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"GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE! ALL DISEASES CAUSED BY MICROBES THE R ADAMS Positively Kills All POSITIVELY CURES Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumption. Cancer, Catarrh. Leprosy, Chills ami Fever, The success of the Radam's Microbe Killer has brought out many worthless imitations. Some of them are positively injurious, and we give warning, that the public may not be deceived. See that every jug has our trade-mark on it, same as above cut. CAUSE OF DISEASE AS GIVEN THE SCIENTIFIC MEN OF THE AGE. BY Vonsieur Pastenr, who for years has made them a stecia study, first discov ered tliat these minute insects were the cause of spreading the most deadly con tagions through their astonishing rap idity of repsoduction. Pasteur discov ered them ia myriads in human blood, in sheep, rabits and rats. Ho found that the Microbe was the direct cause of the Variolosa, or Small pox Bron chitis, Y-. i low Fever and other cunta geous d isases. The Mii-rohe, in the human sv.stem attacked by Vaiiolosis, is thread-like, cylindrical, somewhat swelled. It is the .nal!(iKt of nil powerfully mag ni tied animal organisms, it breeds by the thousand per minute. Pasteur, after making a clos study of the Mic robe, discovered that the quickest way to exterminate them was by the free inhalation of Oxygen gas. or by liquids charged with that k&s, hut admits that the time must crae when some power lul liquid will be discovered that will effectually destroy the Microbe, and thai the liquid must contain such &as rous combination as will directly de stroy in the human body, those germs or Microbes or diseases. Doctor Mac lagan, a prominent mem ber of the Royal oilege of physicians and sergeons says: The idea thai many of the diseases to wnich man and t lie lowir animals are subject, result from the presence in thf system of minute organisms or microbes is not a new one. The introduction of the microscope, the discovery of the Yeast plant, and the further parasitic nature ui many cutaneous diseases have proved con clusively that it is directly attributa ble to the Germ or Microbe Theory of ri isease. The theory has positively prove,' that many diseases are due to the pies ence and propagation in the system of minute living organizations. It is es sential, therefore, to become thoroughly acquainted with the Glass, kind, very competence of the Germs that produce what is now termed Phenomena of Disease. Contagion, Infection, is created by absolute experience and scientific ex periments and proofs, by the existence of minute organism or microbes. The Contagion, or microbe being particular and minute particles being irregularly scat.ered about in the atmosphere it is evident that the inhalation of one or more of those particles is purely a matter of chance. Yet such inhala tion, no matter how healthy and strong the man or animal thus inhaling it. it will, as a matter of course be stricken down sooner or later, by the my raids of microbes that will; according to the contagious goisous matter iuhaled, breed into his system. To exterminate those it has been found that liquids strongly impregnated with gases au 1 alkali hare been the most eSfieaciou, and it is but a matter of time when with tnose substances will be discover ed that will effectually destroy the microbes or Germs of Disease. It is an orgarnic form of suoh ex- Given Diphtheria, Dyspepsia, Dropsy. Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Eczema, treme minuteness as to be classified un der the head of Micrococci. The Mi crobe is spheroidal, transparant and of a gelatinous consistence. It enters the human system by inhalation, or exists in the water or milk we drink, or of the food we eat. It is able to stand the greatest amount of heat. By the most carefully study and frequent experiments microbes have been induc ed, bv ivory needles, into meats that have been thoroughly roasted and boiled, and yet, when taken from the ovens, pans, gridirons or pots, the mi crobes have been found to be yet alive and propagating, thus s o wing that even cooking lias no effect upon them. Prof. Tyudaii, says of the Microbe: They are found in myriads and countless shapes floating in the air, destroying man, as well as beast and vegitatiou. The virtual triumphs of the antiseptic system of surgery is based on the rec ognition of lyiug contagia or microbes as the agent of purification, and this discovery made, it behooves the closest study of the subject by the physician, surgeon, chemist, agriculturist, in fact by ai: men. to endeavor to discover some powerful liquid substance, heav-i-y charged with some so far undiscov ered gaseous substance, that will pene trate through every tissue of the hu man, animal or vegetable system aud effectually destroy sdat death dealing p-st. the microbe. The word microbe was first intro duced by Professor Charles Sedilot and indorsed by the great philogist, Littre, who caused its adaption bv Uie Acad emie de Seances of France, and thus ha 1 it ad mi ted as a scientific terra to be use 1 by all scientists. Sc. ence has taught us that the direct causes of contagious diseases are direct ly attributable to a minute, invisible. Yet death dealing, insest, feeding liv ing on the germs of corruption inhaled absorbed in t lie system, whether hu man, animal or vegitable. It is designated in a science as the microbe the most deadly of ail animal cube, propagating by millions, and spreading disease wherever it makes its appearance. The extermination of that curse to the human race has taxed the ablest scientists, w ho have devot ed hours of study in each and eveiy branch of their different researches te check the frightful inroads made by the microbe upon whatever it at tacks. illiam Radam, a florist and botanist of Anston, Tex., who, from his earliest boyhood, had been brought up to take care of and watch tenderly over tie plants, seedlings and slips, that were ex tensively grown in h s father's world famed nurseries, having frequently seen mauy of his favorite plants suddenly droop and die, was the first to make the Micr. be his speciat study, and its exter mination the object of his life. Fortunately for Wm. Radam ho was able to command the means that enabled him to purchase the instruments, need ed to perfect his experiments, as he pa tiently advanced i& his studies of the Mici t W T . . merely on book learning, although he closely studdied the theories advanced by scientists. William Radam. after year. of pa tient study and analysis, found the true 66 History of The Microbe Killer" Away By HOOPER AND Microbes in word of mm origin of the genms of disease, and by a secret iuspired by Mature s closestudy i commenced to take Micro ue iviiier was as that exterminator of the dread- I Weighed only 88 pounds. My pres ful ecourge. Microbe as recomended ent weight is 146 pounds and am re by the greatest authorities, and worid stored to my usual good health, famed authorities on the subiect. who J- Dkrkick. ait admit that to extermiuate that pest and scourge requires iust such a liquid, surcharged with gases, as Wiiiiaiu Radam s Microbe Killer. Testimonial. Mow read the testimonials and con vince yourself if they are genuine or not. Fiease investigate. I T-: - - i X - : 1 r r-;ease lovesugaie. x win ior feit Si, 000 if you wiil find any of our testimonial not genuine. We give full address, so that von car. write to , . an v of them Do not forest to inclose au.y oi laeiJi. uu m loig.iu moiost a stamp, and you will certainly recieve an answer. ve have a great many other testimonials in our - office, .and have the consent to show them to the afflicted, but have no authority to pub- lish them. From the following testi- mony you can see at a glance that this medicine cures every disease. ConsuiYiption. Pasadena, May 13, 18S9. Microbe Killer Co: I can recommend Radam "s Microbe Killer for the cure of Consumption I have been sick four years. I have employed the best physiciaus of Francisco, Sn Jose, Los Angles, and am now taking mr fifth jug of Wm. Radam s Microbe killer. I have gain- ed fourteen pounds in three months and I note a steady imprormeut. The medicine has accomplished more for me in the short time I have trie av of than all the doctors aud the out! ST. 000. and I hope my frieuds who are afflicted in the way I was will use it. J. F. RENOULT, Foormerly of SanFrancisco now a res ident of Passadena. Dyspepsia. LYNCHBURG. Texas- Messrs. Wallace G"Leary & Co., Agents Radam "6 Microbe Killer, Houston, Tex My sufferings from dyspepsia and bayou fever made my life a misery, and at times I was so depundeut as to care little to live, when I heard of your great medicine and purchased a gailou. It before half a gallon had been used. Si,- 000 could not have bought the remain- der of the gallon, had I not known where to get more IOUis irulVi Capt. Geo. L. Smit.-i. Dyie itary. GaLvkston, Tex. Mireh 10, 13S3. A. Bihreu Is, aj;e it for Willia.n Ri 1-a-n's Microbe K.ller: Dersir:T. have been suffering for years with a complication of diseases I had dysentery, bloodv flux and inter- nal tumors. I eons tilted some of the ft. t . . anil Mawl rliw mDrltnma M A 1 ii i j i a n . t a. 1 1 ' 1 1 in v ' i i v , i i l n n aiii ii inu i r i l getting any rener. l was nnally given . T , , . - 1 mmm0 up to die, when a friend adviged m to try the Microbe Killer. As a last resort I gave ita trial, and the relief Call or Send For Book, & Co., Druggists, Sole Agents, Edenton, N. the Human POSITIVELY CURES Indigestion, Malarial Kevery, Kidney Disease, Para It sis, Rheumatism, Ring worm frhat it gave was wonderful. When Sworn and subscribed before me this 10th day of March, A. D. IS88 John A. UaPEN. Notary Public, Galveston county, Tex. C.'ita-rh. Deaf axd Dumb Institute, Austin, Tex., Julv 11, 1888. Mr. William Rarlm Dear Sir: I certify that I have been a crAAt anfforAr crii li nains in t,ii- iOi.-j: 7 ,-.7 " "" K " . TJ L!'T' caian n in trie ueau ana naoaene ior t i - . i v;ai8. I have spent hundreds of dolm rs in traveling in Colorado, Utah, Galifor- ni Oregon. Montana, Wvoming and Mjnn6f0ta RnJ found no reIief I . r , ,, i - i i heard of K'lam 8 Microbe killer. 1 have used four gal'ons of jour m-dic- ine, and I am a 'most entire v well, y headache and catarrh are one. I am still using nie medicine. I will send another gallon to my brother. W H. Lacy. Superintendent. Malarial Fever. Houston, Tex., October 0, 1888. t tr ii ... r r e s Messrs. atiace j L,eary a, o., Agents VVil Railam'i f iorahp iffn " n , l f k l )illlp,r: J-eutUmen: -1 have been us lnS thQ Microbe tor malarial fever and genera! debility, and write you to certify that I am "again Stronff nd healths, and am tified th Mb'.. r?',e Killer 18 ar remedy for those disease; R. E. Lewis. Proprietor Capita Stables. Asthma and Bronchitis I have been a sufferer from Asthma, Catarrh and Bronchitis for nearly ears" , 1 nHVC Trie l llie physicians and remedies without any relief, and now, since I have ben ' t : k - ing Microbe Killer. 1 am entire! v cured an,j can recommend it to a 1 f rj.,. . T tJ v- , ., ... M Wemtem, J. 1 ,, Nashvlle. J enn: LeTrosv ... T, . . . Iae oa-.v Case of ieproy ever known to have been cared bjr aav med cine. James Kavanagh, Jr. is now entirely recovered and is baek in Xe Orleans. . V V . -- J . .! I c u,c u viu live oilier eae-? rr en rosy, all successfully. Fiftu Dit., N. 0.,'July 23, lS j To whom it may concern; I positively assert taat my eon was affiioted with that most hideous and loathsome of diseases, leprosy ani oi a character most malignant. uv Jf0" Wn ma-7 be "Jf1 "garding case are most cordially id v; ted to S-L n , . J l . A.. !J fcT - J i i r r it v m u i i t-A r-i y- a - l t v wm 9 V."IU' HWC. i'U i I iza street, Alriers. Fifth dUti iet ..f V- wUo. -c , Jnans im if not seen soon . and fae continues to improve as he has, System! Syphilis. Scrofula, Scarlet Fever Small Pox s:ck Ueadacii , Tumor. All Female tnmi.'e. since beginning the use of Win K i am s Jlicrooe Kiiior, they will i i have an opportunity of giving an honest verdict concerning his case. .1 am es Kavan o.n. T r I AlJIERS, Fifth Dis i, N. O., July , the undersigned, do i,e: declare that I have been atn cted with leprosy for over four years. M v sic -nesa has been declared leprosy hr the leading physicians and the public ? .i eraliy, being entirely abandoned ..: i left alone to d:e, but thanks to f I Radam, whose medicine or Mii IT ! i iu I I...... ... 1 ! v.; l uv uuen umuK ior live we - .1, ,- 1 t..,.fi .; ,1 i , virn tnc most tieneHcial reM i . !. i aI" satifid' ' :';tr- Y continuing ri, grtjat aud most wonderful remedy a few mouths longer, I shall igail - i i i to get to work and iupp rt poor Hged father, upon whom I been a drawback in his dec in z, Years. james j iva van.m, n . Hae iniytism Knoxvii i.k, Term., Nov. 1 1 The Microbe KiJer (':. Gentlemen: -Having tried evui v . . . . . suggested pcniedy tor chronic rheumn ;'7. f. .r i i ... V 1 " 1 ous as to the effieacy of your Mici Killer, hut am frank to admit thai cure (and I earnestly trust a permam t fne w is th rMiih'&riw huvin i . , .....,,.:.,. ... : n . according to directions. Accept n . thanks I uia dear sir, respectfully yoi 1 ha ncis J', 1 )t.,, v . Kidney Troubles. Phil adrlpha, March 30, S. K Uor. Fourth and Market Si w; i; ,, i.,.,, ... ' . III'., I ... l;:r Sir: i have had kidney ti i -les for three years, accompanied wi i pain and aching across my back mi i hipa. Suffered rery much at time , at niht I had pains across the low part of my abdomen; had con-. !' able inllmmattou at tiie neck of t.- h-'',,ser- 1:1 general, IS almost b: ,l:e ui-- I cou!i get no rchef !r anJtn5r,S! 1 had taken until I & e 1 itu vur Micro-ie Kilier i ,, ! , J . .V III.. I I .1 ( ' . I U' - uci guu. i " iun er explain my case to any 01 writing me. 'voald atlvise an. o with any disease of the kidneys use the Microbe Killer. Elwooo Pkickitt. Files. r x i St. Joseph, Mo., Feb. I5. 8 . Rv Qmng RaJam's Microbe I have been cured of piles of Kill-: rna Jtw 9iiUUUK ltlllT. Room 2, Opera House 0ther Te Apphcatioa. tie Famished oa C,