Newspaper Page Text
E(K is&frmnn & fatmtt. FUALISHED EVERY FRIDAY -BY THE- Merman & Farmer Publishing Co. PEIOE $1.50 PER TEAR. SUMMARY OF CONOBE33. Senate Proceedings. 47th Day. A bill was introduced to so amend the immigration laws that no persons of the Chinese race, without regard to the Government to which the Chinese may owe allegiance, and without regard to the port, place or country from which he or she may come to the United States, shall be allowed to land A. resolution was introduced urging "the President to make a treaty with the Em peror of China containing a provision that no Chinese laborers shall enter the United Ktates; laid over A resolution was passed for an inquiry into the advisability of bavin? seven or eight townships of the public domain, surrounding ana including Mount Ilood, Oregon, set apart as a national park .A resolution was offered to annul patents lor certain lands which were issued by the Secretary of the Interior without due au thority.... The bill to establish a National Art Commission was passed.. . .The bill for the compulsory education of Indian children was passed. 4$Tn Day. The Secretary of War pre sented a communication asking an appro priation of $:0,(XX) for continuing the con strction of the barracks at David's Island, N. Y The House bill to amend the act re stricting ownership of real estate in the Ter ritories to American citizens was passed.... A bill to revive the grade of General of the Army was referred ... A resolution asking the cause of delay in constructing the Poto mac River bridge was adopted . . .The Secre tary of the Navy was asked to transmit cer tain reports to the Senate relating to the United States steamship Atlanta. . . .The res olution was passed directing the President to negotiate a treaty with the Emperor of China cutting off all Chinese immigration. 4'Jtii Day. The bill to regulate commerce carried on by telegraph was reported from the Postoffice Committee with adverse reports on bills introduced by.Messrs. Cullom ana Ed munds,and the matter provoked a lengthy dis cussion, en gaged in by Messrs. Cullom, Chace, Blair, Reagan, Saulsbury and Gorman.... A bill was introduced to incorporate the AtV lantic and Pacific Ship Canal Company.... The resolution directing the Secretary of the Navy to designate a National vessel of war to convey the remains of ex-President Paez, of Venezuela, from the port of New York to the port of Lagx:ayra was passed. .50th Day. The President presented to the Senate all correspondence relative to the re cent fishery negotiations The House bill for the purchase of United States bonds was favorably reported .... A joint resolution was passed for the construction of a reservoir for the storage of water in arid regions of the United States .... The bill to construct a bridge across the Mississippi River at Memphis was reported adversely with a minority report from Messrs. Ransom, Coke and Kenna .... Some important amendments were made to the rules .... Consideration of the Dependent Pension bill was taken up and short speeches made by Messrs. Berry, Jdanderson. Wilson, Sherman, and Ingalls. THE NEWS EPITOMIZED. Eastern and Middle State. The Local Option High License bill has been passed by the New Jersey Legislature over the Governor's veto by a vote of ','A to 24. A MUTT75Y occured at Philadelphia on board the British steamer, Trenton, in which three Bailors were fatally injured, and a number of others severely hurt. The counting of the money in the Sub Treasury at New York for the purpose of placing Treasurer McCue in charge has been commenced. About 1.7JX0,000 will pass through the hands of the counters, and it will keep them busy four weeks. THE Rev. Dr. XV. II. Ward, editnr of th New York Independent, was crushed b a truck, four ribs being broken and there being a slight concussion of the brain. Fire at Salamanca, N. Y., d?stroyed the opera house, postoffice and twenty other buildings. Two laborers, Pat Foley and Mike Riley, were killed in New York city by the ex plosion of a giant cartridge with which they were loading a drill hole. Oscar Beckwith, who was sentenced to death six times for killing Simon Vander cook, has been finally hanged at Hudson, Hexry M. Potter, aged sixty, jailor at Northampton, Mass., hanged himself be cause he was accused of embezzling county money. Erxest Young, Professor of Ancient and Modern History at Harvard College, has committed suicide. Grand Master Powdert.y, of the Knights of Labor, has issued an earnest appeal for aid for the miners in the Lehigh region, whose condition and suffering, he says, are deplorable. THE rab-committee of Congress that was appointed to examine the Worthing ton-Post contested election case, from Illiuois, has de cided in favor of Post, the sitting Congres3- mp,r, Fonrh and "West. Masked robbers stole $4,000 from the ex press car on the St. Louis, Arkansas and Texas Railroad, near Pine Bluff, Ark. lOM orsythe, son of the Sheriff of Pan- oia county, lexas, has been lynched for the unprovoked murder of County Treasurer jam, wnich he had confessed. j. he waus or a large hotel in process of erection at Jvansas City, Mo.,. caved in, kill ing three men and injuring five seriously. The Salt and Lumber Company, of Manis tee, Mich., has made an assignment to E G Filer. Liabilities, $84,000; assets, $1,880,000. The timbers of a bridge on the Southern Pacific, near San Antonio, Texas, gave way precipitating a train of cars fifty feet into the creek below and killing G. F. Etheridge, a wealthy stockman, and three brakemen. A difficulty took place at Culpepper, a., between E. B. Williams, of the Cul pepper Exponent, and Edwin Barbour, of the Piedmont Advance, over articles which have appeared in their papers. Barbour shot U llliams through the heart, killing him instantly, and was fatally wounded himself. iTonse Proceedings. fvD Day. Mr. Kelley, of Pennsylvania, rising to a question of personal privilege, de nied that he had said, as was intimated in certain newspapers, that it was policy for the Republican party to obstruct the passage of a tariff measure A bill was reported to secure to actual settlers the public lands adapted to agriculture and to protect the forests on the public domain The House, in Committee of the Whole, considered the bill for using the surplus to purchase bonds The Blair bill as well as the many House bills similar to it in scope were referred to a sub-committee composed of Messrs. Crain, Buckalew, Cobb, Pennington, O'Donnell, Russell, White and Candler. 54th Day. A bill was introduced for the exchange of worn and mutilated small coin for new ... A bill relating to rights of anchor age in New York Harbor. was introduced . The bill prohibiting transmition through the mails of newspapers containing lottery ad vertisements was reported adversely .... A resolution was adopted asking the Presi dent what progress had been made toward negotiating a special treaty with China.. .The resolution appro priating $200,000 to enable the Govern ment to accept the invitation to take part in the Paris Exposition was passed, with an amendment adding fL'5.000 for disseminating correct inform ation in France concerning American pork The Committee of the Whole agreed to bills for buildings at Bridgeport, Conn., and Hoboken, N. J., at a limited cost of $100,000 and .?r5,000 reiectively, and the House ratified its action A joint resolution was passed authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to tender a war vessel for the conveyance of the body of General Jose Antonio Paez, from . New York to Venezuela. 55th Day. A letter was received from the Secretary of the Treasury estimating the probable loss by destruction of United States bonds .A resolution was adopted providing for holding night sessions every Friday to consider private pension and political disa bility bills The bill creating the office of Assistant Superintendent of the Railway Mail service, with a salary of 3,000 per annum, ana niry-iour cierKs ac :.',uuo, was reported favorably The House then went into Committee of the Whole for the consid eration of private bills.... $20, 000 was ap propriated for the relief of the Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary and High School of Virginia. 5Cni Day. An appropriation of $5,000 was made to pa' the expense of the commit tee investigating the Trusts. . . .The considera tion of the Pacific Railroad Telegraph Bill was taken up as a special order of business and passe 1 by a vote of l'.'T to 4 57th Day. Committee on Printing, re ported back a resolution directing that Com mittee to inquire whether the scale of prices in vogue in the Government Printing Office prior to January 17. should not be re-established; adopted Mr. Breckenridge intro duced a bill to declare 4 trusts" unlawful. . . . A bill was introduced to appropriate 1,000, UJQ to tuild a ship canal around Niagara Falis A bid was introdueod for the appoint ment of a Congressional Committee of five to investigate the Western Engineer strike Mr. Farquhar introduced a bill to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to place with the Comptroller of the State of New York ?s,000.000 of '6 per cent bonds, the interest oC which is to be used in the improvement of the Erie and Oswego canals. 5Sth Day. The appointment of Mr. Thomas, of Illinois, on the Claims Commit tee, was announced. . . . A bill was introduced prohibiting the use of likenesses, portraits or representations of females for advertising purposes without consent in writing. Re ferred.. ..The Houe then resumed the con sideration of the Alabama contested election case of McDuffie against Davidson. After a prolonged debate the House declared in favor of Davidson, the sitting member, and then fiftieurned. in is entirely and the gave them The new and incompetent men who have taken the places of striking C.,B. & Q. en gineers destroyed seven engines. Seven hundred conductors and brakemen on the Atlantic and Pacific railroad in New jiexiconave struck against a reduction wages ana ousiness on the system suspended . The venerable banker, Valentine Winters, of. Dayton, hio has distributed a half iuuuon aonars among six children neirs or two others. In 1SS3 he four hundred thousand. Superior region has just been visited by the worst gale and snow storm of the season, and the railroads were entirely blockaded during its continuance. The Sutter Hotel at Sutter Creek, Cal., took tire and from there the flames spreaa and destroyed the entire town. The place had a population of 1,500. Albert West, (onlnmto nrmfinri w orKnouse at Indianapolis, Ind.. attacked a prison official, crushing his head with a stone, when the guard shot West, killing him m&um Liy. is. w ton, ivan., was visited by a tornado. wmcnKuiea vv . j. .Lacy, fatally wounded lw iaaies ana destroyed nine houses, valued at V'W,uuu, E. A. MCLEOD. Postrrm 7 --.,v, V V JL. tf.Xi.Al V 1 C& jio.l whose accounts were recently found to u snort, committed suicide by hanging nimg3Ji to a chandelier in. the Circuit Court room. Fire in the heart of the business section of xuiiwauKce, v is. , aesrroy ed property to the value of .$200,000. J Charles Duncan killed his employer, Milt. Hawks, at Parkersburg, W. Va., and the indignant neighbors lynched him. Three men were killed at Walkerville Montana, by reason of the cable breaking with which they were being lowered into a mine shaft. George Watts, a striking engineer, tres passed on the property of the Chicago, Bur lington and Quincy Railroad at Brook field, 111., while endeavoring to persuade a fellow workman not to take out an engine, and a Deputy Sheriff named Bostwick shot him dead. . Th,e v,illaSe ot Deep Creek, Va., has been totally destroyed by fire. Measles in a malignant form is rapidly wiping out the bands of Nez Perces Indians on their reservation. Foreign. The Emperor of Germany has displace 1 Dr. Mackenzie and put Dr. Berghruann in absolute control of the Crown Prince's cas?. M. Wilson, son-in-law of ex-President Grevy of France, has been found guilty of celling Legion of Honor decorations and been sentence.! to two years' imprisonment, &'i0 fine and five years' deprivation of civil rights. A large number of nnemp'oyed working men engaged in a riot in Rome. Italy. Bake shops were broken into and pillaged, and the police, who attempted to arrest the rioters, were driven away with stones. Troops final ly dispersed the mob. Major Bunker, of Boston, American Con sul at Georgetown, British Guiana, has died of yellow fever. Emperor Willtam of Germany has signed a decree for the enforcement of article 5fj of the Prussian Constitution, which pro vides that in the event of his becoming in capable of ruling Prince William shall be come Regent. Seckendorf, Le Vino & Co., hop mer chants at Nuremberg and London, with a branch office at New York, have failed ow ing to enormous losses. Liabilities about $2,000,000. The French schooner Fleur de Lamer has sunk off Cayenne. Guiana, and sixty pas sancrerR hav bn HrownflH. AT Havana, Cuba, an inhuman mother chopped off the heads of two of her children with a hatchet and held two others in a tub of water till they drowned, and then cut them up. The Bishop of Cork, Ireland, has permitted tne Doay or the late Stephen J. Meany, the Irish-American patriot, to be placed in the Cathedral there on the condition that there be no political demonstration. . Two villages in Switzerland have been to tally destroyed by avalanches. Five people were KUieo. The bodies of over two hundred victims of the recent avalanches in the Italian Aln nave oeen recovered. AGED PEOPLE. Matilda Riley, of Ravnick, Ky., claims to be 121 years old. Mrs. Sarah IIorne. of Dover. N. IL, is 93 years old and is in pirfect health. D. T. Van Vechten. of Warren, Pa., claims to be the oMest G. A. I, man in the country. He is in his 'JOth year. Patrick Daley, of Meridin, Conn., is 101 years of age, strong and hearty, and still does his own garden work. After Mrs. William Dutton had livl 10C years she stopped the use of tobacco for fear it was injuring her health. She is still hale and hearty at 1C3. Mrs. Bridget Eagan, of Rondout. N. C, is 105 years old. and she says it makes her mad to have young folks of 8J or IK) years come round and ask if she is "feeling poorly." How Bismarck's speech went over th world is shown by the number of telegrami sent out upon the day and evening of its de livery. No fwer than 1,21S press telegrams, comprising 114:29(5 words about it, were sent from Berlin to o2) different places in Ger many and abroad. Tr e forwarding of thes telegrams was effected by 2C5 officials on 22' instruments. BAY VIEW HOUSE Near Court Sqnare, EDENTON. N. a F. A. WHITE. Proprietor. Ij. I. RAIiFE, Clork. Tb!s mi:iScetJt honse has jut Ut!j be-n r. i anl fnroiahrd oew from top to bottom aci g" cow public Itt Urge and elegac; ro. c ' FACING EDENTON BAT, are an attMCtioa rotjornapwd In Eastern Cro-,- Ma Die will te eapp!iea wiiti the bt tLe narke ford. Tolite and attentive rrracu In atteci Free Hack to meet Trains and Steamers. First-class Accommodation in Erery Way ep!4-y At Economy, Penn., the twentj'-eight ol 1 men and women survivors of the Harmon j Society, celebrated the eighty-third anni versary of their establishment. They own property.. Torth $15,000,000. mvj i n 5 LATER NEWS. in Washington. The total receipts of tha Government for February were $31,422,883. and the total ex penditures Sl.),424t26, being a net gain for the month of $11. b9.2o7. The rednrti nn in tne public aeot during the month was $7,7.r)C, o6t. Total cash in the Treasury, $.72,3!W,0S'J. Two delegations of Chippewa Indian3 from "Wisconsin have gone on a visit to Washing ton. One of the delegations came to urge the settlement of a claim for $118,000, said to be due them for lands surrendered to the Government. The other delegation came to protest against the interference in the matter of the disposition of their timber. The will of the late XV. XV. Corcoran leaves an estate valued at $3,000,000, divided mainly among his two nephews and niece. The Louise Home get? $50,00J, and the Cor coran Art Gallery $100,00). The appointment of Samuel X. Dyer, Jr., to the Auditorship of the Boston Custom House has been confirmed by the Senate. The President has nominated John H. Winant to be postmaster at Hackensack N. J. The President has approved the bill au thorizing the purchas? or additional ground for the Custom-house at Newark, N. J. The Senate Committee on Education and Labor has made a favorable report on the bill extending the provisions of the Eight Hour law to letter carriers. United States Treasurer says that the aggregate loss on all the issues of Govern ment notes by destruction up to January 31 I8i8, was not less than $8,700,000. The United States pension office has granted the first pension claim ever awarded a Chinese. Ah Lin, a landsman aboard of an American man-of-war off the Pacific coast, was injured in the leg by the bursting of a gun fired in a salute. Ah Lin's pension is $S per month. A defalcation of $38,000 has been dis covered in the office of the Treasurer oi Danphln County, Penn. Neal. Dow, the combined candidate of the Democrats and Prohibitionists, was defeated for the Mayoralty of Portland, Ma. by Mayor Charles J. Chapman, Republican, w he received an increased majority over the ven erable "Father of Prohibition." A tornado in Grand Cotean Parish, La destroyed a number of houses uprooted trees and killed one child. A collision occurred on the Cincinnati Southern Road, near Pine Knot, Ky., result mg m the death of one man and fatal injuries to five more. A premature explosion of dynamite the Cleveland Mine at Ishpeming, Mich., killed five miners. Pullman Conductor Towne was attacked at New Buffalo, Dakota, in his car by two masked men, who robbed him of a large amount of valuables, and, leaving him un conscious, escaped. . The President has sent the f olloving nom inations to the Senate: John R. Read o Pennsylvania to be United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania; George G. Sill of Connecticut to be United States Attorney for the District of Connecti cut. Alex. B. Cooper of Delaware to be United States Attorney for the District of Delaware; John Lee Logan of New York to be the Associate J ustice of the Supreme Court of Idaho; Charles C. Jones of Nebraska to be Register of the Land Office at Neliegh, Neb. ; Rev. J. F. Dolphin of Minnesota to be Post Chaplain; George F. Hollis of Massa chusetts to be United States Consul at Cape town. The Senate has confirmed the following nominations: Moses J. Liddell of Louisiana to be Associated Justice of the Supreme Court of Montana; Charles H. Harrington to be Postmaster at Essex, Conn. ; George Cush ing to be Postmaster at Higham, Mass. ; A W. Doremus to be Postmaster at Boonton, N. J. ; E. F. Pedrick to be Collector of Customs for the district of Marblehead, Mass.; T. H. Kelly to be Assistant Collector of Customs at Jersey City. The members of the Roumanian Cabinet have resigned. Avalanches in the Trentino Valley, Italy have killed twenty persons. Two Mexican villages were attacked by a daring gang of bandits. At the villaee of Lleva nine men and one girl were killed, and at Picacho seven were murdered. The rob. bers sacked the cost office and stores and then fled. Miss Louisa M. Alcott, the noted au thoress, died Tuesday at her hom3 in Boston, Mass., just two days after the demise of her aged father, T. Bronson Alcott. She was born at Germantown, Penn., in 1S32. . The New Jersey Senate and Legislature have passed the County Option High License bill over the Governor's veto. Six tons of dynamite exploded at Rich mond, Ind., killing David Hampton, serious ly injuring a woman a quarter of a mile away, and shaking the earth within a radius of fifty miles. Rev. J. A. Asbury, a prominent Method ist minister, dropped dead at Vincennes, Ind., while conducting a funeral service. The Senate has so amended the rules of procedure that by a majority vote treaties and the discussions thereon may be made public. The President has sent the following nominations to the Senate: James M. Corbet, to be Register of the Land Office at Grand Forks, Dakota; Jabez C. Steele, to be Re ceiver of Public Moneys at Huntsville, Ala. ; Edwin Eells, to be Agent for the Indians of the Puyallupa Agency (consolidated) in "Washington Territory. The house of John Daly, near Cayuga, Canada, burned, and his wife and two chil dren perished in the flames. THE MARKETS. 9 NEW YORK. Beef, good to prime 8 Calves, common to prime.... 6 Sheep 5 06,Y Lambs 5 00 45 Hogs Live 5 50 ( Dressed 7 Flour Ex. St. , good to fancy 4 40 West, good to choice 2 90 Wheat No. 2 Red S9 Rye State 56 $ Barley State 82 Corn Ungraded .Mixed... 59 Uats White State Mixed Western Hay Med. to prime 85 Straw No. 1, Rye 1 00 Lard City Steam 7 65 cutter btate Creamery.... Dairy West. Im. Creamery Factory Cheese State Factory Skims Western Eggs State and Penn BUFFALO. Steers Western 4 35 Sheep Good to Choice 5 15 Lambs Western 4 5'J Hogs Good to Choice Yorks 5 15 Flour Family 4 00 Wheat No. 1. 90 Corn No. 2, Mixed 55 Oats No. 2, Mixed oarle3T State fcs 38 & 37 (J & & 12 8 110 24 23 20 14 & & 0 50 00 00 lH 90 85 60 38 40 90 05 90 23X 20 24 23 10 12 85 50 50 55 50 90 89 75 1G 70 (& 4 BOSTON. Beef Good to choice Hogs Live Northern Dressed Pork Ex. Prime. per bbL..14 Flour Spring Wheat pat's.. 4 Corn High Mixed. G2rii Oats Extra White 45 Rye State 60 (cb WATERTOWN (MASS.) CATTLE MARKET iieel jJressed weight Sheep Live weight Lam 03 Hogs Northern PHILADELPHIA. Flour Penn.extra family... 3 Wheat No. 2, Red Corn State Yellow Oats Mixed (cb . M ' nye state 52 6 7 75 90 b'j 12 6 7 75?i 95 GiX iO 65 7 5 nop, EDENTON, N. C. Daring jast purchased a complete tct of NEW TOOLS,&c., I am better prepared to do All kinds of Roofing, Guttering, Spouting and Tinwcrk at very ehort notice. REFA11UNQ NEATLY AND PROMPTLY EXE CUTED. GOOD WORK OR NO PAY. GIVE ME A. TRIAL. J. II- BELL, Shop at Bond's Bakery. nov26-ly W. J. MOORE & CO. NEW STOCK Wines, Liquors & Cigars, IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC. California Wines, Foreign and Virginia Clarets. Agents for A. Werner's Celebrated Grape Mtlk-non alcoholic. Call xnd, examine at BAY VIEW BAR. Louis Tillery, FASHIONABLE 2$ Butter Creamery Extra. Cheese N". Y. Full Cream.. FURS AND SKIXS. Black Bear 18 00 22.; Cubs and yearlins: 6 00 rais Otter, each 7 00 210 Beaver, medium 4 00 fa) 5 Mink 40 Red Fox 1 20 1 Grey Fox 90 l Raccoon, each 75 (a) 1 Skunk, black l 00 & l Skunk, half-striped Go Skunk, striped 33 rs Skunk, white 15 Opossum, larere. cased 38 rs Obossum, medium and open. 20 Muskrat winter ifi tn) Muskrat, fall 13 rg 85 57 3tt 53 13 00 00 00 50 00 to 10 10 15 75 35 IS 4'i 23 18 15 BOOT & SHOE MAKER, Edenton, N. C. First-class repairJns done at short notice. A!;c keep a full etoct of tehoe Findings on baud. Vo.r orders solicited. Prompt attention given. ly DR. C. P. B0G-ERT, Surgeon & Mechanical ST 5 LOUIS F. ZIEGLER, IABINET MALI -AND- rrrm EDKN'TOX, ZV. C. PATIENTS VISITED WHEN REQUESTED. ESTABLISHED 18Z6. ... I Bf. WHARTON, WHOLESALE UNDERTAKER EDENTON, N. C. REPAIRING, VARNISHING and UPIIOLSTER ING FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. COMMISSION DEALER IN A fall supply of cheap wood Coffins fine Cases and Caskets and Metallic Burial Cases furnished at ehort notice and at low figures. Fruit, Produce, Fish, Oysters, Terrapin, Poultry, Game, fcc, fcc, in season, No. 5 S. Delaware Ave. Market, FOOT OF DOCK STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Consfcnments solicited. StencjJs furnished. Returns made proanp!:. Jy HEARSE AND TEAM FURNISHED WANTED. WHEN SAM'L J. SKINNER, Attorney at Law EDENTON, N, C. As I do ALL of my own work it enables me to HI orders cheap. Pictures and Frames of every variety furnished opon orders. Place of business, the old nankin's Cabinet Shop, opposite the Woodard Hoase, Main St. Residence, next door. M. E. ELLIOTT WITH CALLAHAN & BERBER. Practice In the State and Federal Cocrts. OFFICE, SECOND FLOOR, HOOPER BUILDING m G -DONJ Wholesale Commission Dealers in Charles Crocker, President of the Pro montory Cattle Company of Utah, has con summated a deal by which his company se cures oO.t'OO head of stock cattle, to be turned upon their immense ranch of over 1,000 acres near Salt Lake. ntESJEI PISH NEATLY AND PROMPTLY -BY TUJ GAME AND TEHRAPIN, 3 & 4 Dock Sreet Fish Market, PHILADELPHIA, IEA. Fisherman and Farmer PoMisMng Company.