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fat gtehttmm & gnxmtx. A. H. Mitchell. Editor and Manager. Price $1.50 Per Year. Delircred at doors of city subscribers, as soon as from press, by carriers, without t-xtra charge. No narnu entered without payment, and no paper sent after the expiration of time paid for. The Editor disclaims all responsibility for the Views or statements of correspondentsand re serves the right at all times to revise or reject any article he may think proper Best Advertising Medium in the District. Kates very moderateSpecial Itates on Long Contracts. EDENTON, March 2. MURDERED AT BERKLEY. WHITE MAN, WHO ROBBED, FOUND HAS BEEN DEAD. The U. S. Senate has confirmed the nomination of Col. Marshal Mc- DnnalHrnhft Commissioner of Fish covered at the south end of Pearl about EDGAR HANEY, "WHO CLAIMS TO BE A NEPHEW OF THE LATE V. W. CORCORAN, THE UNFORTU NATE MAN. Virginian, 29th. That unusually quiet and orderly town, Berkley, was thrown into :i whirl of excitement at an early hour yesterday morning by the announce ment that a white man, well known in thnt place, n med Edgar Haney, had been found dead, presumably murdered. The body had been dis and Fisheries. street by a colored woman at 5:30 o'clock, who at once notified ldenton s iuiure is iun 01 none 1 . , , - , 1 iwaj murk v nn thp snnt. ann soon and promise New settlers arriving jth. re were over a hundred pair of I T" . J A. ,1 -1 every wees. rui a up your Yaccin eyes cone Tteaiy gazing upon me lots, citizens, demand. dwellings are in The South is booming. Every day Northern Capitalists jump the tr iins for some Southern town. Let it continue the South is the place whre money and industry are , his mouth was entirely FACE OF THE DEAD HAN, which had such an expression as one wou d see upon the face of a man having suffered terrible agony. The entire body presented a horrible sight, the face being back and smeared with blood which had run from his ears, mouth and nose, while clotted uith needed. Patronize home men. Give your influence to home enterprises. All things being equal, let home and home people always have your pref erence. Never send from home for anything you can get at home. That's the way to make a town pros perous and keep away hard times On March 13th, 14th and i5th, a Fish, Oyster and Game Fair will be held at New Berne, N. C, which promises to be one of the grandest ever he'd in North Carolina. Special rates have been made over all Rail Road and Steamboat lines in the State. Besides a full exhibit of fish, oysters and game, there will be shown native woods, farm products, live stock and poultry, marl, antique relics, fancy work and art. Many valuable premiums are to be offered The State Democratic Executive Committee met at Raleigh, in the afternoon of February 24th. The matter of the selection of the place of meeting of the convention came up and excited warm and prolonged debate. Large delegations were present. Raleigh's c'aims were ably presented by Mayor Thompson and Hon. Oct. Coke, after which the vote was taken, resulting in 14 for Raleigh, 6 for Fayetteville and 3 for Charlotte. Wednesday, the 13th of May, war selected as the date of the Conven tion. In comment upon the meeting the Economist aays : Pftloicrh thP nl for hnMintr thp breath grew shorter, his body Democratic nartvofthe State and we un.u.1 fi.5.ll3r lhere remained but a ro.onn fnn nhonrrn f Kf I COlu, Stltt maSS lOT the e emCIl S tO blood which had frozen as it, came in contact with the freezing winds of the night. His clothes were bloody and dirty, and to add to the gh'nstli nss of the sig t. his body was frozen and th'j man's face swelled to nearly double its natural size. Whin the body was discovered the man's hat had been carefuily laid over his face, showing plainly that wh n his assail ants left him he was in a STATE OF UNCONSCIOUSNESS. His pockets had ben turned inside out and his watch and a small amount of money which he is known to have had on him were taken. But this was not all. So zealous were the thieves for plunder that they acuallv took his cuff buttons out of his cuffs and threw tha latter aside in a c ump of bushes where thev were found yesterday morning. To obtain tbse articles from Haney, they, evidently had to use violence, for the ground around the spot shewed plain y THAT A VIOLENT STRUGGLE had taken place. The dead mn bad been struck in the mouth, :ind fi ger marks on his throa? indicate that after being hit he clinched wiih his assail ant or assailants and made a bi fight for his life and proi-er y. It is probable that when Haney was robbed that he was alive but unconscious, ; s the b'ows he received would hard y cause a man's death. What his assailants probably at tempted to do. how vr, but onlv aid the foundation, f r the bleak February winds completed, for Edgar Haney had been FROZEN TO DEATH. Lef . in an unconscious condition on the lone y Berkley street at an hour when ali honest folks are supposed to be id bed, without iriend ordef nier. under tne influence ol drink and put Portlock and Rudd on this statement immediately put the prisoner under arrest. George Chapel!, another white man who was with Cooke when the examination was being held had blood on his coat, and being a great friend of the prisoner, was arrested as an accomplice. The jury then retired, and after consultation rendered the the following verdict: We, the jury sworn to determine when, where and by what means the deceased, Edgar Haney, came to his death, do say that we believe, from the evidence, that HE MET HIS DEATH at the hands o( Charles Cooke, Officer Portlock and Rudd, after hearing the verdicttltook the two men in charge and carr ed them to tlie Portsmouth jail, where they were locked up. While in Portsmouth the officers arrested a young white woman named Sarah Webb, who, it ii stated, bears a rather unsavory reputation, and locked her up as a witness, she being ou intimate terms with Cooke. Haney, who is about 30 years old came from Powhatan county origi nally, where he is said to own con siderable property. , He Una been employed on the Norfolk Southern railroad for several years as an extra conductor, and newspaper and fruit vender. He was popular with his fellow employees, and was a man of no family. In Berkley he roomed with Mr Broulett and took his meals at a boarding house kept by Mian Tatem. He was, n man of some prominence being past commander of Lee Lodje K. of P.. and was a mem ber of a Lynchburg Masonic lodgo. Haney stated to evera! gentlemen in Berklev last week, when the death of Mr. W. W. Corcoran was announc ed, that he w; s he a nephew of the millionaire and would leave for Washington in a few days to obtain $50,000, which, he said, had been left him by the deceased. His mother, he asserted, was a sister to Mr. Corcoran. Both Cooke and Chapell arc Berk ley mfn, but bear not the best of reputations. None of the belongings of the deceased were found on their persons. The men will be examined by Justice Jones, of Berkley, to day. TIME OF HOLDING COURTS FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. kail Clothing House. AM Desiring to close out balance of raj wintr goods, I shall offer remarkable and extraordinary Reductions in Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Boots, Hats and Gent's Furnishing Goods, All of the best quality, To be sold at any reasonable price for the Next 40 Days. you'll find a Come earlr I do this to make room for a nice New Spring Stock. Below few quotations showinir how low I am iroinjr to sell jroods now. before the stock is picked over, as the low figures, which have been placed on every article will positively insure a speedy sale. I mean exactly what I say at and below cost, means that and nothing more. This will hold good only till the 1st of April. Men's and boys' Overcoats at half price. Men's suit from 3.00 and upward. Men's Pants from SI. 00 up. Boys"' knee pants 4 13 years, from 50c. Red flannel suit (shirt and drawers) SI. 00, all wool. Heavy men's Undershirts, only 2oc. Heavy ladies1 Vests, only 30 cents. Heavy brown cottons from 5 cents up. Heavy bleaching from Scents up. Shawls all wool ouly 81.50 worth S3. 00. Dre6s flannel all wool only 40c a yard, worth 65 cents. Shoes ! shoes ! shoes ! at any price. Shoes from 25 cents up. Roys' boots from 75 cents a pair. Rubber boots at $2 30. Rubber boots, very long, S3 50. Oil Suits, $2.00. IIat6. Caps, Trunks, Valices, Harps, Accordeons and many other things too numerous to mention. Spring Judge Montgomery. Fall Judge McRae. Beaufort February 13th, May 28th, November 26th. Currituck March 5th, Sept. 3d. Camden March 12th, Sept. 10th. Pasquotank March 19th, June 11th, Sept. 17th, Dec. 10th, "Perquimans M r li 26th, Sept. 24th. Chowan April 2d. Oct. lit. Gates April 9th, Oct. 8th. Hertford April 15th. June 18th, Oct. 15th. Washington April 23d, Oct. 22nd. Tyrrel April 30th, Oct 29th. Dare May 7th, Nov. 5th. Hyde May 15th, Nov 12th. Pamlico May 21st, Nov 19th. Profoundly thankful for the generous patronage given me in the past, and hoping in the future to merit the continued favor of that public whose conlidenco and trade I have the honor to enjoy to such a full extent. I promise that witlk the increased advantages I shall boreal" tr have to better serve my customers than ever before. Ver; ,espoctfully, Perkins' Old Stiid-'Cheap Side MAI JSi ST REEL custom. Raleigh has generally had the lion's share of the official ap pointments of the State but we do not suppose that it is owing to any undue local influence. It was two Supreme Justices, the Treasurer and Secretary of State and we do not desire any change in them, nor as we believe, does the public. We have observed with some care the trend of public opinion and that tendency is crystalizing into the following ticket for some State officers : For Governor, Lieut. Gov. Steadman; for Secretary of State, W. L. Sanders; for Treasurer, D. W. Bain; for Supreme Court Justices, Judge Graves, Jas. E. Shepherd and W. D. Prnden; for Attorney General, Mr. Davidson. This selection, as far as it goes, would meet our entire appro bation. Mr. Steadman is a good popular speaker and made an excel lent canvass when on the ticket for Lieut. Governor. Secretary Saun ders is a universal favorite as is Treasurer Bain. Judge Graves is a model Judge, learned, patient, unpre judiced and honest. Judge Shepherd has given proof of his qualifications on the circuit Bench and W. D. Pruden is the recognized equel of any lawyer in North Carolina, a man of broad culture, learned in the law and thoroughly honest; and ' his dis tribution of iudicial nnairinn wnnlH to sleep by a blow from what has p oven to be nn assassin's hand, his PRtVTlVl AN Z I flKhN ly coder, lii-wwi mnii 1 wiwu-w, 211 south Charles btreet, Baltimore, Md. Wholesale Commission Merchants, FRESH FISH, OYSTERS, CLAMS, GAME. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED sgpif s 01LKO 55 CLOTHING The best in tlu' world. Eveiy rarmcnt . wai rantcd. Ask for lie Fjsh md lake no ther. S aimer Bros., Wholesale Commission Dealers in FRESH FISH, Ample cold storage rooms. R. S. Djshiell. References-National Union Hank. Md Armstrong, Cator & Co., J. A. Dusbane Clothing. work on. They had done their work well, for the man's ears were frozen until they were black, and the other portions of his body equally as hard At about 9:30 o'cioc, whe i the Coro; er s jury appeared to hold an inquest over the body, there were nearly five hundred people gathered in the vicinity and excitement ran high. Dr. George V. Wallace, who & Company, Baltimore. ia tne county Lorner, made an ex amination of the body and heard the t st:mony of a number of witness s. The only clue ob ained by their tes timony was that Haney was seen to leave Mr. bye Hill's bar, c rner of Pearl and Chestnut str et, at abou 10:15 o clock in company with Charles Coke. Cooke swore thai he walked dowu Pearl street with Haney as far as Mr. Bruleti's house. wnere ne ieic mm. jusi as ne was about to withdraw, the Coroner having finished examining him, a genuine SENSATION WAS CREATED The undersigned returns thanks for the liberal share of patronage received and now has A FINE LINE OF GOODS for the Spring and Summer of 18S8. The best in the market; call and examine them and give your orders. W. T. HALL, Merchant Tailor, Edentox. PTPTTT "V nowarcloci J-' IV-'Xli. 1 JL are those who read this broneofthecrowdcal.'infrtheatten- "lfle Zlll fl"'! ISEPSilf - , 111 1 1 I t ill lmuj mcui tlab . in uui ioa luui tion of the jury to whU looked like a from thir homes and families. The pro- blood st un on witnesses coat. He fits are large and 6ure for every indus- grew very nervous, but qnick as a trious person, many have maae ana are flash recove ed himself aud said it now making several hundred dollars a was red paint The crowd would not believe this statement, however, to work. Either sex. voune-or old: cam- and when JJr. Wallace alter exami- tal not needed; we start you. Everything nation declared that it was blood, and new. No -special abilitv required: you. fresh blood at th:it, the witness ajjain reader, can do it as well as any one; be just to every part of North Caro- appeared very nervous and beean to lJLl"r S. R. Scoggins & Sons, BALTIMORE, Md., i The I,:ifst ilMSE FISH, Terrapin, Game, Etc., 110 Hoiliugsworth Street, BALThYIORE, : ilD. Quick sales-good priees-prompt returns. CTCUART fi. IfCAHl C (SoimmAsion gUrwhnni tlao Soixtli, Wholesale Commission Merchants, Best prices obtained and quick return guaranteed. Established lt47. 1 FRESH FISH DEALERS, Oysters, Produce, Melons and FRL IT. Pratt Street Wharf. Oitice corner Pratt and Calvert Streets, BALTIMORE, MD. Pnnclnrnm Pntc cr ntft anH nrnmnf returns References Franklin Bank, W. J. Carroll & CO., wholesale grocers, Kea- gle & Geuder, oysters and fruit packers. Baltimore, Md. .XZstalslialio X Q-0LO Ship to the old reliable A.D. SESSIONS & CO smoke a cigarette rapidly. Constable & Co., Portland, Maine, Send your Job work to this office. Fish Dealers, Baltimore, Md. fo) AXLE lid GREASE BEST IN THE WOULD. IU warlBX qttAllUe are unsurpael, ctaHr ootlAstiDK two boz( Of but othT brand. Kr trvm Animal OUs. CrliET TUB CJKMC7INK. . TOR SXL-2 BT DZALZB3 GKXXEULLT. ME