Newspaper Page Text
Edenton Agricultural And Fish. FAIR October 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st. he teherman & farmer. The Official Paper of Chowan County. EDENTON, SEPT. 6, 1889. Entered at the Post Office at Eden ton as Second-Class Matter. paper A cross (X) mark on your means your subscription is due. Bviaincss Locals. Three ( !ent per line for all locals under this head. Elsewhere five cents. Violin Strings -new & Co. stock. Hoop For lame back, side or Shiloh's Pomus Plaster. chest, use Price 2oc. Sold by Hooper & Co. Buy Sticky Fly Paper 5 cents, each sheet captures thousands. Hooper&Co. That hacking cough can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by Hooper & Co. Jersey Corn Salve the new wonder, 15cts a box also by dozen. Hooper &Co. Croup, whooping cough and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. For sale by Hooper & Co. One Second hand Sewing Machine for sale cheap by O. Newman. Shiloh's cough and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Consumption. For sale by Hooper & Co. Lot of second hand Furniture and Crockery for sale cheap by O. New man. Sleepless nights, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the Remedy for you. Sold by Hooper & Co. Bon Ton Shoe Polish, extra fine and extra size, 25cts. Ladies French Dressing, 10 cents. Bottles refilled with Shoe Polish (Both brands) at re duced prices. Hooper & Co. Will yoy suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vita lizer is guaranteed to cure you. Sold by Hooper & Co. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50c. Nasal Injector free. Sold by Hooper & Co. I have several desirable huilding lots in town of Edenton, N. C. which I will sell on easy terms. L. L. Brinkley. Shiloh's vitaltzer is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appe tite, Dizziness and all sympton of Dyspepsia. Price 10c and Toes per bottle. Sold by Hooper & Co. Scales and Plants. Work for the fair. Fair Oct. 28th, 29th 30th and 31st. Revival this week at the A. M E. Zion church. Mrs. L. F. Zeigler is visiting rela tives in E City. Dr. Shaw, of Shawboro, spent Sun day last in Edenton. Get something ready for the Fair. Don,t, put it off. Dr. C. P. Bogert. returned Monday from his trip to New York. Miss Josie Burton left for her home in Washington, D. C, this week. Miss Jennie Levy returned yester day from her pleasant visit abroad. Miss Mary Darden, of Murfrees boro, is visiting relatives in this city. Mr. M. F. Bond and several others spent last Sunday at Norfolk. Tell everybody you see about the Fair October 28th, 29th, 30th, and 31st Mr. W. S. Mondav, from Virginia. Summerell returned, a delightful trip to How many ladies are making pick les, preserves, and such like articles for the Fair. Quite a number of our people came up from Nag's Head on Friday last. All looking well. Board of Education held a regu lar meeting in the Court House on Monday, the 2nd. Board of County Commissioners were in session Monday. The usual business was transacted. Oysters, the first of the season, were at the wharf this week aad for sale at moderate prices. Mrs J. R. B. Hathawnv and dausht- er, Miss Rena, are making a pieas- ant visit to friends in Va. a mnnr. u f Among the improvements we note a new house on jail erected by Mr. H. A street Bond Sr. AT icq (wa fitn nrhr Vina Kaan spending some time at Ocracoke and Washington, returned this week Subscribe and advertiae. If you wish to reach the masses in this sec- tion, this journal is the only medium J Remember the time. The Edenton Agricultural and Fish Fair will take place on the 28th, 29th, 30th, and oisi. Mrs. B. F. Richardson, of Norfolk, sister of Mrs. I. T. Burton was with her sister during her severe illness this week. Mr. R. B. Hayes, who has been absent for some weeks in the interest of busiuess, is at home again and looking well. Our colored population will regret the early return of Rev. Dr. Lee to his charge in Washington I). C. He left Wednesday. Mr. Abram Bonner lost a valuable horse (not "Maud S.") this week from unknown cause. We are sorry fur, good horses are too scarce to lose. Judge Geo. H. Brown passed through our town on his way to Cur rituck where he opened and held a Superior court, for that county, this week. We regret to chronicle the illness of Mrs. S. T. Neblett, who has been confined to her bed for several weeks at the residence of Mrs. Brinkley. If some folks don't get "miffed" we'll tell what we heard The Bay View House will change hands on the loth inst., Mr. J. E. Bonner becoming its proprietor. Mr. D. W. Rfiper, who has been quite ill for seme days since his re turn from Nags Head, is now much better to the delight of his many friends. Mr. Leary. our enterprising town officer, is giving needed attention to upper Main street this week. That's right Cap. Charlie, get it in perfect order before the Fair. Mr. D. W. Raper lost his youngest child at Nags Head, last week. It was buried in the Baptist church yard of this place Saturday evening last. We regret his loss. WTe are sorry to hear of the appear ance of the distructive Army worm in our section. Mr. Aug: Perry's excellent crop has been injured by them to considerable extent. Mrs. Elizabeth Woodard, Miss Claud Wroodard Mrs. Bettie W. Bunch, and Miss'Fannie Lou have re turned from their visit to the hills of Virginia and elsewhere. Mr. Wm. J. Leary and family re turned from Nags Head last week at which place they spent the season to their physical profit as well as pleas ure. They all are looking well. Mr. Edward Wood, the popular and most efficient local agent of the Nor tolk Southern at this place, left Wed nesday for Va. where he will join his family and spend a short and, no doubt, pleasant vacation. Mr. Wr. D. Pruden and his little daughters, Miss Mary and Miss Mar garet, returned from their delightful summer trip last week. Mr. P. is at tending court, this week, at Currituck. We take pleasure in acknowledg ing the receipt of the premium list of the Southern Industrial Display and State Fair. Any farmer desir ing to see what premiums are offered at the 29th annual State Fair can call at this office and examine the list. Angling is the popular sport among the young men of leasure in our midst. Our Bay and the creeks fur nish elegant fish. The only trouble had is in knowing just when and how to take them. Mrs I. T. Burton, who has been seriously ill for several days, is, at this writing, so much improved that her friends are confident of her recov ery. This will be good news to her many acquaintances here and else where. Dr. Hoskins and Dr. McMullan have been the occasion of much disappoint ment to the undertakers, hereabouts, of late. That's right, young men, the coffin maker's disappointment but adds to yoar popularity ard strengthens public confidence in your skill. We congratulate you upon your success 1 I I "An empty wagon makes more noise than a loaded one", said the colored j minister to his congregation a few ! nights since during the revival. How ; . fc , . The Fisherman and Farmer i8 booming as well as our town. If our Peo)ls will only give the paper the patronage it should have, we would i show them our appreciation by giving them a paper that would be unsur- passed. , , . -iV 1 hn enhon AnTYi 1 t trine; rt f hn vivinnc school districts in Chowan county were re-appointed, on Monday last, as the law directs. Thev are required to n a tv. ar once. nemre conic .1 usnce ot , - - tue Peace wu0 W,H notify the County! ; Superintendent of such qualification. Tuesday night was beautiful and bright. The occupation of Jupiter wns plainly seen. We witnessed the phenomenon watching the eclipse for nearly a half hour. For several hours the planer, was plainly seen in its approach to the moon until finally hid from view. Edenton Academy sion Mom ay. Sej t ns its Fall s s- lb h. P10f i or v. 1 A I iams will be assisted l y a competent corps of ladv- teachers. Send your 'children to Edenton if vou would have them well trained and for iu all respects property carded Mr. and Mrs. J. L Rogersou, with their charming little Eva, left Wed nesday for Harper's Ferry where they will spend a few weeks. To say that the Woodard House inmates will miss them would be but teliing what Bob Morgau is now ready to swear as truth. We wish them a happy sojourn and a safe return. The colored revival, held last week by Rev. S. B. Knight, pastor of the colored Baptist church, assisted by Rev. Geo. W. Lee resulted in the conversion of - 1 persons and the res toration of a number of othert. Bapt ism took place on Sunday last. A larger crowd was present to witness the event. Rev James H. Manly D. D of Petersburg, Va. has recently made, what a Maryland Editor calls a sound mJ talk on the race problem. The speech was delivered at Elkton, Md. A large number of white peop'e were present to hear him. 31anley is well known to our people having been Presiding Elder in this district prior to his assign ment, to his prescLt charge, by the Conference. Any white man who goes to a color ed church, and, while there, behaves unseemly ought to be bounced by the biggest fooied negro in the congriga tion. We mean exactly what we say and if some colored man who wears a No. 12 will discharge this duty, we will employ any lawyer in town to de fend him, in case of arrest, and heip pay costs in case judgement against him. goes Friday last our Mayor received a disoHtch from W inton to he effect that certain escapes from justice would reach Edenton on the Str. Roberts that day at 12 in. The Mayor informed Sheriff Perry and Deputy Spruiil who were on the wharf, when the steamer landed, to welcome the unexpected visitors and to extend them the usual invitation : "Come, go with us." They Wfcre 4e J tained here for a few days and, no one appearing to take them back to inton, were released. NAG'S HEAD. Edenton, Sept. 7th, 1889. Mr. Editor : The hotel property at Nag's Head will be sold at public auc tion on the 7th instant at Elizabeth City, N. C, Mr. A. E. Jacobs, the proprietor, having retired to take charge of a hotel in Norfolk, Va., which he will call the North Carolina House. The general opinion is that money ju diciously expended at Nag's Head will prove exceedingly profitable. Certain ly no watering place on our coast offers so many inducements for the invest ment of capital. My family and myself spent several weeks there this summer and enjoyed ourselves very much. The weather was pleasant, the proprietor kind, the table well supplied and the servants attentive; who could wLeh for more. We trust the property will pass into I the hands of parties who will have the means necessary to erect a suitable hotel with all modern conveniences and to purchase a fast steamer for the con venience of the place. It would be a ffreat loss to our people and a pity to let a place with so many natural advan- j I L a -a -iili--- , nu uiges uuu a.uuuu wuiuu uuswi vu ot nistonc interest go aown. Respectfully, W. J. Leaky, J ft. Proceedings of Chowan Co. Commissioners. Sept. 2. Present. V. P. Tones, W. J. Webb. W. H. Bonne- and A. J. Ward. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. The following accjunts were ordered to be paid: John C. Pearce, for coffin for child of John Jackson 4. 00. Fisherman and Farmer. 3rd, quarter's publication of the Proceed ings of the board 12.50. Z. W Evans. 2 months supplies to Poor House 42.58. J. H Perry's expense bringing Eli Young from E. City $5.00 w tlf 111 t j. w. dprueii. Doara oi prisoners, t v r bv i.xs.. ices, ac, 920. t 3. j. e. Bonner, one knob lock Court House, two buckets and for six tin cups for jail $1.35. W. C. Waff, repairs on Bolton's bridge '2 00. Brown & ilinton, lumber for bridge 5504 L F. Ziegder, coffin lor Geo. Jernigan .4 00. J. E. Hughes was granted license to sen liquors in quantities less than five gallons till Jan v. isT, 190. B. E. White, was granted license to sell liquors in quantities icss than five gallons till Jam . 1st 1S90. The Board allowed the Fisher mar and Fakmkk 6 oo fr a wood cut of the Court House and green for an extra edition f said paper. There heing no further business the Board adjourned. T. M. Small Clerk. DIED. On yesterday, "th instant, nr a o p. in., the Eastern Advocate. W out 1 Moore, Esq., editor, after a short life of about 8 months. It lctves a long list of subscribing friein s to mourn it- loss, to whom we extend our deepest sympathy in this their hour uf sadness. BUCKLEN S ARNICA SALVE. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to ive perfect satisfaction, or money ref under . Price 25c per box. For sale by Dr. v . J. Leary. NOTICE SALE OF LAND. By virtue of a mortgage deed execu ted to me by Joseph G. Copeland and his wife Martha E. Copeland on the 8rd day of Jan., 1885, and duly recorded in the Register's office of howan and Per quimans counties, I fshall sell on the 30th day of Sept., 189, at the Court House door in Edenton the following tracts of land: 1, The land in 3rd Township, Chow an Co., w hereon the said Copeland and wife now reside, adjoining the lands of James C. I happell, Wm. O. Winslow and others, containing (120) one hun dred and twenty acres, more or less. 2, The tract of land in Belvidere Township, Perquimans Co., conveyed by Wm. O. Winslow and wife to the said Joseph G Copeland. adjoining the lands of Thomas E. Winslow. Isaac Chappell and others and containing ten (10) acres more or less. Terms Cash. R M. RIDDICK. By L. L. Smith, Attorney. Thresh Wish. GrfA L DAILY! Received from Norfolk. Prices to Suit All. Stand below Street. Market House on Ma n J. W. BLANCH ARD. WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE Murfreesboro. N. C. The next session begins on Wednes day the 18th of Sept. 1889. Unusally pleasant accommodations for boarders- Able and experienced teachers. Terms very moderate. corps of Write for catalogue. E. E. PARHAM, A. M. CARY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, CARY, Wake Co., N. C A. E. BOOTH, L. L PRINCIPAL. ine only distinctively .Normal School 111 North Carolina. Full faculty of , teacnerB- clve courses of study. Diplomas given. Special advantages in music. Buildings large, and wen ar ranged. Necessary expenses for term of ten weeks $25 to 830. Write for cir- culars to the Brincipal. AN EXCELLENT EDUCATION AT VERY LOW Rates IS OFFERED to BOYS d YOl H MIS DAVISSCHOOL. This is a Military Boarding School, and is one of tt.- Bt Kqutpped Bd tk f nited State. Ht-althv location. V Climate, Mild winters, 1 ! !Cornet Hand, Cfcdtt Orchestra, Full Coarse t" Brady, or 1 rei aration for hiixtK-r o anv CoHece or for BnslneM Complete O urst- in Telegraphy. For Regit tcr with full particulars addres COL. A. C. DAVIS, Supt . LaOrangf , N. Cm Suffolk MILITARY ACADEMY! ESTABLISHED IN 1875. One of the Cheapest and iv?t Equip ped High Schools iu the South for Boys and Young Men. Seventy-six cftdeM from five State in attendance la.i Ma sion. A full Corps ol Experienced Col lege Graduates as Instructor. Nxt s. ssion begin SEPTEMBER Llth, 1889. Send for 28 page catalogue. Jos. KING, A. x . Principal, SI PFOLK, Va. it you would no through life with a (doai- head and an unimpaired di tfestioi) eat Good Bread and, in or der to do so. see that only the finest grade of Flour is used in your house hold, ue only the genuine J. R. CLARK 1 O S ( REAM PATENT SO IMITATION CREAM) Manufactured at Rockland Mills, near Baltimore. Md . and you will be sure to have, alwavs, good, sweet nutritious Bread. For Sale in small quantities orhy the barrel at low figures by M. H. Dixon, Dealer in Groceries and Provisions At Wholesale and Retail, Edenton, - - N. C, FISH GILL NETS. For the coming season we. as usual, invite the attention ot all Dealers and Fishermen to our own brands and makes of Threads, Nets and Nettings. First, our (S) brand of Flax Gilling Threvd is equal in every respect to our standard ot former seasons. Thismako will have our name upon every package and IS NOT GENUINE WITHOUT IT. In cotton (iill Nettings and Twines, we would refer to our "Fishermen" and 'Gold Medal'' Brands, which are exclusively our own and are never Bold as twine without our name upon each package, containing pounds. For SHAD Netting they are unexcelled, being light, strong and cheat). We guarantee the qualities of our brands. POUND S SEINE NETTINGS. Made from our "Sheoard Gold Medal1 ' Made from our "Shenard Gold Medal Twines. These twines, as the larger fishermen of the country already know, have no superior, if any equal, as they are manufactured by us directly from the raw cotton of a high quality. All orders carefully and promptly ex ecuted and we beg to assure our old and new frieuds, always ats low prices and favorable terms, as from any other par ty in America. American Net and Twine Co. Home Office, VLrwrrw f.. St Commercial St., UUMO.N, IcWs. Branch Office, 172 Fulton St., N. Yorl 5ltAmtH A I AUUIIUN ! For sale at public auction on Friday, the llth of Sept., 19. at 11 o'clock, a. m., at Nottingham & A renn's wharf, foot of Commerce Street, Norfolk, Va. THE STEAMER W. B. ROGERS. The above vessel is 96 feet long, 16 feet beam and draws 4fc feet water but can be tipped to 4 feet. She has been thoroughly overhauled this spring, both hull and machinery, and furnished with a new boiler. Size of engine 14 x 14 inches. She has large passenger and freight accommodations and is fast and a good sea boat. Terms, half cash balance 3 and 6 months approved security. For further information apply to J W. BENNETT, Or W. H. H. Tkice, 96 Main St., NORFOLK, VA. ANDSOME income for all 5 to 10 dollars per day easilv made. Plea sant work. Send 10 -rents (2c stamps) for free particulars. Southern Pub lishing And Subscription Agency, 113 Main St., Norfolk, Va. -w i