Newspaper Page Text
PROCEEDINGS OF CHOWAN CO. COMMISSIONERS. Edenton, N. C. April lbt, 89.-A full xuaiu present, me minutes of last meeting were read and approved. The following accounts were ordered to be paid: L. F. Ziegler, for putting bot toms and other repairs on 7 chairs belonging to C. H-, $3.50. J. W. Ilobbs, for repairing chimneys and underpinnings the Poor House, R. E Coffield. for witness tickets consolidated & canceled, J. W. Spruiil, for board of 3 40. prisoners, repairs on jail, wood and cutting same, scouring out Court House inside the bar, put ting down carpet in C. H., one month care C. H., etc. etc , $47.55. J. H. Perry, h ton coal, blank books and tax books, 86.00. W. J. Webb, for 3 days and mileage as commissioner and 1 day at Poor House. 811.80. Ex-Sheriff, J. C. Warren, was given till next regular meeting of the board to settle his tax account. Chairman, W. B. Shepard, was ap pointed a committee to cancel orders in hands of the Treasurer. Mr. A. J. Bateman was appointed Coroner for Chowan county till next election. J. H. Simons was relieved of the tax on his land, the same having been listed by his wife. Mrs. Martha A. Creecy was relieved of the tax on lot valued at 8500, and required to pay tax on oae half of said lot, and the estate of Mrs. Lemmett pay the tax on the other half. Thos. White was relieved from poll tax for 1888 in the 1st Township, having paid same in 4th Township. A petition was presented asking for a public road leading from the Hertford road through the Paxton and Watson White farms to the line of J. G. Wil liams farm, which was ordered to be advertised for 30 days at the Court House door. The Treasurer is instructed to pay out the special tax fund on orders issued t rior to January 1st, 1887. The following gentlemen were ap pointed to take the tax list for 1889: First Township, W. M. Bond- Second Township, J. T. Webb: Third Township, M W Elliott; Fourth Township, W. J. Webb. There being no further businss the Board adjourned. T. M. Small. Clerk. Edenton, N. C, April 1st, "89. The County Board of Health was this day organized by electing Dr. R. H Winborne Chairman and W. ii. Shepard Secretary. Present: Dr. R. H. Winborne, Dr. R. W. Winborne, Dr. R. Dillard, Dr. George Coke, Mr. J. R. B. Hathaway, Mayor of Edenton, and Mr. W. B. Shep ard, Chairman County Commissioners. Upon motion. Dr. R. W. Winborne was unanimously elected Superinten dent of Health for Chowan Countv, N. C. Upon motion, ordered that the pro ceedings of this Board be published in the Fisherman and Farmer. R. H. Winborne, Chm'r. W. B. Shepard, Sect'y. NEW LAWS. The new laws for the protection of the North Carolina ouster beds are being vigorously enforced. A number of patrolmen have been appointed and several arrests have been made, mainly of natives who have been engaged in the business of catching oysters for out siders. This business is to be entirely broken up. The new oyster iavvs give great satisfaction A TRUE TONIC. When you don't feel well and hardly know whit ails von, give B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) a trial. It is a line tonic. T. O. Callahan, Charlotte, N. C . writes: UB. B. B. is a fine tonic, and has done me great good."' L. vv. Thompson, Damascus. Ga. . writes: "I believe B. B. B. is the best blood purifier made. It has greatly improved my general health."" An old gentlomau writes: "B. B. B. gives me new life and new strength. If there is anything that will make an old man young, it is B. B. B. " P. A. Shepard, Nu folk. Ya., August 10th. 1888, writes: "1 depend on B. B. B. for the preservation of my health. I have had it in my family now nearly two years, and in all that time have not had to have a doctor." Thos Paulk Alapaha, ( a. writes: The uise 01 x. ij. o. jui mttue ine reel liKe a new man. I wouhj not take a thousand dollars for the good it has done me." VV, M. Cheshire. Atlanta, Ga.. writes: "I had a long spell of typhoid fever, which at last seemed to settle in my right le, which swelled up enormously. An ulcer also appeared which discharged a cap full of matter a day. I then gave B. B. B. a trial and it cured me." T T I t . . 1 ; - 1 The foundation piles for the ( howan Southern railroad bridge at Norlieet's Ferry on the Roanoke were washed ments. Oar long and extensive expe away last week. The raging Roanoke rience in this branch of business, togeth 18 not so easy to bridge as at first sup- er with the satisfaction that our trans posed The frequent rise in the river actions have generally given to our and the strong current present obstacles patrons, we hope, will prove a greater which render the work exceedingly guarantee to them for the future than diriicult and expensive -Ex any extravagant promises than we can make. C I CTHDCD A TSTTI Pfl 0. L. O I UHtH m Successors to Cuappel & Storer, Wholesale Commission Dealers and Shippers of all kinds of Fresh Fish, Lobsters, Turtle, Etc. 16 Fulton Fish M'kt. EW YORK. Stencils and Stationery furnished on application. S. B. MILLER & CO. WHOLESALE COMMISSION mm nuutti No. 7 Fulton Market, New York. I Samuel B. Miller. Clarence G. Miller . SAM'L. T. SKIDM0RE, WHOLESALE COMMISSION FISH Dealer, 142 & 144 Beekman Sti eet, Opposite Fulton Market, New York City. If you want to obtain the Highest market price lor vonr FIIESH FISH Game and Terrapin, SHIP TO I. A. Lee & Co. 27 fe 28 Dock St. Fish Market, Philadelphia, Pa MARSHALL & JACKSON, Wholesale Commission Dealers in x resli 5 and 6 Dock St. Wharf, Philadelphia, Pa. Consignments Solicited. Returns Daily. Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants And Dealers in FISH, AX A V- AX At A J AN A." X a'A Consignments of North Carolina Her ring solicited, and proceeds remitted in cash. On account of our intimate acquain tance, and frequent transaction with the Grocery trade of the west and south we are ableto handle N. C. Fish t the very best possible advantage, and we are known everywhere as the largest dis tributors in this market. OHAS. W ATKINS & Co General Commission Merchants 1412, 14 & 16 CA.RY STREET, Richmond, - Ya. Sale of North Carolina. SAL TED HERRING a Specialty. tSlTLriberal advances made on consisrn- IS v. THE MOST EXTENSIVELY ADVERTISED LAUNDRY BLUE IN THE WORLD. NO FREEZE, s Glass 0r Bust. NEVER f ; !: cent. UTajH-r ana better than any other bluing in the v, ri !. BLUINE Is more convey ie:it thau any other bluing. BLUINE is more economic.-!, beeauseyou can put in just the exactamo unl and no more. BLUINE is clean and neat; no dust, no spattering or spilling. BLUINE is in small sheets, packed in a handsome envelope, and would be an ornament on any table. BLUINE is the cheapest, because it 2s the best. Twenty-Four Washings for Ten Cents. Wanted at all times G neral Agents, Salesmen for Wholesale and Retail Trade; also men, women, boys and girls to do anvcrtlsmsr m every vic-muy. One Dozen Sheets in a package fur lOeents. Samples free of Grocers or by mall of the BLUINE MT'G CO., west Acton, Mass. . . r-A; it N ORFOLk SOUTHERN RAILROAD COM PANY. Schedule in effect December 3d, "88. Mail Train leaves Norfolk 9:15 a. m.. daily except Sunday, and arrives at Edenton 12:30 p.m. Leaves Edenton 1 10. and arrives at Norfolk at 4.40 p. m. Accommodation leaves Norfolk at 6:00 p. m., arrives at Edenton 11:45 p. m. Leaves Edenton at 4:15 a. m , arrives at Norfolk 10:30a.m. .daily except Sunday. Close connections at Norfolk with all rail and steamer lines. At Elizabeth City with steamboats for all points on Pasquotank, North and Alagator rivers. At Edenton with N. S. Railroad company's steamboats, Plymouth, Mary E. Roberts and Ranger, for all points on Chowan, Scuppernong Little, Cashie and Roanoke rivers, and Jamseville & Wash ington, and Albemarle & Raleigh Rail Roads. The steamer Plymouth, plying be tween Edenton and Williamston, will go to Hamilton on Tuesday and Friday of each week, leaving that place at 2 o'clock a. m. , on Wednesday and Saturday. Norfolk passenger and freight station at Norfolk and western Railroad Dfbot. Freight received daily, except San days. Through tickets on sale and bngcrage checked between Edenton and Elizabeth City and Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York by Ba Line and Old Domin ion steamers and N. Y. P. and N. R. R. form Norfolk, and between Norfolk and Washington, Plymouth, Williamston, Windsor and JaniesviHe. jM. K. KING, General Manager. EASTERN CAMOLLN'A D13PA CTI. yvvY, 00 o rn AO X A i A A i A A T I -if i - rtegtuar line or steamers netweeu Atlantic & North Carolina R. R., New Berne, Washington and Elizabeth city. Daily all rail service between Edenton, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Norfolk. Through ears, as low rates and quicker time than by any other route. Direct all goods t be shipped by East ern Carolina Dispatch, as follows: From Norfolk by N. S. R. R. ; Baltimore by f. w. B. K. K. ; President St. Station. Philadelphia by Pennsvivania R. R. Dock St. Station; New York by Penn sylvania R. R., Pier 27 North River. E. WOOD, Agent. Edenton, N. c. IUZF nOQR m STOif fiuLL uuuii yyuii ui.ui 0 These are the lor d improvements Cook Sto es Health and Economy. Result from their uje. y y r y vy are invil d to ex- Persons interest amine tin moderate btoves at c ur Prices HOOPER CO., Hidenton, NOTICE. Pliotograplis. Call and examine my specimens. I guarantee first-class work. Price Reasonable. W. L. BURTON. Proprietor. Edenton. Green Front, fW Headquarters for Low Prices on Foreign and Domestic Wines, Fine Old Rye Whiskies, Brandies, Gins. Rnms, &c. Also a full line of TOBJLLO AMD CIGARS, All I ask is a trial. Satisfaction sruaranted or mouev refunded. Thanku.p public for past favor.- and soliciting a continuance of tin -amv. I am respectfully, Eden ton, X. C. Attention ! Please pay attention to this advertisement, fail to call on ... , . , . - - . As we are pell mg, from this date, our entire stock consisting of f lothing. Goods, Notions. Shoes. Hats. Valises, Jewelry, &c, for prices as low as good ever were sold In Edenton before. We intend .o make a gieat cl ange in our business, and if we saj we sell prices low enough to astonish the public, we mean it. Come to see us and, if we do not do as we say in this advertisement, doi t buy. Call and be convinced; we invite one ami all. Respectfully, Dobbins' Electric koap THE BEST FAMILY SOAP IN THE WORLD. It is Strictly Pare. Mora in Quality. THE original formula for which we paid 50,000 twenty years ago has never been modified or changed in the slightest. This sonp is identical in quality to-day with that made twenty years aro. IT contains nothing that ran injur- the finest fabric. It bright ens colors and bleaches whites. TT washes flannels and blankets as no other son.p in the world does without shrinking leaving them soft and white and like new. READ THIS TWICE THERE is a jerreat sa ving- of time, of lahor, of soap, of fuel, and of the fabric, where Dob bins' Electric Soap is usd according to direc (ions. QVE trial wHl demonstrate its great merit. It will pay you to make that trial. T IKE all best things, it is extensively imi fr tated and counterfeited. TNSIST upon Iob!i)iN' Electric. Don't take Magnetic, Electro-Magic, Philadelphia Electric, or any other fraud, simply because it is cheap. They will riin clothes, and are dear at any price. Ask for 0.-4 DOEELW ELECTRIC .. and take no other. Nearly every grocer from M.dne to Mr:ico keeps it in stock. If yours hasn't it, he will or.ler from his nearest wholesale grocer. DEAD carefully the inside wrapper around each .i bar, and be careful to follow itiri'i't ioinS on each outside wrapper. You cnnnot aflbrd to wait longer before trying for yourself this old, reliable and truly wonderful Dobbins' i Electric Soap fi' PTJILADELPHI . PA THE OLD EDENTON Tin Establishment is opened again for business under new. ami reliable management. Zvlr. . .J. Messick, of Norfolk, 'a.. having taken entire charge f the Shop. Kecotncs with very best commendation? from experienced mechanics ith whom he has worked tor years am) is prepared to do all kinds of work done in a Tin Shop. ROOFING AND GUTTURING A SPECIALTY Orders promptly filled, W or from a distance, and uric t!irr ioc hi w. Give ns a c ill. A. J. Batsman. Pproprietor. tuient WW ? 5 II in v :mt business mn and others who r Fire Insurance 'Hie Best Companies hrou&h my Agency. I repre companiea, having together f more than V SIX Mlla.IOV DOLLARS, and Applications made for local patrons. ;snd Policies nediately n desired W. B. SHEPARD. I to art'. sent ei a cani i usu High ket prices paid in CASH for N AM) PEANUTS. ?H5 Slid Oold Watr-b. v for Ml OO. until latri v. Best H watch in t&a world. i'erxect Umeptr. W ar- ran:d. Hmv o1k1 Gold nuQiinru.ei. L j'.h ladiea' laad genu' aizes. wiLh w, ... . I and casei of eaoa mu. I One Perten in each lo- caitiy can tccure one free. together with oar large and vaJ uao'e Que cf Househoid Sa jnple. These aam plea, as well as tbe watch, we send r . md after went hi., them hi your home (or 2 months and chows them to those svdo may hare called, they become roar own pro pert t. TTdd who write at once can be sure of receiving tbe 7jttii aad sample Pt ail express, freight, etc Addrsas amaou w Vw.f ox alZ, furUaad, 1 TIT TITl 1 1 ui;i: vmm X lllllf A. L. GREGORY. Read it carefully, and do i ,t O. BOAS. &THAT FIGHT The Crigina! Wins. r. Simmons, Sr. T.uis, Prop'r M. A. Sinuaona 1A t r M edictne, tstl 1S10. in the V. S. Court DEFSAT8 J. II. Z ilin, Prop'r A. Q. Shnmona Liv er K escalator, il l y Xcilin 968 M. A. S. L. M. has ir .,7 yean cured iNtuctsiTiov. Biliousness, iYsri i'oia.sick Hkadachk.Lost Ai'pltite, Souk Stomach, Kto. itev. 1 ii. Kcaras, x'astor M. E. Church, Adams. Tcnn., writes: "I thin!-. I slioul 1 have bic:i dead but ;r yc-ur Genuine M. A. Sim mons Liver Medicine. 1 have Somctinus '.ad tc substitute ''Zftiin's stuli" for vour Medi cin., but it don't answer the Courts lCOPLEl L)r. J. R. Craves, Editor The j;a,r-ist, stdmphis, Tenn. s;.' s: lcc ved u package of your Li v r 1 ine, ana n:i e J t works lik like a char hett 1 Liir r : taiiily no more 1 u s mixture T ant appointed by th County Com missioners aa regular auctioneer of Chowan county, and will be pleased to serve the public when called upon. Term s: On real estate 1 1 per cent. Ou chattltf proerty and live stock per cent. Mileage ets. t'ti;. I w iii be found at ray store on Main str et a any time. Call or. me. I will treat uu right. May 17, 188a. A. J Bateman. Tins ElegAnt i'a:iji'0 la -trie 70 roiitairui' rds of r :uoo swells. : o"- to lit ( M il !:0! h fir ' yT.JT- ITi '.TL re' Br I -- -. t Hoe t j a A. !o w.ito r.:c v. i'aj'i- where (iLh uAD i. i . vv . United State 1 v The Sterling Manufacturers of THE STERLING PIANOS, WHICH FOR Quality of Tone, Beauty of Design, FINISH and adaptability for stand ing in Tune have no equal. Every Piano Warranted for Fi8 Years And satisfaction guaranteed to every parchaser. Also Manufacture the World Rmmowvkb STERLING ORGAN Factories, Derby, Conn. m ' "x . zm 1 J!