horses and give their whole time to the business. Spare mo ments may be profitable also. A few vacancies ig towns and cities. B. F. Johnson & Co., 1013 main st., Rich mond, Va. au23 3m J OJi E S PAYSWifFREICHT 9 Ton Wacon Brale, Ira Lcrero, Steal Beariar. &raa Tf B m ad Bra Bi tor Imi da Real. rr price Ilat aiaauoa this prT aod a44raa laMts if iTrsmahtoi, BIN CJU A JIT ON. N. Ya Wood House, Nag's Head, N. C This house is located on the Sound- Side, South of the Hotel, with eight large comfortable rooms, and is now open for regular and transient boarders. rPTJ,"I?"lrQ! Per Day, 81,00: per week. 86,00: per month, 520.00. bingle meal S5c. Boarders requiring a seperate room will be charged ?2. 00 per week extra. Spe cial terras can made for families for tne season. tf B. F. ELLIOTT. M IS a PERRY PLYMOUTH, K. C. J. D. G-roves & Co. General Commission Merchants for the sale of Vegetables, Truck and Fruits of all kinds, ALSO FRESH FISH of all kinds. No 10 Howly's Wharf. Baltimore, Md. -"i .... consignments solicited and prompt returns made. al lv NOTICE. The Str. Lucy, Capt. Jones, will make regular trips during season, Ieavinir Ed- eutonat 10 o'clock a. ji for s mm evry Saturdav, until further notice. For particulars apply to K. R. Pen dleton. June 29, 1887. J. J. Jones, Owner This space be longs to J4i- , ytt t nr o VV U . VUVTG GO Co., DEALEIiS IN CHOICE LIQUORS, Edknton. N. C. Cabinet Maker and UNDERTAKER, Edkntox, X. C. Repairing, Vnrnishing and Uphol stering Furniture a specialty. A full supply of cheap wood Collin, Fine Case and Caskets and Metallic burial cases furnished at short notice and at low figures. IIEAKSE AND TEAM FUEX1MIED WJIL'N WANTED. As I do ALL of my own work it ena bles me to fill orders cheap. Pictures and frames of every varietv furnished upon order?. Place of business, the old Hankins cabinet shop, opposite the Woodard House, Main street. MAG gy n - ., 't .: m iiiyftai " mk -Wrmnm, n-. ..TiT -"-Ta it ml tAl ' t