Newspaper Page Text
dfit f iShttmatt & fatmtt I Missouri is a great State, gays an 1890 Shad Season 1890 gl ' exchange. No State but a great TT AT5TVTQ WITH- Stare Mmld trot out an eiihteen-vear The Official Paper of Chowan etan,u fiilr.n ft- irht County. inches tali, weight two hundred ami CALEB HALEY & CO. twentv-five pounds and wears a nutn- A. H. Mitchell, Editor and Manager ber Qf that girl is bitterly opposed to the proposition to tax hides and well Wholesale Commission Dealers and Shippers of all kinds .1 Price $1.50 Per Year. Delivered at doors of city suoneribt-j-H, aH soon as from press, by carriers, without extra charge. o name entered without payment, and no paper Kent alter the expiration ol time paid for. The Kditor riisclatmaall responsibility for the views or statement ot correspondents "winA n s;rves the right at all time to revise or reject any article he may think proper Best Adrertiaing Milium in the IMstrict. K'tes very inoderate--.special itates ou Long C nt rats he mav le. EDENTON, MARCH 28, 1800. The -'New York Herald" learn9 that the Farmers' Alliance member ship numbers two million, over one million of whom are voters. In the following Southern and Western States they are distributed as fol lows : Georgia 150,000, North Caro lina 100,000. Tenuesee I25 000, and Kausas H5 000. rass mm, The Best in the, World. Eve rv Uarment war ranted. Ask for the Fjsh Brand and take no other. 222&OILED CLOTHING We always thought the worthy Editor of the Economist, to be a man ..fnnnnAitmn(l iiwhrrnPnr hnt we Tlf Wilmington StaT 18 twenty never saw it so' admirably expressed' two and a half years old. It ho v.,roUUmi it i hia rp,nrt wide-awake paper and the oldest about the speech made at E. Citv daily in this State. hist week by our honored townsman, Mr. W. D. Pruden, in the case cif Love vs Dr. Baxter. The writer says he has heard speeches by the lateOheif Justice Smith, by Badger and bv Giston, but never was it surpassed save, per haps, by Gaston, one of North Caro- ONE OR TWO POINTS. M R. Editor : We sometimes hear 'Some people don't know when they ve a good thin;" it brings it a little nearer home, perhaps, v,hen it is expressed ' the undersloped South;" still nearer, it may be, when "the nat ural wealth and manifold advantages 14 Fulton Fish Market, YORK. special attention given to the sale of And it will be money in your Pocket. NORTH CAROLINA SHAD and al! other choice iish caught in the waters , o , , . , of the Old North stare. aFDon t Throw Dollars m the Street when you can save them by bu Stencils and stationery furnished up ' goods from O. NEV MA C. on application. m mm. m ft -v 1 T "11 A. 1 A A 1- 1 As r have moved to tne tiu liuoii simv. next uoor m im- i Stock of Gooda ou hand. 1 will sell for Hie next k of fall and winter goods consisting of fine M i - WHOLESALE COMMISSION Suits. Over Coats, Hats. Shoes, Boots. Ladies Dress good ud I ndeiw,. cVe. 25-Ts. below cost, to make room for spring goods. Tome at once and secure Bargains. "Strike the iron while it is hot.' Be sure to give me a call before buying elsewhere and convince sell til the truth. mt- S B MIL j ER & ( 0 Him and bave a large s is a)0 LTAAXJUUXli V, J., .n days my entire Stock oiu- FISH DEALERS No. 7 Fulton Market, Una's greatest lawyers. Indeed, he ol a or r 11 Carolina are tne theme; but eavs' In reasoning, in orgoment it j getting pretty close when they Samuel B. Miller. Clarence G. Miller n lell us tnat our Eastern ectio 1 snot based ubon the facts in the case, in roeressjveand they give us to un CXM'T T CLr THA 1ADU happv illustration, in ajposite literary derstand that we are the laziest set of i dfm lv- 1 OlVlIlflVlVlv, and classic quotation, in script ural : peopic in the land ! WHOLESALE COMMISSION allusion, in delicate and pungent Tne fact is, we are not. Certainly. 1 ... i ioi,i n-rHW 1 Bllt we must convince our critics ot ' this Our nnermen are . . 1 1 1 I J ! - i . C in just, ana aumiraiiie uenrnaiiou 01 iaioorjous anc? character and in deep and touching ; work and wh pathas he has never heard the speech 1 man? snn.ussed." Could more be said of I But we mustn't forget the farming Respect fully. Next door to the Bee I live More and large Stock of Millinery. Special attention is called ? m fine energetic. persistent in their WHO IS NOT A FISUEK- a Webster or a C lav, ol a Calhoon t , , , ' r , t soon to have a thought of what we or a Henry? Yet it is a compliment, ; sha! show our critics here at the next that is just, a compliment that is Agricultural and Fish Fair Mav 1 true, a compliment which the honor- wear worth llv. eti gentleman can Tik students of Wake Forest College have petitioned the Boaid of Trustees of the Baptist Female University to establish the College at Wake Forest. Tliev urge as some of their reasons that, as brother and sister the two Institutions will be more nourishing, the one relying" upon the other; that the rapid growth and success of Wake Forest College bespeaks what her "Little Sister" soon would become, and that while they cannot orTer.the pecuneary advantages offerd by both Raleigh and Durham, they can and will, if the Board will but favor them with an approval, otter "sights" that would surpass their greatest expectations. Hurrah for the boys Trinity College will go to Durham, Raleigh having released the Board of Trustees from their contract to locate the college in that city. Dur ham made a very liberal offer for the institution and which, it was thought, would be to the permanent interest of the College to accept. Durham has some They are hard to down. They are wide-awake, energetic, liberal enterprising and public spirited. the rich icturns of the present fishing season enable the fishermen, bv their full and varied display, to press the farmers hard for first place in the name of the V air! In the mean time itmay dotbern good (when its snow ing, you know, or hailing and thunder ing, and they can't fish) to have some thing wherewith to divert th-;r minds and keep them out of mischief. Bo our critics know that this section besides its natural wealth of land and water and their produc s, possesses representatives of the finest breeds of cattle on eart h ? Do our farmers know it ? Some of them raise cattle in a mild way (when they are not fishing) and the Fisherman and Farmer may ;et the thanks of some of them bv pre senting this information. The fine herd of Holsiein Cattle exhibited here, last Faii, was headed by the registered Holstein-Friesian FISH Dealer, & 142 & 144 Beekmau Stieet, Opposite Fulton Market, New York City. Si A O G5 Butter, Cheese, Salt, Vinegar, yrup Molasses, Lard. ' 7 . : "w Ul m S. L. STORER & CO. . err Wholesale Commission Dealers and Shippers Ol all Kinds ol FRESH FISH, O o ZD O Lobster, Turtle, Etc. 16 Fulton Fish M'kt., JSTJEZT YORK. We acknowledge your very generous j patronage in tne jyjst and hope to merit a continuation of the same. We have no new7 inducements t offer you: we can't afford to buy our Ship pers or give them a commission, but we have every facility to handle vour fish to the very best advantage and will do bull, "Netherland Beau," in himself so and remit as soon as sold. Oh! if such could only be others whom we know. the 'bean ideal" of the stand rd. and. in his family connections, at the very top of the "cream of the cream"' of blue blooded beasts. He is owned by that beau ideal of fisheimen and farmers whom it would be superfluous to name, and he is now again, for a season, at the Edenton Fair grounds. I lis sister, "Llothilde 2nd," recent ly made the largest yield of butter on record. She had already surpassed all other cows in milk production. The Country Gentleman of March live people, ' 6th contains a letter from her owners Messrs. Smith, rowell & Lamb, of Syracuse, JS. Y., from which it ap peals that during the ninety days enaing on ine inn inst. sue gave We request our shippers to ice their fish well and not put too many Roe Shad in a box. Stencils and Stationery furnished on application. The Wilmington Messenger has again presented the public with a handsome illustrated edition, in honor of the completion of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Rail road to that terminus. It contains excellent cuts of the churches and public buildings of Wilmington, scenes along the railroad line, and said of j three hnndrcd and twenty pounds a d one and three quarters ounces of butter "Both her 60 and 90 days yield are much larger than any we have ever seen published of anv cow, of any breed, and we doubt not they are Successor to Lanphear & Half Wholesale Commission Healer in FRESH FISH, LOBSTERS, It No. 12 Fulton Fish Market, NEW YORK CITY. Xorth Carolina SHAH a specialty. Fishermen, stick to the old lucky Xumber 12. Q 1 i- o (CD CO) .;.r.-i..rHHr-." i4 " 'IT! o I'M!1. . ' ess 1 . CO oo C sou3uoip3jiiof) 'aanpo.ij 's-injj; 'qwij '"TI Published only to comply with the State Law. Statement of the condition of the Banking House of J. 11. B. Hathaway, Eden ton. N. C, at the close of business February -8th, 1800. LIABILITIES: Surplus fund. Deposits subject to check, Due to private bankers, Bills payable, 84947.51. 272,57. 332.41. RESOURCES: FULTON FISH COMPANY, thf lrro-t;t pvpr maHp "Her test was begun'when her calf' TTholesale Commission Dealers and was less than tvo weeks old. Her daily ration was 19 lbs. of grain feel, composed of one part wheat bran, one part ground oats and one part corn meal with i of one part of linseed many other illustrations of interest, 1 meal. Her course feed was 50 lbs. of besides much valuable reading ! corD ensilege 3 lbs. of hay and 22 lbs beside matter. The Messenger is the best and livest papers State. a 01 : 1 - 01 carrois. one was given wnat pur? water she could drink Jiree times per m tnejjay hut had no other nourishment, I stimulant, or tonic of anr kind' "Clothilde 2nd was no accident," The "first man who nominated which they proceed to prove by refer Harrison7' has dropped below the ence to her breeding; and ther prove horizon, and no one is predicting it. As a rule, breeding will tell that Mr. Harrison will laud the tar- j Now, let the fine array of promising pon in the next National Convention, j "Gradas," at our next Fair, show Thus do the times change, and men that our Farmers know when they've change with them- "a good thing. D. Shippers of FRESH FISH, Loans on real estate. All other loans and discounts, Overdrafts Othci stocks, bonds and mortgages, Due from private bankers , Banking House, Other real estate. Furniture and fixtues, Current expenses, Cash items, Gold coin, 118, Silver coin, $803.39, & Pennies, United States and National Bank noU-s, SI 471 72. 2758 60. 50 97 1S70 10. .jS2 4S. 800 00. 3210 00. 27.") 0. 2:i 22. 11. lg. 031.89. 202&.00. 813.79 3. 813,79.3. I, J. R B. Hathaway, owner and chief clerk of the Banking bonce of J It. B. Hathaway, do sotemly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J K. B" Hathaway, owner and chief clerk. State of North Carolina. Chowan county. Sworn to and subscribed before ine the 18th day of March. 180o. K. R. Pendleton, N P. Iobster, Terrapin, etc saw mill and ikon sai l 15 Fulton Fish Market NEW YORK. JFor Sale. A. J. G. Warner, ) r N'A. Gesner, , Managers Special attention iven to the sale of NORTH CAROLINA SHAD. Saw Mil in good order fof ale. Fix tures complete. 6 J inch taw. Daily capacity ten thousand feai. A so one good Iron .vafe. Apply to R. O. SKIJVJVER. Returns sent daily. Stencils furnish- i p q Bqx 4q fcdcntou, N. C. ed upon application. Job Printing We guarantee the very best work at astonishing low prices. We mean exactly what w aay. Try us.