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r - -i r ; - - - : r-x' ' H -. f fc&u! - a Published Every Friday. Located in the Finest Fish., Truck and Farming a. H. Mitchell, Kditor and Business ftlanaKer. Established 1886. OUR MAN ABOUT TOWN ! WHAT HE SEES AND HEARS DURING THE WEEK. We found, in our travel around the hustings this week, considerable chat on the political situation in Virginia. All seem agreed that the Republican party did the very best thing lor the State it could have done, in nominating lite Billy and the people, knowing with whom they have to deal, will be on the look out to stem every possible current of monetary and evil influence which may be brought to his assistance. Billy is sharp, shrevved and, politi cally, unscrupelous and his nomina. tion but forewarns the Democratic party which, being forewarned, will be forearmed for the conflict. God bless Virginia is the prayer of all the virtuous and good of our midst In addition to political specula tion and concern for the welfare of our sister State, there is some talk about matters of more material con cern touching loci.1 interests. In the first place, we find to onr perfect delight, that the people, one and all, are agreed as to the prospect of the Agricultural and Fish Fair which is advertized to hold its first exhibition on the 28th, 2(Jth, 30th, 31st, of Octo ber. Great interest is felt by all our citizens in this enterprise and, we are informed, that the people in the counties surrounding are prepar ing to make excellent exhibits of their skill and workmanship during the time of invited display. The grounds are in excellent order an i the buildings, stands, stalls and otber houses are large, commodious and fully up to every expected re quirement. The whole place does credit to the skill and wisdom of the committee in charge and is particul arly creditaole to Mr. Theo. Ralph, the excellent contractor who has constructed the buildings and Mr. Abram Bonner who supervised the making of the track. By the way, the track is a most excellent one, so pronounced by the ver- best judges who have seen it and ridden upon it. Daily trials of speed, by the "scrubs" and billy-goats, are witnessed, which show a wonderful amount of aspira tion and hope in owners, and afford no little amusement tor the crowd whicu. every afternoon, is seen thronging the grand pavilion. If only we :ire favored with good weath er, on t he days mentioned for the ex hibition. we shall have the biggest crowd and the best time seen in Edenton for many, many years. us all hope to this end. Last week we took pleasure in visiting the Norfolk Southern depot and marked the splendid condition of men and things thereat. This week, we visited t he wharf of the Albemarle : Steam Navigation Company the ; other benefactor, so to speak, of Edenton. In the years ago. when j the Rati road was first talked of, many j sad predictions were made respec ting this old and most reliable line but, time and profitable experience ; have both conspired to set at naught j the wild speculation of the timid and apprehensive and to confirm the hope I of the friends of this company as to ; its stability and purpose of long continuance in the service of the people. The company's interest is weli represented at this end of the line by one of the most popular men in Edenton Mr. K. R. Pendleton "--ufa- - tt The EDENTON, whose disposition to accomo late is I onty excelled by his protnpness in all the matters of business appertaining to his position. Tne Steaner' which now does the principal business of the line, meets every present public demand and makes most excellent time arriving at Edenton at an early hour, each night of its trip, so as to render travil pleasant and econo mical as to time &c. The boat is manned by the old crew of the ''Chowan" who are known to our people as polite, kind and every way considerate of the comfort and pleas ure of those who travel with them. John H. Bogart Esq. the matchless head of the company, has so conduct ed the affairs of his line as to make it a favorite among all the people. Asa manager, he is without a superior and as a friend and social companion he I cannot be excelled. While always with an eye to business yet, he finds occasions to meet the social demands which are laid upon him as an indi I vidual citizen, and is ever ready to make suitable sacrifice for the peo j pies good. In many respects he has shown himself a servant of the people rather than a proud head of an incorporation. In times of politi cal activity in his own State, he has made himself felt. Standing ever on the side of right and proclaiming the eternal principles of constitution al truth, he has done servce for his people and lasting good for his State. There is no better man than Tohn Bogart, take him as you will. Since 1861 we have known him and now. as then, his manly characteristics and personal excellence breed for him the undying admiration of his fellows and his friends. His steam boat line will never go down as long as he lives to control it and keep it good. Miss Acmes, the little daughter of Col. Mitchell, was voted the prize at j the late feast by a handsome majori ' ty. The award was made to the most popular young girl in town. This I was a compliment, as we have many ! very pretty and popular little lasses ! in our midst whose good name and : polite manners have won for them the praise of all the people. If a man don't want the public to know anything about his bargains and sales, he must be more private in his transactions. Some people invar iably make a "blowing horn" of their business and then get miffed if a newspaper dares say anything about it. It takes a variety of folks to make a world. A long pull, a strong pull and a pull altogether will build up Edenton and make a great and nourishing manufacturing city of it. We must have co-operative effort, unity of purpose- Nothing more, nothing less. One of the finest sermons preached in Edenton for a long time was heard at St. Pauls, on Sunday, at morning service. Since the Councilmen have condemn ed "Buzzard roost," let them go ahead and condemn other and dangerous places in our midst. We could sight them to several. They have done well in doing what they have but, yet. the field is further ripe for the sickle of demolition. S3?': -r s&QWii fcr.:-. Smallest Hair Throws a Shadow." N. C, FRIDAY. August 30. 1889. Died on the 15th day of Augnst 1889 at 10 o'clock a. m., Mrs Caroline V. Elliott, wife of M. W" Elliott and daughter of M. B. and Martha A. Simpson in the 47th year of her age. The deceased was a member of the church at BaUards Bridge (baptist) having been bap tized September 159- Having lived a consistant christain, she was prepared, even in the trying test t which her last illness subjected her. to meet her fate with calmness and perfect resignation. Though she was conscious of her condition to the last and was leaving behind her a fond husband and devoted children, she, in all the eleven davs of her confine ment and amid all he suffering con sequent upon a typhoid attack, conld calmly endure the affliction which she knew was working for her "A far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory." Her life and her triumphant death should be a solace to her friends and should beget in her berieved family a spirit of perfect submission to th e will of Him Who has calied her to reward "How blessed the right eous when they die" although in this life surrounded by familv and friends and possessed with all the world calls comfort and good living. O the eternal weight of g'ory in the hereaftar of those whose God, in the present, is the Lord Almighty. The following gentlemen were the chosen pall-bearers : Dr. R. H. Win born: Dr. R. W. Winborn: C. E. Robinson; Isaac Layton: W. J. f ore hand: and James Daughtrv. Is Consumption Incurable. Read the following: Mr. C H. Mor ris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends and physicans pronounced me an Incurable ! Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's j New Discovery for Consumption, am I now on my third bottle, and able to . oversee the work on my farm. It is the ; finest medicine ever made.'' Jesse Middlewart, Docatur, 0., says: I "Hal it not been for Dr. King's New j Discovery for Consumption 1 would j have died of Lung Troubles. Was ! given up by docters. Am now in best J of health " Try it Sample bottle free at Dr. W. J. Leajv's Drugstore. How About a Cotton Trust. We see it stated that an orange trust has been formed to controil the price of delicious fruit. Why can we not have a cotton trust? Trusts seem to be the order of the day, and we do not see why the planters of the South should not form a trust on their great staple. Suppose by a I combination the present crop could ; be made to bring one cent a pound j more than it will in a free market ! and the crop should amount to 7,000, 1 000 bales, then we would get for our cotton crop over $30,000,000 more than it woiud otherwise bring. We are in for a cotton trust. We always favor a fair deal all round. Ex. How grand, how glorious, how sub lime is the power and workmanship of God, when even the stars are but the sparks which were flang out by His mighty strokes as He fashioned and made the Universe. Ex. k - ss" - Section in North Carolina. DR. GillSSOM RESIGNS. The Board Accepted the Resignation to Take Effect September 11th. The Board of Directors of the Insane Asylum held a meeting Thursday, the 2 2d inst All the members were present. R EL Smith. Ksq., was elect ed chairman of the Beard. Dr Grissom sent in the following letter: N. ('. Insane Asylum, Raleigh, N. Aug. 2.', 1.-S9. To the Board of Directors N. C. Insane Asylum: Gentlemen: Under the rircum stances I feel it my duty to tender my resignation of the .mee of Superinten dent of the North Carolina Insane Asy lum. Owing to the inability and conse quent absence from duty of the Assis tant Physician, my immediate depart ure would leave the institution without any medical care, and being unwilling to prejudice, in the least degree, the in terest of the Asylum, it is agreeable to me, if it is the wish of the Hoard, to remain until my successor is appointed and installed, to whom it will afford me great pleasure to give full informa tion respecting every detail of manage ment and in regard to every case in the Asylum, and to aid him in every way to enter upon the successful! discharge of his duties. (Signed) Ecoene Grissom. The Board accepted the resignation as tendered. He will remain in charge until Sept. 11th, when the Board will meet to elect a Superintendent and other officers. Electric Sitters. This remedy is becoming so wel 1 known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure ail diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Rhe um and other affections caused by im pure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial feavers- For cure of Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try Electric Bitters- Entire satisfac tion guaranteed, or mony refunded. Price 50 cts. and $1.00 per bottle at Dr. W.J. Leary s drugstore. It this age of "didn t know it wa loaded," the law of the State, "that it shall be unlawful for any person to point any gun or pistol at any person either in fun or otherwise; whether such gun or pistol be loaded or not loaded." is a good one. Any person violating it "shall be deemed guilty of an assult, and upon conviction of the same shall be fined, imprisoned or both at the discretion of the court." Ex. The bustle must go. They are no longer st3dish, and to be in "good iform" (that is the latent for style) a i lady must not wear the abominable things. Ex. The time is approaching when our merchants should make contracts for fall advertisements. The man who keeps his business prominently before the public is usually the successful one. IF" TOUR BACK AC HUH Or you are all worn out, really good for nothing it is general debility. Try nnowN's iron rittkrs. It will cure you, and give a good appetite. Sold by all dealers in medicine. 7 fir cilia irec Price Wlnisl 1'. : . NO. 220. DIRECTORY COUNTY ;o lknmi:nt : Sheriff Js. H. Perry, Superior Court Clerk Jno. C. Bond, Register of Deeds T. M. Small, Treasurer K. R. Pendleton, Coroner A. J. Rate man, Jailer J seph Spruill, Commissionera W. B. Shepard, A. J. Ward, W.J. Webb, W. i Jout, W. H. Boner, Board of Education Rev Ti. B. Drane, W . B. Felton, Mile W. Elliott. Public School Superintendent Samuel J. Skiuuer. Health Sup't. Dr. li H. Winborne. city : Mayor J. R. B. Hathaway, Clerk A . T. Bush, Treasurer -H. A. Bond. Sr. Chief Police Charles Leary. Councilmen J. L. Rogeraon, W. J. Leary. Jr.. M. H. Dixon, J. W. Bran ning. Alfred King, Anderson Lewtou. churches : Methodist Rev. Ernesi Stevens, Psis tor. Services morning and evening of every Sabbath. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night. Sunday school every Sabbath at 4 p. m Baptist- Rev. F. Bf. Salter white, Pastor. Preaching every Sabbath, morning at It o'clock, evening at s o'clock. Prayer meeting every Thursday night. Sunday school every Sabbath. 4 p. m. St. Paul's Rev. R. H. Drane, Rector. Morning and evening services every Sabbath. Evening Prayer every Wed nesday. Morning prayer at U.Iio every Friday. Sunday school every Sunday evening. Fish & Terrapin Trap I'al Dec. 28, 1884. Adapted to River and Long Shore Fishing in 4 to 10 feet water. A Great Catcher! Send for descriptive price list to J. S. JOHSOfl & CO., M A N C FACT U RKKS OF nXXTYYYr.1 V VYY V VYY V Y Y.T m Y Y Y 1 G, 1 1 A 1 JCi A. XaaI 121 South Street, Baltimore, Md. NETTING FOR- SEINES -AND POUNDS WM. J. HOOPER & CO., 110 E. Pratt, near Light, (8 O. BALTIMORE, MD. Manufacturer of O n en -1 m COTTON AND FLAX GILL NETS, n S CORKS. SEINE LEADS. AC f Selae Twin of all kinds, Ma- o nilla, Cotton ft Hem