Newspaper Page Text
The Official Paper of Chowan County. A. H. Mitchell, Editor and Manager Price $1.50 Per Year. Delivered at doors of city subscribers, as soon as from press, by carriers, without extra charge. No name entered without payment, and no paper Bent after the expiration of time paid for. The Editor disclaims ail responsibility for the views or statements of correspondentsand re serves tbe right atall times to revise or reject any article be may think proper Best Advertising Medium in the District. Rates very moderate Special Rates on Long Con tracts EDENTON, SEPT. 20, 1889. Saturday, the 14th, was our third anniversary. How rapidly has the time passed since the Fisherman and Farmer started its existence, a little 16 x 22 inch paper, in a little hole around the corner, with nothing to back it save the energy and indus try of its owner. Like every other similar enterprise, it has had its ene mies and its friends, and while helped by the latter it has been, in no respect, moved or daunted by the former. Sticking to those things which were right and with an eye to the general good of the whole people, it has pursued a course which, viewed from this distant stand point, forces not the slightest regretful emotion. We have done what we could and we have lived, despite all prophesy to the contrary and regardless of the will of those who have wished us ill. We are in better shape for business to-day than ever our subscription is larger than any paper ever publish ed in the place, and our job depart ment is as well supplied as the neces sity of business requires either here or elsewhere in the District. All we ask is a continuance of the friendship of our business friends and the support of that party to whose interest we are, as ever, most sacred ly pledged, and we will continue to live a help to all the people. Grate fully acknowledging friendships of the past and hoping a further contin uance of public favor we are Respectfully, Fisherman and Farmer Pub. Co The Virginian, ever cautious of the peopels good, warnes the Dem ocracy of that state against the colonization scheme of Mahone. It says "There is hardly a doubt that the attempt will be made to run negroes over into Virginia from all the border counties of North Caroli na, West Virginia and Maryland. The tactics of Quay in West Virgin ia and Indiana during the President ial contest are to be put in play in Virginia, if possible. This scheme was hatched in Washington in the secret conference of Mahone with Quay, and its hopes of successful execution, it is believed, were the reasons which impelled Mahone to run for Governor." We trust every democrat in North Carolina will be on the watch for absentees from his neighborhood and will report the same to the proper authorities in Virginia that they may be prepared to successfully challenge every rascal who dares present himself an elector in that state. Presidents of the United States have been SO, (with one or two exceptions,) not only eo nom ine but, de facto. Under the administration the growth and devel opment of the nation has been mar velous creating wonder and astonish ment in all the powers of the opposing world. Among the very notable one, or two (exceptions( is Pressdent HBrrison who seems to act upon the belief that the Repub lican party is the nation, proper, and that besides the members thereof the Government is without a citizen. The New York Star says Harrison's mm r idea ot the Kepubiic is that it is be plentiful, as long as we are depend ant upon other sections of the country for food both for our families and oar stock? Your correspondent has saved a fine lot of crab grass hay this season which he believes to be as good as timothy. Crab grass is a natural production of our soil, and if given a good chance, will yield bountifully and make a LOOK HERE And see what O. Newman has to say in re gards to selling goods cheaper than any other house in Edenton. As mv intention is to leave poon for the Northern markets to buy my Fall and Winter Stock, I am willing to sell the entire Stook of goods at and below v 2 .1 m I A norinir nrnn It m v tp nwlnrmPrs arf CUil. plow to believe it let them manure ! Please come and examine my Prices of which I mention a few below one acre next year and try it. Allow ; Handsome Stylish Suits, worth 12.50. to le sriven away for onlv one acre in the cotton patch to grow ; fens pauts sold for $4 and $5, now only $2.50. grass auu wuiparc tcsuiw. 5o. F. Single fine Waists only 75c worth double the price. Linen Cuffs 15c, Linen Collars 9c. 1000 vds. inr at 2t vartl. Henry George was recently making i Laije8 and misses Uniler Vests I5C an eloquent speech in England, and ; Mjsses and children Gloves 2c. was showing that the land ought tore- j Ladies Cloth Button and Lace Shoes 50c. retained for the benefit of thei- wO Sho worth ,2.50. Harrison family first, and the Ke-, Dv an unfeeling person in the audience , Ladies Balmorals 15c. publican party afterward. "The who called out. "Then are you Yankees ; Embroidered Silks and Satins worth $1 only 25c a yard. nation has nothing to do with the going to give back the States to the rea Indians? There are somepeopie who are willing to upset any pretty theory by asking awkward questions. Ex. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and Dositivelv cures Piles, or no Mrs. L. L. Newberry will take his trotter, "Gipsy, ' to the Edenton Fair, says the Plymouth Beacon. case." The Star further says The practical workings of this belief is exhibited just now in the way Gen eral Harrison is trying to force Mahone down Virginia's throat. The whole pat ronage of the Government has been used for that purpose; but even the Repub licans of the State have revolted and there are deserters from their ranks all along the lines. There have been two ; pay required. It is guaranteed to give attempts by the present Administration K". -j - u u n i i Price 2oc per box. For sale by Dr. W to overthrow the will of the people T jAarv 1.1 .1 . 1 I mtmm - r one in Montana ana tna otner in tne Third Congressional district of Louisia na. Both have resulted disastrously. Virginia will pronounce the next ver dict on the President's partisan inter ference and the result will be watched with interest Our Virginia neighbors have had an eye to the Government in this campaign, aud its patronage, unlawfully used for wicked purposes, has been marked by the people. The very part played by Harrison's administration and its friends in interference with matters appertain ing alone to the exclusive interest of a State, fills the good people of the old Commonwealth with an indigna tion which they are determined to express and which, when expressed at the ballot box, will inspire the world with a new and increased con fidence, if possible, in the virtue, wisdom and patriotism of its citizens. Large line of Straw Hats, Whit? Waists and many other Summer Good a: vour own Price. Called at once aud save at least 2" and 50 per centjby buying ot Iown town Store next to O. H Harden. Up town Store next to W. O. Elliott. SAW MILL AND IROX SAFE For Sale. Saw Mill in good order for sale, fix tures complete. 60 inch saw. Daily capacity ten thousand feet. Also one good Iron Safe. Apply to VAN WINKLE 6!N MACHINERY CO.. COTTON GINS, PRESSES, FEEDERS B CONDENSERS. The' Van Winkle Cotton Gin Machinery We acknowledge the receipt of a number of excellent papers sent us by our friend, Mr. Frank Wood, from London. Among these we mention the Daily News of date Sept. 4th, a copy of Punch of date 7th and The Illustrared London News of Augst 31st. They are all quite interesting,especially the latter which is full ox scenes illustrating realities, natural and accidental, in the Queen's late visit to North Wales. We are obliged to our friend for remembrances and shall hold out for his return our open hands of cor dial welcome. ROCKY HOCK LETTER, September 17th, 1889. Mr. Editor: Thinking that a word from our section might not be objec tionable to some of the readers of your valuable paper, this scribe will attempt to scribble off a short communication. Although times are very dull, evi dences of improvement are to be seen in many sections of our community. The old school house, formerly known as "Edgewood" in which Mrs. S. E. Finch used to sway the ferule, now owned by Mr. J. E. Coffield, has re cently been repaired and beaut'fied, presenting a handsome apperance to passers by. Arrangements have been made by Messrs. Coffield, Evans and Layden to open a good school at that place in the near future. A. Miss Turpin, of Virginia, is expected to take charge. The above named gentlemen desire the community to aid in estab lishing a permanent school at that place. Coming a little nearer home, we find that Mr. James Bunch, of Rocky Hock, is erecting a handsome two story residence. Mr. Augustus Bass has also caught the spirit of improve ment, and is erecting a cozy little dwelling. Mr. B. is not a married man, bnt from appeareDces we are in clined to believe that he does not intend to live in "blessed singleness" much longer. Other improvements are going on. Messrs. R. L. Bunch and T. I. J. Wil. son are having a valuable swamp drain ed with an eye to having it cleared in the future, a portion of the same swamp has recently been cleared by Mr. Cul len Bunch, who now has the satisfac. tion of beholding a bountiful crop of cern upon it. There are other fertile swamps in RockyHock, which, if cleared, would be valuable additions to the farming community. Money is scarce, and times are dull, but our people mean to go ahead. Having failed tosecure remunerative prioes for our farm products the past season, we should not despair. May it teach us to economize more closely than we have in the past. Let us learn to produee at home what many of us purchase from our Northern neighbors All of our bread stuffs, meat and hay should be made at home, and thus save the expense of purchasing from elsewhere. How can we expect money to Rap. killing of .Li. boys have slau, sts. " In addition th with bird shot, pu f their number with i& ave of another. R. Q. Skinner, P. O. Box 46' EDENTON. N. C NOTICE. Runs Light, Makis Best Turn-Out, Clean ecd. Good Sample, Etc. Awarded Font finM Mf.lwN M the: Tc mm Ptotr Fnlr for thr Bcwt filnwlmr Vy eMmrry. tiold Mednl at Inlrrpwrional Cotton KxpoIHn mi Atlanta an 4 Charlel on. S. C. Flrt Prix at Tarhoro. X. C. Fair. f3T Write for prices and discounts. Van Winkle Gin and Machinery Co., ATLANTA, OA. By virtue of the Mechanic's Lien Law of North Carolina, we will sell, at the town pump in Edenton on Satur- ! day the 21st, one open buggy, the property of Elias Holley, to satisfy a claim for $20 on account for repaires &c. I. A. Harris & Co. Edenton Sep. 12th. h Butter, Cheese, r H Salt, Vinegar, Lard. Syrups, Molasses, 2 as S EANDSOME income for all 5 to 10 dollars per day easily made. Pleas ant work Send 10 cents (2c stamps) for free particulars. Southern Pub lishing And Subscription Agency, 118 Main St., Norfolk, Va. Str. Lizzie Burruss, CAPTAIN HUSSEY, Leavess Elizebeth City every Tuesday and Friday at 6 p. m., for Nag's Head. This Steamer is large and is almost new. having just recieved a thorough over hauling. Jpresh lPish DAILY! Received from Norfolk. Prices to Suit All. Stand below Street. Market House on Ma n J. W. BLANCHARD. w c-f CD CD o M H3 O Q 3 o t X O CD & 3 3 o r a O 'S3U3UOI403JUO3 'aanpoij 'suij 'qsij '.taff 'annq North Carolina, ) Superior Court, Gates county. ) Fall Term, 1888. Margaret J. Albertson, i vs Order of Pub- Alfred C. Albertson. ) licatiou. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court upon the a'fidavit filed in this cause that the defendant. Alfred C. Albertson, cannot aftr due diligence, be found in the State of North Carolina and that the plaintiff has a canse of ac tion against him of which this Court has jurisdiction: it is therefore orderd and decreed by the Court that publica tion be made in the Fisherman and Farmer, a newpaper for 6 successive weeks, notifying the defendant to ap pear at Fall Term of the Superior Court of Gates county to be held on the first Monday of October, 1889, and answer or demur to the complaint as he may be advised, or judgement will be rendered agiust him by default. The purpose of this action is to obtain a divorce from the bonds of matrimony. The publication of this order shall be notice to the defendant as required by lav? W. T. CROSS, Cl'k. Sup. Ct Gates county. ST. LEON SCULL, Atty for Plaintiff. spl3 6w HUGHSON & : SULLIVAN'S THREE-QUARTER ROAD WAGON. ' 2TO. lOB. ThiF is a light and tartr Bugr, Veil built In every particviar, to carry one or two paaaentcen ; and our lirge sale.- on It alio-- u to pnt the pri'x- Tc ry Low. r nd for Illustrated Catalogne and Trice List showing a full line of Crriajres, Dugrfec, Cart and CuUvra IIUGHSON fe SULLIVAN, POCK u' H". Best Job Printing at this office.