Newspaper Page Text
A CELEBRATED CASE. THE TRIAL OF THE NOTED Gil KENS BORO ASSAULT CASE THE il UR- DER TRIAL EXPECTED TO BEGIN PROMPTLY TO-DAY-A BIG PANEL SUMMONED. Fiom Messenger. Greensboro, N. C, Feb. 22. The excitement was intense in and around the Court house to-day, during the trial of Messrs. Robert Murphy, M. M. Pard w, and Dr. L. S. Lash for assaulting Mr. J. L. May. This altercation, which occur red last December, is said to have been caused by an article published in the "Sheaf," a paper which Mr. May runs in connection with his regular business "f depot agent at Summerfield. Mr. Murphy, who is a conductor on the C. F. & Y. V. equaled by any of the past publishers. R. R is accused of having beat n If your people appreciate a good, in Mr. May, whi e Dr. Lash and Mr. j telligent, enterprising and wholesome Pardew stood by and kept others 'journal, they surely will support and f om parting them Dr. Lash is a aid the Fisherman & Farmer di ec'or of the C: F. & Y. V. R. R financially as well as in words. Long is well-known here, and is a prom- intt citizes of Stokes county. He is a brother-in law of Mr. Murphy. Messrs. Ruffin and Morehead ap pealed for the defendant and Mr. J. E. Boyd for the plaintiff. Ihe 150 men summoned by tne Sheriff, from whom is to be taken the jury for the murder case which is to be tried to-morrow have nearly all arrivt d here, and everything is ready for the trial to begin the first thing in the morning. Both of the defendants. Messrs. Brown and Morgan, are in good health and spirits and are very nopeiui tn t tne result ot tne case ili be in the r fnvor. THE NORFOLK BURGLARS. Murray and Ward who were arras ted in Richmond and sent to Norfolk upon the suspicion of complicity in the robbery of Chapman & Gale' a jewelry store a few weeks ago were brought to trial on Tuesday and there being no proof of their guilt they were discharged, where upon Murra' was immediately rearrested upon a requisition from the State of Con necticut upon an accusation of bur glary in tht State. Before they were brought out for trial, Murray confessed the crime and made known the place of concealment of the stolen jewelry upon condition that they should not be prosecuted for the robbery. The agreement was fairly complied with and after some testi. mony as to the value of the articles etolen from the jewelry store and other immaterial matters a verdict of not guilty was taken and the accused criminals discharged. The prisoners before the trial confessed that they were concerned with a gang of bur glar! and had robbed the store of Messrs. Chapman & Gale on the Saturday night which was known, that immediately upon the robbery they had left the city of Norfolk with the stolen jewelry, had gone into the country and concealed it in an oil cloth bag some three miles from the city. Immediately upon this infor mation the detectives went to the place designated and commenced to dig in the ground for the concealed property. They soon came upon the diamonds, watches and other jewelry, which were identified as that of Chapman & Gale. The watches were much damaged by rough hand ling, but the jewellers were consid ered fortunate in recovering the property in the condition it was. It was testified on the trial that the property taken from the safe was worth $15,000. Something was as certained of the history of the bur glars. Ward and Murray were expert burglars, had operated in Europe and in this country, in cities and villages and had served out terras in the peni tentiary. It was learned from them that they were able, with the instru ments they had, to enter any safe in twenty minutes. Economist. OF ENCOURAGE MENT. The editor, in a private letter from Mr. II. J. Dowell. Commission Mer chant at Raleigh, received the fol lowing words of encouragement, for which we extend our sincere thanks : Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 22d, '88. Mr. Editor : It is with pleasure that I receive and peruse the Fisher man & Farmer weekly, and the old adage, "tall oaks from small aeorns grow," is verified in your journal. I consider it the newsest and most readable paper published in Eastern Carolina, especially and to those who are interested or know the place and people as I do. I am glad to see such a worthy enterprise sustained ana nopo to ee its influence main- tained to an extent heretofore un may she live and flourish for the 1 good, not only of Edenton and Chowan county but the State atlarjje, and especially, for those who follow a noble calling fishermen and farm ers. THE OYSTER INDUSTRY. The Shell fish Commission met last week at Englehard to hear a prevent against their decision as to the Public Grounds of Far Creek. The prote3 tants claimed that one of the areas set apart was not a natural oyster bed and consequently should not be re served from entry. After examining the ground and hearing testimony on both sides, the Commissioners de cided to modify the previously deter mined boundaries of the . area, and the decision arrived at was satisfac tory to both sides. The decision as to the Public Grounds of Hjde and Carteret counties was made at the ame meeting and both of those counties will be open for entry in the course of a short time. A firm of Connecticut oyster growers have applied for blanks for twenty appli- camts for 640 acres each. If these applicants are made and the ground entered, the North Carolina oyster grounds will begin to experience a decided boom. Economist. NEW BERNE FAIR. There are to be many interesting features at the Craven County Fish, Oyster and Game Fair, which comes off on the 13th. 14th and 15th of March. A tournament, a street pa rade of one of the most efficient fire departments in the South, and a glass ball and clay pigeon shooting. special low rates over railroad and steamboat lines in the State, and ex cursion rates from points North have been secured. FISH IN DEMAND. The demand for fish as food is continually on the inciease. An in telligent dealer from New York told us the other day that it is nearly double what it was only a short while ago. Not only is it growing in New xork, Phi ladelphia and Baltimore, but thrf demand from all the West ern cities has lareely increased. The Albemarle Fisheries of North Caro lina furnish the first and best supplies. Carolinian. W. G. Butler, Dealer in FRESH AND SALT FISH, Sturgeon, Etc., 1st Avenue, Franklin, - Va. Shipments solicited, given. Best reference A LETTER S. L. STOKER & CO. Successors to Chappel ctStorer, Wholesale Commission Dealers and Shippers of all kinds of resh 3Pisli, Lobsters, Turtle, Etc. 16 Fulton Fish Market, . NEW YORK. Stend's and Stationary furnished on apnl foul ion. Shad Season of 1888. SALES HALEY & CO., Wholesale Comm'ssion Dealers in all kinds of FRESH FISH, 14 Fulton Fish Market, JTEW YORK. giTMore and larger shipments requir ed to meet the increased deruauds than ever before. Stencils and stationary furnished upon application. Lanphear & Haff, Wholesale Commission Dealers in 'vZf II IT I Lobsters, Etc. JTo. 12 Fallon Fish Market. New York City. If you want to obtain the highest ket price for j'our mar- Fresh. Fish Game and Terrapin. SHIP TO I. A. Lee & Co. 27 & 58 Dock St. Fish market, . Philadelphia; - Pa. JOS. D. Neal & CO., Wholesale Commission Merchants in Fresh Fish, Oysters, Terrapin and Game Pier 16 and 328 g Delaware AveQUC, Philadelphia. Consignments solicited and prompt returns made. Please send for cards and stencils. THE etsf way To get a Flrst-ClsMWatclx lain our Co-Operativ Club. HUE VATCH ES AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES Only Sl.00 a Week. Thousands of tlio best $3S.OO Oolcl "Watcli ever made are sell ing" in our Co-operative Clubs. This Is the -Z?rf, Cheaprnt, 3fot Convenient, and only co-operative System of selling watches. The watches are American Lever Stem Winders, containing every essential to accuracy and dura bility, end have, in addition, numerous patented improvements found in no other watch- They ars absolutely the only JJut and Damppro Move ment made ta the World, and are Jeweled throughout with UEUISE ItUBirs. The JPtUent Stem tUml and Set is the Etrongt-ct and Simplest raado. TJcey or ful'y equal for ap pearance, accuntciftdKmbilittf and service, to any $75 Watch. Our co-operative Club System brings them within the reach cf every one. THE Kb T O I UlvCa I lFATflll OlllD Of! ! v m m m m wmm ., b bbbb ! IIHIUli UUi 926 Chestnut SU, P ft Ti-iT QQ Phlla. T.-i, wtoSriJg?g.I Lin Da constantly rormins. Join Uow and Savo Honey. tetter MERCHANT TAILOR, ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. A fall line of Foreign and Domestic Goods always on hand. All work Warranted. (MEIER BSRSQBGcES & CO SAILMAKERS. Canvas furnished at Factory Prices. Old and 6old. Awnings and flags made AT THE EXCELSIOR HOUSE, GREEN FRONT, Main Street, Second Door South of A. T. Bu?hs comer, CAN BE FOUXD Whiskies, Brandies, Wines, Alest etc., the best for the verv lowest cash prices and in quantities sufficient for any demand. Cool Beer on Draught; also Bottle Goods of the best grades. Cige rs and Tobacco of brands well established. 1his establishment is entirely new and constrrcted with an eye to th convenience of the trade. I invite competition ps to the quality of my stock mhI the completeness of my structure. Give me a call. Edenton, n. c. A. L. GREGORY, Proprietor. The following books are publiphe.l jn neat ranr'pHet form, printod from pood readal.lo tvr" on c- faper and niauy of Uiem liamlsoinely illustrated. They are without exception the cheaix'H ImwWk v r .it. isfieJ in any land cr language, and turmoil to the masses of the poj!e an opiortuf!iy to retire the I . t literature of the day at the iiiot triflim.' expense. In any other aeries these great work woulJ com iDuy times the price at which they are here oifered. Each ouo is complete in ltwlf : Wonders of the World, XTt'i, asp Othkb. Con tains (KticriptiuiiH and lliuntr.iti.ins of the lmwi wuin'erlul work ot nature n. of tnau. ry inl. reslinc an. I iiirlnurtivo. tu'. taii'iful tliincs loun.l nt Hie bottom of t lie (n eju. witU Wonders of the Heu. A leTijitifii i wi many wtinlrr- prvfune illustrations. A Pleasure Kj xertlon." nnd Oth?r 8kotchc. T.y J'isiAH ALLANS Yt ikk." A collection 1 I IrrcKlKtii'ly l.uiuy ketches by the mopt popular liisnioroiiH writer of the ill. y. The Aunt Keslah I'nperw. tyCi.m aik.i-uta, ant nor of TUs KujtjC I'oriiRient." A nv-ht ri,liruluus.'y lu:u.7 -"lc lnerry way el to ''Wiaow he.lotf." ChrlatntH ("torle, by Chaki.'is 1'!i:kk?. iynrln a number of tiie moat cuaimii;? Cliri"n.i Horim f vcr written by the preatem writer wl.o ever llveil Karhnne lacntnpl-te. Jtound. the KrrnlnK Um.i. A lrfk of stories. pictures, pnzsies an t ean-.t-a. lor f- little lo!U at boine. tic and pathetic, iucl noting all the latest, best ami moat popular. TheSelf-mnde Meu of Modern TJint. jH.r trails and bloraiihiea of f.iniott clf-uiuu Aiuricaas. Iiota tua time of Franklin to the present. I'ouIhf ICiH-ltnt'ons and i?IaIocruoa, r.umoroua, urama- Fumlllar CJ notjitlona. Contalnlns the orlsln anl antnor- i Ship of many phras-g frcnuently net In reaJins aiwl conversa tion. A valuable work cf reference. I Low Life In Xew York. A series of vivhl pen pictures I howlnr the dark able of life in the crest city j V.uMtr tiled. The Koad to Wealth. Not an artveitieinj; i ircular. hnt a thoroughly practical work, po',ntlnp out a way Ly which all may make money, easily, rapidly ami honestly. One Hundred Popular Sons, pent'.mental . pathetic nl comic, including most of the favorites, new and old H!r Noel's Heir. A Novel. Dy Mi-s. Uat Acnks Flkmino. A Hnrtered IJTe. A Novel. By Makios Habi.and. An Old Man's Sacrlflec. A Novel. I'.y Mrs. A S. .T.FHENS. S3We will send any four of the abore books by mail foBt paid upon receiptor only IS Cents; sny rn ror OS Cents ;an7fwr!fj -Jtvs. lor iiO Cents th.j entire list hooks) fot T5 Cents; the entire list bound in boart.s with cloth back, for 1 .10. This is the createst bargain in books crerotrered. Do notf all to tike adrantsire of it. Satisfaction guaranteed of money refunded. Postspo stamps taken for fractions of a dollar. As to our reliability, we refer to any newspaper published In New York, likewise to the Commercial Airencles. All orders filled by; return mail. Address all letters- i 31. LUl'TO.V. Publisher. . 6a Murray street, Aew Yorsw Send to this office for JOB FROM A Business Card to a mammoth Poster With neatnesr, correctness and dispatch. Our Mctto: Every attention will be given to the print ing of hand bills, letter and note heads, bill heads, wedding invitations and programmes. Steam Boat House AND OYSTER SALOON, King St 3 dooi-K west of l ny View Hotel and next to the Dixon Uuiklintr, fjdfjYtojv, jr. c. R. B. Hayes, Prop'r., Vho begs leave to inform his patrons of Chowan and the counties surrounding thatou and after October the 1st, run ning through the entire winter season. he will be prepared to furnish daily FRESH NORFOLK OYSTERS in any quantity desired. Orders, large or small, from any dis tance" will be promptly filled. Daily boats on the Chowan, Roanoke and Scuppernong Rivers will enable him to supply regularly and promptly any par ties in Bertie, Washington and Hertford counties, either on general or special orders. n w . - iv v-nuu y ouiiuiicut Terms as reasonable as the supply affords. Printing cheap a 4. 4.2-, 4X5, iLt TlHS OlUCe. "Bht E. CITY, 2f . C. to on! CEIT Tlie rnret-lllnl Kuhlra. X Xov.l. fly Xf. T. Cai ,.. . 1'heOM lluUntliitt. A Novel. Ilj Sti vam s ( ob J;. The IVarl vl'thrOcMB. A Novel, llv Cuki xiv.i.i.. Hollow Aah Hull. A N'ovrl. V.j SlAH;AitT IIluim. I niiirtraiett. I i:Jcr the lA.,um. A uvtl. Ity t:. auilior of !.. i ( Hire Ilouae. A oti. nyMT n.rnnn. I Tlio. uo. The I!anoiit llruec-K t A Novel. V-j Sirs. Himt i v. . i;hM'ut'J. ', 'IhelnwiVnSccn-l. A ?"nvrl. Py Ml V. K. Hbahpov. I 'Vit t. rniiCV t'ne of Or. J cUj II and Mr. fljde. A. Novel; K. I.. STicrr-wiK. I A Vt'!ekd tilrl. A Norl. Br M ah y fKCii. H A T. j l.ty i.IvorihV l)iuiMuJ. A Noi. lly Tn t DimhkLh." .... I llctwecn Two Bin. A Novel, f.y a'ifl.or of Dora , mori.e.- juurrnira. The Msf of Hearts. A Novel, r.y 11. 1.. Fabjkom. DvrU'k i'orlunr. v Nov.l. r.y W taoiN. A MurrlnKf. A Novo!. 1 .MNa liuu.i a. iua. The Guilty ItUer. A Novel, lly Wh kik Collins. The I'olnoa of Aap. A Novel. Kv Flobkxck VIasstat. Mont (iraiins A Novel. Hy Mrs. Mkhrv Woun. I'or-lus the l etter. A Novel. Uy Mrs. A leia-ii-kb, A I'laysrrlcht'a luutthter. A Novel. Hy M.s. EdwaUUH. Mum fated. Fa!r but False. A Novel Thome." JLluMtroteii. By the author of " Iia I.nnenater'a Cabin- A Novel. By lira. II. V. Victob. Z.'i'rrafeif . Florence Ivlncton'a Oatb. A Novel. By Mrs. !abt A. IiCMSoN. JUilttrutcd. The Womun Hater. A Novel. By Dr. J. II. Itomxso. Tllttstra'.ed. The California Cabin. A Novel. By M. T. Caldob. Good Work At Small F rices. GEO. M. BAKER, Coach Maker, Edenton, N.c. Sails 3 EACH! The above firm having just received a new supply of materia, also increased their force, wish to state that they ar now prepared to do all kind of Coach Work in the very latest and improved style a; prices to surprise everybody. Before buvinr a Buggy, wagon, cart or a wheelbarrow, you should give them atrial, you will save money. If you have repairing of any kind to do they will suit you both "in work and price. Horse shoeing done cheap and neat. sepH-y