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'" II it t - il rwj . . - - f ; I t; .. . . -v--j- - - - - ot ' "Sfc. V i . If - . Published Every Friday. Located in tlie in est Fish. a. ll. Mitch ktl, Ekiltor and Baslnesa Munji-zpr. Established 1886. BLACKBERRIES. Whore wil'l blackberries are po fine and ho plentiful as they are all over North Carolina it Is hard to get groweri to realize that There is large profit, in cultivating then). The low prices at which the wild berries usu ally sell lead them to suppose that the cultivated fruits would go in at the same rate. This is a great mis take. In Baltimore while the wild berries shipped in buckets are selling for a ong, the cultivated one shipped in quart boxes and packed in crates bring a better average price than strawberries, and many growers ir Maryland and Delaware consider them more profitable. The sorts now cultivated have been selected from wild plants at the North. We have araon" us manv wild plants which produce very superior fruits. Will the farmers and fruit growers co operate with us in developing a black berry that will bring money to their pockets? If you know or find a wild plant with very superior fruit mark it, and next fail, in November send the plant to the N. C. Airricul turai Experiment Station at Raleigh. Do this and aid us in making the Station the source of real profit to farmers, truckers and fruit growers W. F. Masse v, Horticulturist. The latest newe from Father Boyle that ho has gone to Scotland. NOTHING SUCCEEDS Like Success. The reason R ADAM'S MI ROBE KILLER is the most wonderful medicine, is because it has never failed iu any instance, no matter what the disease, from VM7 plest disease ki WLry the human sye nown t i C 1-.' f 1 1 V Ine seientilie men of today elaini and prove that every disease is Caused by Microbes. MUM'S mIcrobe killer Exterminates the Microbes and drives them out of the system, and when that is done you cannot have an ache or pain. No matter what the disease, whether a simple case of Malaria Fever or a com bination of dismses, we cure them all at the same time, as we treat all diseases constitutionally. :o: Asthma. Consumption. Catarrh, Bronchitis, Rheumatism, Kidney and Liver Disease, Chils and Fe ver, Female Troubles, in all its forms, and. in fact, every Disease known to the Human System :o: Beware of Fra udulent Im itaMons ! See that our Trade-Mark (same as above) appears on each jug. Send for book 'History of the Mi crobe Killer," given away by HOOPER & CO., DRUGGISTS Sole Agents for Chowan County. Ii 1 J mwr V" ii r The EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA NEWS. Sam Jones is to hold a meeting in Wilmington early in October. There are 192 news papers in North i Carnlina, only 5 of which are Republi can. Wilkesboro Chronicle: Mr. Williams, j who lives about six miles up the river above Wilkesboro. owns a cow that has a horu about six inches in length on the left hind leg. Washington had another large fire last week in which Farrow's ship yard, Stewards machine shop and a dwelling house belonging to a colored man were burned. The census enumerators in Nortb Carolina have found a good many ne groes who think that their names are being taken as a preliminary step to shipping them out of the country. It said that Dr. Gatling. the inventor of the Gatling gun who, by the way a native Carolinian is at work on new artificial ice machine which he believes will make ice at one-tenth the present cost. The Norfolk and North Carolina Ca nal Company has made a deed to the Holland Trust ompany for 81.000.000. which sum will be used in improving and deepening the old Dismal Swamp 'anal. Ex. The publishers of Mrs. Spencer's "First step in North Carolina History" ire now engaged in making extensive revisions and corrections, under the di rection of the State board of educa tion. A blast was made at the""Tobe Saun ders" mine, in Montgomery county, ast week, that threw up 700 worth of 'old. The main vain shows no varia ion, but maintains the reputation of he mine as being the richest in the State. The North Carolina Press Association will be held in Durham, N. C, July 23d 25th. The city is planning an el firant reception for the State editors The whole programme is ably arranged tnd concludes with a banquet given by 'ommonwealth Club complimentary to he State press. It was decided last week, at a meet ing of the directors of the new cotton factory, at Raleigh, to issue 850,000 of rjonds for the purpose of increasing the capitol stock. The bonds will bear 0 ner cent, interest, and will be placed upon the market at once. Up to the present 84,000 of stock has been paid in, but it is estimated that 8120,000 will be needed to start the work. I don't think there has ever been vny period since I can remember when rhe prospect for material progress, the increasing value of our lands, the open np; of our miups. the building up of our towns and railroads, the develop ment of our resources generally and the development of our railroad sys terns, not forgetting the unparalleled increase in our population, was so .neat as it is jight now. SeNaTOK Vance. A horrible accident occurred ai the mills of theNeuse Lumber Company, near Gohisboro, on WednesdaySof last week. John B. S&terwhRe, an em ployee, was walking along an interior joist of the mill when his overhalls on me in contact with a shafting that was making about two hundred revo lutions a minute. Mr. Saterwhite was hurled around the shafting and his left arm was torn entirely from the body. His right arm and both legs were brok en. Death, of course, immediately le sulted. THE LOUSIANNA LOTTERY Lousiana has granted a new char ter to the State Lottery. The lottery bought up the legislators and passed the m through, it is to dsv jm.2so - t. ' t 000 to the State annually for the privilege of carrying on its infamous work. Truck an cl a rm ing Smallest Hair Throws a Shad civ." N. C, FRIDAY. JULY CHANGES IN B5J0YAGE. The U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, of June. 1890, gives the foli owint? changes ma'de in the buoyage j of Albemarle Sound. Eden ton Ba) j and other places : The H. S. day-beacon off Reedy Point has been moved to a position 2 miles S. VV. i S. from Edenton, Rear Range Light. A black spar buoy has been substi tuted for the dav-beacou formerly shown 300 yards S. VV. by Vr. VV. from the same light. A red spar buov has been substi tuted for the di.v-beacon formerly shown 45O yards S. I- W. from trie same light. Black spar buoy Xo. 1 Ins been moved to a posi ion -I5O yards S. S W. VV. from the same light. This affects Charts i41 and 408. Croatan Sound. Roanoke Island. Bodie's Island Anchorage. New Buoy. A. P. S. nun buoy has been plaaed to serve as an orae buoy iu Hodie's Island Anchorage, ab the south end of Roanoke Island. The buov is in 8 feet of wat r, 2 m;!es W. S. W. W. from Bodie's" Island Light. Tuts aff3ct Charts 140, 142, and 40S. Hatteras Inlet. Change in Buoy age. The P. S. nun buov known as he Outer Buoy has been moved to a position 1 mile S. K. E. from Ocracoke Life Saving Station. The P. S. nun buoy known as the Bar Buoy has been moved to a posi tion on a line between the Outer Buoy and red nun buoy No. 2, and i of a mile inside of the former. This affects Charts 142, H5. lo, and 11. Pamplico Sound Royal Shoal. Buoy Moved. Black can buov no. 9 has been moved to a position 2 and six tenths miles N. by K. E. from Royal Shoal N. W. Point light. This affects Chart 143. Core Sound. Change in Buoys. Black spar buoy No. 8, at the westrru entrance to Core Sound, hrs been changed to a black can buoy. The P. S. spar buoy 1 and eight tenths miles S. E. from Beaufort Tower has been changed to a P. S. nun buoy. This affects Charts 42oand 147. Beaufort Harbor Entrance. Buoy Moved. New Buoy. Ked nun buO Xo. 24 has been moved to a position '1 miles S. I W. from Beaufort Tower. A red nun buoy. No, 2, has been placed 2 miles S. W. from the Tower. This affects Charts 42o and I4". GENERAL NE VS. The death sentence has seen passed on Kemmler. the New York murderer. l vj i vui toiiu ciku;;. jllv 111 vjxz CTou ted in August. Rev. J. S. Amiss, presiding elder of the Danville Methodist district, and I Rev. Mr. Bowles, both got badly hurt in Patrick courtr Va. last week, by the overturning of their respective ve hicles but no serious results are appre hended in the case of either. The fast time of ocean steamers fiftv years ago was 13 davs and 8 hours. In 1840, the Britania made it in that time. By 1837, it had been reduced to 9 davs and 20 hours. In 1869. it was down to 7 davs and 18 hours. In 1882 it had fallen to 6 days 22 hours. In 1838, the Etruria made it in 6 days 2 hours. But 1889 saw the City of Paris make it in 5 days 20 hours. Ex, Section in North Carolina. b 18. 1890. SAM JONES ON PL'i'LIO MEN QUAY OOING TO HELL -HARRISON is SMALL AND CLEVELAND Has BACK BONE. I A special from Mouudsville, V. V.i.. j fvtyn Rev. Sam Jih 3 addressed an in: i nieose audience at thn prohibition camp gronnds fco-dav, touching up quite :i number of national .characters m th course of his remarks. 01 United j States Senator Mathew Stanley Quay, of Pensylvauia, lie said "talk ab 11 i wickedness. Look at Matt. Quay. There yu find personified. Unless Ik repents he rll go where toe fire dieth j not." Turning liis attention to President Harrison, Mr. Join s said: "He's small I saw a ire of him under his gram! , father's hat a few days t;:o. Thev might have put the whole Harrison family uuuer the lit auu siui liavt. nad lots of room. " The Rev. Mr. Jones eulogized ox i President Ghrover Cleveland i:i pictures que lauguage4 saying at one time: "There is a uiau " ith a backbone as hij., as that pillar there. if be haden't 50 much ppine he might have been Presi dent stn i. " The Pulpit and the Stare. Rev. l M, Shrout, Pastor United ! Brethren Church, Bine iViouud( Kan. .as: "I leel it my duty to Cell what ! wonders Dr. King's New Discover ; has done for me. j badly dise.iiCd, aau ! thought I cou'd Mv Lunjrs were my parishu'iierfe :ive onlv i few ! wee,:s. I took five bottles of Dr. King's New Discovry and a-i round j and well, gained '! ibs. in eiVt.' Arthur Love. Manager L-ove's : Funny Folks Combination, writes: ', "Af. er a thorough tria; an I convin j cin evidence, 1 am confident Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump ! tion, be ats'em all, and cure.- when everything e:se fai s. The great kind i ness I can do my many thousand i friends is to ur'e them try it. Free tria bottles at Learv's Drug Store. I 1 . r . 1 . 1 cteguiar eizes 00c. anu -t 1 00. Xo newspaper is puhliahed espec ially for one person. People who become g-aiy displeased wi).h something tbey Bod lu a newspaper should remember that tiie ver j thitiij that dispieases them is exact ' I ly the thimj that will most please j some one that has just as much in the paper fcfl tbey have It take j ail kinds of people to make a wond and the patrons of a newspaper are made np of the elements i" t e j world. A man may have a dislike I for tobacco but he i not foo isb I ewmgh to complain of h:s grocerv because he keeps it for fho-;e who I do want it. and tt:e man who find 4 I some' Inn" in a newspaper he dos ' not like is not bound to read it or iu j any way he influenced by it. Kx 1 l l 0 JUuCt0tt, liUfllClf &0. Wholesale Commission Dealers in FRESH FISH, GAME, -Highest Prices Guaranteed 3 Roanoke Dock, Norfolk, Va. RETURN'S DAILY Correspondence and Consignments : : : Solicited. : : : j Ir-ai $l.CO v i i 'opy I- n t t 'etitlk. NO. 2G4 VilU A Ayti l; !.... iir- m. 1 " bottom. If 1 1 1- denier mnunl o.L'y IoUj . 1 direct to factory, rtnlooiuK udrtHl prio. f0, V 1 SfmisiA' w L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE FOR CENTLIIMEM. !'li- r.-i'f. f"vy f eiwwl GteuUl and O'!- tnoo.- nrirvroor. . . , in (Jim world. Exornlne nla fiKNl INK IlAN:-sl WHi hBOB. 94.00 11 IN --. WKLT M(OI . .:..r. c:r ic; .1 l AliMKlcs HiiOK. frs.fHi i:xr vu i t.r mioi:. 1- v WOICKINOMEN'S l!Oi?;. &.:.CO !- I R1.75 HOYS' MfH l. sHOKft. All 1 ;r.K- la ( loagress. Bnttoa '.i'i Lftfi 53 & 12 SHOES L&h. t.;."; shoe fun mjsi.s. Bent JttntrHl. str)- Bent I'ittlo. W. L. Douglas, Brockton. Mat. Soil lr People's Slice Store, W. R. Brothers, Manager. Fish & Terrapin Trap t. Ccc. ist. Adapted to River and Lone shore Fishing in 4 to 10 feet water. A G-reat Catcher! Send for descriptive price list to S. JOHNSON & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF y jf T v T T Y7 v v . yyvi rn m v v r 1 X A A A A ' a. 1 A k A I AUi A A A A t 121 South Btreeif Baltimore. Md. NETTING -FOR- SEINES AND POUNDS WM. J. HOOPER & CO., 110 E. Prat:, near Light, 3 (9 ' 00 BALTIMORE. MD., Msnutactarers of o 77 (A -I Cotton and Flax Gill Nets. n Corks, Seine Leads, ac. !lae Mm r all kind. Va nlllu, otiou 4l Hemp Hope- so cs t 4' ,tw Bi ft r- it i