Newspaper Page Text
IfouWill Find a Full Line of Pure DRZjG& at L,FM S ffltP f'tahtttlMin & fnrttir I e,aF 4 iwrnuii a farmer. ; EDI US TON, JULY 18. 1890. Entere t at the Post Office at Eden ton as Second-Class Matter. O-iTT KT -1-4- D-vrrv f J 1 . J iwi -r r 1 . 1 m , 1 : 1 k m 1 - By J. A. Woodakd, Whole 1e Oroeer. Kin Street. Standard granulated Sugar per lb 7c Golden kC" 6 Coffee Rio, fair " 18 good " " 20 " Roasted and ground " " 2 Tobacco, u Economies Chum " " 2.1 hot. " " 6t Chin Powder, 11 " 25 K. Oil, per gal 9 Rod "k fc' " 14 Arpie Vinegar. " " 20 est India Mai asses " " 35 Potorico inoiaeses M " u0 Syrup 41 " 30 Fain 1 1 v Lard , per 1 b 7 V Leaf " k 9 C. R. Sides, per lb G Butts, ' kt 5 Shoulders, "Bacon" u tk 54 Sugar Cured " 7 Breakfast Bacon, kk " 8 Sugar Cured Hams, 44 13 Corned Beef 44 4 6 Cod fish 44 4' '5 Butter N. Y. State 44 22 Bolted meal, Fresh per Bus. ;8 Corn k " !0 Hay 44Prarie1' per ton .-12 Tun. ' $17 Clover 4 4 44 $14 Paint Various colors per gal 81.10 I3isirioss Iiocals. Three Cents per line for all locals under this head. Elsewhere live cents. Just in. New crop of Buist.s Pre mium Turnip, and Late Cabbage Seeds at Learv's. Scales 5l,3jlcI IPlazits. Fruit scarce. Melons plentiful. Politics all the rage. Tin' nights are just charming. Delightful rain on Wednesday. Di.i you go to the lawn party? The 'lancmg school continues with interest. We have seen some nice cantaloupes on the market. Who will be nominated this year for Sheriff? Guess. Th' residence of Mr. I.. L. Briukh' is receiving some needy repairs. The residence of Mr. R. E. Oatman has been beautifully painted. The congregations at the dfferent churches on Sunday were hu ge. Frequent and constant advertising brought me all lowu. A. T. Stewart. The count Commissioners were in session two tax Lists. daa inib week revising Whenever you see a rat hole pour a little 1 ti in it. it is said that rats will not come near it. The new residence of Mr. W. H. Brown, n Okuni street, is rapidly near ing completion. The home of Mr. L. F. Ziegler and ye Eoitor nas been undergoing some re pairs this v. eek. John Skinner, the notorious Jail bird, continues to give the Jaiior, Mr. Sprain, some trouble. Farmers from all parts of the county give the most favorable reports relative to evmy variety of crops. Call at this office for a copy of the speech of Hon. T. G. Skinner on the Federal Election Law. Candidates for tue office of Register 1 Deeds, tai the other S'de, are uiovv 1U1 Only as- -nothiug more. Let us be of good cheer, remember ing that the misfortunes hardest 10 bear are those which never happen. Lowell. Dwellings are in demand. Isitpos- bh be ui we allow people to leave Edenton, ise tne ;e tow can t get a home": Buitd 1. t the Suffolk Military Ac id found in tios issue. li is d school and we commend e 1 in The cotton crop is the finest ever known in Chowan county. A farmer tohl as on Tuesday that he had aheady hilled his crop. fixe time and places for holding the Congressional, Judicial and Senatorial Conventions have been named. Dem ocrats, do our duty. - e want more correspondents. Ev erj item of news that you thinx would interest our readers will be gladly wel comed by u if you will send it in. lue niv on the A( ladies oi access party last Thursday night eiuy Creen. given by the ' Methodist church, was ie bland furnished music, a The Baptists had an ice cream lawn entertainment on ednesday evening which was very pleasant and "successful 111 recepts and other social atti actions. Those who wish to visit Ocracoke, j will be held at usual places on Wednes oneof the most delightful resorts on , ,j.. ru, oa the coast, will hud m this issue the schedule of the Str. Beaufort. Head it. Ho For the Sea Shore ao, r or xn oed ouure Interesting News to The Pleasure Seekers. lust received 31 Dozen beautful silk stripped wosted shirts for gen- i tiemen, all of the samples from a larre Wholesale House. No two large Wholesale Mouse, ao two - .. ... . . .tii.i 11 sllU la dime ciuei iiic v lit un vivj at wholesale prices, at R. J. Mitch- ell s Bee Hive Store. 30 dozen Men's aDd Boys suspen- ders that range in prices from oc to 75c pe-pair. Some of these goods are beautiful silk woven with the very atest natent buckle, and will also be ; sold at wholesale prices. VT r . . . Don't think for an instant. Reader, that we are trying to form the impres sion that we are selling goods at cost , for positively we are not! We don't make our money that way, '"if we Found A bunch of key?, containing one small brass key, two flat keys and i one round key. Owner can get them I k..- . . i i 1 r v 11 f lii; nIHdP Mllil viiur tVlf i-jy l ii l I 1 1 ai 1111. wi.Av.-v " i-' J 7-t w- ad vertisement. The Methodists now hold their Sun day School in the morning instead of evening as heret fore. It meets at 9:30 o'clock. The attendance last Sunday was quite large. Another youngster declares himself a candidate for the office of Register of Deeds. "T shall seek the Republi can nomination because my father is a Republican," says he. We learn that Mr. R. E. Oatman has purchased the lot adjoining the home of 'r. Geo. Baker, on upper Main street, upon which he will soon erect a handsome dwelling. . Our Foreman, Mr. J. H. Holmes, re turns thanks to Miss Annie Wozell a f r an invitation to the parly given at her residence on Tuesday night last. The evening was a most enjoyable one. It will beseen elsewhere in this pa- pt per a list of the cattle and marks ot same slaughter and sold in Edenton Market from July 1st. to 13th. This list will be published every week lor benefit of cattle raisers. We have received for distribution several copies of the speech of Hon. T. G. Skinner, delivered July 1st, in the Mouse, on the Federal Election L:iw. We hope our people will read it. C a 1 at this office and secure a copy. Remember that Chowan ounty has a candidate for Solicitor. Go to your township Convention and elect deli gates to the County Convention who will support him in that coaven tion. Let Chowan stand solid for Bend. The Editor of the Fisherman & Far MEii will probably attend the North Carolina Press convent. on to be held uext week ac Durham. At the ad journment of the convention an excur sion will be given to the editors from Durham to Morehead Citv. The Cenatorial Convention is called to he held in the town of Hertford on Wednesday the 27th da.- of August, lb90. The Ex Committee by C. S. Vann, Chairman. July 15 1890, Having a candidate of our own for Solicitor, oi course it will not do to -end anything but a solid deligation from this county for him to the Di -trict Convention which convenes in Eu euton July 2i)th. Attend the prima ries and sec to it that the right men ae eiecied . WANTED: An energetic man who understands clothing or tailoring to represent us in Edenton and vicinity as sales Agent. Splendid Fail and V inter assortment now ready. Wan atuaker & Brown, Philadelphia, Pa The largest Clothing and Merchant Tailoring House in America. The Str. Haven Belle wdl make an excursion from Edenton oc N g's Head tomorrow . The tt amer will lea ve her. a 10 p. m. Returning, wjIi arrive at Edenton Monday moi mug in tune feu business. This gives our business men a s, le did opportunity to visit th:s erran-. old nlaee. ! he i-'Ivmouth Rh d will be oi; beard anu make music l' theoccasi n F r . tound trip. Si G . Chuureu To.'. The boss machine in the way of a liquid freezer was exhibited here last week and A. J. Batemau and M. F. Bond purchased the county right foi the sile of the machine. e saw the machine at work a very simple looking contrivance in itself and were surpris ed to see how readily milk was poured into a funnel at one end and came out ice cream at the other. Water was also tried ami came out shaved ice. The machine is a Georgia patent and will work a revolution m the wa of ice cream makinir. County Convention. i ne Democratic County Convention to select delegates to the Congression al, State, Judicial ami Senatorial Con ventions will be he.d in Edenton on Saturday, Jul? 26h, l.m, at 2 p m. The Township Conventions to send delegates to said Countv Convention J R B. Hathaway, Chut'n. Dcm. Ex.Coni. Chowan Co. do seil in large quantities' but we h tt VVh !e lmeof sam - pies sent out oj urummers lor a large Wholesale Establishment and 1 T r we give our patron ttie benefit 01 our bargains, and we are satisfied with discounts for our profits. Call early at the Bee Hive and secure the cream of this matchless barga n. r a t?-;a- t..i ' u anu nun a i iua t I u . Liir l . ofLa(iie5 and Misses Oxford Ties in Uongolaf Kid and Russetls p;aia oe pattern tip. for 25c less than regu'ar prices. II . Mitchell- Straw hats for Ladies and ChU. trimed unfrimed be , , c reaucea irom meir aireaav low prices 10 percent at R. J. Mitchells Great Bargain Store. Men and Boys straw lints on ac count of large quantity on hn i will, be reduced 20 per cent iesthan reg ular prices, at the Bee Hive. PERSONAL. Miss Maud Leigh is the guest of Mis. Kate Coke. Miss Annie "ozelka is visiting friends in E. City. Miss Jennie Shaw has returned to her home at Shawboro. Mr. E L Woodard and wife have goue to Nag's Head. Miss Ella Spruill is visiting f riends at Rocky Hock this weex. The family of Mr. C S. Vanu went to Nags Head last week. Mr. W. D Rea took his fami'y down to Nags Hwad last week. Mrs. L. W. Hawkins is visiting friends in Washington, N. C. The family of Mr. J. X Rea left WednesiUy for Nag's Head. The family of Mr. K. P. Pendleton wenc to Nag s Head last week. The family of Mr. C. W. Simmons left for Magnolia. N. C on Tuesday Mr. Luis Bad ham left yesterday foi New York, where he will remain for some time, Mr. J. II. Bell and family, wh spent last week at Nag's Head, returned Fri day looking improved. Col. R. G. Mitchell, accompanied bv his wife, left Monday on an extended trip through Virginia, prospecting. Mr. Charlie Boas, who has been with O. Newman in this c ty, leit tins week for his home in London, Eng. Dr. T. FT. Leary, accompanied by wife and little daughter, left last week for Maryland, where they will spem. the Summer. Mr. Jess v Cam pen has moved hi family back to asmngtou, where he has accepted a position at one of th. large mills at that place. Sony b lose him. OCRACOKE. SUMMER SCHEDULE OF Stes BEAUFORT. For the Lenefit of those who desire to visit Ocracoke during the season, the Beaufort Schedule. will run the folio win; Lve Washington every Saturday 11 p. m- " Monday 5 a. m. il ki " Wednesdav 9 a.m Close connection with the steamers from Greenvill and Tarboro, and the train from Jamesville that connects with the Wilmington and VVeldon Railroad. On intermediate days the Beaufort will touch at New Bt-rne, leaving then la. m. Tuesdays and 11 p. m. Thurs days, connecting with Atlantic lia:. toad. C n 55 From Washington to Ocracoke and return S2.50. From New I erne eo Ocracoke and return 2.r0. Single trip tickets .'! o0. From Washington to New Berne 82.50. New Berne to Washington .O'J Ampl Accommoda- tio in SPENCER BROS. . Managei TheJSteamer Beaufort lias been built and made larger, and is no comfortable and sea worthy boat. an nas ;. perm carry H SUFFOLK MILITARY ACADEMY Established in 1S5. Business, Scientific and Classical Courses, with telegraphy and Civil En-' gineering. Full corps of teachers. Moderate charges. Military Depart ment OPTION a L. For '26 page catalogue address JosEPii King A. H. Prin. Suffo.k, Ya. I j In Challtes and Lawns the most :fasti,iioils b suited at R. j. Mitchel.'s. 1 I Our line of White (ioodb has been ! pronounceu the handsomest ever brought to Edenton bv Lad es in our ! tow n who are in every way compe- i tent pidees. We have a beaut-.tul f . . - . . lute ot all over Embroidery, pjain hemstiched. and hem-ttched and tucks r 20 per cent less than they can be bought elsewhere. SPECIAL. xi- a- y -j , Y e ofrer a. so t'reat inducements n Gentlemen s bpriug and ummei 7lothinj Ten do! 'ar suits for -76 50. Price no ob tct If you need a suit come now at Miuhe.i's Bee Hive Store, UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA The Fall Term Opens Sept. 1th. Tuition $30. Four regular courses of study. C!ai cal, Philosophical. Literary. Scieiitic. Special courses in Clieinitiv , t';v; and Electrical Eugineenig, Pharmacy, and ot er studies.. Seperate schools of Law and medi 3ine. whove studeuts may attend ilie University lectures. Address. HON. KEMP P. BATTLE, LL. D . President. Chapel Bill., N. . 1 HE FRIENDS H' Mr. T. J. Harrell, will find him at the corner Mai ind street with a tiue line Wine?, Liquors and cij: r nromises satisfaction as to 1 and prices. 1 i ..t NOT1C Having qualified as administratoi on tne estate id' Mily A. Hoilowell, deceased, notice is hereby given to a i I persons holding claims against s : in stat to ! rated Li til s mi them uii lerstgil ,1 1 1 v ! i If 1 tiie 2bl li dav of Jun "'J! . 1 tr tins no ice will lie plead in bar of their recor ering. AH persons ieoe ted l the ea tate will please make immediate pay ment . 11. B. I h )U . iW :jj . fety land , Chowan Co., N. C June iii M0. 1 . n A My h my Appb 'use on nurcn si residence. to Pruden & v :mn. W. D. PRUDEN NAG'S UAl. For i 1 I ' ! 1 1 i oc;: (v I tie 1 tv v one lto id dwe : piemiidl uiT itigef I .Xi. i' Heatl. coiiveiiietitiy Apply Bond. at t ids omctj or HOUSE PUP RENT i he undersigned oner- li . c ( 1 Nau's t iea.l tVr Rent or )ne oi the nest locations- 30 a ; e eel from Hotel; has six rotms. kitchen md pantry, and servants room. F-r e ; i 11 nppi v ' r L II. HoiiXTHAL PiVUiOUl 11. ; ii&EyfflSolESi liilsj v - TT M. H. Dixon, IRON FRONT BRICK BUILDING, jLaentoii. - - -N . 1 Groceries. Provisions AnA TobaCCO Crockery & Tinws Salt And Coal, Goods are bought for Cash I eloss figures and I am prepared to offerin im- ments to Country Merchants and Con- sumers. -' B mi. Subscribe for this paper 90 dozen Towls a? wholew'e prices Aeuh.uu: T I.: . 1. i .L 1 i iurann iMin snu pure e 1 mail r ax To vlj wi'l be s i d tor ; 3 pet Ci s than the) can be bought els where. K. J. MitcheS . i hrAm if 1 , read e for action and fh t tilt t a,,,,. ; .;n u;i are glad to note that ha ponder 1 jaws bave out jel devoured all if the ck cash, but 1 itro s ti and the Bee I live has yet to sc.' ti n s f 1 which i:s I'ropnctor can c mp ain "oeptofbt. Ice 'o'ticrs will be furnished free t0 "ho h-ive been " utifort unite , , .. n . i v . r i i supply before examining the immense stock ai R. J. Mitchell's. WOODARD BROS., Wholesale Grocers And V .T0BACC0W1STS . ' Dealers In Flonr, Previsions. nre c. .m i. uara, VUD, 1 iass s. me Il.lV isn, rr. ;, Produce, C etc. New Iron- Building, KING STREET. Edenton. TsT. C. WESLtYAN FEMflfE COLLEGE Mnrfreesboro, X. C. 1 be UeXt -s- on I ee,'. us oil W 1 i ! ila th 1 vi b J' S'i't. 1 nusally r!ea.a'it nceoiiimoiiatioiiS lui i t. u i ( Ahh an .1 to 1 ertti vrrv cats '-.Lin'. iiuaierate AV; ite lor K K . PARI! AM, -O . CARY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, CARY, Wake Co., X. C A. E. B '! iT. L. T. PRINCIPAL. ue .:ii ilibtiuctively Normal School n Mortii ' r lima. 1 11 1 1 faculty f tr lined t aelu-rs. Five courses of i ni . ' 'iploniHs ?i i n. Special advaritagei in music. Buildings large. ;?ni -!i ar- ng tei 1 1 . .M i- s-; 1 n ises for term W rite I i ej r- .0. 1!- to i he Principal. U0RXEK SCHOOL, ( X.FOUD. C. FA' I J .TV H. IP IRN A Uoiv. of N.C., Founder of school 1 COL. T.J. !::K RV. ii'd't.. d. Star Ciad. Va. Mil. Inst. J. C. H IRNEK, A. M.. David-- m ( '..lie, ; a. VVAUCHOPF, M. A . Ph. ! . 1 aiv: o! i lin, Laie Fellow as..: a 1 .1 M. HORXEK, -A:, ti i. Ill V ;,: : ui Virginia -w 1 iiopklm ' iilv: 4th Aaeust. Fall session 1 stH) opens j One of the beet equipped schools in the houtn. nurse oi instruction hitch. Refers to nearly 3000 old students, ior ra talogu . ad . r sh Hoicneb A: Dkewry, Oxford, N. 0 Nets FOR "90-91. 'I' ! 1 lie? ' j nisier a ei 1 nine i o. ! invite business for 1890 and j: ior Gill ' Nets.Traj 1 and Seines, w ith Seine Tw Um ofthtfbest tirade tiny can make, a I good, they belli reasthc l-st. and a : low as faithful work can h- oil red If I Cuts and unreasonable low prices in ! variably Invite low grad of goods. The long exp rh-n o t'.e under vvrit- r is an insurance that the ! Best Goods 1 are the most economical to the poorest ! Fiohei man. Our Mr. Charles B' Ladd. who has already made a very interesting . i - 1 1 to the fisheries ol the Sound, and m thoroughly acquainted with the pro - "f wnking Nets and arai so rig t:. un agreeable to the orders 1 I Fishrmeii. Ill n.'ivf? :i;rit; 01 upfiyttMH inn nind. arid I will iMQft! the people at we will do right in all th.::g- rei ting to fishing gear, Will. StOWe. President of il.e Gloucester Net c TwisM t . and lat ! President and .41 vears in the Anseriesua Net and Twine Co.