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8Ju Sherman St gxtmn. Entered at the Post Office at Eden- ton as Second-Class Matter EDEXTON, April 5. A cross (X) mark on your means your subscription is due. Jlix.&i'MJLomtm XiOcals. Three Cent per line for all locals under this head. Elsewhere rive cents. For lame hack, side or chest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25c. Sold by Hooper & Co. Onion Sets and Lmdreths Garden Seed by O. Newman. That hacking cough can he so quickly cured by Shi lob's Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by Hooper & Co. Carter's Oil Clothing snd Rubber Boots, lor Ushermen, at O. Newman's. Croup, whooping cough and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. For sale by Hooper & Co. Just received 35 Bbls. Family and Patent Flour, and 1 Bbl. choica Vanilla Syrup. Potorico Molasses and N. Y. State Butter always on hand, also good Cider, Vinegar and Provisions of all kinds. Call and give me a trial. W. II. Hedrick. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50c. Nasal Injector free. Sold by Hooper & Co. Scales ancl Plants. Court at GatesviKe next week. Town full of strangers this week. The attendance at Court this week was small. Several large schooners In our harbor this week. We were glad to meet many of our friends this week. The farmers repor. peas and pota toes growing rapidly. Railroad men can be seen on our streets very frequently ofiate. Mr. Haywood Sawyer, one of E. City's leading attorneys, is here this week on a visit to his sister, Mrs. L. F. Ziegler. The box factory of the Branning M'f'g. Co. has started up. Some good work is being done ia this department. The Farmers' Alliance now has 1691 sub alliances in this State with a membership of over 70,000. The Chowan Alliance will meet in Eden ton to day. We notice the small boys are still usinir the noiseless gun on the streets. Is it possible this thing is going to he allowed? If laws are made, why not enforce them? We acknowledge the gift, sent us by Dr. Geo I Nowitzky, of his bock on "Norfolk and the Sound and River Cities of North Carol. na." It is a big improvement upon the original edition. The many friends in Edenton of Mr. E. L C. Ward, a gentleman well known in this community, joins us in extend ing our sympathy in the loss of his wife, Mrs. Mattie Ward, who died Tuesday, Mirch 26th, at her home in Murfreesboro. A bright sky, gentle nreezes from a southerlv direction, warm slowing sunshine, overcoats all hung upon the clothes r:ick, umbrellas thrown aside, stoves and heaters barely warm except for cooking purposes, and all working men in their shirt-sleeves; who would not live in such a climate ! It is equal to Florida with the yellow lever left out. The subscription list of the Fish erman and Farmer continues to grow. A large number of new n;tmes added to the list this week. We extend a jiearty welcome to our new readers, also raise our hats to a number of delinquent subscribers who came in and planked-down their "boodle" lke j gentlemen. Such things as this gives us new life. Let others follow. Our merchants are anticipating a brisk spring trade. Consult our adver tising columns if you would know where to find what you want and buy to best advantage. The liberal adver tiser is the liberal dealer. He is the man who enjoys a good trade, and con sequently never has any old shop-worn goods to put off on his customers. It is then to your interest to trade with those who advertise in the Fisherman and Farmer. ; Shiloh's cough and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee, j It cures Consumption. For sale by Hooper & Co. L" - MeMullen, of Hertford, this week. e informs u that he will locate in : Edenton to practice his profession, about April 20th. Bro. Paul Creecr, of the E. City - Economist, Bro. P. John, of the Car paper olinian, and Bro T. B. Berry, of the News, were in Edenton this week. We hope they all carried home a long i;0f o;,h.,,.iUrfl I list of nw n heri hers. ) it la now a settled fact that Eden- ton will soon have another Railroad. The surveyors of the Suffolk & Car olina Road begun work on yesterday I surveying their water front, &c, on the east end of the town. A note from Dr. W. R Capehart states that through a mistake the dates of the opening exercises at Avoca were printed wrong. The cor rect dates are April 23d, 24th, 2."th and 20th. The editorial banquent occurs on Apri1 23d. W ill yoy suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's V ita- lizer is oruaranteed to cure you. Sold by Hooper & Co SUPERIOR COURT OF COUNT Y. CHOWAN This court was opened on the 1st by His Honor, Judge Boykin, and held throughout the week. The charge of the Court to the Grand Jury was some what out of the usual channel and was, therefore, most interesting as well as instructive. The cases on the State docket were soon disposed of being, for the most part, few and unimportant. The Civil docket was reached Wednesday to the pleasure of such of our attorneys as were ready for trial. A number 01 visiting attorneys were to be seen at the bar during the term; among them, Messrs. Charles Pettigrew and T. A. Armstead, of Plymouth; Hawood Saw yer, Esq., and Judge J. C Albertson, of E. City; Hon. T. G. Skinner, of Perquimans; Mr. 11 II. Blount, of Hertford; L L. Smith, Esq., of Gates, and Mr. A. M. Moore, of Greenville. The term has been a most pleasant one although not quite as profitable as lawyers and other officers of the Court would wish The Grand J ury continued in ses sion throughout the term, working slowly but surely, judging from their make-up. It is composed of good and prudent men who, knowing the right, will dare to persue it Shiloh's vitalizer is what you need for Constipation. Loss of Appe tite. Dizziness and all syraptons of Dyspepsia. Price 10c and 7."ic per bottle. Sold by Hooper & Co. fj m - NEW ADVERTISERS. Read the "ad" in this issue of the Franklin Fish Agency. This is a new firm and a good one too. We commend them to our fishermen Fishermen, your attention is also called to the card of C. M. Murden, formerly of Edenton, who has located in Suffolk, Va., for the purpose of sell ing fresh and salt fish, sturgeon, &c. Try him. Read notice of house and lot for by J. C. Sharp, in this issue. J. W. Spruill, Tax Collector, offers for sale a desirable lot. 4S - - - FISH NEWS. sale ah so Big improvement in the catch of fish this week around Edenton. Our fish ermen have made large preparations for the spring's work, but, up to this week they have not realized a great deal. Not only has the catch been small but the prices, in Northern markets, low and discouraging. The fishermen begun to cut herrings this week The E. City Carolinian says it has frequently alluded to the fact that, pecuniarily, the fishing interest is the largest in our Albemarle section, really bringing more money to it than conies from any other industry. The number of firms and owners of seines and nets I engaged in fishing in our waters reach ' nigh on to three hundred, and the in- ! i dications now are that more lieh will I be caught and shipped in any ; previous season OAT1IERED BY POSTAL CARPS. Manteo, April 2. Big improvement j in the fishing this week. The fishermen ! are smiling. Every day the shipments enlarge E. Mackey's Ferry. April 2. Fishing1 improving over here Some ood catches made this week. M. Rocky Hock. April 3. The catch of fish has very much improved since our; lust report. Up to the present our fishermen have done better than for j several years past. F. Plymouth, April 3. Shad fishing has improved this week. Hope it will continue. A. The AsheTille Citiztn says that Rev. Jos. A. llnndar. an eloquent and noted Ten sestet evangelist, ha 9 returned to the wayt of tin and has been fired from a Baptist pastorate at Morristown, Tenn.. for drunken ness and gross immorality." BUCKLENS ARNICA SALVE. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts. Bruises, Sores, risers. Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter. ( Happed Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cares Piles, or no pay required. It guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25c per box. For ?aie by Dr. . J. Learv. Sleepless nights, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the Remedy lor you. Sold by Hooper & Co. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION North Carolina, Chowan County, ) potion of the "Edenton Agricultural aufi Fish Fair:' thai the namra ot the i incorporators are A. A. Perry. W r. iJruden, I. H. Lieavy, J. r. Homier. 31. H. White, Julien Wood, J. L. Rogersou, F. A. White, W. J. Webb. W. B. Feltou, W. O. Elliott, J. R. B. Hathaway, Ross I. Learv, J. C Finch, A. Bonner, T. M. Small, W. H. Bonner, O. H. Darden, D. Newmann, A. H. Mitchell, A. L. Gregory, J. P- Ooffieid, B. F. Elliott, J. M. Privott, T. J. Hoskins, R. N. Priv ott, John Wozelka. . T. Perry, and such others as they may associate with them; that the principal place or bus iness shall be in or near the town of Edenton, N- C, and its general purpose and business is to establish and conduct fairs and other exhibitions, for the developemeut of the agricultural, hor ticultural, mechanical and fishing inter ests of this section, and as a means of promoting and advancing all industrial pursuits; that the duration of the Cor poration shall be thirty years; the cap ital stock shall not be less than twenty five hundred dollars, and nut more than twenty-rive thousand, divided into shares of the par-value of twenty dol lars. Witness my hand and official seal this, 11th day of March, 1889. Jno. C. Bond, Clerk Superior Couit. C. M. MURDEN, Of Edenton, N. takes this method of enformiug the Fishermen that he has located in Suffolk, Va., For the purpose of selling Fresh and Salt Hsh, Sturgeon, &c- North Caro lina Corned Herring, a Specialty. Being situated in the prosperous ami growing town of Suffolk, where there are six Railroads, running in every direction he feels safe in saying that he can get the very best market price for any shipments intrusted to his care. Having daily connection with all the adjoining towns and counties, and giv ing his own personal atteution to the business, he most respectfully solicits a share of the Fishermen's shipments. Quick sales, good prices, prompt re turns on dajT of sale my motto. Cor respondence solicited and stencils fur nished on application. A trial is all I ask. FISHERMEN ! Look to Your Interest and Your FISH to the Consign FRANKLIN FISH AGENCY, FRANKLIN, Va. D. J. W ATKINS, Gen'l. Manager. FRESH AND SALT FISH A Specialty. Prompt Returns as soon Fish Sold. References: J. H. Bogart, Supt- A. S. N. o.; Vaughan & Co., Bankers: A. M. Brunly, P. M.; A. L. Gardner, Mayor All of Franklin, Va. EDENTON Grist Mill, i HEADQUARTERS FOR Meal. Hominy, Corn and Hay. Orders Filled Promptly. D. AY. RAPER Edenton, N. C. Read This! JOIN LOUIS SELIG S WATCH CL0S 0. 3. The person drawing he last w;itel will be presented chain. with a solid ifold Louis Selig. For further information apply to Loiis Ziegler, Agent at Edenton. WOODARD BROS., Established 1887.1 0: Y " t V Yy vm 3f T v UUAlUCVAiA.i A & A A GROCERS 111 Edenton, And Dealers in 1IAY, SALT, TOBACCO, NAILS. &c. Flour Our Specialty. Goo'L bought in 11 Lots frou fii-st hand Will Dniolicate ANY Northern Bill. itTAU goods delivered V ;:ivin'not only Frc "lit, hut Pac ilih an Drayasre New Iron Building, KING STREET. M. H. Dixon, Iron Front Brick Building, Edenton, - - N. C, Groceries, Provisions Salt, Coal, L1ME hm HAY, Goods bought from first hands for Cash, and am prepared to give my cus tomers inside prices. Selling Out ! At and below cost. NO FOOLISHNESS ! The goods must be .'.old. L. LEVY, Manager, THE PALAIS RQYALL ! Valuable Property FOR SALE OR RENT. One House atd Lot, corner of Court House Green and Water St. For terms, &c , apply to K. D. ASKEW, Winton, N. C. Or J. C. SHARP. Edenton, N. C NOTICE. By virtue of the Town Tax List for 1888 in my hands lor collection. I have levied on a Lor on Jail street adjoining tlie V oodard House property and others The property of Mrs. L. L Powers and will sell same at public auction for cash on Wednesday. May 1st. 19, at Court Ho iitse door the same to satisfv said levy Joseph Spkl ilj.. April 1st, 39. Collector. CALEB HALEY CO WHOLESALE COMMISSION Dealers in all kind, of FRESH FISH, 14 FULTON MARKET. NEW YORK. Stencils and Stationery furnished im application ( '. T. Lunphear. A. W. HarT. LAXPHEAR & HAFF. Wholesale Commission 1 toalers in FRESH FISH. LOBSTERS. AC Xo. 12 Fulton Fish Market. NEW YORK CITY. North Carolina SHAD a specialty. HORACE! ST1LLMAN Wholesale Commission Merchants. Fresh Fish, Lobsteis, Terrapin Green Turtle, GAME, FROGS, Soft and Shedded ; rabs. Prawn, Hani and Soft lams. Scollops Ac. 4 Fulton Fish Market. NEW YORK. Consignment Solicited. CALLAHAN BENNER, Wholesale Dealers In THRESH T7ISH, 1 AME J RESH 1 1SH, i A M F And Terrapin, : & 4 Dock Street Wharf, PHILADELPHIA, - PA: C. F. Warner. I. F. Jann. O. E. Warner & Co. Wholesale ommission Merchants in LOBSTERS, TERRAPIN, C KMK&c. No. :l. 23, :J2, 33, & 3D Dock St. Whf. Philadelphia Sliin your Fish to the 'd Reliab'e J.H.Edwards Dealer In FBESH A?HB SALT FISH Edwards Building, Cor. Main St. aud S. & R. Railroad, FBANKLIA, I a . I. A. HARRIS & Co., COACH MAKERS, 11 Black Smith Work. $c.t EDENTON, N. C. Harij g ofened the old Shop on corner of Main and I hurch St:s.. next to Ihjr ton's Store, we respectfully solicit thi patronage of those deriring any.hiug in our iiue: we guarantee satisfaction and GOOD WOBX AT LOW PEN K. Repairing of all kinds done promptly. FOR HOUSE PAINTING CALL ON J. H. Crawford, At Hat rison Miller s Restaurant. 3 doors west on Water Street. 1 WWBIWfW I i j 1 ruv MM.-" wr.